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The proto-oncogene c-kit encodes a transmembrane receptor with tyrosine kinase activity, which transduces signal fromkit ligand (KL), and is responsible for hematogenesis, melanogenesis and gametogenesis during fetal development and adult life. Partial or complete loss of c-kit function due to mutation of the c-kit or KL gene accounts for the phenotypes of the murineWhite-spotting andSteel mutations, respectively. The c-kit protein has the structural features of extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains and intracellular kinase domain with a hydrophilic insert. These features have categorized c-kit along with platelet-derived growth factor receptors, colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (c-fms) and others to subclass III of the receptor tyrosine kinases. We report the structure of the murine c-kit gene. The c-kit gene consists of 21 exons and spans at least 70 kb. The 5 and 3 flanking exons encode the untranslated sequences as well as part of the coding sequence. The internal exons are typically small with each of them encoding a structurally important subunit of the protein. Comparison of gene structures of members of the subclass III receptor tyrosine kinases has improved our understanding of the structure-functional relationship of the c-kit protein.  相似文献   

We have cloned a partial cDNA encoding murine stem cell factor (SCF) and show that the gene is syntenic with the Sl locus on mouse chromosome 10. Using retroviral vectors to immortalize fetal liver stromal cell lines from mice harboring lethal mutations at the Sl locus (Sl/Sl), we have shown that SCF genomic sequences are deleted in these lines. Furthermore, two other mutations at Sl, Sld and Sl12H, are associated with deletions or alterations of SCF genomic sequences. In vivo administration of SCF can reverse the macrocytic anemia and locally repair the mast cell deficiency of Sl/Sld mice. We have also provided biological and physical evidence that SCF is a ligand for the c-kit receptor.  相似文献   

E N Geissler  M A Ryan  D E Housman 《Cell》1988,55(1):185-192
Mutations at the W locus in the mouse have pleiotropic effects on embryonic development and hematopoiesis. The characteristic phenotype of mutants at this locus, which includes white coat color, sterility, and anemia, can be attributed to the failure of stem cell populations to migrate and/or proliferate effectively during development. Mapping experiments suggest that the c-kit proto-oncogene, which encodes a putative tyrosine kinase receptor, is a candidate for the W locus. We show here that the c-kit gene is disrupted in two spontaneous mutant W alleles, W44 and Wx. Genomic DNA that encodes amino acids 240 to 342 of the c-kit polypeptide is disrupted in W44; the region encoding amino acids 342 to 791 is disrupted in Wx. W44 homozygotes exhibit a marked reduction in levels of c-kit mRNA. These results strongly support the identification of c-kit as the gene product of the W locus.  相似文献   

E Huang  K Nocka  D R Beier  T Y Chu  J Buck  H W Lahm  D Wellner  P Leder  P Besmer 《Cell》1990,63(1):225-233
Mutations at the steel locus (Sl) of the mouse affect the same cellular targets as mutations at the white spotting locus (W), which is allelic with the c-kit proto-oncogene. We show that KL, a hematopoietic growth factor obtained from conditioned medium of BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts that stimulates the proliferation of mast cells and early erythroid progenitors, specifically binds to the c-kit receptor. The predicted amino acid sequence of isolated KL-specific cDNA clones suggests that KL is synthesized as an integral transmembrane protein. Linkage analysis maps the KL gene to the Sl locus on mouse chromosome 10, and KL sequences are deleted in the genome of the Sl mouse. These results indicate that the Sl locus encodes the ligand of the c-kit receptor, KL.  相似文献   

Mutations in either the dominant white-spotting (W) or Steel (Sl) loci of the mouse lead to coat color, primordial germ cell and hematopoietic defects. Consistent with the cell autonomous and microenvironmental nature of W and Sl mutations, respectively, it has recently been shown that W encodes the c-kit receptor tyrosine kinase while Sl encodes a ligand for this receptor. Previous in situ hybridization analysis has shown that both c-kit and steel are expressed in the embryo in anatomical sites known to be affected by W and Sl mutations and in various tissues in which no corresponding phenotype has been described. To investigate the possible involvement of the Kit transduction pathway in developmental processes, we compared the patterns of expression of c-kit and steel in wild-type embryos and in embryos homozygous for severe (lethal) and mild (viable) alleles at the W and Sl loci. In addition, we analyzed the patterns of expression of both genes in adult wild-type and mutant gonads and brain. Both c-kit and steel are contiguously expressed in a wide variety of anatomical locations in both the developing embryo and in the adult. In adult gonads, steel is expressed in the follicular cells of the ovary and in Sertoli cells of the testis, the layers that immediately surround the c-kit expressing germ cells. In adult brain, the complementary patterns are particularly striking in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, hippocampus region and cerebellum. steel expression in brain is probably restricted to neurons in certain areas, while c-kit is expressed in neurons and in some glial cells. Severe mutations in the W or Sl loci result in dramatic reduction or absence of c-kit positive cells in lineages known to be affected by these mutations. In contrast, these mutations do not affect the number or histological organization of c-kit positive cells in the embryonic peripheral or central nervous systems, nor is the number or organization of c-kit positive cells detectably altered in Wv/Wv or Sld/Sld adult brain. Taken together, these results suggest that the Kit signaling pathway is not obligatory for the viability and/or migration of most c-kit expressing cells either because of functional redundancy with another signaling pathway or because the Kit pathway is involved in post-developmental processes of mature cells.  相似文献   

K Nocka  J C Tan  E Chiu  T Y Chu  P Ray  P Traktman    P Besmer 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(6):1805-1813
The proto-oncogene c-kit encodes a transmembrane tyrosine protein kinase receptor for an unknown ligand and is allelic with the murine white-spotting locus (W). Mutations at the W locus affect various aspects of hematopoiesis, the proliferation and migration of primordial germ cells and melanoblasts during development. The original W mutation and W37 are severe lethal mutations when homozygous. In the heterozygous state the W mutation has a weak phenotype while W37 has dominant characteristics. Wv and W41 are weak W mutations with dominant characteristics. We have characterized the molecular basis of these four W mutations and determined their effects on mast cell differentiation by using a fibroblast/mast cell co-culture assay. We show that W37, Wv and W41 are the result of missense mutations in the kinase domain of the c-kit coding sequence (W37 E----K at position 582; Wv T----M position 660 and W41 V----M position 831), which affect the c-kit associated tyrosine kinase to varying degrees. The c-kit protein products in homozygous mutant mast cells are expressed normally, although the 160 kd cell membrane form of the c-kitW37 protein displays accelerated turnover characteristics. The W mutation is the result of a 78 amino acid deletion which includes the transmembrane domain of the c-kit protein. A 125 kd c-kit protein was detected in homozygous W/W mast cells which lacks kinase activity and is not expressed on the cell surface.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the dominant white spotting (W) locus encodes the proto-oncogene c-kit, a member of the tyrosine kinase receptor family. One symptom of mice bearing mutation within this gene is sterility due to developmental failure of the primordial germ cells during early embryogenesis. To elucidate the role of the c-kit in gametogenesis, we used an anti-c-kit monoclonal antibody, ACK2, as an antagonistic blocker for c-kit function to interfere with the development of male and female germ cells during postnatal life. ACK2 enabled us to detect the expression of c-kit in the gonadal tissue and also to determine the functional status of c-kit, which is expressed on the surface of a particular cell lineage. Consistent with our immunohistochemical findings, the intravenous injection of ACK2 into adult mice caused a depletion in the differentiating type A spermatogonia from the testis during 24-36 h, while the undifferentiated type A spermatogonia were basically unaffected. Intraperitoneal injections of ACK2 into prepuberal mice could completely block the mitosis of mature (differentiating) type A spermatogonia, but not the mitosis of the gonocytes and primitive type A spermatogonia, or the meiosis of spermatocytes. Our results indicate that the survival and/or proliferation of the differentiating type A spermatogonia requires c-kit, but the primitive (undifferentiated) type A spermatogonia or spermatogenic stem cells are independent from c-kit. Moreover, the antibody administration had no significant effect on oocyte maturation despite its intense expression of c-kit.  相似文献   

Interallelic complementation at the mouse Mitf locus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mutations at the agouti locus in the mouse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The Georgian white mutation for coat color in foxes is inherited as a partially dominant character. It is allelic to the previously observed white-faced and platinum mutations. It was established that large litter size in Georgian white females and long daylight during pregnancy promote embryonic viability in homozygotes for this mutation. As a result, in offspring segregation patterns for coat color the proportion of homozygotes increases and that of heterozygotes decreases. It is suggested that a competitive relationship between embryos with different genotypes is established as early as at the preimplantation stage.  相似文献   

Molybdopterin (MPT) is not produced by the Escherichia coli mutants chlA1, chlM, or chlN or by the Neurospora crassa mutant nit-1. Extracts of E. coli chlA1 contain an activity, the converting factor, which is functionally defined by its ability to convert a low-molecular-weight precursor present in crude extracts of N. crassa nit-1 into molybdopterin in vitro. In this study, it has been shown that the converting factor consists of two associative proteins (10 and 25 kilodaltons [kDa]) which can be separated by using either anion-exchange or gel filtration chromatography. Neither protein is able to complement extracts of nit-1 by itself. Analysis of chlA Mu insertion mutants has shown that the two proteins are distinct gene products encoded at the chlA locus. Twelve chlA Mu insertion strains which lacked converting factor activity were deficient in one or both of the proteins. Converting factor activity could be generated by mixing extracts from strains having the 25-kDa protein with those having the 10-kDa protein but not those lacking both proteins. Finally, it was shown that the chlM mutant lacks the 10-kDa protein while the chlN mutant, which contains both the 10- and 25-kDa proteins, lacks a function required to activate the 10-kDa protein.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice are an effective model to study gene function in vivo; however, position effects can complicate tissue-specific transgene analysis. To facilitate precise targeting of a transgenic construct into the mouse genome, we combined the Cre/lox and Flp/FRT recombination systems to allow for rapid transgene replacement and conditional transgene expression from the endogenous beta-actin locus. Flp/FRT recombination was used to rapidly exchange FRT-flanked transgene cassettes by recombinase-mediated cassette exchange in embryonic stem cells, while transgene expression can be activated in mice after Cre-mediated excision of a floxed STOP cassette. To validate our system, we analyzed the expression profile of an EGFP reporter gene after integration into the beta-actin locus and Cre-mediated excision of the floxed STOP cassette. Breeding of EGFP reporter mice with various Cre mouse lines resulted in the expected expression profiles, demonstrating the feasibility of the model to facilitate predictable and strong transgene expression in a spatially and temporally controlled manner.  相似文献   

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