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The proportion of mature male parr in 11 families of Atlantic salmon, Sulrno sulur, reared under similar conditions in fresh water varied from 0–43%. The mature males were smaller than their siblings in December as 1 + and in late March. After individual tagging and transfer to a sea cage in early April. the previously mature males grew faster than previously immature salmon during the next 6 months. This compensatory growth resulted in almost equal size between the two groups. The results are discussed in relation to the different life strategies of salmon.  相似文献   

Radio tagged wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar(n = 30) and sea trout Salmo trutta(n = 19) were simultaneously released from a sea pen outside the mouth of the River Lærdalselva and their migration to spawning areas was recorded. The distance from the river mouth to a position held at spawning ranged from 2 to 24 km and did not differ between the species (mean ± s .d . 15·9 ± 4·3 and 14·9 ± 5·2 km for Atlantic salmon and sea trout, respectively). The duration of the migration phase, however, was significantly shorter for Atlantic salmon than for sea trout (8–12 days, respectively). All Atlantic salmon migrated straight to an area near the spawning ground, whereas 50% of the sea trout had a stepwise progression with one or more periods with erratic movements before reaching the spawning area. After the migration phase, a distinct search phase with repeated movements up‐ and downstream at or close to the position held at spawning was identified for the majority of the fishes (75%, both species). This search phase was significantly shorter for Atlantic salmon than for sea trout (mean 13–31 days, respectively). Mean ± s .d . length of the river stretch used during the search phase was larger for sea trout (3·3 ± 2·5 km) than for Atlantic salmon (1·2 ± 0·9 km). A distinct holding phase, with no movements until spawning, was also observed in the majority of the Atlantic salmon (80%, mean duration 22 days) and sea trout (65%, mean duration 12 days). For both species, a weak, non‐significant trend was observed in the relationship between time spent on the migration phase, and time spent on the search (r2 = 0·43) and holding phase (r2 = 0·24). There was a highly significant decrease, however, in the duration of the holding phase with an increase in the time spent on the search phase (r2 = 0·67).  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA variation was used to assess the outcome of stocking Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and migratory trout Salmo trutta in River Sävarå, N Sweden. No information on pre‐stocking genetic composition of S. salar and S. trutta in River Sävarå was available. In 2 year‐classes of S. salar smolt, microsatellite data indicated that post‐stocking genetic composition differed markedly (FST= 0·048) from the main donor strain, Byskeälven S. salar, and from other Gulf of Bothnia S. salar stocks (FST 0·047 and 0·132). The STRUCTURE programme failed to detect any substructuring within Sävarå salmon. It was concluded that only minor introgression estimated to a proportion of 0·11 (95% CI 0·07–0·16) has occurred in S. salar. Salmo trutta showed overall low differentiation among populations with maximum FST of 0·03 making analysis more cumbersome than in S. salar. Still, the SävaråS. trutta deviated significantly from potential donor populations, and STRUCTURE software supported that majority of trout in Sävarå formed a distinct genetic population. Admixture was more extensive in S. trutta and estimated to 0·17 (95% CI 0·10–0·25).  相似文献   

Seasonal microhabitat selection by sympatric young Atlantic salmon and brown trout was studied by diving. Both species, especially Atlantic salmon, showed seasonal variation with respect to surface and mean water velocities and depth. This variation is partly attributed to varying water flows and water temperatures. In winter the fish sought shelter in the substratum. A spatial variation in habitat use along the river due to different habitat availabilities was observed. Both species occupied habitats within the ranges of the microhabitat variables, rather than selecting narrow optima. It is hypothesized that the genetic basis allows a certain range to the behavioural response. Microhabitat segregation between the two species was pronounced, with brown trout inhabiting the more slow-flowing and partly more shallow stream areas. Atlantic salmon tolerated a wider range of water velocities and depths. Habitat suitability curves were produced from both species. It is suggested that habitat suitability curves that are based on observations of fish occupancy of habitat at median or base flow may not be suitable in habitat simulation models, where available habitat is projected at substantially greater water flows.  相似文献   

An investigation with acoustic telemetry of the passage of Salmo salar smolts through a large natural lake found heavy mortality occurred at the river‐to‐lake confluences (mean 31.2% km?1), but was lower in the main body of the lake (mean 2.4% km?1). Predation was a significant pressure on emigrating smolts as tagged pike Esox lucius aggregated at river‐to‐lake confluences during the peak of the smolt run. Tagged smolts mainly emmigrated into the lake in the late evening after dusk, possibly as a predator‐avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

Growth, density and production of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout were studied in three different sections of the Kvassheimsåna River in south-western Norway from 1979 to 1983. Section 1. in the upper part of the river, is located above a waterfall impassable for migratory salmonids and is surrounded by grazing land. Sections 2 and 3, in the middle and lower parts of the river, are influenced by agricultural activity. Total nitrogen concentration varied between 250 and 1000 μg l ?1 in section 1 and 1500 and 2500 μg l?1 in sections 2 and 3. Total phosphorus (Tot-P) concentrations also increased with decreasing altitude: 19–46 μg l?1 in section I and 31–101 μg l ?1 in sections 2 and 3. The number of 0 + salmon in sections 2 and 3 varied between 30.1 and 167.8 specimens 100 m ?2, with means 90.2 and 95.2 specimens 100 m ?2:, respectively; the density of 1 + salmon, with mean values of 16.3 and 51.0 specimens 100m?2 was significantly correlated with the original fry density. The growth rate of 0+ salmon was not inversely related to cohort density, but was significantly so for 1 + salmon. Mean annual salmon production in section 2 was 1595 g 100 m?2 year 1, and in section 3 was 841 g 100m?2 year 1. A logarithmic function gave the best curve fit between salmon production and mean annual biomass. Thus, production levelled off for the highest values recorded in section 2, and perhaps approached the carrying capacity of the stream. A multiple regression analysis showed that yearly variation in 1 + salmon density was the single factor accounting for most of the total variability in production (60%). Variation in water temperature and nutrient content were not significantly related to variation in fish production. Densities of brown trout were low in all sections (<20 specimens 100m ?2). Fry density was highest in section 3 and parr density in section 1. All age groups of sympatric brown trout grew significantly faster in sections 2 and 3 compared with allopatric brown trout in section 1.  相似文献   

Standard metabolic rate ( R S), specific growth rate ( G ) and aggressiveness were investigated in three Finnish populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Neva, Saimaa and Teno), which were reared in identical hatchery conditions. The populations differed in their geographical origin and native habitat. There was a significant difference between populations in R S: the southernmost Neva population had higher values in R S than the northernmost Teno population. No difference was found in G or aggressiveness between the populations. G was found to have a significant positive association with aggressiveness and R S among the three populations, however, these results were not statistically significant after correction for multiple tests. There was no significant association between R S and aggressiveness. Higher metabolic rate of the most southern population Neva is suggested to be an adaptation to the more abundant food sources of the southern stream.  相似文献   

Interspecific relationships between Atlantic salmon and coho salmon were studied at early life stages in laboratory and semi-natural stream channels. During emergence, the survival and dispersal patterns were similar for the two species in single or mixed populations. Survival of Atlantic salmon fry was reduced in the presence of older coho fry. However, no predation was observed. Microdistribution differed between the two species, with Atlantic salmon fry more numerous in riffles when coho were present.
Coho juveniles had a pelagic and gregarious distribution, in contrast to the benthic behaviour of the Atlantic salmon. In laboratory streams, Atlantic salmon fry moved out or adopted a subordinate cryptic behaviour which allowed them to escape predation while negatively affecting their growth.  相似文献   

What little is known about the seaward migration of Salmo salar smolt migration through standing waters indicates that it is both slow and results in high mortality rates, compared with riverine migration. This may be partly because smolts in lakes need to swim more actively and require more complex directional cues than they do in rivers. In this telemetry study of smolt migration through Loch Lomond, S. salar smolts made repeated movements in directions away from the outflowing river, which considerably increased migration time.  相似文献   

Serum thyroid hormone levels were determined in adult Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) of both sexes caught in the ocean and at a sequence of locations on their return migration to spawn. Tri-iodothyronine (T3) levels were greatest in fish caught in coastal or estuarine waters or in a river near head-of-tide. T3 levels were lower in fish caught in rivers throughout the angling season and lowest in those captured entering a tributary near spawning. Thyroxine (T4) levels were lowest in immature fish captured in the ocean in winter but raised in fish captured in spring; many of the latter group showed endocrine evidence of their becoming sexually mature. T4 levels were greatest in fish captured in coastal waters and progressively lower in fish captured in an estuary, near head-of-tide and in rivers. T4 levels in fish captured at tributary entry near spawning exceeded those in fish caught in rivers earlier in the year. In general, these data support the hypothesis that motor activity level in migrant fish is a determinant of thyroid status.  相似文献   

Migratory behaviour at spawning of wild and newly-escaped farmed Atlantic salmon was analysed by radio telemetry in the River Alta, North Norway. Spawning areas were located by aerial surveys. Farmed females moved significantly more than wild females ( P <0.01). There was no such difference between the two groups of males. About 83% of the wild fish stayed within identified spawning areas for 1 day or longer. The corresponding figure for farmed salmon was only 43% ( P <0.05). Wild salmon stayed 8.1 days inside spawning areas and farmed salmon 5.2 days. The present results suggest that escaped farmed salmon had reduced spawning success compared with wild fish.  相似文献   

Summary Mature male parr successfully fertilized eggs of anadromous female Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in competition with anadromous males under simulated natural conditions. Mating situations were created in which mature male parr and anadromous males competing for the opportunity to spawn with an anadromous female differed in allelic forms of the same enzyme. Females deposited eggs into a sequence of 3 or 4 eggs nests. The mean proportion of eggs in a redd fertilized by parr increased with increasing numbers of parr present at a redd, reaching 23% at male parr: anadromous male ratios of 20:1. Single male parr fertilized, on average, 5% of the eggs in a redd. The proportion of eggs in an egg nest fertilized by parr also depended upon the order of egg nest construction, such that parr mating success was highest at the initial nest constructed and lowest at the final nest. Parr have relatively high fertilization success for their size when compared with the smaller maturation phenotype of other salmonids.  相似文献   

Previously published allelic frequencies at four polymorphic protein coding loci were used as a basis for examining genetic relationships among 19 European populations of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.--exclusive of Baltic drainages--from the Barents Sea to Spain. The data did not support a model of distinct ancestral (e.g. Boreal and Celtic) origins, but were consistent with all populations descending from a single ancestral group within this region with genetically diverged populations drawn together through limited local migrations.  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that differences in the seasonal return patterns between stocks of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are a result of a direct response to the environment, and not under genetic control. Two stocks were used in the experiments, originating from the R. Figga and R. Imsa, respectively. In their native habitat fish from the former are known to return to the home stream as adult salmon early in the summer, while from the latter return during late summer and autumn. By rearing these stocks in the same hatchery and releasing smolts of both stocks together at three sites in southern Norway, it was demonstrated that salmon from the R. Figga stock returned earlier to coastal Norway than salmon from the R. Imsa stock, as maturing adults. Thus, we reject the hypothesis that these stocks are genetically identical in this trait. Within both stocks, multi-sea-winter fish returned earlier than one-sea-winter fish. Within stocks, there was no significant difference in time of return between salmon released as 1- and 2-year-old smolts, or between fish reared from parents ascending the R. Imsa early or late in the season.  相似文献   

In late November 1990 salmon parr, Salmo salar L., from the Girnock Burn in northern Scotland were either caught on their feeding territories (n=25) or trapped during downstream migration (n= 18). They were then housed in a laboratory rearing tank and their food intake and growth rates were tracked, until their smolting status was ascertained in the following May. Female fish were predominant in both groups; although the range of ages was the same, the total age of migrants was 2+ while that of residents was 1+. In November, compared to resident fish of the same year class, migrants were larger, heavier and in better condition. Although growth rates dropped during the winter in both groups before increasing in spring, migrants ate more and consistently grew faster than residents. In seawater tolerance tests conducted in May, more residents than migrants failed to adapt. These results confirm the suggestion that autumn migrants smolt in the following spring and suggest that they represent the faster-growing component of their cohort.  相似文献   

The community structure of trophically transmitted intestinal helminths of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post‐smolts was highly variable among four fjords in Norway. There were no severely pathogenic parasite species. Post‐smolts from the southernmost Trondheimsfjord had a higher diversity of freshwater parasite species compared to the three northern fjords (Tanafjord, Altafjord and Malangen). In contrast, the highest diversity and proportion of marine species was found in the three northern fjords. Post‐smolts were generally more infected with marine parasites in the outer rather than inner parts of all of the fjords. The prevalence of the acanthocephalan Echinorynchus gadi (range: 13–42%) and marine trematodes (range: 14–47%) was higher in post‐smolts in outer zones of the northern fjords than in fish from Trondheimsfjord (0 and 6%, respectively). The within‐fjord variability and north‐south geographical gradient in parasite infection patterns reflected differences in marine feeding of the post‐smolts on potential intermediate hosts such as amphipods ( E. gadi ) and fish larvae (trematodes), which were higher in the northern fjords (range: 27–28 and 67–85%, respectively) than in Trondheimsfjord (5 and 19%, respectively). High intensities of marine parasites suggest that some post‐smolts from northern fjords may have a prolonged fjord‐feeding compared to those from Trondheimsfjord. Parasites of both freshwater and marine origin appear to be suitable as bio‐indicators of feeding and migratory pattern of Atlantic salmon post‐smolts and preadults during their seaward migration.  相似文献   

Both red and white muscle fibre numbers in juvenile Atlantic salmon increased gradually with fish length throughout the freshwater growth period. Mean fibre area increased as fish grew to 6.5 cm f.l. , but thereafter was unrelated to fish length. Hyperplasia was most obvious when fish were growing fastest, and was the dominant growth process in fish over 6.5 cm f.l. Hypertrophy was most important when growth was slow, as in autumn and winter.
Mean white fibre area was significantly smaller in deep muscle than at medial and superficial sites. Total cross-sectional area of red, white and total trunk muscle increased with fish length. The ratio of red: white cross-sectional area increased with fish length to a plateau at about 10% after 6.5 cm f.l.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and antibody-dependent haemolytic activity against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) has been studied in serum from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Considerable increase in haemolytic activity was detected when SRBC were sensitized with haemolysin produced in Atlantic salmon. Haemolytic activity was sensitive both to divalent cations and to heat treatment. Significant reduction in haemolytic activity was detected after absorption with SRBC, indicating the presence of natural antibody against SRBC in Atlantic salmon serum. Persistent haemolytic activity of unsensitized SRBC in serum absorbed to remove natural antibodies was found, which suggests the activation of the alternative complement pathway, while the observed increased haemolytic activity in the presence of specific antibody against SRBC suggests activation of the classical complement pathway. Spontaneous and antibody-dependent haemolytic activity were both analysed in absorbed and non-absorbed sera in a family material of Atlantic salmon. The material consisted of 574 fish belonging to 57 fullsib groups within 20 paternal halfsib groups. Fish with signs of sexual maturity generally showed reduced haemolytic activity. Statistically significant effect of sire on the spontaneous haemolytic activity of both absorbed and nonabsorbed serum, and on antibody-dependent activity, provides evidence of significant additive genetic variation in both the alternative and the classical complement activation in Atlantic salmon. Neither on a phenotypical nor on a family basis were the two traits statistically correlated. The estimated heritabilities were 0.2–0.3 with a standard error of approximately 0.1.  相似文献   

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