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We examined the physiological and biochemical responses of resistant ('Halt' and 'Prairie Red') and susceptible ('TAM 107') wheat, Triticum aestivum L., to injury by the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko). Photosynthetic capacity was evaluated by measuring assimilation/internal CO2 (A/Ci) curves, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll, and nonstructural carbohydrate content. Total protein and peroxidase specific activity also were determined. No significant differences were detected in chlorophyll concentration between aphid-infested and control TAM 107 plants. The aphid-infested resistant cultivars had similar or significantly higher chlorophyll concentrations compared with their respective control plants. Measurements over time showed that infested Halt plants had delays in photosynthetic senescence, Prairie Red plants had photosynthetic rate changes that were similar to control plants, and TAM 107 plants displayed accelerated photosynthetic senescence patterns. The photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching coefficients were significantly higher in infested Halt plants compared with their respective control plants on day 3. Infested TAM 107 plants had significantly higher photochemical quenching compared with control plants at all times evaluated, and they had significantly higher nonphotochemical quenching on day 3. Throughout the experiment, infested Prairie Red plants exhibited photochemical and nonphotochemical quenching coefficient values that were not significantly different from control plants. Total protein content was not significantly different between aphid-infested and control plants for all cultivars. Differences between physiological responses of infested susceptible and resistant cultivars, particularly temporal changes in photosynthetic activity, imply that resistant Halt and Prairie Red wheat tolerate some impacts of aphid injury on photosynthetic integrity.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA, ( Diuraphis noxia ) and the Bird cherry-oat aphid (BCA, ( Rhopalosiphum padi L.) cause severe damage to grain crops, including barley. An investigation of the effects of these aphids on a susceptible cultivar revealed that BCA-infested barley plants remained healthy looking for 2 weeks after feeding commenced. In contrast, signs of stress and damage, including chlorosis and leaf necrosis were evident in RWA-infested plants. Our study suggests that damage to the vascular tissue because of sustained feeding by BCA was not as extensive as that caused by RWA. In addition, there is a marked difference in the salivary secretion pattern within xylem elements punctured by aphids tapping the xylem for water. RWA deposit electron-dense, amorphous to smooth saliva, which completely encases the inner walls of affected elements, and saliva encases pit membranes between xylem elements, and between xylem vessels and xylem parenchyma. Xylem tapped by BCA contained more granular saliva, which apparently does not occlude vessel wall apertures or the pit membranes to the same extent, as was observed with RWA. Damage to phloem tissue, including phloem parenchyma elements, sieve tube–companion cell (CC–ST) complexes as well as thick-walled ST, was extensive. Plasmodesmata between phloem parenchyma elements as well as pore plasmodesmata between the CC and ST were occluded by callose. We conclude that severe, perhaps permanent damage to conducting elements in RWA-infested leaves may be responsible for the detrimental chlorosis and necrosis symptoms. These symptoms are absent in BCA-infested plants.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is a global pest of wheat and barley. This arthropod is difficult to manage with pesticides or biological control agents due to the aphid’s ability to seek shelter in rolled leaves and also to develop virulent biotypes. During the past 20 years, the use of aphid-resistant cereal cultivars has proven to be an economically and ecologically beneficial method of protecting crops from D. noxia damage. Our research reports the results of experiments to determine the categories of D. noxia biotype 2 resistance present in Cereal Introduction Triticeae (CItr) 2401, and a barley genotype (IBRWAGP4-7), compared to control resistant and susceptible wheat and barley genotypes. CItr2401 and IBRWAGP4-7 exhibit no antixenosis, but both genotypes demonstrated antibiosis to D. noxia in the form of reduced aphid populations. Reduced leaf dry weight change, a measure of plant tolerance of D. noxia feeding, was significantly less in CItr2401 and IBRWAGP4-7 plants than in plants of susceptible control varieties. However, tolerance was negated when a tolerance index was calculated to correct for differences in aphid populations. Barley IBRWAGP4-7 is a new source of D. noxia biotype 2 resistance. D. noxia foliar leaf damage and population growth were significantly less on IBRWAGP4-7 plants than on plants of the susceptible barley variety Morex. IBRWAGP4-7 plants were equal in resistance to plants of the resistant barley STARS 9301 and wheat genotype CItr2401. Handling editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

A crucial function of antioxidative enzymes is to remove excess reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can be toxic to plant cells. The effect of Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), infestation on the activities of antioxidative enzymes was investigated in the resistant (cv. Tugela DN) and the near-isogenic susceptible (cv. Tugela) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RWA infestation significantly induced the activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase to higher levels in the resistant than in susceptible plants. These findings suggest the involvement of antioxidative enzymes in the RWA-wheat resistance response, which was accompanied by an early oxidative burst. The results are consistent with the role of ROS in the resistance response and the control of their levels to minimise toxic effects.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) is a pest on wheat (Triticum aestivum) in many regions of the world. The aphid injects a phytotoxin when it feeds. Identification of somaclonal variants with phytotoxin resistance may shorten development time for resistance. Wheat calli from the susceptible cultivar Stephens were exposed to an extract from the aphid. Five plants were regenerated from 100 treated calli. Resistance to the aphid was observed in both the R2 and R3 generations. One of the six R3 populations had improved resistance for leaf curling and leaf folding, while another had improved response for chlorosis damage. These results indicate that the use of aphid extract on wheat callus offers an alternate method for development of resistance to the Russian wheat aphid.  相似文献   

The species composition, relativeabundance, and seasonal dynamics of selectednatural enemies of cereal aphids were monitoredin spring wheat fields in Moscow, Idaho in 1997and 1998. Trials also examined the potentialimpact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid(RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko)(Homoptera: Aphididae) in wheat, on aphidbiological control agents. Natural enemypopulations were monitored on two springwheats: D. noxia susceptible variety`Centennial' and resistant genotype `IDO488'. Field plots were artificially infested withadult D. noxia, and sampled for cerealaphids and parasitoids weekly. Coccinellidpredators were monitored once in 1997 and twicein 1998. The coccinellids Hippodamiaconvergens Guerin, Coccinellaseptempunctata L., C. transversoguttataBrown and C. trifasciata Mulsant weredetected. No significant differences in adultor immature coccinellid densities were observedbetween the D. noxia resistant andsusceptible genotypes. During both years, themost abundant primary hymenopteran parasitoidswere Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh), Aphidius ervi Haliday, A. avenaphis(Fitch), and Lysiphlebus testaceipes(Cresson), Aphelinus varipes (Foerster),Aphidius colemani Viereck, Aphidiuspicipes (Nees), Aphidius sp., Monoctonus washingtonensis Pike & Stary, Praon gallicum Stary, Praon occidentaleBaker, and Praon sp. were also detected. Numbers of both D. noxia and D.rapae were significantly greater on Centennialthan on IDO488 in both years. When all speciesof cereal aphids and parasitoids areconsidered, the total percentage parasitism wasnot significantly different between thegenotypes. There was no interaction betweenD. noxia resistance and the populationdensity of the predators or parasitoidsmonitored. These results suggest that the D. noxia resistant line had no adverse impacton natural enemies under the conditions ofthese field experiments.  相似文献   

Interactions among three trophic levels of resistant and susceptible slenderwheat grasses, Elymus trachycaulum (Link) Goule ex Shinners ex. H.F. Lewis, Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and a hymenopterous parasitoid were studied in the laboratory and greenhouse. These relationships were compared with a commercial susceptible wheat Triticum aestivum L. variety. Aphids reared on the resistant entries showed significantly lower weights and numbers. Significant reduction of parasitoid mummy weight and adult size was positively correlated with the effects on the aphids. Resistant entries also induced a longer prereproductive period for both the aphids and parasitoids. Numbers of aphids and aphid damage were significantly modified by the addition of parasitoids. Parasitism was higher on plants that did not have leaf rolling. These findings may indicate that antibiosis resistance studied here is not the most desirable because it decreases natural enemy vitality.  相似文献   

We examined the physiological responses of four soybean genotypes (KS4202, K-1639-2, ‘Jackson,’ ‘Asgrow 2703’) to soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) feeding in reproductive stage soybeans (R1, beginning bloom). Photosynthetic capacity was evaluated by taking survey measurements at 7, 17, 24, and 28 days after aphid introduction and by measuring assimilation/internal CO2 (ACi) curves at 29 days after aphid introduction. There were no significant differences in survey measurements between the control and infested KS4202, K-1639-2, Jackson, and Asgrow 2703 plants at 7, 17, 24, and 28 days after aphid introduction. At 29 days after aphid introduction, Asgrow 2703 plants showed a significant reduction in photosynthetic capacity compared to its control plants, while infested KS4202 plants had photosynthetic rates similar to control plants, suggesting the plant’s ability to compensate for aphid feeding. Differences in gas-exchange parameters, specifically Jmax and CE, between control and infested Asgrow 2703 plants showed that soybean aphid feeding negatively impacts the carbon-linked/dark reactions, specifically rubisco activity and RuBP regeneration. This research also investigated the role of peroxidases in the defense response of soybeans to the soybean aphid. Enzyme kinetics studies documented the up-regulation of peroxidase activity for both Asgrow 2703 and KS4202 aphid-infested plants compared to their respective uninfested control plants at 24 and 28 days after aphid introduction. Peroxidase expression profiles identified differences in the isozyme profiles of aphid-infested and control plants for Asgrow 2703 and KS4202. Differences between physiological responses of infested KS4202 and Asgrow 2703, particularly temporal changes in photosynthesis activity, imply that KS4202 tolerates some impacts of soybean aphid feeding on photosynthetic integrity.  相似文献   

Since 2003, four new biotypes of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae), RWA2-RWA5, have been discovered that have the ability to damage most of the wheat germplasm resistant to the original Russian wheat aphid population (RWA1). Barley germplasm lines with resistance to RWA1 have not yet been evaluated against the newest biotypes. Our study compared how biotypes RWA1-RWA5 affected the growth and leaf damage of RWA1-resistant germplasm (STARS 9301B, STARS 9577B), moderately resistant germplasm (MR-015), and susceptible varieties (Schuyler, Harrington, and Morex) under greenhouse conditions. Russian wheat aphid population levels also were determined 14 d after plant infestation. STARS 9301B exhibited strong resistance by showing only small differences in leaf damage and growth parameters from the feeding by the biotypes. STARS 9577B showed greater differences in damage by the Russian wheat aphid biotypes than STARS 9301B, yet, the ratings were still within the resistant category (e.g., chlorosis rating 2.3-4.9). Leaf chlorosis ratings for MR-015 ranged from 5.0 to 6.9 and fell within the moderately resistant to susceptible categories for all the biotypes. The greatest difference in leaf chlorosis occurred in Morex where RWA2 showed less virulence than the other biotypes. Feeding by the Russian wheat aphid biotypes produced only small differences in leaf rolling and plant growth within plant entries. Population levels of the Russian wheat aphid biotypes did not differ within barley entries (n = 610-971) at the termination of the study (14 d). From our research, we conclude that the new Russian wheat aphid biotypes pose no serious threat to the key sources of resistance in barley (STARS 9301B and 9577B).  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1997 and 1998 to evaluate the impact of resistance to Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), on the cereal aphid complex in wheat. Two spring wheats were planted: the variety "Centennial" (Russian wheat aphid susceptible) and the advanced line IDO488 (Russian wheat aphid resistant). IDO488 incorporates the resistance found in PI 294994 into a Centennial background. Field plots were artificially infested with adult D. noxia and sampled weekly. The most abundant aphid species in 1997 were Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker), Sitobion avenae (F.), D. noxia, and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). In 1998, the order of abundance was M. dirhodum, R. padi, S. avenae, and D. noxia. The resistant genotype had significantly fewer D. noxia than the susceptible one during both years. However, plant genotype had no significant effect on the other aphid species in either year. Both the initial density of D. noxia and plant growth stage, had a significant effect on D. noxia population development, but had no effect on the other aphid species. There was no interaction between D. noxia resistance and the population density of the other aphid species observed.  相似文献   

In South Africa a new biotype of the Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), RWASA2, has appeared which exhibits an improved performance compared to the original biotype (RWASA1) on wheat containing the Dn1 resistance gene. We examined population growth rates as well as damage caused by RWASA1 and RWASA2, in addition to a different aphid species, the bird cherry‐oat aphid (BCA), Rhopalosiphum padi L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae), on three RWA‐resistant barley [Hordeum vulgare L. (Poaceae)] lines (STARS‐9577B, STARS‐0502B, and STARS‐9301B) and one susceptible control (PUMA). RWASA2 had a higher reproductive rate than RWASA1 on all barley lines tested, which is consistent with previous results on wheat. Two of the RWA‐resistant lines (STARS‐0502B and STARS‐9301B) also exhibited a similar resistance phenotype against BCA. In our experiments, severe chlorosis and leaf roll appeared earlier on the control PUMA barley variety as a result of RWASA2 feeding than was the case with RWASA1, probably due to the differences in reproductive rate. Although chlorosis appeared earlier on resistant plants after RWASA2 feeding, this symptom developed much faster during RWASA1 feeding on all three resistant lines tested. As chlorosis did not correlate well with aphid population numbers, we surmise that the differential chlorosis effects may be related to differences in the amount of saliva introduced by the two aphid clones during feeding. Our results indicate that the difference between RWASA2 and RWASA1 are broader than a ‘gene for gene’ interaction with the Dn1 resistance (R) gene in wheat, and that these biotypes also differ in important aspects of their biology.  相似文献   

Hymenopterous parasitoids found on the Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) since the aphid was detected in the Czech Republic in 1995 have been studied. Parasitoids were obtained from aphid samples taken in small grains and from field exposures of banker-units containing laboratory mass-reared RWA. The parasitoid species are listed. Their presence on RWA was verified and their host species alternation was also tested in the laboratory. Evidence on some species was obtained only through unnatural host propagation. Aphidius colemani Vier. (a Chilean strain) was purposely introduced, released and became established; its host range, which included both target and non-target species, is listed. Prediction versus determination of RWA parasitoid complex in central Europe are discussed and the field samples and the exposure trials are compared. The RWA presence in relation to biodiversity in the small-grains agroecosystem is analysed. An overall parasitoid spectrum of RWA in the Old World (and the world background) is reviewed in relation to the RWA native range and the distribution (expansion) range, respectively. A corresponding analysis of the central European situation, derived from the expansion route of RWA to the Mediterranean, is presented.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), is an economically important pest of small grains. Since its introduction into North America in 2003, Russian wheat aphid Biotype 2 has been found to be virulent to all commercially available winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., cultivars. Our goal was to examine differences in Russian wheat aphid reproduction and development on a variety of plant hosts to gain information about 1) potential alternate host refuges, 2) selective host pressures on Russian wheat aphid genetic variation, and 3) general population dynamics of Russian wheat aphid Biotype 2. We studied host quality of two wheatgrasses (crested wheatgrass, Agropyron cristatum [L.] Gaertn., and intermediate wheatgrass, Agropyron intermedium [Host] Beauvoir) and two types of winter wheat (T. aestivum, one Biotype 2 susceptible wheat, 'Custer' and one biotype 2 resistant wheat, STARS02RWA2414-11). The susceptible wheat had the highest intrinsic rate of increase, greatest longevity and greatest fecundity of the four host studied. Crested wheatgrass and the resistant wheat showed similar growth rates. Intermediate wheatgrass had the lowest intrinsic rate of increase and lowest fecundity of all tested hosts.  相似文献   

Plant damage and yield response to the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), were evaluated on a susceptible (TAM 107) and a resistant (RWA E1) winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., in three Colorado locations in the 1993 and 1994 crop years. Russian wheat aphid was more abundant on TAM 107 than on RWA E1. Russian wheat aphid days per tiller were greater at the higher infestation levels. Yield losses as a result of Russian wheat aphid infestation occurred most of the time with TAM 107 but rarely with RWA E1. Seed densities were reduced at higher infestation levels in TAM 107 at two locations. Russian wheat aphids per tiller had a negative relationship to yield in TAM 107 but not in RWA E1. In TAM 107 yield decreased as aphid densities increased, but yield remained constant regardless of initial aphid abundance on RWA E1 in all environments. Seed densities were reduced at higher infestation levels in TAM 107 at two locations. The resistance conferred by the Dn4 gene seems to be an effective management approach across a range of field conditions.  相似文献   

The intercellular peroxidase and chitinase activities of three wheat cultivars [Triticum aestivum L. cvs `Tugela DN', `Molopo DN' (Gariep) and `Betta DN'] containing the Dn-1 gene for resistance to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and the corresponding near-isogenic susceptible cultivars (`Tugela', `Molopo' and `Betta') were studied under conditions of infestation and non-infestation. The aim was to gain information on the mechanism of resistance. The resistance response was induced by RWA infestation. Infestation rapidly induced the activities of both enzymes selectively in resistant wheat to levels of magnitudes higher than those in susceptible wheat. The genetic background in which the Dn-1 resistance gene is bred played a role and the level of activity corresponded to the level of resistance. Immunologic studies confirmed that the induction of enzyme activities was due to the induction of higher protein levels. These results indicate that peroxidase and chitinase may have a role in insect resistance. Received: 20 June 1997 / Revision received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

The first genetic map of the wild South Ameri- can barley species Hordeum chilense is presented. The map, based on an F2 population of 114 plants, contains 123 markers, including 82 RAPDs, 13 SSRs, 16 RFLPs, four SCARs, two seed storage proteins and two STS markers. The map spans 694 cM with an average distance of 5.7 cM between markers. Six additional SSRs and seven additional SCARs which were not polymorphic were assigned to chromosomes using wheat/H. chilense addition lines. Polymorphisms were revealed by 50% of the RAPD amplifications, 13% of wheat and barley SSR primers, and 78% of the Gramineae RFLP anchor probes. The utility of SSR and RFLP probes from other Gramineae species shows the usefulness of a comparative approach as a source of markers and for aligning the genetic map of H. chilense with other species. This also indicates that the overall structure of the H. chilense linkage groups is probably similar to that of the B and D genomes of wheat and the H genome of barley. Applications of the map for tritordeum and wheat breeding are discussed. Received: 20 August 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

The effect of infestation by the birdcherry-oat aphid ( Rhopalosiphum padi L.), on induction of PR-proteins was investigated in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), using barley lines susceptible or resistant to R. padi. The PR-proteins PR-1a (unknown function), PR-5a (acidic thaumatin) and peroxidase (EC were not affected, whereas one chitinase (EC and 4 β -1,3-glucanases (EC were induced by the aphid treatment. In the resistant breeding line CI 16145, but not in the susceptible cultivar Golf, accumulation of one basic chitinase and two acidic β -1,3-glucanases increased with time from 2 until 11 days after infestation, as determined by western blots, with antibodies raised against purified chitinase (PR-3a) and β -1,3-glucanase (PR-2a) from barley. By isoelectric focusing, two additional basic β -1,3-glucanases were detected, which increased after infestation in both the resistant and the susceptible barley. The basic chitinase was only detected at days 7 and 11 in the susceptible cultivar, but already at day 2 in the resistant line. The induction was localized to the infested leaf. The PR-proteins PR-3a and PR-2a were also induced by the fungal pathogen ( Blumeria [syn. Erysiphe ] graminis f. sp. hordei ), methyl salicylate and, to a lower extent, by wounding with tweezers and methyl jasmonate (MeJA). Needle wounding performed to mimic aphid stylet penetration did not induce chitinase or β -1,3-glucanase. It is concluded that the fungal pathogen and the aphid infestation induce both similar and different responses, and that the aphid induction is not due to wounding only. The different responses in resistant and susceptible lines indicate that the induced enzymes may play a role in the resistance against aphid infestation.  相似文献   

Electrical penetration graphs (EPGs) were used to examine the probing behaviour of adult apterous Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) on barley seedlings grown under conditions of nitrogen or water stress. Aphids took significantly longer to reach and ingest from sieve elements of nitrogen-deficient seedlings than from nitrogen-sufficient seedlings but there were no such differences between water-stressed or well-watered seedlings. On both nitrogen and water-stressed seedlings the average length of each individual period of salivation into the sieve element was significantly greater compared with their respective unstressed controls.  相似文献   

Studies in peculiarities of the DNA secondary structure in barley by means of thermal denaturation and renaturation shows that there are three types of the nucleotide sequences organization in DNA. More than 95% of the genome composition contain distributed repetitive sequences, in one part of the concentration of the repetitive sequences being higher as compared to bulk of them. About 3.5% of DNA is enriched with A-T pairs and contains no repetitive sequences. There is no "unique" part in the barley genome, which is natural for animals. Slowly renaturation sequences repeat 4 times.  相似文献   

A proteomic analysis was conducted to map the events during the initial stages of the interaction between the fungal pathogen Fusarium graminearum and the susceptible barley cultivar Scarlett. Quantification of fungal DNA demonstrated a sharp increase in fungal biomass in barley spikelets at 3 days after inoculation. This coincided with the appearance of discrete F. graminearum-induced proteolytic fragments of β-amylase. Based on these results, analysis of grain proteome changes prior to extensive proteolysis enabled identification of barley proteins responding early to infection by the fungus. In total, the intensity of 51 protein spots was significantly changed in F. graminearum-infected spikelets and all but one were identified. These included pathogenesis-related proteins, proteins involved in energy metabolism, secondary metabolism and protein synthesis. A single fungal protein of unknown function was identified. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis of selected genes showed a correlation between high gene expression and detection of the corresponding proteins. Fungal genes encoding alkaline protease and endothiapepsin were expressed during 1-3 days after inoculation, making them candidates for generation of the observed β-amylase fragments. These fragments have potential to be developed as proteome-level markers for fungal infection that are also informative about grain protein quality.  相似文献   

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