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人类承载力研究面临的困境与原因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建立在自然生物种群数量动态基础之上的承载力理论,当其应用于人类生态系统的研究时,遇到了极大的挑战和困惑.总结了人类承载力研究在理论基础、调控机理和估算方法3个方面存在的关键问题与困境,指出在理论基础方面人类承载力的客观性一直是生态学界和经济学界争论的焦点;在调控机理方面,现有的承载力研究尚不能解释人类经济社会增长不符合Logistic增长规律的因素和机理;在估算方法方面,现有的人类承载力估算方法还不能为人类经济社会的实践提供切实可行的决策依据.通过广泛收集和吸纳生态科学、地球科学、物理科学、环境考古学等诸多领域的最新研究成果,指出地球生态系统的复杂性、人类承载力的社会属性和承载力研究思路上存在的偏差是承载力研究困境产生的主要原因,在此基础上提出了解决承载力研究困境的研究思路和未来研究重点.  相似文献   

蒋伟 《生态学杂志》1989,8(1):31-35
人口膨涨是当今人类面临的五大问题之一,也是我国目前所面临的最棘手的一个问题。近年来,人口学的发展很快,但是目前人口学研究的主要问题是人口统计、人口预测、人口控制和人口经济等方面,其中对于人口控制的目标,即定量研究理想人口数量的工作则刚开始。从生态学角度讨论人口承载力问题的更少。生态系统人口承载力的研究不仅可以给出一个生态系统(如全球生态系统或一个流域或一个地区)在保证系统结构和功能不受破坏条件下所能供养的最大人口数,而且可以给出该生态系统的人口控制目标,使人口控制的目标选择具有科学的基础。  相似文献   

城市生态系统承载力理论与评价方法   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
徐琳瑜  杨志峰  李巍 《生态学报》2005,25(4):771-777
城市作为一个复杂的人工生态系统,其承载力的意义与生态学中的种群承载力意义有了很大差别。定义了城市生态系统承载力,强调其对维系城市生态系统健康的能动性特征,并在比较生物免疫力与城市生态系统承载力的相似性的基础上,构建了“城市生态系统承载力免疫学模型”作为其理论模型。在理论模型基础上设计其计量模型,分为天然承载力和获得性承载力两部分。并通过承载力与压力的相对变化趋势表达城市生态系统维系其健康水平的能力。以广州市为例,计算了广州市城市生态系统承载力与压力,获得二者的动态关系。结果表明,自1992年以来,广州市基本上处于一种经济发展与城市生态系统支持力同步发展的良性状态,所采取的发展模式具有可持续性  相似文献   

生态承载力研究和应用进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
向芸芸  蒙吉军 《生态学杂志》2012,31(11):2958-2965
生态承载力研究是解决资源-环境矛盾、实现区域可持续发展的重要基础,也是地理学、生态学和经济学关注的热点与前沿领域.本文在综述国内外相关研究成果的基础上,阐述了生态承载力的概念内涵,即对复合生态系统支持力和压力的表征;评述了常用的研究方法,即净初级生产力估测法、生态足迹法、供需平衡法、综合指标评价法和系统模型法;介绍了目前较为关注的流域、生态脆弱区、城市、农业区和旅游区生态承载力的研究进展;总结了目前生态承载力研究存在的缺乏科学完整的研究体系、阈值的生态学指示意义不明确、动态演化与预测研究不够深入、空间尺度与格局分异涉足较少等问题;并据此提出未来应在作用机理、模型构建和实践应用方面加强研究.  相似文献   

基于ESEF的水生态承载力:理论、模型与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以流域综合管理为核心的水环境管理理念要求人们从更高的角度认识水生态系统相对于人类的承载能力.水生态承载力将水资源和水环境问题统一考虑,将社会经济发展与水生态系统联系起来,为实现流域综合管理提供了有力支撑.本文以基于生态系统服务的生态足迹(ESEF)方法为基础,提出了基于ESEF的水生态承载力评估方法,构建了基于ESEF的水生态足迹与承载力模型,实现了足迹方法对水生态系统承载能力的有效表征;并建立了太湖流域水生态足迹与承载力模型,以流域上游城市常州市为例,评估了现状发展水平下水生态系统所能承载的人口与经济规模.结果表明:常州市对水生态系统服务的消费需求超出了水生态系统的供给能力,需求与供给的显著差距对水生态系统的可持续性造成影响;综合考虑水产品供给、水量支撑和水质保障3方面因素,常州市水生态系统可承载的人口与经济规模仅为现状水平的54%.  相似文献   

对化学学科发展过程中的巨大成就进行了回顾,对无机化学方面的发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

在进行任何人类化石的研究时,最主要的工作是根据化石的形态特征等来确定该化石在分类上和进化系统上的地位。为了全面了解这方面的国际情况,本文将近一个时期来,主要是近五年内世界各国有关的文献资料进行综述,并结合我国的情况提出一些个人的看法,供有关方面参考。近十多年来,随着人类化石材料的迅速增加和确定地层绝对和相对年代的技术方法的改进,关于古人类的系统、分布和相互关系等逐渐明确起来。国际人类学界对有些问题的意见逐渐趋向于一致,但同时也产生了许多新的问题和争论。  相似文献   

就细菌除草剂近年来在研究现状、除草作用方式及存在的问题和解决方法等方面进行了综述,并探讨了了细菌除草剂的发展趋势和方向。  相似文献   

在美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、美国能源部(DOE)以及英国Wellcome Trust的支持下,世界上大的测序中心(Broad Instiute、Sanger Center等)设置了多台(BI有ABI3730型测序仪120台)最新的测序仪,继续在进行从病原菌微生物到哺乳动物多种生物的基因组的解读。C.Venter Institute(ABI3730型测序仪100台已全部开动)等单位在进行微生物群(例如在美国纽约的曼哈顿上空的空气样品中)的基因组解读。这些解读的数据将很快会陆续出来。  相似文献   

人类对资源环境承载力的认知不断深化,并且受到人类需求和外界胁迫的综合影响.当人类的生存发展主要依靠本地资源供给、受本地环境条件限制时,资源环境承载力主要由主导限制因子决定.随着可持续发展和环境保护理念的引入,资源环境承载力逐渐由供给限制转为以需求支撑为主,并出现了以容量、阈值、强度和能力等来表征资源环境承载力的表达形式...  相似文献   

景观规划:概念、起源与发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

景观规划:概念、起源与发展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
对目前地理学、景观生态学等领域中所存在的关于景观概念的多种不同解释进行了分析和总结,并将景观与土地、环境和风景等经常引起混乱的概念术语也做了分析对比.在此基础上,讨论了景观规划的概念内涵和它所基于的景观概念,并通过对景观规划的起源与发展过程的总结和分析,将景观规划的起源与发展归纳为3个阶段:19世纪中后期到20世纪初期的的起源阶段;50、60年代景观规划领域的形成阶段和70年代以后的景观规划与景观生态学融合发展阶段  相似文献   

Endosperm origin, development, and function.   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
M A Lopes  B A Larkins 《The Plant cell》1993,5(10):1383-1399

Transfer RNA (tRNA)-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs), a novel category of small noncoding RNAs, are enzymatically cleaved from tRNAs. Previous reports have shed some light on the roles of tsRNAs in the development of human diseases. However, our knowledge about tsRNAs is still relatively lacking. In this paper, we review the biogenesis, classification, subcellular localization as well as action mechanism of tsRNAs, and discuss the association between chemical modifications of tRNAs and the production and functions of tsRNAs. Furthermore, using immunity, metabolism, and malignancy as examples, we summarize the molecular mechanisms of tsRNAs in diseases and evaluate the potential of tsRNAs as new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. At the same time, we compile and introduce several resource databases that are currently publicly available for analyzing tsRNAs. Finally, we discuss the challenges associated with research in this field and future directions.Subject terms: Oncogenes, Non-coding RNAs  相似文献   

The paper gives analytical consideration of what, as to how evolved current notions of the new branch of neurobiology, the neuroimmunoendocrinology, dealing with integration of the main physiological regulatory systems--netvous, endocrine and immune, with special reference paid to the developmental likeness of their controlling mechanisms, letting to assume their cooperative action. Taking the latter into consideration the opportunity is discussed, suggesting that breakage of those would result in various kinds of disregulatory pathology including autoimmune one.  相似文献   

The origin, development and regulation of osteoclasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Osteoclasts, the multinucleated cells primarily responsible for dissolution of bone tissue, form by fusion of precursors that circulate in the bloodstream. A variety of factors have been shown to affect the mature osteoclast and its progenitor cell, such as calcium-regulating hormones, products of the immune system, and constituents of the arachidonic acid cascade. To date, however, the osteoclast precursor has not been identified. Furthermore, there is limited information on the factors that influence osteoclast development and regulation, reflecting in part the paucity of data on the osteoclast cell surface. Recent progress in understanding osteoclasts formation and function is discussed.  相似文献   

Root nodule development: origin, function and regulation of nodulin genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The symbiotic root nodule, an organ formed on leguminous plants, is a product of successful interactions between the host plant and the soil bacteria, Rhizobium spp. Plant hormones play an important role in the genesis of this organ. The hormonal balance appears to be modulated by the signals produced by bacteria. Many host genes induced during nodule organogenesis and the symbiotic state have been identified and characterized from several legumes. These genes encode nodule-specific proteins (nodulins) which perform diverse functions in root nodule development and metabolism. Formation of a subcellular compartment housing the bacteria is essential to sustain the symbiotic state, and several nodulins are involved in maintaining the integrity and function of this compartment. The bacteroid enclosed in the perbacteroid membrane behaves as an 'organelle,'completely dependent on the host for all its requirements for carbon, nitrogen and other essential elements. Thus it seems likely that the nodulins in the peribacteroid membrane perform specific transport functions. While the function of a few other nodulins is known (e.g. nodulin-100, nodulin-35), a group of uncharacterized nodulins exists in soybean root nodules. These nodulins share structural similarities and seem to have been derived from a common ancestor. Induction of nodulin genes occurs prior to and independent of nitrogen fixation, and thus is a prelude to symbiosis. Although some of the early nodulin genes are induced prior to or during infection, induction of late nodulins requires endocytotic release of bacteria.  相似文献   

A prospective study using 46 young adult New Zealand rabbits was designed to evaluate onlay bone grafts to the craniofacial skeleton with respect to embryonic origin (membranous or endochondral), gross morphology (unicortical or bicortical), and orientation (cortex-to-bed relationship). Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed and contrasted at both periods of evaluation (1.5 and 3.0 months). The embryonic origin of onlay bone grafts to the rabbit snout is significantly correlated with graft surface area, volume, weight, and recipient bed union for up to 3 months postoperatively. Over this interval, membranous bone (calvaria) grafts either persist in their entirety or increase, whereas endochondral bone (iliac) grafts resorb. Neither the number of cortices (unicortical or bicortical) nor the orientation of unicortical grafts (cortex-to-bed relationship) affected graft fate regardless of embryonic origin. Bone density remained unaltered during both resorption and deposition. Osteogenesis, demonstrated by serial fluorochrome markers, occurs in both membranous and endochondral bone grafts. Histologically, bone grafts of membranous and endochondral origin differ greatly in their cortical to cancellous diploe ratios and architectural configuration. We hypothesize that the differences found are related to the three-dimensional osseous architecture rather than to the embryonic origin of bone per se.  相似文献   

Neurons extend elaborate dendrites studded with spines. Unexpectedly, this cellular sculpting is regulated by the origin recognition complex -- the core machinery for initiating DNA replication.  相似文献   

The stochastic logistic model is the simplest model that combines individual-level demography with density dependence. It explicitly or implicitly underlies many models of biodiversity of competing species, as well as non-spatial or metapopulation models of persistence of individual species. The model has also been used to study persistence in simple disease models. The stochastic logistic model has direct relevance for questions of limiting similarity in ecological systems. This paper uses a biased random walk heuristic to derive a scaling relationship for the persistence of a population under this model, and discusses its implications for models of biodiversity and persistence. Time to extinction of a species under the stochastic logistic model is approximated by the exponential of the scaling quantity U=(R-1)(2) N/R(R+1), where N is the habitat size and R is the basic reproductive number.  相似文献   

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