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This article presents the results of microscopic fungi complexes in the areas of five Russian polar stations in East Antarctica and the Subantarctic. A total of 104 microfungal species have been identified. Seventyseven fungal species have been detected in samples of soils and anthropogenic materials from polar stations of East Antarctica (Progress, Mirny, Molodezhnaya, and Druzhnaya 4) using mycological methods while, in the Bellingshausen station (Subantarctic), we have isolated 87 micromycete species. The number of fungi in soils varies from individual propagules in control soils to 94000 per 1 g of soil in contaminated areas. The largest number of species is represented by the genus Penicillium (26 species). Fungal species that form the core of mycobiota in most of the studied habitats have been identified. For soils of East Antarctica, it is formed by species of the genera Aureobasidium, Cadophora, Pseudogymnoascus (Geomyces), Thelebolus, and Phoma. Significant differences are established between the mycobiota of East Antarctica and that of the Subantarctic. At the same time, a general trend towards an increase in fungal species diversity and number in the areas of polar stations compared to the control (clean) sites for all studied areas is recorded. These data indicate that a significant part of micromycetes is introduced into the Antarctic by humans (anthropogenic invasion).  相似文献   

Samples of plankton from the Australian–New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean have been examined. A species list of pelagic fauna of ostracods is presented including latitudes and depths for Antarctic and Subantarctic water structures and the neighboring subtropical regions. The vertical distribution of ostracods is studied in the waters of the Subantarctic and Antarctic.  相似文献   

A total of 36 species of benthic hydroids, belonging to nine families and 16 genera, were found in the hydroid collection gathered during the Brazilian Antarctic expeditions PROANTAR III and IV. Seven of the species were identified only to generic level. There is a clear dominance of the subclass Leptothecatae with 33 species. By far the most diversified family was the Sertulariidae, with 16 species (44%). Symplectoscyphus with eight species, including Symplectoscyphus magnificus sp. nov., is the most diversified genus. Almost 70% of the species diversity is restricted to just six genera (38%). Sixty-eight percent of the species is Antarctic endemics and 86% is restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters. Eudendrium antarcticum and Amphisbetia operculata are recorded for the first time from Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

The latitudinal distribution of ostracods between the Subtropical Convergence and Antarctic Divergence has been studied from the example of materials from the Australian–New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean. The biogeographical structure of ostracod fauna has been revealed in the Subantarctic and Antarctic. Species-indicators have been distinguished for Antarctic and Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

A total of 61 species of hydroids, belonging to 13 families and 23 genera, were found during the Spanish Antarctic expedition Bentart 95 with the RV Hespérides. Ten of the species were identified only to generic level. The dominance of the subclass Leptothecatae, with 57 species, was remarkable. The remaining four species belong to the subclass Anthoathecatae. By far the most diverse family was the Sertulariidae, with 25 species (41%), followed by Haleciidae with nine species (15%) and Kirchenpaueriidae with six (10%). The family Plumulariidae, represented by one species of Nemertesia, is recorded for the first time from Antarctic waters. Eudendrium scotti, Perarella clavata and Symplectoscyphus hero are each recorded for the second time. Symplectoscyphus with 11 species was the dominant genus. Almost 60% of the species diversity is concentrated in just a little more than the 20% of genera. Nearly 70% of the species are endemic to Antarctic waters and 90% of them are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

The weevil subtribe Listroderina belongs in the tribe Rhytirrhinini (subfamily Cyclominae), and has 25 genera and 300 species in the Americas. The distributional history of this subtribe was reconstructed applying dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA) using its genera as terminals. The results suggest that Listroderina originated within an area presently represented by the Central Chile, Paramo, Puna, Patagonia and Subantarctic subregions of the Andean region. Posteriorly, the subtribe was affected by extinctions and was confined to Central Chile, Paramo and Subantarctic subregions. Later, extinctions and dispersals took place and the subtribe was restricted to the Paramo and Puna subregions. From there, a dispersal event to the Subantarctic subregion occurred, enlarging again the geographical range of the subtribe. Subsequently, a vicariant event separated the Puna and Paramo subregions from the Subantarctic one. While the Macrostyphlus generic group was confined to the Paramo and Puna subregions and from there dispersed to other areas, the Antarctobius , Falklandius , Listronotus , and Listroderes generic groups diversified in the Subantarctic subregion. The results obtained by DIVA may be linked to major geological events of South America. Thus, the geobiotic scenarios recorded in this subcontinent since the late Cretaceous could be used to interpret the biogeographical events which drove Listroderina evolution.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 339–352.  相似文献   

Deep-sea drilling at high latitudes of the Southern Hemispheres has provided almost the only available data to evaluate the biogeographic development of the planktonic biota in the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic (65 m.y. to Present Day). Paleontological investigations on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) materials have shown that the development of Cenozoic planktonic biogeography of the Southern Ocean is intimately linked with the evolution of the Southern Ocean water masses themselves. During the Cenozoic, this has included the development of the Circum-Antarctic Current system as obstructing land masses moved apart, the refrigeration and later extensive glaciation of the continent, and the development of the Antarctic Convergence (Polar Front) with related oceanic upwelling.Almost all evolution of calcareous planktonic microfossils has occurred outside of the Antarctic—Subantarctic region followed by limited migration into these water masses. Virtually no endemism occurs amongst calcareous microfossil groups at these latitudes. In contrast, conspicuous and widespread evolution has occurred within the siliceous microfossil groups especially during the Neogene. Low diversity and differences in stratigraphic ranges of Antarctic calcareous microfossils makes them only broadly useful for correlation. Relatively higher diversities within the Subantarctic provide a firmer basis for more detailed correlation, although the ranges of fossils are often different than at lower latitudes because of different paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic controls. Within the Antarctic water mass south of the Antarctic Convergence, siliceous microfossilsbiostratigraphy, oxygen isotopic stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy, provide the only firm basis for correlation with low-latitude sequences.Eocene (55-38 Ma) sediments contain abundant calcareous microfossils even closely adjacent to the continent. Antarctic calcareous planktonic microfossils of this age exhibit relative high diversity, although this is lower than assemblages of equivalent age at middle and low latitudes. Within the Subantarctic region, Eocene planktonic foraminifera exhibit strong affinities with those in the temperate regions. Biogeographic differences exist between various sectors of the Southern Ocean related to biogeographic isolation preceding the development of the Circum-Antarctic Current. Subantarctic calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Paleocene and Eocene age exhibit higher diversity than Oligocene and Neogene assemblages. Siliceous microfossils are poorly represented or at best poorly known.One of the most dramatic changes in Southern Ocean planktonic biogeography occurred near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (38 Ma). Since then, Antarctic planktonic foraminiferal assemblages have exhibited distinct polar characteristics, marked in particular by low diversity, and this event thus reflects the initiation of the Antarctic faunal and floral provinces. Profound paleoceanographic changes at this time, which triggered the biogeographic crisis, appear to be related to the initiation of widespread Antarctic sea-ice formation, and rapid cooling of deep and intermediate waters, in turn associated with increased Antarctic glaciation. During the Oligocene, planktonic microfossil diversity was low in all groups throughout the world's oceans. In Antarctic waters, the early Oligocene foraminiferal fauna is monospecific (Subbotina angiporoides), while in the later Oligocene two species (S. angiporoides and Catapsydrax dissimilis) were recorded. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages are of low diversity compared with the Eocene. Subantarctic foraminiferal faunas of Oligocene age display much higher diversity than those in the Antarctic, but early and middle Oligoceae faunas still exhibit the lowest diversities for the entire Cenozoic. Siliceous assemblages remain relatively inconspicuous in most regions of the Southern Ocean.The Paleogene-Neogene transition (22 Ma) is marked by a major change in the global planktonic biogeography, i.e. modern patterns developed in which permanent, steep faunal and floral diversity gradients existed between tropical and polar regions; a gradient which has persisted even during the most severe glacial episodes. Oligocene assemblages of low diversity and almost cosmopolitan distribution were replaced by distinctive belts of planktonic assemblages arranged latitudinally from the tropics to the poles. The establishment of the steep planktonic diversity gradients and latitudinal provinces near the beginning of the Neogene almost certainly were linked to the development of the Circum-Antarctic Current in the late Oligocene which effectively separated high- and low-latitude planktonic assemblages. These fundamental global circulation and biogeographic patterns have persisted through the Neogene.During the Neogene (22 Ma to Present Day), Antarctic calcareous microfossil assemblages exhibit persistent low diversity and high dominance, while Subantarctic assemblages are of much greater diversity. The beginning of the Neogene (= beginning of Miocene) heralded the development of the high-latitude siliceous microfossil assemblages towards their present-day dominant role. Siliceous biogenec productivity began to increase. These changes were linked to the initial development and later intensification of circulation associated with the Antarctic Convergence and Antarctic Divergence. The Antarctic Convergence sharply separates dominantly siliceous assemblages to the south from calcareous assemblages to the north. Radiolarian assemblages became more endemic. Relatively warm early and middle Miocene conditions are reflected by slightly higher diversity of planktonic foraminifera and by the presence, in the northern Subantarctic, of conspicuous discoasters in early Miocene sediments. In Antarctic waters, calcareous nannofossils become unimportant as biogenic elements after the middle Miocene.The latest Miocene ( 5 m.y. ago) was marked by northward movement of the Antarctic Convergence, corresponding expansion of the Antarctic water mass, and low diversity of calcareous assemblages. Pliocene planktonic foraminifera seem to be largely monospecific in Antarctic and southern Subantarctic sequences. During the Quaternary, Antarctic waters reached a maximum northward expansion and exhibit highest siliceous biogenic productivity for the Cenozoic. In the Subantarctic, Quaternary foraminiferal diversities are much higher than in Pliocene sequences. Although calcareous nannofossil diversity may be high, only a few species are abundant. Large northward shifts of Antarctic and Subantarctic water masses have occurred during the Quaternary although no southward penetrations have occurred much beyond that of the present day. Several radiolarian and foraminiferal species disappeared or appeared at or close to a number of paleomagnetic reversals during the last 4 m.y. These faunal events, which provide valuable datums, do not seem to be associated with major climatic changes.  相似文献   

The results of a macro-scale oceanographic survey conducted in the upstream and downstream regions of the Prince Edward Islands in austral autumn (April/May) 1989 are presented. During the investigation, the Subantarctic Front, upstream of the islands, was shown to lie initially south at 46°38′S, while downstream, the front remained in a northern position of approximately 46°S. Surface expressions of the front show that the Subantarctic Front forms a zonal band, while the subsurface expressions (200 m) show a distinct meander in both regions. In the upstream region of the islands, the northern branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the Subantarctic Front, influenced by the shallow bathymetry, was deflected around the northern edge of the islands. Water masses in this region were shown to modify gradually from Subantarctic Surface Water (7°C, 33.75) to Antarctic Surface Water (5°C, 33.70) as the Polar Frontal Zone was crossed. Downstream of the islands a wake was formed resulting in the generation of broad, cross-frontal meanders. As a consequence, warm Subantarctic Surface Water from north of the Subantarctic Front was advected southwards across the Polar Frontal Zone, while cooler waters, which had been modified in the transitional band of the Polar Frontal Zone, were advected northwards. In the downstream region a warm eddy consisting of Subantarctic Surface Water was observed. Its generation is possibly due to baroclinic instabilities in the meandering wake. Zooplankton species composition and distribution patterns during the investigation were consistent with the prevailing oceanographic regime. Four distinct groupings of stations were identified by numerical analysis. These corresponded to stations found north of the Subantarctic Front, within the warm eddy, located in the Polar Frontal Zone, and those stations associated with the meander. The groupings were separated by the Subantarctic Front, which appears to represent an important biogeographic boundary to the distribution of warm-water zooplankton species. Warm eddies in the downstream region of the islands may represent an effective mechanism for transporting warm water species across the Subantarctic Front. Accepted: 19 August 1998  相似文献   

Twenty-three species representative of 15 heteronemertean genera are recorded from Antarctic and Subantarctic waters south oflatitude 50oS. Five new genera are established and seven new species are fully described and illustrated. These are Cephalurichus antarcticus gen. et sp. nov., Dokonemertes magellanensis gen. et sp. nov., Dokonemertes macquariensis sp. nov., Micrellides multiperula gen. et sp. nov., Paramicrurinella falklandica gen. et sp. nov., Parborlasia landrumae sp. nov. and Zodionemertes chilensis gen. et sp. nov. Baseodiscus antarcticus Baylis, Antarctolineus scotti (Baylis), Lineus longifissus (Hubrecht) and Parborlasia fueguina Serna de Esteban & Moretto are redescribed and illustrated and the nature of rhynchodaeal pouches protruding into the cephalic blood lacunae of Parborlasia corrugatus (Mcintosh) is reexamined and discussed. The main anatomical characters of the remaining 11 species are recorded and it is concluded that of these only Parapolia grytvikenensis Wheeler, Cerebratulus malvini Wheeler, Chilineus glandulosa (Burger), Huilkia ushuaiensis Serna de Esteban & Moretto, Micrura pacifica Friedrich and Wiolkenia friedrichi Serna de Esteban & Moretto can at present be accepted as valid, although incompletely described, taxa. Cerebratulus larseni Wheeler, Cerebratulus validus Bürger, Lineus autrani Joubin and Lineus turqueli Joubin are so poorly and inadequately described that their taxonomic status cannot be verified, and the recorded occurrence of Lineus nigricans Burger in southern latitudes cannot be substantiated on the available evidence. Maps showing the recorded distribution of all the species are included and a key to the 18 validated species is provided.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of gammaridean amphipods is poorly known in Chile. The lack of literature has discouraged investigation of this group, which has been overlooked for years. This has led to the exclusion of amphipods from biological and ecological studies done in our country. I present here a preliminary report on the actual state of the group with reference mainly to its taxonomy, ecological studies and a species catalogue. I have only included species from continental Chile north of 56 °S, Juan Fernandez Archipelago and Isla de Pascua. Species from Chilean Subantarctic and Antarctic waters are excluded, because they are well covered by other authors. There are 168 known for Chile, 36 of them undescribed or with their status not clear. This report is based on a revision of the species recorded for Chile, analysis of samples from the Chilean coast and the work of ecologists who are using the group as material for study.  相似文献   

Two decapod crustacean larval morphotypes belonging to the Anomura and Brachyura were found for the first time in Antarctic waters. Nine specimens were obtained from qualitative plankton hauls in Maxwell Bay (Bransfield Strait) (62°14'33S; 58°43'81W) off King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The anomuran morphotype belonged to the Hippidae, and apparently to the genus Emerita, whereas the brachyuran representative was assigned to the genus Pinnotheres (Pinnotheridae). At present, species determination is not possible due to lack of knowledge of larval morphology in both families. Adult forms of these reptant decapods are not known from Antarctic waters; the occurrence of the present larval forms is considered as a possible intrusion of Subantarctic water masses into the Antarctic environment. This hypothesis is supported by the additional presence of the copepod genus Acartia in the same sample material, which is exclusively known from Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

The external morphology and anatomy of the Antarctic nudibranchs Tritonia vorax Odhner, 1926, and Tritonia antarctica Pfeffer in Martens & Pfeffer, 1886, is redescribed in detail and compared with other nominal tritoniids from the Antarctic and Subantarctic waters. Tritonia appendiculata Eliot, 1905, T. challengeriana Eliot, 1907a, non Bergh, 1884, T. chalkngeriana Odhner 1926, non Bergh, 1884, and Marionia cmullata Vicente & Arnaud 1974, non (Couthouy, in Gould 1852), are shown to be synonymous with T. antarctica. Only Tritonia antarctica is a true High Antarctic species, with a distribution around the continental shelf, Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia. T. vorax is confined to South Georgia and Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

The newly described speciesLeucon intermedius n. sp. differs from other knownLeucon species by an inconspicuous antennal notch and the presence of only a few teeth at the dorsomedian crest. The species most similar toLeucon intermedius areL. septemdentatus andL. inexcavatus from the Antarctic/Subantarctic Ocean. A Table is given to allow direct comparison of the characteristics of allLeucon species known from the Antarctic/Subantarctic, Ocean. Forty-one specimens ofLeucon intermedius n. sp. were collected at depths ranging from 109 to 791 m in the vicinity of the Amery Depression (Indian Sector) and near King George Island (South Shetland Islands). Problems in distinguishing the Antarctic/Subantarctic species of the genusEudorella are discussed. The shape of the antennal notch is suggested as a better characteristic to distinguish theEudorella species than the proportions of the articles of extremities. On the basis of this criterion, samples at the Zoological Museum, Hamburg are made up of two species ofEudorella: gracilior and cf.fallax.  相似文献   

A new Antarctic species belonging to the genus Didemnum is described. The material was collected during the BENTART-03 cruise through the Bellingshausen Sea. The geographic and bathymetric distribution of the known Didemnum species from Antarctic and Subantarctic regions and a tabular key for the identification of these species are summarized.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of benthic hydroids, belonging to eight families and 13 genera, were found in a hydroid collection from Peter I Island, collected during both the Bentart 2003 and Bentart 2006 Spanish expeditions with BIO Hespérides in 2003 and 2006. Fourteen out of the 23 species constitute new records for Peter I Island, raising the total number of known species in the area to 30, as also do seven out of the 13 genera. The majority of the species are members of the subclass Leptothecata; the subclass Anthoathecata being scarcely represented. Sertulariidae is the family with the greatest number of species in the collection, with eight species (35%), followed by Lafoeidae with five (22%). Symplectoscyphus with four species (17%) and both Antarctoscyphus and Halecium with three (13%), including H. frigidum sp. nov., were the most diverse genera. Twenty species (ca. 77%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, either with a circum-Antarctic (11 species, ca. 42%) or West Antarctic (9 species, ca. 35%) distribution. Twenty-four (ca. 92%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters; only two species have a wider distribution. Peter I Island hydroid fauna is composed of typical representatives of the Antarctic benthic hydroid fauna, though it is characterized by the low representation of some of the most diverse and widespread Antarctic genera (Schizotricha and Staurotheca).  相似文献   


This study proposes a bioclimatic characterization and a new biogeographic division for the Antarctic territories up to the province level following the criteria and models of Rivas-Martínez et al. The Antarctic Kingdom comprises the continent of Antarctica, the surrounding ice-covered Antarctic islands, and the associated cold oceanic islands and archipelagos. It has two biogeographic regions: the Antarctic Region and the Subantarctic Insular Region. The Antarctic Region includes the entire pergelid Antarctic continent and the surrounding islands and archipelagos, and is characterized by upper suprapolar hyperoceanic and oceanic or Polar pergelid bioclimates on the coasts. The region has been divided into three pr6ovinces: Maritime Antarctica, West Antarctica and East Antarctica. The Subantarctic Insular Region comprises the circumantarctic islands and archipelagos that are widespread at the southern tip of the planet’s most important oceans, mostly in the subtemperate latitudinal zone inside or not far from the Antarctic Convergence. Bioclimatically, all insular subantarctic territories (excluding the South-American Tierra de Fuego, Terra Magellanica and large islands) are characterized by thermo-suprapolar and semipolar antarctic hyperoceanic bioclimates on the coasts. Four provinces – Falklandian-South Georgian, Kerguelenian, Macquarian and Aucklandian-Campbellian – have been recognized in this region. All these units are characterized by floristic bioindicators.  相似文献   

Ciliate diversity was investigated in situ in freshwater ecosystems of the maritime (South Shetland Islands, mainly Livingston Island, 63 degrees S) and continental Antarctic (Victoria Land, 75 degrees S), and the High Arctic (Svalbard, 79 degrees N). In total, 334 species from 117 genera were identified in both polar regions, i.e. 210 spp. (98 genera) in the Arctic, 120 spp. (73 genera) in the maritime and 59 spp. (41 genera) in the continental Antarctic. Forty-four species (13% of all species) were common to both Arctic and Antarctic freshwater bodies and 19 spp. to both Antarctic areas (12% of all species). Many taxa are cosmopolitans but some, e.g. Stentor and Metopus spp., are not, and over 20% of the taxa found in any one of the three areas are new to science. Cluster analysis revealed that species similarity between different biotopes (soil, moss) within a study area was higher than between similar biotopes in different regions. Distinct differences in the species composition of freshwater and terrestrial communities indicate that most limnetic ciliates are not ubiquitously distributed. These observations and the low congruence in species composition between both polar areas, within Antarctica and between high- and temperate-latitude water bodies, respectively, suggest that long-distance dispersal of limnetic ciliates is restricted and that some species have a limited geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The Bellingshausen Sea constitutes the third largest sea in the Southern Ocean, though it is widely recognized as one of the less-studied Antarctic areas. To reduce this lack of knowledge, a survey to study the biodiversity of its marine benthic communities was carried out during the Bentart 2003 and Bentart 2006 Spanish Antarctic expeditions. The study of the hydroid collection has provided 27 species, belonging to ten families and 15 genera. Twenty-one out of the 27 species constitute new records for the Bellingshausen Sea, raising the total number of known species to 37, as also do nine out of the 15 genera. Candelabrum penola, Lafoea annulata, and Staurotheca juncea are recorded for the second time. Most species belong to Leptothecata. Sertulariidae with 13 species (48%) is by far the most speciose family, and Symplectoscyphus with seven species (26%), including S. bellingshauseni sp. nov. and S. hesperides sp. nov., the most diverse genus. Considering the whole benthic hydroid fauna of the Bellingshausen Sea, 18 species (69%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, either with a circum-Antarctic (12 species, 46%) or West Antarctic (6 species, 23%) distribution, 23 (88%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters, and only three species have a wider distribution. Bellingshausen Sea hydroid fauna is composed of a relatively high diversity of typical representatives of the Antarctic benthic hydroid fauna, though with a surprisingly low representation of some of the most diverse and widespread Antarctic genera (Oswaldella and Schizotricha), what could be related to the fact that its shelf-inhabiting hydroid fauna remains practically unknown.  相似文献   

Eddies have some decisive functions in the dynamics of the Southern Ocean ecosystems. This is particularly true in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, where a region of unusually high-mesoscale variability has been observed in the vicinity of the South-West Indian Ridge. In April 2003, three eddies were studied: eddy A, a recently spawned anticyclone south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF),; eddy B, an anticyclone north of lying between the Subantarctic Front and the APF; and eddy C, a cyclone north of the APF west of the ridge. Elevated concentrations of total Chl-a coincided with the edges of the cyclonic eddy, whereas both anticyclonic eddies A and B were characterised by low total Chl-a concentrations. Biologically, the two anticyclonic eddies A and B were distinctly different in their biogeographic origin. The zooplankton community in the larger anticyclonic eddy A was similar in composition to the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) community with an addition of some Antarctic species suggesting an origin just north of the APF. In contrast, the species composition within the second anticyclonic eddy B appeared to be more typical of the transitional nature of the APFZ, comprising species of both subantarctic and subtropical origin and thus influenced by intrusions of water masses from both north and south of the Subantarctic Front. Back-tracking of these features shows that the biological composition clearly demarcates the hydrographic origin of these features.  相似文献   

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