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Polypeptide present in various cell fractions obtained from homogenized maize mesocotyls were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotted, and screened for cross-reactivity with antibodies against three synthetic polypeptides spanning different regions of the rat heart gap junctional protein connexin43 and the whole mouse liver gap junctional protein connexin32. An antibody raised against a cytoplasmic loop region of connexin43 cross-reacted strongly with a cell wall-associated polypeptide (possibly a doublet) of 26 kilodaltons. Indirect immunogold labeling of thin sections of mesocotyl tissue with this antibody labeled the plasmodesmata of cortical cells along the entire length of the plasmodesmata, including the neck region and the cytoplasmic annulus. Sections labeled with control preimmune serum were essentially free of colloidal gold. An antibody against connexin32 cross-reacted with a 27-kilodalton polypeptide that was present in the cell wall and membrane fractions. Indirect immunogold labeling of thin sections with this antibody labeled the plasmodesmata mainly in the neck region. It is suggested that maize mesocotyl plasmodesmata contain at least two different proteins that have homologous domains with connexin proteins.  相似文献   

In a group of 11 monoclonal antibodies specifically reacting with the measles virus fusion protein, three antibodies also immunoprecipitated other proteins, in particular a 79,000-molecular-weight protein from virus-infected cells. The cross-reacting 79,000-molecular-weight protein was shown to be a virus-induced host stress protein. This protein could be induced by (i) different paramyxoviruses, (ii) heat shock of uninfected HeLa cells, and (iii) 2-deoxyglucose, tunicamycin, or L-canavanine treatment of different mammalian cell lines. Immunofluorescence of stressed HeLa cells localized the cross-reacting host protein(s) mainly in the cytoplasm. The significance of these results in relation to autoimmunity is discussed.  相似文献   

Vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) and albumin (ALB) are abundant serum proteins and both possess high-affinity binding for saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. However, certain differences exist. We surmised that in cases where serum albumin level is low, DBP presumably can act as a transporter of fatty acids. To explore this possibility we synthesized several alkylating derivatives of 14C-palmitic acid to probe the fatty acid-binding pockets of DBP and ALB. We observed that N-ethyl-5-phenylisooxazolium-3′-sulfonate-ester (WRK-ester) of 14C-palmitic acid specifically labeled DBP; but p-nitrophenyl- and N-hydroxysuccinimidyl-esters failed to do so. However, p-nitrophenyl ester of 14C-palmitic acid specifically labeled bovine ALB, indicating that the micro-environment of the fatty acid-binding domains of DBP and ALB may be different; and DBP may not replace ALB as a transporter of fatty acids.  相似文献   

The kinetics of iodinated human serum albumin ([125I]Hu-SA) and alpha-fetoprotein ([125I]Hu-AFP) binding and endocytosis by resting and phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated human T lymphocytes were studied comparatively. The binding of both SA and AFP appeared considerably increased upon blastic transformation. SA, like AFP, binds in a saturable way to the surface of PHA-stimulated human T lymphocytes at 4 degrees C and is endocytosed at 37 degrees C. Two saturation plateaus were observed by incubating at 4 degrees C activated T lymphocytes with [125I]Hu-AFP at different concentrations (10 ng-250 micrograms/ml), while only one saturation plateau was obtained by incubating cells with [125I]Hu-SA in the same conditions. Scatchard analysis of binding data revealed two types of binding sites for Hu-AFP and one for Hu-SA. Competition experiments using proteins of human and bovine origin are in favor of the presence on the surface of these cells of a common binding site for AFP and SA. Pulse-chase experiments showed that internalized [125I]SA was released mainly in a degraded form from the cells, in agreement with detection by ultrastructural cytochemistry of peroxidase-conjugated SA in lysosome-like bodies by ultrastructural cytochemistry. This contrasts with the intracellular pathway of AFP, which as previously described (Geuskens, M., et al., Eur. J. Cell Biol. 50, 418-427 (1989)), moves to tubular-vesicular structures in the Golgi region and is recycled for the most part undegraded.  相似文献   

41 Amino acid long N-terminal sequences of the three major human vitamin D-binding proteins (group-specific components Gc1F, Gc1S and Gc2) were characterized: they were identical. By computer analyses, the alignment of this N-terminal sequence with several sequences of human serum pre-proalbumin and human pre-alpha-fetoprotein was established.  相似文献   

An interaction of vitamin D-binding protein to immobilized Cibacron Blue F3-GA was studied under urea containing buffers. In these buffers, this protein was adsorbed to the immobilized dye and was eluted with salt gradients as in the same buffer without urea. The protein was also adsorbed to immobilized diethylaminoethyl but not to immobilized carboxymethyl. It is implicated that a combination of pseudo-ligand affinity and/or hydrogen bonding interaction plays a large role whereas ionic, hydrophobic and lipophilic interactions act little between the protein and the immobilized blue dye.  相似文献   

Vitamin D-binding protein (DBP), a member of a multigene family including alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and albumin, is a serum glycoprotein that reversibly binds and transports vitamin D and its metabolites to target cells. In this work, we demonstrate that normal and malignant human B-lymphocytes specifically bind and internalize DBP. Radioiodinated DBP (125I-DBP) was used to follow the uptake of the protein by Raji cells, a human pre-B-lymphoma cell line. Time course studies of DBP uptake by these cells exhibited a saturable profile at both 4 and 37 degrees C. The binding saturation curve obtained by incubating Raji cells at 4 degrees C with different concentrations (1.5 nM to 1.5 microM) of 125I-DBP showed two saturation plateaus; Scatchard analysis showed the presence of two groups of receptor sites with a Kd1 of 2.04 x 10(-7) M (n1 = 42,161 +/- 4,336 sites/cell) and a Kd2 of 1.01 x 10(-6) M (n2 = 198,000 +/- 48,000 sites/cell). After incubation of Raji cells at 37 degrees C with both fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and horseradish peroxidase conjugates, DBP was internalized and could be localized in the cytoplasm. DBP-horseradish peroxidase conjugates were used to follow the uptake and to determine the endocytic pathway of the protein in Raji cells. The initial steps, contrary to those observed for AFP, did not apparently involve coated pits and vesicles. Small vesicles (approximately 50-60 nm) with electron-dense DBP-horseradish peroxidase reaction products were observed that could fuse with large endosomes. These endosomes appeared dispersed in the cytoplasm with some preferential localization in the Golgi centrosphere region. Pulse-chase experiments showed that only 10% of the uptaken protein was released in a nondegraded form. Accordingly, most DBP molecules accumulated in endosomes should be degraded in lysosomes, instead of being recycled back to the surface, as in the case of AFP. Contrary to malignant B-cells (Raji), the uptake ability for DBP of normal quiescent B-lymphocytes was very low. Specific binding and internalization of DBP-FITC by these cells were observed following mitogen-induced activation. Significant values of uptake were obtained at 37 degrees C after 72 h of incubation in the presence of pokeweed mitogen. The binding of DBP-FITC was partially inhibited in the presence of an excess of unlabeled protein. Taken together, the actual results suggest that DBP receptors are constitutively expressed by malignant B-cells and in a transitory form by normal B-lymphocytes undergoing mitogen-induced activation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three of the proteins induced by heat shock of chicken embryo fibroblasts have been purified, and rabbit antibodies have been raised against them. These antibodies have been used in radioimmune precipitation reactions and in a solid-phase immune assay to detect antigenic material in non-heat-shocked chicken tissues and in extracts of widely different species ranging from yeast to mammalian tissue culture cells and human erythrocyte ghosts. Antibodies to two of the major chicken heat shock proteins, chsp89 and chsp70, cross-reacted with proteins of similar molecular weights in normal embryonic and adult chicken tissues and in extracts from widely different organisms. These data provide further evidence for the university of the heat shock response and conservation of proteins induced by this type of stress.  相似文献   

We have recently determined complete DNA sequences for the human albumin and alpha-fetoprotein [AFP] genes and thus have identified their detailed structures. Each is composed of three domains of four exons, three of which are internal and one of which is a domain-linking exon. Equivalent exons in each domain show sufficient sequence and structural similarity to be considered homologous; additional unique exons at each end of the gene show no similarity to the internal triplicated structures. Since earlier, conflicting evolutionary models were based on analysis of single gene structures, we derived from five genes a series of consensus sequences representing the three internal exons as well as the domain-linking exon. The five genes were human and rat albumin and human, mouse, and rat AFP genes. Structurally equivalent exons of the different domains are shown to have arisen from a single exon in a one-domain precursor. Exons that bridge the domains arose from an unequal crossover that fused two exons of the precursor. Our model suggests that part of the coding sequence of the one-domain precursor may have been derived from an intron, by way of loss of a splice site. The consensus sequences were used to propose an intron-exon structure for the related gene encoding the serum vitamin D-binding protein (DBP). DBP is truncated relative to albumin and AFP, and we submit that this results from deletion of two internal exons in the third domain of the gene rather than from premature termination of the coding sequence.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi lambda gt 11 library from epimastogote derived mRNA was screened with human chagasic sera or sera from chronically infected mice. Strong reactive recombinants were detected with both sera. Two recombinant clones were studied in more detail and shown to be composed of the same 114-bp repetitive sequence coding for a 38 amino acid repetition. This repetition is the same size and shares greater than 60% homology with the reported T. brucei microtubule associated protein (MAP) p320. The insert of one of these clones, K1-7 (228 bp), was subcloned into pMSgt11 and the soluble recombinant polypeptide expressed. Antibodies against the K1-7 fusion polypeptide recognized a major 110-kDa band from cytoskeleton. Anti K1-7 monospecific antibodies detected several cytoskeletal proteins from 3T3 fibroblasts and bovine brain microtubule preparations. Reciprocally, anti-MAP1b monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine brain microtubule reacted with the K1-7 polypeptide on Western blots. The protein identified by K1-7 antibodies may be one of the parasite molecules associated to molecular mimicry.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence (458 amino acid residues) of human group-specific component 2 (Gc2) protein was determined. Computer analyses established a three-fold internal homology of Gc2 protein as well as an extensive homology between the overall structures of Gc2 protein, human serum albumin and human alpha-fetoprotein.  相似文献   

Allele and genotype frequency distributions of the vitamin D-binding protein gene (DBP) were studied in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, N = 298) and healthy individuals (N = 237) from two ethnic groups (Tatars and Russians) resident in the Republic Bashkortostan. The DBP genotype frequency distribution significantly differed between Tatars and Russians (X 2 = 8.854, df = 5, P = 0.04). The DBP allele frequency distribution was similar in healthy subjects of both ethnic groups, with allele frequency decreasing as GC*1S > GC*1F > GC*2. The most common DBP genotype was GC*1F/1S in Tatars (36.79%) and GC*1S/2 in Russians (34.62%). It was demonstrated that, in Tatars, the genotype GC*1F/1S is protective against COPD, its frequency being significantly lower in COPD patients than in healthy subjects (19.85% vs. 36.79%; X 2 = 7.622, P = 0.0067, P cor = 0.0335; OR = 0.42, 95%CI 0.42–0.95). On the other hand, the genotype GC*1F/2 was more common among COPD patients than among healthy individuals (19.08% vs. 8.49%; X 2 = 4.52, P = 0.033, P cor = 0.165; OR = 2.54, 95%CI 1.067–6.20). No differences in DBP genotype and allele frequency distributions was found between COPD patients and healthy individuals in the Russian population.  相似文献   

The CDC25 gene product of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been shown to be a positive regulator of the Ras protein. The high degree of homology between yeast RAS and the mammalian proto-oncogene ras suggests a possible resemblance between the mammalian regulator of Ras and the regulator of the yeast Ras (Cdc25). On the basis of this assumption, we have raised antibodies against the conserved C-terminal domain of the Cdc25 protein in order to identify its mammalian homologs. Anti-Cdc25 antibodies raised against a beta-galactosidase-Cdc25 fusion protein were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and were shown by immunoblotting to specifically recognize the Cdc25 portion of the antigen and a truncated Cdc25 protein, also expressed in bacteria. These antibodies were shown both by immunoblotting and by immunoprecipitation to recognize the CDC25 gene product in wild-type strains and in strains overexpressing Cdc25. The anti-Cdc25 antibodies potently inhibited the guanyl nucleotide-dependent and, approximately 3-fold less potently, the Mn(2+)-dependent adenylyl cyclase activity in S. cerevisiae. The anti-Cdc25 antibodies do not inhibit cyclase activity in a strain harboring RAS2Val-19 and lacking the CDC25 gene product. These results support the view that Cdc25, Ras2, and Cdc35/Cyr1 proteins are associated in a complex. Using these antibodies, we were able to define the conditions to completely solubilize the Cdc25 protein. The results suggest that the Cdc25 protein is tightly associated with the membrane but is not an intrinsic membrane protein, since only EDTA at pH 12 can solubilize the protein. The anti-Cdc25 antibodies strongly cross-reacted with the C-terminal domain of the Cdc25 yeast homolog, Sdc25. Most interestingly, these antibodies also cross-reacted with mammalian proteins of approximately 150 kDa from various tissues of several species of animals. These interactions were specifically blocked by the beta-galactosidase-Cdc25 fusion protein.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2121-2128
We characterized nine monoclonal antibodies that bind to the heavy chain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IA. Eight of these antibodies bind to myosin-IB and eight cross-react with Acanthamoeba myosin-II. All but one of the antibodies bind to a 30-kD chymotryptic peptide of myosin-IA that derives from the COOH terminus of the molecule, and to tryptic peptides as small as 17 kD, hence these epitopes are clustered closely together on the heavy chain. None of the antibodies prevent heavy chain phosphorylation by myosin-I heavy chain kinase. One antibody inhibits the K+-EDTA ATPase activity and three antibodies inhibit the actin- activated Mg++-ATPase activity of myosin-I under the set of conditions that we tested. When fluorescent antibody staining of both whole cells and isolated nuclei is done, several of these monoclonal antibodies react strongly with nuclei. These antibodies also stain the cytoplasmic matrix, especially the cortex near the plasma membrane. All nine of the monoclonal antibodies bind to polypeptides of 30-34 kD that are highly enriched in nuclei isolated from Acanthamoeba. There is no myosin-I in the isolated nuclei, so the 30-34-kD polypeptides, not myosin-I, are responsible for the nuclear staining.  相似文献   

T H Cromartie  C T Walsh 《Biochemistry》1975,14(12):2588-2596
L-alpha-Hydroxy acid oxidase (listed as EC, L-amino acid: O2 oxidoreductase) has been purified 100-fold from rat kidney to apparent homogeneity by gel electrophoresis. A subunit molecular weight of 47,500 was found by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, but in contrast to previous reports, the enzyme has been found to have a molecular weight of ca. 200,000 by Sephadex gel filtration and by dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of the enzyme cross-linked with dimethyl suberimidate. A somewhat higher value was found by sedimentation equilibrium, but a tetrameric structure for the active enzyme is definitely established. The enzyme was found to contain the FMN coenzyme at a concentration of one FMN/102,000 daltons or one flavine/two subunits, a highly unusual finding. This ratio was determined from spectroscopic analysis of the FMN in lyophilized samples of the enzyme and by titration of the coenzyme with the flavine specific enzyme inactivator 2-hydroxy-3-butynoate. The enzyme has the same specific activity as a crystalline sample of the enzyme reported to have twice as much flavine/milligram.  相似文献   

J K Addo  N Swamy  R Ray 《Steroids》1999,64(4):273-282
In this article, we describe the development of a general synthetic strategy to functionalize the C-6 position of vitamin D3 and its biologically important metabolites, i.e. 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH-D3) and 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3]. We employed Mazur's cyclovitamin D method to synthesize vitamin D3 analogs with several functionalities at the C-6 position. In addition, we synthesized 6-(3-hydroxypropyl) and 6-[(2-bromoacetoxy)propyl] derivatives of 25-OH-D3 15 and 16, respectively, and 6-(3-hydroxypropyl) derivative of 1,25(OH)2D3 17. Competitive binding assays of 15-17 with human serum vitamin D-binding protein showed that all these analogs specifically bound to this protein, although with significantly lower affinity than the 25-OH-D3, the strongest natural binder, but with comparable affinity with 1,25(OH)2D3, the hormone. On the other hand, 6-[3-hydroxypropyl], 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 17 did not show any specific binding for recombinant nuclear vitamin D receptor. These results indicated that the region containing the C-6 position of the parent seco-steroid [1,25(OH)2D3] may be an important recognition marker towards vitamin D receptor binding. Information, delineated in this article, will be important for evaluating structure-activity relationship in synthetic analogs of vitamin D and its metabolites.  相似文献   

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