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Examinations of variation in plumage dichromatism in birds have focused on male plumage brightness and largely neglected variation in female plumage brightness. Nest predation previously was concluded to constrain male brightness and thereby reduce dimorphism in ground-nesting birds based on an incorrect assumption that nest predation is greater for ground nests. Correlations of plumage brightness and dichromatism with nest predation have never been tested directly and we do so here with data for warblers (Parulinae) and finches (Carduelinae). We show that male plumage brightness varies among nest heights, but in a pattern that is not correlated with nest predation. Female plumage brightness also varies among nest heights, but in a pattern that differs from males, and one in which variation in female plumage brightness was negatively correlated with nest predation. These results suggest that nest predation may place greater constraints on female than male plumage brightness, at least in taxa where only females incubate eggs and brood young. These results also show that female plumage patterns vary at least partly independently of male patterns and emphasize the need to include consideration of both female and male plumage variation in tests of plumage dimorphism. Plumage dimorphism differs between ground and off-ground nesters as previously described and, if anything, the relationship between plumage dimorphism and nest predation was positive rather than negative as previously argued.  相似文献   

Claw size of male fiddler crabs, Uca perplexa appears to be a target of female choice that increases the likelihood a female will initially approach a male. Here we show that a behavioral display trait, the maximum height that the tip of the claw reaches during a courtship wave, is a strong correlate of the subsequent likelihood that a female will visit a male's burrow (which is a prerequisite for a burrow mating). We experimentally manipulated claw mass, to test whether there is a trade-off between claw mass and wave height. Males with a metal weight added to their claw showed a large reduction in wave height, whereas control males (plastic added) showed no net change in wave height. There is therefore a trade-off between these two sexually selected traits (claw size and wave display). More importantly, the greater the initial wave height the smaller the subsequent decline in wave height. Assuming that variation in wave height is an index of quality, this variation in the cost-benefit trade-off is consistent with the requirements of a signaling system that conforms to the handicap principle when fitness is the multiplicative product of different fitness components. We conclude by discussing the ongoing difficulties in testing the handicap principle.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can increase morphological diversity within and among species. Little is known regarding how interspecific variation produced through sexual selection affects other functional systems. Here, we examine how morphological diversity resulting from sexual selection impacts aerobic locomotor performance. Using Xiphophorus (swordtail fish) and their close relatives (N = 19 species), we examined whether the evolution of a longer sexually selected sword affects critical swimming speed. We also examined the effect of other suborganismal, physiological, and morphological traits on critical swimming speed, as well as their relationship with sword length. In correlation analyses, we found no significant relationship between sword length and critical swimming speed. Unexpectedly, we found that critical swimming speed was higher in species with longer swords, after controlling for body size in multiple regression analyses. We also found several suborganismal and morphological predictors of critical swimming speed, as well as a significant negative relationship between sword length and heart and gill mass. Our results suggest that interspecific variation in sword length is not costly for this aspect of swimming performance, but further studies should examine potential costs for other types of locomotion and other components of Darwinian fitness (e.g., survivorship, life span).  相似文献   

The genic capture model offers a promising solution to the lek paradox. Heightened condition dependency of sexually selected traits is a prerequisite of this model. Condition dependency is empirically inferred by the sensitivity of traits to stressors. The magnitude of ecological stress (e.g., competition and predation) experienced by populations varies considerably. Thus, condition dependence should manifest more in populations experiencing higher levels of stress. We experimentally assessed the sensitivity of a sexually selected trait (posterior gnathopod) to food resource stress in an amphipod species. We found that gnathopod size variation was 59% higher under food stress, with no corresponding effect on nonsexually selected traits. In addition, we assessed levels of gnathopod variation and the allometry of gnathopods for males sampled from natural populations for two amphipod species that experience different levels of stress (driven by contrasting size‐selective predation and associated life‐history trade‐offs). Populations that experience higher resource stress had both steeper allometries and greater gnathopod size variation. These results suggest that the magnitude of ecological stress experienced by natural populations strongly impacts condition dependency of sexually selected traits, and could play an important role in shaping trait variation and thus the opportunity for sexual selection.  相似文献   

Modern birds have extremely short tail skeletons relative to Archaeopteryx and nonavialian theropod dinosaurs. Long- and short-tailed birds also differ in the conformation of main tail feathers making up the flight surface: frond shaped in Archaeopteryx and fan shaped in extant fliers. Mechanisms of tail fanning were evaluated by electromyography in freely flying pigeons and turkeys and by electrical stimulation of caudal muscles in anesthetized birds. Results from these experiments reveal that the pygostyle, rectrices, rectricial bulbs, and bulbi rectricium musculature form a specialized fanning mechanism. Contrary to previous models, our data support the interpretation that the bulbi rectricium independently controls tail fanning; other muscles are neither capable of nor necessary for significant rectricial abduction. This bulb mechanism permits rapid changes in tail span, thereby allowing the exploitation of a wide range of lift forces. Isolation of the bulbs on the pygostyle effectively decouples tail fanning from fan movement, which is governed by the remaining caudal muscles. The tail of Archaeopteryx, however, differs from this arrangement in several important respects. Archaeopteryx probably had a limited range of lift forces and tight coupling between vertebral and rectricial movement. This would have made the tail of this primitive flier better suited to stabilization than maneuverability. The capacity to significantly alter lift and manipulate the flight surface without distortion may have been two factors favoring tail shortening and pygostyle development during avian evolution.  相似文献   

A positive association between plumage brightness of male birds and the degree of polygyny may be the result of sexual selection. Although most birds have a socially monogamous mating system, recent paternity analyses show that many offspring are fathered by nonmates. Extrapair paternity arises from extrapair copulations which are frequently initiated by females. Not all females will be able to mate with a male of the preferred phenotype, because of the mating decisions of earlier paired females; extrapair copulations may be a means for females to adjust their precopulation mate choice. We use two comparative analyses (standardized linear contrasts and pairwise comparisons between closely related taxa) to test the idea that male plumage brightness is related to extrapair paternity. Brightness of male plumage and sexual dimorphism in brightness were positively associated with high levels of extrapair paternity, even when potentially confounding variables were controlled statistically. This association between male brightness and extrapair paternity was considerably stronger than the association between male brightness and the degree of polygyny. Cuckoldry thus forms an important component of sexual selection in birds.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dichromatism in tanagers (family Thraupidae) was studied from a phylogenetic perspective using a molecular-based phylogeny. Mapping patterns of sexual dimorphism in plumage onto the phylogeny reveals that changes in female plumage occur more frequently than changes in male plumage. Possible explanations for this pattern include sexual selection acting on female plumage and natural selection for background matching. The results of this study and other recent phylogenetic and comparative studies suggest that factors affecting female plumage are important in shaping patterns of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

张志涛  李光博 《昆虫学报》1996,39(2):173-179
本文以翅面正投影形状的特征参数为指标,对20科71种鳞翅目蛾类昆虫进行系统聚类。结果,粘虫Mythimna separata、小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon、稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocismedinalis等迁飞昆虫集中地归于一类,表明具有远距离迁飞行为的蛾类翅面几何形状相似,存在区别于其它种类的共同特征,即前翅较窄长,翅前缘较平直,外侧宽阔。这可能是适应远距离迁飞的特征。  相似文献   

Sperm swimming speed is an important determinant of male fertility and sperm competitiveness. Despite its fundamental biological importance, the underlying evolutionary processes affecting this male reproductive trait are poorly understood. Using a comparative approach in a phylogenetic framework, we tested the predictions that sperm swim faster with (1) increased risk of sperm competition, (2) shorter duration of female sperm storage, and (3) increased sperm length. We recorded sperm swimming speed in 42 North American and European free-living passerine bird species, representing 35 genera and 16 families. We found that sperm swimming speed was positively related to the frequency of extrapair paternity (a proxy for the risk of sperm competition) and negatively associated with clutch size (a proxy for the duration of female sperm storage). Sperm swimming speed was unrelated to sperm length, although sperm length also increased with the frequency of extrapair paternity. These results suggest that sperm swimming speed and sperm length are not closely associated traits and evolve independently in response to sperm competition in passerine birds. Our findings emphasize the significance of both sperm competition and female sperm storage duration as evolutionary forces driving sperm swimming speed.  相似文献   

A well-established theoretical relationship exists between genetic correlations between the sexes and the dynamics of response to sex-specific selection. The present study investigates the response to sex-specific selection for two sexually dimorphic traits that have been documented to be genetically variable, calyx diameter and flower number, in Silene latifolia. Following the establishment of a base generation with a known genetic background, selection lines were established and two generations of sex-specific selection were imposed. Calyx diameter responded directly to sex-specific selection, and the positive genetic correlation between the sexes was reflected in correlated responses in the sex that was not the basis for selection within a particular line. Flower number showed a more erratic response to sex-specific selection in that selection in some lines was initially in the wrong direction, that is, selection for a decrease in flower number resulted in an increase. These erratic responses were attributable to genotype-environment interaction as reflected in significant heteroscedasticity in variance among families. Correlated responses to selection in the sex that was not the immediate basis for selection indicated the possible existence of a negative genetic correlation between the sexes for this trait. These results test for the first time the impact of genetic correlations between the sexes on the evolutionary dynamics of sexually dimorphic traits in a plant species.  相似文献   

The role of development in the evolution of postponed senescence is poorly understood despite the existence of a major gerontological theory connecting developmental rate to aging. We investigate the role of developmental rate in the laboratory evolution of aging using 24 distinct populations of Drosophila melanogaster. We have found a significant difference between the larval developmental rates of our Drosophila stocks selected for early (B) and late-life (O) fertility. This larval developmental time difference of approximately 12% (O > B) has been stable for at least 5 yr, occurs under a wide variety of rearing conditions, responds to reverse selection, and is shown for two other O-like selection treatments. Emerging adults from lines with different larval developmental rates show no significant differences in weight at emergence, thorax length, or starvation resistance. Long-developing lines (O, CO, and CB) have greater survivorship from egg to pupa and from pupa to adult, with and without strong larval competition. Crosses between slower developing populations, and a variety of other lines of evidence, indicate that neither mutation accumulation nor inbreeding depression are responsible for the extended development of our late-reproduced selection treatments. These results stand in striking contrast to other recent studies. We argue that inbreeding depression and inadvertent direct selection in other laboratories' culture regimes explain their results. We demonstrate antagonistic pleiotropy between developmental rate and preadult viability. The absence of any correlation between longevity and developmental time in our stocks refutes the developmental theory of aging.  相似文献   

We artificially selected for body size in Drosophila melanogaster to test Lande's quantitative genetic model for the evolution of sexual size dimorphism. Thorax width was used as an estimator of body size. Selection was maintained for 21 generations in both directions on males only, females only, or both sexes simultaneously. The correlated response of sexual size dimorphism in each selection regime was compared to the response predicted by four variants of the model, each of which differed only in assumptions about input parameters. Body size responded well to selection, but the correlated response of sexual size dimorphism was weaker than that predicted by any of the variants. Dimorphism decreased in most selection lines, contrary to the model predictions. We suggest that selection on body size acts primarily on growth trajectories. Changes in dimorphism are caused by the fact that male and female growth trajectories are not parallel and termination of growth at different points along the curves results in dimorphism levels that are difficult to predict without detailed knowledge of growth parameters. This may also explain many of the inconsistent results in dimorphism changes seen in earlier selection experiments.  相似文献   

In monandrous mating systems with discrete nonoverlapping generations males should maximize the expected number of matings by starting to emerge before females. This is known as protandry. Moreover, Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (ESS) models show that the male emergence curve should be abruptly truncated before female emergence has ceased. In temperate areas where many insects have partial second generations, we accordingly predict that males should enter diapause development at an earlier date than should females, as a result of late-emerging males being penalized in terms of fewer mating opportunities. The decision to diapause or to develop directly is usually mediated by response to environmental stimuli of which day length is the most important. Hence we predict that the mechanism by which males enter diapause at an earlier date than females will be that of the male reaction norm for diapause development being shifted towards longer day lengths when compared to that of females. As a result of the greater tendency of males to enter diapause development, partial second generations that develop directly should be female biased. As a corollary, first generations should be male biased because some males of the first generation are from the previous year. The prediction that males should enter diapause development earlier in the season, i.e., at longer day lengths, as compared to females was corroborated by rearing Pieris napi under a variety of critical day length regimes producing mixed broods of directly developing and diapausing individuals, and by outdoor rearings of cohorts of larvae of P. napi and P. rapae initiated throughout the season. The prediction that partial second generations should be female biased was corroborated by laboratory rearings at constant temperature of P. napi (Pieridae), Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae), and Pararge aegeria (Satyridae) under critical day length conditions, producing female-biased sex ratio under direct, and male-biased sex ratio under diapause development.  相似文献   

Indirect genetics effects (IGEs)—when the genotype of one individual affects the phenotypic expression of a trait in another—may alter evolutionary trajectories beyond that predicted by standard quantitative genetic theory as a consequence of genotypic evolution of the social environment. For IGEs to occur, the trait of interest must respond to one or more indicator traits in interacting conspecifics. In quantitative genetic models of IGEs, these responses (reaction norms) are termed interaction effect coefficients and are represented by the parameter psi (Ψ). The extent to which Ψ exhibits genetic variation within a population, and may therefore itself evolve, is unknown. Using an experimental evolution approach, we provide evidence for a genetic basis to the phenotypic response caused by IGEs on sexual display traits in Drosophila serrata. We show that evolution of the response is affected by sexual but not natural selection when flies adapt to a novel environment. Our results indicate a further mechanism by which IGEs can alter evolutionary trajectories—the evolution of interaction effects themselves.  相似文献   

Genetically polymorphic species offer the possibility to study maintenance of genetic variation and the potential role for genetic drift in population divergence. Indirect inference of the selection regimes operating on polymorphic traits can be achieved by comparing population divergence in neutral genetic markers with population divergence in trait frequencies. Such an approach could further be combined with ecological data to better understand agents of selection. Here, we infer the selective regimes acting on a polymorphic mating trait in an insect group; the dorsal structures (either rough or smooth) of female diving beetles. Our recent work suggests that the rough structures have a sexually antagonistic function in reducing male mating attempts. For two species (Dytiscus lapponicus and Graphoderus zonatus), we could not reject genetic drift as an explanation for population divergence in morph frequencies, whereas for the third (Hygrotus impressopunctatus) we found that divergent selection pulls morph frequencies apart across populations. Furthermore, population morph frequencies in H. impressopunctatus were significantly related to local bioclimatic factors, providing an additional line of evidence for local adaptation in this species. These data, therefore, suggest that local ecological factors and sexual conflict interact over larger spatial scales to shape population divergence in the polymorphism.  相似文献   

Avian plumage colors are frequently used in studies of sexual selection, yet surprisingly little is known about how these traits evolve under different mating systems. We compared historical rates of divergence in male color patterns among the oropendolas and caciques (genera Cacicus , Gymnostinops, Ocyalus , and Psarocolius ), a group with both polygynous and monogamous representatives. Reconstructing the evolution of individual color patches on a molecular phylogeny showed that overall color patterns have changed much more rapidly in oropendolas, which comprise two groups that evolved polygyny independently, than in caciques, which are predominantly monogamous. None of these taxa are notably sexually dichromatic, however, suggesting that higher rates of plumage evolution occurred in both sexes rather than just males. Despite high rates of change, color patterns show few examples of convergence among taxa, similar to the lack of homoplasy in male song among oropendolas but in a stark contrast to the repeated convergence in both plumage and song patterns found in a closely related, monogamous clade, the New World orioles ( Icterus ). Our results support previous suggestions that display traits evolve more rapidly and with less homoplasy in polygynous mating systems, and we provide surprising evidence that these patterns may occur in both sexes.  相似文献   

In the breeding system of Pacific salmon, females compete for oviposition territories, and males compete to fertilize eggs. The natural selection in females and sexual selection in males likely has been responsible for their elaborate breeding morphologies and the dimorphism between the sexes. We quantified direct-selection intensities during breeding on mature coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), measured for seven phenotypic characters, including three secondary sexual characters. Wild and sea-ranched hatchery coho were used to enhance the range of phenotypes over which selection could be examined. The fish were allowed to breed in experimental arenas where we could quantify components of breeding success as well as estimate overall breeding success. We found that without competition, natural selection acts only on female body size for increased egg production; there is no detectable selection on males for the phenotypic distribution we used. Under competition, the opportunity for selection increased sixfold among females. Natural selection favored female body size and caudal-peduncle (tail) depth. Increased body size meant increased egg production and access to nesting territories. The caudal peduncle, used in burst swimming and nest digging, influenced both successful egg deposition and nest survival. Increasing density increased competition among females, though it did not significantly intensify natural selection on their characters. In males, competition increased the opportunity for selection 52-fold, which was nine times greater than for females. Sexual selection favored male body size and hooked snout length, both characters directly influencing male access to spawning opportunities. Selection on male body size was also affected significantly by breeding density. The ability of large males to control access to spawning females decreased at higher densities reflecting an increase in the operational sex ratio. Further, the relative success of small males, which could sneak access to spawning females, appeared to increase as that of intermediate-sized males decreased. Such disruptive selection may be responsible for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics in salmon.  相似文献   

Maturation is a developmental trait that plays a key role in shaping organisms’ life‐history. However, progress in understanding how maturation phenotypes evolve has been held back by confusion over how best to model maturation decisions and a lack of studies comparing genotypic variation in maturation. Here, we fitted probabilistic maturation reaction norms (PMRNs) to data collected from five clones of Daphnia magna and five of Daphnia pulex collected from within and between different populations. We directly compared the utility of modeling approaches that assume maturation to be a process with an instantaneous rate with those that do not by fitting maturation rate and logistic regression models, and emphasize similarities and differences between them. Our results demonstrate that in Daphnia, PMRNs using a logistic regression approach were simpler to use and provided a better fit to the data. The decision to mature was plastic across a range of growth trajectories and dependent upon both body size and age. However, the age effect was stronger in D. magna than D. pulex and varied considerably between clones. Our results support the idea that maturation thresholds can evolve but also suggest that the notion of a threshold based on a single fixed state is an oversimplification that underestimates the adaptability of these important traits.  相似文献   

The calling song of male crickets, including Oecanthus nigricornis (Walker), attracts females for mating and provides a model system of sexual communication. We give the first conclusive identification of a feature of cricket song that is both attractive to females and indicates a phenotypic feature (body size) that determines male mating success and female reproductive benefits. We do this by first testing for correlations between song characteristics and aspects of male phenotype that are hypothesized to indicate male quality. We show that song is a reliable indicator of male size and male age, and that large male size is associated with increased female fecundity. We then use playbacks of synthetic songs that mimic natural variation in song parameters to study song preferences and we compare preferences under different presentation regimes to determine whether choices are based on relative song quality or some fixed criterion. Females show a preference for the lower frequency songs produced by large males, but only during simultaneous playbacks. Thus female choice is based on the relative quality of calls that can be sampled simultaneously. These results provide strong support for the hypothesis that females use variation in calling song to assess male mate quality.  相似文献   

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