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Cyanobacteria and red algae have intricate light-harvesting systems comprised of phycobilisomes that are attached to the outer side of the thylakoid membrane. The phycobilisomes absorb light in the wavelength range of 500-650 nm and transfer energy to the chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phycobilisomes, which biochemically consist of phycobiliproteins and linker polypeptides, are particularly wonderful subjects for the detailed analysis of structure and function due to their spectral properties and their various components affected by growth conditions. The linker polypeptides are believed to mediate both the assembly of phycobiliproteins into the highly ordered arrays in the phycobilisomes and the interactions between the phycobilisomes and the thylakoid membrane. Functionally, they have been reported to improve energy migration by regulating the spectral characteristics of colored phycobiliproteins. In this review, the progress regarding linker polypeptides research, including separation approaches, structures and interactions with phycobiliproteins, as well as their functions in the phycobilisomes, is presented. In addition, some problems with previous work on linkers are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria and red algae have intricate light-harvesting systems comprised of phycobilisomes that are attached to the outer side of the thylakoid membrane. The phycobilisomes absorb light in the wavelength range of 500-650 nm and transfer energy to the chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phycobilisomes, which biochemically consist of phycobiliproteins and linker polypeptides, are particularly wonderful subjects for the detailed analysis of structure and function due to their spectral properties and their various components affected by growth conditions. The linker polypeptides are believed to mediate both the assembly of phycobiliproteins into the highly ordered arrays in the phycobilisomes and the interactions between the phycobilisomes and the thylakoid membrane. Functionally, they have been reported to improve energy migration by regulating the spectral characteristics of colored phycobiliproteins. In this review, the progress regarding linker polypeptides research, including separation approaches, structures and interactions with phycobiliproteins, as well as their functions in the phycobilisomes, is presented. In addition, some problems with previous work on linkers are also discussed.  相似文献   

The architecture of the entire photosynthetic membrane network determines, at the supramolecular level, the physiological roles of the photosynthetic protein complexes involved. So far, a precise picture of the native configuration of red algal thylakoids is still lacking. In this work, we investigated the supramolecular architectures of phycobilisomes (PBsomes) and native thylakoid membranes from the unicellular red alga Porphyridium cruentum using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy. The topography of single PBsomes was characterized by AFM imaging on both isolated and membrane-combined PBsomes complexes. The native organization of thylakoid membranes presented variable arrangements of PBsomes on the membrane surface. It indicates that different light illuminations during growth allow diverse distribution of PBsomes upon the isolated photosynthetic membranes from P. cruentum, random arrangement or rather ordered arrays, to be observed. Furthermore, the distributions of PBsomes on the membrane surfaces are mostly crowded. This is the first investigation using AFM to visualize the native architecture of PBsomes and their crowding distribution on the thylakoid membrane from P. cruentum. Various distribution patterns of PBsomes under different light conditions indicate the photoadaptation of thylakoid membranes, probably promoting the energy-harvesting efficiency. These results provide important clues on the supramolecular architecture of red algal PBsomes and the diverse organizations of thylakoid membranes in vivo.  相似文献   

Gap junctions formed by connexons and thin junctions formed by lens-specific aquaporin 0 (AQP0) mediate the tight packing of fibre cells necessary for lens transparency. Gap junctions conduct water, ions and metabolites between cells, whereas junctional AQP0 seems to be involved in cell adhesion. High-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the supramolecular organization of these proteins in native lens core membranes, in which AQP0 forms two-dimensional arrays that are surrounded by densely packed gap junction channels. These junctional microdomains simultaneously provide adhesion and communication between fibre cells. The AFM topographs also showed that the extracellular loops of AQP0 in junctional microdomains adopt a conformation that closely resembles the structure of junctional AQP0, in which the water pore is thought to be closed. Finally, time-lapse AFM imaging provided insights into AQP0 array formation. This first high-resolution view of a multicomponent eukaryotic membrane shows how membrane proteins self-assemble into functional microdomains.  相似文献   

Using a new method of delayed luminescence digital imaging, mutants of Chlorella sorokiniana lacking the chloroplast CF0CF1 ATP synthase were isolated for the first time. Biochemical characterization of these strains indicates a lack of detectable synthesis and accumulation of the ATP synthase subunits alpha-CF1 and beta-CF1. Functional characterization indicates the presence of a permanent electrochemical gradient (DeltaMu) across the thylakoid membrane in the dark-adapted state, which is not suppressed under anaerobic conditions. Contrary to what is observed in the presence of the CF0CF1 ATP synthase, this gradient is essentially due to an electric field component DeltaPsi with no detectable DeltapH component, under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Neither the CF0CF1 ATP synthase nor a respiratory process can thus be responsible for a permanent gradient detected under these conditions. The previous proposal of a new ATP-dependent electrogenic pump in thylakoid membranes is supported by these results that, in addition, indicate a specificity of this new pump for ions other than protons.  相似文献   

This review provides a brief historical account of how microscopical studies of chloroplasts have contributed to our current knowledge of the structural and functional organization of thylakoid membranes. It starts by tracing the origins of the terms plastid, grana, stroma and chloroplasts to light microscopic studies of 19th century German botanists, and then describes how different types of electron microscopical techniques have added to this field. The most notable contributions of thin section electron microscopy include the elucidation of the 3-D organization of thylakoid membranes, the discovery of prolamellar bodies in etioplasts, and the structural changes in thylakoid architecture that accompany the light-dependent transformation of etioplasts into chloroplasts. Attention is then focused on the roles that freeze-fracture and freeze-etch electron microscopy and immuno electron microscopy have played in defining the extent to which the functional complexes of thylakoids are non-randomly distributed between appressed, grana and non-appressed stroma thylakoids. Studies reporting on how this lateral differentiation can be altered experimentally, and how the spatial organization of functional complexes is affected by alterations in the light environment of plants are also included in this discussion. Finally, the review points to the possible uses of electron microscope tomography techniques in future structural studies of thylakoid membranes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The cells of unicellular photosynthetic cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans were permeated with lysozyme, toluene, toluene-triton, toluene-triton-lysozyme. Transmission electron microscopy of semi-thin sections (500 nm) using TEM at 160 kV showed that cells permeated with only lysozyme or toluene showed the typical concentric arrangement of thylakoid membranes. However, when toluene-treated cells were further treated with triton and lysozyme the thylakoid membranes were disrupted. Sequential reactions of Calvin cycle were studied in the differentially permeated cells in vivo, using various intermediates such as 3-PGA, GA-3-P, FDP, SDP, R-5-P, RuBP and cofactors like ATP, NADPH depending on the requirement. RuBP and R-5-P + ATP dependent activities could be observed in all types of permeated cells. Sequential reactions of the entire Calvin cycle using 3-PGA could be detected in the cells that had retained the internal organisation of the thylakoid membranes after permeation and were lost on disruption of this organisation. Light dependent CO2 fixation could be detected only in the cells permeated with lysozyme. This activity was abolished in the cells after treatment with toluene. The results suggested that the integrity of thylakoid membranes may be essential for the organisation of sequential enzymes of the Calvin cycle in vivo and facilitate their functioning.  相似文献   

The establishment of the steady-state rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution by cells of Anabaena variabilis and other cyanobacteria was found to be preceded by a lag-phase the duration of which depended on the time of cell preincubation in the dark. Electron acceptors (benzoquinone, N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine or 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol) abolished the lag-phase as well as the inhibitory effect of cyanide on electron transfer. Mono-, di-and trivalent cations added to the cell suspension markedly reduced the lag-phase. As cation concentrations were increased, acceleration and subsequent deceleration of the O2 evolution rate were observed. The efficient concentrations of cations decreased as their valency increased. The lag-phase and the rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution by the blue-green algae are suggested to depend on the value of the membrane surface charge governing the electrostatic interaction between unidentified membrane-bound redox components. The combination of valinomycin and nigericin as well as gramicidin D enhanced the duration of the lagphase by deenergization of thylakoid membrane.Abbreviations 9AA 9-aminoacridine - BQ benzoquinone - DAD 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - DPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - FeCy ferrycyanide - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sulphonic acid - MES 2(N-morpholino)ethane sulphonic acid - TMPD N,N,NN-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Thylakoid membrane preparations active in photosynthetic electron transport have been obtained from two marine red algae, Griffithsia monilis and Anotrichium tenue. High concentrations (0.5-1.0 M) of salts such as phosphate, citrate, succinate and tartrate stabilized functional binding of phycobilisomes to the membrane and also stabilized Photosystem II-catalysed electron-transport activity. High concentrations (1.0 M) of chloride and nitrate, or 30 mM-Tricine/NaOH buffer (pH 7.2) in the absence of salts, detached phycobilisomes and inhibited electron transport through Photosystem II. The O2-evolving system was identified as the electron-transport chain component that was inhibited under these conditions. Washing membranes with buffers containing 1.0-1.5 M-sorbitol and 5-50 mM concentrations of various salts removed the outer part of the phycobilisome but retained 30-70% of the allophycocyanin 'core' of the phycobilisome. These preparations were 30-70% active in O2 evolution compared with unwashed membranes. In the sensitivity of their O2-evolving apparatus to the composition of the medium in vitro, the red algae resembled blue-green algae and differed from other eukaryotic algae and higher plants. It is suggested that an environment of structured water may be essential for the functional integrity of Photosystem II in biliprotein-containing algae.  相似文献   

M. T. Black  P. Lee  P. Horton 《Planta》1986,167(3):330-336
The kinetics of the intracellular redistribution of phytochrome (sequestering) in Avena sativa L. coleoptiles following a brief, saturating actinic pulse of red (R) light have been determined. Immunocytochemical labelling of phytochrome with monoclonal antibodies showed that at 22°C sequestering can occur within 1–2 s from the onset of R irradiation and is dependent upon the continued presence of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr). The initial rate, but not the final extent, of sequestering is reduced by lowering the temperature of the tissue to 1°C. Sequestering at 22°C appears to involve two distinct stages: (1) a rapid association of Pfr with putative binding sites initiates the sequestered condition, following which (2) these sites of sequestered phytochrome appear to aggregate. Neither of these two processes was affected by the cytoskeletal inhibitors colchicine or cytochalasin B. Phytochrome sequestering therefore resembles R-light-induced phytochrome pelletability with respect to kinetics, temperature sensitivity, and dependence upon the continued presence of Pfr in the cell.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DIC differential interference contrast - FR far-red - Ig immunoglobulin - Pfr, Pr far-red-absorbing and red-absorbing form of phytochrome, respectively - R red  相似文献   

The grana margins of plant thylakoid membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant thylakoid membranes contain three structurally distinct domains: the planar appressed membranes of the grana; the planar non-appressed stroma thylakoids; and the highly curved, non-appressed margins of the grana. Evidence is presented to suggest that the grana margins form a significant structural domain, which has hitherto been neglected. If indeed the grana margins contain some of the cytochrome b/f complex, photosystem (PS) I complex and ATP synthase, they form a third functional domain of the laterally heterogeneous continuous thylakoid membrane network. The consequences of grana margins containing complexes are explored with respect to linear electron transport under light-saturating and light-limiting conditions, non-cyclic vs cyclic photophorylation, and the regulation of light energy distribution to both PS I and PS II.  相似文献   

Barley thylakoid membranes were studied with FTIR and EPR spectroscopy. Thylakoids were exposed to elevated temperatures in order to induce structural changes. As temperatures increased through physiological to even higher levels, no features changed, but upon heating to above 45 degrees C, the fraction of lipid acyl chain segments with gauche-type vibration increased, accompanied by a sharp drop in the membranous spin probe component. These apparently conflicting observations in fact concur with the formation of an inverted hexagonal (H(II)) phase, supporting its putative role in protecting the photosynthetic machinery in thylakoid membranes against thermally-induced disassembly.  相似文献   

In the last step of glycolysis Pyruvate kinase catalyzes the irreversible conversion of ADP and phosphoenolpyruvate to ATP and pyruvic acid, both crucial for cellular metabolism. Thus pyruvate kinase plays a key role in controlling the metabolic flux and ATP production. The hallmark of the activity of different pyruvate kinases is their tight modulation by a variety of mechanisms including the use of a large number of physiological allosteric effectors in addition to their homotropic regulation by phosphoenolpyruvate. Binding of effectors signals precise and orchestrated movements in selected areas of the protein structure that alter the catalytic action of these evolutionarily conserved enzymes with remarkably conserved architecture and sequences. While the diverse nature of the allosteric effectors has been discussed in the literature, the structural basis of their regulatory effects is still not well understood because of the lack of data representing conformations in various activation states. Results of recent studies on pyruvate kinases of different families suggest that members of evolutionarily related families follow somewhat conserved allosteric strategies but evolutionarily distant members adopt different strategies. Here we review the structure and allosteric properties of pyruvate kinases of different families for which structural data are available.  相似文献   

In plants, the stacking of part of the photosynthetic thylakoid membrane generates two main subcompartments: the stacked grana core and unstacked stroma lamellae. However, a third distinct domain, the grana margin, has been postulated but its structural and functional identity remains elusive. Here, an optimized thylakoid fragmentation procedure combined with detailed ultrastructural, biochemical, and functional analyses reveals the distinct composition of grana margins. It is enriched with lipids, cytochrome b6f complex, and ATPase while depleted in photosystems and light‐harvesting complexes. A quantitative method is introduced that is based on Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (BN‐PAGE) and dot immunoblotting for quantifying various photosystem II (PSII) assembly forms in different thylakoid subcompartments. The results indicate that the grana margin functions as a degradation and disassembly zone for photodamaged PSII. In contrast, the stacked grana core region contains fully assembled and functional PSII holocomplexes. The stroma lamellae, finally, contain monomeric PSII as well as a significant fraction of dimeric holocomplexes that identify this membrane area as the PSII repair zone. This structural organization and the heterogeneous PSII distribution support the idea that the stacking of thylakoid membranes leads to a division of labor that establishes distinct membrane areas with specific functions.  相似文献   

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