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Glutathione is a determinant of cellular redox state with roles in defence and detoxification. Emerging concepts suggest that this compound also has functions in cellular signalling. Here, we report evidence that glutathione plays potentially important roles in setting signalling strength through the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway. Firstly, we show that basal expression of JA‐related genes is correlated with leaf glutathione content when the latter is manipulated either genetically or pharmacologically. Secondly, analyses of an oxidative stress signalling mutant, cat2, reveal that up‐regulation of the JA pathway triggered by intracellular oxidation requires accompanying glutathione accumulation. Genetically blocking this accumulation in a cat2 cad2 line largely annuls H2O2‐induced expression of JA‐linked genes, and this effect can be rescued by exogenously supplying glutathione. While most attention on glutathione functions in biotic stress responses has been focused on the thiol‐regulated protein NPR1, a comparison of JA‐linked gene expression in cat2 cad2 and cat2 npr1 double mutants provides evidence that glutathione acts through other components to regulate the response of this pathway to oxidative stress. Our study provides new information implicating glutathione as a factor determining basal JA gene expression and suggests novel glutathione‐dependent control points that regulate JA signalling in response to intracellular oxidation.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that anatomical or physiological factors can constrain the production of vocalizations is supported by an increasing number of examples from a range of taxa, where acoustic variation is related to sex, body‐size or condition. In this study, we combine anatomical and acoustic investigations in herring gulls Larus argentatus to 1) identify co‐variation between sex, body size and the dimensions of the vocal apparatus and 2) test the possible effect of this co‐variation on interindividual variation in the acoustics of alarm calls. We found that the vocal apparatus was sexually dimorphic, with males having longer trachea and bigger vibratile membranes than females. We also identified a relationship between the head–bill length – a secondary sexual trait – and the length of the trachea in males only. However, we failed to identify corresponding sex‐ and body‐size related variation in the acoustic components of alarm calls. We suggest that this absence of a relationship between anatomical and acoustic dimensions may reflect the lack of biomechanical constraints exerted during the production of alarm calls, and that such relationships are more likely to be expressed in this species’ sexual calls, whose production is characterised by more pronounced, ritualised postures that are more likely to highlight inter‐individual size variation.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):395-407
The plumage colour of male pied flycatchers varies on a continuum from brownish and female-like to a conspicuous black-and-white. Males have a conspicuous plumage only during the breeding season, when the mortality rate was low and not correlated with plumage colour. Brownish males breed successfully, and breeding males had no lower annual rate of return than non-breeders. Experiments on male intrusion showed that possession of a cryptic, female-like plumage did not facilitate nest site settlement by such males. Dark males were on average older, arrived earlier, and defended more nestboxes than brown males. However, experiments showed that plumage colour was not a reliable indicator of the outcome of competitive combats between males. These facts argue against several existing hypotheses about variation in male plumage colour. A new explanation is proposed: a bright colour serves to signal presence and thereby reduces territory holding costs. The brownish males arrive only shortly before the females and thus will not benefit as much by being conspicuous as do the black-and-white males that arrive earlier in spring.  相似文献   

Elaborate or colourful feathers are important traits in female-mate choice in birds but little attention has been given to the potential costs of maintaining these traits in good condition via preening behaviour. While preening is known to be an important component of plumage maintenance, it has received little attention with respect to colouration. We investigated whether preening can influence plumage reflectance and whether females show a preference for plumage cleanliness in captive-bred, wild-type budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus. To do this, we compared the spectral colour of birds that were allowed to preen their plumage and individuals that were prevented from preening. The plumage of birds that were prevented from preening showed a significant lower reflectance in the UV range (300-400 nm). Subsequently, we measured females’ preferences for preened and unpreened males using a two-choice test. In a second experiment we allowed females to choose between an unpreened male and a male smeared with UV-absorbing chemicals (UV-blocked male). The proportion of time that females stayed near preened males was statistically higher than for unpreened males, but females spent similar amounts of time with unpreened males and UV-blocked males. These results are consistent with the idea that female budgerigars are able to discriminate between preened and unpreened males, and that UV colours, mediated by preening, can convey information about a bird's current condition.  相似文献   

The genus Agapornis consists of nine small African parrot species that are globally well known as pets, but are also found in their native habitat. Illegal trapping, poaching and habitat destruction are the main threats these birds face in the wild. In aviculture, Agapornis breeding is highly popular all across the globe. Birds are mainly selected based on their plumage colour variations but very little molecular research has been conducted on this topic. There are 30 known colour variations amongst the nine species and most of these are inherited as Mendelian traits. However, to date none of the genes or polymorphisms linked to these variations have been identified or verified. Due to unethical breeding practices, the need for the development of molecular tests such as identification verification tests or species identity tests is growing. Future research is paramount to ensure the conservation of wild populations as well as aiding breeders in improving breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Astrocytes, the major glial population in the central nervous system (CNS), can secrete thrombospondin (TSP)‐1 that plays the role in synaptogenesis and axonal sprouting during CNS development and tissue repair. However, little is known about the regulation of TSP‐1 expression in astrocytes under oxidative stress condition. Here, a hypoxic mimetic reagent, cobalt chloride (CoCl2), was used to initiate hypoxia‐induced oxidative stress in primary rat astrocytes. CoCl2 at the concentration range of 0.1–0.5 mM was found to cause no significant cell death in primary rat astrocytes. However, CoCl2 at 0.2–0.5 mM increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene expression that is known as a hallmark for oxidative damage. We further found that TSP‐1 mRNA expression in astrocytes was inhibited dose‐ and time‐dependently by CoCl2. TSP‐1 mRNA levels were increased in CoCl2‐exposed astrocytes in the presence of the inhibitors (U0126 and PD98059) of mitogen‐activated protein kinase/extracellular signal‐regulated kinases (MAPK/ERK), when compared to that detected in the culture only exposed to CoCl2. Moreover, the inhibition in TSP‐1 mRNA expression by CoCl2 was blocked by the addition of the potent antioxidant, N‐acetylcysteine (NAC). Thus, we conclude that CoCl2 inhibits TSP‐1 mRNA expression in astrocytes via a ROS mechanism possibly involving MAPK/ERK. This inhibition may occur after CNS injury and impair the supportive function of astrocytes on neurite growth in the injured CNS tissues. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 59–70, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



To confirm the stress‐relieving effects of heat‐inactivated, enteric‐colonizing Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 (paraprobiotic CP2305) in medical students taking a cadaver dissection course.

Methods and Results

Healthy students (21 males and 11 females) took paraprobiotic CP2305 daily for 5 weeks during a cadaver dissection course. The General Health Questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were employed to assess stress‐related somatic symptoms and sleep quality respectively. The aggravation of stress‐associated somatic symptoms was observed in female students (P = 0·029). Sleep quality was improved in the paraprobiotic CP2305 group (= 0·038), particularly in men (= 0·004). Among men, paraprobiotic CP2305 shortened sleep latency (= 0·035) and increased sleep duration (= 0·048). Diarrhoea‐like symptoms were also effectively controlled with CP2305 (= 0·005) in men. Thus, we observed sex‐related differences in the effects of paraprobiotic CP2305. In addition, CP2305 affected the growth of faecal Bacteroides vulgatus and Dorea longicatena, which are involved in intestinal inflammation.


CP2305 is a potential paraprobiotic that regulates stress responses, and its beneficial effects may depend on specific cell component(s).

Significance and Impact of the Study

This study characterizes the effects of a stress‐relieving para‐psychobiotic in humans.  相似文献   

Wild animal species living in anthropogenic areas are commonly carriers of antimicrobial‐resistant bacteria (AMRB), but their role in the epidemiology of these bacteria is unclear. Several studies on AMRB in wildlife have been cross‐sectional in design and sampled individual animals at only one point in time. To further understand the role of wildlife in maintaining and potentially transmitting these bacteria to humans and livestock, longitudinal studies are needed in which samples are collected from individual animals over multiple time periods. In Europe, free‐ranging yellow‐legged gulls (Larus michahellis) commonly live in industrialized areas, forage in landfills, and have been found to carry AMRB in their feces. Using bacterial metagenomics and antimicrobial resistance characterization, we investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of AMRB in a nesting colony of yellow‐legged gulls from an industrialized area in southern France. We collected 54 cloacal swabs from 31 yellow‐legged gull chicks in 20 nests on three dates in 2016. We found that AMRB in chicks increased over time and was not spatially structured within the gull colony. This study highlights the complex occurrence of AMRB in a free‐ranging wildlife species and contributes to our understanding of the public health risks and implications associated with ARMB‐carrying gulls living in anthropogenic areas.  相似文献   

Behavioral inhibition (BI) is an adaptive defensive response to threat; however, children who display extreme BI as a stable trait are at risk for development of anxiety disorders and depression. The present study validates a rodent model of BI based on an ethologically relevant predator exposure paradigm. We show that individual differences in rat BI are stable and trait‐like from adolescence into adulthood. Using in situ hybridization to quantify expression of the immediate early genes homer1a and fos as measures of neuronal activation, we show that individual differences in BI are correlated with the activation of various stress‐responsive brain regions that include the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and CA3 region of the hippocampus. Further supporting the concept that threat‐induced BI in rodents reflects levels of anxiety, we also show that BI is decreased by administration of the anxiolytic, diazepam. Finally, we developed criteria for identifying extreme BI animals that are stable in their expression of high levels of BI and also show that high BI (HBI) individuals exhibit maladaptive appetitive responses following stress exposure. These findings support the use of predator threat as a stimulus and HBI rats as a model to study mechanisms underlying extreme and stable BI in humans.  相似文献   

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