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Coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) simulation technique (MARTINI force field) is applied to monitor the aggregation of helical peptides representing the transmembrane sequence and its extension of bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2). One of the peptides is coupled with a protein transducing domain (PTD) of nine arginine residues (R9) at its N-terminal side as well as a peptide, pep11**, which has been shown to bind to human papilloma virus 16 (HPV16) E6 oncoprotein. A short hydrophobic stretch of the transmembrane domain (TMD) of BST-2 aggregates the fastest and inserts into a lipid membrane. An aggregate of R9-pep11** attaches to the membrane via simultaneous contact of many arginine residues. Monomers from the aggregates of the shortest of the hydrophobic TMDs dissolve into the opposing leaflet when the aggregate spans the bilayer. A ‘flipping’ of the individual monomeric peptides is not observed.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Thermotropic polyurethanes with mesogenic groups in side chains were prepared from two diisocyanates and four diols with stoichiometric ratios of reactive isocyanate (NCO) and hydroxy (OH) groups. Their thermal behavior was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The effect of structure modifications of the diisocyanates and diols, in particular changes in the mesogen, were investigated. Introduction of mesogenic segments into the polymers suppresses the ordering. Stiff end substituents (phenyl and alkoxy groups) of the mesogens stabilize the mesophases to such an extent that the negative influence of long polymer chains is compensated and the liquid-crystalline properties are recovered. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations in the Cerius2 modeling environment were carried out to characterize the structures of the polymers. Analysis of the dynamic trajectories at 20, 100, 120 and 170 °C revealed changes in conformation of macromolecules, which correlate with DSC measurements.Figure Example of structure relaxation of D4/TDI molecule at indicated simulation times (temperature 20 °C): a complete structure; b backbone structure; c top view of molecule  相似文献   

Small globular proteins and peptides commonly exhibit two-state folding kinetics in which the rate limiting step of folding is the surmounting of a single free energy barrier at the transition state (TS) separating the folded and the unfolded states. An intriguing question is whether the polypeptide chain reaches, and leaves, the TS by completely random fluctuations, or whether there is a directed, stepwise process. Here, the folding TS of a 15-residue β-hairpin peptide, Peptide 1, is characterized using independent 2.5 μs-long unbiased atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (a total of 15 μs). The trajectories were started from fully unfolded structures. Multiple (spontaneous) folding events to the NMR-derived conformation are observed, allowing both structural and dynamical characterization of the folding TS. A common loop-like topology is observed in all the TS structures with native end-to-end and turn contacts, while the central segments of the strands are not in contact. Non-native sidechain contacts are present in the TS between the only tryptophan (W11) and the turn region (P7-G9). Prior to the TS the turn is found to be already locked by the W11 sidechain, while the ends are apart. Once the ends have also come into contact, the TS is reached. Finally, along the reactive folding paths the cooperative loss of the W11 non-native contacts and the formation of the central inter-strand native contacts lead to the peptide rapidly proceeding from the TS to the native state. The present results indicate a directed stepwise process to folding the peptide.  相似文献   

Model biological membranes consisting of peptide/lipid-bilayer complexes can nowadays be studied by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at atomic detail. In most cases, the simulation starts with an assumed state of a peptide in a preformed bilayer, from which equilibrium configurations are difficult to obtain due to a relatively slow molecular diffusion. As an alternative, we propose an extension of reported work on the self-organization of unordered lipids into bilayers, consisting of including a peptide molecule in the initial random configuration to obtain a membrane-bound peptide simultaneous to the formation of the lipid bilayer. This strategy takes advantage of the fast reorganization of lipids, among themselves and around the peptide, in an aqueous environment. Model peptides of different hydrophobicity, CH3-CO-W2L18W2-NH2 (WL22) and CH3-CO-W2A18W2-NH2 (WA22), in dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) are used as test cases. In the equilibrium states of the peptide/membrane complexes, achieved in time ranges of 50-100 ns, the two peptides behave as expected from experimental and theoretical studies. The strongly hydrophobic WL22 is inserted in a transmembrane configuration and the marginally apolar, alanine-based WA22 is found in two alternative states: transmembrane inserted or parallel to the membrane plane, embedded close to the bilayer interface, with similar stability. This shows that the spontaneous assembly of peptides and lipids is an unbiased and reliable strategy to produce and study models of equilibrated peptide/lipid complexes of unknown membrane-binding mode and topology.  相似文献   



The accurate prediction of enzyme-substrate interaction energies is one of the major challenges in computational biology. This study describes the improvement of protein-ligand binding energy prediction by incorporating protein flexibility through the use of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.  相似文献   

We report altogether 3-μs molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the antimicrobial peptide CM15 to systematically investigate its interaction with two model lipid bilayers, pure POPC and mixed POPG:POPC (1:2). Starting with either an α-helical or a random-coil conformation, CM15 is found to insert into both bilayers. Peptide-lipid interaction is stronger with the anionic POPG:POPC than the zwitterionic POPC, which is largely attributed to the electrostatic attraction between CM15 and the negatively charged POPG. Simulations initiated with CM15 as a random coil allowed us to study peptide folding at the lipid-water interface. Interestingly, CM15 folding appears to be faster in POPC than POPG:POPC, which may be explained by a lower activation energy barrier of structural rearrangement in the former system. Our data also suggest that compared with the random-coil conformation, CM15 in a pre-folded α-helix has significantly reduced interactions with the lipids, indicating that peptide initial structures may bias the simulation results considerably on the 100-ns timescale. The implications of this result should be considered when preparing and interpreting future AMP simulations.  相似文献   

To evaluate the ability of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using atomic force-fields to correctly predict stable folded conformations of a peptide in solution, we show results from MD simulations of the reversible folding of an octapeptide rich in alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (2-amino-2-methyl-propanoic acid, Aib) solvated in di-methyl-sulfoxide (DMSO). This solvent generally prevents the formation of secondary structure, whereas Aib-rich peptides show a high propensity to form secondary structural elements, in particular 3(10)- and alpha-helical structures. Aib is, moreover, achiral, so that Aib-rich peptides can form left- or right-handed helices depending on the overall composition of the peptide, the temperature, and the solvation conditions. This makes the system an interesting case to study the ensembles of peptide conformations as a function of temperature by MD simulation. Simulations involving the folding and unfolding of the peptide were performed starting from two initial structures, a right-handed alpha-helical structure and an extended structure, at three temperatures, 298 K, 340 K, and 380 K, and the results are compared with experimental nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data measured at 298 K and 340 K. The simulations generally reproduce the available experimental nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data, even when a wide range of conformations is sampled at each temperature. The importance of adequate statistical sampling in order to reliably interpret the experimental data is discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium ions (Ca2+) play key roles in various fundamental biological processes such as cell signaling and brain function. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used to study such interactions, however, the accuracy of the Ca2+ models provided by the standard MD force fields has not been rigorously tested. Here, we assess the performance of the Ca2+ models from the most popular classical force fields AMBER and CHARMM by computing the osmotic pressure of model compounds and the free energy of DNA–DNA interactions. In the simulations performed using the two standard models, Ca2+ ions are seen to form artificial clusters with chloride, acetate, and phosphate species; the osmotic pressure of CaAc2 and CaCl2 solutions is a small fraction of the experimental values for both force fields. Using the standard parameterization of Ca2+ ions in the simulations of Ca2+‐mediated DNA–DNA interactions leads to qualitatively wrong outcomes: both AMBER and CHARMM simulations suggest strong inter‐DNA attraction whereas, in experiment, DNA molecules repel one another. The artificial attraction of Ca2+ to DNA phosphate is strong enough to affect the direction of the electric field‐driven translocation of DNA through a solid‐state nanopore. To address these shortcomings of the standard Ca2+ model, we introduce a custom model of a hydrated Ca2+ ion and show that using our model brings the results of the above MD simulations in quantitative agreement with experiment. Our improved model of Ca2+ can be readily applied to MD simulations of various biomolecular systems, including nucleic acids, proteins and lipid bilayer membranes. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 752–763, 2016.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides have gained a lot of interest in recent years due to their potential use as a new generation of antibiotics. It is believed that this type of relatively short, amphipathic, cationic peptide targets the bacterial membrane, and destroys the chemical gradients over the membrane via formation of stable or transient pores. Here we use the NMR structure of cyclo(RRWWRF) in a series of molecular dynamics simulations in membranes at various peptide/lipid ratios. We observe that the NMR structure of the peptide is still stable after 100 ns simulation. At a peptide/lipid ratio of 2:128, the membrane is only a little affected compared to a pure dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine lipid membrane, but at a ratio of 12:128, the water-lipid interface becomes more fuzzy, the water molecules can reach deeper into the hydrophobic core, and the water penetration free-energy barrier changes. Moreover, we observe that the area per lipid decreases and the deuterium order parameters increase in the presence of the peptide. We suggest that the changes in the hydrophobic core, together with the changes in the headgroups, result in an imbalance of the membrane and that it is thus not an efficient hydrophobic barrier in the presence of the peptides, independent of pore formation.  相似文献   

Colombo G  Roccatano D  Mark AE 《Proteins》2002,46(4):380-392
The dynamics of the three-stranded beta-sheet peptide Betanova has been studied at four different temperatures (280, 300, 350, and 450 K by molecular dynamics simulation techniques, in explicit water. Two 20-ns simulations at 280 K indicate that the peptide remains very flexible under "folding" conditions sampling a range of conformations that together satisfy the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-derived experimental constraints. Two simulations at 300 K (above the experimental folding temperature) of 20 ns each show partial formation of "native"-like structure, which also satisfies most of the NOE constraints at 280 K. At higher temperature, the presence of compact states, in which a series of hydrophobic contacts remain present, are observed. This is consistent with experimental observations regarding the role of hydrophobic contacts in determining the peptide's stability and in initiating the formation of turns and loops. A set of different structures is shown to satisfy NMR-derived distance restraints and a possible mechanism for the folding of the peptide into the NMR-determined structure is proposed.  相似文献   

Qi W  Song B  Lei X  Wang C  Fang H 《Biochemistry》2011,50(44):9628-9632
The base pair hybridization of a DNA segment was studied using molecular dynamics simulation. The results show the obvious correlation between the probability of successful hybridization and the accessible surface area to water of two successive base pairs, including the unpaired base pair adjacent to paired base pair and this adjacent paired base pair. Importantly, two metastable structures in an A-T base pair were discovered by the analysis of the free energy landscape. Both structures involved addition of a water molecule to the linkage between the two nucleobases in one base pair. The existence of the metastable structures provide potential barriers to the Watson-Crick base pair, and numerical simulations show that those potential barriers can be surmounted by thermal fluctuations at higher temperatures. These studies contribute an important step toward the understanding of the mechanism in DNA hybridization, particularly the effect of temperature on DNA hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. These observations are expected to be helpful for facilitating experimental bio/nanotechnology designs involving fast hybridization.  相似文献   

Because the time scale of protein folding is much greater than that of the widely used simulations of native structures, a detailed report of molecular dynamics simulations of folding has not been available. In this study, we Included the average solvent effect in the potential functions to simplify the calculation of the solvent effect and carried out long molecular dynamics simulations of the alanine-based synthetic peptides at 274 K. From either an extended or a randomly generated conformation, the simulations approached a helix-coil equilibrium in about 3 ns. The multiple minima problem did not prevent helix folding. The calculated helical ratio of Ac-AAQAAAAQAAAAQAAY-NH2 was 47%, in good agreement with the circular dichroism measurement (about 50%). A helical segment with frayed ends was the most stable conformation, but the hydrophobic interaction favored the compact, distorted helix-turn-helix conformations. The transition between the two types of conformations occurred in a much larger time scale than helix propagation. The transient hydrogen bonds between the glutamine side chain and the backbone carbonyl group could reduce the free energy barrier of helix folding and unfolding. The substitution of a single alanine residue in the middle of the peptide with valine or glycine decreased the average helical ratio significantly, in agreement with experimental observations. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a detailed approach to create realistic silica pores for computer simulations especially molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. These pores are essential for all different kinds of simulations with liquids in silica confinements. Despite wide use of silica pores in simulations, a detailed documentation how to create these pores for simulations still lacks. This issue is of high significance because with the help of this paper every researcher can build own silica pores with desired geometries and is not stick to already existing pores. We discuss problems that might occur during the whole process and how to solve these problems. So far more than 3 different silica pores have been created with this method and used successfully as confinement material in MD simulations.  相似文献   

In conventional force fields, the electrostatic potential is represented by atom-centred point charges. This choice is in principle arbitrary, but technically convenient. Point charges can be understood as the first term of multipole expansions, which converge with an increasing number of terms towards the accurate representation of the molecular potential given by the electron density distribution. The use of multipole expansions can therefore improve the force field accuracy. Technically, the implementation of atomic multipoles is more involved than the use of point charges. Important points to consider are the orientation of the multipole moments during the trajectory, conformational dependence of the atomic moments and stability of the simulations which are discussed here.
Markus MeuwlyEmail:

SecA is an essential part of the Sec pathway for protein secretion in bacteria. In this pathway, SecA interacts with the N-terminal fragment of the secretory protein – the signal peptide, and couples binding and hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate with movement of the secretory protein across the SecY protein translocon. How interactions with the signal peptide alter the conformational dynamics and long-distance conformational couplings of SecA is a key open question that we address here with molecular dynamics techniques. Analyses of protein motions indicate that the signal peptide alters SecA dynamics not only at the site where this peptide binds, but also at a nucleotide-binding domain. Hydrogen bond clusters contribute to the long-distance propagation of changes in SecA dynamics.  相似文献   



The way mechanical stress is distributed inside and propagated by proteins and other biopolymers largely defines their function. Yet, determining the network of interactions propagating internal strain remains a challenge for both, experiment and theory. Based on molecular dynamics simulations, we developed force distribution analysis (FDA), a method that allows visualizing strain propagation in macromolecules.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteins are making rapid progress, because of new high-resolution structures, advances in computer hardware and atomistic simulation algorithms, and the recent introduction of coarse-grained models for membranes and proteins. In addition to several large ion channel simulations, recent studies have explored how individual amino acids interact with the bilayer or snorkel/anchor to the headgroup region, and it has been possible to calculate water/membrane partition free energies. This has resulted in a view of bilayers as being adaptive rather than purely hydrophobic solvents, with important implications, for example, for interaction between lipids and arginines in the charged S4 helix of voltage-gated ion channels. However, several studies indicate that the typical current simulations fall short of exhaustive sampling, and that even simple protein-membrane interactions require at least ca. 1mus to fully sample their dynamics. One new way this is being addressed is coarse-grained models that enable mesoscopic simulations on multi-mus scale. These have been used to model interactions, self-assembly and membrane perturbations induced by proteins. While they cannot replace all-atom simulations, they are a potentially useful technique for initial insertion, placement, and low-resolution refinement.  相似文献   

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