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In a heterogeneous world, the optimal strategy for an individual is to continually change its phenotype to match the optimal type. However, in the real world, organisms do not behave in this fashion. One potential reason why is that phenotypic plasticity is costly. We measured production and maintenance costs of plasticity in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia pulex (Cladocera: Crustacea) in response to the presence of chemical signals from a predator, the insect Chaoborus americanus. We looked at three changes in juvenile body size and shape: body length, body depth, and tailspine length. Fitness costs were measured as changes in adult growth and fecundity, and summarized as the intrinsic rate of increase (r) for individuals reared in the presence or absence of Chaoborus extract. The cost of plasticity was measured as a multiple regression of mean clone fitness against trait and trait plasticity. We found scant evidence for either production or maintenance costs of plasticity. We also failed to find direct costs of these juvenile structures, which is surprising, as others have found such costs. We attribute the lack of measurable direct or plasticity costs to a decrease in metabolic rates in the presence of the Chaoborus extract. This decrease in metabolic rate may have compensated for any cost increases. We call for more extensive measures of the costs of plasticity, especially under natural conditions, and the incorporation of costs into evolutionary models.  相似文献   

The plasticity of ovariole number relative to developmental temperature was studied in three populations of Drosophila melanogaster at both ends of the cline: a temperate French population and two equatorial Congolese. Ovary size was much greater in the French flies, in agreement with an already known latitudinal cline. Among isofemale lines, significant differences in genetic variability were observed between populations with a maximum variability at intermediate temperatures. Parameters of phenotypic variability (CV and FA) were not statistically different among lines or populations, but a significant increase at low temperature was demonstrated for both. The shapes of the response curves (i.e., the norm of reaction) were analyzed by adjusting the data to a quadratic equation. The parameters of the equation were highly variable among lines. On the other hand, the temperature for maximum value of ovarioles (TMV) was much less variable and exhibited only a slightly significant difference between temperate and tropical flies (22.2°C vs. 22.7°C). During its geographic extension toward colder places, D. melanogaster underwent a large, presumably adaptative, increase in ovariole number but very little change in the norm of reaction of that trait.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Plastic stem‐elongation responses to the ratio of red:far‐red (R:FR) wavelengths enable plants to match their phenotype to local competitive conditions. However, elongation responses early in the life history may occur at the cost of reduced plasticity later in the life history, because elongation influences both allocation patterns and structural integrity. A common‐garden experiment was performed to test whether seedling responses to R:FR affect biomass allocation, biomass accumulation, and subsequent plasticity to the cue. Seedlings of Abutilon theophrasti were stimulated to elongate by low R:FR treatments, and subsequent growth and plasticity was compared with nonelongated individuals. Elongated seedlings were less responsive than nonelongated ones to a second bout of low R:FR. Thus, seedling plasticity to R:FR reduces subsequent responsiveness to this cue. This negative association across life‐history stages suggests an important constraint on the evolution of plastic stem responses, because selection in A. theophrasti has previously been shown to favor increases in early elongation in combination with increased later elongation. The reduced responsiveness of elongated seedlings to R:FR appeared to result from a structural feedback mechanism, indicating that the opportunity cost of early responses may be lower in environments providing structural support.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that age and size at maturity of organisms should be influenced by time and food constraints on development. This study investigated phenotypic plasticity in growth, development, body size, and diapause in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Full-sib families were allowed to develop under predator-free field conditions. The time before the onset of winter was varied and each brood was split into three environments differing in the amount of dung a set number of larvae had as a resource. When resources were abundant and competition was minimal, individuals of both sexes grew to larger body sizes, took longer time to mature, and were able to increase their growth rates to attain large body sizes despite shorter effective development periods later in the season. In contrast, limited larval resources and strong competition constrained individuals to mature earlier at a smaller adult size, and growth rates could not be increased but were at least maintained. This outcome is predicted by only two life-history optimality models, which treat mortality due to long development periods and mortality due to fast growth as independent. Elevated preadult mortality indicated physiological costs of fast growth independent of predation. When larval resources were limited, mortality increased with heritable variation in development time for males, and toward the end of the season mortality increased as larval resources became more abundant because this induced longer development periods. Sexual and fecundity selection favoring large body size in this species is thus opposed by larval viability selection favoring slower growth in general and shorter development periods when time and resources are limited; this overall combination of selective pressures is presumably shaping the reaction norms obtained here. Flexible growth rates are facilitated by low genetic correlations between development time and body size, a possible consequence of selection for plasticity. Heritable variation was evident in all traits investigated, as well as in phenotypic plasticity of these traits (genotype X interactions). This is possibly maintained by unpredictable spatiotemporal variation in dung abundance, competition, and hence selection.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of developmental stability, measured as asymmetry (fluctuating asymmetry in leaves), was analyzed in leaves and flowers of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill) and atemoya (A. cherimola × A. squamosa). The individuals analyzed belonged to a controlled collection of cultivars (clones) that had previously been characterized by means of isozymes. We used a nested design to analyze the differences in asymmetry at several sampling levels: individual leaves and flowers, individual trees, and genotypes. The clonal repeatability of developmental stability was not significantly different from zero, thus suggesting the absence of heritability of the asymmetry for leaves and flowers under these environmental conditions. No relationship between asymmetry and individual heterozygosity was found, but leaf fluctuating asymmetry was significantly related to particular isozymic genes. Petal and leaf size showed a phenotypically plastic response to the exposure zone of the tree (mainly due to light). Leaf fluctuating asymmetry also showed such a plastic response. No significant correlation was found between asymmetry and any pomological characters (some of these being fitness related). Finally, the hybrid species (atemoya) did not show larger developmental instability than did the parental species (cherimoya). All these data show that cherimoya asymmetry reveals the random nature of developmental noise, with developmental stability for leaves being possibly related to specific chromosome regions, but with weak evidence for genotypic differences in developmental stability.  相似文献   

The multivoltine bruchid Kytorhinus sharpianus shows seasonal phenotypic plasticity in adult longevity, the preoviposition period, and the number of eggs laid without feeding between the diapausing and nondiapausing generations. This study compared the norms of reaction in three life-history traits between the univoltine Aomori and multivoltine Mitsuma populations. The directions of response in the norms of reaction were similar in both populations, although their response curves differed between populations. This result indicated a potential for variation in seasonal phenotypic plasticity in the univoltine population. However, the variation in the norms of reaction was small in both populations, suggesting strong selection pressure on the plasticity in the multivoltine population. These results also suggest that the univoltine Aomori population may have originated from a multivoltine population.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity, that is multiple phenotypes produced by a single genotype in response to environmental change, has been thought to play an important role in evolution and speciation. Historically, knowledge about phenotypic plasticity has resulted from the analysis of static traits measured at a single time point. New insight into the adaptive nature of plasticity can be gained by an understanding of how organisms alter their developmental processes in a range of environments. Recent advances in statistical modeling of functional data and developmental genetics allow us to construct a dynamic framework of plastic response in developmental form and pattern. Under this framework, development, genetics, and evolution can be synthesized through statistical bridges to better address how evolution results from phenotypic variation in the process of development via genetic alterations.  相似文献   

The phenotypic effects of genetic and environmental manipulations have been rarely investigated simultaneously. In addition to phenotypic plasticity, their effect on the amount and directions of genetic and phenotypic variation is of particular evolutionary importance because these constitute the material for natural selection. Here, we used heterozygous insertional mutations of 16 genes involved in the formation of the Drosophila wing. The flies were raised at two developmental temperatures (18°C and 28°C). Landmark-based geometric morphometrics was used to analyze the variation of the wing size and shape at different hierarchical levels: among genotypes and temperatures; among individuals within group; and fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Our results show that (1) the phenotypic effects of the mutations depend on temperature; (2) reciprocally, most mutations affect wing plasticity; (3) both temperature and mutations modify the levels of FA and of among individuals variation within lines. Remarkably, the patterns of shape FA seem unaffected by temperature whereas those associated with individual variation are systematically altered. By modifying the direction of available phenotypic variation, temperature might thus directly affect the potential for further evolution. It suggests as well that the developmental processes responsible for developmental stability and environmental canalization might be partially distinct.  相似文献   

Preexisting developmental plasticity in feeding larvae may contribute to the evolutionary transition from development with a feeding larva to nonfeeding larval development. Differences in timing of development of larval and juvenile structures (heterochronic shifts) and differences in the size of the larval body (shifts in allocation) were produced in sea urchin larvae exposed to different amounts of food in the laboratory and in the field. The changes in larval form in response to food appear to be adaptive, with increased allocation of growth to the larval apparatus for catching food when food is scarce and earlier allocation to juvenile structures when food is abundant. This phenotypic plasticity among full siblings is similar in direction to the heterochronic evolutionary changes in species that have greater nutrient reserves within the ova and do not depend on particulate planktonic food. This similarity suggests that developmental plasticity that is adaptive for feeding larvae also contributes to correlated and adaptive evolutionary changes in the transition to nonfeeding larval development. If endogenous food supplies have the same effect on morphogenesis as exogenous food supplies, then changes in genes that act during oogenesis to affect nutrient stores may be sufficient to produce correlated adaptive changes in larval development.  相似文献   

To understand natural selection we need to integrate its measure across environments. We present a method for measuring phenotypic selection that combines the potential for both environmental variation and phenotypic plasticity. The method uses path analysis and a measure of selection that is analogous to selection on breeding values. For individuals growing in alternative environments, paths are created that represent potential changes in the environment. The probabilities for these changes are then multiplied by the path coefficients to calculate selection coefficients. Selection on plasticity is measured as the difference in selection within each environment. We illustrate these methods using data on selection in an experimental population of Arabidopsis thaliana. Individuals from 36 families were grown in one of four environments, a factorial combination of shaded/open and early/late shading. For final height of the inflorescence, there was positive selection in both the open and shaded environments and negative selection on plasticity of height. For bolting time, there was also positive selection in both environments, but no selection on plasticity. We show how to use this information to examine how selection would change with changes in environmental frequencies and their transition probabilities. These methods can be expanded to encompass continuous traits and continuous environments as well as other complexities of natural selection.  相似文献   

Gene flow is often considered to be one of the main factors that constrains local adaptation in a heterogeneous environment. However, gene flow may also lead to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. We investigated the effect of gene flow on local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in development time in island populations of the common frog Rana temporaria which breed in pools that differ in drying regimes. This was done by investigating associations between traits (measured in a common garden experiment) and selective factors (pool drying regimes and gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments) by regression analyses and by comparing pairwise FST values (obtained from microsatellite analyses) with pairwise QST values. We found that the degree of phenotypic plasticity was positively correlated with gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments (among‐island environmental heterogeneity), as well as with local environmental heterogeneity within each population. Furthermore, local adaptation, manifested in the correlation between development time and the degree of pool drying on the islands, appears to have been caused by divergent selection pressures. The local adaptation in development time and phenotypic plasticity is quite remarkable, because the populations are young (less than 300 generations) and substantial gene flow is present among islands.  相似文献   

Adaptive genetic differentiation and adaptive phenotypic plasticity can increase the fitness of plant lineages in heterogeneous environments. We examine the relative importance of genetic differentiation and plasticity in determining the fitness of the annual plant, Erodium cicutarium, in a serpentine grassland in California. Previous work demonstrated that the serpentine sites within this mosaic display stronger dispersal‐scale heterogeneity than nonserpentine sites. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment among six sites to characterize selection on plasticity expressed by 180 full‐sibling families in response to natural environmental heterogeneity across these sites. Multivariate axes of environmental variation were constructed using a principal components analysis of soil chemistry data collected at every experimental block. Simple linear regressions were used to characterize the intercept, and slope (linear and curvilinear) of reaction norms for each full‐sibling family in response to each axis of environmental variation. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed significant selection on trait means and slopes of reaction norms. Multivariate analyses of variance demonstrated genetic differentiation between serpentine and nonserpentine lineages in the expression of plasticity in response to three of the five axes of environmental variation considered. In all but one case, serpentine genotypes expressed a stronger adaptive plastic response than nonserpentine genotypes.  相似文献   

To understand the evolutionary significance of geographic variation, one must identify the factors that generate phenotypic differences among populations. I examined the causes of geographic variation in and evolutionary history of number of trunk vertebrae in slender salamanders, Batrachoseps (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Number of trunk vertebrae varies at many taxonomic levels within Batrachoseps. Parallel clines in number occur along an environmental gradient in three lineages in the Coast Ranges of California. These parallel clines may signal either adaptation or a shared phenotypically plastic response to the environmental gradient. By raising eggs from 10 populations representing four species of Batrachoseps, I demonstrated that number of trunk vertebrae can be altered by the developmental temperature; however, the degree of plasticity is insufficient to account for geographic variation. Thus, the geographic variation results largely from genetic variation. Number of trunk vertebrae covaries with body size and shape in diverse vertebrate taxa, including Batrachoseps. I hypothesize that selection for different degrees of elongation, possibly related to fossoriality, has led to the extensive evolution of number of trunk vertebrae in Batrachoseps. Analysis of intrapopulational variation revealed sexual dimorphism in both body shape and number of trunk vertebrae, but no correlation between these variables in either sex. Females are more elongate than males, a pattern that has been attributed to fecundity selection in other taxa. Patterns of covariation among different classes of vertebrae suggest that some intrapopulational variation in number results from changes in vertebral identity rather than changes in segmentation.  相似文献   

植物,尤其是克隆植物,能够通过表型变化来缓解外界压力,提高对环境的适应能力。该文研究了水生克隆植物乌菱(Trapa bicornis)对底泥磷含量(Sediment phosphorus concentration, SP)、植株密度(Plant density, PD) 及两者间交互作用的可塑性响应,探讨可塑性是否能促进其在富营养化环境中的生长。结果显示,底泥磷含量对乌菱的主菱盘叶数、同化根比根长、吸收根比根长以及叶、茎、同化根、吸收根与植株总磷含量等都有显著影响 (p<0.05),而植株密度对乌菱各生长及生理生态参数均无显著作用 (p>0.05);SP与PD的交互作用弱化了底泥磷含量对乌菱的效应。底泥磷含量和植株密度甚至改变了同化根、吸收根、茎、叶与总生物量之间的异速生长关系。研究结果表明:乌菱的表型可塑性变化主要受底泥磷含量的影响,乌菱通过器官生物量分配、形态结构及生理生态特征的调整来响应底泥磷含量的变化;同时,高的植株密度也可以提高其在富营养化生境下的生态适应性。  相似文献   

To investigate the potential response to natural selection of reaction norms for age and size at maturity, fresh body weight at eclosion was mass selected under rich and poor larval food conditions in Drosophila melanogaster. The sensitivity of dry weight at eclosion to the difference between rich and poor larval food was selected using differences in sensitivities among families. For both experiments, the correlated response to selection of age at eclosion was examined. The flies were derived from wild populations and had been mass cultured in the lab for more than six months before the experiments started. These flies responded to selection on body weight upwards and downwards on both rich and poor larval food. Selection on increased or decreased sensitivity of body weight was also successful in at least one direction. Sensitivity was reduced by selection upwards in a poor environment and downwards in a rich environment.  相似文献   

The relationship between genotype (which is inherited) and phenotype (the target of selection) is mediated by environmental inputs on gene expression, trait development, and phenotypic integration. Phenotypic plasticity or epigenetic modification might influence evolution in two general ways: (1) by stimulating evolutionary responses to environmental change via population persistence or by revealing cryptic genetic variation to selection, and (2) through the process of genetic accommodation, whereby natural selection acts to improve the form, regulation, and phenotypic integration of novel phenotypic variants. We provide an overview of models and mechanisms for how such evolutionary influences may be manifested both for plasticity and epigenetic marking. We point to promising avenues of research, identifying systems that can best be used to address the role of plasticity in evolution, as well as the need to apply our expanding knowledge of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms to our understanding of how genetic accommodation occurs in nature. Our review of a wide variety of studies finds widespread evidence for evolution by genetic accommodation.  相似文献   

Several aspects of genotype-environment interaction may act to modulate natural selection in populations that encounter variable environments. In this study the norms of reaction (phenotypic responses) of 20 cloned genotypes from two natural populations of the annual plant Polygonum persicaria were determined over a broad range of controlled light environments (8%-100% full sun). These data reveal both the extent of functionally adaptive phenotypic plasticity expressed by individual genotypes, and the patterns of diversity among genotypes for characters relevant to fitness, in response to an environmental factor that is both highly variable within populations and critical to growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

The giant kelp genus Macrocystis C. Agardh (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) is one of the world’s most ecologically and economically important seaweed taxa, yet its taxonomy remains uncertain. Although the genus currently contains four accepted species based on variable holdfast and blade morphology [M. pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh, M. integrifolia Bory, M. angustifolia Bory, and M. laevis C. H. Hay], numerous recent studies on Macrocystis interfertility, genetic relatedness, and morphological plasticity all suggest that the genus is monospecific. We reviewed this evidence and present an explanation for the extreme phenotypic plasticity that results in morphological variability within Macrocystis, driven by the effects of environmental factors on early development of macroscopic sporophytes. We propose that the genus be collapsed back to a single species, with nomenclatural priority given to M. pyrifera.  相似文献   

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