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Cell surface sugar chains extend away from the cell membraneand offer a first line of contact with approaching cells andsubstrates. These sugars are candidates for mediating cell-celladhesion and migration. Here, I review experiments that implicatecarbohydrate-containing molecules in cell-cell adhesion of ascitestumor and embryonic cells and that correlate the mobility ofcarbohydrate-containing receptor sites in the membrane withcellular migratory activity. The experiments show that L-glutamineis required to form complex carbohydrates implicated in mediatingintercellular adhesion and that a controlling factor in determiningcellular adhesiveness may be the specific activity of intracellularglutamme synthetase. Molecules that promote ascites tumor celladhesion have been isolated. These molecules are large, appearto contain terminal D-galactose residues that bind to cell surfacereceptor sites and consist of more than one component on DEAEcellulose. Studies with sea urchin embryonic cells, utilizingplant lectins that bind to surface carbohydrates, indicate thatcell surface sugar-containing receptor sites change during development.In addition only the micromeres, that become actively migratory,possess mobile cell surface lectin receptor sites. Other seaurchin embryonic cell populations (mesonieres and macromeres)do not exhibit lectin receptor site mobility. Cell surface sugar-containingreceptor sites potentially mediate adhesion and migration inembryos and tumors.  相似文献   

The two preceding papers of this series suggest that the state of the plasmalemmal lipids affects cell adhesion. Plasmalemmal composition was altered by the experimental incorporation of fatty acids into R1 and R2 positions in the phosphatidyl components of the cell surface. In this paper we report that: (1) If the incorporation is of long chain length fatty acids (saturated) cell adhesion rises. (2) If the incorporation is of unsaturated fatty acids cell adhesion falls as the unsaturation increases. (3) Incorporation has to be extensive to produce a large change in adhesion. (4) Changes in adhesion parallel the plasmalemmal incorporation but do not follow the total cell incorporation. Item (4) argues that it is plasmalemmal and not other membrane lipids that are involved in cell adhesion. Item (3) suggests that bulk membrane properties and not some very specific grouping are involved in the effects of lipids on adhesion. The similar extents of incorporation of the various different fatty acids and the negligible amounts of lysophospholipids in the membranes of cells that have incorporated fatty acids argue that the effects are not due to differential accumulations of these lysolipids when incubations are done with different fatty acids. The changes in adhesion cannot be accounted for by changes in surface charge density since the electrophoretic mobility of the cells is unchanged by these incubations. It is suggested that these effects on adhesion due to changes in plasmalemmal lipids can be explained either in terms of the action of intermembrane van der Waals--London (electrodynamic) forces in cell adhesion or of changes in surface fluidity. These alternatives are discussed.  相似文献   

Cell surface carbohydrates, both in the olfactory system and elsewhere, have been proposed to play critical roles in axon guidance and targeting. Recent studies have used plant lectins to study the heterogeneous distribution of carbohydrates in the olfactory system. One lectin, Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), heterogeneously labels subsets of glomeruli. In the olfactory epithelium DBA labeled a subset of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) including their cilia, dendrites, and somata. OSN axons were also labeled and readily observed in the olfactory nerve and bulb. The patterns of glomerular innervation by DBA labeled (DBA(+)) axons were diverse; some glomeruli contained many labeled axons, while others contained few or no labeled axons. To characterize the heterogeneous innervation of glomeruli, we double labeled olfactory bulbs with DBA and an antibody to olfactory marker protein (OMP). OMP colocalized in most, but not all, DBA(+) axons. To determine if those axons that did not express OMP were immature, we double labeled olfactory bulbs with DBA and anti-GAP-43. GAP-43 rarely colocalized with DBA, suggesting that DBA(+) axons are not, as a population, immature. Triple labeling with all three markers revealed a small subset of DBA(+) axons which did not express either OMP or GAP-43. Electron microscopy established that DBA labels axons in the olfactory nerve and DBA-labeled axons form typical glomerular axodendritic synapses.  相似文献   

Several new structural motifs found in cell surface adhesion receptors have been described in the past few years. Also, several two-domain structures of extracellular portions of cell surface proteins have been reported. Structural models for complexes between receptors and counter-receptors have been proposed. The first reports on carbohydrate conformation in intact glycoprotein domains have recently appeared. These new data are presented within a more general review of the field of cell adhesion receptors.  相似文献   

The ability of insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) to restore cell surface function in cells damaged by serum deprivation has been examined. Both insulin (10?7 M) and EGF (10?8 M), when added for 2 h, resulted in reattachment of cells to the culture dish; with insulin, attachment was associated with increased amino acid uptake. Both hormones caused an increase in sialic acid and in free sulfhydryl groups associated with the cell membrane. The mobility of concanavalin A (Con A) on the upper cell surface was increased by EGF, and to a lesser extent by insulin. The effects of insulin and EGF on adhesion appear to be regulated by specific receptors for these hormones.  相似文献   

The preceding paper showed that those conditions that ought to stimulate reacylation of lysolipids in cells can increase cell adhesions. Similarly we found that conditions that would be expected to lead to the accumulation of lysolipids in the cell surface diminish cell adhesion. This paper reports on the answers to the following questions. (1) Is reacylation of lysolipids in the cells stimulated by an external supply of CoA, ATP and a fatty acid? (2) Does this reacylation lead to the incorporation of exogenous fatty acid in the plasmlemma? (3) What range of fatty acids can be incorporated into the plasmalemma and into what compounds? (4) Does the plasmalemma contain the enzyme systems to effect this turnover, namely phospholipase A2, a CoA-ligase and an appropriate acyl transferase(s)? (5) Do lysolipids accumulate in the plasmalemma under conditions which diminish cell adhesion? We find that saturated fatty acids in the range C14--C18, and some unsaturated fatty acids are incorporated into the plasmalemmae of these neural retina cells. About 20% of the plasmlemma content of fatty acids can be turned over in 30'. Incorporation is mainly into phosphatidyl choline, serine and ethanolamine in both R1 and R2 positions. The plasmalemmae contain the enzymes to effect the turnover. Isolated plasmalemmae are active in this turnover. Incubation of the plasmalemmae with phospholipase A2 leads to an accumulation of lysolipids. Very low levels of phospholipase stimulate turnover, possibly endogenous phospholipase activity is the rate-limiting step in the system. These findings are discussed in relation to the possible mechanisms by which lipids might affect adhesion.  相似文献   

Main primary approaches and new developments in the study of the molecular basis of the adhesive process of Corynebacterium diphtheriae are reviewed along with a discussion of the potential importance of hemagglutinins, exposed sugar residues, hydrophobins and trans-sialidase enzymes as adhesins of strains of the sucrose fermenting and non-fermenting biotypes.  相似文献   

Immunological methods have served to define several cell surface antigens that are differentially expressed among neural cell types and are developmentally regulated. These antigens have served as useful markers for cell identification and isolation of several neural cell types. The molecular nature and functional properties of almost all of these antigens are presently unknown.  相似文献   

Detached cells of some transformed mouse fibroblast lines have a villous surface whereas similarly treated cells of other lines are relatively smooth. These differences in surface morphology of detached cells are not reflected in their agglutinability with ConA and they cannot unambigously be explained from their morphology in situ. Treatments of normal and transformed Swiss mouse fibroblasts that induce marked changes in agglutinability with ConA do not cause equivalent changes in surface morphology. It is, therefore, unlikely that agglutinability of mouse fibroblasts by ConA is determined by the number of microvilli on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Summary HeLa cells harvested from density-inhibited or fast growing suspension cultures, were incubated in NaCl solutions of different tonicity. Cell size enlargement produced by hypotonicity is accompanied by an increased sedimentation rate of the density-inhibited cells, whereas no appreciable change is observed in the sedimentation rate of fast growing cells. Hypotonicity also has no effect on the sedimentation rate of density-inhibited cells which previously had been treated with neuraminidase or trypsin. It is shown that the effect of hypotonicity on density-inhibited cells cannot be ascribed to release of cell surface sialic acids during hypotonic incubation. Several arguments are presented which indicate that the changes in sedimentation rate, as measured in the rotating suspension system, are not the direct consequence of the alterations in cell size, but rather must be attributed to differences in intercellular adhesiveness resulting from the size alterations. Analogous changes in intercellular adhesiveness and cell size are shown to occur during growth in isotonic suspension culture. The results can be explained by assuming that changes in cell size affect the intercellular adhesiveness by modifying the extent to which cell surface sialic acids counteract adhesion.  相似文献   

A double immunofluorescence staining technique to locate concanavalin A (Con A) surface receptors and cytoplasmic actin in the same cell was applied to monolayer cultures of rat foetal fibroblasts during cell detachment induced by trypsin and during cell attachment to glass substratum. Con A receptors were demonstrated by fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labelled Con A (FITC-Con A) and actin by specific anti-actin antibody (AAA) traced with rhodamine-labelled goat anti-human globulin (R-AHG). Untreated, control cells had an elongated shape, Con A receptors restricted to cell margins and prominent actin filaments. After 2 min treatment with 0.001% trypsin the cells became angular with Con A receptors in clusters and actin in a diffuse or aggreagate staining pattern. Progressive cell rounding followed and this was accompanied by the development of long, thin, arborized cell processes, studded with Con A receptors and containing fine actin filaments. Complete cell rounding preceded cell detachment. The sites of detached cells were marked by fine aggregates containing Con A receptors and actin. In cells attaching to a glass substratum, actin was present in a diffusely stained or aggregate pattern in round cells, in filaments restricted to cell margins in partially spread cells and in numerous filaments in fully spread cells. Con A receptors were present in clusters in round cells, in clusters or caps in partially spread cells and in cell margins in fully spread cells. Binding of FITC-Con A to partially spread cells resulted in dissolution of the few, newly formed, actin filaments. We believe our observations are consistent with the idea that actin filaments, formed during cell attachment, contribute towards the maintenance of cell adhesion by helping in the preservation of cell shape and by anchorage of Con A receptors at points of cell attachment to the substratum.  相似文献   

Preimplantation embryos were obtained from the uteri and oviducts of 2 strains of mice, Swiss CD-1 and B6 CBA. After removal of the zona pellucida by treatment with pronase, FITC-lectins were bound to the embryonic cell surfaces at either 4°C or 37°C. Both morula and blastocyst stage embryos bound the following lectins, FITC-ConA, FITC-WGA, FITC-RCAII and FITC-RCAI. No difference in binding was observed between the morula stage and the blastocyst stage within each mouse strain for each specific lectin. However B6 CBA embryos bound less FITC-ConA and FITC-WGA than the corresponding Swiss CD-1 embryos. The topographical arrangement of the lectin receptors was observed to differ between 4°C and 37°C for FITC-Con A, FITC-RCAII, and FITC-RCAI. While lectins bound at 4°C showed a pattern of continuous labeling, the same lectin at 37°C showed aggregation of lectin receptors into patches indicating lateral mobility of these receptors within the embryonic cell membranes. In contrast FITC-WGA bound at 4°C and 37°C demonstrated continuous labeling of embryos at both temperatures. FITC-fucose binding protein did not bind to Swiss CD-1 embryos. The invasiveness of trophoblastic cells of mouse blastocysts was studied by culturing isolated embryos without prior enzyme treatment on reconstituted collagen gels. After 4 days in BME containing only glutamine and bovine serum albumin as supplements, the embryos shed their zona pellucida and implanted into the collagen gel as indicated by zones of lysis in proximity to the embryonic cells when analyzed by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A murine mAb, 7D3, was produced by fusion of spleen cells obtained from mice immunized with a rat thymic epithelial cell line, Tu-D3 and NS/1 myeloma cells. 7D3 antibody reacted with approximately 95% thymocytes, 17% spleen cells, less than 9% of mesenteric lymph node cells and 32% of bone marrow cells of rat origin. 7D3 also reacted with two rat thymic epithelial cell lines but not with a rat fibroblastic cell line. Immunochemical analysis demonstrated that 7D3 antibody recognized a single polypeptide with molecular weight of 80,000 in FTE cells and 80,000 to 96,000 in thymocytes. 7D3 antibody strongly inhibited the thymocyte binding to thymic epithelial cells. In addition, 7D3 antibody inhibited TPA-induced thymocyte aggregation. 7D3 negative rat thymic lymphoma cells bound to 7D3 positive thymic epithelial cells and this binding was inhibited by 7D3 antibody, indicating that a part of thymocyte-thymic epithelial cell binding was mediated by the interaction of 7D3 Ag and undefined ligand to 7D3.  相似文献   

Adhesive properties of tenascin-X (TN-X) were investigated using TN-X purified from bovine skin and recombinant proteins encompassing the RGD sequence located within the tenth fibronectin type-III domain, and the fibrinogen-like domain. Osteosarcoma (MG63) and bladder carcinoma cells (ECV304) cells were shown to adhere to purified TN-X, but did not spread and did not assemble actin stress fibers. Both cell types adhered to recombinant proteins harboring the contiguous fibronectin type-III domains 9 and 10 (FNX 9-10) but not to the FNX 10 domain alone. This adhesion to FNX 9-10 was shown to be mediated by alphavbeta3 integrin, was inhibited by RGD peptides and was strongly reduced in proteins mutated within the RGD site. As antibodies against alphavbeta3 integrin had no effects on cell adhesion to purified TN-X, we suggest that the RGD sequence is masked in intact TN-X. Cell attachment to the recombinant TN-X fibrinogen domain (FbgX) and to purified TN-X was greater for MG63 than for ECV304 cells. A beta1-containing integrin was shown to be involved in MG63 cell attachment to FbgX and to purified TN-X. Although the existence of other cell interaction sites is likely in this huge molecule, these similar patterns of adhesion and inhibition suggest that the fibrinogen domain might be a dominant site in the whole molecule.  相似文献   

Proteases have been used as a tool to investigate the role of surface molecules in fibronectin-mediated cell adhesion. Proteolytic digestion of membrane-proteins by pronase (1 mg/ml for 20 min at 37 degrees C) completely inhibited adhesion of baby hamster kidney (BHK) fibroblasts on fibronectin-coated plastic dishes. Various degrees of inhibition were also obtained after treatment with proteinase K, chymotrypsin, papain, subtilopeptidase A, and thermolysin. Protein synthesis was required to restore the adhesive properties of pronase-treated cells, showing the protein nature of the molecules involved in adhesion to fibronectin. A peculiar feature of these proteins was their resistance to cleavage by trypsin. After prolonged trypsin treatment (1 mg/ml for 20 min at 37 degrees C), cells adhered and spread on fibronectin-coated dishes, even when protein synthesis was inhibited by 4 microM cycloheximide. Under these conditions only three glycoproteins (gp) of molecular weight 130,000, 120,000, and 80,000 were left on the cell surface. These were precipitated by a rabbit antiserum against BHK cells that also inhibited adhesion of trypsin-treated cells. gp120 and gp80 were left at the cell surface after mild pronase digestion (0.2 mg/ml for 20 min at 37 degrees C), under conditions not affecting adhesion. These data suggest that these glycoproteins may be involved in fibronectin-mediated cell adhesion in some yet unknown way.  相似文献   

The distribution of blood group carbohydrate chains with antigen A, B, H type 2 chain (A and B precursor), and N-acetyllactosamine (H type 2 precursor) specificity was studied in human oral epithelium from different anatomical regions. These represented various epithelial differentiation patterns such as non-keratinized, parakeratinized, and orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. The material included buccal and palatal epithelium from 20 persons with blood group A or O, gingival, and alveolar epithelium from 10 persons with blood group A or B, and buccal metaplastically keratinized epithelium from nine blood group A, two blood group B, and nine blood group O individuals. The blood group carbohydrate chains were examined in tissue sections by immunofluorescence microscopy. The A and B blood group antigens were detected by human blood group sera, and antigen H type 2 chains and N-acetyllactosamine by murine monoclonal antibodies. Each antigen showed a similar staining pattern in buccal and alveolar epithelium (non-keratinized) which differed considerably from that seen in palatal and gingival epithelium (ortho- and parakeratinized). The expression of blood group antigens A or B and the precursor antigen H type 2 chains in metaplastically keratinized buccal epithelium was found to differ significantly from that seen in normal non-keratinized buccal epithelium. The regional variations demonstrated in cell surface carbohydrates are suggested to reflect differences in tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

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