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Dispersal and dormancy are two strategies that allow recolonization of empty patches and escape from kin competition. Because they presumably respond to similar evolutionary forces, it is tempting to consider that these strategies may substitute for each other. Yet in order to predict the outcome of the evolution of dispersal and dormancy, and to characterize the emerging covariation between both traits, it is necessary to consider models where dispersal and dormancy evolve jointly. Here, we analyze the evolution of dispersal and dormancy as a function of direct fitness costs, environmental variation, and competition among relatives. We consider two scenarios depending on whether the rates of dormancy for philopatric and dispersed individuals are constrained to be the same (unconditional dormancy) or allowed to be different (conditional dormancy). We show that only philopatric individuals should enter dormancy, at a rate increasing with increasing rates of local extinction and decreasing population sizes. When dormancy and dispersal evolve jointly, we observe a wide range of evolutionary outcomes. In particular, we find that the pattern of covariation between the evolutionarily stable rates of dispersal and dormancy is molded by the rate of extinction and the local population size.  相似文献   

Summary I study the evolutionarily stable seasonal patterns of hatching and pupation for herbivorous insects that engage in exploitative competition for a renewable resource. A longer larval feeding period enhances female fecundity, but also causes a higher mortality by predation and parasitism. Previously, it was shown that the evolutionarily stable population exhibits asynchronous starting and ending of the larval feeding period in a model in which larval growth rate decreases with the total larval biomass in the population due presumably to interference competition. Here I study the case in which resource availability changes not only with environmental seasonality but with the depletion by the feeding of larvae. I find that if the impact of the herbivory is strong, both hatching and pupation should occur asynchronously in the evolutionarily stable population. And if the favourable season for the host plant is short the ESS population may include synchronous timing of pupation. If the timing of hatching and pupation occurs asynchronously, in the first day of each interval some fraction of the population hatch or pupate, respectively and the rest do so gradually over the interval. In addition, if the environmental variable changes as a symmetric function of time, the length of the period in which hatching occurs tends to be much shorter than the period in which pupation occurs.  相似文献   

半干旱区作物根系生长冗余的生态学分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
干旱是威胁农业生产的一个常见因子。在水分有限条件下,植物往往产生庞大的根系;这是自然选择的必然结果,是一个进化上稳定的生长对策(ESS)。但作物产量是一个种群水平上的属性;个体的ESS并不能优化整个群体的产量。我们提出在半干旱雨养农业地区作物受自然选择的影响在根系生长上往往失之于过快或过大,出现了“冗余”。通过育种或管理措施降低根系生长冗余可提高作物产量。  相似文献   

The evolution of traits that determine ability in competitive contests   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary We analyse mathematical models of the evolution of a trait that determines ability in contest competition. We assume that the value of the competitive trait affects two different components of fitness, one measuring the benefit of winning contests and the other measuring the cost of developing the competitive trait. Unlike previous analyses, we include the population dynamical consequences of larger competitive trait values. Exaggeration of the competitive trait reduces the mean probability of survival during the non-competitive stage of the life cycle. The resulting lower population density reduces competition and, therefore, reduces the advantages of greater competitive ability. Models without population dynamics often predict dimorphism in the competitive trait when resource possession is decided by interactions with many other individuals. If the competition involves a contest with a single other individual, models without population dynamics often predict cycles of increase and collapse in the trait or a continual increase, possibly resulting in extinction. When population dynamics are included, both of these results become less likely and a single stable trait value becomes more likely. Population dynamics also make it possible to have dimorphism when individuals have a single pairwise contest and alternative stable trait values when an individual has many contests. Increases in the value of the resource being contested may increase or decrease the evolutionarily stable size of the trait. Competition between very differently sized species will often decrease size in the larger species (character convergence).  相似文献   

Abrams 《Ecology letters》2001,4(2):166-175
In recent years, three related methods have been used to model the phenotypic dynamics of traits under the influence of natural selection. The first is based on an approximation to quantitative genetic recursion equations for sexual populations. The second is based on evolution in asexual lineages with mutation-generated variation. The third method finds an evolutionarily stable set of phenotypes for species characterized by a given set of fitness functions, assuming that the mode of reproduction places no constraints on the number of distinct types that can be maintained in the population. The three methods share the property that the rate of change of a trait within a homogeneous population is approximately proportional to the individual fitness gradient. The methods differ in assumptions about the potential magnitude of phenotypic differences in mutant forms, and in their assumptions about the probability that invasion or speciation occurs when a species has a stable, yet invadable phenotype. Determining the range of applicability of the different methods is important for assessing the validity of optimization methods in predicting the evolutionary outcome of ecological interactions. Methods based on quantitative genetic models predict that fitness minimizing traits will often be evolutionarily stable over significant time periods, while other approaches suggest this is likely to be rare. A more detailed study of cases of disruptive selection might reveal whether fitness-minimizing traits occur frequently in natural communities.  相似文献   

Theory concerning the evolution of life history (the schedule of reproduction and survival) focuses on describing the life history which maximises fitness. Although there is an intuitive link between life history and fitness, there are in fact several measures of the 'black box' concept of fitness. There has been a debate in the bio-mathematical literature on the predictive difference between the two most commonly used measures; intrinsic rate of increase r and net reproductive ratio R0. Although both measures aim to describe fitness, models using one of the measures may predict the opposite of similar models using the other measure, which is clearly undesirable. Here, I review the evolution of these fitness measures over the last four decades, the predictive differences between these measures and the resulting shift of the fitness concept. I focus in particular on some recent developments, which have solved the dilemma of predictive differences between these fitness measures by explicitly acknowledging the game-theoretical nature of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

The fixed and plastic traits possessed by a plant, which may be collectively thought of as its strategy, are commonly modelled as density‐independent adaptations to its environment. However, plant strategies may also represent density‐ or frequency‐dependent adaptations to the strategies used by neighbours. Game theory provides the tools to characterise such density‐ and frequency‐dependent interactions. Here, we review the contributions of game theory to plant ecology. After briefly reviewing game theory from the perspective of plant ecology, we divide our review into three sections. First, game theoretical models of allocation to shoots and roots often predict investment in those organs beyond what would be optimal in the absence of competition. Second, game theoretical models of enemy defence suggest that an individual's investment in defence is not only a means of reducing its own tissue damage but also a means of deflecting enemies onto competitors. Finally, game theoretical models of trade with mutualistic partners suggest that the optimal trade may reflect competition for access to mutualistic partners among plants. In short, our review provides an accessible entrance to game theory that will help plant ecologists enrich their research with its worldview and existing predictions.  相似文献   

Previous models of kleptoparasitism (resource stealing) assume that contests over resource items are of fixed duration. Here we suggest that such contests will often be well represented as a war of attrition, with the winner being the individual who is prepared to contest for the longer time. Given that time spent in contests cannot be used to search for other resource items, we provide an analytical expression for the evolutionarily stable distribution of contest times. This can be used to investigate the circumstances under which we would expect kleptoparasitism to evolve. In particular, we focus on situations where searching for conspecifics to kleptoparasitize can only be achieved at a cost of reduced resource discovery by other means; under such circumstances we show that kleptoparasitism is not evolutionarily stable.  相似文献   

Diurnal hawkmoths, Hemaris fuciformis, and bumblebees, Bombus pasquorum, were observed foraging for nectar in flowers of Viscaria vulgaris. The hawkmoths hovered in front of the flowers, while the bees perched on them. The hawkmoths had a faster probing rate than the bees, and consequently also had higher gross and net rates of energy gain. A model is presented that shows that hovering only yields a higher net rate of energy gain (NREG) than perching when nectar volumes are high due to low competition for the resource. The difference in NREG of perchers and hoverers decreases with an increase of competition, and eventually perching yields the highest NREG. This is an effect of the higher cost of hovering. The results suggest that hovering can only evolve as a pure evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) if competition is reduced, for example by co-evolutionary specializations with plants. The possibility that it has evolved as a mixed ESS (i.e. individuals can both hover and perch depending on the resource level) is discussed. The evolution of optimal foraging strategies is discussed, and it is pointed out that the rate of gain of an animal is independent of the strategy used when all competing foragers use the same strategy, but competitively superior strategies will nevertheless evolve because they are ESSs. Competition between strategies with different energy costs are special, because resource availability determines which strategy is competitively superior. A high-cost strategy can only evolve as a pure ESS at high resource levels, or as a mixed ESS at intermediate levels.  相似文献   

Competition between seeds within a fruit for parental resources is described using one-locus-two-allele models. While a “normal” allele leads to an equitable distribution of resources between seeds (a situation which also corresponds to the parental optimum), the “selfish” allele is assumed to cause the seed carrying it to usurp a higher proportion of the resources. The outcome of competition between “selfish” alleles is also assumed to lead to an asymmetric distribution of resources, the “winner” being chosen randomly. Conditions for the spread of an initially rare selfish allele and the optimal resource allocation corresponding to the evolutionarily stable strategy, derived for species with n-seeded fruits, are in accordance with expectations based on Hamilton’s inclusive fitness criteria. Competition between seeds is seen to be most intense when there are only two seeds, and decreases with increasing number of seeds, suggesting that two-seeded fruits would be rarer than one-seeded or many-seeded ones. Available data from a large number of plant species are consistent with this prediction of the model. Based on a talk given at the Haldane Centenary Symposium held on 6 November 1992 at Ahmedabad as part of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Numerous models have been designed to understand how dispersal ability evolves when organisms live in a fragmented landscape. Most of them predict a single dispersal rate at evolutionary equilibrium, and when diversification of dispersal rates has been predicted, it occurs as a response to perturbation or environmental fluctuation regimes. Yet abundant variation in dispersal ability is observed in natural populations and communities, even in relatively stable environments. We show that this diversification can operate in a simple island model without temporal variability: disruptive selection on dispersal occurs when the environment consists of many small and few large patches, a common feature in natural spatial systems. This heterogeneity in patch size results in a high variability in the number of related patch mates by individual, which, in turn, triggers disruptive selection through a high per capita variance of inclusive fitness. Our study provides a likely, parsimonious and testable explanation for the diversity of dispersal rates encountered in nature. It also suggests that biological conservation policies aiming at preserving ecological communities should strive to keep the distribution of patch size sufficiently asymmetric and variable.  相似文献   

An optimal allocation model was developed for the evolutionarily stable size of attractive structures of flowers (ESA) in animal-pollinated plants. It was assumed that a plant can change the sizes of attractive and sexual structures of a flower and the size and the number of flowers. In the absence of constraints on flower size, the ESA should not depend on the frequency of self-fertilization or the sexuality of plants. However, with constraints on flower size, the ESA decreases with increasing self-fertilization, except in special cases, and it is possible that males have a larger or a smaller ESA than females. Thus, differences in self-fertilization and sexuality alone cannot explain the differences in allocation among nondomesticated plants. In addition, attractive structures can contribute more to male or female function depending on the cost of gamete production, pollination efficiency for pollen and ovules, and pollinator availability.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, the haploid phase is reduced to the pollen grain and embryo sac. These reproductive tissues (gametophytes) are actually distinct individuals that have a different genome from the plant (sporophyte), and are more or less independent. The morphology of pollen grains, particularly the openings permitting pollen tube germination (apertures), is crucial for determining the outcome of pollen competition. Many species of flowering plants simultaneously produce pollen grains with different aperture numbers in a single individual (heteromorphism). In this paper, we show that the heteromorphic pollen aperture pattern depends on the genetic control of pollen morphogenesis. This points out a conflict of interest between genes expressed in the sporophyte and genes expressed in the gametophyte. More generally, such a conflict should exist whenever heteromorphism is an ESS resulting from a bet-hedging strategy. For pollen aperture, heteromorphism has been observed in about 40% of angiosperm species, suggesting that conflicting situations are the rule. In this context, the sporo-gametophytic conflict could be one of the factors that led to the reduction of the haploid phase in plants.  相似文献   

Summary We present models of adaptive change in continuous traits for the following situations: (1) adaptation of a single trait within a single population in which the fitness of a given individual depends on the population's mean trait value as well as its own trait value; (2) adaptation of two (or more) traits within a single population; (3) adaptation in two or more interacting species. We analyse a dynamic model of these adaptive scenarios in which the rate of change of the mean trait value is an increasing function of the fitness gradient (i.e. the rate of increase of individual fitness with the individual's trait value). Such models have been employed in evolutionary game theory and are often appropriate both for the evolution of quantitative genetic traits and for the behavioural adjustment of phenotypically plastic traits. The dynamics of the adaptation of several different ecologically important traits can result in characters that minimize individual fitness and can preclude evolution towards characters that maximize individual fitness. We discuss biological circumstances that are likely to produce such adaptive failures for situations involving foraging, predator avoidance, competition and coevolution. The results argue for greater attention to dynamical stability in models of the evolution of continuous traits.  相似文献   

I examined the evolutionary factors maintaining two environmentally induced morphs in ponds of variable duration. Larvae of New Mexico spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus multiplicatus) often occur in the same pond as a large, rapidly developing carnivorous morph and as a smaller, more slowly developing omnivorous morph. Previous studies revealed that carnivores can be induced by feeding tadpoles live fairy shrimp and that morph determination is reversible. Field and laboratory experiments indicated that the ability of an individual to become a carnivore or an omnivore is maintained evolutionarily as a response to variability in pond longevity and food abundance. Carnivores survived better in highly ephemeral artificial ponds, because they developed faster. Omnivores survived better in longer-duration artificial ponds, because their larger fat reserves enhanced postmetamorphic survival. The two morphs also occupy different trophic niches. Experimental manipulations of morph frequency in ponds of intermediate duration revealed that increased competition for food among individuals of the more common morph made the rarer form more successful. Morph frequency within each pond was stabilized at an equilibrium by frequency-dependent morph reversal, which reflected frequency-dependent natural selection on size at metamorphosis: larger metamorphs had higher survival, and individuals reared at a frequency above the pond's equilibrium frequency were smaller at metamorphosis than were individuals of that morph reared at a frequency below the pond's equilibrium. Because neighboring ponds often differed in pond longevity and food abundance, each pond possessed a unique equilibrium morph frequency. This implies that morph determination in Scaphiopus is a locally adjusted evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS).  相似文献   

On evolution under asymmetric competition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolutionary consequences of asymmetric competition between species are poorly understood in comparison with symmetric competition. A model for evolution of body size under asymmetric competition within and between species is described. The model links processes operating at the scale of the individual to that of macroscopic evolution through a stochastic mutation–selection process. Phase portraits of evolution in a phenotype space characteristically show character convergence and parallel character shifts, with character divergence being relatively uncommon. The asymptotic states of evolution depend very much on the properties of asymmetric competition. Given relatively weak asymmetries between species, a single equilibrium point exists; this is a local attractor, and its position is determined by the intra- and interspecific asymmetries. When the asymmetries are made stronger, several fixed points may come about, creating further equilibrium points which are local attractors. It is also possible for periodic attractors to occur; such attractors comprise Red Queen dynamics with phenotype values that continue to change without ever settling down to constant values. From certain initial conditions, evolution leading to extinction of one of the species is also a likely outcome.  相似文献   

The sex ratio behavior of parasitoid wasps in the genus Melittobia is scandalous. In contrast to the prediction of Hamilton's local mate competition theory, and the behavior of numerous other species, their extremely female‐biased sex ratios (1–5% males) change little in response to the number of females that lay eggs on a patch. We examined the mating structure and fitness consequences of adjusting the sex ratio in M. australica and found that (1) the rate of inbreeding did not differ from that expected with random mating within each patch; (2) the fitness of females that produced less female‐biased sex ratios (10 or 20% males) was greater than that of females who produced the sex ratio normally observed in M. australica. These results suggest that neither assortative mating nor asymmetrical competition between males can explain the extreme sex ratios. More generally, the finding that the sex ratios produced by females led to a decrease in their fitness suggests that the existing theory fails to capture a key aspect of the natural history of Melittobia, and emphasizes the importance of examining the fitness consequences of different sex ratio strategies, not only whether observed sex ratios correlate with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下猪毛蒿种内、种间竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)通常是黄土丘陵区撂荒演替前期群落优势种,在无人为干扰的情况下,猪毛蒿群落通常会向冰草(Agropyron cristatum)群落或阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus)群落,或长芒草(Stipa bungeana)群落等演替。该文通过河阶地和梁峁阴坡中猪毛蒿生长特征的调查和种内、种间竞争田间试验,从植物竞争角度对猪毛蒿群落的演替机制给予了解释。结果表明:1)两类样地中猪毛蒿的生长都趋于小型化,有少数大个体和多数小个体,都存在异速生长现象,说明两类样地存在竞争,且对猪毛蒿的生长形态具有塑造作用; 2)由于单位地上生物量竞争效应排除了立地条件和个体大小的影响,因而比总竞争效应更能说明种对间的相对竞争能力。梁峁阴坡地和一、二级河阶地三种立地条件下,7种测试植物中对猪毛蒿的相对竞争能力以演替后期多年生植物较高,而演替前期一年生植物较低,说明演替后期种对前期种的竞争抑制是演替驱动力之一; 3)以各测试植物对猪毛蒿单位重量竞争抑制程度平均值来看,以梁峁阴坡地最大,二级河阶地次之,一级河阶地最小,说明立地条件越差,土壤资源可利用水平越低,竞争越激烈; 4)一级河阶地和梁峁阴坡地各测试植物对猪毛蒿的竞争等级发生了显著变化,说明环境条件差别较大时,植物的竞争等级会发生变化。  相似文献   

Mate choice in the face of costly competition   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Studies of mate choice commonly ignore variation in preferencesand assume that all individuals should favor the highest-qualitymate available. However, individuals may differ in their matepreferences according to their own age, experience, size, orgenotype. In the present study, we highlight another simplereason why preferences may differ: if there is costly competitionfor mates, the poorest competitors might be better off avoidingthe highest-quality partners and instead targeting low-qualitypartners, so that they minimize the costs they incur. We presenta game-theoretical model of mate choice in which males of differingquality compete for access to females and try to retain themtill the time of mating. Our model predicts that high-qualitymales, who are better competitors, have a preference for thebest females that is typically several times stronger than thatof low-quality males. Early in the competitive period, the lattermay even prefer low-quality females over high-quality females.Thus, variation in competitive ability generates variation inboth the strength and direction of preferences. Differencesin competitive ability result in assortative mating with respectto quality, which is reinforced by variation in preferences.As the time of mating draws near and there is an increased riskof ending up unpaired, all males become indifferent to the qualityof potential mates. Our findings are equally applicable to femalechoice for males, and offer a new explanation for adaptive variationin mating preferences based on differing abilities to cope withthe costs of mate choice.  相似文献   

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