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盖志琨 《化石》2006,(1):26-28
八月十五号贾哥、卢姐、师妹卢静和我一行四人踏上了由北京开往宁夏方向的K43次列车,开始了我研究生生涯的第一次野外考察之旅。由于是第一次出野外,所以我和师妹都比较兴奋,一路上不停的向贾哥和卢姐问这问那。我和师妹都师从于我国著名的古鱼类学家朱敏研究员,主要从事古生代  相似文献   

在野外考察,吃饭被很多人看作是件头疼的事情,而杨勇好像乐此不疲,每天必须做一锅饭,炒一道菜。对他的这一癖好,李国平实在有些不理解,“在野外随便吃点填填肚子就行了嘛,何必整得那么麻烦。”但我觉得能在这荒凉的无人区里吃上一顿只有在家里才能吃上的饭菜,每天再累也值得。  相似文献   

2001年8月我有幸与省电视台的几位同伴一同前往习水县国家级自然保护区进行了为期一周的考察拍摄。 习水位于贵州省北部边缘,是云贵高原北端向四川盆地南部过渡的斜坡地带。关于习水保护区,只是在五月的一份报纸上得知在那里发现了“华南虎”的脚印与那里的原生常绿阔叶林。这次到习水是否能见到“华南虎”…… 8日下午,我们到达习水县城保护区管理处,刘、李二位处长在接待我们的同时,介绍了保护区内发育在白垩纪紫红色砂岩上的中山峡谷地貌与茂密的亚热带原生常绿阔叶林交织而成的红层地貌森林,这里又是长江上游植被保存完好的一道绿色屏障,生物物种非常丰富,还有辉煌的文物史迹,许多著名摄影家都曾到过此地。  相似文献   

翻开一本本厚厚的影集,里面插满了千姿百态的野生动物照片,这是我十几年来辛勤耕耘的结晶。每一张照片的背后都凝聚着艰辛与汗水。 十年前,我跟随一个考察队走进了神秘的高黎贡山,我的任务是拍摄考察队的工作、生活情况以及高黎贡山地区的自然生态景观和动植物资源。在前后近半年的野外考察期间,我和动物学家们朝夕相处,跋山涉水,风餐露宿,常常坐在帐篷里或火塘边听他们讲动物的有关知识;在村寨访查时,我边拍边听当地老乡讲野生动物的过去和现在;在农贸市场或乡村集市,也曾亲眼目睹了野生动物的悲惨遭  相似文献   

四川黑竹沟也曾被称作“恐怖死亡谷”,这样的名字不是没有来由的,在那个神秘的地方,至今仍有众多不解之谜。本文作者参与的探险队两次深入黑竹沟,亲身接触了其中的一些“谜团”:“幽谷奇雾之谜”,让他们见识了高声说话就会下雨的奇怪现象;“纬度与金字塔之谜”是一座酷似埃及古金字塔的天然山峰;“人畜入沟神秘失踪之谜”则是指相似地形地貌形成的自然迷宫……另外,在此次科考探险之前,曾有四支探险队历尽艰辛,但都没能进入黑竹沟的腹地——石门关……  相似文献   

最近数年,我几度进入青藏高原,对苍凉空旷的荒原,巍峨雄伟的雪山,辛勤劳作的人民,留下了难忘的印象,但令我印象最深,最难忘怀的却是在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯考察的日日夜夜。  相似文献   

当读到辛弃疾“水龙吟——登建康赏心亭”词中的“楚天千里清秋,水随天去秋无际”时,在湖北长江考察的往事不免浮上心头。虽是40多年前的事,但至今依然深深地印在我的脑海中,无论如何也挥之不去。  相似文献   

通过对阎家岗遗址地区野外调查和遗址发掘资料整理,初步探讨阎家岗遗址地质背景, 获得如下认识: 阎家岗遗址早期人类生活于末次盛冰期来临前的暖期, 相当于深海沉积MIS3后期并开始向MIS2转变, 气候由温湿转向干冷, 植被以温带疏林草原为主, 适于成群的食草类动物在此生活。阎家岗遗址地处松花江曲流带, 多沙洲、河汊、河曲, 人类在沙洲或河曲凸岸构筑狩猎用的设施, 舍弃后被洪水带来的细沙掩埋, 成为今天所见的动物骨骼围圈遗迹。动物骨骼围圈的堆积体与掩埋它的细砂层为不整合关系, 骨骼多层叠置, 有的直立, 骨骼之间大多并不相互接触, 说明它们不是流水作用产物, 而是人工堆砌的狩猎设施。  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(70):267-278

The Scratching Deer site (5 BL 69) is a small, single-component Hog Back Phase campsite inthe upper subalpine forest, western Boulder County, Colorado. The site was occupied 1260 + 95radiocarbon years ago, probably by hunters attracted to the region by stone game-drive systems on a nearby tundra ridgecrest. Although few tools were discarded at the site, analysis ofwaste flakes suggests that large numbers of cutting and scraping tools were resharpened in the occupation area, and that new tools were manufactured, possibly from imported stone that was heat-treated in especially-prepared hearths. Occupation was preceded by an interval of expanded snow cover and accelerated erosion, and was followea by an interval of loess accumulation and redeposition; snowbanks have never again been as persistent on the floor of the Green Lakes valley as they were a few centuries prior to occupation.  相似文献   

Landscapes and features of the everyday world were scarcely represented in Paleolithic art, especially those features associated with the human landscape (huts and campsites). On the contrary, other figurative motifs (especially animals) and signs, traditionally linked to the magic or religious conceptions of these hunter-gatherer societies, are the predominant themes of Upper Paleolithic art. This paper seeks to present an engraved schist slab recently found in the Molí del Salt site (North-eastern Iberia) and dated at the end of the Upper Paleolithic, ca. 13,800 years ago. This slab displays seven semicircular motifs that may be interpreted as the representation of dome-shaped huts. The analysis of individual motifs and the composition, as well as the ethnographic and archeological contextualization, suggests that this engraving is a naturalistic depiction of a hunter-gatherer campsite. Campsites can be considered the first human landscape, the first area of land whose visible features were entirely constructed by humans. Given the social meaning of campsites in hunter-gatherer life-styles, this engraving may be considered one of the first representations of the domestic and social space of a human group.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of insulin, heart disease has become a major impediment to survival in persons with diabetes mellitus. Coronary disease has increased severity and accelerated development in diabetic persons compared with an age- and sex-matched nondiabetic population. A peculiar vulnerability of women to the influence of diabetes with loss of premenopausal coronary disease protection has been found. The symptomatology of coronary events may differ and coronary care data show a higher incidence of sudden death in diabetic patients who have a myocardial infarction than in their non-diabetic counterparts. Insulin may play a role in the myocardial adjustment to an ischemic insult by enhancing glucose intake and suppressing lipolysis and ketogenesis. Carbohydrate intolerance in dogs, rhesus monkeys and humans appears associated with similar histologic and compositional changes in the myocardium. Abnormalities in diastolic ventricular function not attributable to large- or small-vessel coronary disease have been found in the diabetic subjects of each species. Studies in humans who have diabetes have assessed single pressure-volume relationships and more exacting measures of ventricular compliance are needed. Abnormalities of myocardial function in patients with diabetes have been found using echo and radionuclide techniques. Many of these findings need to be correlated with invasive data or confirmed in larger populations. Autonomic dysfunction is common in diabetic persons and may imply an associated poor prognosis. Reflex abnormalities in parasympathetic function are most prevalent and occur before sympathetic dysfunction.  相似文献   

马中现任中国人民大学环境学院院长(教授、博士),38年前曾在北大荒兵团“屯垦戍边”,现在从事环境经济学教学和研究。本刊记者就北大荒(三江平原)湿地环境变迁等问题对他进行了专访。  相似文献   

This is a study of bone discard at a contemporary archaeological site. It assesses the accumulation of bones in the face of destruction by scavenging animals. Three per cent by numbers and two per cent by weight of discarded bones survived to be collected in a six month study period. It is suggested that patterns of scattering by scavengers may help in the interpretation of prehistoric sites, and in particular may allow the prediction of attrition of bone by dogs.  相似文献   

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