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Lake Puma Yumco is a typical alpine lake (altitude 5030m) located in the pre-Himalayas of Tibet, China, and this study was the first limnological investigation ever conducted on it. Lake Puma Yumco (28°34N, 90°24E) has the following morphometric properties: maximum length 31km, maximum width 14km, mean width 9km, shoreline 90km, surface area 280km2, and shoreline development 1.5. Transparency was approximately 10m, even in the thawing season. The extinction coefficient of the lake water was calculated as 0.15m–1. Annual maximum transparency was estimated from the depth of the Chara zone to be 30m. Dissolved oxygen was 7mg O2 l–1 and showed saturated values, and salinity was 360mgl–1. The chemical type of the lake water was Mg-Ca-HCO3-SO4, and it was slightly alkaline in character. Total nitrogenous nutrients (sum of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and urea nitrogen), phosphate, and silicate were extremely low at 1, 0.02, and 9µM, respectively. Dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations were 160, 11, and 0.08µM and the molar ratio was calculated as 2100:140:1. Chlorophyll a concentration was 0.2mgm–3. Phytoplankton and zooplankton were dominated by Aphanocapsa sp. and Diaptomidae. Both nitrogen and phosphorus appear to be the limiting parameters for phytoplankton growth. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents in lake sediments were low and the sediments contained a large amount of CaCO3. The grain size of sediment was that of silt-sand in most cases. The present results indicate that the pre-Himalayan alpine freshwater Lake Puma Yumco is an ultraoligotrophic lake.  相似文献   

DNA polymorphism patterns linked to the A-globin gene were analyzed in healthy Japanese using four different restriction endonucleases. The chromosomes with the A-globin gene were mapped through an evaluation of the presence of seven different restriction sites (HincII 5 to ; HindIII in G and A; HincII in, and 3 to, 1; AvaII in ; Bam-HI 3 to ). Among 36 chromosomes analyzed, 20 chromosomes had a haplotype of [+–––––+]. Among 55 individuals examined, 7 possessed a homozygous haplotye of [+–––––+]. All Japanese with the AT-globin gene had a subhaplotype of [–++–+] 5 to the -globin gene. Their major haplotypes were [–++–+–+] and [–++–++–]. It was expected that the presence of the AT-globin gene in Japanese may be deduced from subhaplotypes 5 to the -globin gene.  相似文献   

The effects of fertilization [control (C), 200kgNha–1+25kgP ha–1 (LNP) and 400kgNha–1+ 50kgP ha–1 (HNP)] on fine root dynamics were examined in a 40-year-old Larix leptolepis plantation in central Korea. The average fine root biomass during the growing season for C, LNP and HNP was 957, 934 and 814kgha–1, respectively, whereas the fine root production for C, LNP and HNP was 2103, 2131 and 2066kgha–1, respectively. Nitrogen and P inputs into the soil via fine root turnover for C, LNP and HNP were 23.0 and 1.2, 23.3 and 1.2 and 22.6 and 1.2kgha–1, respectively. There were no significant differences in fine root biomass, production and N and P inputs through fine root turnover between the fertilization treatments during the first growing season after fertilization.  相似文献   

Epinephrine at 10–100 M stimulated somatic embryogenesis from orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) leaves cultured on SH medium with 30 M of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Ethylene emanation was increased at epinephrine concentrations greater than 10 M. Decarboxylation by the leaves of [1-14C]IAA included in the medium was decreased almost 3-fold by 10 M epinephrine. Epinephrine at 10 M enhanced the number of regenerated plants on SH medium with 30 M dicamba (SH-30). Ethylene emanation was increased by epinephrine concentrations of 500 M and greater included in SH-30 but somatic embryogenesis was decreased. Addition of 8 M CoCl2, 6H2O (an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor) to medium with 500 M epinephrine decreased ethylene emanation to the control level but did not alleviate the decreased embryogenic response.  相似文献   

Résumé En l'absence de son propre couvain,Solenopsis fugax a élevé des larves deLeptothorax nylanderi, à la température de 22°C. Les ouvrières deSolenopsis détruisirent une partie de ces larves mais nourrirent celles qu'elles épargnèrent; ces dernières grossirent lentement pendant cinq à six mois, sans atteindre le stade prénymphe. Lorsque les ouvrières deS. fugax et les larves deL. nylanderi furent soumises ensemble à un hivernage préalable, elles donnèrent les mêmes résultats que sans hivernage. La présence d'une jeune reine deSolenopsis fut défavorable aux larves deLeptothorax.Inversement,L. nylanderi fut capable d'élever, à la température de 22°C, des larves deS. fugax et de les amener jusqu'au stade adulte. En présence de leurs propres larves, les ouvrières deL. nylanderi détruisirent tapidement toutes les larves deS. fugax introduites dans leur nid. D'autre part, un jeune couvain deLeptothorax remplaçait plus ou moins rapidement les larves deLeptothorax enlevées au préalable; sa présence était alors défavorable au développement des larves deSolenopsis. Un hivernage en début d'expérience fut plutôt favorable auxS. fugax, de même que la présence d'une reine féconde deLeptothorax. LesSolenopsis ainsi obtenus n'ont pas vécu plus de sept semaines. Ils étaient tous de caste ouvrière et de taille très petite.
Summary When its own eggs and larvae missed,Solenopsis fugax bred larvae ofLeptothorax nylanderi, at a temperature of 22°C. TheSolenopsis workers killed some of this larvae and fed the others; these slowly grew bigger during five or six months but never reached the pre-pupa stage. The result was the same if the workers ofS. fugax and the larvae ofL. nylanderi overwintered together or not at all. A youngSolenopsis queen being there was noxious to the larvae ofLeptothorax.On the contrary,L. nylanderi has been able to breed larvae ofS. fugax up to the imago stage, at a temperature of 22°C. When its own larvae were in the nest, together with larvae ofS. fugax, the workers ofL. nylanderi killed the larvae ofS. fugax. On the other hand, new eggs and young larvae ofLeptothorax had to replace, more or less quickly, the larvae which had been taken away, and that was noxious to the growth ofSolenopsis larvae. An overwintering at the beginning of the experiment was rather favourable toS. fugax as was the presence of a fecundLeptothorax queen. TheSolenopsis thus obtained lived no longer than seven weeks. They all were workers and very small.

S. Fugax L. Nylanderi 22° . Leptothorax , , , , . . S. Fugax Leptothorax.,L. Nylanderi 22° S. Fugax . L. Nylanderi ( )Leptothorax ; S. Fugax Solenopsis, Leptothorax. S. Fugax . .

Summary Computation of the 13C chemical shifts (or shieldings) of glycine, alanine and valine residues in bovine and Drosophila calmodulins and Staphylococcal nuclease, and comparison with experimental values, is reported using a gauge-including atomic orbital quantum-chemical approach. The full 24 ppm shielding range is reproduced (overall r.m.s.d.=1.4 ppm) using optimized protein structures, corrected for bond-length/bond-angle errors, and rovibrational effects.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

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Consider the perturbed harmonic oscillator Ty=-y+x2y+q(x)y in L2(), where the real potential q belongs to the Hilbert space H={q, xq L2()}. The spectrum of T is an increasing sequence of simple eigenvalues n(q)=1+2n+n, n 0, such that n 0 as n. Let n(x,q) be the corresponding eigenfunctions. Define the norming constants n(q)=limxlog |n (x,q)/n (-x,q)|. We show that for some real Hilbert space and some subspace Furthermore, the mapping :q(q)=({n(q)}0, {n(q)}0) is a real analytic isomorphism between H and is the set of all strictly increasing sequences s={sn}0 such that The proof is based on nonlinear functional analysis combined with sharp asymptotics of spectral data in the high energy limit for complex potentials. We use ideas from the analysis of the inverse problem for the operator -ypy, p L2(0,1), with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the unit interval. There is no literature about the spaces We obtain their basic properties, using their representation as spaces of analytic functions in the disk.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, the results of the preceding electrophysiological study of sodium-alanine cotransport in pancreatic acinar cells are compared with kinetic models. Two different types of transport mechanisms are considered. In the simultaneous mechanism the cotransporterC forms a ternary complexNCS with Na+ and the substrateS; coupled transport of Na+ andS involves a conformational transition between statesNCS andNCS with inward- and outward-facing binding sites. In the consecutive (or ping-pong) mechanism, formation of a ternary complex is not required; coupled transport occurs by an alternating sequence of association-dissociation steps and conformational transitions. It is shown that the experimentally observed alanine- and sodium-concentration dependence of transport rates is consistent with the predictions of the simultaneous model, but incompatible with the consecutive mechanism. Assuming that the association-dissociation reactions are not rate-limiting, a number of kinetic parameters of the simultaneous model can be estimated from the experimental results. The equilibrium dissociation constants of Na+ and alanine at the extracellular side are determined to beK N <-64mm andK S <-18mm. Furthermore, the ratioK N /K N S of the dissociation constants of Na+ from the binary (NC) and the ternary complex (NCS) at the extracellular side is estimated to be <-6. This indicates that the binding sequence of Na+ andS to the transporter is not ordered. The current-voltage behavior of the transporter is analyzed in terms of charge translocations associated with the single-reaction steps. The observed voltage-dependence of the half-saturation concentration of sodium is consistent with the assumption that a Na+ ion that migrates from the extracellular medium to the binding site has to traverse part of the transmembrane voltage.  相似文献   

Liver homogenate-supernatants from most Japanese exhibit an atypical pH optimum for ethanol oxidation at pH 8.8 instead of 10.5, the typical pH-activity optimum. It has been proposed that atypical livers contain alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes with 2 subunits while typical livers contain isozymes with 1 subunits, both produced by the ADH 2 gene. Because it is difficult to differentiate the atypical ADH2 2-2 phenotype from the ADH2 2-1 phenotype by starch gel electrophoresis, an agarose isoelectric focusing procedure was developed that clearly separated the atypical Japanese livers into two groups, A1 and A2. The isozymes in A1 and A2 livers were purified. Type A1 livers contained a single isozyme with an atypical pH-rate profile; it was designated 22. Three isozymes were isolated from A2 livers, two of which corresponded to 11 and 22. A third, absent from the typical and the atypical A1 livers, had an intermediate mobility; it was designated 21. Type A1 livers are, therefore, the homozygous ADH2 2-2 phenotype, and type A2 livers, the heterozygous ADH2 2-1 phenotype. The ADH2 2-2 phenotype was found in 53% of 194 Japanese livers, and the ADH2 2-1 phenotype, in 31%. Accordingly, the frequency of ADH 2 2 was 0.68.This study was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant AA 02342.  相似文献   

Summary The behavior of the Little Auk(Plautus alle alle) has been studied in June/ July 1968 in West-Spitzbergen.In the shelf-area we counted 32–75 Little Auks per km2 flying or swimming in the sea. Flight behavior is described. On small rocky ledges before the entrances of the breeding caves, singing, display, sleeping and preening take place. Mass singing (Massengesang), display flight and parade (Imponierflug und Imponiergehen) and billing (Schnäbeln) are described. The calls of the Little Auk consist of 5 variable elements.  相似文献   

The biomass of summer forage and their contributions were surveyed to show that litterfall supported a high-density population of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) in summer on Nakanoshima Island, Toya Lake, Japan. In July 1974, the grassland had the highest productivity among understory vegetations (228±55kgha–1: mean±SE). In deciduous forests, palatable plants occupied only 0.1% of the biomass of 0.872±0.366kgha–1, and deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (=220cm at height) produced 0.208±0.070kgha–1. However, litterfall during this period had the highest productivity, 28.7± 5.3kgha–1. The deer consumed litterfall (75.6% in dry weight), short grasses (17.2%), deciduous forest understory (4.1%), deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (3.0%) and conifer plantation under story (0.1%). It is suggested that the high-density deer population would be maintained by litterfall through the year instead of browsing in deciduous forests, which has been overlooked.  相似文献   

UDP-GlcNAc:Man1-3R 1-2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GlcNAc-T I; EC catalyses the conversion of [Man1-6(Man1-3)Man1-6][Man1-3]Man-O-R to [Man1-6(Man1-3)Man1-6] [GlcNAc1-2Man1-3]Man-O-R (R=1-4GlcNAc1-4GlcNAc-Asn-X) and thereby controls the conversion of oligomannose to complex and hybrid asparagine-linked glycans (N-glycans). GlcNAc-T I also catalyses the conversion of Man1-6(Man1-3)Man-O-octyl to Man1-6(GlcNAc1-2Man1-3)Man-O-octyl. We have therefore tested a series of synthetic analogues of Man1-6(Man1-3)Man-O-octyl as substrates and inhibitors for rat liver GlcNAc-T I. The 2-deoxy and the 3-, 4- and 6-O-methyl derivatives are all good substrates confirming previous observations that the hydroxyl groups of the Man1-6 residue do not play major roles in the binding of substrate to enzyme. In contrast, all four hydroxyl groups on the Man1-3 residue are essential since the corresponding deoxy derivatives either do not bind (2- and 3-deoxy) or bind very poorly (4- and 6-deoxy) to the enzyme. The 2- and 3-O-methyl derivatives also do not bind to the enzyme. However, the 4-O-methyl derivative is a substrate (K m =2.6mm) and the 6-O-methyl compound is a competitive inhibitor (K i=0.76mm). We have therefore synthesized various 4- and 6-O-alkyl derivatives, some with reactive groups attached to anO-pentyl spacer, and tested these compounds as reversible and irreversible inhibitors of GlcNAc-T I. The 6-O-(5-iodoacetamido-pentyl) compound is a specific time dependent inhibitor of the enzyme. Four other 6-O-alkyl compounds showed competitive inhibition while the remaining compounds showed little or no binding indicating that the electronic properties of the attachedO-pentyl groups influence binding.Abbreviations GlcNAc-T I UDP-GlcNAc:Man1-3R 1-2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (EC - GlcNAc-T II UDP-GlcNAc:Man1-6R 1-2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II (EC - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid monohydrate  相似文献   

A partially purified preparation of 1,3-fucosyltransferase(s) from human milk was used to [14C]fucosylate oligosac-charides containing Gal1-4GlcNAc units. Substitution ofN-acetyllactosamine at position 3 with a -linkedN-acetylglucosamine enhanced the reactivity of the acceptor, whereas similar substitution at position 6 was inhibitory. Thus, the trisaccharide GlcNAcl-6Gal1-4GlcNAc (5), the branched tetrasaccharide GlcNAc1-3(GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (11) and the triply branched decasaccharide GlcNAc1-3(GlcNAc1-6)Gall-4GlcNAc1-3[GlcNAc1-3(GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6]Gal1-4GlcNAc (26) gave remarkably poor yields of 1,3-fucosylated products in comparison to GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc (3). 1,4-Galactosyl derivatives of5 and11, however, gave good yields of 1,3-fucosylated products, but the fucosylation was restricted to the distalN-acetyllactosamine units of Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6Gal1-4GlcNAc (16), Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (18) and also in Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (22). Immobilized wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), possessing high affinity for16 [1], revealed no affinity for the fucosylated derivative Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-6Gal1-4GlcNAc (17). The isomeric heptasaccharides Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (19) and Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3[Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-6]Gal1-4GlcNAc (20) were readily separated from each other on WGA-agarose, and so were the isomeric nonasaccharides Gal1-3Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (23) and Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3[Gal1-3Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-6]Gal1-4GlcNAc (24).  相似文献   

The glucosylation of the cytotoxic lignan podophyllotoxin by cell cultures derived from Linum flavum was investigated. Four cyclodextrins: -cyclodextrin, -cyclodextrin, dimethyl--cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin were used to improve the solubility of podophyllotoxin by complexation. Dimethyl--cyclodextrin met our needs the best and the solubility of podophyllotoxin could be enhanced from 0.15 to 1.92 mM, using a podophyllotoxin/cyclodextrin ratio of 1:1. Growth parameters of the cell suspensions were not affected neither by the addition of cyclodextrins alone, nor when complexed podophyllotoxin was dissolved in the medium.The complexed lignan disappeared rapidly from the culture medium, within 24h, under all experimental conditions. Almost simultaneously, between 73 and 100% of detectable podophyllotoxin was bioconverted into podophyllotoxin--d-glucoside. A maximal bioconversion rate of 0.51 mmol l-1 suspension day-1 was calculated for the L. flavum cells growing in a medium which included the podophyllotoxin/dimethyl--cyclodextrin complex at a final concentration of 1.35 mM.  相似文献   

Summary Determinations of current-voltage relationships are widely employed in the characterization of epithelial sodium transport. In order to determine the protocol dependence of transport parameters in the toad urinary bladder, studies were carried out in the presence and absence of amiloride, an inhibitor of active sodium transport. With symmetric positive and negative perturbations of the transepithelial electrical potential difference (0±100 mV) for 30 sec, the amiloride-sensitive current-voltage (i a -) relationship was near linear over the range –75+100 mV, indicating constancy of the conductance a and the apparent electromotive force E Na, lumped parameters of the standard electrical equivalent circuit model of the active transport system. With a reverse protocol (±1000 mV) or 15 min perturbations thei a - relationships were highly nonlinear. Nonlinearity reflected voltage dependence of parameters: perturbations that increased active transport decreased E Na and increased a, as evaluated from 10 sec perturbations of ; slowing of active transport produced the converse changes. These effects are usefully analyzed in both quasi-steady states and true steady states by means of a detailed equivalent circuit incorporating the significant ionic currents across each plasma membrane. Precise understanding of the significance of a and E Na will require characterization of the partial ionic conductances on perturbation of .  相似文献   

UDP-GlcNAc: Man3R 2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GlcNAc-T I; EC is the key enzyme in the synthesis of complex and hybrid N-glycans. Rat liver GlcNAc-T I has been purified more than 25,000-fold (M r 42,000). TheV max for the pure enzyme with [Man6(Man3)Man6](Man3)Man4GlcNAc4GlcNAc-Asn as substrate was 4.6 µmol min–1 mg–1. Structural analysis of the enzyme product by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy proved that the enzyme adds anN-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue in 1–2 linkage to the Man3Man-terminus of the substrate. Several derivatives of Man6(Man3)Man-R, a substrate for the enzyme, were synthesized and tested as substrates and inhibitors. An unsubstituted equatorial 4-hydroxyl and an axial 2-hydroxyl on the -linked mannose of Man6(Man3)Man-R are essential for GlcNAc-T I activity. Elimination of the 4-hydroxyl of the 3-linked mannose (Man) of the substrate increases theK M 20-fold. Modifications on the 6-linked mannose or on the core structure affect mainly theK M and to a lesser degree theV max, e.g., substitutions of the Man6 residue at the 2-position by GlcNAc or at the 3- and 6-positions by mannose lower theK M, whereas various other substitutions at the 3-position increase theK M slightly. Man6(Man3)4-O-methyl-Man4GlcNAc was found to be a weak inhibitor of GlcNAc-T I.Abbreviations BSA Bovine serum albumin - Bn benzyl - Fuc, F l-fucose - Gal, G d-galactose - GalNAc, GA N-acetyl-d-galactosamine - Glc d-glucose - GlcNAc, Gn N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - Man, M d-mannose - mco 8-methoxycarbonyl-octyl, (CH2)8 COOOCH3 - Me methyl - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonate - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride - pnp p-nitrophenyl - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - T transferase - Tal d-talose - Xyl d-xylose; - {0, 2 + F} Man6 (GlcNAc2Man3) Man4GlcNAc4 (Fuc6) GlcNAc - {2, 2} GlcNAc2Man6 (GlcNAc2Man3) Man4GlcNAc4GlcNAc; M5-glycopeptide, Man6 (Man3) Man6 (Man3) Man4 GlcNAc4GlcNAc-Asn Enzymes: GlcNAc-transferase I, EC; GlcNAc-transferase II, EC; GlcNAc-transferase III, EC; GlcNAc-transferase IV, EC; GlcNAc-transferase V, UDP-GlcNAc: GlcNAc2 Man6-R (GlcNAc to Man) 6-GlcNAc-transferase; GlcNAc-transferase VI, UDP-GlcNAc: GlcNAc6(GlcNAc2) Man6-R (GlcNAc to Man) 4-GlcNAc-transferase; Core 1 3-Gal-transferase, EC; 4-Gal-transferase, EC; 3-Gal-transferase, UDP-Gal: GlcNAc-R 3-Gal-transferase; blood group i 3-GlcNAc-transferase, EC; blood group I 6-GlcNAc-transferase, UDP-GlcNAc: GlcNAc3Gal-R (GlcNAc to Gal) 6-GlcNAc-transferase.  相似文献   

The cRNA for Torpedo californica Na+/K+-ATPase -subunit (cRNA) was injected into Xenopus oocytes alone or with the cRNA for the Na+/K+-ATPase -subunit (cRNA). When cRNA was injected alone, the amount of the -subunit that accumulated in oocytes increased with increasing amounts of injected cRNA. When cRNA and cRNA were injected simultaneously, less -subunit accumulated than when cRNA was injected alone, whereas the Na+/K+-ATPase activity increased markedly. The decrease in the accumulation of the -subunit was dose-dependent upon the cRNA. The mutant -subunit unable to assemble with the -subunit accumulated in oocytes independently of cRNA, suggesting that post-translational control mechanisms may serve to reduce the accumulation of the -subunit.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan (No. 05259226, No. 06454149).  相似文献   

Summary Two double heterozygous 0/0 thalassemic sibs of Mexican descent were studied. The father had a 0/0 genotype, while the mother, one sib and several maternal relatives were 0/0 heterozygotes. Parental consanguinity and an apparently low frequency of thalassemia among Mexicans suggested a possible common origin of both 0 and 0 genes. A hypothesis to explain such a possibility is proposed on the basis of a partial mispairing between 0 and genes followed by a crossing-over which would results in a 0 recombinant gene. This hypothesis could also be extended to explain the 22 gluala, 22 alaglu and 116 arghis Hb variants as recombinants from double crossing-over between and mispaired genes for which the name interstitial-Lepore is proposed.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of the Ca2+ (Mg2+)-ATPase inhibitors thapsigargin (TG) and vanadate on ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake into IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pools in isolated microsomes from rat pancreatic acinar cells. The inhibitory effect of TG was biphasic. About 40–50% of total Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by TG up to 10 nm (apparent Ki4.2 nm, Ca2+ pool I). An additional increase of inhibition up to 85–90% of total Ca2+ uptake could be achieved at 15 to 20 nm of TG (apparent Ki12.1 nm, Ca2+ pool II). The rest was due to TG-insensitive contaminating plasma membranes and could be inhibited by vanadate (apparent Ki10 m). In the absence of TG, increasing concentrations of vanadate also showed two phases of inhibition of microsomal Ca2+ uptake. About 30–40% of total Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by 100 m of vanadate (apparent Ki18 m, Ca2+ pool II). The remaining 60–70% could be inhibited either by vanadate at concentrations up to 1 mm (apparent Ki300 m) or by TG up to 10 nm (Ca2+ pool I). The amount of IP3-induced Ca2+ release was constant at 25% over a wide range of Ca2+ filling. About 10–20% remained unreleasable by IP3. Reduction of IP3 releasable Ca2+ in the presence of inhibitors showed similar dose-response curves as Ca2+ uptake (apparent Ki 3.0 nm for IP3-induced Ca2+ release as compared to 4.2 nm for Ca2+ uptake at TG up to 10 nm) indicating that the highly TG-sensitive Ca2+ pump fills the IP3-sensitive Ca2+ pool I. At TG concentrations >10 nm which blocked Ca2+ pool II the apparent Ki values were 11.3 and 12.1 nm, respectively. For inhibition by vanadate up to 100 m the apparent Ki values were 18 m for Ca2+ uptake and 7 m for Ca2+ release (Ca2+ pool II). At vanadate concentrations up to 1 mm the apparent Ki values were 300 and 200 m, respectively (Ca2+ pool I). Both Ca2+ pools I and II also showed different sensitivities to IP3. Dose-response curves for IP3 in the absence of inhibitors (control) showed an apparent Km value for IP3 at 0.6 m. In the presence of TG (inhibition of Ca2+ pool I) the curve was shifted to the left with an apparent Km for IP3 at 0.08 m. In the presence of vanadate (inhibition of Ca2+ pool II), the apparent Km for IP3 was 2.1 m. These data allow the conclusion that there are at least three different Ca2+ uptake mechanisms present in pancreatic acinar cells: TG- and IP3 insensitive but highly vanadate-sensitive Ca2+ uptake occurs into membrane vesicles derived from plasma membranes. Two Ca2+ pools with different TG-, vanadate- and IP3-sensitivities are most likely located in the endoplasmic reticulum at different cell sites, which could have functional implications for hormonal stimulation of pancreatic acinar cells.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 246. The authors wish to thank Dr. KlausDieter Preuß for valuable discussions and Mrs. Gabriele Mörschbächer for excellent secretarial help.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium multivorum, a non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria, normally produces zeaxanthin (3R, 3 R-, -carotene-3, 3 diol) as its main carotenoid. The effect of supplementation of various inorganic salts and urea on the growth, total carotenoid production, and proportion of -carotene (, -carotene), -cryptoxanthin (, -caroten-3-ol), and zeaxanthin produced by F. multivorum was investigated. Urea and several salts, such as calcium chloride, ammonium chloride, lithium chloride, and sodium carbonate, improved total carotenoid production by 1.5- to 2.0-fold. Urea and sodium carbonate had an unexpectedly strong positive effect on -carotene production at the expense of zeaxanthin formation. The effect was found to be independent of incubation time, and -carotene represented 70% (w/w) of the total carotenoid content. The cumulative effect of urea and sodium carbonate was further studied using response surface methodology. An optimum medium was found to contain 4,000 and 4,070 mg l–1 urea and sodium carbonate, respectively. The maximum -carotene level was 7.85 g ml–1 culture broth, which represented 80% (w/w) of the total carotenoid produced. Optimization resulted in 77- and 88-fold improvements in the volumetric and specific -carotene levels, respectively, accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in the zeaxanthin level as compared to the control medium. The carotenoid production profile in the optimized medium indicated that -carotene was produced maximally during the late exponential phase at 0.41 g ml–1 h–1. It is possible that this organism could be an excellent commercial source of either -carotene or zeaxanthin, depending on initial culture conditions.  相似文献   

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