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Phospholipase Cdelta1 is required for skin stem cell lineage commitment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC) is a key enzyme in phosphoinositide turnover and is involved in a variety of physiological functions. Here we report that PLCdelta(1)-deficient mice undergo progressive hair loss in the first postnatal hair cycle. Epidermal hyperplasia was observed, and many hairs in the skin of PLCdelta(1)-deficient mice failed to penetrate the epidermis and became zigzagged owing to occlusion of the hair canal. Two major downstream signals of PLC, calcium elevation and protein kinase C activation, were impaired in the keratinocytes and skin of PLCdelta(1)-deficient mice. In addition, many cysts that had remarkable similarities to interfollicular epidermis, as well as hyperplasia of sebaceous glands, were observed. Furthermore, PLCdelta(1)-deficient mice developed spontaneous skin tumors that had characteristics of both interfollicular epidermis and sebaceous glands. From these results, we conclude that PLCdelta(1) is required for skin stem cell lineage commitment.  相似文献   

Epithelial tubes perform functions that are essential for the survival of multicellular organisms. Understanding how their polarised features are maintained is therefore crucial. By analysing the function of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 in the C. elegans intestine, we found that AP-1 is required for epithelial polarity maintenance. Depletion of AP-1 subunits does not affect epithelial polarity establishment or the formation of the intestinal lumen. However, the loss of AP-1 affects the polarised distribution of both apical and basolateral transmembrane proteins. Moreover, it triggers de novo formation of ectopic apical lumens between intestinal cells along the lateral membranes later during embryogenesis. We also found that AP-1 is specifically required for the apical localisation of the small GTPase CDC-42 and the polarity determinant PAR-6. Our results demonstrate that AP-1 controls an apical trafficking pathway required for the maintenance of epithelial polarity in vivo in a tubular epithelium.  相似文献   

Brg1 is required for murine neural stem cell maintenance and gliogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epigenetic alterations in cell-type-specific gene expression control the transition of neural stem cells (NSCs) from predominantly neurogenic to predominantly gliogenic phases of differentiation, but how this switch occurs is unclear. Here, we show that brahma-related gene 1 (Brg1), an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factor, is required for the repression of neuronal commitment and the maintenance of NSCs in a state that permits them to respond to gliogenic signals. Loss of Brg1 in NSCs in conditional brg1 mutant mice results in precocious neuronal differentiation, such that cells in the ventricular zone differentiate into post-mitotic neurons before the onset of gliogenesis. As a result, there is a dramatic failure of astrocyte and oligodendrocyte differentiation in these animals. The ablation of brg1 in gliogenic progenitors in vitro also prevents growth-factor-induced astrocyte differentiation. Furthermore, proteins implicated in the maintenance of stem cells, including Sox1, Pax6 and Musashi-1, are dramatically reduced in the ventricular zones of brg1 mutant mice. We conclude that Brg1 is required to repress neuronal differentiation in NSCs as a means of permitting glial cell differentiation in response to gliogenic signals, suggesting that Brg1 regulates the switch from neurogenesis to gliogenesis.  相似文献   

Hedgehog ligands interact with receptor complexes containing Patched (PTC) and Smoothened (SMO) proteins to regulate many aspects of development. The mutation W535L (SmoM2) in human Smo is associated with basal cell skin cancers, causes constitutive, ligand-independent signaling through the Hedgehog pathway, and provides a powerful means to test effects of unregulated Hedgehog signaling. Expression of SmoM2 in Xenopus embryos leads to developmental anomalies that are consistent with known requirements for regulated Hedgehog signaling in the eye and pancreas. Additionally, it results in failure of midgut epithelial cytodifferentiation and of the intestine to lengthen and coil. The midgut mesenchyme shows increased cell numbers and attenuated expression of the differentiation marker smooth muscle actin. With the exception of the pancreas, differentiation of foregut and hindgut derivatives is unaffected. The intestinal epithelial abnormalities are reproduced in embryos or organ explants treated directly with active recombinant hedgehog protein. Ptc mRNA, a principal target of Hedgehog signaling, is maximally expressed at stages corresponding to the onset of the intestinal defects. In advanced embryos expressing SmoM2, Ptc expression is remarkably confined to the intestinal wall. Considered together, these findings suggest that the splanchnic mesoderm responds to endodermal Hedgehog signals by inhibiting the transition of midgut endoderm into intestinal epithelium and that attenuation of this feedback is required for normal development of the vertebrate intestine.  相似文献   

The PAR-1 kinase is required for the posterior localisation of the germline determinants in C. elegans and Drosophila, and localises to the posterior of the zygote and the oocyte in each case. We show that Drosophila PAR-1 is also required much earlier in oogenesis for the selection of one cell in a germline cyst to become the oocyte. Although the initial steps in oocyte determination are delayed, three markers for oocyte identity, the synaptonemal complex, the centrosomes and Orb protein, still become restricted to one cell in mutant clones. However, the centrosomes and Orb protein fail to translocate from the anterior to the posterior cortex of the presumptive oocyte in region 3 of the germarium, and the cell exits meiosis and becomes a nurse cell. Furthermore, markers for the minus ends of the microtubules also fail to move from the anterior to the posterior of the oocyte in mutant clones. Thus, PAR-1 is required for the maintenance of oocyte identity, and plays a role in microtubule-dependent localisation within the oocyte at two stages of oogenesis. Finally, we show that PAR-1 localises on the fusome, and provides a link between the asymmetry of the fusome and the selection of the oocyte.  相似文献   

A Bruno-like gene is required for stem cell maintenance in planarians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The regenerative abilities of freshwater planarians are based on neoblasts, stem cells maintained throughout the animal's life. We show that a member of the Bruno-like family of RNA binding proteins is critical for regulating neoblasts in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Smed-bruno-like (bruli) mRNA and protein are expressed in neoblasts and the central nervous system. Following bruli RNAi, which eliminates detectable Bruli protein, planarians initiate the proliferative response to amputation and form small blastemas but then undergo tissue regression and lysis. We characterize the neoblast population by using antibodies recognizing SMEDWI-1 and Histone H4 (monomethyl-K20) and cell-cycle markers to label subsets of neoblasts and their progeny. bruli knockdown results in a dramatic reduction/elimination of neoblasts. Our analyses indicate that neoblasts lacking Bruli can respond to wound stimuli and generate progeny that can form blastemas and differentiate; yet, they are unable to self-renew. These results suggest that Bruli is required for stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

We report that a fatty acyl transferase, endophilin B1, is required for maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. Down-regulation of this protein or overexpression of endophilin B1 lacking the NH(2)-terminal lipid-modifying domain causes striking alterations of the mitochondrial distribution and morphology. Dissociation of the outer mitochondrial membrane compartment from that of the matrix, and formation of vesicles and tubules of outer mitochondrial membrane, was also observed in both endophilin B1 knockdown cells and after overexpression of the truncated protein, indicating that endophilin B1 is required for the regulation of the outer mitochondrial membrane dynamics. We also show that endophilin B1 translocates to the mitochondria during the synchronous remodeling of the mitochondrial network that has been described to occur during apoptosis. Double knockdown of endophilin B1 and Drp1 leads to a mitochondrial phenotype identical to that of the Drp1 single knockdown, a result consistent with Drp1 acting upstream of endophilin B1 in the maintenance of morphological dynamics of mitochondria.  相似文献   

To directly test the requirement for hedgehog signaling in the telencephalon from early neurogenesis, we examined conditional null alleles of both the Sonic hedgehog and Smoothened genes. While the removal of Shh signaling in these animals resulted in only minor patterning abnormalities, the number of neural progenitors in both the postnatal subventricular zone and hippocampus was dramatically reduced. In the subventricular zone, this was partially attributable to a marked increase in programmed cell death. Consistent with Hedgehog signaling being required for the maintenance of stem cell niches in the adult brain, progenitors from the subventricular zone of floxed Smo animals formed significantly fewer neurospheres. The loss of hedgehog signaling also resulted in abnormalities in the dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb. Furthermore, stimulation of the hedgehog pathway in the mature brain resulted in elevated proliferation in telencephalic progenitors. These results suggest that hedgehog signaling is required to maintain progenitor cells in the postnatal telencephalon.  相似文献   

Without ribosome biogenesis, translation of mRNA into protein ceases and cellular growth stops. We asked whether ribosome biogenesis is cell cycle regulated in the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and we determined that it is not regulated in the same manner as in metazoan cells. We therefore turned our attention to cellular sensors that relay cell size information via ribosome biogenesis. Our results indicate that the small subunit (SSU) processome, a complex consisting of 40 proteins and the U3 small nucleolar RNA necessary for ribosome biogenesis, is not mitotically regulated. Furthermore, Nan1/Utp17, an SSU processome protein, does not provide a link between ribosome biogenesis and cell growth. However, when individual SSU processome proteins are depleted, cells arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This arrest was further supported by the lack of staining for proteins expressed in post-G1. Similarly, synchronized cells depleted of SSU processome proteins did not enter G2. This suggests that when ribosomes are no longer made, the cells stall in the G1. Therefore, yeast cells must grow to a critical size, which is dependent upon having a sufficient number of ribosomes during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, before cell division can occur.  相似文献   

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