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Elucidating the mechanisms of specific small‐molecule (ligand) recognition by proteins is a long‐standing conundrum. While the structures of these molecules, proteins and ligands, have been extensively studied, protein–ligand interactions, or binding modes, have not been comprehensively analyzed. Although methods for assessing similarities of binding site structures have been extensively developed, the methods for the computational treatment of binding modes have not been well established. Here, we developed a computational method for encoding the information about binding modes as graphs, and assessing their similarities. An all‐against‐all comparison of 20,040 protein–ligand complexes provided the landscape of the protein–ligand binding modes and its relationships with protein‐ and chemical spaces. While similar proteins in the same SCOP Family tend to bind relatively similar ligands with similar binding modes, the correlation between ligand and binding similarities was not very high (R2 = 0.443). We found many pairs with novel relationships, in which two evolutionally distant proteins recognize dissimilar ligands by similar binding modes (757,474 pairs out of 200,790,780 pairs were categorized into this relationship, in our dataset). In addition, there were an abundance of pairs of homologous proteins binding to similar ligands with different binding modes (68,217 pairs). Our results showed that many interesting relationships between protein–ligand complexes are still hidden in the structure database, and our new method for assessing binding mode similarities is effective to find them.  相似文献   

The design of protein–peptide interactions has a wide array of practical applications and also reveals insight into the basis for molecular recognition. Here, we present the redesign of a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) protein scaffold, along with its corresponding peptide ligand. We show that the binding properties of these protein–peptide pairs can be understood, quantitatively, using straightforward chemical considerations. The recognition pairs we have developed are also practically useful for the specific identification of tagged proteins. We demonstrate the facile replacement of these proteins, which we have termed T‐Mods (TPR‐based recognition module), for antibodies in both detection and purification applications. The new protein–peptide pair has a dissociation constant that is weaker than typical antibody–antigen interactions, yet the recognition pair is highly specific and we have shown that this affinity is sufficient for both Western blotting and affinity purification. Moreover, we demonstrate that this more moderate affinity is actually advantageous for purification applications, because extremely harsh conditions are not required to dissociate the T‐Mod‐peptide interaction. The results we present are important, not only because they represent a successful application of protein design but also because they help define the properties that should be sought in other scaffolds that are being developed as antibody replacements.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) represent an essential aspect of plant systems biology. Identification of key protein players and their interaction networks provide crucial insights into the regulation of plant developmental processes and into interactions of plants with their environment. Despite the great advance in the methods for the discovery and validation of PPIs, still several challenges remain. First, the PPI networks are usually highly dynamic, and the in vivo interactions are often transient and difficult to detect. Therefore, the properties of the PPIs under study need to be considered to select the most suitable technique, because each has its own advantages and limitations. Second, besides knowledge on the interacting partners of a protein of interest, characteristics of the interaction, such as the spatial or temporal dynamics, are highly important. Hence, multiple approaches have to be combined to obtain a comprehensive view on the PPI network present in a cell. Here, we present the progress in commonly used methods to detect and validate PPIs in plants with a special emphasis on the PPI features assessed in each approach and how they were or can be used for the study of plant interactions with their environment.  相似文献   

As protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are involved in many cellular events, development of mammalian cytosolic PPI detection systems is important for drug discovery as well as understanding biological phenomena. We have previously reported a c-kit-based PPI screening (KIPPIS) system, in which proteins of interest were fused with a receptor tyrosine kinase c-kit, leading to intracellular PPI-dependent cell growth. However, it has not been investigated whether PPI can be detected using other receptors. In this study, we employed a thrombopoietin receptor, which belongs to the Type I cytokine receptor family, to develop a thrombopoietin receptor-based PPI screening (THROPPIS) system. To improve the sensitivity of THROPPIS, we examined two strategies of (i) localization of the chimeric receptors on the cell membrane, and (ii) addition of a helper module to the chimeric receptors. Intriguingly, the nonlocalized chimeric receptor showed the best performance of THROPPIS. Furthermore, the addition of the helper module dramatically improved the detection sensitivity. In total, 5 peptide–domain interactions were detected successfully, demonstrating the versatility of THROPPIS. In addition, a peptide–domain interaction was detected even when insulin receptor or epidermal growth factor receptor was used as a signaling domain, demonstrating that this PPI detection system can be extended to other receptors.  相似文献   

Collagen is a natural protein, which is used as a vital biomaterial in tissue engineering. The major concern about native collagen is lack of its thermal stability and weak resistance to proteolytic degradation. In this scenario, the crosslinking compounds used for stabilization of collagen are mostly of chemical nature and exhibit toxicity. The enzyme mediated crosslinking of collagen provides a novel alternative, nontoxic method for stabilization. In this study, aldehyde forming enzyme (AFE) is used in the bioconversion of hydroxylmethyl groups of collagen to formyl groups that results in the formation of peptidyl aldehyde. The resulted peptidyl aldehyde interacts with bipolar ions of basic amino acid residues of collagen. Further interaction leads to the formation of conjugated double bonds (aldol condensation involving the aldehyde group of peptidyl aldehyde) within the collagen. The enzyme modified collagen matrices have shown an increase in the denaturation temperature, when compared with native collagen. Enzyme modified collagen membranes exhibit resistance toward collagenolytic activity. Moreover, they exhibited a nontoxic nature. The catalytic activity of AFE on collagen as a substrate establishes an efficient modification, which enhances the structural stability of collagen. This finds new avenues in the context of protein–protein stabilization and discovers paramount application in tissue engineering. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 903–911, 2014.  相似文献   

Nidhi Singh  Arieh Warshel 《Proteins》2010,78(7):1724-1735
One of the most important requirements in computer‐aided drug design is the ability to reliably evaluate the binding free energies. However, the process of ligand binding is very complex because of the intricacy of the interrelated processes that are difficult to predict and quantify. In fact, the deeper understanding of the origin of the observed binding free energies requires the ability to decompose these free energies to their contributions from different interactions. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate the relative entropic and enthalpic contributions to the overall free energy. Such an evaluation is useful for assessing temperature effects and exploring specialized options in enzyme design. Unfortunately, calculations of binding entropies have been much more challenging than calculations of binding free energies. This work is probably the first to present microscopic evaluation of all of the relevant components to the binding entropy, namely configurational, polar solvation, and hydrophobic entropies. All of these contributions are evaluated by the restraint release approach. The calculated results shed an interesting light on major compensation effects in both the solvation and hydrophobic effect and, despite some overestimate, can provide very useful insight. This study also helps in analyzing some problems with the widely used molecular mechanics/Poisson‐Boltzmann surface area approach. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Force field accuracy is still one of the “stalemates” in biomolecular modeling. Model systems with high quality experimental data are valuable instruments for the validation and improvement of effective potentials. With respect to protein–ligand binding, organic host–guest complexes have long served as models for both experimental and computational studies because of the abundance of binding affinity data available for such systems. Binding affinity data collected for cyclodextrin (CD) inclusion complexes, a popular model for molecular recognition, is potentially a more reliable resource for tuning energy parameters than hydration free energy measurements. Convergence of binding free energy calculations on CD host–guest systems can also be obtained rapidly, thus offering the opportunity to assess the robustness of these parameters. In this work, we demonstrate how implicit solvent parameters can be developed using binding affinity experimental data and the binding energy distribution analysis method (BEDAM) and validated using the Grid Inhomogeneous Solvation Theory analysis. These new solvation parameters were used to study protein–ligand binding in two drug targets against the HIV‐1 virus and improved the agreement between the calculated and the experimental binding affinities. This work illustrates how benchmark sets of high quality experimental binding affinity data and physics‐based binding free energy models can be used to evaluate and optimize force fields for protein–ligand systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of integral membrane receptors with key roles in regulating signaling pathways targeted by therapeutics, but are difficult to study using existing proteomics technologies due to their complex biochemical features. To obtain a global view of GPCR‐mediated signaling and to identify novel components of their pathways, we used a modified membrane yeast two‐hybrid (MYTH) approach and identified interacting partners for 48 selected full‐length human ligand‐unoccupied GPCRs in their native membrane environment. The resulting GPCR interactome connects 686 proteins by 987 unique interactions, including 299 membrane proteins involved in a diverse range of cellular functions. To demonstrate the biological relevance of the GPCR interactome, we validated novel interactions of the GPR37, serotonin 5‐HT4d, and adenosine ADORA2A receptors. Our data represent the first large‐scale interactome mapping for human GPCRs and provide a valuable resource for the analysis of signaling pathways involving this druggable family of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A single plasmid that allows controlled coexpression has been developed for use in mycobacteria. The tetracycline inducible promoter, PtetO, was used to provide tetracycline‐dependent induction of one gene, while the Psmyc, Pimyc, or Phsp promoters were used to provide three different levels of constitutive expression of a second gene. The functions of these four individual promoters were established using green fluorescent protein (GFP) and a newly identified red fluorescence inducible protein from Geobacillus sterothermophilus strain G1.13 (RFIP) as reporters. The tandem use of GFP and RFIP as reporter genes allowed optimization of the tunable coexpression in Mycobacterium smegmatis; either time at a fixed inducer concentration or changes in inducer concentration could be used to control the protein:protein ratio. This single vector system was used to coexpress the two‐protein Mycobacterium tuberculosis stearoyl‐CoA Δ9 desaturase complex (integral membrane desaturase Rv3229c and NADPH oxidoreductase Rv3230c) in M. smegmatis. The catalytic activity was found to increase in a manner corresponding to increasing the level of Rv3230c relative to a fixed level of Rv3229c. This system, which can yield finely tuned coexpression of the fatty acid desaturase complex in mycobacteria, may be useful for study of other multicomponent complexes. Furthermore, the tunable coexpression strategy used herein should also be applicable in other species with minor modifications.  相似文献   

The first EMBO workshop on ‘Protein–Protein Interaction Analysis & Modulation’ took place in June 2012 in Roscoff, France. It brought together researchers to discuss the growing field of protein network analysis and the modulation of protein–protein interactions, as well as outstanding related issues including the daunting challenge of integrating interactomes in systems biology and in the modelling of signalling networks.  相似文献   

Elucidating receptor–ligand and protein–protein interactions represents an attractive alternative for designing effective Plasmodium vivax control methods. This article describes the ability of P. vivax rhoptry neck proteins 2 and 4 (RON2 and RON4) to bind to human reticulocytes. Biochemical and cellular studies have shown that two PvRON2‐ and PvRON4‐derived conserved regions specifically interact with protein receptors on reticulocytes marked by the CD71 surface transferrin receptor. Mapping each protein fragment's binding region led to defining the specific participation of two 20 amino acid‐long regions selectively competing for PvRON2 and PvRON4 binding to reticulocytes. Binary interactions between PvRON2 (ligand) and other parasite proteins, such as PvRON4, PvRON5, and apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), were evaluated and characterised by surface plasmon resonance. The results revealed that both PvRON2 cysteine‐rich regions strongly interact with PvAMA1 Domains II and III (equilibrium constants in the nanomolar range) and at a lower extent with the complete PvAMA1 ectodomain and Domains I and II. These results strongly support that these proteins participate in P. vivax's complex invasion process, thus providing new pertinent targets for blocking P. vivax merozoites' specific entry to their target cells.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that small molecules can often act as effective protein–protein interaction (PPI) inhibitors, an area of increasing interest for its many possible therapeutic applications. We have identified several organic dyes and related small molecules that (i) concentration‐dependently inhibit the important CD40–CD154 costimulatory interaction with activities in the low micromolar (µM) range, (ii) show selectivity toward this particular PPI, (iii) seem to bind on the surface of CD154, and (iv) concentration‐dependently inhibit the CD154‐induced B cell proliferation. They were identified through an iterative activity screening/structural similarity search procedure starting with suramin as lead, and the best smaller compounds, the main focus of the present work, achieved an almost 3‐fold increase in ligand efficiency (ΔG0/nonhydrogen atom = 0.8 kJ/NnHa) approaching the average of known promising small‐molecule PPI inhibitors (~1.0 kJ/NnHa). Since CD154 is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily of cell surface interaction molecules, inhibitory activities on the TNF‐R1–TNF‐α interactions were also determined to test for specificity, and the compounds selected here all showed more than 30‐fold selectivity toward the CD40–CD154 interaction. Because of their easy availability in various structural scaffolds and because of their good protein‐binding ability, often explored for tissue‐specific staining and other purposes, such organic dyes can provide a valuable addition to the chemical space searched to identify small molecule PPI inhibitors in general. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In cellular systems, biophysical interactions between macromolecules underlie a complex web of functional interactions. How biophysical and functional networks are coordinated, whether all biophysical interactions correspond to functional interactions, and how such biophysical‐versus‐functional network coordination is shaped by evolutionary forces are all largely unanswered questions. Here, we investigate these questions using an “inter‐interactome” approach. We systematically probed the yeast and human proteomes for interactions between proteins from these two species and functionally characterized the resulting inter‐interactome network. After a billion years of evolutionary divergence, the yeast and human proteomes are still capable of forming a biophysical network with properties that resemble those of intra‐species networks. Although substantially reduced relative to intra‐species networks, the levels of functional overlap in the yeast–human inter‐interactome network uncover significant remnants of co‐functionality widely preserved in the two proteomes beyond human–yeast homologs. Our data support evolutionary selection against biophysical interactions between proteins with little or no co‐functionality. Such non‐functional interactions, however, represent a reservoir from which nascent functional interactions may arise.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) transfers electrons from cytochrome c (Cyt.c) to O2 to generate H2O, a process coupled to proton pumping. To elucidate the mechanism of electron transfer, we determined the structure of the mammalian Cyt.c–CcO complex at 2.0‐Å resolution and identified an electron transfer pathway from Cyt.c to CcO. The specific interaction between Cyt.c and CcO is stabilized by a few electrostatic interactions between side chains within a small contact surface area. Between the two proteins are three water layers with a long inter‐molecular span, one of which lies between the other two layers without significant direct interaction with either protein. Cyt.c undergoes large structural fluctuations, using the interacting regions with CcO as a fulcrum. These features of the protein–protein interaction at the docking interface represent the first known example of a new class of protein–protein interaction, which we term “soft and specific”. This interaction is likely to contribute to the rapid association/dissociation of the Cyt.c–CcO complex, which facilitates the sequential supply of four electrons for the O2 reduction reaction.  相似文献   

A simple, static contact mapping algorithm has been developed as a first step at identifying potential peptide biomimetics from protein interaction partner structure files. This rapid and simple mapping algorithm, “OpenContact” provides screened or parsed protein interaction files based on specified criteria for interatomic separation distances and interatomic potential interactions. The algorithm, which uses all‐atom Amber03 force field models, was blindly tested on several unrelated cases from the literature where potential peptide mimetics have been experimentally developed to varying degrees of success. In all cases, the screening algorithm efficiently predicted proposed or potential peptide biomimetics, or close variations thereof, and provided complete atom‐atom interaction data necessary for further detailed analysis and drug development. In addition, we used the static parsing/mapping method to develop a peptide mimetic to the cancer protein target, epidermal growth factor receptor. In this case, secondary, loop structure for the peptide was indicated from the intra‐protein mapping, and the peptide was subsequently synthesized and shown to exhibit successful binding to the target protein. The case studies, which all involved experimental peptide drug advancement, illustrate many of the challenges associated with the development of peptide biomimetics, in general. Proteins 2014; 82:2253–2262. © 2014 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nidhi Singh  Arieh Warshel 《Proteins》2010,78(7):1705-1723
Calculating the absolute binding free energies is a challenging task. Reliable estimates of binding free energies should provide a guide for rational drug design. It should also provide us with deeper understanding of the correlation between protein structure and its function. Further applications may include identifying novel molecular scaffolds and optimizing lead compounds in computer‐aided drug design. Available options to evaluate the absolute binding free energies range from the rigorous but expensive free energy perturbation to the microscopic linear response approximation (LRA/β version) and related approaches including the linear interaction energy (LIE) to the more approximated and considerably faster scaled protein dipoles Langevin dipoles (PDLD/S‐LRA version) as well as the less rigorous molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann/surface area (MM/PBSA) and generalized born/surface area (MM/GBSA) to the less accurate scoring functions. There is a need for an assessment of the performance of different approaches in terms of computer time and reliability. We present a comparative study of the LRA/β, the LIE, the PDLD/S‐LRA/β, and the more widely used MM/PBSA and assess their abilities to estimate the absolute binding energies. The LRA and LIE methods perform reasonably well but require specialized parameterization for the nonelectrostatic term. The PDLD/S‐LRA/β performs effectively without the need of reparameterization. Our assessment of the MM/PBSA is less optimistic. This approach appears to provide erroneous estimates of the absolute binding energies because of its incorrect entropies and the problematic treatment of electrostatic energies. Overall, the PDLD/S‐LRA/β appears to offer an appealing option for the final stages of massive screening approaches. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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