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There has been much debate over the origin of species diversity in biodiversity hotspots, particularly the rate of speciation over extinction and the geographic mode of speciation. Here, we looked at speciation with varying degrees of sympatry in a biodiversity hotspot, focusing on a distinct morphological clade in the Cape Floristic Region in southern Africa, the Gladiolus carinatus species complex (Iridaceae). We investigate the mechanisms involved in population and species differentiation through a combination of ecological and genomic approaches. We estimated spatial and phenological overlap, differences in floral morphology, genetic isolation and genomic selection. A genetic coalescent analysis estimated that the time of divergence between lineages followed the establishment of available habitat in the Cape littoral plain where these species currently overlap geographically. Marked shifts in flowering time and morphology, which act as barriers to gene flow, have developed to varying degrees over the last 0.3–1.4 million years. An amplified fragment length polymorphism genome scan revealed signatures of divergent and balancing selection, although half of the loci consistently behaved neutrally. Divergent species outliers (1%) and floral morph outliers (3%) represent a small proportion of the genome, but these loci produced clear genetic clusters of species and significant associations with floral traits. These results indicate that the G. carinatus complex represents a continuum of recent speciation. We provide further evidence for ecological adaptation in the face of gene flow.  相似文献   

The role of pollinators in floral divergence has long attracted the attention of evolutionary biologists. Although abundant studies have reported the effect of pollinators on flower‐shape variation and plant speciation, the influence of pollinators on plant species differentiation during rapid radiations and the specific consequences of shifts among similar pollinators are not well understood. Here, we evaluate the association between pollinators and floral morphology in a closely related and recently diversifying clade of Linaria species (sect. Supinae subsect. Supinae). Our approach combined pollinator observations, functional floral morphometric measures and phylogenetic comparative analyses. The fauna visiting Linaria species was determined by extensive surveys and categorized by a modularity algorithm, and the size and shape of flowers were analysed by means of standard and geometric morphometric measures. Standard measures failed to find relationships between the sizes of representative pollinators and flowers. However, discriminant function analyses of geometric morphometric data revealed that pollination niches are finer predictors of flower morphologies in Linaria if compared with phylogenetic relationships. Species with the most restrictive flowers displayed the most slender spurs and were pollinated by bees with larger proboscides. These restrictive flower shapes likely appeared more than once during the evolutionary history of the study group. We show that floral variation can be driven by shifts between pollinators that have been traditionally included in a single functional group, and discuss the consequences of such transitions for plant species differentiation during rapid radiations.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of speciation is a primary goal of evolutionary biology, yet the question of whether speciation can reach completion in the presence of gene flow remains controversial. For more than 50 years, the cichlids of Africa, and more recently those in South and Central America, have served as model systems for the study of speciation in nature. Cichlids are distinguished by their enormous species richness, their diversity of behavioural and trophic adaptations, and their rapid rate of divergence. In both Africa and South and Central America, the repeated interaction of geology, new founder events and adaptive evolution has created a series of natural experiments with speciation occurring both within and between waterbodies of differing ages. In the “From the Cover” paper in this issue of the Journal of Molecular Ecology, Raffini, Schneider, Franchini, Kautt and Meyer move beyond the question of which mechanisms drive speciation, and instead show that divergent morphologies and physiologies translate into adaptive traits. They investigate differences in physiology and gene expression profiles in a benthic/limnetic species pair of Midas cichlidsin a 24,000‐year‐old Nicaraguan crater lake. While recently diverged, these two species demonstrate significant ecological, but limited genetic differentiation. The authors find that the distinct morphotypes translate into relevant differences in swimming performance and metabolic rates that correspond to differential gene expression profiles. Hence, the authors take an integrative approach examining the impacts of morphological differences on performance and niche partitioning: an approach that can advance our understanding of the drivers of morphological and physiological divergence during speciation.  相似文献   



Divergence of floral morphology and breeding systems are often expected to be linked to angiosperm diversification and environmental niche divergence. However, available evidence for such relationships is not generalizable due to different taxonomic, geographical and time scales. The Palearctic genus Helianthemum shows the highest diversity of the family Cistaceae in terms of breeding systems, floral traits, and environmental conditions as a result of three recent evolutionary radiations since the Late Miocene. Here, we investigated the tempo and mode of evolution of floral morphology in the genus and its link with species diversification and environmental niche divergence.


We quantified 18 floral traits from 83 taxa and applied phylogenetic comparative methods using a robust phylogenetic framework based on genotyping-by-sequencing data.


We found three different floral morphologies, putatively related to three different breeding systems: type I, characterized by small flowers without herkogamy and low pollen to ovule ratio; type II, represented by large flowers with approach herkogamy and intermediate pollen to ovule ratio; and type III, featured by small flowers with reverse herkogamy and the highest pollen to ovule ratio. Each morphology has been highly conserved across each radiation and has evolved independently of species diversification and ecological niche divergence.


The combined results of trait, niche, and species diversification ultimately recovered a pattern of potentially non-adaptive radiations in Helianthemum and highlight the idea that evolutionary radiations can be decoupled from floral morphology evolution even in lineages that diversified in heterogeneous environments as the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

To understand the process and mechanism of speciation, a detailed analysis of origin and demographic history of recently diverged species pairs is necessary. Here, we investigate the evolutionary history of Actaea purpurea (P.K. Hsiao) J. Compton and its closest relatives, A. japonica Thunb. and A. biternata (Siebold and Zuccarini) Prantl. We aim to estimate important parameters of the divergence event, and to lay the foundation for further investigation of the speciation mechanism of this system. Floral and vegetative traits were measured and analyzed. Genetic structure, divergence history, and historical gene flow were also inferred from the plastid and single nucleotide polymorphism data. Floral traits were divergent, and a strong match between pollinator and floral traits was revealed. Genetically the two species were also well diverged, and the time of divergence was dated to the Pleistocene. The demographic modelling results suggest that A. purpurea had continuous limited gene flow with A. japonica and A. biternata since divergence. More work is now needed to confirm that floral trait divergence was selected by pollinators, as well as to understand how pollinator isolation acts in conjunction with other reproductive barriers to reduce gene flow between the two species.  相似文献   

An accurate understanding of species diversity is essential to studies across a wide range of biological subdisciplines. However, delimiting species remains challenging in evolutionary radiations where morphological diversification is rapid and accompanied by little genetic differentiation or when genetic lineage divergence is not accompanied by morphological change. We investigate the utility of a variety of recently developed approaches to examine genetic and morphological diversity, and delimit species in a morphologically conserved group of Southeast Asian lizards. We find that species diversity is vastly underestimated in this unique evolutionary radiation, and find an extreme case where extensive genetic divergence among lineages has been accompanied by little to no differentiation in external morphology. Although we note that different conclusions can be drawn when species are delimited using molecular phylogenetics, coalescent‐based methods, or morphological data, it is clear that the use of a pluralistic approach leads to a more comprehensive appraisal of biodiversity, and greater appreciation for processes of diversification in this biologically important geographic region. Similarly, our approach demonstrates how recently developed methodologies can be used to obtain robust estimates of species limits in “nonadaptive” or “cryptic” evolutionary radiations.  相似文献   

Lake Tanganyika, Africa's oldest lake, harbours an impressive diversity of cichlid fishes. Although diversification in its radiating groups is thought to have been initially rapid, cichlids from Lake Tanganyika show little evidence for ongoing speciation. In contrast, examples of recent divergence among sympatric colour morphs are well known in haplochromine cichlids from Lakes Malawi and Victoria. Here, we report genetic evidence for recent divergence between two sympatric Tanganyikan cichlid colour morphs. These Petrochromis morphs share mitochondrial haplotypes, yet microsatellite loci reveal that their sympatric populations form distinct genetic groups. Nuclear divergence between the two morphs is equivalent to that which arises geographically within one of the morphs over short distances and is substantially smaller than that among other sympatric species in this genus. These patterns suggest that these morphs diverged only recently, yet that barriers to gene flow exist which prevent extensive admixture despite their sympatric distribution. The morphs studied here provide an unusual example of active diversification in Lake Tanganyika's generally ancient cichlid fauna and enable comparisons of speciation processes between Lake Tanganyika and other African lakes.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic evidence suggests that the extraordinary diversity of the Cape Floristic Kingdom in South Africa may be the result of widespread evolutionary radiation. Our understanding of the role of adaptive versus neutral processes in these radiations remains largely speculative. In this study we investigated factors involved in the diversification of Argyroderma, a genus within the most spectacular of the Cape radiations, that of the Ruschioid subfamily of the Aizoaceae. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms and a suite of morphological traits to elucidate patterns of differentiation within and between species of Argyroderma across the range of the genus. We then used a matrix correlation approach to assess the influence of landscape structure, edaphic gradients, and flowering phenology on phenotypic and neutral genetic divergence in the system. We found evidence for strong spatial genetic isolation at all taxonomic levels. In addition, genetic differentiation occurs along a temporal axis, between sympatric species with divergent flowering times. Morphological differentiation, which previous studies suggest is adaptive, occurs along a habitat axis, between populations occupying different edaphic microenvironments. Morphological differentiation is in turn significantly associated with flowering time shifts. Thus we propose that diversification within Argyroderma has occurred through a process of adaptive speciation in allopatry. Spatially isolated populations diverge phenotypically in response to divergent habitat selection, which in turn leads to the evolution of reproductive isolation through divergence of flowering phenologies, perhaps as a correlated response to morphological divergence. Evidence suggests that diversification of the group has proceeded in two phases: the first involving divergence of allopatric taxa on varied microhabitats within a novel habitat type (the quartz gravel plains), and the second involving range expansion of an early flowering phenotype on the most extreme edaphic habitat and subsequent incomplete differentiation of allopatric populations of the early flowering group. These results point to adaptive speciation in allopatry as a likely model for the spectacular diversification of the ice-plant family in the dissected landscapes of the southern African winter rainfall deserts.  相似文献   

The Ipomopsis aggregata complex consists of diploid, outcrossing, perennial herbs. The group is highly variable morphologically and is treated as three species: I. aggregata, I. tenuituba, and I. arizonica. Geographic races of I. aggregata and I. tenuituba are recognized as subspecies. Enzyme electrophoresis was used to examine genetic relationships among populations and taxa in the Ipomopsis aggregata complex and some related species. Genetic data for 23 allozyme loci from 60 populations were also used to determine how genetic variation is distributed geographically. Populations in the southwestern United States were more variable than those in the northwest: the center of genetic diversity corresponded to the center of species diversity. Allozymic data provided no evidence of loss of genetic variability associated with recent and rapid divergence. Genetic relationships based on Nei's genetic identity did not correspond to taxonomic relationships. For example, populations of both I. arizonica and I. tenuituba clustered within I. aggregata. Despite relatively high levels of genetic diversity among populations, diversity among taxa was low. Results indicated that floral divergence and concomitant speciation have occurred recently in the Ipomopsis aggregata complex. Allozymic patterns also reflected convergent evolution for floral morphology and possible introgression. Despite morphological differences among species, insufficient evolutionary time has elapsed for allelic fixation at neutral or near-neutral allozyme loci.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological differentiation is a key feature of adaptive radiations, with a general trend for specialization and niche expansion following divergence. Ecological opportunity afforded by invasion of a new habitat is thought to act as an ecological release, facilitating divergence, and speciation. Here, we investigate trophic adaptive morphology and ecology of an endemic clade of oreochromine cichlid fishes (Alcolapia) that radiated along a herbivorous trophic axis following colonization of an isolated lacustrine environment, and demonstrate phenotype‐environment correlation. Ecological and morphological divergence of the Alcolapia species flock are examined in a phylogenomic context, to infer ecological niche occupation within the radiation. Species divergence is observed in both ecology and morphology, supporting the importance of ecological speciation within the radiation. Comparison with an outgroup taxon reveals large‐scale ecomorphological divergence but shallow genomic differentiation within the Alcolapia adaptive radiation. Ancestral morphological reconstruction suggests lake colonization by a generalist oreochromine phenotype that diverged in Lake Natron to varied herbivorous morphologies akin to specialist herbivores in Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns of plant species radiations are largely unknown. I used a nonlinear regression to estimate speciation and extinction rates from all relevant dated clades. Both are surprisingly high. A high species richness can be the result of either little extinction, thus preserving the diversity that dates from older radiations (a 'mature radiation'), or a 'recent and rapid radiation'. The analysis of radiations from different regions (Andes, New Zealand, Australia, southwest Africa, tropics and Eurasia) revealed that the diversity of Australia may be largely the result of mature radiations. This is in sharp contrast to New Zealand, where the flora appears to be largely the result of recent and rapid radiations. Mature radiations are characteristic of regions that have been climatically and geologically stable throughout the Neogene, whereas recent and rapid radiations are more typical of younger (Pliocene) environments. The hyperdiverse Cape and Neotropical floras are the result of the combinations of mature as well as recent and rapid radiations. Both the areas contain stable environments (the Amazon basin and the Cape Fold Mountains) as well as dynamic landscapes (the Andes and the South African west coast). The evolution of diversity can only be understood in the context of the local environment.  相似文献   

Peripatric speciation and the importance of founder effects have long been controversial, and multilocus sequence data and coalescent methods now allow hypotheses of peripatric speciation to be tested in a rigorous manner. Using a multilocus phylogeographical data set for two species of salamanders (genus Hydromantes) from the Sierra Nevada of California, hypotheses of recent divergence by peripatric speciation and older, allopatric divergence were tested. Phylogeographical analysis revealed two divergent lineages within Hydromantes platycephalus, which were estimated to have diverged in the Pliocene. By contrast, a low‐elevation species, Hydromantes brunus, diverged from within the northern lineage of H. platycephalus much more recently (mid‐Pleistocene), during a time of major climatic change in the Sierra Nevada. Multilocus species tree estimation and coalescent estimates of divergence time, migration rate, and growth rate reject a scenario of ancient speciation of H. brunus with subsequent gene flow and introgression from H. platycephalus, instead supporting a more recent divergence with population expansion. Although the small, peripheral distribution of H. brunus suggests the possibility of peripatric speciation, the estimated founding population size of the species was too large to have allowed founder effects to be important in its divergence. These results provide evidence for both recent speciation, most likely tied to the climatic changes of the Pleistocene, and older lineage divergence, possibly due to geological events, and add to evidence that Pleistocene glacial cycles were an important driver of diversification in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

Recent and rapid radiations provide rich material to examine the factors that drive speciation. Most recent and rapid radiations that have been well-characterized involve species that exhibit overt ecomorphological differences associated with clear partitioning of ecological niches in sympatry. The most diverse genus of rodents, Rattus (66 species), evolved fairly recently, but without overt ecomorphological divergence among species. We used multilocus molecular phylogenetic data and five fossil calibrations to estimate the tempo of diversification in Rattus, and their radiation on Australia and New Guinea (Sahul, 24 species). Based on our analyses, the genus Rattus originated at a date centered on the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary (1.84-3.17 Ma) with a subsequent colonization of Sahul in the middle Pleistocene (0.85-1.28 Ma). Given these dates, the per lineage diversification rates in Rattus and Sahulian Rattus are among the highest reported for vertebrates (1.1-1.9 and 1.6-3.0 species per lineage per million years, respectively). Despite their rapid diversification, Rattus display little ecomorphological divergence among species and do not fit clearly into current models of adaptive radiations. Lineage through time plots and ancestral state reconstruction of ecological characters suggest that diversification of Sahulian Rattus was most rapid early on as they expanded into novel ecological conditions. However, rapid lineage accumulation occurred even when morphological disparity within lineages was low suggesting that future studies consider other phenotypes in the diversification of Rattus.  相似文献   

Although eukaryotic microorganisms are extremely numerous, diverse and essential to global ecosystem functioning, they are largely understudied by evolutionary biologists compared to multicellular macroscopic organisms. In particular, very little is known about the speciation mechanisms which may give rise to the diversity of microscopic eukaryotes. It was postulated that the enormous population sizes and ubiquitous distribution of these organisms could lead to a lack of population differentiation and therefore very low speciation rates. However, such assumptions have traditionally been based on morphospecies, which may not accurately reflect the true diversity, missing cryptic taxa. In this study, we aim to articulate the major diversification mechanisms leading to the contemporary molecular diversity by using a colonial freshwater flagellate, Synura sphagnicola, as an example. Phylogenetic analysis of five sequenced loci showed that S. sphagnicola differentiated into two morphologically distinct lineages approximately 15.4 million years ago, which further diverged into several evolutionarily recent haplotypes during the late Pleistocene. The most recent haplotypes are ecologically and biogeographically much more differentiated than the old lineages, presumably because of their persistent differentiation after the allopatric speciation events. Our study shows that in microbial eukaryotes, species diversification via the colonization of new geographical regions or ecological resources occurs much more readily than was previously thought. Consequently, divergence times of microorganisms in some lineages may be equivalent to the estimated times of speciation in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Because of their function as reproductive signals in plants, floral traits experience distinct selective pressures related to their role in speciation, reinforcement, and prolonged coexistence with close relatives. However, few studies have investigated whether population‐level processes translate into detectable signatures at the macroevolutionary scale. Here, we ask whether patterns of floral trait evolution and range overlap across a clade of California Jewelflowers reflect processes hypothesized to shape floral signal differentiation at the population level. We found a pattern of divergence in floral scent composition across the clade such that close relatives had highly disparate floral scents given their age. Accounting for range overlap with close relatives explained additional variation in floral scent over time, with sympatric species pairs having diverged more than allopatric species pairs given their age. However, three other floral traits (flower size, scent complexity and flower color) did not fit these patterns, failing to deviate from a null Brownian motion model of evolution. Together, our results suggest that selection for divergence among close relatives in the composition of floral scents may play a key, sustained role in mediating speciation and coexistence dynamics across this group, and that signatures of these dynamics may persist at the macroevolutionary scale.  相似文献   

Melo M  Warren BH  Jones PJ 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(23):4953-4967
Archipelago-endemic bird radiations are familiar to evolutionary biologists as key illustrations of evolutionary patterns. However, such radiations are in fact rare events. White-eyes (Zosteropidae) are birds with an exceptionally high colonization and speciation potential; they have colonized more islands globally than any other passerine group and include the most species-rich bird genus. The multiplication of white-eye island endemics has been consistently attributed to independent colonizations from the mainland; the white-eyes of the Gulf of Guinea archipelago had been seen as a classic case, spanning as great a breadth of phenotypic diversity as the family worldwide. Contrary to this hypothesis, our molecular phylogenetic analysis places the Gulf of Guinea white-eyes in just two radiations, one grouping all five oceanic island taxa and the other grouping continental island and land-bridge taxa. Numerous 'aberrant' phenotypes (traditionally grouped in the genus Speirops) have evolved independently over a short space of time from nonaberrant (Zosterops) phenotypes; the most phenotypically divergent species have separated as recently as 0.22 Ma. These radiations rival those of Darwin's finches and the Hawaiian honeycreepers in terms of the extent of adaptive radiation per unit time, both in terms of species numbers and in terms of phenotypic diversity. Tempo and patterns of morphological divergence are strongly supportive of an adaptive radiation in the oceanic islands driven by ecological interactions between sympatric white-eyes. Here, very rapid phenotypic evolution mainly affected taxa derived from the youngest wave of colonization, in accordance with the model of asymmetric divergence owing to resource competition in sympatry.  相似文献   

Given the problems of species delimitation in algae using morphology or sexual compatibility, molecular data are becoming the standard for delimiting species and testing their traditional boundaries. The idea that species are separately evolving metapopulation lineages, along with theoretical progress in phylogenetic and population genetic analyses, has led to the development of new methods of species delimitation. We review these recent developments in DNA-based species delimitation methods, and discuss how they have changed and continue to change our understanding of algal species boundaries. Although single-locus approaches have proven effective for a first rapid and large-scale assessment of species diversity, species delimitation based on single gene trees falls short due to gene tree–species tree incongruence, caused by confounding processes like incomplete lineage sorting, trans-species polymorphism, hybridization and introgression. Data from unlinked loci and multi-species coalescent methods, which combine principles from phylogenetics and population genetics, may now be able to account for these complicating factors. Several of these methods also provide statistical support regarding species boundaries, which is important because speciation is a process and therefore uncertainty about precise species boundaries is inevitable in recently diverged lineages.  相似文献   

The history of life has been marked by several spectacular radiations, in which many lineages arise over a short period of time. A possible consequence of such rapid splitting in the recent past is that the intrinsic barriers that prevent gene flow between many species may have too little time to develop fully, leading to extensive hybridization among recently evolved lineages. The salamander genus Plethodon in eastern North America has been proposed as a possible example of this scenario, but without explicit statistical tests. In this paper, we present a nearly comprehensive phylogeny for the 45 extant species of eastern Plethodon, based on DNA sequences of mitochondrial (two genes, 1335 base pairs) and nuclear genes (two genes, up to 3481 base pairs). We then use this phylogeny to examine rates and patterns of diversification and hybridization. We find significantly rapid diversification within the glutinosus species group. Examining patterns of natural hybridization in light of the phylogeny shows considerable hybridization within this clade, including introgression between species that are morphologically distinct and distantly related. Reproductive isolation increases over time and may be very weak among the most recently diverged species. These results suggest that the origin of species and the evolution of intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms, rather than being synonymous, may be decoupled in some cases (i.e., rapid origin of lineages outstrips the "speciation clock"). In contrast to the conclusions of a recent review of adaptive radiation and hybridization, we suggest that extensive hybridization sometimes may be a consequence, rather than a cause, of rapid diversification.  相似文献   

The exceptional species diversity of flowering plants, exceeding that of their sister group more than 250-fold, is especially evident in floral innovations, interactions with pollinators and sexual systems. Multiple theories, emphasizing flower–pollinator interactions, genetic effects of mating systems or high evolvability, predict that floral evolution profoundly affects angiosperm diversification. However, consequences for speciation and extinction dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate trajectories of species diversification focusing on heterostyly, a remarkable floral syndrome where outcrossing is enforced via cross-compatible floral morphs differing in placement of their respective sexual organs. Heterostyly evolved at least 20 times independently in angiosperms. Using Darwin''s model for heterostyly, the primrose family, we show that heterostyly accelerates species diversification via decreasing extinction rates rather than increasing speciation rates, probably owing to avoidance of the negative genetic effects of selfing. However, impact of heterostyly appears to differ over short and long evolutionary time-scales: the accelerating effect of heterostyly on lineage diversification is manifest only over long evolutionary time-scales, whereas recent losses of heterostyly may prompt ephemeral bursts of speciation. Our results suggest that temporal or clade-specific conditions may ultimately determine the net effects of specific traits on patterns of species diversification.  相似文献   

The study of speciation has advanced considerably in the last decades because of the increased application of molecular tools. In particular, the quantification of gene flow between recently diverged species could be addressed. Drosophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana diverged, probably allopatrically, from a common ancestor approximately 250,000 years ago. However, these species share one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype indicative of a recent episode of introgression. To study the extent of gene flow between these species, we took advantage of a large sample of D. mauritiana and employed a range of different markers, i.e. nuclear and mitochondrial sequences, and microsatellites. This allowed us to detect two new mtDNA haplotypes (MAU3 and MAU4). These haplotypes diverged quite recently from haplotypes of the siII group present in cosmopolitan populations of D. simulans. The mean divergence time of the most diverged haplotype (MAU4) is approximately 127,000 years, which is more than 100,000 years before the assumed speciation time. Interestingly, we also found some evidence for gene flow at the nuclear level because an excess of putatively neutral loci shows significantly reduced differentiation between D. simulans and D. mauritiana. Our results suggest that these species are exchanging genes more frequently than previously thought.  相似文献   

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