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New syntaxa of different hierarchical levels are here described in order to update the “Syntaxonomic checklist of the Italian classes, orders and alliances (Vegetation Prodrome of Italy)”, promoted in 2012 by the “Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Protection” in collaboration with the “Italian Society of Botany”. The new alliances, suballiances and associations belong to the Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae and Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvaticae classes.  相似文献   

We drew up a checklist of the Italian vegetation (http://www.prodromo-vegetazione-italia.org/), up to the syntaxonomical rank of alliance. During the compilation of this checklist, we observed that some syntaxa were invalidly published. For this reason, in this article we validated some syntaxa names and, at the same time, described new syntaxa of different hierarchical levels. Therefore, 10 new orders, 1 new suborder, 18 new alliances, 3 new suballiances and 5 new associations are described here. These new syntaxa belong to the following classes: Adiantetea capilli-veneris, Parietarietea judaicae, Thlaspietea rotundifolii, Artemisietea vulgaris, Stellarietea mediae, Galio aparines–Urticetea dioicae, Mulgedio alpini–Aconitetea variegati, Trifolio medii–Geranietea sanguinei, Festuco-Seslerietea, Salicetea herbaceae, Festuco valesiacae–Brometea erecti, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Cisto cretici–Micromerietea julianae, Rhamno catharticae–Prunetea spinosae, Salici purpureae–Populetea nigrae, Salicetea purpureae, Quercetea ilicis and Querco roboris–Fagetea sylvaticae.  相似文献   


A phytosociological study of the alliance Carpinion orientalis in the hilly and subcoastal areas of the Italian peninsula is presented. These woods are included in the suballiances Laburno-Ostryenion and Lauro-Quercenion; the distinction between these two suballiances is not always easy also because of the conservation status of these forest ecosystems. The hilly and subcoastal Turkey oak woods of the alliance Carpinion orientalis are mainly distributed on the Adriatic side of the Italian peninsula, where they are found on neutro-basic substrata to which these coenoses are linked. The Turkey oak woods of the alliance Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis are strongly linked to the acidic substrata typical of the Tyrrhenian side, but are sporadically found on the Adriatic side within small enclaves with more acidic substrata. A numerical analysis allowed us to rearrange the lower hierarchical levels of the associations of Turkey oak woods of the alliance Carpinion orientalis. In particular, the association Lonicero xylostei-Quercetum cerridis is included in the alliance Carpinion orientalis, and the new subassociation festucetosum exaltatae is proposed. The subassociation rosetosum arvensis is proposed for the association Daphno laureolae-Quercetum cerridis, and the new subassociation cytisophylletosum sessilifolii of the association Aceri obtusati-Quercetum cerridis is described.  相似文献   

Six tall herb and fern vegetation types in Røldal have been investigated. They are referred to the alliances Lactucion alpinae and Alno–Ulmion. Lactucion alpinae is divided into two suballiances, one oligotrophic to mesotrophic (Dryoptero–Calamagrostenion purpureae) to which are referred Athyrium distentifolium– Salix scrub, and Athyrium distentifolium meadow, and one eutrophic (Lactucenion alpinae) to which belongs Geranium sylvatkum meadow and Lactuca alpina meadow. Alnus incana forest, herb/fern and Matteuccia struthiopteris types belong to Alno–Ulmion. Lactucion alpinae is considered subalpine, whilst Alno Uimion is prealpine.
The pre– and subalpine zones are considered oceanic sections of middle– and upper oroboreal vegetation zones.  相似文献   

The present work collects the new names of syntaxa (in the sense of the Code of phytosociological nomenclature,Barkman et al. 1986) above subassociation rank found in the literature received by the Library of the Conservatoire Botanique in Geneva. For the year 1994 851 names were listed corresponding to 34 classes, 55 orders, 2 suborders, 128 alliances, 29 suballiances, and 603 associations. For each of them, an assessment of its validity is given relating to the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. 72 names are given to add to the Indices 1991, 1992, 1993 (Theurillat & Moravec 1994, 1995, 1996).  相似文献   

Abstract. Plant communities of trampled soil dominated by plants characterized by the C4-assimilation syndrome were investigated in Europe. These species, belonging to genera such as Chamaesyce, Amaranthus, Eleusine, Eragrostis and Setaria, are thermophilous, late-germinating, prostrate herbs or grasses. The centre of their distribution is in the (Sub)Tropics. A syntaxonomic revision of the phytosociological material from Europe (incl. the Macaronesian Archipelago) revealed three alliances: the Euphorbion prostratae from Spain, the Polycarpo-Eleusinion indicae from Italy, and Slovenian and Croatian Istria, and the Eragrostio-Polygonion arenastri from temperate regions of Europe. The latter two syntaxa are described as new. All three alliances belong to the order Eragrostietalia (class Stellarietea mediae). Vicarious (ecologically analogous) communities occur also in southern Africa, eastern Asia and North America. The communities studied in the present paper are considered to be an impoverished form of highly diversified trampled plant communities typical of (sub)tropical areas.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Behandelt werden montane Trittpflanzengesellschaften (s. Tab. 1–3), ihre Gliederung und syntaxonomische Stellung. Gemeinsamen Besonderheiten entsprechend werden sie innerhalb der Plantaginetalia bzw. Agrostietalia in vikariierenden Verbänden/Unterverbänden, Alchemillo-Ranunculion, Poenion supinae, Alchemillo-Saginenion, zusammengefaßt.
Summary Plantaginetea communities of the montane belt of Central Europe (see table 1–3) are discussed as regards their systematical order and syntaxonomical arrangement. In accordance with the features they have in common they are classified within Plantaginetalia respectively Agrostietalia invicariant alliances/suballiances: Alchemillo-Ranunculion, Poenion supinae, Alchemillo-Saginenion.
Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. E. Oberdorfer zum 75. Geburtstag.  相似文献   

Armillaria is a genus of root-infecting fungi composed of several biological species in North America and Europe. To examine relatedness among biological species, ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from one isolate was cloned and rDNAs from 30 isolates were mapped for eight restriction enzymes. The positions of the large (26S) and small (18S) rRNA cistrons were found by Northern hybridizations of total cellular RNA with rDNA subclones and by alignment of maps with conserved restriction sites present in rRNA genes of other fungi. Nine restriction-site and two length polymorphisms were observed. Eight North American (Roman numerals) and five European (species epithets) biological species could be placed in six classes with respect to rDNA maps (rDNA class 1: I and A. ostoyae; class 2: II; class 3: A. borealis; class 4: V, IX, and X; class 5: III, VII, A. lutea, and A. cepistipes; and class 6: VI and A. mellea). Most, but not all, polymorphisms were in intergenic regions.  相似文献   

Syntaxonomical study of Italian wall vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A syntaxonomical study of Italian wall vegetation based on classification and ordination of a large phytosociological data set from various authors (using the IAHOPA program) has confirmed the alliances Centrantho-Parietarion and Galio-Parietarion (order Parietarietalia judaicae, class Parietarietea judaicae), as already proposed by traditional syntaxonomy. The variation in humidity and the north-south geographical gradient are shown to be the most significant factors for the differentiation of this vegetation in Italy. The presence of some associations belonging to the class Asplenietea trichomanis (alliance Cystopteridion, Potentillion caulescentis and Centaureo-Campanulion) shows a strong connection with natural rock vegetation.  相似文献   

Changes in land use patterns and vegetation can trigger ecological change in occupancy and community composition. Among the potential ecological consequences of land use change is altered susceptibility to occupancy by invasive species. We investigated the responses of three introduced mammals (red deer, Cervus elaphus; wild boar, Sus scrofa; and European hare, Lepus europaeus) to replacement of native vegetation by exotic pine plantations in the Patagonian forest‐steppe ecotone using camera‐trap surveys (8633 trap‐days). We used logistic regression models to relate species presence with habitat variables at stand and landscape scales. Red deer and wild boar used pine plantations significantly more frequently than native vegetation. In contrast, occurrence of European hares did not differ between pine plantations and native vegetation, although hares were recorded more frequently in firebreaks than in plantations or native vegetation. Presence of red deer and wild boar was positively associated with cover of pine plantations at the landscape scale, and negatively associated with mid‐storey cover and diversity at the stand scale. European hares preferred sites with low arboreal and mid‐storey cover. Our results suggest that pine plantations promote increased abundances of invasive species whose original distributions are associated with woodlands (red deer and wild boar), and could act as source or pathways for invasive species to new areas.  相似文献   

Juniperus macrocarpa is a threatened taxon growing on coastal areas of the Mediterranean region. A remarkable part of its communities are included in Juniperion turbinatae, considered as priority habitats for conservation in the Habitats Directive 92/43 EEC. We have summarized the current status of this type of vegetation, including the described associations of this alliance in order to analyse the variability of the syntaxa, based on its floristic composition and geographic distribution. The available relevés were arranged in a synthetic table and subjected to a detendred correspondence analysis. Two new suballiances (Juniperenion turbinatae and Asparago orientalis-Juniperenion macrocarpae) have been proposed. A typological classification of these communities with ecological and biogeographical diagnoses is given.  相似文献   



Which major syntaxa of dry grasslands supported by carbonate bedrock occur in the central and southern Balkans? What is their position along major ecological gradients and in the context of phytogeographic patterns of the region?


Central and southern Balkans, including western Bulgaria, northern Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia (FYROM) and Serbia.


We compiled a matrix of 660 relevés of dry grasslands over lime‐rich bedrock, previously classified in the Festuco‐Brometea. We applied clustering techniques to classify separately synoptic and relevé data, and applied NMDS with passive projection of indicator values, climatic data and biogeographic geo‐elements onto ordination diagrams to assist interpretation of the syntaxonomic patterns. We constructed elevation distribution profiles for alliances and classes of grasslands of several grassland classes from a broader study area to elucidate the relationship of the elevational sorting of the syntaxa in relation to latitude.


The analysis revealed six major vegetation types, classified into four orders: (1) Stipo pulcherrimae‐Festucetalia pallentis, incl. (sub)montane rocky steppic grasslands of the Saturejion montanae of central Balkans, and the Koelerio‐Festucion dalmaticae – submontane rocky grasslands of southern Serbia and Kosovo; (2) Astragalo onobrychidis‐Potentilletalia represented by the Saturejo‐Thymion (low‐elevation steppic grasslands of southern Balkans); (3) Festucetalia valesiacae represented by grasslands on deep soil and low elevation of northern Greece, and finally (4) high‐elevation rocky grasslands of southern Balkans, classified as a new alliance – Diantho haematocalycis‐Festucion hirtovaginatae, that might belong to a new, yet undescribed, syntaxonomic order. Ordination suggests that the major differentiation of the high‐rank syntaxa follows north–south geographic and low–high elevation gradients.


Because of the transitional biogeographic position of the studied region, as well as considerable large elevation span across latitudes, the diversity of vegetation types is high. The indication a putative new dry grassland order, the mid‐high altitudes of the southern Balkans points to a need to re‐assess the Balkan vegetation occupying the community niche between the low‐elevation dry grasslands (Festuco‐Brometea) and those typical of high elevations (Elyno‐Seslerietea and Daphno‐Festucetea), seeking parallels to patterns described from the western Alps, Pyrenees, and Apennines. This syntaxonomic unit is poised to expand the concept of the Festuco hystricis‐Ononidetea striatae to the Balkans.

Up till now 22 plant associations of springs and mountain brooks are known in Czechoslovakia. They can be arranged in 6 alliances:Cardaminion amarae, Cardamino-Montion, Swertio-Anisothecion squarrosi, Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae, Cratoneurion commutati andLycopo-Cratoneurion. Three alliances, two associations and one subassocíation are described as new ones, three associations are renamed.  相似文献   

The Pinus halepensis Mill. forest vegetation of the central-eastern European Mediterranean basin (France, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece) is described here. This study was carried out considering published and unpublished phytosociological data, with the organisation of a systematic classification (syntaxonomic scheme) of the order Pinetalia halepensis according to the principal floristic variations, at multiple spatial scales and according to the physiognomic–structural, floristic, ecological and biogeographical characteristics. Five alliances and 25 associations are recognised.  相似文献   

To obtain the characteristics of Chinese alpine grassy marshland, the vegetation of Ruoergai marshland, which is the largest peatland in China, and of neighboring areas was surveyed along mountain slopes in three areas, Ouhailao, Waqie and Kaharqiao. Based on the clustering of 122 1 m × 1 m quadrats surveyed, the vegetation was grouped into 8 types. From bottom to top of mountain slopes, the dominant species, zonally established, were: 1) Carex enervis and Equisetum limosum; 2) Carex meyeriana; 3) Deschampsia caespitosa, Caltha scaposa and Anemone obtusiloba; 4) Koeleria cristata; 5) Kobresia tibetica and Caltha scaposa; 6) Blysmus sinocompressus; 7) Polygonum sphaerostachyum and Trollius ranuncloides; and 8) Ranunculus pedicularis. In this order, species richness increased gradually along the slopes. A principal component analysis demonstrated that water depth partly regulated the establishment of vegetation. The geographical difference of vegetation was also observed, in particular, in Waqie. Likewise, grazing is considered to modify this vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract. A phytosociological survey of the tundra vegetation of the Kola Peninsula, Russia according to the Braun-Blanquet approach is presented. The areas examined comprise the treeless zones along the shores of the White Sea and the Barents Sea as well as mountain areas above the timberline. Plant communities were assigned to five alliances: Loiseleurio-Diapension on dry, wind-swept habitats on summits and wind-eroded sites in the lowland; Phyllodoco-Vaccinion myrtilli on well-drained soils with intermediate snow cover and moisture status, mostly in the lowlands and lower belts of mountain tundra; Nardo-Caricion bigelowii comprising early snowbed and Salicion herbaceae late snowbed communities; Adenostylion alliariae comprising mesophilous tall-herb communities along mountain springs and in wind-protected and well-drained sites near the sea shore. A DCA-ordination showed that two major gradients determine the varation in tundra vegetation, altitude and topography, which are connected to variation in snow cover. The syntaxa described are well-differentiated, although they form a syntaxonomical continuum.  相似文献   

The marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea in Croatia is presented in a single place for the first time. All the available relevés from the literature have been assembled and supplemented with the results of field research. Thirty-three communities have been established, shown in a synoptic table drawn up on the basis of 486 relevés. The communities are understood according to the traditional syntaxonomic system based on the dominant or diagnostic species. For the purposes of comparison, the marshland vegetation is classified using numerical methods as well. The results obtained show that most clusters correspond to specific associations, but do not confirm the division into vegetation alliances and orders. The marshland communities with the most relevés in the dataset, and that therefore can be considered the most widespread in Croatia, are: Phragmitetum australis, Caricetum gracilis, and Galio palustris-Caricetum ripariae. The marshland vegetation is also analysed from the standpoint of nature conservation. In the dataset studied, 59 taxa from the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia are identified as threatened, the 15 most endangered marshland communities are separated, and 10 neophytes and one neophyte association are registered. The diversity of marshland vegetation, and of the associated plant species, is considerably higher in inland Croatia than along the Adriatic coast, which is probably a result of the geological bedrock, climate and, in some places, halophile conditions.  相似文献   

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