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A single intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride into rats resulted within 12 hours in a marked accumulation of putrescine in liver with a concomitant decrease in the concentration of spermidine. The accumulation of putrescine apparently was partly due to an immense stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity occurring at the same time. However, in addition it was found that during the maximal accumulation of putrescine there was a marked incorporation of radioactivity from labelled spermidine to liver putrescine in vivo. The conversion of spermidine to liver putrescine was hardly detectable in control animals. Besides the treatment with carbon tetrachloride, increased conversion of radioactive spermidine to liver putrescine in vivo also occurred after treatment with growth hormone, after partial hepatectomy and after treatment with thioacetamide, i. e. under circumstances characterized by a stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity and an increased accumulation of putrescine.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase has been induced in log phase hepatoma cells grown in suspension culture. Induction with N6, O2'-dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate produced a 4-fold increase in enzyme activity by 3 hours which was followed by a return to base levels by 6 hours. Induction with dexamethasone, a potent synthetic glucocorticoid, exhibited a slow steady rate of increase in enzyme activity, reaching a plateau level of approximately 5- to 6-fold stimulation by about 12 hours. Induced cell and regenerating rat liver ornithine decarboxylase were shown to be indistinguishable by titration with antibody monospecific to the latter and by heat stability. L-[14C]Leucine incorporation into immunoprecipitable enzyme protein after induction in vitro or partial hepatectomy showed an increase which, when coupled with the increase in enzymatic activity, indicated de novo synthesis of enzyme protein. Physiological concentrations of the naturally occurring polyamines, spermidine and spermine, abolish cyclic AMP induction whereas they have no effect on dexamethasone induction. Both inductions were abolished by cycloheximide; in contrast, inhibition by actinomycin D was complete for dexamethasone induction and only partial with respect to cyclic AMP induction. The different time pattern of induction seen with cyclic AMP and dexamethasone, the partial inhibition of the cyclic AMP induction seen with actinomycin D, as well as the absence of inhibition of the dexamethasone induction by polyamines, indicate that these inducers might affect different aspects of the control of the same enzyme.  相似文献   

Sialyltransferase activity in regenerating rat liver   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Liver microsomal fractions catalyse the transfer of sialic acid from CMP-N-acetyl-neuraminic acid to various exogenous acceptors such as desialylated fetuin, desialylated human Tamm–Horsfall glycoprotein and desialylated bovine submaxillary-gland mucin. An increase in the rate of incorporation of sialic acid into desialylated glycoproteins was found after a lag period (7h) in regenerating liver. The increase was maximum 24h after partial hepatectomy for all acceptors tested. At later times after operation the sialyltransferase activity remained high only for desialylated fetuin. No soluble factors from liver or serum of partially hepatectomized animals influenced the activity of the sialyltransferases bound to the microsomal fraction. The sensitivity of sialyltransferases to activation by Triton X-100, added to the incubation medium, was unchanged in the microsomal preparation from animals 24h after sham operation or partial hepatectomy. The full activity of sialyltransferases towards the various desialylated acceptors showed some differences. Human Tamm–Horsfall glycoprotein was a good acceptor of sialic acid only when desialylated by mild acid hydrolysis. After this treatment, but not after enzymic hydrolysis, a decrease in molecular weight of human Tamm–Horsfall glycoprotein was observed. Further, the sialyltransferase activity as a function of incubation temperature gave different curves according to the acceptor used. The relationship between the biosynthesis of glycoproteins by regenerating liver and the sialyltransferase activity of microsomal fraction after partial hepatectomy is discussed.  相似文献   

The assay condition for N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activities in rat liver microsomal fraction was developed. The enzyme activities towards endogenous acceptors within 48 h after partial hepatectomy were lower than in controls, exceeding the control level by 96 h, and then higher than in controls up to 240 h after the operation. The changes in N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activities towards exogenous acceptor (UDP-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose: glycoprotein 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucosyltransferase, EC were consistent with those in the enzyme activities towards endogenous acceptors at 144 h, but not at 48 h, after the operation. The contents of protein and the levels of protein-bound hexosamine in the liver microsomes were decreased at early period of liver regeneration. These results suggest that the acceptor capacity of liver microsomal proteins is diminished during first 48 h of the regeneration. This may be responsible for the decreased transfer of the amino sugar to nascent glycoproteins. However, the enzyme activity was enhanced at 144 h and the level of endogenous acceptors may increase.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation in regenerating rat liver   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rats entrained to a strictly regulated lighting and feeding schedule have been subjected to partial hepatectomy or a sham operation. In the partially hepatectomised animals the period of liver regeneration is characterised by regular bursts of thymidine kinase activity. Liver microsomes from rats, at times corresponding to maximum thymidine kinase activity, have much reduced rates of lipid peroxidation compared to control preparations: this is due in part to increased levels of lipid-soluble antioxidant at times of maximal DNA synthesis. This temporal relationship between thymidine kinase and lipid peroxidation is consistent with the view that lipid peroxidation is decreased prior to cell division.  相似文献   

We have compared intercellular communication in the regenerating and normal livers of weanling rats. The electrophysiological studies were conducted at the edge of the liver, and we have found that here as elsewhere in the liver there is a dramatic decrease in the number and size of gap junctions during regeneration. The area of hepatocyte membrane occupied by gap junctions is reduced 100-fold 29-35 h after hepatectomy. By combining observations made with the scanning electron microscope with our freeze fracture data we have estimated the number of "communicating interfaces" (areas of contact between hepatocytes that include at least one gap junction) formed by hepatocytes in normal and regenerating liver. In normal liver a hepatocyte forms gap junctions with every hepatocyte it contacts (approximately 6). In regenerating liver a hepatocyte forms detectable gap junctions with, on average, only one other hepatocyte. Intercellular spread of fluorescent dye and electric current is reduced in regenerating as compared with normal liver. The incidence of electric coupling is reduced from 100% of hepatocyte pairs tested in control liver to 92% in regenerating liver. Analysis of the spatial dependence of electronic potentials indicates a substantial increase in intercellular resistance in regenerating liver. A quantitative comparison of our morphological and physiological data is complicated by tortuous pattern of current flow and by inhomogeneities in the liver during regeneration. Nevertheless we believe that our results are consistent with the hypothesis that gap junctions are aggregates of channels between cell interiors.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that betaine administration may modulate the metabolism of sulfur amino acids in the liver. In this study, we determined the changes in the metabolomics of sulfur-containing substances induced by betaine in the kidney, the other major organ actively involved in the transsulfuration reactions. Male rats received betaine (1 %) in drinking water for 2 weeks before killing. Betaine intake did not affect betaine–homocysteine methyltransferase activity or its protein expression in the renal tissue. Expression of methionine synthase was also unchanged. However, methionine levels were increased significantly both in plasma and kidney. Renal methionine adenosyltransferase activity and S-adenosylmethionine concentrations were increased, but there were no changes in S-adenosylhomocysteine, homocysteine, cysteine levels or cystathionine β-synthase expression. γ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase expression or glutathione levels were not altered, but cysteine dioxygenase and taurine levels were decreased significantly. In contrast, betaine administration induced cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase and its metabolic product, hypotaurine. These results indicate that the metabolomics of sulfur-containing substances in the kidney is altered extensively by betaine, although the renal capacity for methionine synthesis is unresponsive to this substance unlike that of the liver. It is suggested that the increased methionine availability due to an enhancement of its uptake from plasma may account for the alterations in the metabolomics of sulfur-containing substances in the kidney. Further studies need to be conducted to clarify the physiological/pharmacological significance of these findings.  相似文献   

Glucosamine metabolism in regenerating rat liver.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. Glycoprotein synthesis was investigated with [1-14C]glucosamine in vivo. [14C]Glucosamine was administered intravenously 24h after hepatectomy to rats. 2. Incorporation into the acid-soluble fraction was maximum at 15 min after injection both in sham-operated and hepatectomized rats. 3. Enhancement of incorporation into UDP-N-acetylhexosamine in regenerating liver was observed. However, its specific activity was lower, because of a greater enhancement of synthesis de novo of the amino sugar. 4. In the liver acid-insoluble fraction, maximum incorporation of [14C]glucosamine was at 30 min in sham-operated rats and 2 h in hepatectomized rats respectively. 5. In sham-operated rats, incorporation into the plasma acid-insoluble fraction followed that of the liver acid-insoluble fraction, but hepatectomy resulted in a rapid enchancement of incorporation into plasma. 6. It is concluded that synthesis of liver glycoproteins is stimulated after partial hepatectomy and that glycoproteins synthesized are released rapidly into the plasma.  相似文献   

Micrococcal-nuclease digestion of rat liver nuclei selectively released mononucleosomes associated with ADP-ribosylated [Caplan, Ord & Stocken (1978) Biochem. J.174, 475-483] histone H1. Two classes of mononucleosome were detected, those that leaked out during digestion and those that were subsequently released by 5mm-sodium phosphate buffer (pH6.8)/0.2mm-NaEDTA. The former, from which histone H1 had been dissociated, contained 140-base-pair-length DNA and core histones;the latter contained core particles and mononucleosomes with histone H1 and 200-base-pair-length DNA. When normal liver nuclei were phosphorylated with [gamma-(32)P]ATP, dissociated histone H1, which could be separated from core particles with Sephadex G-200, showed (32)P uptake. (32)P uptake into histones H2A and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated H3 was appreciable in core particles, but was less evident in nucleosomes still containing histone H1. When [(3)H]-thymidine was given to partially hepatectomized rats in S-phase, 5-10min pulses in animals of over 300g body wt. showed the presence of high-specific-radioactivity DNA in released core particles and mononucleosomes compared with DNA retained in the nuclear pellets. Mononucleosomes from rat livers in S-phase with new, [(3)H]lysine-containing histones, had higher (32)P incorporation in histones H1 and their core histones, than for di- or tri-nucleosomes. Thermal-denaturation properties of control and phosphorylated mononucleosomes and core particles were very similar; removal of histone H1 and non-histone chromosomal proteins in 0.5m-NaCl markedly increased the proportion of DNA ;melting' below 70 degrees C.  相似文献   

1. The concentrations and total content of the nicotinamide nucleotides were measured in the livers of rats at various times after partial hepatectomy and laparotomy (sham hepatectomy) and correlated with other events in the regeneration process. 2. The NAD content and concentration in rat liver were relatively unaffected by laparotomy, but fell to a minimum, 25 and 33% below control values respectively, 24h after partial hepatectomy. NADP content and concentration were affected similarly by both laparotomy and partial hepatectomy, falling rapidly and remaining depressed for up to 48h. 3. The effect of injecting various doses of nicotinamide on the liver DNA and NAD 18h after partial hepatectomy was studied and revealed an inverse correlation between NAD content and DNA content. 4. Injections of nicotinamide at various times after partial hepatectomy revealed that the ability to synthesize NAD from nicotinamide was impaired during the first 12h, rose to a peak at 26h and fell again by 48h after partial hepatectomy. 5. The total liver activity of NAD pyrophosphorylase (EC remained at or slightly above the initial value for 12h after partial hepatectomy and then rose continuously until 48h after operation. The activity of NMN pyrophosphorylase (EC showed a similar pattern of change after partial hepatectomy, but was at no time greater than 5% of the activity of NAD pyrophosphorylase. 6. The results are discussed with reference to the control of NAD synthesis in rapidly dividing tissue. It is suggested that the availability of cofactors and substrates for NAD synthesis is more important as a controlling factor than the maximum enzyme activities. It is concluded that the low concentrations of nicotinamide nucleotides in rapidly dividing tissues are the result of competition between NAD synthesis and nucleic acid synthesis for common precursor and cofactors.  相似文献   

Sulphated glycosaminoglycans in regenerating rat liver.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The total weight percentage glycosaminoglycan content of rat liber was found to increase by 50% in the first 30 h after partial hepatectomy. The content returned to near normal by the third day, but then increased again to a second maximum at 5-6 days, only to gradually decline to normal by the ninth day, when regeneration was nearly complete. This biphasic pattern was most marked in the chondroitin sulphate A/C component, with a 6-fold increase by the sixth day. Dermatan sulphate showed the same temporal trend, whereas heparan sulphate remained relatively unaltered. No such changes were detected in the livers of rats subjected to sham operation. The possible molecular mechanisms underlying the apparent link between cellular glycosaminoglycan content and proliferative tendency are discussed.  相似文献   

Galactose metabolism in regenerating rat liver.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. Rats trained on a controlled lighting and feeding schedule were subjected to partial hepatectomy or sham operation. 2. After a large period of about 6h the activity of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase increased threefold, reaching a maximum 4 days after partial hepatectomy, and returned to normal values within a fortnight. 3. The enzyme pattern of the UDP-galactose-glycoprotein galactosyltransferase was biphasic, one peak appearing at 20 h, the second at 72 h after partial hepatectomy. 4. The rise in enzyme activities could be blocked by the injection of actinomycin D, and the Km values for UDP-glucose and UDP-galactose were nearly identical in regenerating and adult liver. It is therefore concluded that the increase in enzyme activity is due to synthesis de novo of enzyme protein.  相似文献   

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