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Inter‐ and intraspecific variation in eggshell colouration has long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Among species, such variation may accomplish different functions, the most obvious of which is camouflage and background matching. Within species, it has been proposed that inter‐female variation in eggshell pigmentation patterns can reflect egg, maternal or paternal traits and hence may provide cues to conspecifics about egg, maternal or paternal phenotypic quality. However, the relationship between protoporphyrin‐based eggshell pigmentation and egg or maternal/paternal traits appears to be highly variable among species. We investigated patterns of intraspecific variation in Eurasian barn swallow Hirundo r. rustica protoporphyrin‐based eggshell pigmentation, and analysed its association with egg and clutch characteristics, maternal/paternal phenotypic traits and parental feeding effort. Eggshell pigmentation pattern significantly varied between breeding colonies, was significantly repeatable in first clutches laid by the same females in different years (intraclass correlation coefficient ranging between 0.56 and 0.63), but it was not significantly associated with egg traits, such as position in the laying sequence, egg mass, yolk testosterone concentration and antioxidant capacity. It was weakly or non‐significantly associated with female and male traits (sexual ornaments), but females laying darker (higher pigment intensity) first clutches had higher hatching success, suggesting that eggshell pigment intensity may predict fitness. Male nestling feeding effort was not predicted by eggshell pigmentation. In addition, females with darker breast plumage colouration (a melanin‐based trait related to fitness) laid highly protoporphyrin‐covered eggs, suggesting the presence of a previously unappreciated link between protoporphyrin biosynthesis and plumage melanisation. Moreover, the proportion of male offspring increased in clutches originating from highly protoporphyrin‐covered eggs, suggesting that parents could acquire visual cues about their future brood sex composition before egg hatching. Our results support the idea that intraspecific signalling via eggshell pigmentation is a species‐specific rather than a general feature of avian taxa.  相似文献   

Trace metals are chemical pollutants of prime concern nowadays given their implication in several human diseases and their noxious effects on wildlife. Previous studies demonstrated their negative (e.g. lead, cadmium) or positive (e.g. zinc) effects on body condition, immunity and reproductive success in birds. Because of their effects on bird condition, trace metals are likely to influence the production of condition‐dependent plumage colours, that may be used in mate choice. In the feral pigeon Columba livia, we investigated iridescent colouration in response to lead and zinc experimental (i.e. metal supplementation in standardized conditions) and natural exposure (i.e. metal concentrations in feathers of wild urban pigeons), and melanic feather colouration in response to experimental lead and zinc exposure. Both studies (i.e. experimental and correlative) consistently showed that lead exposure decreased iridescent neck feather brightness independently of colour morph. Moreover, lead, when provided alone, decreased melanic feather reflectance in the middle wavelengths while zinc supplementation increased melanic feather reflectance in the violet‐wavelength. In conclusion, our study suggests that the colouration of iridescent and melanic feathers depends on the exposure to pollutants. Whether trace metal exposure affected the ability of birds to produce melanin pigments, to grow the microstructural feather elements required for maximum colour display, or to cope with bacteria that degrade feather microstuctures remains unclear. Future studies should investigate whether these metal‐induced modifications of plumage colouration affect behaviours involved in sexual selection.  相似文献   

The sexually selected egg colour hypothesis (SSECH) proposes that egg colouration is as a post-mating sexually selected signal of female phenotypic quality, maintained by a higher allocation of paternal care. Similarly, some female traits can reflect genetic quality or condition and males could use this information in mate choice or in modulating parental investment. In our study, we examined the correlation of individual variation in egg colouration with female expression of a male ornament and how male feeding covaried with these two female traits in the spotless starling, in which egg colour varies widely between clutches and where both sexes possess showy throat feathers that are age dependent and that may signal individual quality. According to the SSECH, high-quality females (females with longer throat feathers) are expected to lay more colourful eggs than low-quality females and males should modify their feeding behaviour accordingly. By means of a principal component analysis, we found that most of the variation in egg colouration was due to brightness differences, and in a lower proportion to chromatic variation. Chromatic variation reflected a ultraviolet (UV) vs. greenness trade-off and was positively associated with throat feather length: females with larger throat feathers laid eggs with higher UV and lower green reflectance. However, egg brightness was not related to female feather length, as the SSECH would predict. Male feedings were positively related to female throat feather length and negatively related to chromatic variation, meaning that males contributed more to nests of females with long throat feathers who laid eggs with higher UV and lower green reflectance. In conclusion, our data provide mixed support for the SSECH: although egg chromatic variation was related to female expression of a male ornament and male parental care, we found no evidence that egg brightness was involved in these processes.  相似文献   

Female birds may adjust their offspring phenotype to the specific requirements of the environment by differential allocation of physiologically active substances into yolks, such as androgens. Yolk androgens have been shown to accelerate embryonic development, growth rate and competitive ability of nestlings, but they can also entail immunological costs. The balance between costs and benefits of androgen allocation is expected to depend on nestling environment. We tested this hypothesis in a multibrooded passerine, the spotless starling, Sturnus unicolor. We experimentally manipulated yolk androgen levels using a between‐brood design and evaluated its effects on nestling development, survival and immune function. Both in first and replacement broods, the embryonic development period was shorter for androgen‐treated chicks than controls, but there were no differences in second broods. In replacement broods, androgen‐treated chicks were heavier and larger than those hatched from control eggs, but this effect was not observed in the other breeding attempts. Androgen exposure reduced survival with respect to controls only in second broods. Regarding immune function, we detected nonsignificant trends for androgen treatment to activate two important components of innate and adaptive immunity (IL‐6 and Ig‐A levels, respectively). Similarly, androgen‐treated chicks showed greater lymphocyte proliferation than controls in the first brood and an opposite trend in the second brood. Our results indicate that yolk androgen effects on nestling development and immunity depend on the environmental conditions of each breeding attempt. Variation in maternal androgen allocation to eggs could be explained as the result of context‐dependent optimal strategies to maximize offspring fitness.  相似文献   

A recent experimental study reported that Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia chicks that hatched from large eggs grew their wing feathers more quickly than did small-egg chicks. There is little evidence of this (or any other) egg-size effect on post-hatching development in other birds. Thick-billed Murres are marine birds of the family Alcidae that employ the unique "intermediate" developmental strategy: chicks go to sea after 15-30 days at the nest site, at <30% of adult mass, accompanied by their male parent. Rapid feather growth during the brief nestling period is critical to enable chicks to make the transition from life at the nest site to life at sea quickly and safely. At the Gannet Islands, Labrador, Canada, in 1996 and 1997, I tested whether egg size has the same effect on wing-feather growth in the Razorbill Alca torda , another of the intermediate auks. To control for underlying correlations between egg size and other parental attributes, eggs were switched randomly among pairs. As in other birds, egg size strongly predicted hatchling mass, and to less extent hatchling size (tarsus length), but had no effect on the rate at which nestlings gained mass. However, egg size had the same effect on wing growth in Razorbills as in Thick-billed Murres: the wings of large-egg chicks began rapid, linear growth sooner, indicating that early development of wing feathers was enhanced in large-egg chicks. Differences in wing length established in this manner persisted through the nestling period. Egg-size effects on feather growth have not been detected in experimental studies on other birds, suggesting that effects of the magnitude seen in Razorbills and Thick-billed Murres might reflect evolutionary priorities in the post-hatching development of intermediate auks.  相似文献   

Climate warming leads to a decrease in biodiversity. Organisms can deal with the new prevailing environmental conditions by one of two main routes, namely evolving new genetic adaptations or through phenotypic plasticity to modify behaviour and physiology. Melanin‐based colouration has important functions in animals including a role in camouflage and thermoregulation, protection against UV‐radiation and pathogens and, furthermore, genes involved in melanogenesis can pleiotropically regulate behaviour and physiology. In this article, I review the current evidence that differently coloured individuals are differentially sensitive to climate change. Predicting which of dark or pale colour variants (or morphs) will be more penalized by climate change will depend on the adaptive function of melanism in each species as well as how the degree of colouration covaries with behaviour and physiology. For instance, because climate change leads to a rise in temperature and UV‐radiation and dark colouration plays a role in UV‐protection, dark individuals may be less affected from global warming, if this phenomenon implies more solar radiation particularly in habitats of pale individuals. In contrast, as desertification increases, pale colouration may expand in those regions, whereas dark colourations may expand in regions where humidity is predicted to increase. Dark colouration may be also indirectly selected by climate warming because genes involved in the production of melanin pigments confer resistance to a number of stressful factors including those associated with climate warming. Furthermore, darker melanic individuals are commonly more aggressive than paler conspecifics, and hence they may better cope with competitive interactions due to invading species that expand their range in northern latitudes and at higher altitudes. To conclude, melanin may be a major component involved in adaptation to climate warming, and hence in animal populations melanin‐based colouration is likely to change as an evolutionary or plastic response to climate warming.  相似文献   

Intraclutch egg size variation may non‐adaptively result from nutritional/energetic constraints acting on laying females or may reflect adaptive differential investment in offspring in relation to laying/hatching order. This variation may contribute to size hierarchies among siblings already established due to hatching asynchrony, and resultant competitive asymmetries often lead to starvation of the weakest nestling within a brood. The costs in terms of chick mortality can be high. However, the extent to which this mortality is egg size‐mediated remains unclear, especially in relation to hatching asynchrony which may operate concomitantly. I assessed effects of egg size and hatching asynchrony on nestling development and survival of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), where the smaller size and later hatching of c‐eggs may represent a brood‐reduction strategy. To analyze variation in egg size, I recorded the laying order and laying date of 870 eggs in 290 three‐egg clutches over a 3‐yr period (2010–2012). I measured hatchlings and monitored growth and survival of 130 chicks from enclosed nests in 2011 and 2012. The negative effect of laying date (β = ?0.18 ± SE 0.06, P = 0.002) on c‐egg size possibly reflected the fact that late breeders were either low quality or inexperienced females. The mass, size, and condition of hatchling Herring Gulls were positively related to egg size (all P < 0.0001). C‐chicks suffered from increased mortality risk during the first 12 d, identified as the brood‐reduction period in my study population. Although intraclutch variation in egg size was not directly related to patterns of chick mortality, I found that smaller relative egg size interactively increased differences in relative body condition of nestlings, primarily brought about by the degree of hatching asynchrony during this brood‐reduction period. Thus, the value of relatively small c‐eggs in Herring Gulls may lie in reinforcing brood reduction through effects on nestling body condition. A reproductive strategy Herring Gulls might have adopted to maintain a three‐egg clutch, but that also enables them to adjust the number of chicks they rear relative to the prevailing environmental conditions and to their own condition during the nestling stage.  相似文献   

Outside the context of industrial melanism, little is known about the physiological and ecological importance of genetic melanic polymorphisms in moths. Melanin pigments are synthesized from amino acid precursors and should therefore be costly to produce in nitrogen‐limited insects. A genetic melanic polymorphism is present in adult Malacosoma disstria Hübner (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), a widespread forest moth with outbreaking population dynamics. We test the hypotheses that melanin‐based colouration is physiologically costly in M. disstria, that expression of melanin‐based colouration is a plastic trait which varies with population density and nutrition, and that the genetically based melanic phenotype is disadvantaged under nutritionally poor conditions. Two experiments were used to test these hypotheses. A field study compared pigmentation and phenotypic frequencies in moths collected from high‐ and low‐density populations. A laboratory experiment investigated the effects of larval nitrogen availability on adult pigmentation and phenotypic frequencies. High population density and nitrogen limitation reduced pigmentation and size of all moths, but phenotypic frequencies were not affected in either experiment. The effects of diet on both pigmentation and size were stronger for melanic moths than for typical moths. Our results show that adult melanism in M. disstria is physiologically costly, that colour expression is plastic despite its genetic component, and that the melanic phenotype may be disadvantaged under poor conditions but favoured under good conditions. We suggest that temporal variation in selection and trait plasticity help maintain polymorphism stability.  相似文献   

Hitherto, most of the investigation on the perceptual efficacy of begging signals has dwelled on how patterns of nestling colouration adjust to predominant nest luminosity. However, visual sensitivity of birds varies across species, which raises the question of whether colouration of traits involved in begging displays is adjusted to parent visual capacities. Here, by comparing nestling colouration and visual sensitivity across 22 altricial bird species, we provide a first test of this hypothesis. Firstly, we assessed differences in performance of typical UV‐tuned and violet‐tuned bird eyes when looking at the nestling traits under the light regimes prevailing at their nests. Secondly, while controlling for common ancestry in a comparative approach, we explored variation in colouration of nestlings in relation to parent visual system. The colour discrimination model indicated a general higher performance of the ultraviolet over the violet eye at detecting gape and body skin traits in either open‐ or hole‐nest light conditions. Gape colouration was associated with parental visual system as the nestlings of UVS species displayed more yellow and less pure ultraviolet mouths than the nestlings of VS species. Thus, our results agree with an adaptive parent–offspring communication scenario where the nestlings’ colours tuned the perception capacities of their parents.  相似文献   

Two possible patterns of bias in primary sex ratio have been proposed for size‐dimorphic brood parasites that do not evict host chicks: (1) larger males should be laid at greater frequency in hosts larger than the parasite because they compete better (increasing their survival) than females with large host nest‐mates, and (2) more costly males (i.e. the larger sex) should be laid at greater frequency in hosts smaller than the parasite because, in these hosts, parasite nestlings are provisioned at a higher rate and grow faster than in larger hosts. We tested these hypotheses in two hosts of the sexually size‐dimorphic shiny cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis, one smaller (house wren, Troglodytes aedon) and one larger (chalk‐browed mockingbird, Mimus saturninus) than the parasite. We measured: (1) sex ratio at laying; (2) development of sexual differences in body mass during the nestling stage; and (3) chick survival and sex ratio of chicks before fledging. In both hosts, we found sexual differences in body mass of nestlings from 7 days of age onwards, although we did not find a bias in the sex ratio of eggs laid and chicks fledged. The results of the present study do not support the hypothesis that shiny cowbird females benefit from biasing the primary sex ratio depending on the size of the hosts they parasitize. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 442–448.  相似文献   

The bright colours of parrots are caused by psittacofulvin pigments, which appear unique to this Order, and by structural colours. We measured red (psittacofulvin), green (mixed) and blue (structural) colours of wild burrowing parrots Cyanoliseus patagonus of northeastern Patagonia, Argentina, and measured nestlings regularly to obtain data on breeding success and nestling growth. As adult feathers are moulted outside the breeding season, adult body condition could not be measured directly during feather growth, and climatic conditions were used as an indirect parameter. The colony of burrowing parrots is surrounded by Monte steppe habitat, the breeding success has been shown to depend strongly on the climatic patterns. The area experienced a drought with very poor breeding success as well as a year of above‐average precipitation during the study period, serving as a natural experiment. We thus analysed the variability of colouration within the population among and within breeding seasons. We observed strong inter‐annual differences in nestling and adult colouration. Nestlings grew blue feathers with lower achromatic brightness during better conditions, and when controlling for year effects, nestlings with higher mass and from more successful families also had blue feathers with lower achromatic brightness. Adult blue feathers showed the same trend, with lower achromatic brightness in the moult following breeding seasons of better conditions. In contrast, during better conditions, adults grew red feathers with higher achromatic brightness and the colour hue was also affected, and the hue of the red region of nestlings varied with the hatching order. The colour of all three regions of nestlings varied between nests, and the colour of the red region of adult males positively correlated with breeding success (clutch size, brood size). In summary, the present data suggest that environmental conditions contribute to variability in both structural and the psittacofulvin‐based colours of wild burrowing parrots.  相似文献   

An important component of the restoration strategy for the critically endangered kaki or black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae) is captive breeding for release. Since 1981 1,879 eggs were collected from wild and captive pairs, with birds laying up to four clutches. Eggs were incubated artificially and most chicks reared by hand until released as juveniles (about 60 days) or sub‐adults (9–10 months). Because survival in captivity is a significant determinant of the number of birds available for release, we wished to identify sources of variation in mortality to assess potential impacts of management on productivity. Hatchability was 78% for captive‐laid eggs and 91% for wild‐laid eggs. Survival of hatched eggs was 82% by 10 months of age for both wild and captive birds. Most egg mortality occurred early in incubation and around hatching: the timing of mortality was unaffected by whether birds were captive or wild, hybrid or pure kaki, or when eggs were laid. Heavier hatchlings showed higher initial survival, as did chicks from wild parents. Hatchlings from fourth‐laid eggs showed lowest survival, even though hatchling mass tended to increase with hatch order. Survival of chicks subjected to major health interventions was 69% after 4 months. No differences in survival were found between different genders, hybrids and pure kaki, hand‐reared or parent‐reared birds, chicks hatching early or late in the season, different seasons, different‐sized groups of chicks, chicks reared in different brooders, juveniles kept in different aviaries, and chicks from subsequent clutches. Birds subjected to minor health interventions were equally likely to survive as healthy chicks (82%). Survival was high despite aggressive management (quadruple clutching and collecting late in the season). Differences between captive and wild birds suggest further improvements could be made to captive diet. Wide variation in hatchability between parent pairs substantiates the practice of breaking up poorly performing pairs. Zoo Biol 0:1–16, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tschirren B  Fitze PS  Richner H 《Oecologia》2005,143(3):477-482
While elaborate carotenoid-based traits in adult birds may have evolved as honest signals of individual quality in the context of sexual selection or other social interactions, the function of carotenoid-based colours in juveniles is less well understood. We investigated the hypothesis that carotenoid-based nestling colouration has evolved in response to parental preference of intensely coloured offspring during food provisioning. In a field experiment, we manipulated nestling plumage colouration by a carotenoid-supplementation and analysed the parental food provisioning behaviour before feather appearance and at the end of the nestling stage. Carotenoids per se did not influence the nestlings begging behaviour or parental feeding decisions and we found no evidence that carotenoid-based colouration in nestling great tits has a signalling function in parent-offspring interactions. Parents did not discriminate between intensely coloured and control offspring in their food provisioning and in accordance with this finding intensely coloured nestlings were not heavier or larger at the end of the nestling stage. Alternative explanations for the evolution of carotenoid-based colours in nestling birds are discussed.  相似文献   

Brood reduction in birds is frequently induced by hatching asynchrony. Crested penguins (genus Eudyptes) are obligate brood reducers, but in contrast to most other birds, first‐laid eggs are considerably smaller in size than second‐laid eggs; furthermore, first‐laid eggs hatch after their siblings. The mechanisms underlying this reversal in size and hatching order remain unclear. In this study, we tested whether the second‐laid eggs of Snares Penguins Eudyptes robustus have a higher eggshell porosity allowing them to maintain a higher metabolic rate throughout incubation and to hatch before their first‐laid siblings. We investigated differences in egg size, shell thickness, pore density, pore diameter and water vapour conductance between first and second eggs within clutches and examined the influence of these shell characteristics on hatching asynchrony. First‐laid eggs of Snares Penguins were approximately 78% of the size of the larger second eggs. Second‐laid eggs had considerably thicker shells and more pores per cm2 than first eggs, whereas pore diameter did not differ between eggs. Water vapour conductance was greater in second‐ (16.8 mg/day/torr) than in first‐laid eggs (14.9 mg/day/torr). The difference in water vapour conductance between first‐ and second‐laid eggs within clutches was related to hatching patterns. In nests where second eggs hatched before first‐laid eggs, second eggs had a considerably greater water conductance than their sibling, whereas in nests where both eggs hatched on the same day, the difference in water conductance between eggs was very small, and in a few nests where small first eggs hatched before their larger sibling, they had a greater water conductance than their larger second‐laid nestmate. Surprisingly few studies have investigated differences in shell characteristics between eggs within clutches and associated effects on hatching asynchrony. This study has demonstrated that such differences exist between eggs within clutches and that they can influence hatching patterns.  相似文献   

The relative age of an individual's siblings is a major cause of fitness variation in many species. In Blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), we show that age hierarchies are predominantly caused by incubation preclutch completion, such that last laid eggs hatch later than early laid eggs. However, after statistically controlling for incubation behavior late laid eggs are shown to hatch more quickly than early laid eggs reducing the amount of asynchrony. By experimentally switching early and late laid eggs between nests on the day they were laid, we controlled for the effect of differential incubation and found that the faster hatching times of late laid eggs remains. Chicks that hatched earlier were heavier and had higher probability of fledgling, and chicks that hatched from experimental eggs had patterns of growth and survival consistent with this. Egg mass explained a small part of this variation, but the remainder must be due to egg composition. These results are consistent with the idea that intrinsic differences between eggs across the laying sequence serve to mitigate the effects of age‐related hierarchies. We also show that between‐clutch variation in prenatal developmental rate exists and that it is mainly environmental in origin rather than genetic.  相似文献   

Early arrival to breeding grounds is a life history trait in birds that can result in fitness benefits. We studied the relationship between arrival date and breeding success of individuals in a central Iberian population of white stork Ciconia ciconia , between 1999 and 2005, and the ways in which other potential factors, such as age or sex, affect this relationship. Our results showed that age was the factor most closely related to arrival date and breeding success. Older individuals returned earlier to the breeding grounds, achieved larger clutch sizes and produced more chicks than younger birds. After controlling statistically for age effect, breeding probability (laid eggs or not) and laying date were still significantly explained by arrival date. A higher probability of failure to reproduce (no eggs laid) was found in birds arriving later than in those arriving early. However, clutch size and nestling success (number of nestlings in the nest 40 days after hatching) were not correlated with arrival date. Food availability in the study area throughout the breeding cycle, due to a nearby rubbish dump, could be the factor mitigating differences in clutch size and nestling success related to individual arrival date.  相似文献   

CLARE S. LLOYD 《Ibis》1979,121(2):165-176
A study of the breeding biology of the Razorbill was carried out on Skokholm (South Wales) during 1971-73. Birds ringed or colour ringed before the study began provided additional information upon the effects of age on breeding. Mean laying date was delayed in 1972, compared with 1971; the effect is attributed chiefly to stormy weather which upset colony attendance. Eggs were also smaller in 1972. A seasonal decline in egg size (volume) was noted in all three years, attributed mainly to the later laying of young birds. Egg size increased with age, at least up to the fifteenth year. Eggs lost totalled 30% of those laid; 73% of this total was due to predation by Herring Gulls and of Jackdaws. Most losses (45%) occurred during the first 10 days after laying. Of lost eggs, 25% were replaced, usually 14 days after the loss of the original; only eggs laid and lost early in the season could be replaced. Only 7% of the chicks which hatched failed to fledge. Most (62.5%) chick losses occurred in the first week of nestling life, when chick weight was related to egg size. Afterwards, both growth rate and fledging weight were independent of egg size. The chicks fledging early in the season were heavier than later chicks. Failure to fledge was mainly due to a breakdown in behaviour between parent and young, rather than to predation. Breeding success was highest for birds breeding early in the season, most of which were older, more experienced breeders. These laid early enough to replace an egg if it was lost; they produced large eggs, and their chicks were therefore both heavier than average during the critical first 7–10 days of life, and fledged at a high weight. Thus experience accumulated with age, and the ability to lay early in the season are important for successful breeding in the Razorbill.  相似文献   

Many bird species lay eggs speckled with protoporphyrin‐based spots, however, for most of them the function of eggshell spotting is unknown. A plausible hypothesis is that protoporphyrin might have a structural function in strengthening the eggshell and is therefore deposited when calcium is scarce. In this study, we experimentally provided Great Tit Parus major females with supplemental calcium to examine its effect on the protoporphyrin‐based maculation of their eggs. In addition, we studied variation in eggshell pigmentation patterns in relation to other egg parameters and laying order. Calcium‐supplemented females laid larger eggs but shell thickness was not significantly affected by the treatment. Calcium supplementation may reduce the time and energy females devote to searching for calcium‐rich material, so that they can collect more nutrients and so lay larger eggs. Furthermore, pigment darkness was associated with egg volume and shape, which suggests that female quality and environmental food availability may also influence the shell pigmentation pattern. Within clutches, later‐laid eggs had larger and darker spots that were distributed more unevenly on the shell surface. This within‐clutch pattern could be explained by the increase in egg volume and egg shape and a decline in shell thickness with egg‐laying order, which characteristics were all related to shell‐spotting pattern. Eggs with a coronal ring had thinner shells, but pigment intensity and spot size were not related to shell thickness. Thus, our results suggest that concentrated spotting distribution may have a mechanical function, supporting the structural‐function hypothesis.  相似文献   

The signalling function of melanin‐based colouration is debated. Sexual selection theory states that ornaments should be costly to produce, maintain, wear or display to signal quality honestly to potential mates or competitors. An increasing number of studies supports the hypothesis that the degree of melanism covaries with aspects of body condition (e.g. body mass or immunity), which has contributed to change the initial perception that melanin‐based colour ornaments entail no costs. Indeed, the expression of many (but not all) melanin‐based colour traits is weakly sensitive to the environment but strongly heritable suggesting that these colour traits are relatively cheap to produce and maintain, thus raising the question of how such colour traits could signal quality honestly. Here I review the production, maintenance and wearing/displaying costs that can generate a correlation between melanin‐based colouration and body condition, and consider other evolutionary mechanisms that can also lead to covariation between colour and body condition. Because genes controlling melanic traits can affect numerous phenotypic traits, pleiotropy could also explain a linkage between body condition and colouration. Pleiotropy may result in differently coloured individuals signalling different aspects of quality that are maintained by frequency‐dependent selection or local adaptation. Colouration may therefore not signal absolute quality to potential mates or competitors (e.g. dark males may not achieve a higher fitness than pale males); otherwise genetic variation would be rapidly depleted by directional selection. As a consequence, selection on heritable melanin‐based colouration may not always be directional, but mate choice may be conditional to environmental conditions (i.e. context‐dependent sexual selection). Despite the interest of evolutionary biologists in the adaptive value of melanin‐based colouration, its actual role in sexual selection is still poorly understood.  相似文献   

In birds, female egg allocation patterns have a strong influence in offspring development and differential investment in egg size and composition has been shown to respond to male attractiveness. In this study we experimentally manipulated the perceived attractiveness of male starlings Sturnus unicolor by increasing the amount of green material in some nests (a male courtship display in this species). We predicted that, if female investment before laying is related to male attractiveness, experimental females would increase their reproductive investment in response to the addition of plants in their nests when compared to control females. We found that our manipulation caused variations in female reproductive investment in a way that seems to influence offspring quantity but not offspring quality: Females laid larger clutch sizes but not larger eggs when green plant material was added. However, yolk androgens contents were not related to the experimental manipulation. Contrary to expectations, females breeding in experimental nests laid eggs with smaller amounts of eggshell pigments. Interestingly, we found that eggs laid later in the sequence had higher testosterone levels and showed more intense egg colouration than eggs laid earlier in the sequence. These differences at the within-clutch level suggest that selection has favoured compensatory strategies for hatching asynchrony. Alternatively, since nest sabotages by other females are most common at the beginning of laying, this could be seen as female strategy to minimise losses due to nest sabotages. As far as we know, this is the first study to show that an external egg characteristic such as blue-green colouration reflects yolk androgen concentration.  相似文献   

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