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猪肌肉生长抑制素基因侧翼区新微卫星标记的鉴定及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提取包含猪肌肉生长抑制素基因的BAC克隆,以EcoRⅠ进行酶切并回收其中大于4kh的酶切产物,连接到pGEM-3zf( )载体后得到了亚克隆。测序分析表明,插入片段不属于猪肌肉生长抑制素基因的一部分,但其中包含13拷贝的(TG)n重复。以该重复序列的侧翼设计引物对猪的基因组进行分析,得到了PCR扩增产物。对一个“双肌臀”大白猪家系进行PCR扩增及非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶分析的结果表明,该位点以并显性方式遗传,是一个新的微卫星标记。对莱芜猪、长白猪、大白猪、杜洛克、皮特兰、民猪和二花脸7个品种的381个无关个体的检测均显示该基因座只有两个等位基因,重复数分别为13和19,是一种多态性较低的微卫星标记。与包含该基因的序列(AY208121)比对分析表明,该微卫星属于肌肉生长抑制素基因(MSTN)侧翼区的一个分子标记,在猪肉用性状QTL的精细定位和MSTN功能分析中将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌鉴别寄主抗条锈病基因Yr9的微卫星标记   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以含有Yr9的抗条锈病近等基因系Taichung29*6/Yr9及其轮回亲本Taichung29为材料,用目的基因所在1B染色体上32对微卫星引物对其基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,发现引物Xgwm582在近等基因系与轮回亲本间可扩增出特异性DNA片段。经F2代分离群体177个抗、感单株检测证实,该片段位点与抗条锈病基因Yr9紧密连锁,遗传距离为3.7cM,确定Xgwm582可作为抗条锈病基因Yr9的标记。  相似文献   

用微卫星标记定位小麦T型CMS的恢复基因   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
以T型细胞质雄性不育系 75 336 9A×恢复系 72 6 9 10的F2 群体作为育性调查和基因定位群体。通过育性分析 ,确定该恢复系含有 2个主效恢复基因 ;结合群分法 ,对恢复基因进行了SSR分子标记定位 ,在 2 30对微卫星引物中 ,微卫星标记Xgwm136和Xgwm5 5 0分别与 2个主效恢复基因连锁。这两个标记与Rf基因之间的遗传距离分别为 6 7cM和 5 1cM ,从而将该恢复基因定位在 1AS、1BS染色体上。  相似文献   



Zucker fatty (fa/fa) rats are a well-understood model of obesity and hyperinsulinemia. It is now thought that obesity/hyperinsulinemia is an important cause of endocrinological abnormality, but to date there have been no reports on the changes in ovarian morphology or the ovarian androgen profile in rat models of obesity and insulin resistance.


In this study we investigated the effects of obesity and hyperinsulinemia on ovarian morphology and the hormone profile in insulin-resistant Zucker fatty rats (5, 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age, n = 6-7).


Ovaries from 5-week-old fatty rats had significantly greater total and atretic follicle numbers, and higher atretic-to-total follicle ratios than those from lean rats. Ovaries from 12- and 16-week-old fatty rats showed interstitial cell hyperplasia and numerous cysts with features of advanced follicular atresia. In addition, serum testosterone and androstenedione levels significantly declined in fatty rats from age 8 to 16 weeks, so that fatty rats showed significantly lower levels of serum testosterone (12 and 16 weeks) and androstenedione (all weeks) than lean rats. This may reflect a reduction of androgen synthesis during follicular atresia. Serum adiponectin levels were high in immature fatty rats, and although the levels declined significantly as they matured, it remained significantly higher in fatty rats than in lean rats. On the other hand, levels of ovarian adiponectin and its receptors were significantly lower in mature fatty rats than in lean mature rats or immature fatty rats.


Our findings indicate that ovarian morphology and hormone profiles are significantly altered by the continuous insulin resistance in Zucker fatty rats. Simultaneously, abrupt reductions in serum and ovarian adiponectin also likely contribute to the infertility seen in fatty rats.  相似文献   

Leaf rust resistance gene Lr28 has been transferred form Aegilops speltoides into bread wheat on chromosome 4AL. To identify the molecular markers linked to Lr28 the available microsatellite markers for wheat chromosome arm 4AL were surveyed on near isogenic lines (NILs) of Triticum aestivum cultivars having Lr28 gene, other Lrgenes and susceptible cultivars. A null allele of Xgwm 160 marker was found to be associated with Lr28. Linkage between the marker and the Lr28 resistance gene was confirmed using F2 mapping population of cross PBW343 and HD2329 + Lr28.  相似文献   

Few amphibians possess morphologically distinguishable heteromorphic sex chromosomes.The classic indirect method is a time-consuming and resource-demanding task to identify the heterogametic sex.Here we have taken advantage of a sex-specific microsatellite marker,by amplifying a large number of samples of known male and female individuals from various populations,to reveal a homogeneous pattern of male heterogamety in Quasipaa boulengeri.The identification of the heterogametic sex will help interpreting the evolution of sex determination.Besides relevance for evolutionary studies of sex determination,the sex-linked markers have potential for addressing practical issues in conservation biology because the sex reversal that caused by anthropogenic endocrine disruptors is considered as a reason for amphibian decline.  相似文献   

Triticum monococcum L, a diploid wheat species closely related to the A genome of cultivated wheats, is highly resistant to leaf rust. A synthetic amphiploid, T. monococcumT. durum was crossed with T. aestivum cv WL711, highly susceptible to leaf rust. Leaf rust resistant derivatives were selected among backcross generations with the recurrent parent WL711 and cytologically analysed. Chromosome number of the leaf rust resistant BC1F3 progenies varied from 39 to 44. Six leaf rust resistant and susceptible bulks from different BC1F3 progenies were analysed using 29 wheat microsatellite(WMS) markers already mapped on A genome of bread wheat and found polymorphic among parents. One T. monococcum specific allele of WMS gwm136 locus was found to be closely linked to the leaf rust resistance gene in all the resistant bulks. Differential chromosome number, frequency of univalents and multivalents, however, indicated that the critical T. monococcum chromosome might be present in addition to the A genome chromosomes of wheat, substituted either for the B or D genome chromosome of wheat or translocated to chromosome 1A of wheat in one or the other bulks. The association of the T. monococcum specific allele of WMS gwm136 locus to leaf rust resistance was further confirmed from bulked segregant analysis in BC2F1 generation.  相似文献   

培育抗病品种是控制小麦白粉病危害最经济有效而又安全的手段.寻找和创造新抗源是抗病育种的基础工作,是解决抗源单一化问题的有效途径.来自以色列的野生二粒小麦G-305-M对北京地区小麦白粉菌流行小种15号表现免疫,用G-305-M与小麦品种781杂交并用京411回交(G-305-M/781//京411*3),成功地将G-305-M的抗白粉病基因转入普通小麦中.遗传分析表明转入小麦中的抗病性苗期表达受一对显性基因控制,该基因暂定名为MlG.用96对小麦微卫星引物对一个167株的抗性分离家系进行了SSR分析,发现引物WMS570扩增产物在抗感个体间存在多态性.经分离群体验证,抗病基因MlG与小麦染色体6AL上的微卫星位点Xgwm570连锁,遗传距离为14.9±3.0cM,据此将MlG定位于6AL.根据系谱和基因位点分析,推断MlG基因是不同于已知抗白粉病基因的一个新基因.  相似文献   

Thirteen loci, including the obesity gene fatty (fa), were incorporated into a linkage map of rat Chromosome (Chr) 5. These loci were mapped in obese (fa/fa) progeny of a cross between BN×13M-fa/+ F1 animals. Obese rats were scored for BN and 13M alleles at four loci (Ifna, D1S85h, C8b, and Lck1) by restriction fragment length polymorphisms and at eight additional loci (Glut1, Sv4j2, R251, R735, R980, R252, R371, and R1138) by simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP). The resulting map spans 67.3 cM of Chr 5, presenting nine previously unmapped loci and one locus (Lck1) previously assigned to Chr 5 by use of somatic cell hybrid lines. Seven of the eight SSLP loci are newly identified; the SSLP linkage group alone spans 56.8 cM. The order of the loci is Sv4j2-R251-R735-R980-R1138-Ifna-fa-D1S85h-C8b-(Glut1-R252-R371)-Lck1. One locus, D1S85h, was found to lie only 0.4 cM from fa, close enough to serve as a reliable marker for the prediction of phenotype from genotype, and will be useful also for studies on the development of obesity in the fatty rat.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tahacum were transformed to blasticidin S (BS) resistance with BSD (the BS deaminase gene from Aspergillus terreus) using the Agrohacterium-mediated transformation method. Expression of BSD allowed direct selection of transformants by the fungicide, and both kinds of transgenic plants showed high level of resistance phenotype at 100 ppm of BS sprayed on the leaves. Using Botrytis cinerea, the causal fungus of gray mold disease, it was exemplified that application of BS could control the disease in transgenic tobacco with negligible phytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Salmonella infection can cause septicemia, acute or chronic enteritis and wasting in weaned pigs, but may occur in other age groups. The bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) gene plays an important role in the natural defense of the host and is found to be associated with resistance/susceptibility to Salmonella infection and identified as a candidate gene for disease resistance breeding in pig. This study was conducted to screen the resistance and/or susceptibility of pigs to Salmonella infection, to determine the genotype and evaluate presence of resistant allele of the BPI gene in population of pigs, and to establish genetic data for pig breeders for the improvement of Philippine pig industry. In this study, 389 blood samples from different pig breeds were collected from pig breeder farms in the Philippines. Genomic DNA was extracted from these samples and genotyping was done by PCR-RFLP analysis using AvaII restriction enzyme. Out of 389 pigs, the genotypic frequency showed that 98.4, 1.3, and 0.3% pigs are resistant (GG), heterozygous type (AG), and susceptible (AA), respectively. The application of BPI gene as marker for disease resistance will provide information to the pig industry to implement strategies for the identification of Salmonella infection-resistant pigs.  相似文献   

We report a safe, rapid, and economical method for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based genotype analysis using a microsatellite marker specific for the human chromosome 18 locus, D18S53. This method does not involve radioisotopes and makes use of ethidium bromide fluorescence to detect PCR products. Our method enables direct analysis and easy detection of PCR products on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The genotyping using this method can be scaled up to 100 samples at one time by adding a step of “double loading” of samples in a single sequencing size gel. We could resolve PCR products and DNA fragments, differing in size by only 2 bp, in the range of 150–200 bp by a 7% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. This technique can be applied for population-based genomic screening and linkage analysis.  相似文献   

The WBN/Kob-Leprfa rat is a new congenic strain for the fa allele of the leptin receptor gene (Lepr). Homozygous (fa/fa) WBN/Kob-Leprfa rats provide a model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes with obesity. Here, we describe the characteristics of this new animal model in detail. At 7 weeks of age, both male and female obese WBN/Kob rats showed inflammatory cell infiltration of the pancreas that suggested pan-pancreatitis and an abnormal OGTT. At 3 months of age, both male and female obese WBN/Kob rats developed overt diabetes mellitus associated with severe chronic pancreatitis. In contrast, lean female WBN/Kob rats do not develop pancreatitis or diabetes. In WBN/Kob rats, this mutation might promote the onset of severe pancreatitis, leading to the rapid development of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   



Neutrophil CD64 has been proposed as an early marker of sepsis. This study aims to evaluate the diagnostic utility of neutrophil CD64 for identification of early-onset sepsis in preterm neonates.


The prospective study was conducted in a neonatal intensive care unit between November 2010 and June 2011. Preterm neonates in whom infection was suspected when they were <12 hours of age were enrolled. Complete blood count with differential, blood culture, neutrophil CD11b and CD64 measurement were performed. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed to evaluate the performance of neutrophil CD64 as biomarker of sepsis.


A total of 158 preterm neonates was enrolled, 88 of whom were suspected infection. The suspected sepsis group was of lesser gestational age (P<0.001) and lower birth weight (P<0.001), compared with controls. The hematologic profiles of the suspected sepsis group were characterized by higher white blood cell count, neutrophil counts and C-reactive protein. The suspected sepsis neonates had significantly higher neutrophil CD64 expression compared with controls. Neutrophil CD64 had an area value under the curve of 0.869 with an optimal cutoff values of 1010 phycoerythrin molecules bound/cell and it had a high sensitivity (81.82%) and negative predictive value (77.4%). The level of neutrophil CD64 was independent of antibiotic therapy within 24 hours after the onset of sepsis in preterm neonates.


Neutrophil CD64 is a highly sensitive marker for suspected early-onset sepsis in preterm neonates. Our study suggests that neutrophil CD64 may be incorporated as a valuable marker to diagnose infection.  相似文献   

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