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Retinoic acid is a morphogenetic signalling molecule in vertebrate embryos, one being known to perform a specific function in organizing the body pattern along the anteroposterior axis. This molecule has especially attracted research attention because retinoic acid treatment will also induce abnormal morphogenesis, particularly in the craniofacial structures. The present review discusses recent molecular insights revealing how the retinoic acid signal is transduced within a cell, specifically focusing on the involvement of cranial neural crest cells in retinoic acid-induced abnormal morphogenesis in the mammalian head  相似文献   

Interest in retinoids and craniofacial development originated independently from nutritional and teratological studies; however, the site of action of retinoids in normal development remains contentious. Recent transgenic strategies have shown that retinoic acid and nuclear retinoid receptors are required for the morphogenetic specification of cranial neural crest cells and their mesenchymal derivatives during craniofacial development. Interestingly, while some aspects of the RA teratogenicity have been shown to be receptor-mediated, there is as yet no clear evidence that this is the case for the embryonic head and face. Hox genes are one important set of targets for RA in the developing neural primordium and cranial neural crest, but it remains unclear as to how retinoid-mediated regulation of such targets is realized as the morphogenetic specification of cell fate.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid improves epidermal morphogenesis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Hyper- and hypovitaminosis A both provoke epithelial pathologies in animals and humans. This suggests that a critical level of retinoic acid (RA) is required in vivo for the maintenance of normal architecture and function of these tissues. However, no beneficial, but only adverse effects of RA on epithelia have been so far observed in vitro. For instance, addition of RA to keratinocyte cultures has been shown to inhibit epidermal differentiation while this process is stimulated by serum delipidization, which reduces RA concentration in the medium. Assuming that the previous failure to demonstrate beneficial effects of RA on the epidermal phenotype in vitro was due to culture conditions too far from the in vivo conditions we decided to reevaluate the effect of RA in a culture system optimized for epidermal morphogenesis: the "emerged dermal equivalent." When human keratinocytes were grown in such a system with total fetal calf serum, the resulting epithelium was very similar to normal epidermis. But when delipidized serum was used, the epithelium was abnormal in the direction of excessive maturation (hyperkeratosis). When physiological concentrations of RA (10(-9) and 10(-8) M) were added to the delipidized serum supplement, a normal architecture (orthokeratosis) was restored. However, as classically described in the literature, higher RA concentrations (greater than 10(-7) M) reduced epidermal maturation and produced parakeratosis. Thus, although it is unquestionable that RA reduces the synthesis of epidermal-specific differentiation markers, an optimal epidermal morphogenesis seems to be achieved only in the presence of a critical RA concentration.  相似文献   

The effect of retinoic acid on regeneration of two species of asexual planarian races, Girardia tigrina and Schmidtea mediterranea, was studied. It was established that retinoic acids at physiological concentrations (10−7–10−10 M) inhibit the regeneration of the head part of planarians but have no effect on tail blastema growth. It is shown that regeneration of the head part is inhibited as a result of arrest of the cell cycle of neoblasts, proliferating stem cells, during the transition from the G 1/G 0 to the S phase. Thus, the morphogenetic role of retinoic acids in planarians, primitive bilaterally symmetrical animals, has been demonstrated.  相似文献   


The neural crest (NC) is a population of migratory stem/progenitor cells that is found in early vertebrate embryos. NC cells are induced during gastrulation, and later migrate to multiple destinations and contribute to many types of cells and tissues, such as craniofacial structures, cardiac tissues, pigment cells and the peripheral nervous system. Recently, accumulating evidence suggests that many extracellular metalloproteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs), and ADAMs with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTSs), play important roles in various stages of NC development. Interference with metalloproteinase functions often causes defects in craniofacial structures, as well as in other cells and tissues that are contributed by NC cells, in humans and other vertebrates. In this review, we summarize the current state of the field concerning the roles of these three families of metalloproteinases in NC development and related tissue morphogenesis, with a special emphasis on craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is an embryonic signaling molecule regulating a wide array of target genes, thereby being a master regulator of patterning and differentiation in a variety of organs. Here we show that mouse embryos deficient for the RA-synthesizing enzyme retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2), if rescued from early lethality by maternal RA supplementation between E7.5 and E8.5, lack active RA signaling in the foregut region. The resulting mutants completely fail to develop lungs. Development of more posterior foregut derivatives (stomach and duodenum), as well as liver growth, is also severely affected. A primary lung bud is specified in the RA-deficient embryos, which fails to outgrow due to defective FGF10 signaling and lack of activation of FGF-target genes, such as Pea3 and Bmp4 in the epithelium. Specific Hox and Tbx genes may mediate these RA regulatory effects. Development of foregut derivatives can be partly restored in mutants by extending the RA supplementation until at least E10.5, but lung growth and branching remain defective and a hypoplastic lung develops on the right side only. Such conditions poorly restore FGF10 signaling in the lung buds. Explant culture of RALDH2-deficient foreguts show a capacity to undergo lung budding and early branching in the presence of RA or FGF10. Our data implicate RA as a regulator of gene expression in the early embryonic lung and stomach region upstream of Hox, Tbx and FGF10 signaling.  相似文献   

Retinoids are low molecular weight, lipophilic derivatives of vitamin A which have profound effects upon the development of various embryonic systems. Here I review the effects on developing and regenerating limbs, regenerating amphibian tails and the developing central nervous system (CNS). In the regenerating amphibian limb, retinoids can proximalize, posteriorize and ventralize the axes of the blastema. In the chick limb bud retinoids can only posteriorize the tissue. In the regenerating amphibian tail retinoids can homeotically transform tail tissue into hindlimb tissue. In the developing and regenerating limb retinoic acid has been detected endogenously, confirming that this molecule plays a role in the generation of pattern and we have shown that limbs cannot develop in the absence of retinoic acid. In the developing CNS retinoic acid specifically affects the hindbrain where it causes a transformation of anterior rhombomeres into more posterior ones. Again, endogenous retinoic acid has been detected in the CNS and in the absence of retinoids the posterior hindbrain has been found to be affected. The effects of retinoids on the CNS are most likely to be mediated via theHox genes acting in the mesoderm after gastrulation. It has also been proposed that the establishment of the head-to-tail axis in the mesoderm is established by retinoic acid. These data show that retinoids play an important role in both the development and regeneration of various systems in the embryo and post-embryonically  相似文献   

Formation of the vasculature is an essential developmental process, delivering oxygen and nutrients to support cellular processes needed for tissue growth and maturation. Retinoic acid (RA) and its downstream signaling pathway is vital for normal pre‐ and post‐natal development, playing key roles in the specification and formation of many organs and tissues. Here, we review the role of RA in blood and lymph vascular development, beginning with embryonic yolk sac vasculogenesis and remodeling and discussing RA's organ‐specific roles in angiogenesis and vessel maturation. In particular, we highlight the multi‐faceted role of RA signaling in CNS vascular development and acquisition of blood–brain barrier properties.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is a vitamin A metabolite that acts as a morphogen and teratogen. Excess or defective RA signaling causes developmental defects including in the heart. The heart develops from the anterior lateral plate mesoderm. Cardiogenesis involves successive steps, including formation of the primitive heart tube, cardiac looping, septation, chamber development, coronary vascularization, and completion of the four‐chambered heart. RA is dispensable for primitive heart tube formation. Before looping, RA is required to define the anterior/posterior boundaries of the heart‐forming mesoderm as well as to form the atrium and sinus venosus. In outflow tract elongation and septation, RA signaling is required to maintain/differentiate cardiogenic progenitors in the second heart field at the posterior pharyngeal arches level. Epicardium‐secreted insulin‐like growth factor, the expression of which is regulated by hepatic mesoderm‐derived erythropoietin under the control of RA, promotes myocardial proliferation of the ventricular wall. Epicardium‐derived RA induces the expression of angiogenic factors in the myocardium to form the coronary vasculature. In cardiogenic events at different stages, properly controlled RA signaling is required to establish the functional heart.  相似文献   

The vertebrate head is an extremely complicated structure: development of the head requires tissue-tissue interactions between derivates of all the germ layers and coordinated morphogenetic movements in three dimensions. In this review, we highlight a number of recent embryological studies, using chicken, frog, zebrafish and mouse, which have identified crucial signaling centers in the embryonic face. These studies demonstrate how small variations in growth factor signaling can lead to a diversity of phenotypic outcomes. We also discuss novel genetic studies, in human, mouse and zebrafish, which describe cell biological mechanisms fundamental to the growth and morphogenesis of the craniofacial skeleton. Together, these findings underscore the complex interactions leading to species-specific morphology. These and future studies will improve our understanding of the genetic and environmental influences underlying human craniofacial anomalies.  相似文献   

Psychologists are now increasingly involved in understanding the challenges faced by people who experience facial disfigurements from many causes (congenital, traumatic, oncological, iatrogenic, neurological, ophthalmological or dermatological). This article describes how the author has combined the lessons of his personal recovery after severe facial burns with the rigorous science of psychological research to enable improved psycho-social support and interventions to be developed, through a UK not-for-profit (Changing Faces) and in formal health care services. It suggests that against the background of a culture that is less-than-positive about disfigurement, anyone who experiences it needs access to a range of support, advice, counselling and social skills training to enable them to live full, confident lives.  相似文献   

New insights into craniofacial morphogenesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
No region of our anatomy more powerfully conveys our emotions nor elicits more profound reactions when disease or genetic disorders disfigure it than the face. Recent progress has been made towards defining the tissue interactions and molecular mechanisms that control craniofacial morphogenesis. Some insights have come from genetic manipulations and others from tissue recombinations and biochemical approaches, which have revealed the molecular underpinnings of facial morphogenesis. Changes in craniofacial architecture also lie at the heart of evolutionary adaptation, as new studies in fish and fowl attest. Together, these findings reveal much about molecular and tissue interactions behind craniofacial development.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest that exogenous retinoic acid (RA), the biologically active derivative of vitamin A, can induce alveolar regeneration in a rat model of experimental emphysema. Here, we describe a mouse model of disrupted alveolar development using dexamethasone administered postnatally. We show that the effects of dexamethasone are concentration dependent, dose dependent, long lasting and result in a severe loss of alveolar surface area. When RA is administered to these animals as adults, lung architecture and the surface area per unit of body weight are completely restored to normal. This remarkable effect may be because RA is required during normal alveolar development and administering RA re-awakens gene cascades used during development. We provide evidence that RA is required during alveologenesis in the mouse by showing that the levels of the retinoid binding proteins, the RA receptors and two RA synthesizing enzymes peak postnatally. Furthermore, an inhibitor of RA synthesis, disulphiram, disrupts alveologenesis. We also show that RA is required throughout life for the maintenance of lung alveoli because when rats are deprived of dietary retinol they lose alveoli and show the features of emphysema. Alveolar regeneration with RA may therefore be an important novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of respiratory diseases characterized by a reduced gas-exchanging surface area such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia and emphysema for which there are currently no treatments.  相似文献   

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