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The virtues and limitations of SIMS ion microscopy are compared with other spectroscopic techniques applicable to biological microanalysis, with a special emphasis on techniques for elemental localization in biological tissue (electron, X-ray, laser, nuclear, ion microprobes). Principal advantages of SIMS include high detection sensitivity, high depth resolution, isotope specificity, and possibilities for three-dimensional imaging. Current limitations, especially in comparison to X-ray microanalysis, center on lateral spatial resolution and quantification. Recent SIMS instrumentation advances involving field emission liquid metal ion sources and laser post-ionization will help to minimize these limitations in the future. The molecular surface analysis capabilities of static SIMS, especially with the new developments in commercial time-of-flight spectrometers, are promising for application to biomimetic, biomaterials, and biological tissue or cell surfaces. However, the direct microchemical imaging of biomolecules in tissue samples using SIMS will be hindered by limited concentrations, small analytical volumes, and the inefficiencies of converting surface molecules to structurally significant gas phase ions. Indirect detection using elemental or isotopically tagged molecules, however, shows considerable promise for molecular imaging studies using SIMS ion microscopy.  相似文献   

Sample preparation is a critical step in the elemental analysis of animal tissues and cell cultures with ion microscopy. Since live cells cannot be analyzed with ion microscopy, a careful sample fixation is necessary which preserves the native structural and chemical integrity of a specimen. The evaluation of morphological and chemical integrity of a fixed specimen is necessary before any physiological explanation of ion fluxes is interpreted based on ion microscopy. For diffusible ion localization studies, strict cryogenic procedures are recommended. Examples are shown for diffusible ion microanalysis in frozen-freeze-dried tissues and cell cultures. Ion microscopy studies of tightly bound elements/molecules may be conducted in chemically fixed and/or plastic embedded specimens. Since it is not generally known which elements/molecules are tightly bound to the tissue matrix, a confirmation of elemental distribution with cryogenic procedures is desirable. A recent approach of combining laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy and ion microscopy on the same frozen freeze-dried cell is also discussed for recognizing smaller cytoplasmic structures in ion microscopy images.  相似文献   

Quantitative ion microscopy of freeze-fractured, freeze-dried cultured cells is a technique for single cell and subcellular elemental analysis. This review describes the technique and its usefulness in determining the uptake and subcellular distribution of the boron from boron neutron capture therapy drugs.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the most recent methodological advances in the field of biological imaging using dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). After a short reminder of the basic principle of SIMS imaging, the latest high-resolution dynamic SIMS equipment is briefly described. This new ion nanoprobe (CAMECA NanoSIMS 50) has a lateral resolution of less than 50 nm with primary Cs+ ion, the ability to detect simultaneously 5 different ions from the same micro-volume and a very good transmission even at high mass resolution (60% at M/DeltaM=5000). Basic considerations related to sample preparation, mass resolution and primary ion implantation are given. The decisive capability of this new instrument, and more generally of high-resolution dynamic SIMS imaging in biology, are illustrated with the most recent examples of utilization.  相似文献   

An imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry system has been developed that allows the distribution of elements or ions to be superimposed on an image of the plant cell or tissue generated by ion-induced secondary electrons. This system has been evaluated by analysing the aleurone and sub-aleurone cells of mature wheat grain, showing high spatial resolution (100-200 nm) images of O-, PO(2)-, Mg+, Ca+, Na+ and K+ within the phytate granules of the aleurone, with CN- being diagnostic for proteins and C(2)- being diagnostic for starch in the starchy endosperm cells. This system should provide improved localization of elements in a range of other plant systems.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of two neurotropic drugs, flunitrazepam (benzodiazepine) and triflupromazine (phenothiazine), was studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry microscopy (SIMS) in three varieties of cells. The images of the intracellular distributions of the two drugs are easily obtained by selecting the fluorine atom of the molecules. These images show that the drug from the benzodiazepine group is mainly located in the nuclei, whereas the phenothiazine is exclusively located inside the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Fatty acids are central to brain metabolism and signaling, but their distributions within complex brain circuits have been difficult to study. Here we applied an emerging technique, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), to image specific fatty acids in a favorable model system for chemical analyses of brain circuits, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). The zebra finch, a songbird, produces complex learned vocalizations under the control of an interconnected set of discrete, dedicated brain nuclei 'song nuclei'. Using ToF-SIMS, the major song nuclei were visualized by virtue of differences in their content of essential and non-essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids (arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) showed distinctive distributions across the song nuclei, and the 18-carbon fatty acids stearate and oleate discriminated the different core and shell subregions of the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium. Principal component analysis of the spectral data set provided further evidence of chemical distinctions between the song nuclei. By analyzing the robust nucleus of the arcopallium at three different ages during juvenile song learning, we obtain the first direct evidence of changes in lipid content that correlate with progression of song learning. The results demonstrate the value of ToF-SIMS to study lipids in a favorable model system for probing the function of lipids in brain organization, development and function.  相似文献   

By means of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) it is possible to measure in situ the relative concentration of a given element in a volume of 1 micron 3. Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES) allows absolute quantitation of tissue homogenates. The use of both techniques lead to correlate relative and absolute elemental concentrations. These methods have been applied to lithium and manganese quantitation after treatments at a therapeutic dose. The results assess the sensibility of SIMS analysis, around 0.1 ppm in biological specimens, and confirm the adequacy of the instrument to trace elements study.  相似文献   

Human striated muscle samples, from male control and Duchenne muscular dystrophy-affected children, were subjected to cluster-time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (cluster-ToF-SIMS) imaging using a 25 keV Bi(3)(+) liquid metal ion gun under static SIMS conditions. Spectra and ion density maps, or secondary ion images, were acquired in both positive and negative ion mode over several areas of 500 x 500 microm(2) (image resolution, 256 x 256 pixels). Characteristic distributions of various lipids were observed. Vitamin E and phosphatidylinositols were found to concentrate within the cells, whereas intact phosphocholines accumulated over the most damaged areas of the dystrophic muscles, together with cholesterol and sphingomyelin species. Fatty acyl chain composition varied depending on the region, allowing estimation of the local damage extent.  相似文献   

Analytical imaging by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) using a state-of-the-art scanning ion microprobe enables the detection and mapping of tracer isotopes in human metaphase chromosomes. The stimulated mitosis of cells cultured in media containing labelled nucleosides, typically 14C-labelled thymidine or adenosine, and BrDU, yields chromosomes that have incorporated the labelled molecule in their constituent DNA. The label is subsequently detected and localized by SIMS imaging. The relative label signal intensities of sister chromatids can be quantified. The occurrence of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) can be detected. The distribution of specific nucleosides can be directly mapped. This is non-uniform along the chromatids, giving rise to characteristic banding patterns (SIMS bands) that seem to correspond to the well known G- or Q-bands resulting from conventional staining methods. The study of a number of cytogenetic problems is expected to benefit from the use of this new method of approach, similar in principle, but potentially more sensitive and capable of higher spatial resolution than autoradiography.  相似文献   

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) permits the detection of stable and radioactive elements in microvolume. Based on the ablation of specimens by ion bombardment, this mass spectrometry method allows a rapid assessment of trace elements in biological samples and enables accurate isotopic ratio determination. In this work, an application of SIMS in studies involving element microdistribution is illustrated on the basis of analyses of duodenal tissue sections from rats contaminated with either cerium or thorium. For this purpose, tests are performed with SIMS to analyze tissue sections obtained 12, 24 and 48 hr after contamination. In this report, strengths and limitations of SIMS are pointed out as an important tool in biological research.  相似文献   

We attempted to indicate the requirements for biomedical applications of SIMS microscopy. Sample preparation methodology should preserve both the structural and the chemical integrity of the tissue. Furthermore, it is often necessary to correlate ionic and light microscope images. This implies a common methodological approach to sample preparation for both microscopes. The use of low or high mass resolution depends on the elements studied and their concentrations. To improve the acquisition and processing of images, digital imaging systems have to be designed and require both ionic and optical image superimposition. However, the images do not accurately reflect element concentration; a relative quantitative approach is possible by measuring secondary ion beam intensity. Using an internal reference element (carbon) and standard curves the results are expressed in micrograms/mg of tissue. Despite their limited lateral resolution (0.5 microns) the actual SIMS microscopes are very suitable for the resolution of biomedical problems posed by action modes and drug localization in human pathology. SIMS microscopy should provide a new tool for metabolic radiotherapy by facilitating dose evaluation. The advent of high lateral resolution SIMS imaging (less than 0.1 microns) should open up new fields in biomedical investigation.  相似文献   

We defined the SIMS conditions for radioiodine detection in animal and man thyroid follicles, in tissue sections (3 microns) chemically fixed and resin embedded. Two radioisotopes were tested: 125I and 129I, of high (14 mCi 125I micrograms-1) and low specific activity (1.07 10(-6) mCi 129I micrograms-1). In animal study, Wistar rats fed a normal iodine diet (10 micrograms 127I day-1) were injected ip 24 h before sacrifice either with 125I (7 10(-3) micrograms) or with 129I at a dose identical to iodine diet (10 micrograms) or 3 times higher (30 micrograms). No SIMS signal of 125I was obtained in vivo due to its too low concentration, while radioiodine distribution was evidenced with both doses of 129I. Local concentration of previously stored 127I in follicular lumen was not modified, when compared to control (4.14 +/- 0.03 micrograms/mg, m +/- SE), by 125I or 129I at a dose of 10 micrograms, but was nearly doubled with 129I at a dose of 30 micrograms, proof of a pharmacological effect on thyroid iodine regulation. In human study 129I was excluded due to its long half-life (1.6 10(7) years), and 125I was tested only in vitro on two surgical specimens of normal perinodular thyroid tissue maintained in mini-organ culture for 48 h in presence of 100 microCi/ml of 125I. The 125I was detectable, its concentration was 1,000-fold higher than that of 127I (1.5 +/- 0.004 micrograms/mg). For both in vivo and in vitro studies, a positive correlation exists between newly organified radioiodine (125I or 129I) and previously stored iodine (127I).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ecotoxicological investigations were performed on two sets of biological models. The first one concerns marine pollution and was composed of invertebrates (molluscs and crustaceans) contaminated by stable or radioactive elements originating from wastes discharged into sea water. The second one concerns freshwater pollution and was composed of vertebrates (fish) contaminated by aluminium which was dissolved in rivers, as a consequence of an atmospheric pollution by acid rain. Mechanisms involved in the uptake, storage and elimination processes of these toxicants were studied, with a special emphasis on cellular and subcellular aspects of concentration sites. Two microanalytical methods were employed: secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), using the ion microscope and the ion microprobe, and X-ray spectrometry using the electron microprobe (EMP). SIMS, which enables the visualization of trace elements, was associated with an image processing system using a highly sensitive television camera connected to an image computer. Polychromatic images were obtained, allowing to establish the cellular distribution of metal contaminants. In marine organisms, the target organs and tissues of Al, rare earth elements (Tm and La) and radionuclides (U, Pu, Am) were shown to be mainly digestive gland and exoskeleton. The target organelles were shown to be spherocrystals and lysosomes where the enzymatic lysosomal coprecipitation with phosphorus was observed. Amoebocytes, which are enzymatically equipped with lysosomal phosphatase, were involved in the phagocytic clearance of metal pollutants. In trout, two processes appeared to be involved in Al accumulation. The first one corresponds to the well known insolubilisation of Al phosphate, within lysosomes of organs devoted to uptake and excretion such as gill and kidney. The second one demonstrates that organs and tissues which cannot eliminate, such as bone, heart and brain, retain Al, exhibiting a high intracellular metal concentration; moreover, large Al deposits inducing nervous tissue destruction have been observed. Data have been discussed in connection with the relationship between man and his environment.  相似文献   

Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) provides a method for the detection of native and exogenous compounds in biological samples on a cellular scale. Through the development of novel ion beams the amount of molecular signal available from the sample surface has been increased. Through the introduction of polyatomic ion beams, particularly C(60), ToF-SIMS can now be used to monitor molecular signals as a function of depth as the sample is eroded thus proving the ability to generate 3D molecular images. Here we describe how this new capability has led to the development of novel instrumentation for 3D molecular imaging while also highlighting the importance of sample preparation and discuss the challenges that still need to be overcome to maximise the impact of the technique.  相似文献   

Recent brain research reveals a major role of trace elements in various diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Wilson's disease. The majority of published tissue concentrations dates back decades, and was assessed with various methods. Little is known about hemispherical differences, the correlation of trace elements or age-dependent changes in the human brain. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine trace element concentrations in different human brain regions after whole brain formalin fixation.549 samples of 13 brain regions were investigated in 11 deceased subjects without known history of brain pathology. Regional wet-to-dry mass ratios and concentrations of iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium and zinc were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.Cortical gray matter revealed higher water content (wet-to-dry mass ratios 5.84–6.40) than white matter regions (wet-to-dry mass ratios 2.95–3.05). Element concentrations displayed specific regional differences. Good linear correlation of concentrations between elements was found for iron/copper as well as for manganese/magnesium (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 0.74 and 0.65, respectively). Significant inter-hemispherical differences were found for copper in occipital white matter, for magnesium and calcium in putamen and for iron and copper in temporal white matter. An age dependent increase was seen in cortical gray matter for calcium, for magnesium in all regions except in cortical gray matter, for copper in substantia nigra and for zinc in occipital cortex.The presented trace element concentrations can serve as a fundamental basis for further brain research. Wet-to-dry mass ratios allow a comparison with reference data from other studies.  相似文献   

Summary— Due to the presence of fluorine atoms in its molecule, the antimalarial drug mefloquine (MQ) can be easily detected in normal and Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells (RBC) by scanning ion microscopy and mass spectrometry. The P falciparum infected RBC exhibited intense distribution of MQ inside the parasite. The main compartments of the parasite which accumulate the drug were the food vacuole and the cytoplasm. The correlation between fluorine (19F?) and phosphorus (31P?) as well as probes for the DNA synthesis (BrdU and IdU) emissions shows that the parasite nucleus is also accessible to the drug. This study demonstrates that SIMS technique on smear preparations is an efficient approach for the direct detection and cartography of fluorinated antimalarial drugs in normal and P falciparum infected RBC, without radioactive labelling.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the possible effects of chronic aluminium exposure on the various aspects of calcium homeostasis in the primate central nervous system. Aluminium administration caused a marked decline in the activity of Ca2+ ATPase in the monkey brain. The total calcium content was also significantly raised following aluminium exposure. Concomittant to the increase in the calcium content, the levels of lipid peroxidation were also augmented in the aluminium treated animals, thereby further accentuating the aluminium induced neuronal damage. In addition, aluminium had an inhibitory effect on the depolarization induced 45Ca2+ uptake via the voltage operated channels. The results presented herein, indicate that the toxic effects of aluminium could be mediated through modifications in the intracellular calcium homeostasis with resultant altered neuronal function.  相似文献   

With the IMS 4F, a scanning ion microscope and mass spectrometer (SIMS), it is possible to map chemical elements with a lateral resolution of about 250 nm over a field of view of 50 × 50 μm2. Such conditions should enable the imaging of subcellular structures with constitutive ionic species such as CN?, P?, S?. The study was performed on heart and renal tissues prepared either by chemical procedure or cryofixation-freeze substitution (CF-FS) prior to embedding. Heart tissue was chosen because cardiocytes display a simple structural organization whereas the structural organization of kidney tubular cells is more complex. Whatever the preparation procedure, nuclei were easily identified due to their high P? content. The CN?, P?, and S? ion images obtained on heart and renal tissues prepared by chemical procedure showed weak contrasts inside the cytoplasm so that it was difficult to recognize the organelles. After CF-FS, enhanced contrasted images allow organelle (mitochondria, myofibrils, lysosomes, vacuoles, basal lamina, etc) characterization. This work demonstrated that CF-FS is a more suitable preparation procedure than chemical method to reveal organelle structures by their chemical composition. The improvements in the imaging of these structures is an essential step to establish the correlation between the localization of a trace element (or a molecule tagged with isotopes or particular atoms) and its subcellular targets.  相似文献   

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