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F Baralle 《Cell》1977,12(4):1085-1095
The 5' noncoding regions of human alpha-and beta-globin mRNAs, 37 and 50 nucleotides in length, have been sequenced. A variation of the "plus and minus" gel technique described by Brownlee and Cartwright (1977) was used, and the results were cross-checked by the Maxam and Gilbert (1977) procedure. These studies completed the knowledge of all the noncoding region sequences of both mRNAs, and it was then possible to calculate their exact size. Human alpha-and beta-globin mRNAs are 575 and 626 nucleotides in length, excluding the poly(A). Furthermore, because the coding and 3' noncoding regions of the latter were known from previous studies (Marotta et al., 1977; Proudfoot, 1977), the primary structure of human beta-globin mRNA is now complete except for six ambiguities in the coding region. The human and rabbit 5' noncoding region sequences are about 80% homologous. This suggests that they are under a moderate selective pressure.  相似文献   

N J Proudfoot 《Cell》1977,10(4):559-570

M A Thompson  J W Hawkins  J Piatigorsky 《Gene》1987,56(2-3):173-184
The chicken alpha A-crystallin gene and 2.6 kb of its 5' flanking sequence have been isolated and characterized by electron microscopy and sequencing. The structural gene is 4.5 kb long and contains two introns, each approx. 1 kb in length. The first intron divides codons 63 and 64, and the second intron divides codons 104 and 105, as in rodents. There is little indication that the insert exon of rodents (an alternatively spliced sequence) is present in complete form in the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene; small stretches of similarity to this sequence were found throughout the gene. The 5' flanking sequence of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene shows considerable sequence similarity with other mammalian alpha B-crystallin genes. In addition, one consensus sequence (GCAGCATGCCCTCCTAG) present in the 5' flanking region of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene was found in the 5' flanking region of most reported crystallin genes.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a cloned fragment containing an almost complete copy of the mRNA encoding the major adult beta-globin polypeptide in Xenopus laevis, the South African Clawed Toad, is presented. A procedure for strand separation by hybridization to complementary mRNA was used to determine some of the sequence and this technique is described. The complete amino acid sequence of the polypeptide has been deduced and comparison with other vertebrate beta-globins reveals several highly conserved, and therefore potentially important, regions of the protein. The sequence of beta-globin mRNA has been determined in several mammals, and in the chicken. Thus we have searched for conserved regions in the non-coding portions of these mRNA sequences, which encode the same protein, but which have been evolving separately for several hundred million years.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequence of ovine alpha-lactalbumin mRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nucleotide sequence of ovine alpha-lactalbumin mRNA has been determined by chemical sequencing of two cDNA recombinant plasmids and a primer extension product. Ovine alpha-lactalbumin mRNA contains 723 nucleotides (excluding the poly(A) tail), with a 5' non-coding region of 26 nucleotides, followed by the 426 nucleotides of the coding region which determines a sequence signal of 19 amino acid residues and the 123 amino acid residues of mature alpha-lactalbumin. The coding region is followed by a 3' untranslated sequence of 271 nucleotides. The derived amino acid sequence of ovine pre-alpha-lactalbumin differs from that of its bovine counterpart by 8 amino acid substitutions, all but one originating from single mutations. Comparison of sequences of guinea pig, rat and human alpha-lactalbumin mRNAs with their ovine and bovine counterparts has revealed that these molecules have rapidly evolved. The highest degree of conservation was observed in the region coding for the mature protein and corresponds essentially to sequences which interact with UDP-galactosyltransferase and Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

A Gil  N J Proudfoot 《Cell》1987,49(3):399-406
We previously demonstrated that a critical 35 bp region 3' of the AAUAAA is required for rabbit beta-globin mRNA 3' end formation. Recently, we synthesized and tested sequence elements derived from this region. Here, we report that a GU-rich and a U-rich sequence element are both required for efficient rabbit beta-globin mRNA 3' end formation. The efficiency of processing is restored to the wild-type level when the two elements are placed together and is greatly diminished when only one element is present. The level of 3' end formation is also decreased when the distance between the two elements is expanded. These results demonstrate that the GU-rich and U-rich elements function synergistically to restore efficient mRNA 3' end formation and that they most likely form a single requisite sequence 3' of the AAUAAA. Furthermore, we show that the effect of the GU-rich and U-rich sequence elements is position-dependent.  相似文献   

The 5' sequence of Sindbis viral RNA is m (7)G(5') pppApUpGp...  相似文献   

The binding of proteins from rabbit reticulocyte lysate to in-vitro-generated beta-globin mRNA and its defined segments was investigated using ultraviolet-cross-linking experiments as well as gel-retardation assays. Under stringent conditions, only three proteins (72, 60 and 50 kDa) were found associated with full-length beta-globin mRNA at different positions. The 72-kDa protein is most likely the poly(A)-binding protein and binds, as expected, to the poly(A) tail, whereas the 50-kDa protein exhibits affinity for the trailer region of beta-globin mRNA. The binding region of the 60-kDa protein is located at the 5' end of beta-globin mRNA. The interaction of this protein is dependent on the presence of the 5' cap structure, as indicated by competition experiments using an uncapped beta-globin-mRNA leader segment. Further competition experiments with beta-globin mRNA, deleted in part in the leader region, suggest that, besides the cap structure, certain sequence elements are necessary for the interaction of the 60-kDa protein and the beta-globin mRNA leader.  相似文献   

Poliovirus polysomal RNA is naturally uncapped, and as such, its translation must bypass any 5' cap-dependent ribosome recognition event. To elucidate the manner by which poliovirus mRNA is translated, we have determined the translational efficiencies of a series of deletion mutants within the 5' noncoding region of the mRNA. We found striking differences in translatability among the altered mRNAs when assayed in mock-infected and poliovirus-infected HeLa cell extracts. The results identify a functional cis-acting element within the 5' noncoding region of the poliovirus mRNA which enables it to translate in a cap-independent fashion. The major determinant of this element maps between nucleotides 320 and 631 of the 5' end of the poliovirus mRNA. We also show that this region (320 to 631), when fused to a heterologous mRNA, can function in cis to render the mRNA cap independent in translation.  相似文献   

5'' Terminal noncoding sequence heterogeneity in reovirus mRNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide sequences of the mRNAs of reovirus appear to diverge near the 5' termini. Ribonuclease T1 digestion of methylated mRNA synthesized in vitro yielded seven different 5' terminal fragments of the form m7G5'pp5' GmpCpUp(Np)nGp. Chain length analysis showed that the parameter "n" in this structural formula assumes the values 3, 4 and 5.  相似文献   

Two pairs of Sindbis virus (SV) variants that differ in their neuroinvasive and neurovirulent traits in mice have been isolated. Recently, we mapped the genetic determinants responsible for neuroinvasiveness in weanling mice. Here, we extend this study to newborn and adult rats and to rat neuronal cultures. Remarkably, certain aspects of the pathogenesis of these strains in rats were found to be quite distinct from the mouse model. Suckling rats were susceptible to all four isolates, and replication in the brain was observed after both intraperitoneal and intracranial (i.c.) inoculation. None of the isolates was neuroinvasive in adult rats, although all replicated after i.c. inoculation. For the isolate pair that was highly neurovirulent in mice, SVN and SVNI, only SVNI caused death after i.c. inoculation of adult rats. Similarly, only SVNI was cytotoxic for primary cultures of mature neurons. The genetic determinants responsible for the pathogenic properties of SVNI were mapped to the E2 glycoprotein and the 5' noncoding region (5'NCR). Substitution of two amino acids in SVN E2 with the corresponding residues of SVNI (Met-190 and Lys-260) led to paralysis in 3- and 5-week-old rats. More dramatically, a single substitution in the 5'NCR of SVN (G at position 8) transformed the virus into a lethal pathogen for 3-week-old rats like SVNI. In 5-week-old rats, however, this recombinant was attenuated relative to SVNI by 2 orders of magnitude. Combination of the E2 and 5'NCR determinants resulted in a recombinant with virulence properties indistinguishable from those of SVNI. These data indicate that the 5'NCR and E2 play an instrumental role in determining the age-dependent pathogenic properties of SV in rats.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the major noncoding region of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 95 human placentas have been determined. These sequences include at least a 482-bp-long region encompassing most of the D-loop-forming region. Comparisons of these sequences with those previously determined have revealed remarkable features of nucleotide substitutions and insertion/deletion events. The nucleotide diversity among the sequences is estimated as 1.45%, which is three- to fourfold higher than the corresponding value estimated from restriction-enzyme analysis of whole mtDNA genome. A hypervariable region has also been defined. In this 14-bp region, 17 different sequences were detected. More than 97% of the base changes are transitions. A significantly nonrandom distribution of nucleotide substitutions and sequence length variations were also noted. The phylogenetic analysis indicates that diversity among the negroids is much larger than that among the caucasoids or the mongoloids. In fact, part of the negroids first diverged from other humans in the phylogenetic tree. A striking finding in the phylogenetic analysis is that the mongoloids can be separated into two distinct groups. Divergence of part of the mongoloids follows the earliest divergence of part of the negroids. The remainder of the mongoloids subsequently diverged together with the caucasoids. This observation confirmed our earlier study, which clearly demonstrated, by the restriction-enzyme analysis, existence of two distinct groups in the Japanese.  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA sequence of a 1464 bp segment immediately flanking the 5' side of the human beta-globin gene. The sequence shows little similarity to the corresponding regions of the epsilon- or gamma-globin genes. There is about 75% homology, however, between the 5' extragenic regions of the beta-globin genes of man, goat and rabbit respectively. The mouse beta minor globin gene, but not the mouse beta major globin gene, also shares this extensive homology. A short segment of simple sequence DNA is found from about 1418 to 1388 bp upstream from the human beta-globin gene which consists of repeats of the sequence (TTTTA). Similar DNA sequences are also found at several sites in the large intron of the beta-globin gene. We have compared the DNA sequence of the 5' extragenic region of the normal beta-globin gene with the same segment of the beta-globin gene of a patient with beta thalassaemia. Of the two nucleotide differences observed, one generates a polymorphic HinfI site present 990 bp upstream from the beta-globin gene in the thalassaemic beta-globin and absent in the normal gene. A second beta thalassemic beta-globin gene which has the same molecular defect as the above mentioned case, however, lacks this HinfI site. It is therefore not yet clear whether this HinfI site will have any value in prenatal diagnosis of beta thalassaemia.  相似文献   

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