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Mutant membrane proteins are frequently retained in the early secretory pathway by a quality control system, thereby causing disease. An example are mutants of the vasopressin V(2) receptor (V(2)R) leading to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Transport-defective V(2)Rs fall into two classes: those retained exclusively in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and those reaching post-ER compartments such as the ER/Golgi intermediate compartment. Although numerous chemical or pharmacological chaperones that rescue the transport of ER-retained membrane proteins are known, substances acting specifically in post-ER compartments have not been described as yet. Using the L62P (ER-retained) and Y205C (reaching post-ER compartments) mutants of the V(2)R as a model, we show here that the cell-penetrating peptide penetratin and its synthetic analog KLAL rescue the transport of the Y205C mutant. In contrast, the location of the L62P mutant is not influenced by either peptide because the peptides are unable to enter the ER. We also show data indicating that the peptide-mediated transport rescue is associated with an increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations. Thus, we describe a new class of substances influencing protein transport specifically in post-ER compartments.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor delivery and steady state localization, we examined the trafficking itineraries of wild type (WT) and mutant V2 vasopressin receptors (V2Rs) in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney II (MDCK II) cells and in COS M6 cells; the mutant V2Rs represent selected alleles responsible for X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. The WT V2R is localized on the plasma membrane and mediates arginine vasopressin (AVP)-stimulated cAMP accumulation, whereas the clinically relevant V2R mutants, L292P V2R, Delta V278 V2R, and R337X V2R, are retained intracellularly, are insensitive to extracellularly added AVP, and are not processed beyond initial immature glycosylation, manifest by their endoglycosidase H sensitivity. Reduced temperature and pharmacological, but not chemical, strategies rescue mutant V2Rs to the cell surface of COS M6 cells; surface rescue of L292P V2R and R337X V2R, but not of Delta V278 V2R, parallels acquisition of AVP-stimulated cAMP production. Pharmacological rescue of the L292P or R337X V2R by incubation with the membrane-permeant V2R antagonist, SR121463B, leads to a mature glycosylated form of the receptor that achieves localization on the basolateral surface of polarized MDCK II cells indistinguishable from that of the WT V2R. Surprisingly, however, the immature form of the mutant L292P V2R escapes to the apical, but not basolateral, surface of polarized MDCK II cells, even in the absence of SR121463B. These findings are consistent with the interpretation that the receptor conformation that allows appropriate processing through the N-linked glycosylation pathway is also essential for V2R targeting to the appropriate surface of polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   



The aetiology of the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes (T1D) involves many genetic and environmental factors. Evidence suggests that innate immune responses, including the action of interferons, may also play a role in the initiation and/or pathogenic process of autoimmunity. In the present report, we have adopted a linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping approach to test for an association between T1D and three regions encompassing 13 interferon alpha (IFNA) genes, interferon omega-1 (IFNW1), interferon beta-1 (IFNB1), interferon gamma (IFNG) and the interferon consensus-sequence binding protein 1 (ICSBP1).


We identified 238 variants, most, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), by sequencing IFNA, IFNB1, IFNW1 and ICSBP1, 98 of which where novel when compared to dbSNP build 124. We used polymorphisms identified in the SeattleSNP database for INFG. A set of tag SNPs was selected for each of the interferon and interferon-related genes to test for an association between T1D and this complex gene family. A total of 45 tag SNPs were selected and genotyped in a collection of 472 multiplex families.


We have developed informative sets of SNPs for the interferon and interferon related genes. No statistical evidence of a major association between T1D and any of the interferon and interferon related genes tested was found.  相似文献   

Inactivating mutations of the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) cause cross-linked congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), resulting in renal resistance to the antidiuretic hormone AVP. In two families showing partial NDI, characterized by an apparently normal response to diagnostic tests and an increase in the basal ADH levels suggesting AVP resistance, we have identified two V2R mutations, Ser-333del and Y128S. Both mutant V2Rs, when expressed in COS-7 cells, show partial defects in vasopressin-stimulated cAMP accumulation and intracellular localization. The inhibition of internalization does not rescue their localization. In contrast, the non-peptide V2R antagonists OPC41061 and OPC31260 partially rescue the membrane localization and basal function of these V2R mutants, whereas they inhibit the basal activity of the wild-type V2R. These results indicate that a partial loss of function of Ser-333del and Y128S mutant V2Rs results from defective membrane trafficking. These findings further indicate that V2R antagonists can act as protean agonists, serving as pharmacological chaperones for inactivating V2R mutants and also as inverse agonists of wild-type receptors. We speculate that this protean agonism could underlie the possible dual beneficial effects of the V2R antagonist: improvement of hyponatremia with heart failure or polycystic kidney disease and potential rescue of NDI.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene of the G protein-coupled vasopressin V2 receptor (V2 receptor) cause X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). Most of the missense mutations on the extracellular face of the receptor introduce additional cysteine residues. Several groups have proposed that these residues might disrupt the conserved disulfide bond of the V2 receptor. To test this hypothesis, we first calculated a structure model of the extracellular receptor domains. The model suggests that the additional cysteine residues may form a second disulfide bond with the free, nonconserved extracellular cysteine residue Cys-195 rather than impairing the conserved bond. To address this question experimentally, we used the NDI-causing mutant receptors G185C and R202C. Their Cys-195 residues were replaced by alanine to eliminate the hypothetical second disulfide bonds. This second site mutation led to functional rescue of both NDI-causing mutant receptors, strongly suggesting that the second disulfide bonds are indeed formed. Furthermore we show that residue Cys-195, which is sensitive to "additional cysteine" mutations, is not conserved among the V2 receptors of other species and that the presence of an uneven number of extracellular cysteine residues, as in the human V2 receptor, is rare among class I G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) usually shows an X-linked recessive mode of inheritance caused by mutations in the vasopressin type 2 receptor gene (AVPR2). In the present study, three NDI families are described in which females show clinical features resembling the phenotype in males. Maximal urine osmolality in three female patients did not exceed 200 mosmol/kg and the absence of extra-renal responses to 1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin was demonstrated in two of them. All affected females and two asymptomatic female family members were shown to be heterozygous for an AVPR2 mutation. Skewed X-inactivation is the most likely explanation for the clinical manifestation of NDI in female carriers of an AVPR2 mutation. It is concluded that, in female NDI patients, the possibility of heterozygosity for an AVPR2 gene mutation has to be considered in addition to homozygosity for mutations in the aquaporin 2 gene.  相似文献   

Mutations in the aquaporin-2 (AQP2) water channel cause the hereditary renal disease nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). The missense mutation AQP2-T126M causes human recessive NDI by retention at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of renal epithelial cells. To determine whether the ER retention of AQP2-T126M is due to relative immobilization in the ER, we measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching the intramembrane mobility of green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimeras containing human wild-type and mutant AQP2. In transfected LLC-PK1 renal epithelial cells, GFP-labeled AQP2-T126M was localized to the ER, and wild-type AQP2 to endosomes and the plasma membrane; both were localized to the ER after brefeldin A treatment. Photobleaching with image detection indicated that the GFP-AQP2 chimeras were freely mobile throughout the ER. Quantitative spot photobleaching revealed a diffusion-dependent irreversible process whose recovery depended on spot size and was abolished by paraformaldehyde fixation. In addition, a novel slow reversible fluorescence recovery (t(12) approximately 2 s) was characterized whose recovery was independent of spot size and not affected by fixation. AQP2 translational diffusion in the ER was not slowed by the T126M mutation; diffusion coefficients were (in cm(2)/s x 10(-)10) 2.6 +/- 0.5 (wild-type) and 3.0 +/- 0.4 (T126M). Much faster diffusion was found for a lipid probe (diOC(4)(3), 2.7 x 10(-)8 cm(2)/s) in the ER membrane and for unconjugated GFP in the aqueous ER lumen (6 x 10(-)8 cm(2)/s). ER diffusion of GFP-T126M was not significantly affected by up-regulation of molecular chaperones, cAMP activation, or actin filament disruption. ATP depletion by 2-deoxyglucose and azide resulted in comparable slowing/immobilization of wild-type and T126M AQP2. These results indicate that the ER retention of AQP2-T126M does not result from restricted or slowed mobility and suggest that the majority of AQP2-T126M is not aggregated or bound to slowly moving membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The vasopressin V2 receptor (V2R) and the aquaporin-2 genes of two unrelated male patients with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus were analyzed. The V2R gene of the patient of family 1 had the wild-type sequence. Consequently, the coding region of the aquaporin-2 gene including the exon-intron junctions was sequenced. A novel G to T transversion at codon 202, predictive of an exchange of tryptophan 202 by cysteine, was identified. As the mutation occurs at G-1 of the 5′ splice donor site of intron 3, aberrant splicing is also likely. The mutation involves one of the supposed water pore-forming loops. Therefore, both aberrant splicing and amino acid substitution are likely to result in a functionally defective protein. Sequencing of the complete V2R gene of the male patient of family 2 revealed a novel single-base deletion at codon 310 (ΔC1001), shifting the reading frame to give an altered amino acid sequence beginning at codon 311. The mutation is unique in predicting a C-terminally extended protein (termination after codon 434 in the mutant receptor instead of codon 371 in the wild-type). The deduced mutant protein is likely to be nonfunctional since the amino acid sequence of the seventh transmembrane domain and the C-terminus is altered. Received: 5 March 1996 / Revised: 30 May 1996  相似文献   

We reported that several aquaporin-2 (AQP2) point mutants that cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of transfected mammalian cells and degraded but can be rescued by chemical chaperones to function as plasma membrane water channels (Tamarappoo, B. K., and Verkman, A. S. (1998) J. Clin. Invest. 101, 2257-2267). To test whether mutant AQP2 proteins are misfolded, AQP2 folding was assessed by comparative detergent extractability and limited proteolysis, and AQP2 degradation kinetics was measured by label-pulse-chase and immunoprecipitation. In ER membranes from transfected CHO cells containing [(35)S]methionine-labeled AQP2, mutants T126M and A147T were remarkably detergent-resistant; for example wild-type AQP2 was >95% solubilized by 0.5% CHAPS whereas T126M was <10% solubilized. E258K, an NDI-causing AQP2 mutant which is retained in the Golgi, is highly detergent soluble like wild-type AQP2. The mutants and wild-type AQP2 were equally susceptible to digestion by trypsin, thermolysin, and proteinase K. Stopped-flow light scattering measurements indicated that T126M AQP2 at the ER was fully functional as a water channel. Pulse-chase studies indicated that the increased degradation rates for T126M (t((1)/(2)) 2.5 h) and A147T (2 h) compared with wild-type AQP2 (4 h) involve a brefeldin A-resistant, ER-dependent degradation mechanism. After growth of cells for 48 h in the chemical chaperone glycerol, AQP2 mutants T126M and A147T became properly targeted and relatively detergent-soluble. These results provide evidence that NDI-causing mutant AQP2 proteins are misfolded, but functional, and that chemical chaperones both correct the trafficking and folding defects. Strategies to facilitate protein folding might thus have therapeutic efficacy in NDI.  相似文献   

In most cases, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus results from mutations in the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) gene that cause intracellular retention of improperly folded receptors. We previously reported that cell permeable V2R antagonists act as pharmacological chaperones that rescue folding, trafficking, and function of several V2R mutants. More recently, the vasopressin antagonist, SR49059, was found to be therapeutically active in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus patients. Three of the patients with positive responses harbored the mutation R137H, previously reported to lead to constitutive endocytosis. This raises the possibility that, instead of acting as a pharmacological chaperone by favoring proper maturation of the receptors, SR49059 could mediate its action on R137H V2R by preventing its endocytosis. Here we report that the beta-arrestin-mediated constitutive endocytosis of R137H V2R is not affected by SR49059, indicating that the functional rescue observed does not result from a stabilization of the receptor at the cell surface. Moreover, metabolic labeling revealed that R137H V2R is also poorly processed to the mature form. SR49059 treatment significantly improved its maturation and cell surface targeting, indicating that the functional rescue of R137H V2Rs results from the pharmacological chaperone action of the antagonist.  相似文献   

Vasopressin regulates body water conservation by redistributing aquaporin-2 (AQP2) water channels from intracellular vesicles to the apical surface of renal collecting ducts, resulting in water reabsorption from urine. Mutations in AQP2 cause autosomal nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), a disease characterized by the inability to concentrate urine. Here, we report a frame-shift mutation in AQP2 causing dominant NDI. This AQP2 mutant is a functional water channel when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. However, expressed in polarized renal cells, it is misrouted to the basolateral instead of apical plasma membrane. Additionally, this mutant forms heterotetramers with wild-type AQP2 and redirects this complex to the basolateral surface. The frame shift induces a change in the COOH terminus of AQP2, creating both a leucine- and a tyrosine-based motif, which cause the reversed sorting of AQP2. Our data reveal a novel cellular phenotype in dominant NDI and show that dominance of basolateral sorting motifs in a mutant subunit can be the molecular basis for disease.  相似文献   

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is an inherited disorder characterized by renal resistance to the antidiuretic effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP), resulting in polyuria, polydipsia, and hypoosmolar urine. In the vast majority of cases, NDI is associated with germ-line mutations in the vasopressin receptor type 2 gene (AVPR2) and in about 8% of the cases with the water channel aquaporin-2 gene (AQP-2) mutations. To date, approximately 277 families with 185 germ-line mutations in the AVPR2 gene have been described worldwide. In the present study, the AVPR2 gene was genotyped in eight unrelated Brazilian kindred with NDI. In five of these NDI families, novel mutations were noted (S54R, I130L, S187R, 219delT, and R230P), whereas three seemingly unrelated probands were found to harbor previously described AVPR2 gene mutations (R106C, R137H, R337X). Additionally a novel polymorphism (V281V) was detected. In conclusion, although NDI is a rare disease, the findings of mutations scattered over the entire coding region of the AVPR2 gene are a valuable model to determine structure function relationship in G-protein-coupled receptor related diseases. Furthermore, our data indicate that in Brazil the spectrum of AVPR2 gene mutations is "family specific".  相似文献   

The gene responsible for familial vasopressin-resistant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) has been localized to a small region of the human X-chromosome (Xq28). A series of hamster lung fibroblast and mouse lymphocyte cell lines carrying fragments of the wild type human X-chromosome was analyzed for vasopressin renal-type V2 receptor expression, to test the hypothesis that the NDI locus may have identity with the V2 receptor gene. V2 receptor binding activity and induction of cAMP production in response to [Arg8] vasopressin (AVP) were exhibited by all cell lines carrying the wild type NDI locus, in contrast to control cell lines. AVP stimulation of cAMP production was concentration-dependent and could be almost completely inhibited by co-incubation with a V2-V1 receptor-specific antagonist. The V2-specific agonist [Mpa1,Val4,Sar7]AVP was as potent as AVP in inducing cAMP production by NDI-DNA-carrying cells, whereas no response was shown to other hormones such as calcitonin, oxytocin (less than 10(-8) M), isoproterenol, or an oxytocin-specific agonist. All results were consistent with the hypothesis that the V2 receptor gene co-localized with the NDI locus, supporting the view that the loci are one and the same.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are composed of independent folding domains. Based on this findings we attempted to rescue the function of clinically relevant missense mutations (R137H, S167L, and R181C) within the N-terminal domain of the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2-R), by coexpressing mutated full-length (Y280C) and C-terminally truncated (E242X) receptor constructs in COS-7 cells. Coimmunoprecipitation and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay studies demonstrated a specific association of E242X with full-length V2-Rs even in the presence of missense mutations. Systematic analysis of the structural requirements for the observed receptor/fragment association showed that N-terminal fragments containing at least transmembrane regions 1-3 interact with the full-length V2-R. Despite this specific interaction, no functional reconstitution was achieved for mutant V2-Rs following coexpression with E242X and Y280C. However, functional activity of R137H and R181C upon coexpression with E242X was regained by mutational disruption of the extracellular disulfide bond, which is highly conserved among GPCRs. Our data with the V2-R are consistent with a structural model in which class I GPCRs form contact oligomers by lateral interaction rather than by a domain-swapping mechanism.  相似文献   

Over 155 mutations within the V2 vasopressin receptor (AVPR2) gene are responsible for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). The expression and subcellular distribution of four of these was investigated in transfected cells. These include a point mutation in the seventh transmembrane domain (S315R), a frameshift mutation in the third intracellular loop (804delG), and two nonsense mutations that code for AVPR2 truncated within the first cytoplasmic loop (W71X) and in the proximal portion of the carboxyl tail (R337X). RT-PCR revealed that mRNA was produced for all mutant receptor constructs. However, no receptor protein, as assessed by Western blot analysis, was detected for 804delG. The S315R was properly processed through the Golgi and targeted to the plasma membrane but lacked any detectable AVP binding or signaling. Thus, this mutation induces a conformational change that is compatible with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export but dramatically affects hormone recognition. In contrast, the W71X and R337X AVPR2 were retained inside the cell as determined by immunofluorescence. Confocal microscopy revealed that they were both retained in the ER. To determine if calnexin could be involved, its interaction with the AVPR2 was assessed. Sequential coimmunoprecipitation demonstrated that calnexin associated with the precursor forms of both wild-type (WT) and mutant receptors in agreement with its general role in protein folding. Moreover, its association with the ER-retained R337X mutant was found to be longer than with the WT receptor suggesting that this molecular chaperone also plays a role in quality control and ER retention of misfolded G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Mutations in the AVPR2 gene encoding the receptor for arginine vasopressin in the kidney (V2 ADHR) have been reported in patients with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, a predominantly X-linked disorder of water homeostasis. We have used restriction-enzyme analysis and direct DNA sequencing of genomic PCR product to evaluate the AVPR2 gene in 11 unrelated affected males. Each patient has a different DNA sequence variation, and only one matches a previously reported mutation. Cosegregation of the variations with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus was demonstrated for two families, and a de novo mutation was documented in two additional cases. Carrier detection was accomplished in one family. All the variations predict frameshifts, truncations, or nonconservative amino acid substitutions in evolutionarily conserved positions in the V2 ADHR and related receptors. Of interest, a 28-bp deletion is found in one patient, while another, unrelated patient has a tandem duplication of the same 28-bp segment, suggesting that both resulted from the same unusual unequal crossing-over mechanism facilitated by 9-mer direct sequence repeats. Since the V2 ADHR is a member of the seven-transmembrane-domain, G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily, the loss-of-function mutations from this study and others provide important clues to the structure-function relationship of this and related receptors.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive and dominant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), a disease in which the kidney is unable to concentrate urine in response to vasopressin, are caused by mutations in the aquaporin-2 (AQP2) gene. Missense AQP2 proteins in recessive NDI have been shown to be retarded in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas AQP2-E258K, an AQP2 mutant in dominant NDI, was retained in the Golgi complex. In this study, we identified the molecular mechanisms underlying recessive and dominant NDI. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of rat and human kidney proteins and subsequent immunoblotting revealed that AQP2 forms homotetramers. When expressed in oocytes, wild-type AQP2 and AQP2-E258K also formed homotetramers, whereas AQP2-R187C, a mutant in recessive NDI, was expressed as a monomer. Upon co-injection, AQP2-E258K, but not AQP2-R187C, was able to heterotetramerize with wild-type AQP2. Since an AQP monomer is the functional unit and AQP2-E258K is a functional but misrouted water channel, heterotetramerization of AQP2-E258K with wild-type AQP2 and inhibition of further routing of this complex to the plasma membrane is the cause of dominant NDI. This case of NDI is the first example of a dominant disease in which the 'loss-of-function' phenotype is caused by an impaired routing rather than impaired function of the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the vasopressin precursor protein, prepro-vasopressin-neurophysin II. We analyzed the molecular consequences of a mutation (DeltaG227) recently identified in a Swiss kindred that destroys the translation initiation codon. In COS-7 cells transfected with the mutant cDNA, translation was found to initiate at an alternative ATG, producing a truncated signal sequence that was functional for targeting and translocation but was not cleaved by signal peptidase. The mutant precursor was completely retained within the endoplasmic reticulum. The uncleaved signal did not affect folding of the neurophysin portion of the precursor, as determined by its protease resistance. However, formation of disulfide-linked aggregates indicated that it interfered with the formation of the disulfide bond in vasopressin, most likely by blocking its insertion into the hormone binding site of neurophysin. Preventing disulfide formation in the vasopressin nonapeptide by mutation of cysteine 6 to serine was shown to be sufficient to cause aggregation and retention. These results indicate that the DeltaG227 mutation induces translation of a truncated signal sequence that cannot be cleaved but prevents correct folding and oxidation of vasopressin, thereby causing precursor aggregation and retention in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

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