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The cell division cycle 25 (CDC25) phosphatases regulate key transitions between cell-cycle phases during normal cell division, and in the case of DNA damage, they are key targets of the checkpoint machinery that ensure genetic stability. Little is known about the mechanisms underlying dysregulation and downstream targets of CDC25. To understand these mechanisms, we silenced the CDC25A gene in breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 and studied downstream targets of CDC25A gene. MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells were transfected and silenced by CDC25A small interfering RNA. Total messenger RNA (mRNA) was extracted and analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. CDC25A phosphatase level was visualized by Western blot analysis and was analyzed by 2D electrophoresis and LC-ESI-MS/MS. After CDC25A silencing, cell proliferation reduced, and the expression of 12 proteins changed. These proteins are involved in cell-cycle regulation, programmed cell death, cell differentiation, regulation of gene expression, mRNA editing, protein folding, and cell signaling pathways. Five of these proteins, including ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P0, growth factor receptor bound protein 2, pyruvate kinase muscle 2, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2, and calpain small subunit 1 increase the activity of cyclin D1. Our results suggest that CDC25A controls the cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by a change in expression of proteins involved in cyclin D1 regulation and G1/S transition.  相似文献   

LIM domain proteins are important regulators of the growth, determination, and differentiation of cells. In this report, FHL3 (human four-and-a-half LIM-only protein 3) is shown to interact with human phosphatase CDC25B, a cell cycle regulator involved in the control of G2/M. We found that this interaction was specific to the CDC25B2 isoform. Deletion and point mutation studies indicated that the second LIM domain of FHL3 was essential for this interaction. FRET experiments in C2C12 cells showed that, although both proteins were colocated in the cytoplasm and the nucleus, they interacted only in the nucleus. Finally, we showed that FHL3 binding impaired neither CDC25B2 phosphatase activity nor its localization. Further work is now needed to elucidate the consequences of this interaction on myoblast fate decision and cycle control.  相似文献   

CDC25 phosphatases play key roles in cell proliferation by activating cell cycle-specific cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). We identified four new splice variants in the amino-terminal regulatory region of human cdc25C and one in cdc25A. All variants except one retain an intact catalytic domain. Alternative splicing results in loss of phosphorylation sites for kinases like CDK and the calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII), which influence CDC25 activity and compartmental localization. In NT2 teratocarcinoma cells, induced for nerve cell differentiation, the smaller sized variant of cdc25C was upregulated. At the protein level both phosphorylation state and isoform distribution differed between cell lines and cell cycle phases.  相似文献   

CDC25B is a dual-specificity phosphatase that activates CDK1/cyclin B. The nuclear exclusion of CDC25B is controlled by the binding of 14-3-3 to the nuclear export signal (NES) of CDC25B, which was reported to be amino acids H28 to L40 in the N-terminal region of CDC25B. In studying the subcellular localization of CDC25B, we found a functional NES at V52 to L65, the sequence of which is VTTLTQTMHDLAGL, where bold letters are leucine or hydrophobic amino acids frequently seen in an NES. The deletion of this NES sequence caused the mutant protein to locate exclusively in nuclei, while NES-fused GFP was detected in the cytoplasm. Moreover, the introduction of point mutations at some of the critical amino acids impaired cytoplasmic localization. Treatment with leptomycin B, a potent inhibitor of CRM1/exportin1, disrupted the cytoplasmic localization of both Flag-tagged CDC25B and NES-fused GFP. From these results, we concluded that the sequence we found is a bona fide NES of CDC25B.  相似文献   

CDK1 is a pivotal regulator of resumption of meiosis and meiotic maturation of oocytes. CDC25A/B/C are dual-specificity phosphatases and activate cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). Although CDC25C is not essential for either mitotic or meiotic cell cycle regulation, CDC25B is essential for CDK1 activation during resumption of meiosis. Cdc25a −/− mice are embryonic lethal and therefore a role for CDC25A in meiosis is unknown. We report that activation of CDK1 results in a maturation-associated decrease in the amount of CDC25A protein, but not Cdc25a mRNA, such that little CDC25A is present by metaphase I. In addition, expression of exogenous CDC25A overcomes cAMP-mediated maintenance of meiotic arrest. Microinjection of Gfp-Cdc25a and Gpf-Cdc25b mRNAs constructs reveals that CDC25A is exclusively localized to the nucleus prior to nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). In contrast, CDC25B localizes to cytoplasm in GV-intact oocytes and translocates to the nucleus shortly before NEBD. Over-expressing GFP-CDC25A, which compensates for the normal maturation-associated decrease in CDC25A, blocks meiotic maturation at MI. This MI block is characterized by defects in chromosome congression and spindle formation and a transient reduction in both CDK1 and MAPK activities. Lastly, RNAi-mediated reduction of CDC25A results in fewer oocytes resuming meiosis and reaching MII. These data demonstrate that CDC25A behaves differently during female meiosis than during mitosis, and moreover, that CDC25A has a function in resumption of meiosis, MI spindle formation and the MI-MII transition. Thus, both CDC25A and CDC25B are critical for meiotic maturation of oocytes.  相似文献   

The CDC25B phosphatase regulates the activation of CDK1-Cyclin B at the onset of mitosis, being a key target of the checkpoint pathways activated by cellular stress and DNA damage. Previous work has reported that checkpoint activation induces the sequestration of CDC25B in the cytoplasm. Here we show that in response to UV irradiation, the levels of CDC25B protein can be downregulated independently of classical checkpoints pathways such as p53, ATM/ATR and p38 MAPK. We also show that translational repression mediated by eIF2α phosphorylation regulates CDC25B expression levels. Taken together, our results illustrate a new mechanism of CDC25B regulation in response to stress.  相似文献   

The members of the Ras-like superfamily of small GTP-binding proteins are molecular switches that are in general regulated in time and space by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase activating proteins. The Ras-like G-proteins Ras, Rap and Ral are regulated by a variety of guanine nucleotide exchange factors that are characterized by a CDC25 homology domain. Here we study the evolution of the Ras pathway by determining the evolutionary history of CDC25 homology domain coding sequences. We identified CDC25 homology domain coding sequences in animals, fungi and a wide range of protists, but not in plants. This suggests that the CDC25 homology domain originated in or before the last eukaryotic ancestor but was subsequently lost in plant. We provide evidence that at least seven different ancestral Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors were present in the ancestor of fungi and animals. Differences between present day fungi and animals are the result of loss of ancestral Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors early in fungal and animal evolution combined with lineage specific duplications and domain acquisitions. In addition, we identify Ral guanine exchange factors and Ral in early diverged fungi, dating the origin of Ral signaling back to before the divergence of animals and fungi. We conclude that the Ras signaling pathway evolved by gradual change as well as through differential sampling of the ancestral CDC25 homology domain repertoire by both fungi and animals. Finally, a comparison of the domain composition of the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors shows that domain addition and diversification occurred both prior to and after the fungal–animal split.  相似文献   

A CDC25 homologue from rice functions as an arsenate reductase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Enzymatic reduction of arsenate to arsenite is the first step in arsenate metabolism in all organisms studied. The rice genome contains two ACR2-like genes, OsACR2.1 and OsACR2.2, which may be involved in regulating arsenic metabolism in rice. Here, we cloned both OsACR2 genes and expressed them in an Escherichia coli strain in which the arsC gene was deleted and in a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strain with a disrupted ACR2 gene. OsACR2.1 complemented the arsenate hypersensitive phenotype of E. coli and yeast. OsACR2.2 showed much less ability to complement. The gene products were purified and demonstrated to reduce arsenate to arsenite in vitro, and both exhibited phosphatase activity. In agreement with the complementation results, OsACR2.1 exhibited higher reductase activity than OsACR2.2. Mutagenesis of cysteine residues in the putative active site HC(X)(5)R motif led to nearly complete loss of both phosphatase and arsenate reductase activities. In planta expression of OsACR2.1 increased dramatically after exposure to arsenate. OsACR2.2 was observed only in roots following arsenate exposure, and its expression was less than OsACR2.1.  相似文献   

Thousands of different odorants are recognized and discriminated by odorant receptors (ORs) in the guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled seven-transmembrane receptor family. Odorant-bound ORs stimulate Gs-type G proteins, Galphaolf, which in turn activates cAMP-mediated signaling pathway in olfactory sensory neurons. To better understand the molecular basis for OR activation and G protein coupling, we analyzed the effects of a series of site-directed mutations of mouse ORs, on function. Mutations of conserved amino acid residues in an intracellular loop or the C-terminus resulted in loss of activity without impairing ligand-binding activity, indicating that these residues are involved in Galphas/olf coupling. Moreover, mutation of the serine in KAFSTC, the OR-specific sequence motif, resulted in a dramatic increase in odorant responsiveness, suggesting that the motif is involved in a conformational change of the receptor that regulates G protein coupling efficiency. Our results provide insights into how ORs switch from an inactive to an active state, as well as where and how activated ORs interact with G proteins.  相似文献   

Promoted proliferation and associated suppression of apoptosis at various stages of myeloid differentiation are well-known features of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), but understanding of the molecular processes involved remains limited. As a crucial circadian agent, neuronal PAS domain protein 2 (NPAS2) is widely recognized as a promising predictor of clinical outcome in various malignancies. Nevertheless, the understanding of its influence on AML is insufficient. Using KD cells and expression assays, we carried out detailed investigation of the role of NPAS2 in AML in vivo and in vitro. Firstly, we found that NPAS2 expression was elevated in AML cells both in vivo and in vitro. NPAS2 knockdown via lentiviral infection clearly suppressed proliferation of MV4-11 and MOLM-14 cells. Additionally, NPAS2 knockdown caused G1/S cell cycle arrest (CCA), which inhibited CDC25A expression. Moreover, NPAS2 knockdown promoted cell death, as evidenced by increased caspase-3 cleavage, and change in Bcl2/Bax production. Excessive CDC25A expression eliminated G1/S CCA triggered by NPAS2 knockdown and death of NPAS2 knocked down MOLM and MV4-11 cells. The expression of CDC25A was stabilized by NPAS2, which induced cell cycle progression and participated in suppression of cell death by modulating caspase-3 cleavage, and expression of Bcl2/Bax. We therefore indicated NPAS2 to be a crucial modulator of survival as well as proliferation. Our research sheds light on the etiology of the proliferation of promyelocytes modulated via NPAS2 with regard to AML.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨食管癌组织中细胞分裂周期蛋白25B (CDC25B)表达特点,分析其与食管癌临床病理参数和放疗敏感性的关系。方法:选择2015年1月至2018年1月我院收集的60例食管癌患者癌组织、癌旁组织的石蜡标本,采用免疫组化法检测食管癌组织和癌旁组织中CDC25B表达,分析CDC25B表达与食管癌临床病理参数的关系。所有患者均接受放疗或放化疗治疗,观察不同疗效患者CDC25B表达差异,分析CDC25B对食管癌放疗敏感性的预测价值。结果:食管癌组织中CDC25B阳性表达率高于癌旁组织(P<0.05)。CDC25B阳性表达与食管癌分化程度、TNM分期、淋巴结转移有关(P<0.05)。放疗敏感组CDC25B阳性表达率低于放疗抗拒组(P<0.05)。CDC25B预测食管癌放疗敏感性的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.718(95%CI:0.580~0.856),灵敏度为60%,特异度为68%。结论:食管癌患者CDC25B表达上调,CDC25B阳性表达与食管癌分化程度、TNM分期、淋巴结转移恶性侵袭行为有关,CDC25B可作为食管癌放疗敏感性评估的辅助指标。  相似文献   

Regulation of the intracellular localisation of its actors is one of the key mechanisms underlying cell cycle control. CDC25 phosphatases are activators of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) that undergo nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling during the cell cycle and in response to checkpoint activation. Here we report that the protein kinase PKB/Akt phosphorylates CDC25B on serine 353, resulting in a nuclear export-dependent cytoplasmic accumulation of the phosphatase. Oxidative stress activates PKB/Akt and reproduces the effect on CDC25B phosphorylation and localisation. However, inhibition of PKB/Akt activity only partially reverted the effect of oxidative stress on CDC25B localisation and mutation of serine 353 abolishes phosphorylation but only delays nuclear exclusion. These results indicate that additional mechanisms are also involved in preventing nuclear import of CDC25B. Our findings identify CDC25B as a target of PKB/Akt and provide new insight into the regulation of its localisation in response to stress-activated signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Defect in cell cycle control is a hallmark character of cancer. We have investigated the association of Ki67 labeling index, cyclin E and CDC25A expressions with clinical follow-up data in breast carcinomas. Flow cytometry was used to detect gene amplification of cyclins in 44 tumor tissue with invasive breast carcinomas. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard ratio test was used to show the correlations. Cyclin E or CDC25A were upregulated in 34% of the tumors. Among the whole total material, expression of cyclin E and of CDC25A were found upregulated in 31.9% and 39.4% of cells, respectively. Both CDC25A and cyclin E protein expression levels were correlated with Ki67 expression level (p < 0.001). In addition, the expression of CDC25A was associated significantly with poor survival (P = 0.028), whereas no correlation was found with cyclin E. These findings suggest a possible prognostic value for CDC25A as a cell cycle marker and may imply in characteristic of high risk breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to explore the association between miR-99a-5p and CDC25A in breast cancer and the regulatory mechanisms of miR-99a-5p on breast cancer. The expressions of messenger RNA and microRNAs in breast cancer tissues and adjacent tissues were analyzed by the Cancer Genome Atlas microarray analysis. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was conducted to find out the expression levels of miR-99a-5p and CDC25A. The expression levels of proteins (CDC25A, ki67, cyclin D1, p21, BAX, BCL-2, BCL-XL, MMP2, and MMP9) were determined by Western blot analysis. The relationship between miR-99a-5p and CDC25A was predicted and verified by bioinformatics analysis and dual luciferase assay. After transfection, cell proliferation, invasion, and apoptosis of breast cancer tissues were, respectively, observed by cell counting kit-8 assay, transwell assay, and flow cytometry (FCM). Furthermore, the relationship among miR-99a-5p, CDC25A, and cell-cycle progression was determined by FCM assay. The nude mouse transplantation tumor experiment was performed to verify the influence of miR-99a-5p on breast cancer cell in vivo. The expression of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer tissues and cells was significantly downregulated, whereas CDC25A expression was upregulated. MiR-99a-5p targeted CDC25A and suppressed its expression in breast cancer cells. Overexpression of miR-99a-5p and decreased expression of CDC25A could suppress breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion and facilitate apoptosis. Cell-cycle progression was significantly activated by downregulated miR-99a-5p and upregulated CDC25A. Moreover, miR-99a-5p overexpression repressed the expressions of CDC25A, marker ki67, and Cyclin D1 proteins, whereas it upregulated the expression of p21 protein. MicroRNA-99a-5p suppresses breast cancer progression and cell-cycle pathway through downregulating CDC25A.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, inactivation of the Cdc25 phosphatase by checkpoint kinases participates in the signaling cascade that temporarily stops cell cycle progression after DNA damage. In human, CDC25B and C are also known to be targeted by a similar checkpoint machinery. We have examined by homologous recombination, whether CDC25B and CDC25C were able to substitute for the function of fission yeast Cdc25. We demonstrate that (i) CDC25B and C efficiently replace Cdc25 for vegetative growth, (ii) CDC25C is able to restore a functional checkpoint in response to ionizing radiation in both a Chk1- and Cds1-dependent manner, (iii) CDC25B and C are equally efficient in the response to UV irradiation, CDC25B being only dependent on Chk1, while CDC25C depends on both Chk1 and Cds1, and (iv) CDC25C is able to restore a functional DNA replication checkpoint induced by hydroxyurea in a Cds1-dependent manner. The consequences of these findings on our current view of the checkpoint cascade are discussed.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of a protein can alter its behaviour in almost every conceivable way. These include modulation of its intrinsic biological activity, subcellular location, half-life and docking with other proteins. ‘Multisite phosphorylation can enable several such effects to operate in the same protein. It can also determine the extent and duration of a response and is the key to signal integration.  相似文献   

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