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Eighteen moderately polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for great frigatebirds Fregata minor. Polymorphism for the 12 dinucleotide and six tetranucleotide markers was assessed in 23 birds from a Hawaii population. Allelic diversity ranged from two to 12 (mean 5.9), with observed heterozygosity from 0.304 to 0.956 (mean 0.637). Three loci showed homozygote excess, possibly due to null alleles. One additional pair of loci exhibited strong gametic disequilibrium. Thus, at least 14 loci will be useful for studies of relatedness and population structure.  相似文献   

Bilateral palmar prints of 604 male individuals from 12 Iranian groups, six Mongoloid and six Caucasoid, have been analyzed for palmar pattern ridge counts (PPRC). Highly significant variation has been observed in the size of the palmar patterns in all the configurational areas among the Iranian groups. The distance analysis based on PPRCs differentiated the Iranian Mongoloid from the Iranian Caucasoid groups into distinct clusters. The pattern of differentiation based on PPRCs explained the ethnohistoric relationships between the Iranian groups as well as between the Iranian and the 20 Caucasoid groups from India much better than the palmar pattern frequencies. The results of this study demonstrate the existence of variation in the size of the palmar patterns across different populations within an ethnic group, as well as that among different ethnic groups, and seems to be a better indicator of interpopulational diversity than the palmar pattern frequencies.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that if benefits of producing sons and daughters differ and outweigh the costs of sex ratio adjustment, parents should produce more of the offspring that provide them with greater fitness. Potential benefits may be more likely to outweigh costs where sexual size dimorphism and, in birds, single‐egg clutches exist. Great frigatebirds Fregataminor are seabirds in which females are larger than males and clutch size is one egg. In our study population, sexual size dimorphism develops primarily during the period of complete juvenile dependence on parental care, consistent with a higher cost of producing daughters than sons. Over the course of the 1998 breeding season there was a shift from early season prevalence of daughters to late‐season prevalence of sons. Variation in food availability at time of egg laying, as indexed by sea surface temperature (SST), was a strong predictor of offspring sex in 1998. In contrast, SST in 2003 was not a predictor of offspring sex, nor was there a seasonal shift in the hatching sex ratio, despite a seasonal shift in SST. Besides food availability, we tested two additional factors in 2003 that could explain sex ratio adjustment in relation to the cost of reproduction. Offspring sex in 2003 was not related to natural or experimentally induced variation in maternal body condition; pre‐laying food supplements raised the body condition of females at the time of egg laying but did not affect offspring sex or egg mass. In addition, offspring sex was not predicted by the length of maternal telomere restriction fragments (TRFs), an index of age and possibly of reproductive experience. Broad confidence intervals on effect size suggest that undetected effects of maternal condition on offspring sex ratio could easily exist, but confidence intervals were narrower on the non‐significant effects of SST and TRF length on offspring sex ratio. The cause of different seasonal patterns of hatching sex ratio and different SST effects in 1998 and 2003 is unclear.  相似文献   

Decisions about parental effort have the potential to be affectedby an individual's body condition and, among species with biparentalcare, by the level of effort made by one's mate. Previous studies,primarily of short-lived species, have found that a reductionin the parental effort of one pair member typically leads toa compensatory increase by the mate. However, long-lived specieswith short-term pair bonds might be expected to retaliate, ratherthan compensate, for a reduction in a mate's effort. I studiedthe factors affecting parental effort decisions during incubationby the great frigatebird, a long-lived seabird that forms newpair bonds for each breeding attempt. During incubation, malesand females took turns incubating and foraging. Individualslost mass during an incubation shift and regained this massduring the subsequent foraging bout. If an individual was lefton the nest for a long period of time while its mate was foraging,it subsequently went on a long foraging trip after being relievedby its mate, despite the fact that longer shifts were likelyto lead to nest failure. This relationship between incubationshift length and duration of subsequent foraging excursion could be due to a need to regain body condition after a longfast, or it could reflect a retaliatory response to the mate'sprolonged absence. To test these alternatives, I conducteda food supplementation experiment. Individuals engaged in along incubation shift were assigned to a control group or toa treatment group that was fed until the end of that particularincubation shift. Overall, fed birds returned from the subsequentforaging trip sooner than control birds, demonstrating thatthe relationship between incubation shift duration and foragingtrip duration is due primarily to a need to increase body mass,rather than being a retaliatory response to a mate's low levelof parental effort. However, males and females differed in theextent of their responses to the experimental treatment, indicatingthat males may also exhibit some degree of retaliation.  相似文献   

Across taxa, the presence of sexual ornaments in one sex isusually correlated with disproportionately great parental effortby the other. Frigatebirds (Fregatidae) are sexually dimorphic,with males exhibiting morphological and behavioral ornaments,but males and females share in all aspects of parental effort.All other taxa in a clade of 237 species exhibit biparentalcare, but only frigatebirds exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism. We tested for the presence of two factors that could contributeto the evolution of male ornaments in great frigatebirds: ahigh frequency of extrapair fertilizations and a male-biasedoperational sex ratio. In 92 families sampled over two breedingseasons, there was only one extrapair fertilization. However,in both seasons, there were more males than females availablefor mating, and the sex ratio among individuals actively engagedin mate-acquisition behavior was strongly male biased, withtypically five or six males available per female. Our resultssuggest that extrapair fertilizations are not responsible forthe exaggeration of sexual ornaments in male frigatebirds,and that operational sex ratio may be related to sexual dimorphismin this species. Further work is needed to determine whetherthe male-biased operational sex ratio creates the variancein male reproductive success that would be needed to drivethe evolution of male ornaments.  相似文献   

Microcystins (MCs) are toxic heptapeptides that are produced by filamentous cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens and Planktothrix agardhii via nonribosomal peptide synthesis. MCs share a common structure cyclo (-D-Alanine(1)-L-X(2)- D-erythro-beta-iso-aspartic acid(3)-L-Z(4)-Adda(5)-D-Glutamate(6)- N-methyl-dehydroalanine(7)) where X(2) and Z(2) are variable L-amino acids in positions 2, 4 of the molecule. Part of the mcyB gene (1,451 bp) that is involved in the activation of the X(2) amino acid during MC synthesis was sequenced in 49 strains containing different proportions of arginine, homotyrosine, and leucine in position 2 of the MC molecule. Twenty-five genotypes were found that consisted of eight genotype groups (A-H, comprising 2-11 strains) and 17 unique genotypes. P. rubescens and P. agardhii partly consisted of the same mcyB genotypes. The occurrence of numerous putative recombination events that affected all of the genotypes can explain the conflict between taxonomy and mcyB genotype distribution. Genotypes B (homotyrosine and leucine in X(2)) and C (arginine in X(2)) showed higher nonsynonymous/synonymous (d(N)/d(S)) substitution ratios implying a relaxation of selective constraints. In contrast, other genotypes (arginine, leucine, homotyrosine) showed lowest d(N)/d(S) ratios implying purifying selection. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) revealed the unambiguous identification of mcyB genotypes, which are indicative of variable X(2) amino acids in eight populations of P. rubescens in the Alps (Austria, Germany, and Switzerland). The populations were found to differ significantly in the proportion of specific genotypes and the number of genotypes that occurred over several years. It is concluded that spatial isolation might favour the genetic divergence of microcystin synthesis in Planktothrix spp.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic diversity and the genetic structure of Turkish wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Tell.) populations, 76 genotypes from ten ecologically and geographically different locations were analyzed by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Five primer combinations produced 187 scorable bands, of which 117 (62.6%) were polymorphic. Several population-specific and genotype-specific bands were identified, which differentiate populations or genotypes. Genetic distance, determined by Nei’s distance coefficient, varied from 0.07 to 0.21 with an average of 0.13. In the UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei genetic distances, the Hordeum spontaneum populations were separated into two major clusters. Genetic diversity was larger among (68%) than within (32%) populations. Eight AFLP bands were strongly correlated to the altitude of the collecting site, while no clear trend was detected between geographical origin and genetic diversity. Our results strongly suggest the need for a change in Hordeum spontaneum sampling strategy: more populations, rather then more individuals within population, should be sampled to appraise and safeguard genetic diversity in the wild barley gene pool.  相似文献   

Trade-offs inDaphnia vertical migration strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Planktonic animals performing diel vertical migration (DVM) experience a tradeoff between reduced mortality and reduced reproductive output due to lower food availability in their refuge. Models of DVM as an evolutionarily stable strategy predict that, under certain conditions, strategies of both migration and non-migration can coexist. Vertical profiles of animal abundances during day and night, however, do not allow any discrimination between the behaviour of individuals or subpopulations. We used length-body protein regressions as a measure of the nutritional state ofDaphnia to distinguish possible sub-populations differing in their migration strategy. An overwhelming part of the population migrated downwards during the day. However, the few daphnids in the epilimnion during the day had significantly higher protein content than the animals in the deep water, indicating that these daphnids did not migrate randomly but remained in the surface food-rich water all day. This shows that migrating animals gain no metabolic advantage over non-migrating ones.Supported by a F.P.U. grant (Spanish Goverment)  相似文献   

Thirteen Iranian populations of diverse origins have been analyzed for C-line terminations, utilizing bilateral palmar prints of 3,158 individuals. Significant bimanual and male/female differences were frequently found in these populations. Interpopulational variation displayed significant heterogeneity. Distance analysis and constructed dendrograms provided separation between the populations, but the dendrograms are not in agreement with the ethnohistoric records of the populations studied.  相似文献   

Populations may become differentiated from one another as a result of genetic drift. The amounts and patterns of differentiation at neutral loci are determined by local population sizes, migration rates among populations, and mutation rates. We provide exact analytical expressions for the mean, variance, and covariance of a stochastic model for hierarchically structured populations subject to migration, mutation, and drift. In addition to the expected correlation in allele frequencies among populations in the same geographic region, we demonstrate that there is a substantial correlation in allele frequencies among regions at the top level of the hierarchy. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian model for inference of Wright's F-statistics in a two-level hierarchy in which we estimate the among-region correlation in allele frequencies by substituting replication across loci for replication across time. We illustrate the approach through an analysis of human microsatellite data, and we show that approaches ignoring the among-region correlation in allele frequencies underestimate the amount of genetic differentiation among major geographic population groups by approximately 30%. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for the use and interpretation of F-statistics in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Diversity of speed-accuracy strategies benefits social insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Burns JG  Dyer AG 《Current biology : CB》2008,18(20):R953-R954

Mesophotic reefs (30‐150 m) have been proposed as potential refugia that facilitate the recovery of degraded shallow reefs following acute disturbances such as coral bleaching and disease. However, because of the technical difficulty of collecting samples, the connectivity of adjacent mesophotic reefs is relatively unknown compared with shallower counterparts. We used genotyping by sequencing to assess fine‐scale genetic structure of Montastraea cavernosa at two sites at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic coral reef ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico, and downstream sites along the Florida Reef Tract. We found differentiation between reefs at Pulley Ridge (~68 m) and corals at downstream upper mesophotic depths in the Dry Tortugas (28–36 m) and shallow reefs in the northern Florida Keys (Key Biscayne, ~5 m). The spatial endpoints of our study were distinct, with the Dry Tortugas as a genetic intermediate. Most striking were differences in population structure among northern and southern sites at Pulley Ridge that were separated by just 12km. Unique patterns of clonality and outlier loci allele frequency support these sites as different populations and suggest that the long‐distance horizontal connectivity typical of shallow‐water corals may not be typical for mesophotic systems in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. We hypothesize that this may be due to the spawning of buoyant gametes, which commits propagules to the surface, resulting in greater dispersal and lower connectivity than typically found between nearby shallow sites. Differences in population structure over small spatial scales suggest that demographic constraints and/or environmental disturbances may be more variable in space and time on mesophotic reefs compared with their shallow‐water counterparts.  相似文献   

采用SSR标记对云南地区的8个长尖叶蔷薇天然居群进行了遗传多样性分析。结果显示:所选用的14对SSR引物,共检测到77个等位位点;在物种水平上,总居群的Nei’s基因多样性指数(He)和香农指数(I)分别为0.3139和0.4747;该居群内遗传变异(65.47%)大于居群间遗传变异(34.53%),说明居群内变异是其居群的主要变异来源;利用Popgene计算出两两居群间的Nei’s遗传一致度(I)和遗传距离(D),其范围分别为0.7879~0.8986和0.1070~0.2384,依据遗传距离可将8个居群分为3组,8个居群并没有严格依据地理距离的远近而聚类;海拔与Nei’s基因多样性的相关系数为0.8771,呈显著正相关。研究结果表明,云南地区的长尖叶蔷薇居群遗传多样性较高,居群间遗传变异存在中度的遗传分化。基于得到的居群遗传信息,建议采取就地保护为主的保护策略,但当个别居群野外的生存环境被自然或者人为因素破坏时,建议采取迁地保护的保护策略。  相似文献   

Although dissimilarities in cranial and post-cranial morphology among African pygmies groups have been recognized, comparative studies on skull morphology usually pull all pygmies together assuming that morphological characters are similar among them and different with respect to other populations. The main aim of this study is to compare cranial morphology between African pygmies and non-pygmies populations from Equatorial Africa derived from both the Eastern and the Western regions in order to test if the greatest morphological difference is obtained in the comparison between pygmies and non-pygmies. Thirty three-dimensional (3D) landmarks registered with Microscribe in four cranial samples (Western and Eastern pygmies and non-pygmies) were obtained. Multivariate analysis (generalized Procrustes analysis, Mahalanobis distances, multivariate regression) and complementary dimensions of size were evaluated with ANOVA and post hoc LSD. Results suggest that important cranial shape differentiation does occur between pygmies and non-pygmies but also between Eastern and Western populations and that size changes and allometries do not affect similarly Eastern and Western pygmies. Therefore, our findings raise serious doubt about the fact to consider African pygmies as a homogenous group in studies on skull morphology. Differences in cranial morphology among pygmies would suggest differentiation after divergence. Although not directly related to skull differentiation, the diversity among pygmies would probably suggest that the process responsible for reduced stature occurred after the split of the ancestors of modern Eastern and Western pygmies.  相似文献   

Diversity of properties among catalases   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Catalases from 16 different organisms including representatives from all three phylogenetic clades were purified and characterized to provide a comparative picture of their respective properties. Collectively the enzymes presented a diverse range of activities and properties. Specific activities ranged from 20,700 to 273,800 units per milligram of protein and maximal turnover rates ranged from 54,000 to 833,000 per second. The effective concentrations of common catalase inhibitors, cyanide, azide, hydroxylamine, aminotriazole, and mercaptoethanol, varied over a 100- to 1000-fold concentration range, and a broad range of sensitivities to heat inactivation was observed. Michaelis-Menten kinetics were approximately followed only at the low substrate concentrations. At high H(2)O(2) concentrations, inactivation of small-subunit enzymes resulted in lower velocities than what were predicted, whereas large-subunit enzymes had velocities higher than predicted. Kinetic constants such as K(m) and V(max) for catalases must be labeled as "apparent."  相似文献   

Summary Adult tolerance of ethanol vapour in a closed system containing 12% ethanol in solution, decreases in a cline from southern to northern Australia. However a Darwin population is more tolerant than predicted from its latitude. Ethanol tolerance races in Australia have almost certainly evolved within the last 100–150 years, because of resource unavailability prior to that time. Within populations, variation among isofemale strains is lowest in the climatically extreme southern Melbourne (37°S) and northern Darwin and Melville I. (11–12°S) populations. This suggests low resource diversity within extreme populations compared with the climatically less extreme Brisbane (28°S) and especially Townsville (19°S) populations. For desiccation resistance, the population rankings are: Darwin Melbourne > Townsville > Brisbane Melville I. and for development time, rankings are similar: Darwin Melbourne < Townsville < Brisbane Melville I.Therefore resource utilization heterogeneity is greatest in populations not greatly stressed by desiccation and where development times are extended. In total therefore, the utilization of a diversity of resources is a feature of populations tending somewhat towards a K-strategy; this is emphasized by the relative heterogeneity among isofemale strains of these populations for desiccation resistance and to a lesser extent development times.The D. melanogaster gene pool can be viewed as made up of climate-associated races. Since the ethanol tolerances of adjacent (and climatically similar) Darwin and Melville I. are very different, resource utilization races may occur within climatic races. Such a mosaic of resource utilization races are more likely in climatically extreme than in optimal habitats.  相似文献   

The bilateral palmar prints of 3,158 females and males from 13 Iranian populations of diverse origins were analyzed to see how well topological palmar pattern frequencies reflect population distances. The results showed bimanual variation among most of the populations studied. Sex variation showed significant differences among all of the populations studied. Distance analysis and constructed dendrograms showed separation between the populations studied. These distances were frequently in agreement with the known ethnohistoric background of the populations studied. The male data gave better results. It appears that topological palmar patterns are a better indicator of population distance than topological finger patterns.  相似文献   

The bacterial communities of aphids were investigated by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments generated by PCR with general eubacterial primers. By both methods, the gamma-proteobacterium Buchnera was detected in laboratory cultures of six parthenogenetic lines of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and one line of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae, and one or more of four previously described bacterial taxa were also detected in all aphid lines except one of A. pisum. These latter bacteria, collectively known as secondary symbionts or accessory bacteria, comprised three taxa of gamma-proteobacteria (R-type [PASS], T-type [PABS], and U-type [PAUS]) and a rickettsia (S-type [PAR]). Complementary analysis of aphids from natural populations of four aphid species (A. pisum [n = 74], Amphorophora rubi [n = 109], Aphis sarothamni [n = 42], and Microlophium carnosum [n = 101]) from a single geographical location revealed Buchnera and up to three taxa of accessory bacteria, but no other bacterial taxa, in each aphid. The prevalence of accessory bacterial taxa varied significantly among aphid species but not with the sampling month (between June and August 2000). These results indicate that the accessory bacterial taxa are distributed across multiple aphid species, although with variable prevalence, and that laboratory culture does not generally result in a shift in the bacterial community in aphids. Both the transmission patterns of the accessory bacteria between individual aphids and their impact on aphid fitness are suggested to influence the prevalence of accessory bacterial taxa in natural aphid populations.  相似文献   

We analyzed bilateral finger prints of 3158 individuals from 13 Iranian populations of diverse origins, for digital patterns, using the topological method. Some male/female differences, and a great deal of heterogeneity in interpopulational variation was observed. Distance analysis, and the resultant dendrograms separated the populations studied, but the separation was not in agreement with the known ethnohistory of this region. Comparison of the obtained results with those based on the traditional methodology showed that the traditional methodology gives better results in measuring population distances.  相似文献   

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