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The ability to locomote is a defining characteristic of all animals. Yet, all but the most trivial forms of navigation are poorly understood. Here we report and discuss the analytical results of an in-depth study of a simple navigation problem. In principle, there are two strategies for navigating a straight course. One is to use an external directional reference and to continually reorient with reference to it. The other is to monitor body rotations from internal sensory information only. We showed previously that, at least for simple representations of locomotion, the first strategy will enable an animal or mobile agent to move arbitrarily far away from its starting point, but the second strategy will not do so, even after an infinite number of steps. This paper extends and generalizes the earlier results by demonstrating that these findings are true even when a very general model of locomotion is used. In this general model, error components within individual steps are not independent, and directional errors may be biased. In the absence of a compass, the expected path of a directed walk in general approximates a logarithmic spiral. Some examples are given to illustrate potential applications of the quantitative results derived here. Motivated by the analytical results developed in this work, a nomenclature for directed walks is proposed and discussed. Issues related to path integration in mammals and robots, and measuring the curvature of a noisy path are also addressed using directed walk theory.  相似文献   

Honey bees are well known to rely on stored landmark information to locate a previously visited site. While various mechanisms underlying insect navigation have been thoroughly explored, little is yet known about the degree of integration of spatial parameters to form higher-level spatial representations. In this paper we explore the basic interactions between landmark cues and directional cues, which stand at the basis of our understanding of piloting mechanisms. A novel experimental paradigm allowed us independent manipulation of each parameter in a highly controlled environment. The approach taken was twofold: cue-conflict experiments were first conducted to examine the interactions between positional cues and directional cues. The bees were then successively deprived of sensory cues to question the dependence of landmark navigation on context cues. Our results confirm previous findings that landmark cues are used in concert with external directional cues if present. Conversely, the bees' ability to locate a food site was not disrupted in the absence of an external directional reference. Thus, bees store landmark memories in an egocentric frame of reference and only loose and facultative associations between visual memories and compass cues are formed.  相似文献   

Global average surface temperatures are expected to rise by about 1.4–5.8°C from the present until the year 2100. This temperature increase will affect all ecosystems on earth. For shallow lakes—which can be either in a clear water or a turbid state—this climate change will expectedly negatively affect water transparency though the prediction is far from conclusive and experimental investigations elucidating the potential climatic effects on shallow lakes are still rare. The aim of this study was to further shape and sharpens hypotheses on the impact of climate change on shallow lakes by applying an existing and well-calibrated ecosystem model, PCLake. We focused on asymptotic model behaviour for a range of temperature and loading scenarios in a factorial design. We conclude that climate change will likely lead to decreased critical nutrient loadings. Combined with an expected increase in the external nutrient loading, this will increase the probability of a shift from a clear to a turbid state. As the model predicts a higher summer chlorophyll-a concentration, a stronger dominance of cyanobacteria during summer and a reduced zooplankton abundance due to climate change, the turbid state itself is likely to become even more severe.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity involves cooperation between mated females and extrapair males. On the other hand, mated males exhibit a spectrum of anti-cuckolding strategies. Hence, extrapair attributes of diverse species and populations reported in the literature are particular solutions of evolutionary games involving gender-specific cuckolding/anti-cuckolding strategies. Here we use game theoretical methods to study the effect of male paternal effort conserving strategies in situations where females seek extrapair fertilizations (EPF) for reasons of genetic compatibility and/or in pursuit of genetic diversity for their offspring. In such cases, females cannot make a pre-copulatory selection of the optimal genetic partners, and therefore combine promiscuous copulation with the use of in copula and/or post-copulatory selection mechanisms to optimize the genetic endowment of their offspring—indiscriminate polyandry. Our results indicate that, when indiscriminate polygamy is constrained by the availability of extrapair male partners, there are three possible (parameter regime wise) evolutionary stable strategy solutions. (1) All females seek EPF, while all males restrict parental care. (2) All females seek EPF, while all males are unconditionally parental. (3) Females use a combination strategy where pursuit of EPF is mixed—on either a population, or an individual level—with genetic monogamy, while all males use a conditional paternal care strategy, which involves adjusting their parental efforts according to their certainty of paternity.  相似文献   

A seed has no flowers or leaves, and an egg no fingers or lungs. Yet plants and animals not only have these things but they resemble their parents in detail throughout their bodies. Something is inherited, but what is it? Life is based on the activities of cells. An organism has large numbers of them—a human has trillions! Cells live as separate units, which enables them each to do its own thing within its particular organ, but to be an organism they must work together. A cell can only detect its immediate local environment, but that includes various kinds of signals or information from nearby or far away within the body—or even from the external environment. It is by being local but responding globally in this way that an egg becomes an organism, an organism manages its way through life, and organisms make up species and ecosystems that interact with each other. The evolution of these abilities has produced the glorious array of living forms that populate the world. In these ways, an egg may have no thoughts but is a highly intelligent being.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature indicates that rats prefer to navigate in the direction of a goal in the environment (directional responding) rather than to the precise location of the goal (place navigation). This paper provides a brief review of this literature with an emphasis on recent findings in the Morris water task. Four experiments designed to extend this work to humans in a computerized, virtual Morris water task are also described. Special emphasis is devoted to how directional responding and place navigation are influenced by room and apparatus cues, and how these cues control distinct components of navigation to a goal. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrate that humans, like rats, perform directional responses when cues from the apparatus are present, while Experiment 3 demonstrates that place navigation predominates when apparatus cues are eliminated. In Experiment 4, an eyetracking system measured gaze location in the virtual environment dynamically as participants navigated from a start point to the goal. Participants primarily looked at room cues during the early segment of each trial, but primarily focused on the apparatus as the trial progressed, suggesting distinct, sequential stimulus functions. Implications for computational modeling of navigation in the Morris water task and related tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe a new computational model of switching between path-planning and cue-guided navigation strategies. It is based on three main assumptions: (i) the strategies are mediated by separate memory systems that learn independently and in parallel; (ii) the learning algorithms are different in the two memory systems—the cue-guided strategy uses a temporal-difference (TD) learning rule to approach a visible goal, whereas the path-planning strategy relies on a place-cell-based graph-search algorithm to learn the location of a hidden goal; (iii) a strategy selection mechanism uses TD-learning rule to choose the most successful strategy based on past experience. We propose a novel criterion for strategy selection based on the directions of goal-oriented movements suggested by the different strategies. We show that the selection criterion based on this “common currency” is capable of choosing the best among TD-learning and planning strategies and can be used to solve navigational tasks in continuous state and action spaces. The model has been successfully applied to reproduce rat behavior in two water-maze tasks in which the two strategies were shown to interact. The model was used to analyze competitive and cooperative interactions between different strategies during these tasks as well as relative influence of different types of sensory cues.  相似文献   

“The two big problems — the nature of development and the nature of the mind — are being subdued. I don’t know whether there will be beautiful, general theories to come out of this — something really nice like Watson and Crick’s double helix — or whether there will be an accumulation of more and more details. I’ll confess to a secret hope for the former” (Crow 2000).  相似文献   

The constancy of perception of linear 3–40-cm sizes at a distance of 0.7 to 5.6 m was studied. The results of investigations carried out on 66 subjects are presented. Sizes less than 10 cm and more than 10 cm are perceived according to different laws. Large sizes, as they are moved away, are assessed according to two modes of perception: aconstantly (with a diminution of the size value) and constantly (with the preservation of the apparent size value). The sizes not exceeding 10 cm are reassessed with an increase in the distance to the extent that reevaluation of the small size value attains 40%. It is evident that only one modus of perception— hyperconstancy—exists for sizes less than 10 cm.  相似文献   

Juri Lotman distinguishes between two main types of communication. In addition to the classical I-YOU communication, he speaks about I-I communication, where both the addresser and the addressee are one and the same person. Contrary to how it sounds, autocommunication is not self-sufficient musing inside one’s self, it is remodelling oneself through a code from an entity outside oneself, be it animate or inanimate. According to Lotman, it is often the rhythmical phenomena like poetry, the rhythm of waves, etc. that lend themselves for the act of autocommunication as external codes. After having received the message one is not identical to the original oneself anymore. Perceptual markers of landscape—specific rhythms, ephemera, the rhythm of human everyday activities, bodily movement—can be considered as a secondary code leading to autocommunication in the person who contemplates the landscape. Looking at the landscape—which also implies the rhythmical movement of the eyes—one uses it as a code to reconstitute oneself. A person who has confronted a landscape does not leave it as the same person. The present article poses a definition of autocommunication in landscapes and discusses the way in which other sensorial information apart from the visual—smell, movement, rhythms etc—are used culturally to reinforce autocommunication with oneself. It can be said that several institutionalised religious and cultural practices expect the subject to reconstitute him- or herself mainly through the bodily landscape experience.  相似文献   

Multiple sensory-motor maps located in the brainstem and the cortex are involved in spatial orientation. Guiding movements of eyes, head, neck and arms they provide an approximately linear relation between target distance and motor response. This involves especially the superior colliculus in the brainstem and the parietal cortex. There, the natural frame of reference follows from the retinal representation of the environment. A model of navigation is presented that is based on the modulation of activity in those sensory-motor maps. The actual mechanism chosen was gain-field modulation, a process of multimodal integration that has been demonstrated in the parietal cortex and superior colliculus, and was implemented as attraction to visual cues (colour). Dependent on the metric of the sensory-motor map, the relative attraction to these cues implemented as gain field modulation and their position define a fixed point attractor on the plane for locomotive behaviour. The actual implementation used Kohonen-networks in a variant of reinforcement learning that are well suited to generate such topographically organized sensory-motor maps with roughly linear visuo-motor response characteristics. In the following, it was investigated how such an implicit coding of target positions by gain-field parameters might be represented in the hippocampus formation and under what conditions a direction-invariant space representation can arise from such retinotopic representations of multiple cues. Information about the orientation in the plane—as could be provided by head direction cells—appeared to be necessary for unambiguous space representation in our model in agreement with physiological experiments. With this information, Gauss-shaped “place-cells” could be generated, however, the representation of the spatial environment was repetitive and clustered and single cells were always tuned to the gain-field parameters as well  相似文献   

Many areas of blanket mire in Britain display apparently degraded vegetation, having a limited range of ericaceous and Sphagnum species. Data are presented here from Wales from the upland locality of Drygarn Fawr (Elenydd SSSI), which is dominated overwhelmingly by Molinia caerulea. Palaeoecological techniques were used to chronicle vegetation history and to determine the nature and timing of vegetation changes, as an aid to devising conservation management and restoration strategies. Although for the past 2000 years the pollen and plant macrofossil data indicate some evidence for cyclic vegetation change, they demonstrate that here the major vegetation change post-dated the start of the industrial revolution. The palaeoecological data show a greater proportion of Sphagnum than currently. Local extinction of some species (e.g., Myrica gale) apparently took place in Medieval times, but most of the degradation and floral impoverishment apparently occurred during the 20th Century. The implications for conservation management are far-reaching. The overwhelming dominance of Molinia is clearly unprecedented. While it was locally present for hundreds of years, some factor(s)—possibly a change in grazer and grazing regime—encouraged its recent ascendancy in the 20th Century. Consequently, any management attempts to reduce the pre-eminence of Molinia would not be countering an ingrained, long-established dominance. It is suggested that investigation of degraded blanket mires elsewhere by historical and multi-proxy palaeoecological techniques—through multiple, dated cores to track species extinctions and directional vegetation changes—would help ascertain previous mire floras and so indicate a range of restoration targets for mire vegetation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the distribution of true to type and atypical Nili-Ravi buffalo, a vulnerable dairy type riverine breed of North India and its underlying genetic structure. Out of total investigated buffaloes 73.5% had bilateral wall eyes while 5.4% had unilateral wall eyes and 21.1% had no wall eyes. 41.15% of Nili-Ravi buffaloes maintained in the breeding farm were having typical true to the type characteristics (both eyes walled, white markings in forehead, muzzle/chin, all the four legs and tail) while only 28.5% of Nili-Ravi buffaloes were true to the type under field conditions. Genotypic data were generated in four groups of Nili-Ravi buffalo (FMTNR—Typical Nili-Ravi from farm; FMANR—Atypical Nili-Ravi from farm; FDTNR—Typical Nili-Ravi from field; FDANR—Atypical Nili-Ravi from field) at 16 microsatellite loci. Comparative genetic analysis of various groups of Nili-Ravi buffaloes with Murrah revealed significant between group differences with an estimated global F ST of 0.063. Pair-wise F ST values ranged from 0.003 (between FDTNR and FDANR) to 0.112 (between FMTNR and FDTNR). Phylogenetic analysis and multi-dimensional scaling revealed clustering of FDTNR and FDANR together while FMTNR and FMANR clustered separately with Murrah in between farm and field Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Based on the results, the paper also proposes three pronged strategy for conservation and sustainable genetic improvement of Nili-Ravi buffalo in India.  相似文献   

In trees, new wood develops from a layer of stem cells called the vascular cambium. A subpopulation of cambial cells—the fusiform initials—are elongated and capable of coordinated reorientation in response to internal and external stimuli. Changes in the orientation of fusiform initials in turn leads to changes in the grain pattern of developing wood. This article reviews the phenomenon of cambial orientation, with an emphasis on a recent computer model that takes the plant hormone auxin as the orienting signal. New model results are presented that demonstrate the surprisingly complex grain patterns that can emerge from simple initial conditions, in qualitative agreement with similar patterns found in wood. Lastly, an alternative theory of wood grain pattern that takes mechanical stress as the orienting signal is critically evaluated.  相似文献   

The variance method of microdosimetric measurements and its extension, the variance-covariance method, permit the determination of an essential parameter of radiation quality, the dose mean event size,y d. The methods have — among other advantages — the feature that they permit measurements for smaller simulated sites than the conventional single-event technique. It is, therefore, desirable to employ them also for the determination of further moments of the distribution ofy. The formulae for the first three moments are here derived both for the case of constant dose rate and of fluctuating dose rates. A second article will use the same mathematical approach to deduce formulae that remain valid even if there are slow changes of the ratio of dose rates in the two detectors for the variance-covariance method. A third article will explore — in terms of microdosimetric data — the applicability of the formulae.  相似文献   

Synthesis and simulation of a hierarchical (two-level) magnetic system for controlling a tokamakreactor plasma throughout the entire divertor discharge stage, including the plasma current ramp-up phase, are carried out. The plasma vertical velocity is stabilized about zero by using a proportional controller in a scalar control loop. The gain of the controller—the coefficient that ensures the required stability margins—is found by using a second-order linear model constructed by solving the identification problem on the basis of numerical experiments carried out with the DINA plasmophysical computer code. The internal cascade (the lower level of the system) for tracking the scenario currents in the poloidal magnetic field coils is synthesized by using the complete dynamic channel decoupling method. The external cascade (the upper level of the system) for tracking the plasma current and shape is synthesized by using the method of pseudoseparation of the control channels and the multidimensional diagonal proportional-integral controller, with proportional, integrating, and double integrating units connected in parallel in each channel. In the hierarchical control system, the lower level (the internal cascade) is subordinated to the upper level (the external cascade). The external cascade acts on the internal one by the signals that set the required currents in the coils of the central solenoid and of the poloidal magnetic field in order to ensure the required plasma current and shape in accordance with the output signals from the plant, which are transmitted through the vector feedback channel. The lower level is aimed exclusively at tracking the reference inputs by tracking the currents in the control coils. An operating mode of the system under the conditions of current saturation in the control coils is proposed and implemented. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the two-level (cascade) control system for reference scenario no. 2 of the ITER database (www.iter.org) with the DINA nonlinear code.  相似文献   

The untimely passing of Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Newell, AM, came as a shock to many in the bioethics world. As well as an obituary, this article notes a number of important themes in his work, and provides a select bibliography. Christopher's major contribution to this field is that he was one of a handful of scholars who made disability not only an acceptable area of bioethics—indeed a vital, central, fertile area of enquiry. Crucially Christopher emphasised that where we do ethics is actually in everyday life—while we mourn his passing, his rich work and example will continue to inspire bioethical inquiry.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, despite the lack of a specific strategy or a dedicated financial instrument to deal with invasive alien species (IAS), the European Commission (EC) has contributed to financing almost 300 projects addressing this issue, for a total budget exceeding 132 million EUR. Such figures are based on projects funded under two specific EU financial tools: LIFE and the RTD Framework Programmes. The contribution of the two programmes has been characterised by an overall positive trend over the years, in terms of both the number of projects and the budget spent. Such trend can be assumed to reflect an overall increase in both the awareness of the problem among wildlife managers and scientific institutions, and the willingness to pay by the EC institutions and the EU citizens in general. Such data might contribute to the development of a response indicator measuring ‘Trends in invasive alien species in Europe’, useful to assess progress toward the target of halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010—as a part of the SEBI 2010 process. The results may also contribute to assess the economic impact of IAS in Europe—in terms of costs for reduction and/or prevention of damages—and to support policy decisions and communication campaigns. Finally, the results are encouraging and support the need for the development and the implementation of a sound EU strategy on IAS, so as to regulate and optimise the administration of the available financial resources—whenever appropriate—on the basis of specific priorities.  相似文献   

煤气炮和声波驱鸟器有效距离的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟击事故主要发生在机场区域,通过使用驱鸟设备减少机场鸟类活动是预防鸟击的主要措施之一.本研究以家鸽和红隼两种高危险鸟类作为受试对象,选择沈阳桃仙国际机场使用的煤气炮和定向声波驱鸟器,观察在设备正常运行期间鸟类位于不同距离上的行为反应,探究两种驱鸟设备的有效作用距离以及效果.结果表明:家鸽和红隼在距离煤气炮驱鸟器10、3...  相似文献   

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