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We have investigated the pattern of cell-cell communication in embryos of the free-living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. For this, we have established a method for microinjection of tracer dyes into individual blastomeres. After iontophoresis of fluorescent dyes of different molecular weights (Lucifer yellow, LY, M(r) 457; rhodamine-labeled dextran, RD, M(r) 4000), we can visualize intercellular communication pathways. The dye-spread of LY, indicating communication via gap junctions, becomes first visible in the late 2-cell stage. From the 4-cell stage onward all cells appear to be well coupled by communication channels, which allow the free diffusion of LY. In contrast, RD remains restricted to the injected cell and its descendants. After the primordial germcell P4 has been generated in the 24-cell stage, dye-spread of LY into this cell and its somatic sister D is delayed. However, the restricted dye-coupling of D is only temporary. After a brief period it joins the somatic compartment. With the beginning of the morphogenesis phase the two existing germline cells (the daughters of P4) are completely uncoupled from the soma, while the latter still forms a single dye-coupling compartment. Only during the second half of embryogenesis different separate somatic communication compartments are established. We followed the pattern of intercellular communication in the alimentary tract and found a progressive restriction into smaller dye-coupling units. Our data are compared to those found in other systems and discussed with respect to cellular determination and differentiation.  相似文献   

Although cytoplasmic bridges between adjacent cells in the filaments of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria have been known for decades, the existence also of a continuous periplasm along the filaments raised the possibility that alternative modes of communication between cells could be utilized. The latter hypothesis was investigated by using GFP fusions to proteins whose expression is cell-specific and engineered to be transported into the periplasm. Two groups have recently obtained contradictory results, one supporting periplasmic transport of GFP from cell to cell, the other not. A third effort, involving members of the first group, used a smaller, soluble fluorophore and found rapid communication via the cytoplasmic bridges between cells. The dilemma of periplasmic diffusion remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Over the last decade or so, a wealth of research has established that bacteria communicate with one another using small molecules. These signals enable the individuals in a population to coordinate their behaviour. In the case of pathogens, this behaviour may include decisions such as when to attack a host organism or form a biofilm. Consequently, such signalling systems are excellent targets for the development of new antibacterial therapies. In this review, we assess how Gram-negative bacteria use small molecules for cell-cell communication, and discuss the main approaches that have been developed to interfere with it.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility, a mechanism that prevents self-fertilization in plants, is based on the ability of the pistil to discern the presence of self-pollen and on the female tissue's capacity to inhibit the growth or germination of self-related, but not of genetically unrelated, pollen. As a self-recognition system, self-incompatibility responds to specific cellular products and signals and thus offers a unique system in which to study the components of cellular communication in plants. The cytological manifestations of self-incompatibility have been well studied, and, with the cloning of cDNAs for several proteins associated with this recognition process, a detailed molecular view of self-incompatibility is emerging.  相似文献   

Double fertilization in flowering seed plants requires intercellular signaling events between many interacting partners. The four cell types of the seven-celled female gametophyte communicate with each other to establish and maintain their identity. They secrete signaling molecules to guide the male gametophyte and to mediate sperm cell discharge and transport towards the two female gametes (the egg and central cell). After fusion of the gametes, guidance signals have to be removed to prevent polyspermy, embryo and endosperm development is induced generating daughter cells or nuclear regions of a different fate, and cell death is induced in the surrounding ovular cells. Until recently, little was known about the molecular nature of the signaling molecules that are involved in these processes. Now, small secreted proteins and peptides have been identified as prime candidates mediating several of these communication events.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication between the somatic and germline cells is vital to development of the Drosophila egg chamber. One critical outcome of this communication is the polarization of the oocyte along the anterior-posterior axis, a process induced by an unknown signal from the somatic follicle cells to the oocyte. The existence of this signal has been inferred from several reports demonstrating that the differentiation and patterning of the follicle cells by the spatially restricted activation of certain cell-signaling pathways is necessary for axis formation in the oocyte. These reports have also provided a framework for understanding how these signaling pathways are integrated to generate the follicle-cell pattern, but the precise role of the follicle cells in anterior-posterior axis formation remains enigmatic. Research has identified several genes that appear to be involved in the polarizing communication from the follicle cells to the oocyte. Interestingly the proteins encoded by most of these genes are associated with the extracellular matrix, suggesting a pivotal role for this complex biological component in the polarizing communication between the follicle cells and the oocyte. This review summarizes the findings in this area, and uses the experimental analyses of these genes to evaluate various models describing the possible nature of the polarizing signal, and the role of these genes in it.  相似文献   

细胞通讯系统调控多细胞生物的细胞增殖与分化等多种基础生物学过程,也是调控单细胞生物群体或社会性行为的重要策略。新生隐球菌是一种重要的环境来源病原真菌,主要感染免疫缺陷人群,具有很高的致死率。作为环境致病真菌,新生隐球菌进化出丰富的环境适应性策略。新生隐球菌细胞呈现出高度的异质性和社会性,不同形态的细胞承载着不同生物学功能和病原学特征。越来越多的研究表明,通过细胞通讯系统调控其群体或社会性行为,既是新生隐球菌适应多变的外界环境和宿主环境的关键策略,也与其致病能力密切相关。本文介绍新生隐球菌中细胞通讯系统的研究进展及其在有性生殖、细胞形态转换、适应环境及宿主压力等社会性行为中的调控作用。  相似文献   

The role of matrix mechanics on cell behavior is under intense investigation. Cells exert contractile forces on their matrix and the matrix elasticity can alter these forces and cell migratory behavior. However, little is known about the contribution of matrix mechanics and cell-generated forces to stable cell-cell contact and tissue formation. Using matrices of varying stiffness and measurements of endothelial cell migration and traction stresses, we find that cells can detect and respond to substrate strains created by the traction stresses of a neighboring cell, and that this response is dependent on matrix stiffness. Specifically, pairs of endothelial cells display hindered migration on gels with elasticity below 5500 Pa in comparison to individual cells, suggesting these cells sense each other through the matrix. We believe that these results show for the first time that matrix mechanics can foster tissue formation by altering the relative motion between cells, promoting the formation of cell-cell contacts. Moreover, our data indicate that cells have the ability to communicate mechanically through their matrix. These findings are critical for the understanding of cell-cell adhesion during tissue formation and disease progression, and for the design of biomaterials intended to support both cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

段树民 《生命科学》2008,20(5):680-683
星型胶质细胞虽然没有动作电位,但是可以表达多种受体和离子通道,并且以细胞内钙波传递的方式来响应各类刺激。星型胶质细胞同样可以释放多种信号分子来介导细胞间的通讯。尤为特别的是,星型胶质细胞的钙波传播和突触功能的反馈调节都需要其释放ATP才得以完成。然而,星型胶质细胞释放ATP的途径和机理还有待研究。尽管人们已经在星型胶质细胞中发现了小囊泡和大致密核心囊泡的标记物,可是用以胞吐的囊泡究竟是什么还并不清楚。作者等近期的研究成果表明,FM染料——一种被成功应用于研究神经元和其他分泌型细胞囊泡循环的染料,可以特异地标记星型胶质细胞的溶酶体,并依不同程度的刺激表现出两种不同模式的钙离子依赖性胞吐:在较低强度刺激下(ATP,谷氨酸)发生部分胞吐,而在高强度刺激下(氰化钾)则发生完全胞吐。进一步研究表明,溶酶体中含有大量ATP,并且在部分胞吐时少量释放ATP,完全胞吐时大量释放ATP,同时释放溶酶体酶。选择性地裂解星型胶质细胞的溶酶体,发现ATP释放和钙波传播都消失了。总之,星型胶质细胞的溶酶体可以通过调节性胞吐对生理和病理条件下的细胞间信号传递产生重要意义。  相似文献   

Cell-cell communication in the leaves of Commelina cyanea and other plants   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
Abstract. The fluorescent probes 6–carboxyfluorescein and lucifer yellow CH which do not pass the plasmalemma have been used to examine cell-to-cell communication in the leaf of Commelina cyanea. Dye movement from cell-to-cell occurs in epidermal, spongy and palisade mesophyll, and vascular cells. Dye movement between these tissues was also found. Hence, the epidermis, spongy and palisade mesophyll cells, and vascular tissue are all linked in a continuous symplast. However, dye injected into the epidermal cells rarely moves into guard cells, indicating that these cells are relatively isolated from the surrounding cells. In the same way, guard cells in Vicia faba and the C4 grass Anthephora pubescens also appeared to be isolated from epidermal cells. Thus guard cell isolation from cell-to-cell communication appears to be a common phenomenon. Hence, the ion fluxes required for guard cell function must occur via the apoplast.  相似文献   

The host immune response involves a variety of cell types, including specialized immune and non-immune cells. The delicate coordination among these cells via close communication is central for the proper operation of immune system. Cell-cell communication is mediated by a complex network that includes soluble factors such as cytokines, chemokines, and metabolites exported from cells, as well as membrane-bound receptors and their ligands. Cell-cell communication is also mediated by membrane vesicles (e.g., exosomes, ectosomes), which are either shed by distant cells or exchanged by cells that are making direct contact. Intercellular communication via extracellular membrane vesicles has drawn much attention recently, as they have been shown to carry various biomolecules that modulate the activities of recipient cells. In this review, I will discuss current views on cell-cell communication via extra-cellular membrane vesicles, especially shedded membrane vesicles, and their effects on the control of the immune system.  相似文献   

The zonal testis of the dogfish (Squalus acanthias) has proven advantageous to study biochemical changes in relation to stage of spermatogenesis, including information on steroidogenic enzymes and steroid receptors. To investigate whether sulfotransferase is part of a mechanism regulating the availability of biologically active hormone in close proximity to receptors, we measured in vitro conversion of [3H]estrone (E1) to sulfoconjugated metabolites in cytosolic subfractions of testes grossly dissected according to germ cell composition (premeiotic-PrM, meiotic-M, and postmeiotic-PoM stages). Assays were carried out in the presence of adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) at 22 degrees C and optimized for time (60 min) and protein (500 micrograms/ml). Michaelis-Menten kinetics and saturation analysis gave the following reaction constants for [3H]E1: Km = 0.33 microM, Vmax = 2.5 pmol/min/mg; and for PAPS: Km = 33 microM, Vmax = 1.1 pmol/min/mg; competition studies carried out in the absence or presence of 1- or 5-fold excess radioinert steroids indicated that estrogen (E2 > E1) as well as androgens (T = DHEA > 5 alpha dihydrotestosterone, DHT) were effective inhibitors. Sulfotransferase activity was found to be stage-related, being highest in PoM regions (2.31 +/- 0.24 pmol/min/mg protein) when compared to M and PrM regions (1.22 +/- 0.22 and 1.28 +/- 0.21 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively). Sulfoconjugation and the intratesticular distribution of steroid sulfates were also measured in vivo by perfusion of the intact testis with [3H]androgen or -estrogen. The pathway of blood flow via the genital artery was epigonal organ-->PoM-->M-->PrM (mature-->immature). Perfused [3H]E2, T, and DHT were all extensively metabolized in a one-pass, 1 hr perfusion, less than 10% of perfused [3H] steroid being recovered from testicular tissues as unchanged steroid. In general, recovery of polar metabolites was greater than non-polar metabolites from all three substrates. Sequential hydrolysis with glucuronidase and glusulase indicated that sulfoconjugation is a minor component (< 20%) of several "inactivating" pathways, which include glucuronide conjugation, 17-ketosteroid synthesis, and pathways leading to unidentified polar metabolites. No consistent stage-related distribution patterns were observed for any of the metabolite subfractions; however, total recovered radioactive steroid (polar plus non-polar) formed a decreasing concentration gradient from point of entry of perfusate (PoM region) to point of exit (PrM region). These data support the conclusion that access to receptors by steroid ligands may be controlled by a balance between activating and inactivating pathways.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tumors contain a vastly complicated cellular network that relies on local communication to execute malignant programs. The molecular cues that are involved in cell-cell adhesion orchestrate large-scale tumor behaviors such as proliferation and invasion. We have recently begun to appreciate that many tumors contain a high degree of cellular heterogeneity and are organized in a cellular hierarchy, with a cancer stem cell (CSC) population identified at the apex in multiple cancer types. CSCs reside in unique microenvironments or niches that are responsible for directing their behavior through cellular interactions between CSCs and stromal cells, generating a malignant social network. Identifying cell-cell adhesion mechanisms in this network has implications for the basic understanding of tumorigenesis and the development of more effective therapies. In this review, we will discuss our current understanding of cell-cell adhesion mechanisms used by CSCs and how these local interactions have global consequences for tumor biology.  相似文献   

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