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During a 14-month study of one group of woolly spider monkeys, or muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides),at Fazenda Montes Claros, M. G., Brazil, the group used a home range of 168 ha. Day-range lengths averaged 1283 m and were longer in the wet season than in the dry season. An analysis of travel rates indicated that the group traveled faster on those days when they traveled farther. The availability of large patches of preferred food sources appears to affect daily movement patterns. Intraspecific comparisons, in addition to an apparent expansion of the study group’s home range as their group size has increased, suggest the importance of group size to muriqui range size. Interspecific comparisons between muriquis and sympatric brown howler monkeys suggest that locomotor adaptations are important to understanding species differences in ranging behavior.  相似文献   

We monitored one group of muriquis, or woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides), over a 9-year period at Fazenda Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The group grew from 22 to 42 individuals due to the births of 21 surviving infants. Eight immigrations involving immature females were offset by emigrations and disappearances. The home range of the group expanded as the group size increased. The group traveled as a cohesive unit during the first 6 years of the study, but recently it has begun to show greater tendencies to fission temporarily into smaller subgroups. Six adult males from the other muriqui group at this site have simultaneously increased their associations with the main study group. These observations indicate that the group is in a state of transition which may lead, ultimately, either to its division into two smaller units or to a more fluid social structure.  相似文献   

Data on feeding behavior in one group of muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) were collected during a 14 month study at Fazenda Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Muriquis devoted an average of 51% of their annual feeding time to leaves, 32% to fruits, and 11% to flowers. The high proportion of leaves in their diet is consistent with predictions from the energetics of body size. However, they devoted a greater proportion of their feeding time to patchy fruit and flower resources than was expected from comparisons with smaller, sympatric howler monkeys. Muriqui diet varied with the availability of preferred food types across sample months. Fruit and flower consumption corresponded to the availability and abundance of these food resources in the forest. Leaves contributed substantially to muriqui diet throughout the year but appeared to be eaten primarily to provide necessary protein and/or necessary bulk. Male and female diets differed only in the greater proportion of feeding time females devoted to flowers.  相似文献   

One group of woolly spider monkeys, or muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides), was observed from June 1983 through July 1984 at Fazenda Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study subjects spent an average of 49% of their daylight time resting, 29% traveling, and 19% feeding. They shifted their diurnal schedule of activities in response to seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall. The activity budgets of adult males and females were similar. However, a comparison of three adult females in different reproductive conditions revealed that the lactating female spent a greater proportion of time feeding than did both the pregnant and nonreproductive females. Intraspecific differences in group size and diet appear to be important to understanding differences in the activity budgets of Brachyteles. Differences between locomotion patterns of woolly spider monkeys and sympatric howler monkeys may explain activity budget differences based on group size and diet.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) extensively use primates as a food resource at the Caratinga Biological Station (CBS) in Southeast Brazil. Analysis of 60 fecal samples collected over 4 years revealed predation upon the brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba), the muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), and the brown capuchin monkey (Cebus apella). The most frequent items found in the fecal samples analyzed were Calomys (n=16) and non-identified Aves (n=15), followed by A. guariba (n=12). Although Rodentia was the most common group consumed (n=52) Primates were found in 27% of total fecal samples and were the third most consumed group in relation to the total items. Particularly, predation of A. guariba by ocelots (20% of the total fecal samples) was not an isolated event; our results showed that this species was preyed on across several months. Predation on primates was far higher at CBS than at other sites where comparable studies have been carried out.  相似文献   

Data were collected on one group of muriquis, or woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) during a 14-month study at Fazenda Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil to examine the effects of food patch size on muriqui feeding associations. Muriqui food patches were larger than expected from the availability of patch sizes in the forest; fruit patches were significantly larger than leaf patches. Feeding aggregate size, the maximum number of simultaneous occupants, and patch occupancy time were positively related to the size of fruit patches. However, a greater number of individuals fed at leaf sources than expected from the size of these patches. Adult females tended to feed alone in patches more often than males, whereas males tended to feed in single-sexed groups more often than females. Yet in neither case were these differences statistically significant.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin releasing-hormone analogue (buserelin) challenges were carried out every 8 weeks from 4 to 14 months of age on thoroughbred colts born in the spring (n = 6) or autumn (n = 5) to define the onset of puberty. In all colts, luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion followed a seasonal pattern, with high baseline and maximal concentrations in the spring and summer and low concentrations in the winter. Testosterone concentrations were undetectable before spring and, thus, autumn-born colts were younger than spring-born colts when a testosterone response to buserelin was first observed. Mean weights of the autumn-born colts were 300 kg (282-327 kg) at the time of the first detectable testosterone response in the following spring (October). Spring-born colts had reached this weight in the winter (May and June, before day length had increased) but did not exhibit a significant testosterone response until the spring at a mean weight of 352 kg (327-403 kg). It is proposed that colts must achieve a threshold body weight concurrently with stimulatory photoperiod for onset of puberty to occur.  相似文献   

We monitored the birth patterns of sympatric brown howler monkeys (Alouatta fusca clamitans) and northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) during a 4‐yr period from October 1996 to August 2000 at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brown howler monkey births (n = 34) occurred throughout the year, and birth frequencies did not differ between rainy and dry season months. The aseasonal birth patterns of the howler monkeys differed significantly from the dry season concentration and dry month peak in muriqui births (n = 23). We found no effects of infant sex or the number of females on interbirth intervals (IBIs) in our 10 howler monkey study troops. IBIs of brown howler monkeys averaged 21.2 ± 2.5 mo (n = 8, median = 21.0 mo), and were significantly shorter following dry season births than rainy season births. Their IBIs and yearling survivorship (74%) were similar to those reported for other species of howler monkeys, but yearling survivorship was much lower than that of muriquis (94%), whose IBIs were more than 12 mo longer than those of the howler monkeys. Our study extends comparative knowledge of birth patterns in Alouatta to a poorly known species, and provides insights into the different ways in which diet and life history may affect the timing of births in large‐bodied platyrrhines under the same seasonal ecological conditions. Am. J. Primatol. 55:87–100, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have studied the therapeutic effects of two different doses (30 mg and 60 mg, twice daily) of DL-fen-fluramine (DL-F) in, respectively, prepuberal (11–13 years old) and adolescent subjects (14–17 years old). Sixty-eight obese subjects were recruited for this study (22 boys, 36 girls, aged 10–17 years old) with body mass index ranging from 24.5 to 44.0 kg/m2, absolute weight ranging from 37.0 to 119.5 kg and % over IBW ranging from 122% to 260%. Results were compared to a placebo treated group of obese adolescent patients (n=17), 6 boys and 11 girls, aged 10–17 years old, BMI ranging from 26–44 kg/m2, absolute weight 53.1 to 96.5 kg, and with 129% to 253% over IBW. In the DL-F-treated subjects most patients (n=41) had a continuous weight loss during 12 months but 27 individuals were unable to lose any additional weight after the initial 6 months of the trial. Taken together 65% of all patients lost weight during DL-F treatment (12 months) whereas only 17.4% of the placebo group lost a significant (>10% BMI) amount of excess weight. Also the placebo group had a higher withdrawal rate (57%) as compared with the DL-F-treated group (24%). There was a significant (p<0.05) decrease of the mean & SD of the BMI (at 6 and 12 months of therapy). No significant change of the BMI was observed for control group. Minor adverse side effects consisted of a brief period of drowsiness and dry mouth. Our findings indicated that the continuous administration of DL-Fenfluramine might help obese adolescent subjects adhere to a diet and to maintain the weight loss achieved without major or harmful adverse effects .  相似文献   

Neonatal and birth weights of gibbons have mostly been reported for single individuals, and larger samples (n = 2–8) have apparently been published for only two species of gibbons (Hylobates lar and H. syndactylus). In addition, a critical examination of the few published neonatal weights of gibbons shows that several of them should not be used. Neonatal weights are here defined as weights taken on infants up to seven days old, whereas birth weights include only those taken on the day of birth. This paper presents neonatal weights for six representative species of gibbons (H. lar, H. leucogenys, H. moloch, H. muelleri, H. pileatus, H. syndactylus) and some of their hybrids. Most of our data stem from surviving animals that were subsequently hand-reared and include 80 infants, thus making the previously available dataset 5 times larger. Our neonatal weights fall roughly into three different classes: neonates of the lar group (about 390 g, n = 27), the concolor group (about 510 g, n = 7), and the siamang (about 540 g, n = 46). This grouping corresponds not only to taxonomic units within the hylobatids, but also to grouping of gibbons by adult body weight. No weight difference between males and females is evident in our sample, and hybrids of the lar group do not appear to differ in weight from pure species. True birth weights (i.e., weights recorded on the day of birth) are available for only a few individuals. These weights are, on average, 7% higher than neonatal weights, but the difference is not statistically significant. Additional samples of neonatal weights suggest that infants that die on the day of birth weigh, on average, 17% less, twins weigh 29% less, and infants born by Cesarean section weigh 19% more than our reference sample of neonates. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe blood pressure in twins during infancy. DESIGN--Prospective study of cohort of twins. SETTING--Teaching hospital in Florida. SUBJECTS--166 viable twin pairs born between July 1976 and December 1989. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Blood pressure and body weight at birth, at 14 days, and at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. RESULTS--Both systolic and diastolic pressure correlated with body weight throughout infancy (at birth r = 0.41, P < 0.001 and r = 0.42, P < 0.001 respectively; at 1 year r = 0.23, P < 0.001 and r = 0.26, P < 0.001 respectively). In infants weighing < 1500 g at birth mean blood pressure rose from about 45/25 mm Hg to 101/55 mm Hg from birth to the age of 1 year, while in infants weighing > 3000 g at birth it rose from 63/39 mm Hg to 100/61 mm Hg; corresponding mean body weights at 1 year were 7.86 kg and 9.88 kg. Differences in birth weight within pairs of monozygotic twins were negatively correlated with such differences in systolic blood pressure at 1 year (r = -0.37, P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS--Blood pressure and body weights in twins showed strongly positive but generally declining correlations throughout infancy. Twins of lower birth weight showed a more rapid rate of rise in blood pressure during infancy. At 1 year the catch up in blood pressure exceeded that in body weight. Greater differences in birth weights between monozygotic twins were associated with smaller differences in systolic blood pressure at 1 year, suggesting that intrauterine environmental factors related to birth weight are important in determining blood pressure in infancy.  相似文献   

The mature viable seeds within the seed crop of one individual of Costa Rican Mucuna andreana varied in fresh weight from 2.6 to 9.4 g (average of 6.81 g, s.d. = 1.09 g, n = 282). The seed coats weighed 14 to 17 percent of the fresh seed weight and variation in their weight was not the cause of the variation in seed weight. There was no significant difference in average seed weight of seeds from pods with 1 to 5 filled seeds. The great range of seed weights within one plant's seed crop is interpreted as possibly of adaptive significance in generating a more homogeneous seed shadow than would be the case with a narrow range of seed weights.  相似文献   

We exlored indirectly, the operation of sexual selection in subterranean mole rats of the Spalax ebrenbergi superspecies in Israel comprising four chromosomal species, 2n = 52, 54, 58 and 60. We reanalzed two previously available data sets of 1. body size differentiation (Nevo et al. 1986a) and 2. the intensity of “Total Aggression” in mole rats (Nevo et al. 1986b). We correlated the mean size difference between the two sexes, in each of the 12 populations of the chromosomal species, with the mean level of agression, and with climatic factors, both displaying significant correlations. The results indicated that for 2n = 52, 54, 58 and 60, the population averae difference in body weight between the sexes decreases southward as follows: 37.7g (30.8 % of females body weight), 39.3g(29.0%) 26.3g(22.8%) and 20.3g (19.3%), respectively. We interpret the higher body size diherential ketween the sexes in the north as due to sexual selection.  相似文献   

Adult domestic cats homozygous with a naturally occurring Gly412Arg LPL gene mutation are good models for the study of LPL deficiency. Previous studies report that homozygous LPL deficient kittens have reduced growth rates and develop subnormal body fat mass. It was hypothesized in the present study that homozygote kittens would have normal growth if provided a standard low fat, highly digestible diet at weaning and that their body fat would be increased by provision of a diet high in protein. When fed a nutritionally complete, 10% fat, purified or commercial extruded diet, the body weights of homozygous (n = 24), heterozygous (n = 25) and normal (n = 16) kittens were determined at birth, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 and 18 weeks of age. Male homozygote kittens from homozygote dams had reduced weight gains (p < 0.05) compared to normal males at 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Female heterozygotes and homozygotes from homozygote and heterozygote dams had reduced weight gains (p < 0.05) compared to normal females at 2, 3, 4 and 6 weeks. By 6 weeks for males and 18 weeks for females, genotype related differences in weight gain were not observed. At 30 weeks, homozygotes and heterozygotes were given either a 60 or 30% (dry matter) protein diet for two months. As indicated by deuterium dilution estimation of body composition, cats eating the 30% protein diet (n = 12) tended to have a lower increase in lean body mass (p = 0.057) and a greater increase in fat mass (p = 0.092) compared to cats eating the 60% protein diet (n = 12). Increase in lean body mass among homozygotes tended to be not as great as that observed in heterozygotes (p = 0.057). Poor postweaning gains previously reported in homozygotes probably reflected inappropriate selection of diet for this genotype. The high protein diet increased the rate of lean body mass development but not body fat mass.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective was to develop effective weight‐loss methods for women who have had breast cancer, because obesity may result in an adverse prognosis. Research Methods and Procedures: This randomized pilot study tested an individualized approach toward weight loss in obese women who have had a diagnosis of breast cancer. An individualized approach was applied either alone or combined with the commercial Weight Watchers program. Forty‐eight women (body mass index of 30 to 44 kg/m2) were enrolled. Results: Weight change after 12 months of intervention was as follows (mean ± SD): 0.85 ± 6.0 kg in the control group, ?2.6 ± 5.9 kg in the Weight Watchers group, ?8.0 ± 5.5 kg in the individualized group, and ?9.4 ± 8.6 kg in the comprehensive group that used both individualized counseling and Weight Watchers. Weight loss relative to control was statistically significant in the comprehensive group 3, 6, and 12 months after randomization, whereas weight loss in the individualized group was significant only at 12 months. Weight loss of 10% or more of initial body weight was observed in 6 of 10 women in the comprehensive group at 12 months. In the comprehensive and Weight Watchers–only groups, weight loss was significantly related to frequency of attendance at Weight Watchers meetings, and attendance was more frequent in the comprehensive group. Discussion: These data indicate that the most weight loss was achieved when the counseling approach combined both Weight Watchers and individualized contacts. This was effective even though most of the individualized contacts were by telephone.  相似文献   

HUNT, STEVEN C, MARIA M DAINES, TED D ADAMS, EDWARD M HEATH AND ROGER R WILLIAMS. Pregnancy weight retention in morbid obesity. Obes Res. 1995;3:121–130. Recent hypotheses suggest that for women who develop morbid obesity, increases in weight associated with pregnancy may represent a significant contribution to their obesity status. The effects of multiple pregnancies on weight gain were studied in 96 morbidly obese women (<13.6 kg over ideal weight at ages 20–24 or before an earlier first pregnancy and currently >44.5 kg over ideal weight) and 115 random control women from the Utah population. Self-reported weights for each pregnancy included: prepregnancy, greatest during pregnancy, and 6 weeks following delivery, which were validated against available hospital records. Mean number of pregnancies in each group were similar (4.2 and 4.3), ranging from 1 to 9. Mean current age was 46 and mean weight gain since ages 20–24 was 46.0 kg in the morbidly obese and 14.1 kg in controls. Regression of current weight on total number of pregnancies, adjusting for weight at ages 20–24, showed a 1.3 kg/pregnancy increase in current weight (p=0.03) with no difference between groups (p=0.6). Weight gain subsequent to the last pregnancy was not related to the number of pregnancies (p=0.2). Morbidly obese women gained more weight during pregnancy than controls only for the first pregnancy. Gains were similar for all other pregnancies. Morbidly obese women had smaller weight losses after delivery than the controls, but these differences were not significant. For the first pregnancy, morbidly obese women had a net weight retention that was 4.0 kg greater than the controls at 6 weeks post-partum and an average of 1.6 kg/pregnancy greater retention for the remaining pregnancies. Pregnancy weight gains for each pregnancy subsequent to the first pregnancy were constant. These findings suggest: 1) women who develop morbid obesity have slightly less weight loss after delivery and greater between-pregnancy weight gains than controls; 2) the number of pregnancies does not affect the amount of weight gained after the last pregnancy; and 3) while multiparity may augment weight gain in morbidly obese women, it is probably not a primary factor in the later development of morbid obesity.  相似文献   

Objective: Recent evidence suggests that diets high in calcium and dairy products are associated with lower body weight, particularly lower body fat levels. The purpose of this study was to compare weight and body fat loss on a calorie-restricted, low-dairy (CR) vs. high-dairy (CR+D) diet. Research Methods and Procedures: Fifty-four subjects (BMI 30 ± 2.5 kg/m2, 45 ± 6.6 years, 4 men) were randomly assigned to calorie-restricted (−500 kcal/d) low-dairy calcium (n = 29; ∼1 serving dairy/d, 500 mg/d calcium) or high-dairy calcium (n = 25; 3 to 4 servings dairy/d, 1200 to 1400 mg/d calcium) diets for 12 months. Main outcome measures included change in weight (kilograms) and body fat (percentage). Results: There were no significant differences between groups at baseline. At 12 months, weight and body fat loss were not significantly different. Subjects in the CR vs. CR+D conditions lost 9.6 ± 6.5 vs. 10.8 ± 5.9 kg (p = 0.56) and 9.0 ± 3.8 vs. 10.1 ± 3.6 kg body fat (p = 0.37). Discussion: These findings suggest that a high-dairy calcium diet does not substantially improve weight loss beyond what can be achieved in a behavioral intervention.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of inland groundwater salinity on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency, nutrient retention and intestinal enzyme activity in milkfish, two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment (Expt I), a 100‐day monoculture of Chanos chanos [mean body weight (BW): 2.2 g] at different salinities (0, 10, 15, 20 and 25‰) was carried out in ponds fertilized with cowdung (about 10 000 kg ha?1 year?1) and poultry droppings (about 3000 kg ha?1 year?1). The fish were fed a compounded supplementary diet (containing 40% protein) at 5% BW day?1. Studies have revealed that growth increased with each increase in the salinity level; the highest values in weight gain and energy assimilated were observed in ponds maintained at 25‰ salinity [weight: 322.2 g and specific growth rate (SGR): 8.3]. Highest values of condition factor (0.7) and exponential value (n) of the length–weight relationship (LWR; n = 3.25) were also observed in ponds maintained at 25‰ salinity. Dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), pH and nutrient release remained at the optimal level during the culture period. High values of chlorophyll a, net primary productivity (NPP), phytoplankton and zooplankton population coincided with the highest values of alkalinity and turbidity in ponds maintained at 25‰ salinity. Multivariate analysis revealed a significant positive correlation of chlorides (r = 0.91), conductivity (r = 0.89) and hardness (r = 0.96) with fish growth. Productivity indicating parameters viz. NPP (r = 0.45), nitrate (r = 0.94) and o‐PO4 (r = 0.52) also showed a significant positive correlation with fish weight gain. In the second experiment (Expt II), milkfish (mean BW: 3.7 g) fry were exposed to different levels of salinity (0.0, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30‰), and maintained for 90 days in the laboratory. Significantly (P < 0.05) high growth (percentage increase in BW: 183.1 and SGR: 1.2), feed conversion efficiency (64.5%) and intestinal enzyme activity (protease 5.1, amylase 4.1 and cellulolytic 3.2) were observed in the group maintained at 25 ppt salinity in comparison with other groups similarly maintained at low or high salinity levels. Carcass composition, muscle and liver glycogen levels were also significantly (P < 0.05) affected by salinity changes. The significance of these findings is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Determination of lipid levels is fundamental in cardiovascular risk assessment. We studied the short‐term effects of fast food‐based hyperalimentation on lipid levels in healthy subjects. Twelve healthy men and six healthy women with a mean age of 26 ± 6.6 years and an aged‐matched control group were recruited for this prospective interventional study. Subjects in the intervention group aimed for a body weight increase of 5–15% by doubling the baseline caloric intake by eating at least two fast food‐based meals a day in combination with adoption of a sedentary lifestyle for 4 weeks. This protocol induced a weight gain from 67.6 ± 9.1 kg to 74.0 ± 11 kg (P < 0.001). A numerical increase in the levels of high‐density lipoprotein (HDL)‐cholesterol occurred in all subjects during the study and this was apparent already at the first week in 16/18 subjects (mean increase at week 1: +22.0 ± 16%, range from ?7 to +50%), whereas the highest level of HDL during the study as compared with baseline values varied from +6% to +58% (mean +31.6 ± 15%). The intake of saturated fat in the early phase of the trial related positively with the HDL‐cholesterol‐increase in the second week (r = 0.53, P = 0.028). Although the levels of insulin doubled at week 2, the increase in low‐density lipoprotein (LDL)‐cholesterol was only +12 ± 17%, and there was no statistically significant changes in fasting serum triglycerides. We conclude that hyperalimentation can induce a fast but transient increase in HDL‐cholesterol that is of clinical interest when estimating cardiovascular risk based on serum lipid levels.  相似文献   



Obesity is associated with poorer breast cancer outcomes and losing weight postdiagnosis may improve survival. As Hispanic and black women have poorer breast cancer prognosis than non‐Hispanic whites diagnosed at similar age and stage, and have higher rates of obesity, effective weight loss strategies are needed. We piloted a randomized, waitlist‐controlled, crossover study to examine the effects and feasibility of the commercial Curves weight loss program among Hispanic, African American and Afro‐Caribbean breast cancer survivors.

Design and Methods:

Women with stage 0–IIIa breast cancer ≥6 months posttreatment, sedentary, and BMI ≥25 kg/m2 were randomized to the immediate arm (IA): 6 months of the Curves program followed by 6 months of observation; or the waitlist control arm (WCA): 6 months of observation followed by 6 months of the Curves program. The Curves program uses a 30‐min exercise circuit and a high‐vegetable/low‐fat/calorie‐restricted diet.


A total of 42 women enrolled (79% Hispanic, 21% black), mean age 51 (range 32–69) and mean BMI 33.2(±5.9) kg/m2; 91% were retained at month 12. At month 6, women in the IA lost an average 3.3% (±3.5%) of body weight (range: 1.7% gain to 10.6% loss), as compared with 1.8% (±2.9%) weight loss in the WCA (P = 0.04). At month 12, on average women in the IA regained some but not all of the weight lost during the first 6 months (P = 0.02).


Minority breast cancer survivors were recruited and retained in a weight loss study. Six months of the Curves program resulted in moderate weight loss, but weight loss was not maintained postintervention. Future interventions should identify methods to increase uptake and maintenance of weight loss behaviors.  相似文献   

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