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解脂耶氏酵母是一种重要的产油酵母,由于其能利用多种疏水性底物,具有良好的耐酸、耐盐等胁迫耐受性,具有高通量的三羧酸循环,可提供充足的乙酰辅酶A前体等特点,被认为是生产萜类、聚酮类和黄酮类等天然产物的理想宿主,在代谢工程领域有着广泛的应用。近年来,越来越多的基因编辑、表达和调控工具被逐渐开发,这促进了解脂耶氏酵母合成各种天然产物的研究。文中综述了近年来解脂耶氏酵母中基因表达和天然产物合成方面的研究进展,并探讨了在该酵母中异源合成天然产物所面临的挑战和可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

萜烯是一类基于五碳单元类异戊二烯的天然化合物,种类繁多且具有多种生物活性,被广泛应用于食品、医药和化工领域.传统萜类物质生产依赖于化学合成或植物组织提取,存在产率低、资源浪费的缺点.近年来,代谢工程和合成生物学的发展促进了微生物细胞工厂的高效构建,为化学品的微生物合成提供了新的选择.解脂耶氏酵母因前体甲羟戊酸途径的内源...  相似文献   

酵母人工合成细胞生产植物源天然产物北大核心CSCD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物源天然产物在医疗保健领域有着广泛的应用。目前,生产植物源天然产物的主要方式为从原植物直接提取,但此法面临诸多问题。基于合成生物学的理念,创建酵母人工细胞工厂发酵生产植物源天然产物是一种新的资源获取途径。本文将从植物源天然产物在药物和营养领域的应用前景,发酵法生产青蒿酸的研发历程,部分萜类、生物碱和长链多不饱和脂肪酸的研究进展,以及该领域相关技术前沿4个方面介绍酵母人工合成细胞生产植物源天然产物的近况。  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母具有遗传背景清晰、分子操作体系较为成熟、抗逆性强、底物谱广、有机酸和蛋白质分泌能力强等优点,在微生物发酵生产化学品领域极具应用潜力。木质纤维素是丰富的可再生生物质资源,以木质纤维素原料替代化石原料生产化学品对于缓解全球能源危机、保障粮食安全等意义重大。解脂耶氏酵母可以天然代谢木质纤维素水解产生的葡萄糖,但对其他水解产物(如木糖)的利用效率极低。综述解脂耶氏酵母利用木质纤维素原料的代谢途径及改造策略,以木质纤维素原料生产化学品为例,重点讨论该过程中的主要瓶颈问题及解决办法,为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

萜类化合物是种类最多的一类天然产物,具有抗癌、抗过敏等多种生物活性,在食品、日化、医疗等领域受到广泛关注,展现了巨大的应用潜力和广阔的市场前景。近年来,研究人员采用功能基因组学和代谢组学技术对不同萜类的合成途径进行了深入研究,为萜类的合成生物学研究提供了大量的数据支撑。目前,已经通过合成生物学方法构建出萜类高产的酵母工程菌株,实现了多种目标产物的高效生产,有效提高了萜类的总体生产水平。因此,采用合成生物学策略合成萜类化合物,有望成为植物源萜类生产的有效技术手段。首先介绍了合成生物学概念,进而总结了植物源萜类的重要功能和应用领域,并简述了不同萜类的合成途径,归纳了现有的萜类生产方式,然后深入探讨了萜类生物合成的设计策略,最后以几种常见的萜类为例,详细论述了不同萜类的合成生物学的研究进展。  相似文献   

近30年来解脂耶氏酵母、克鲁维酵母、毕赤酵母、假丝酵母、汉逊酵母等非传统酵母因其具有天然的生理代谢优势,如快速生长、多底物利用、胁迫耐受性等,在代谢工程领域得到了广泛关注,多种基因工程改造工具正逐渐被开发用于非传统酵母的特性拓展,使其成为合成重组蛋白、生物可再生化学物质的高效细胞工厂.文中总结了非传统酵母中基因编辑工具...  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母是一种具有独特生理代谢特征的非常规酵母.它具有可以利用多种廉价碳源、低pH值耐受性好、分泌能力强等优点,因此非常适合用于各种工业产品的微生物发酵.目前,解脂耶氏酵母已被证实具有高效生产多种(同源或异源)有机羧酸的能力.本文对近年来利用代谢工程及合成生物学技术改造解脂耶氏酵母生产羧酸的实例进行了总结,并重点介...  相似文献   

植物萜类化合物的生物合成及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
萜类化合物是植物中广泛存在的一类代谢产物,在植物生长、发育过程中起重要作用。植物中的萜类化合物有2条合成途径,即甲羟戊酸途径和甲基赤藓糖醇磷酸途径。这2条途径中都存在一系列调控萜类化合物生成、结构和功能各异的酶。植物萜类化合物不仅在植物生命活动中起重要作用,而且具有重要的商业价值,被广泛用于工业、医药卫生等领域。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)作为最简单的真核模式生物被广泛应用于生命科学的各项研究中。目前,大多数天然产物的主要生产途径是从原材料中直接提取,该方法效率较低,同时消耗了大量的生物资源,已逐渐被新兴的合成生物学方法所取代。其中通过改造酿酒酵母自身的代谢途径并加入异源代谢途径生产目标天然产物已成为一种高效的资源获取途径。通过对外源基因启动子的优化及改造,调控外源基因在宿主中的表达水平,从而协调宿主自身代谢途径,定向合成目的代谢产物是酵母合成生物学和代谢工程的研究热点。从构建酿酒酵母合成天然产物过程中启动子结构、类型及优化表达的方法进行了综述,为相关研究者利用酿酒酵母作为底盘细胞进行合成生物学的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

天然产物广泛地存在于植物体内,是药物、食品添加剂和新型生物燃料等开发的主要来源,具有重要的商业价值,该类化合物也一直是合成生物学研究的热点之一。随着研究的深入,近年来以植物为底盘的天然产物研究日益兴起。本文中,笔者综述了近年来以植物为底盘的天然产物合成生物学研究的进展,包括该类代谢物代谢途径的解析、以植物为底盘的遗传操作技术和方法等,为相关研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

植物萜类代谢工程   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
植物萜类化合物不仅在植物生命活动中起重要作用,而且具有重要商业价值。随着近年来萜类代谢途径和调控机理研究的深入,代谢工程已成为提高萜类产量最有潜力的途径之一。对萜类代谢工程领域具代表性的研究结果进行了全面回顾,然后讨论了萜类代谢工程的研究方法和策略,其中重点探讨了功能基因组学方法在萜类代谢途径及调控机理研究方面的应用。  相似文献   

Plant Terpenoids: Biosynthesis and Ecological Functions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Among plant secondary metabolites terpenolds are a structurally most diverse group; they function as phytoalexins In plant direct defense, or as signals In Indirect defense responses which involves herbivores and their natural enemies. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the Investigation of the ecological role of plant terpenolds. The biosynthesis pathways of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes Include the synthesis of C5 precursor isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and Its allylic isomer dlmethylallyl dlphosphate (DMAPP), the synthesis of the immediate diphosphate precursors, and the formation of the diverse terpenoids. Terpene synthases (TPSs) play a key role In volatile terpene synthesis. By expression of the TPS genes, significant achievements have been made on metabolic engineering to Increase terpenoid production. This review mainly summarizes the recent research progress In elucidating the ecological role of terpenoids and characterization of the enzymes Involved in the terpenold biosynthesis. Spatial and temporal regulations of terpenoids metabolism are also discussed.  相似文献   

萜类化合物是一类种类繁多、功能多样的化合物,部分具有抗癌、增强免疫力等作用,具有良好的生物活性,在食品、保健品以及医疗等领域应用广泛.近年来,随着对萜类化合物生物合成途径研究的深入,研究人员采用代谢工程手段构建了多种萜类产物的高产酿酒酵母工程菌株,部分已经达到或者接近工业化生产水平.因此,采用合成生物学相关技术手段合成...  相似文献   

Microorganisms have become an increasingly important platform for the production of drugs, chemicals, and biofuels from renewable resources. Advances in protein engineering, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology enable redesigning microbial cellular networks and fine-tuning physiological capabilities, thus generating industrially viable strains for the production of natural and unnatural value-added compounds. In this review, we describe the recent progress on engineering microbial factories for synthesis of valued-added products including alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides, biofuels, and chemicals. Related topics on lignocellulose degradation, sugar utilization, and microbial tolerance improvement will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Plant natural products have been extensively exploited in food,medicine,flavor,cosmetic,renewable fuel,and other industrial sectors.Synthetic biology has recently emerged as a promising means for the cost-effective and sustainable production of natural products.Compared with engineering microbes for the production of plant natural products,the potential of plants as chassis for producing these compounds is underestimated,largely due to challenges encountered in engineering plants.Knowledge in pl...  相似文献   

The natural plant product bisabolene serves as a precursor for the production of a wide range of industrially relevant chemicals. However, the low abundance of bisabolene in plants renders its isolation from plant sources non-economically viable. Therefore, creation of microbial cell factories for bisabolene production supported by synthetic biology and metabolic engineering strategies presents a more competitive and environmentally sustainable method for industrial production of bisabolene. In this proof-of-principle study, for the first time, we engineered the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to produce α-bisabolene, β-bisabolene and γ-bisabolene through heterologous expression of the α-bisabolene synthase from Abies grandis, the β-bisabolene synthase gene from Zingiber officinale and the γ-bisabolene synthase gene from Helianthus annuus respectively. Subsequently, two metabolic engineering approaches, including overexpression of the endogenous mevalonate pathway genes and introduction of heterologous multidrug efflux transporters, were employed in order to improve bisabolene production. Furthermore, the fermentation conditions were optimized to maximize bisabolene production by the engineered Y. lipolytica strains from glucose. Finally, we explored the potential of the engineered Y. lipolytica strains for bisabolene production from the waste cooking oil. To our knowledge, this is the first report of bisabolene production in Y. lipolytica using metabolic engineering strategies. These findings provide valuable insights into the engineering of Y. lipolytica for a higher-level production of bisabolene and its utilization in converting waste cooking oil into various industrially valuable products.  相似文献   

The alkane-assimilating yeast Yarrowia lipolytica degrades very efficiently hydrophobic substrates such as n-alkanes, fatty acids, fats and oils for which it has specific metabolic pathways. An overview of the oxidative degradation pathways for alkanes and triglycerides in Y. lipolytica is given, with new insights arising from the recent genome sequencing of this yeast. This includes the interaction of hydrophobic substrates with yeast cells, their uptake and transport, the primary alkane oxidation to the corresponding fatty alcohols and then by different enzymes to fatty acids, and the subsequent degradation in peroxisomal beta-oxidation or storage into lipid bodies. Several enzymes involved in hydrophobic substrate utilisation belong to multigene families, such as lipases/esterases (LIP genes), cytochromes P450 (ALK genes) and peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidases (POX genes). Examples are presented demonstrating that wild-type and genetically engineered strains of Y. lipolytica can be used for alkane and fatty-acid bioconversion, such as aroma production, for production of SCP and SCO, for citric acid production, in bioremediation, in fine chemistry, for steroid biotransformation, and in food industry. These examples demonstrate distinct advantages of Y. lipolytica for their use in bioconversion reactions of biotechnologically interesting hydrophobic substrates.  相似文献   

非常规酵母的分子遗传学及合成生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先进的合成生物学技术与传统的分子遗传学技术的结合更有助于实现酵母底盘细胞的快速改造和优化。酵母合成生物学研究最早开始于常规酵母——酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae),近些年来又迅速扩展至一些非常规酵母,包括巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichiapastoris)、解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowialipolytica)、乳酸克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyces lactis)和多形汉逊酵母(Hansenula polymorpha)等。借助合成生物学技术与工具,目前科学家们已经成功开发出了能够高效生产生物材料、生物燃料、生物基化学品、蛋白质制剂、食品添加剂和药物等工业产品的重组非常规酵母工程菌株。本文系统总结了合成生物学工具(主要是基因组编辑工具)、合成生物学组件(主要是启动子和终止子)和相关分子遗传学方法在上述非常规酵母系统(底盘细胞)中的最新研究进展和应用情况,并讨论了其他合成生物学技术在这些非常规酵母表达系统中的潜在适用性和应用前景。这为研究人员利用合成生物学方法在这一新型非模式微生物底盘细胞中设计和构建各种高附加值工业产品的异源合成模块并最终实现目标化合物的高效生物合成提供了科学的理论指导。  相似文献   

Terpenoids belong to the largest class of natural compounds and are produced in all living organisms. The isoprenoid skeleton is based on assembling of C5 building blocks, but the biosynthesis of a great variety of terpenoids ranging from monoterpenoids to polyterpenoids is not fully understood today. Terpenoids play a fundamental role in human nutrition, cosmetics, and medicine. In the past 10 years, many metabolic engineering efforts have been undertaken in plants but also in microorganisms to improve the production of various terpenoids like artemisinin and paclitaxel. Recently, inverse metabolic engineering and combinatorial biosynthesis as main strategies in synthetic biology have been applied to produce high-cost natural products like artemisinin and paclitaxel in heterologous microorganisms. This review describes the recent progresses made in metabolic engineering of the terpenoid pathway with particular focus on fundamental aspects of host selection, vector design, and system biotechnology.  相似文献   

The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica degrades efficiently low-cost hydrophobic substrates for the production of various added-value products such as lipases. To obtain yeast strains producing high levels of extracellular lipase, Y. lipolytica DSM3286 was subjected to mutation using ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and ultraviolet (UV) light. Twenty mutants were selected out of 1600 mutants of Y. lipolytica treated with EMS and UV based on lipase production ability on selective medium. A new industrial medium containing methyl oleate was optimized for lipase production. In the 20 L bioreactor containing new industrial medium, one UV mutant (U6) produced 356 U/mL of lipase after 24h, which is about 10.5-fold higher than that produced by the wild type strain. The properties of the mutant lipase were the same as those of the wild type: molecular weight 38 kDa, optimum temperature 37°C and optimum pH 7. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequences of extracellular lipase gene (LIP2) in wild type and mutant strains were determined. Only two silent substitutions at 362 and 385 positions were observed in the ORF region of LIP2. Two single substitutions and two duplications of the T nucleotide were also detected in the promoter region. LIP2 sequence comparison of the Y. lipolytica DSM3286 and U6 strains shows good targets to effective DNA recombinant for extracellular lipase of Y. lipolytica.  相似文献   

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