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Changes in endogenous growth regulators in gladiolus corms during dormancy were studied using paper and column chromatography followed by a bioassay with the test for straight growth of Avena coleoptile. Corms were grown in the field or in a glass room of a phytotron at 20°C in the light. Another lot was grown in a dark room at 20°C in the dark. Half of the daughter corms in each lot were cold-treated for about one month and the other half were stored at room temperature after harvest. The earliest sprouting was seen in dark grown corms with cold treatment, and the latest sprouting in light grown corms without cold. This pattern was similar in each cultivar over a period of three years. Corms from both lots contained considerable amounts of inhibiting substance just after harvest. However, dark grown corms treated with cold showed a rapid decrease in inhibitor activity and an increase in promoter activity. On the other hand, in light grown corms without cold treatment there was inhibitor activity found consistently even after two months. —There appear to be two inhibiting zones in the chromato-grams. One of these contains two inhibitory substances, one of which was assumed to be abscisic acid.  相似文献   

Free and ester-bound IAA were determined in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. 'Yellow Galaxy' by means of a solid phase enzyme immunoassay. In shoots, free auxin decreases basipetally whereas ester IAA reaches a maximum in the middle part. After making the cuttings, a strong increase in both free and ester IAA (or total IAA, respectively) is found up to the time when the first adventitious roots become visible. Only prolonged irradiance of stock plants at high light intensities (40 W m−2) delays this increase in the cuttings, concomitantly with a lower number of roots compared to the controls (4.5 W m−2), although root growth as determined by measuring root length or fresh weight is not affected. A distinct relation is found between IAA content of stock plants at the time when cuttings are taken and the number of adventitious roots formed by the cuttings 20 days later.  相似文献   

Changes in Endogenous Growth Substances during Flower Development   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Simultaneous quantitative analyses have been made of the endogenouslevels of auxin- and gibberellin like substances, growth inhibitors,and auxin-oxidizing enzyme activity in the cold-requiring Chrysanthemummorifolium cv. Sunbeam subjected to different daylength, lightintensity and temperature regimes known to affect flowering.While little hormone or enzyme activity was found in extractsfrom unvernalized plants, a striking rise in auxin-oxidizingenzyme activity occurred rapidly after the end of cold treatment.Increased auxin activity was also recorded shortly after vernalization.At 28 °C both enzyme and auxin activity declined over aperiod of 3–4 weeks; at 20 °C this response was delayed.Gibberellin activity at 28 °C rose steeply about 2 weeksfrom vernalization and declined several weeks later; at 20 °Ca similar response was less marked. Low light intensity treatment,which may have increased endogenous auxin levels, or exogenousauxin application reduced gibberellin-like substance levelsand cause d devernalization.Phosphon D treatment also loweredgibberellin levels and prevented flowering. An extract fromvernalized plants containing gibberellin-like substances intensifiedthe flowering of partially vernalized test plants. Persistenceof high auxin activity in vernalized plants on long days wasassociated with failure to form normal flower buds. Stem elongationrates correlated in general with levels of endogenous auxin-and gibberellin-like substances. Significant amounts of an abscisin-likeinhibitor were found in extracts of flower buds. The mechanismof natural devernalization is discussed in relation to theseobservations.  相似文献   

Since the review on endogenous growth substances of citrus tissues by Goldschmidt in 1976 (HortScience, 11: 95-99), much information regarding this topic has been published in a wide array of journals. The present review provides a comprehensive overview of published information on endogenous levels of the five classes of plant growth substances (i.e., auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene, and abscisic acid), plus polyamines and other endogenous substances that appear to have a role in regulating citrus growth and development. It is the first in a three-part series that next examines hormonal regulation of physiological processes in citrus followed by review of current uses and commercial applications of plant growth regulators in citrus production. In this article, a brief history of the detection and characterization of each class of plant growth substances is given. Following this, variation in endogenous levels associated with different organs (and/or tissues), stages of development, species, cultivars, cultural practices, and environmental factors is reviewed. For each class, current knowledge regarding biosynthesis, metabolism and transport in citrus tissues is summarized. The concluding section deals with future research directions.  相似文献   

The relationship between the level of endogenous growth regulators and the rooting ability of dahlia cuttings was investigated. Easy-to-root vegetative cuttings were compared with difficult-to-root, flower bud bearing cuttings and the easy-to-root cv. Choot Hashani was compared with the difficnlt-to-root cv. Orpheo. No differences in the level of extracted or diffusable auxin, nor in the level of rooting cofactors, were found between easy-to-root and difficult-to-root cuttings. No activity could be found at the Rf zone corresponding to Cofactor 4 which is considered the main rooting cofactor in other plants. Higher inhibitor activity levels (assayed by the wheat coleoptile test and the mung bean rooting test) were found in difficult-to-root than in easily rooted cuttings. Furthermore, the inhibitor activity level in exadates from decapitated plants, was higher in esodates from plants which bore difficult-to-root cuttings than from plants bearing easy-to-root ones. Grafting of an easy-to-root plant onto a difficult-to-root stock caused inhibition of rooting in the cuttings taken from the scion. Results suggest that inhibitors formed in the root system, move upwards and accumulate in the plant, there causing the inhibition of rooting. Evidence from chromatographic comparisons and exogenous treatments with ABA indicate that the main inhibitor involved in the inhibition of rooting in dahlia cuttings is not ABA.  相似文献   

Bulblets of 3–4 g of Dutch iris (Iris hollandica) cv.Dominator stored at 20°C and then grown at 15°C developedonly three or four leaves and bulbs formed at the base of eachleaf, whereas when grown at 25°C, they continued to growvegetatively with the development of 10 true leaves and didnot form any new bulb. This demonstrated that bulb formationin bulbous plants can be controlled by environmental factors.The levels of both abscisic acid and auxin activities increasedduring growth under the bulb-forming condition whereas onlyauxin activity increased under the nonbulb-forming condition.The coexistence of both abscisic acid and auxin seems to beessential in the processes of bulb formation. (Received August 22, 1980; Accepted November 26, 1980)  相似文献   

‘神马’菊花花芽分化与内源多胺的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用薄层层析-荧光法测定菊花'神马'花芽分化期间顶芽和叶片中多胺的动态变化,分析了菊花花芽分化与多胺的关系.结果表明,花芽分化起始期顶芽中的腐胺(Put)含量急剧下降,此后在低水平上波动;叶片内Put则于总苞鳞片分化初期大幅上升,其后各阶段处于较低的水平.顶芽中精胺(Spm)与亚精胺(Spd)含量呈平行波动上升趋势,顶芽中Spin在小花原基分化初期直到花冠分化中期处于优势地位,而顶芽中Spd并无明显变化.顶芽、叶片中的Spin变化趋势相反,顶芽中Spm、Spd的含量变化趋势十分相似,但叶片中却呈交替性变化.结果显示,菊花花芽分化过程中,Put含量的降低有利于启动菊花花芽分化,后期Spm的增加有利于小花的分化,叶片可能向顶芽提供Spm,顶芽和叶片中的Spd与小花原基分化有密切关系.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of gene expression, affecting many biological processes. As yet, their roles in the response of chrysanthemum to aphid feeding have not been explored. Here, the identity and abundance of miRNAs induced by aphid infestation have been obtained using high-throughput Illumina sequencing platform. Three leaf small RNA libraries were generated, one from plants infested with the aphid Macrosiphoniella sanbourni (library A), one from plants with mock puncture treatment (library M), and the third from untreated control plants (library CK). A total of 7,944,797, 7,605,251 and 9,244,002 clean unique reads, ranging from 18 to 30 nucleotides (nt) in length, were obtained from library CK, A and M, respectively. As a result, 303 conserved miRNAs belonging to 276 miRNAs families and 234 potential novel miRNAs were detected in chrysanthemum leaf, out of which 80, 100 and 79 significantly differentially expressed miRNAs were identified in the comparison of CK-VS-A, CK-VS-M and M-VS-A, respectively. Several of the differentially abundant miRNAs (in particular miR159a, miR160a, miR393a) may be associated with the plant''s response to aphid infestation.  相似文献   

为了解植物生长调节剂对蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis)成花的作用,对'大辣椒'和'富乐夕阳'2个品种成花过程中的内源激素含量变化和生长调节剂的影响进行了研究.结果表明,蝴蝶兰花芽分化进程包括花序原基分化、小花原基分化、花萼分化、花瓣分化和合蕊柱(雄蕊和心皮)与唇瓣分化等时期.在花序原基分化期,高水平的ABA和IAA抑...  相似文献   

Changes in Endogenous Gibberellin Levels in Tulipa Bulblets during Ontogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The endogenous gibberellin activity of Tulipa gesneriana cv.Apeldoorn bulbiets of field-grown mother bulbs was determinedduring ontogeny by paper and gas-liquid chromatography and thedwarf pea bioassay. It was shown that the gibberellin activityof bulblets increased dramatically in November-March and declinedsharply in April-July. The increase in gibberellin-like substanceswas considered to be derived primarily by synthesis within thebulblets with possible contributions via translocation fromthe mother bulb scales, roots and shoots. Gibberellin A13 wastentatively identified by gas-liquid chromatography but theother components of the bulbiet extracts remained unidentified.  相似文献   

Endogenous Levels of Phenolics in Tomato Fruit during Growth and Maturation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Changes in the metabolism of several types of phenolics in the pulp and pericarp of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit var. Ailsa Craig and Pik-Red were related to the stage of development. The highest levels of chlorogenic acid were found in the pulp and pericarp at the earliest stage of fruit development, and quantities declined rapidly during fruit ripening. Levels of rutin, found only in the pericarp, followed a similar pattern of change. The p-coumaric acid conjugate of rutin was found in low levels through fruit growth and ripening. High levels of p-coumaric acid glucoside were detected in the pulp only as the fruit matured with no rapid decline in levels during ripening. The decline of chlorogenic acid and rutin levels during fruit ripening paralleled the decline in indole-3-acetic acid levels measured previously in the pericarp tissues of these two varieties of tomato fruit during maturation. These phenolics are among those that have been suggested as regulants of auxin metabolism. Received April 30, 1996; accepted December 26, 1996  相似文献   

Stecklings (roots) of three cultivars of carrots (Daucus carota L.) were vernalized 10 weeks at 5 C and subsequently grown at each of three greenhouse night/day temperature regimes: high (27/32 C), medium (21/27 C), and low (15/21 C). Floral differentiation occurred first in the easy bolting cv. Scarlet Nantes, intermediate in cv. Danvers 126, and last in cv. Royal Chantenay. Stem elongation arising from the subapical meristematic region always preceded floral differentiation. Extractable gibberellin-like activity in carrot stem apices increased from harvest during the 10-week vernalization period, then remained constant even though floral differentiation and stem elongation occurred during an additional 20-week cold storage period. Low temperature had both an inductive and a direct effect on reproductive development depending on length of low temperature exposure.  相似文献   

The effect of droughting and waterlogging on changes in endogenouslevels of hormones have been studied in Euphorbia lathyrus L.with particular reference to plant age and leaf age. Younger tissues (i.e. immature leaves and young plants) synthesizedsignificantly greater amounts of ABA per unit fresh weight thandid corresponding older tissue. The increased ABA levels correlatedwell with corresponding increases in water saturation deficit(WSD) and stomatal resistance in a given treatment but the relationshipbetween the absolute values of these three parameters variedgreatly between seedlings of different ages. Endogenous ethylenelevels in leaves and stems were unaffected by droughting irrespectiveof age. Imposition of waterlogging led to marked increases in ABA levelsin young plants though this was not strictly related to changesin WSD or stomatal resistance. Endogenous levels of ethyleneincreased in response to waterlogging, this being marked inthe older seedlings which also had a higher incidence of senescenceand abscission. The more complex effects of waterlogging, the significance ofage of tissue on hormonal responses to stress, and the adaptivevalue of such responses to younger tissues are discussed.  相似文献   

Covered, developing flower buds of Chrysanthemum morifoliumcv. Bright Golden Anne did not atrophy, although their dry weightwas lower than that of uncovered buds at 21, 28, 35 and 42 dafter the start of short days. This reduced dry weight was primarilydue to a reduction in the dry weight of the bracts, which arephotosynthetically active. The reduction in dry weight was notdue to a decrease in the number of bracts or florets or to alag in development of the covered buds. At 49 d the weight ofboth covered and uncovered buds was not significantly different,although the weight of the covered bracts was still reducedcompared with uncovered bracts. At 28 d uncovered buds fixedabout 40 times more 14CO2 than covered buds. Both covered anduncovered buds had the same sink intensity and relative specificactivity, but the first bract had a greater sink intensity andrelative specific activity when covered than when uncovered,owing to photosynthesis by the bract itself. Chrysanthemum morifolium, flower development, assimilate partitioning, light, bract photosynthesis  相似文献   

本文分别采用紫外分光光度法和HPLC法对贡菊花及叶中总黄酮及绿原酸的含量进行分析,研究不同生长时期黄山贡菊花和叶中总黄酮与绿原酸动态积累规律。结果表明:黄山贡菊花中总黄酮和绿原酸含量在中花期均达到最高值,而在采摘期内变化较大;黄山贡菊叶中总黄酮和绿原酸含量随着生长期的延长呈现逐渐上升趋势,并在生长后期总黄酮和绿原酸含量分别出现109.30和7.87 mg/g的峰值。  相似文献   

Changes in the contents of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) wereexamined in three kinds of cultured tobacco cells; a crown gallcell and two cultured cells derived from normal tissue of Nicotianatabacum. The relative amounts of the GAs were analyzed by systematicchromatographic purifications followed by GC-SIM. In all thecell lines examined, the content of GAj was the highest duringthe logarithmic phase of growth, indicating that GA1 has a physiologicalrole in the growth of dedifferentiated cells. 3 Present address: College of Agriculture, Chonnam NationalUniversity, Kwangju 500, Korea. (Received April 11, 1984; Accepted July 10, 1984)  相似文献   

Changes in contents of starch and protein, and activities of enzymes involved in starch synthesis were studied during tubcrization of stolon tips of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Irish Cobbler. Starch content and activities of phosphorylase and granule-bound starch synthctase based on fresh weight increased rapidly in the early phase (stage I, the stolon tips just before swelling; stage 2, the swelling tips; stage 3, young tubers of 0.2–0.5 cm diameter), and they all remained nearly unchanged in the later phase (stage 3 to stage 6, young tubers of 3.5 cm diameter). The content of soluble protein based on fresh weight remained unchanged. Activities of soluble starch snythetase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase were not detected at stage 1 and 2, but increased at later stages. Endogenous levels of auxin, cytokinin and gibberellin were assayed for the materials at the corresponding developmental stages. Auxin content was high at stages 1 and 2, and lowered at later stages. Cytokinin content increased abruptly at stage 6. Gibberellin content was low at all stages. The internal conditions for starch deposition and tuberization in potato were discussed in regard to regulation of enzyme activities by growth regulators.  相似文献   

One NaCl-tolerant chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) variant (E2) has been developed in a stable form through IN VITRO mutagenesis using ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) as the chemical mutagen. Salt tolerance was evaluated by the capacity of the plant to maintain both flower quality and yield under stress conditions. Enhanced tolerance of the E2 variant has been attributed to the increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), and, to a lesser extent of membrane damage than NaCl-treated control plants. Isoform analysis revealed that an increase in total SOD activity in the E2 variant was solely due to significant activation of the Cu/Zn isoform. Elevated levels of carotenoids and ascorbate in E2 leaves have been reflected in their higher free radical scavenging capacity (RSC) expressed in terms of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging ability. Data reflect that a proper balance between enzymatic and non-enzymatic defence systems is required for combating salinity stress in chrysanthemum. Better performance of the E2 progeny under same salinity stress condition, even in the second year, confirms the genetic stability of the salt-tolerance character. On the whole, the E2 variant, developed through 0.025 % EMS treatment, might be considered as a NaCl-tolerant strain showing positive characters towards NaCl stress.  相似文献   

Changes in Chloroplast DNA Levels during Growth of Spinach Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In young spinach leaves, 1–4 mm long, 7–10% of thetotal DNA of the leaf was chloroplast (pt) DNA. Growth in theseleaves was mainly by cell division with plastid division keepingpace with cell division and maintaining about 10 plastids percell. About 1% of the leaf cells were formed in 4.0 mm leaves.Both cell division and cell expansion contribute to the nextstage of leaf growth, which was quantitatively the major periodof new cell formation, nuclear DNA synthesis and ptDNA synthesis.Relative to the nuclear DNA level ptDNA levels rose to 21% ofthe total DNA and chloroplast.plastome copy numbers from 1500to 5000 per cell while chloroplast numbers rose from 10 to 30per cell. In the final period of leaf growth, cell expansionwas the main determinant of growth and chloroplast number percell rose to 180. In contrast to young leaves, newly emergedcotyledons contained 20% of their DNA as ptDNA and, during cellexpansion, cell number per cotyledon doubled. On average, thecells became octoploid, and chloroplast numbers and plastomecopy numbers rose to 500 and 22 000 per cell respectively. Similarlevels of nuclear ploidy, chloroplast number and plastome copynumber were induced in the first leaf pair of spinach followingdecapitation. When senescence was induced in mature leaves byshading, no loss of nuclear or ptDNA occurred. Following theonset of leaf yellowing and a form of senescence induced bynitrogen deficiency in leaves which had not fully expanded,there was preferential loss of ptDNA which fell from 8200 to3700 plastome copies per cell over an 11 d period. Key words: Spinach, Chloroplast, DNA, Ploidy  相似文献   

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