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Vertical and lateral variations in coccolithophore community structure across the subtropical frontal zone in the South Atlantic Ocean 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
In this study the coccolithophore compositions of 11 plankton depth stations along a N–S transect from the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre to the Subantarctic Zone were examined qualitatively and quantitatively. The lateral and vertical distribution patterns of not only the most abundant taxa but also of the morphotypes of distinct species complexes, such as Calcidiscus leptoporus, Emiliania huxleyi, and Umbellosphaera tenuis were the focus. Geographic variation among morphotypes mirrors different ecological affinities of the members of a species complex. Multivariate statistics were used to infer the relationship between a set of known environmental data and species concentrations. The results of the detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed the presence of distinct species assemblages. The Subtropical Gyre assemblage within the upper 50 m of the photic zone is mainly composed of Umbellosphaera irregularis, U. tenuis types III and IV, Discosphaera tubifera, Rhabdosphaera clavigera, S. pulchra and E. huxleyi var. corona, adapted to warm and oligotrophic conditions. In the deeper photic zone abundant Florisphaera profunda, Gephyrocapsa ericsonii and Oolithotus spp. are encountered, benefiting from higher nutrient concentrations in the vicinity of the nutricline. A well-defined Subtropical Frontal Zone (STFZ) association is clearly dominated by E. huxleyi types A and C throughout the upper 100 m of the water column. Secondary contributors in the upper photic zone are Syracosphaera spp. (mainly S. histrica, S. molischii), Michaelsarsia elegans, Ophiaster spp. and U. tenuis type II. This assemblage is associated with cooler, nutrient-rich waters. E. huxleyi type B is found deeper in the water column. Here it is accompanied by Algirosphaera robusta, G. muellerae, and S. anthos indicating a tolerance of lower light availability in environments with elevated productivity. C. leptoporus spp. leptoporus shows relatively high cell numbers in all sampled water levels throughout the STFZ. Interestingly, its coccoliths are often smaller 5 μm in lith diameter. The mean coccolithophore assemblages of a station were compared to the underlying surface sediment assemblages. For the most part, the distribution of the morphotypes is reflected in the sedimentary archive, thus proving their potential as paleoecological proxies. 相似文献
Surface phytoplankton assemblages were studied in January/February 1999 in the Crozet Basin (43°50S–45°20S; 61°E–64°30E) between the northern Polar Zone and the Agulhas Front. Cell concentrations increased several fold northwards from the SubAntarctic Zone (SAZ) and reached peak numbers (average 2×106 cells l–l ) in the central and western Subtropical Zone (STZ). The most spectacular increase in cell numbers occurred at the Subtropical Front (STF) and was attributed to dinoflagellates and diatoms. Nanoflagellates and picoplankton were dominant in the entire area (average 2.8×105–1.6×106 cells l–l). In the SAZ they were followed by coccolithophorids, dinoflagellates and diatoms. In the STZ coccolithophorids were often outnumbered by dinoflagellates. Diatoms were dominated by Pseudonitzschia delicatissima and were generally the least abundant algae, but reached peak densities of 1.2–4×105 cells l–l at, and north of the STF. Coccolithophorids contained mainly Emiliania huxleyi, but in the SAZ and STF Gephyrocapsa oceanica was a co-dominant species. Dinoflagellates were dominated by nano-sized species of Gymnodinium, Gyrodinium and Prorocentrum. The numbers of dinoflagellate and coccolithophorid species increased considerably in the convergence zone (STZ), which suggests their in-situ development. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates were mainly present in the subtropics. Cell carbon biomass was attributed chiefly to auto- and heterotrophic dinoflagellates (av. 23–72 g C l–l; 68–87%), showing their important contribution to the carbon flow. Variations in cell concentrations across the fronts and water masses, and the distribution of major species were most likely controlled by the combined effect of such factors as nutrient renewal in the convergence zone, availability of iron, increased water-column stability at fronts, and high horizontal gradients in surface-water temperature. 相似文献
Planktonic ciliates in the northwestern Indian Ocean: their abundance and biomass in waters of contrasting productivity 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The abundance and biomass of planktonic ciliates in the northwesternIndian Ocean ranged from 31 l1 and 0.1 µg C l1in oligotrophic open-ocean waters to 823 l1 and 1.2 µgC l1 in more productive waters of the equator, northernArabian Sea and Gulf of Oman.
3Present address: British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, MadingleyRoad, Cambridge, CB3 OET, UK 相似文献
Andersen Valerie; Devey Corinne; Gubanova Alexandra; Picheral Marc; Melnikov Victor; Tsarin Sergey; Prieur Louis 《Journal of plankton research》2004,26(3):275-293
The vertical distribution of zooplankton in the upper 700 mof the water column was investigated across the AlmeriaOranfront (Alboran Sea) during winter 1997/98 (Almofront 2 cruise).Eight sites corresponding to three hydrodynamic structures (theAtlantic jet, an anticyclonic gyre and the surrounding Mediterraneanwaters) were explored, by day and at night, using multiple-netsampling. Results are presented for the major species of copepods(>500 µm), macroplankton and microplankton. Speciesinhabiting the surface layer or occupying it at night extendeddeeper in the gyre. On the other hand, mesopelagic species (e.g.Pleuromamma borealis, Pleuromamma abdominalis, Euphausia krohniand Cyclothone braueri) were found to live deeper, at leastby day for the migrants, in the Mediterranean waters comparedwith the two other structures. These changes in preferentialdepths across the front are discussed in relation to environmentalfeatures, such as light level, abundance of food and mixed layerdepth. This study also documented the vertical distributionof some overwintering copepod species (Calanus helgolandicus,Eucalanus hyalinus and Eucalanus monachus). 相似文献
Caio V. Z. Cipro Yves Cherel Florence Caurant Pierre Miramand Paula Méndez-Fernandez Paco Bustamante 《Polar Biology》2014,37(6):763-771
The use of seabirds to assess marine contamination by trace elements in areas remote from pollutant emission points has already been done at various latitudes. Nevertheless, little information is available concerning the Southern Indian Ocean. Determining the contaminants levels, there appears necessary not only due to several deleterious effects reported in literature, but also as previous studies have highlighted elevated concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in mollusks, crustaceans and fish. Within this context, the white-chinned petrel appears as a key species due to its lifespan, diet and trophic position. Thirty-three accidentally killed (collision with lights/bycatch in longline vessels) individuals collected in Kerguelen waters were analysed for Cd, copper (Cu), Hg, selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) in liver, kidney, pectoral muscle, feathers and for mature males, testis. Elevated Hg concentrations (average 58.4 μg g?1 dw in liver) are likely due to the presence of mesopelagic prey in the diet of Procellaria aequinoctialis. Cd concentrations (average of 65.7 μg g?1 dw in kidney) can be attributed to a high level of fisheries offal consumption, as well as crustacean and squid ingestion. Correlation of Hg with Se indicates its detoxification by co-precipitation, and correlation of Cd with Zn suggests its displacement by Cd on metallothioneins binding sites. This work also indirectly confirms ecological data (range and diet composition) from the wintering period of the species, which is rather scarce. Seasonal diet change and moulting accounted more for the obtained results than sex of the birds. 相似文献
Siphonostomes (Copepoda Cyclopoida) from the InternationalIndian Ocean Expedition collections were studied. The groupwas represented by Pontoeciella abyssicola of family Pon-toeciellidaeand Ratania flava of family Rataniidae. This study has extendedthe distribution of both the species considerably, and includesthe first record of the male of P. abyssicola from the IndianOcean and of both species from the Bay of Bengal. 相似文献
The role of phytoplankton in the removal of arsenic (As) by particle adsorption and sedimentation was investigated in Moira Lake, Canada. Sampling water and suspended particles over one year illustrated significant variation in As partitioning between particulate and aqueous phases, but failed to establish a correlation between the partition coefficient, K
d, and indicators of phytoplankton biomass. A highly significant inverse logarithmic relationship was noted between K
d and the concentration of suspended particles (log K
d = 5.1 – 1.4 log SS; p = 0.0001) in an apparent demonstration of the particle concentration effect (O' Connor & Connolly, 1980).Particle deposition, measured by means of sediment traps, appeared to include a substantial component of resuspended surficial sediment making sediment trap results unreliable for quantifying the removal of substances from the water column. The As concentration of particles from deep traps deployed during late summer and early fall exceeded the As concentrations of suspended particles and surficial sediment, and may indicate that a highly contaminated nepheloid layer acts as a temporary sink for As. 相似文献
Frederick K. Sparrow 《Archives of microbiology》1975,104(1):39-49
Twenty-two zoosporic fungi were recovered from soil samples collected in Tunisia and in the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. One, Phlyctochytrium chandlerii is described as new. Most of the others are referred, sometimes tentatively, to existing species or genera. 相似文献
Pathways of carbon cycling in marine surface waters: the fate of small-sized phytoplankton in the Northeast Water Polynya 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Pesant S.; Legendre L.; Gosselin M.; Bjornsen P.K.; Fortier L.; Michaud J.; Nielsen T.G. 《Journal of plankton research》2000,22(4):779-801
The fate of small-sized phytoplankton (<5 µm) and pathwaysof carbon cycling in surface waters, i.e. recycling within orexport out of the mixed layer, were investigated in the NortheastWater (NEW) Polynya (7781°N) from 23 May to 22 July1993. The sampling covered a wide range of ice, hydrographicand nutrient conditions. Chlorophyll a concentrations, phytoplanktonproduction rates and zooplankton abundances were determinedin the field, and potential rates of grazing by protozoa, copepodsand appendicularians were calculated from abundances, usingassumptions from the literature. To our knowledge, this is thefirst published attempt to assess concurrently the grazing ofthese three plankton groups in the Arctic. The production rateof small-sized phytoplankton was significantly higher in ice-freecompared with ice-covered areas, but the biomasses of small-sizedphytoplankton and zooplankton were not. Potential recycling,downward export and horizontal advection of phytoplankton werecalculated by resolving carbon budgets for the mixed layer.A large fraction of the small-sized phytoplankton produced insidethe polynya was advected horizontally to the ice-covered partof the NEW, where these algae were necessary to sustain theheterotrophic community. We conclude that the fate of small-sizedphytoplankton production was mostly recycling (>70%). Downwardexport would have occurred infrequently, as a result of intensegrazing by appendicularians. Size-differential pathways of carboncycling in planktonic food webs are discussed. 相似文献
W. B. RUDMAN 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》1980,68(2):139-172
Eight aeolid opisthobranch molluscs of the subfamilies Facelininae, Favorininae, and Herviellinae are reported from Tanzanian waters, and two species from Northwestern India. New records from Queensland, Australia greatly extend the range of two species reported from Tanzania. Phidiana militaris (Alder & Hancock) and P. indica (Bergh) are shown to be distinct and a species from New Zealand, originally identified as P. militaris , is shown to be new. P. bourailli (Risbec), previously reported only from New Caledonia, is described from Tanzania, as is a new species of Phidiana. Favorinus japonicus Baba is reported from Tanzania, the first published record outside Japan, a new species of Godiva is described from Tanzania and Queensland, and three new species of Sakuraeolis are described, one from India and two from Tanzania. A new species of Herviella is described from Tanzania. 相似文献
Norosoa J. Razafinarivo Romain Guyot Aaron P. Davis Emmanuel Couturon Serge Hamon Dominique Crouzillat Michel Rigoreau Christine Dubreuil-Tranchant Valerie Poncet Alexandre De Kochko Jean-Jacques Rakotomalala Perla Hamon 《Annals of botany》2013,111(2):229-248
Background and Aims
The coffee genus (Coffea) comprises 124 species, and is indigenous to the Old World Tropics. Due to its immense economic importance, Coffea has been the focus of numerous genetic diversity studies, but despite this effort it remains insufficiently studied. In this study the genetic diversity and genetic structure of Coffea across Africa and the Indian Ocean islands is investigated.Methods
Genetic data were produced using 13 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers (simple sequence repeats, SSRs), including seven expressed sequence tag-SSRs, and the data were analysed using model- and non-model-based methods. The study includes a total of 728 individuals from 60 species.Key Results
Across Africa and the Indian Ocean islands Coffea comprises a closely related group of species with an overall pattern of genotypes running from west to east. Genetic structure was identified in accordance with pre-determined geographical regions and phylogenetic groups. There is a good relationship between morpho-taxonomic species delimitations and genetic units. Genetic diversity in African and Indian Ocean Coffea is high in terms of number of alleles detected, and Madagascar appears to represent a place of significant diversification in terms of allelic richness and species diversity.Conclusions
Cross-species SSR transferability in African and Indian Ocean islands Coffea was very efficient. On the basis of the number of private alleles, diversification in East Africa and the Indian Ocean islands appears to be more recent than in West and West-Central Africa, although this general trend is complicated in Africa by the position of species belonging to lineages connecting the main geographical regions. The general pattern of phylogeography is not in agreement with an overall east to west (Mascarene, Madagascar, East Africa, West Africa) increase in genome size, the high proportion of shared alleles between the four regions or the high numbers of exclusive shared alleles between pairs or triplets of regions. 相似文献15.
Quantitative analysis of phytoplankton, organic detritus and dissolved organic carbon was carried out, during the spring bloom, in a specific North Sea area (58° 55 N, O° 32 E) in the course of an international and multidisciplinary marine investigation (FLEX' 76). An attempt was made to correlate the fluctuations of these variables; the analysis, however, was complicated by massive water movements. A maximum of the phytoplankton bloom coincided with a maximum of organic detritus, while both variables turned out to be inversely correlated with the dissolved organic carbon content. The initial, high amount of dissolved organic carbon declined at a daily rate of ca. 13% during a period of non-interference by water movements. Two thirds of the dissolved organic carbon content are assumed to be transformed into particulate organic matter whilst the rest disappears through still unknown channels. 相似文献
The data on infestation of 8 species of commercial fishes from Saya-de-Malya bank (the Indian Ocean) are presented. 43 helminth species were identified: 10 Monogenea species, 18 trematode, 7 cestode and 8 nematode species. The mature worms are observed to be related to a certain host, whereas the nematode and cestode larvae have wide specificity. High infestation degree by Anisakis larvae is found in fishes, especially in Carangidae. At the bank area fishes are found to be free from Acanthocephala while those Acanthocephala are found in fishes from other areas of the Indian Ocean which may be attributed to the specific diet at the Saya-de-Malya bank. On the whole the helminth fauna of fishes examined at the Saya-de-Malya bank does not demonstrate the endemic pattern. The most specific helminth species were found in some fish species. 相似文献
P. Koubbi 《Polar Biology》1993,13(8):557-564
One of the aims of oceanographic campaign MD 68/SUZIL, carried out in austral autumn 1991 in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean and its adjacent subtropical waters, was to investigate the influence of hydrography on the ichthyoplankton and mesopelagic fish assemblages in the Crozet Basin. It appears that, in contrast to other sectors of the Southern Ocean, the main biogeographical barriers are the Subantarctic Front and the Agulhas Front which appear to be vertical convergence fronts. The importance of the Antarctic Polar Front and the Subtropical Front as barriers to fish seems to be minimized in this area because of its particular hydrological features, such as the lack of a subantarctic zone, the maximum current intensity of the Subantarctic Front between these fronts, and their structures — they are horizontal convergence fronts. 相似文献
Phytoplankton in the mixed layer is exposed to increasing levels of light when transported to the surface layer of the ocean. The photoprotective response of natural assemblages of phytoplankton can differ among community structures. We investigated photoprotective acclimation and xanthophyll cycle pigments in size-fractionated natural phytoplankton assemblages during the austral summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. We estimated concentrations of phytoplankton pigments in the micro-size fractions (>20 μm) and nano-size fractions (2–20 μm) by subtracting concentrations in the <20 μm fractions from concentrations in the bulk samples, and by subtracting concentrations in the <2 μm fractions from concentrations in the <20 μm fractions, respectively. Changes in the ratios of the xanthophyll cycle pigments diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT) were determined at three optical depths in the mixed layer and during 48 h deck incubations under solar photosynthetically available radiation and ultraviolet radiation. Large variations in (DD + DT)/Chl a in the mixed layer (percent coefficient of variation >67 %) and in deck incubation bottles under variable light conditions (>75 % of the temporal variation) for the micro-size fractions suggest a higher potential for photoprotective acclimation than for the nano-size fractions. Decreases in DT/(DD + DT) with increases in the optical depth of the mixed layer (ζ MLD) suggest that larger variations in light availability in the mixed layer might predict lower values of DT/(DD + DT) at the surface, regardless of cell size. 相似文献
Phytoplankton of the Southern Ocean, 140–148°E and 40–53°S, was sampled from early austral summer Nov. 1995 to Dec. 1995 to
examine cell abundance, cell volume and biomass (cell carbon) distribution across the fronts. A total of 90 phytoplankton
taxa were identified. They were 50 diatoms, 37 dinoflagellates, 2 silicoflagellates, and 1 prymnesiophyte. 73 species were
observed from north of the subtropical convergence zone and 71 species from south of the subtropical convergence zone.Pseudonitzschia spp. was the most widely distributed species. Nanoplankton predominated cell number of phytoplankton throughout the stations.
The abundance of diatoms was higher than that of dinofiagellates. Total biomass profiles were dependent to microphytoplankton
biomass. Maximum cell number and biomass were observed from subsurface layer. Phytoplankton community changed across the subtropical
convergence zone and 50–53°S (antarctic convergence zone), and physicoehemical factors seem to controll the distribution. 相似文献
Size-fractionated biomass and productivity of phytoplankton and particulate organic carbon in the southern ocean 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
During the austral summer of 1989/1990, surface samples were obtained of size-fractionated biomass, and the productivity of
phytoplankton, its cell abundance, the composition of the dominant species, the concentration of particulate organic carbon
(POC) and the related environmental surface parameters were measured in a large-scale survey primarily of the Atlantic and
Indian Sectors. The results showed that the southern atlantic sector is the most fertile; chlorophylla (Chla) concentration averaged over 2 μg l−1, average cell abundance was about 41.0 × 103 cell l−1, and average POC concentration was also the highest (>100 μg l−1), but was lower in the Drake Passage and the southern Indian sector. The results for size-fractionated Chla showed that netplankton (>20 μm) in the South Atlantic Ocean, having abundant nutrients, accounted for the highest proportion
(average 65%) of biomass. In the infertile South Indian Ocean, picoplankton (<2 μm) accounted for the highest proportion,
averaging 47%. The results for size-fractionated productivity showed that the contribution of picoplankton to total productivity
was the largest in the South Atlantic Ocean and Drake Passage, those of nanoplankton (2–20 μm) and netplankton being about
equal. The relatively high photosynthesis assimilation number of picoplankton demonstrates their importance in the marine
ecosystems of Antarctic water. In comparison with the Antarctic water, the subantarctic and subtropical waters are infertile. 相似文献