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Populations of the tristylous, annual Eichhornia paniculata are markedly differentiated with respect to frequency of mating types. This variation is associated with evolutionary changes in mating system, from predominant outcrossing to high self-fertilization. To assess the potential influence of genetic drift acting on this variation, we estimated effective population size in 10 populations from northeastern Brazil using genetic and demographic methods. Effective size (Ne) was inferred from temporal changes in allele frequency at two to eight isozyme loci and also calculated using five demographic variables: 1) the number of flowering individuals (N); 2) temporal fluctuations in N; 3) variance in flower number; 4) frequency of mating types; and 5) selfing rate. Average Ne based on isozyme data was 15.8, range 3.4–70.6, and represented a fraction (mean Ne/N = 0.106) of the census number of individuals (mean N = 762.8; range: 30.5–5,040). Temporal variation in N and variance in flower number each reduced Ne to about a half of N whereas mating type frequencies and selfing rate caused only small reductions in Ne relative to N. All estimates of Ne based on demographic variables were considerably larger than those obtained from genetic data. The two kinds of estimates were in general agreement, however, when all demographic variables were combined into a single measure. Monte Carlo simulations indicated that effective size must be fewer than about 40 for drift to overcome the frequency-dependent selection that maintains the polymorphism for mating type. Applying the average Ne/N value to 167 populations censused in northeastern Brazil indicated that 72% had effective sizes below this number. This suggests that genetic drift is likely to play a dominant role in natural populations of E. paniculata.  相似文献   

Throughout southeastern North America, the annual morning glory Ipomoea purpurea exhibits a polymorphism at a locus that influences the intensity of floral pigmentation. Previous studies have shown that when rare, the homozygous white genotype has a greater selfing rate than the homozygous dark genotype. In the absence of pollen discounting (a reduction in transmission of pollen to other plants by genotypes that exhibit increased selfing) and inbreeding depression, this increased selfing rate should favor the white allele. Experiments reported here confirm that the white genotype has elevated selfing rates when rare but indicate pollen discounting is not associated with elevated selfing. Rather, white genotypes contribute more pollen to the outcross pollen pool. The disparity between genotypes in both selfing rates and success at pollen contribution to other plants disappears at intermediate to high frequencies of the white allele. Pollinator movements are consistent with the pattern of selfing. These results suggest that elevated selfing and enhanced success at pollen donation contribute to maintenance of the white allele in natural populations of morning glories.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the phylogenetic history of Pontederiaceae using chloroplast DNA restriction-site variation from approximately two-thirds of the species in this family of aquatic monocotyledons. The molecular phylogeny was used to evaluate hypotheses concerning the evolution of reproductive characters associated with the breeding system. The family has four main genera, two of which (Eichhornia and Pontederia) have tristylous, predominantly outcrossing species, while two (Monochoria and Heteranthera) have enantiostylous taxa. Self-incompatibility is restricted to some but not all tristylous species. In Eichhornia and Pontederia, predominantly selfing species with small monomorphic flowers (homostyly) have been hypothesized to result from the multiple breakdown of tristyly. Restriction-site variation provided a well supported phylogeny of ingroup taxa, enabling the mapping of reproductive characters onto trees. Two contrasting optimization schemes were assessed, differing in the relative weights assigned to shifts in character states. The reconstructed sequence of floral character-state change was used to assess competing hypotheses concerning the origin and breakdown of tristyly, and the relationships between tristylous and enantiostylous syndromes. Our results indicate that the class of optimization scheme used was the most critical factor in reconstructing character evolution. Despite some topological uncertainties and difficulty in reconstructing the primitive floral form in the family, several broad conclusions were possible when an unordered, unequally-weighted optimization scheme was used: (1) tristyly originated either once or twice, while the occurrence of enantiostyly in Monochoria and Heteranthera was always found to have independent origins; (2) tristyly has repeatedly broken down leading to selfing, homostylous taxa; and (3) self-incompatibility probably arose after the origin of floral trimorphism, a sequence of events that conflicts with some evolutionary models.  相似文献   

The evolution of self‐fertilization is one of the most commonly traversed transitions in flowering plants, with profound implications for population genetic structure and evolutionary potential. We investigated factors influencing this transition using Witheringia solanacea, a predominantly self‐incompatible (SI) species within which self‐compatible (SC) genotypes have been identified. We showed that self‐compatibility in this species segregates with variation at the S‐locus as inherited by plants in F1 and F2 generations. To examine reproductive assurance and the transmission advantage of selfing, we placed SC and SI genotypes in genetically replicated gardens and monitored male and female reproductive success, as well as selfing rates of SC plants. Self‐compatibility did not lead to increased fruit or seed set, even under conditions of pollinator scarcity, and the realized selfing rate of SC plants was less than 10%. SC plants had higher fruit abortion rates, consistent with previous evidence showing strong inbreeding depression at the embryonic stage. Although the selfing allele did not provide reproductive assurance under observed conditions, it also did not cause pollen discounting, so the transmission advantage of selfing should promote its spread. Given observed numbers of S‐alleles and selfing rates, self‐compatibility should spread even under conditions of exceedingly high initial inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The distribution of neutral genetic variability within and among sets of populations results from the combined actions of genetic drift, migration, extinction and recolonization processes, mutation, and the mating system. We here analyzed these factors in 38 populations of the hermaphroditic snail Bulinus truncatus. The sampling area covered a large part of the species range. The variability was analyzed using four polymorphic microsatellite loci. A very large number of alleles (up to 55) was found at the level of the whole study. Observed heterozygote deficiencies within populations are consistent with very high selfing rates, generally above 0.80, in all populations. These should depress the variability within populations, because of low effective size, genetic hitchhiking, and background selection, whatever the model of mutation assumed. However, that some populations exhibit much more variability than others suggests that historical demographic processes (e.g., population size variation, bottlenecks, or founding events) may play a significant role. A hierarchical analysis of the distribution of the variability across populations indicates a strong pattern of isolation by distance, whatever the geographical scale considered. Our analysis also illustrates how the mutation rate may affect population differentiation, as different mutation rates result in different levels of homoplasy at microsatellite loci. The effects of both genetic drift and gene flow vary with the temporal and spatial scales considered in B. truncatus populations.  相似文献   

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