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血吸虫基因操作研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,血吸虫基因组、转录组、蛋白质组和分泌组研究广泛开展,迫切需要针对单个分子功能深入研究。开展血吸虫基因操作研究不仅可在虫体内深入研究基因功能,对进一步理解血吸虫生长发育机理和寄生生活特征具有重要意义,还可建立抗血吸虫候选疫苗和药物靶标筛选的重要平台。为此,本文总结基因操作技术在血吸虫学中的应用并分析其现状。  相似文献   

在《蛋白质、核酸、酵素》1981年,26卷,第5期上,报导了准备出版,’I病时增刊。该增刊是基因操作专辑,包括的内容有:序文·…,·,·.····,·……”···················································……松原谦一矢野走司1.基因操作的现状 关于日本原核细胞生物的基因操作在发酵工业中的基因操作···························................  相似文献   

转基因植物的基因漂流风险   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
讨论了近10年有关转基因植物漂流方面的5个主要研究领域,转基因进入相关植物野生种或近缘种中的实证性研究,以花粉为煤体的基因漂流特性研究,基因漂流实验和风险评价方法研究,基因漂流风险安全性评价标准的争论和基因漂流的长期生态效应研究,提出了目前应进一步开展的研究课题。  相似文献   

本刊为向从事遗传工程工作的科研人员、高等学校的教学人员以及科研管理人员介绍遗传工程的基础知识,从本期起连载“基因操作原理”一书的各章节。  相似文献   

卢宝荣  夏辉 《生命科学》2011,(2):186-194
转基因作物的商品化生产和大规模环境释放在带来巨大利益的同时,也引起了全球对其生物安全问题的广泛关注和争议,其中转基因通过花粉介导的基因漂移逃逸到非转基因作物及其野生近缘种,进而导致的潜在环境和生态风险就是备受争议的生物安全问题之一。转基因植物的环境生物安全涉及两方面关键问题:如何科学评价转基因植物商品化种植以后带来的环境和生态影响;如何利用环境生物安全的研究成果来制定科学有效的风险监测和管理措施。对转基因逃逸及其潜在生态风险的科学评价应包括三个重要环节:(1)检测转基因的逃逸的频率;(2)检测转基因逃逸后的表达和遗传规律;(3)确定逃逸后的转基因对野生近缘种群体适合度的影响及其进化潜力,本文将围绕对转基因逃逸及其潜在环境风险的科学评价,以转基因水稻为案例来对转基因逃逸带来生态影响的研究好评价的进展进行简要介绍,并对目前依据风险评价研究成果制定的各种管理策略进行了讨论。只有提高对转基因生物环境安全研究和评价的水平,并制定有效的风险监测和管理措施,才能为我国转基因技术的发展和转基因产品的商品化应用保驾护航。  相似文献   

介绍了一种将染色体显微操作和PCR技术结合起来进行基因染色体定位的方法,具有简便易行,特异性和敏感性很高等特点。分析了这种定位方法的技术特点,以及SSCP和DNA序列分析等方法在排除错误结果中的运用。  相似文献   

即将由中国科技翻译出版社出版。本书是作者根据他在Warwick大学对生物系、微生物系及生物化学系的学位研究生讲授基因操纵课程时所用的讲义改写的。初学者阅读此书,可对遗传工程究竟是怎么一回事,有一个清楚的概念和初步了解;从事这项工作的  相似文献   

自抗生素被发现和使用以来,其在人类和动物疾病预防与治疗、提高动物生产等方面均发挥了重要作用。但抗生素的批量生产及大量应用,特别是在养殖业和临床医疗上的滥用,导致抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)在环境中普遍存在,其借助质粒、转座子、整合子等可移动元件通过接合、转座、转化等方式在环境中广泛传播,导致微生物药性不断增强,对人类健康和生态安全造成严重威胁。当前,ARGs对人类健康的影响已受到高度关注,但有关ARGs在环境中的生态风险研究还相对薄弱。本文综述了ARGs污染的现状及其生态风险,并对该领域中未来研究重点进行了展望,以期为今后抗性基因的研究和生态防控提供参考。  相似文献   

随着遗传工程研究的深入,新的运载体不断出现,使人难以跟上它的发展。  相似文献   

生物代谢工程以微生物为载体,以生命系统各个阶段形成的代谢产物为天然模板和设计蓝图,采用合成生物技术合成活性物质。这些活性物质中部分有害或具有潜在安全威胁,如毒素和蛋白质复合物、可用于临床治疗也可危害健康的药物分子及其衍生物、国际公约限制使用的化学制剂等,可能对生物安全产生不利影响。通过对采取天然代谢通路与非天然代谢通路生物合成的活性物质、化学合成的活性物质和活性物质递送技术相关的合成生物学安全风险的梳理分析,为促进活性物质的合成生物创新发展和应用提出科学应对策略。  相似文献   

国内外生物技术安全管理机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了国内外生物安全管理机制,特别是生物技术安全管理机构和运行方式,分别就国际组织、美洲、欧洲和亚洲国家以及中国的有关制定、颁布和实施生物安全管理的作法和机构进行讨论,重点介绍了我国现有的生物技术安全管理办法、法则及其运行机制,最后提出了我国未来生物技术安全管理办法发展的重点。  相似文献   

It has only been about 20 years since the first Nobel Prize-winning work on RNA interference (RNAi) in Caenorhabditis elegans was published in the journal Nature. Fast forward to today, and the use of RNA molecules as gene-silencing elements in crops has helped scientists to unveil possible solutions to the global problems of agricultural losses due to pests, viruses, pathogens, and to other abiotic and biotic stresses. The recent proliferation of publications suggests that the technology has gained significant attention and received ample funding support. In this article, an attempt has been made to visualize recent trends in Research & Development (R&D) investment in this field by analyzing top cited scholarly articles, patent trends, and commercialization activity. The publication and citation analysis identified that the development of RNAi-based crops conferring resistance against viruses, fungi, and pests are at the forefront of RNAi research and that Chinese and US institutions are the leaders in this field. The patent landscape analysis for RNAi technology over all aspects related to RNAi-derived crops provides an overview of patenting activity from a geographical, organizational, and legal perspective. Such an exercise is pivotal to industry players and public institutions aiming at creating intellectual property that is commercially appealing. An upswing in commercial interests in this technology in recent years is reflected by a consistent number of patent filings in US, European, and Chinese patent offices, with multinational giant firms as the most prolific patent filers. The expanding RNAi commercialization landscape is supported by a series of strategic partnerships, licensing agreements, and acquisitions created between agribusinesses, public research institutions, and startup companies. From key observations, we would like to highlight that such investments have very positive impacts on the development of RNAi technology. Nonetheless, the success of this technology is dependent on several factors, such as financial requirements, the complexity, and timeframe of the entire development process, as well as stringent regulations imposed by the relevant authorities. In most countries, RNAi-based transgenic crops are still considered as a genetically modified (GM) product, which necessitates the crops to undergo rigorous evaluation before approval is granted. Recent advancements in exogenous RNAi-derived biopesticides have provided a nontransgenic alternative to GM crops. However, challenges still remain in the form of technical hurdles and regulatory ambiguities surrounding this emerging technology. Its full potential remains to be realized.  相似文献   

生物安全与生物伦理问题近年时有发生,如何给生物技术专业学生上好生物安全与生物伦理学课程值得研究与探讨。小班课教学是近年来国内高校教学改革的新举措,可拉近师生距离、增加师生互动,更为灵活且有针对性,有助于教学质量的提高。本文结合生物技术专业生物安全与生物伦理学课程特点及小班课教学实践,探讨小班课教学经验,反思不足并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

大鼠胚胎干细胞(ES)的成功建立使大鼠的遗传学操作成为可能,运用同源重组原理改造ES细胞的基因,为建立时空特异性的基因敲除大鼠模型提供了基础.本文主要回顾了大鼠ES细胞的建立过程,总结了大鼠ES的培养、鉴定技术,分析了各种大鼠基因敲除技术的优劣势和未来前景.在干细胞研究蓬勃发展的背景下,作为最有效地定向修饰基因的技术手段,基于大鼠ES细胞的基因敲除技术将在揭示基因的生理功能、研究人类疾病的遗传机制以及寻找新药物靶标的过程中发挥更加重要的作用.  相似文献   

水稻是我国最重要的粮食作物之一,我国有8亿以上的人口以稻米作为主食。但在水稻生产中,由于病、虫、草害及不良气候等逆境因子的影响,严重制约了水稻的高产、稳产。转基因生物技术的迅速发展,为水稻抗性育种提供了新途径。自20世纪80年代以来,我国全方位地开展了转基因水稻的研发,目前已经培育出大量的抗病、抗虫、抗除草剂和抗逆的转基因水稻品种,这将为提高我国水稻的生产力和确保粮食安全做出重要的贡献。但转基因水稻的基因漂流及其可能带来的生物安全问题备受关注。已有报道证明,外源转基因可以通过异交向非转基因品种和野生近缘种漂流。在不同的试验条件下,抗除草剂基因有0.05%-0.53%逃逸的可能,其向不育系的最大漂移频率可达4.518%。抗虫基因向相邻非转基因水稻的平均漂移频率最高为0.875%。因此,本文对水稻与其近缘野生种的杂交情况,转基因水稻外源基因向非转基因品种、野生近缘种以及野生非近缘种的漂流和渐渗及其潜在的生态环境风险等方面进行了简要分析,并对转基因水稻的发展进行了展望,以期为转基因水稻的安全应用提供参考。  相似文献   

尽管gene flow源于群体遗传学和进化生物学,但已成为环境生物安全文献中常见的科学术语。花粉介导的gene flow在自然界中广泛存在并对物种和群体的进化有着特殊重要的意义。随着转基因生物技术的快速发展和转基因作物在全球范围内的广泛种植,转基因随gene flow发生逃逸及其可能带来的潜在生态进化影响已经成为环境生物安全评价和研究的重要内容,备受全球广泛关注,gene flow这个术语在我国也被频繁引用。但是, gene flow的中文术语在我国各种文献资料中存在着十多种翻译版本,这些不同的翻译版本形式不同且内容略有差异,容易给环境生物安全问题的理解和研究造成不必要的混乱。本文对gene flow的概念及其内涵进行了回顾,并对不同形式的gene flow术语在国内外相关研究领域中使用的历史溯源进行了阐述。笔者建议使用“基因流”作为gene flow在中文应用中的统一术语,这也最接近群体遗传学和进化生物学等相关著作中gene flow的原意。基于此,对基因流在转基因逃逸及其相关的环境生物安全评价以及群体遗传学和进化生物学研究方面的理论和应用意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Somatic cell and gene therapy involve the application of biological technologies to an individual patient through the use of living cells which provide a therapeutic benefit (Aliski, 1991). Various forms of cellular and gene therapies are being developed and evaluated in an increasing number of clinical trials for congential and acquired disorders. The potential and progress of these therapeutic applications have resulted in an increasing effort by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to develop the regulatory framework under which these therapeutic approaches would insure safety and efficacy, the primary mandate of the FDA.Over five years ago Cellcor began to define the parameters, specifications, and conditions relevant to a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program that has evolved to insure safety and maximize the efficacy of applications of the company'sex vivo technology, autolymphocyte therapy. Autolymphocyte therapy is an outpatient form of somatic cell immunotherapy based upon the infusion of T cells that have been activatedex vivo using a combination of previously generated autologous cytokines and an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody.We have been able to demonstrate the feasibility for the safe, controlled, and consistent preparation and delivery of a cellular therapy by application of relevant GMP regulations. This presentation reviews aspects of this program and chronicles our experience which at present amounts to over 4400 infusions for over 700 patients. This program provides a high degree of assurance that a cellular therapy program can be carried out in a multisite mode involving hundreds of patients through the strict adherence to cGMP as set forth in existing regulations. It would be prudent that developers of cellular andex vivo gene therapies establish a similar cell processing and QA/QC infrastructure at an early developmental stage to optimize safety and reproducibility and facilitate regulatory review.  相似文献   

The horizontal transfer and effects on host fitness of a neutral gene cassette inserted into three different genomic loci of a plant-colonizing pseudomonad was assessed in a model ecosystem. The KX reporter cassette (kanamycin resistance, aph, and catechol 2, 3, dioxygenase, xylE) was introduced on the disarmed transposon mini-Tn5 into: (I) the chromosome of a spontaneous rifampicin resistant mutant Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25R; (II) the chromosome of SBW25R in the presence of a naturally occurring lysogenic-phage (phage Phi101); and (III) a naturally occurring plasmid pQBR11 (330 kbp, tra+, Hgr) introduced into SBW25R. These bacteria were applied to Stellaria media (chickweed) plants as seed dressings [c. 5 x 104 colony-forming units (cfu)/seed] and the seedlings planted in 16 microcosm chambers containing model plant and animal communities. Gene transfer to pseudomonads in the phyllosphere and rhizosphere was found only in the plasmid treatment (III). Bacteria in the phage treatment (II) initially declined in density and free phage was detected, but populations partly recovered as the plants matured. Surprisingly, bacteria in the chromosome insertion treatment (I) consistently achieved higher population densities than the unmanipulated control and other treatments. Plasmids were acquired from indigenous bacterial populations in the control and chromosome insertion treatments. Plasmid acquisition, plasmid transfer from inocula and selection for plasmid carrying inocula coincided with plant maturation.  相似文献   

Al Arsh Basheer 《Chirality》2018,30(4):402-406
The chiral pollution is a serious issue for our health and environment due to the enantio‐selective biodegradation of the chiral pollutants. It has adverse impact on our society and science. There is a big loss of our economy due to the use of racemic agrochemicals. The most notorious chiral pollutants are pesticides, polychloro biphenyls, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, brominated flame retardants, drugs, and pharmaceuticals. More than 1500 chiral pollutants are present in the environment. Unfortunately, there is no regulation and control of the chiral pollutants. Therefore, it is an urgent need of the present 21st century to develop a data bank on the chiral pollutants, guidelines for controlling the production, sale and use of the racemic agrochemicals and the other industrial products. The Governments of the different countries should come forward to initiate the regulations. US, FDA, US EPA, and WHO are the most important regulatory authorities and should think about the chiral pollutants. The present article highlights the impact of the chiral pollution on the society and science. Besides, the efforts have also been made to emphasize the need of the regulations to control the chiral pollution.  相似文献   

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