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Understanding and disentangling different processes underlying the assembly and diversity of communities remains a key challenge in ecology. Species can assemble into communities either randomly or due to deterministic processes. Deterministic assembly leads to species being more similar (underdispersed) or more different (overdispersed) in certain traits than would be expected by chance. However, the relative importance of those processes is not well understood for many organisms, including terrestrial invertebrates. Based on knowledge of a broad range of species traits, we tested for the presence of trait underdispersion (indicating dispersal or environmental filtering) and trait overdispersion (indicating niche partitioning) and their relative importance in explaining land snail community composition on lake islands. The analysis of community assembly was performed using a functional diversity index (Rao's quadratic entropy) in combination with a null model approach. Regression analysis with the effect sizes of the assembly tests and environmental variables gave information on the strength of under‐ and overdispersion along environmental gradients. Additionally, we examined the link between community weighted mean trait values and environmental variables using a CWM‐RDA. We found both trait underdispersion and trait overdispersion, but underdispersion (eight traits) was more frequently detected than overdispersion (two traits). Underdispersion was related to four environmental variables (tree cover, habitat diversity, productivity of ground vegetation, and location on an esker ridge). Our results show clear evidence for underdispersion in traits driven by environmental filtering, but no clear evidence for dispersal filtering. We did not find evidence for overdispersion of traits due to diet or body size, but overdispersion in shell shape may indicate niche differentiation between snail species driven by small‐scale habitat heterogeneity. The use of species traits enabled us to identify key traits involved in snail community assembly and to detect the simultaneous occurrence of trait underdispersion and overdispersion.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in algae‐based bioassessment, particularly, trait‐based approaches are increasingly suggested. However, the main drivers, especially the contribution of hydrological variables, of species composition, trait composition, and beta diversity of algae communities are less studied. To link species and trait composition to multiple factors (i.e., hydrological variables, local environmental variables, and spatial factors) that potentially control species occurrence/abundance and to determine their relative roles in shaping species composition, trait composition, and beta diversities of pelagic algae communities, samples were collected from a German lowland catchment, where a well‐proven ecohydrological modeling enabled to predict long‐term discharges at each sampling site. Both trait and species composition showed significant correlations with hydrological, environmental, and spatial variables, and variation partitioning revealed that the hydrological and local environmental variables outperformed spatial variables. A higher variation of trait composition (57.0%) than species composition (37.5%) could be explained by abiotic factors. Mantel tests showed that both species and trait‐based beta diversities were mostly related to hydrological and environmental heterogeneity with hydrological contributing more than environmental variables, while purely spatial impact was less important. Our findings revealed the relative importance of hydrological variables in shaping pelagic algae community and their spatial patterns of beta diversities, emphasizing the need to include hydrological variables in long‐term biomonitoring campaigns and biodiversity conservation or restoration. A key implication for biodiversity conservation was that maintaining the instream flow regime and keeping various habitats among rivers are of vital importance. However, further investigations at multispatial and temporal scales are greatly needed.  相似文献   

Aims For plants to establish in a local community from a pool of possible colonizers from the region, it must pass through a series of filters. Which of the filters is most important in this process has been much debated. In this study, we explored how species are filtered from the regional species pool into local communities. The aim was to determine if differences in species abundance and functional traits could explain which species from the regional species pool establish at the local scale and if the filtering differed between grassland communities.Methods This study took place in a cultivated landscape in southeastern Sweden. We estimated plant species abundance in 12 ex-arable field sites and 8 adjacent seminatural grassland sites and in a 100-m radius around the center of each site. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine if species abundance and functional traits (height, seed mass, clonal abilities, specific leaf area and dispersal method) controlled the filtering of species from the regional pool into local communities.Important findings On average, only 28% of species found in the regional pool established in the ex-arable field sites and 45% in the seminatural grassland sites, indicating that the size of the regional species pool was not limiting local richness. For both grassland types, species abundance in the regional pool was positively correlated with species occurrence at the local scale. We found evidence for both species interaction filtering and dispersal limitation influencing the local assembly. Both local and regional processes were thus influencing the filtering of species from the regional species pool into local communities. In addition, the age of the communities influenced species filtering, indicating that community assembly and the importance of different filters in that process change over succession.  相似文献   

Waterbird communities are prone to strong temporal changes both seasonally and annually, but little is known about how this affects their functional diversity and community assembly. Detecting temporal trends in taxonomic and functional diversity within (alpha diversity) and between (beta diversity) communities in breeding and wintering seasons could give insight into the ecological processes driving those trends. In this study, we investigated trends in wintering and breeding waterbirds within and between eleven wetlands in Mediterranean Spain, using a 28‐year time‐series up to 2017. We assessed the temporal trends in taxonomic and functional diversity measures, and compared observed functional diversity values with null expectations, in order to explore the mechanisms driving community assembly. We found increases over time in species richness and in the occupied functional space for both wintering and breeding communities, indicating that species with distinct functional roles were added in both seasons. However, the distribution of the abundances in the functional space was different for breeding and wintering communities. Dissimilarity of species and functional traits decreased among wetlands, suggesting that some of the same functional traits were added to the different wetlands, increasing regional homogenization through time. This is reflected in increases over time in mean body mass, diet plasticity and in the importance of fish in waterbird diets, plus declines in the dietary importance of invertebrates and in plasticity of feeding strata. Furthermore, species composition between wintering and breeding communities, but not trait composition, has become more similar through time. Our results highlight that annual changes, and especially seasonal changes, in the composition of waterbird communities have different effects on their functional diversity, and are influenced by opposing community assembly mechanisms.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Spatial correlations between ecological patterns and processes are thought to be scale-dependent, yet surprisingly few studies have evaluated the correspondence between different levels of spatial scale and ecosystem structure and function.
2. We evaluated the strength of relationships between the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of stony littoral habitats and levels of ecological scale and geographical position, using partial constrained ordination. Our hypothesis was that correlation strength would be inversely related to ecological scale, i.e. habitat > ecosystem > riparian > catchment > ecoregion.
3. The effect of habitat was greater than that of other levels of spatial scale: 23% of the variance in taxonomic composition and 11% of that in functional composition was explained by habitat variables alone. However, greater spatial scales were also important. For example, the combined influence of riparian, catchment and ecoregion classification accounted for 24% (taxonomic) and 11% (functional) of the explained variance.
4. Relationships between organisms and scale variables were, however, non-linear and a substantial amount of the functional variance was hidden in joint effects. These findings were not unexpected, and presumably indicate a close interdependence between local and regional-scale variables.  相似文献   

1. Characterisation of biodiversity is typically based on taxonomic approaches, while much less is known about other related aspects. Functional trait diversity is one such component of biodiversity that has not been addressed rigorously in ecological research until recently. We tested the congruence between taxonomic‐ and trait‐based approaches, and examined how spatial configuration, local abiotic environmental factors and biotic effects interact to influence taxonomic‐ and trait‐based characterisation of freshwater fish assemblages. 2. Fish assemblage data were compiled for 124 lakes in southern Finland. Variance partitioning in both linear regression analyses and redundancy analysis was used to quantify the relative contribution of spatial and environmental variables to taxonomic and functional trait diversity and structure. Additionally, a null model analysis was used to test for the potential effects of interspecific segregation and biotic interactions on the co‐occurrence of species. 3. The species pool was relatively poor. However, trait‐based classification of species indicated that most species belonged to unique functional entities, which suggested low redundancy in species composition. Correlation analysis indicated a very strong relationship between species richness (SR) and the number of unique trait combinations (UTC). Ecoregion‐level heterogeneity in SR and UTC were well represented in a relatively small group of randomly selected lakes (c. 30 lakes). Multiple regressions indicated moderate roles for abiotic environmental variables (i.e. lake surface area, depth, total phosphorous, colour and pH) in determining SR, UTC and the distribution of single trait categories, whereas geographical location was not generally influential. 4. Redundancy analysis revealed similar patterns to those of diversity analyses for taxonomic and associated trait‐based structure, emphasising the effect of abiotic environmental variables and the negligible effect of geographical position. 5. Co‐occurrence analysis indicated significant checkerboard distribution at the whole assemblage level, but interspecific segregation proved to be of relatively minor importance in the constrained analyses, where species pair combinations within trait category groups were evaluated. 6. Our results suggest that taxonomic‐ and trait‐based patterns of boreal lake fish assemblages are strongly interrelated. Environmental filtering through the effects of local abiotic variables seems to have the most prominent role in determining trait‐based assemblage patterns among lakes, which may also be secondarily shaped by biotic interactions. 7. From the applied perspective, it may not necessarily matter whether traditional taxonomic or more novel trait‐based approaches are used in characterising spatial patterns in boreal fish assemblages. However, trait‐based approaches may provide complementary information which cannot be directly revealed by taxonomic data.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity is one of the most influential factors that create compositional variation among local communities. Greater compositional variation is expected when an environmental gradient encompasses the most severe conditions where species sorting is more likely to operate. However, evidence for stronger species sorting at severer environment has typically been obtained for less mobile organisms and tests are scarce for those with higher dispersal ability that allows individuals to sensitively respond to environmental stress. Here, with the dynamics of fish communities in a Japanese bay revealed by environmental DNA metabarcoding analyses as a model case, we tested the hypothesis that larger environmental heterogeneity caused by severe seasonal hypoxia (lower concentration of oxygen in bottom waters in summer) leads to larger variation of species composition among communities. During summer, fish species richness was lower in the bottom layer, suggesting the severity of the hypoxic bottom water. In contrast to the prediction, we found that although the environmental parameters of bottom and surface water was clearly distinct in summer, fish species composition was more similar between the two layers. Our null model analysis suggested that the higher compositional similarity during hypoxia season was not a result of the sampling effect reflecting differences in the alpha or gamma diversity. Furthermore, a shift in the species occurrence from bottom to surface layers was observed during hypoxia season, which was consistent across species, suggesting that the severe condition in the bottom adversely affected fish species irrespective of their identity. These results suggest that larger environmental heterogeneity does not necessarily lead to higher compositional variation once the environmental gradient encompasses extremely severe conditions. This is most likely because individual organisms actively avoided the severity quasi‐neutrally, which induced mass effect‐like dispersal and lead to the mixing of species composition across habitats. By showing counter evidence against the prevailing view, we provide novel insights into how species sorting by environment acts in heterogeneous and severe conditions.  相似文献   

王丹  王孝安  郭华  王世雄  郑维娜  刘史力 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4409-4415
植物群落构建机制是生态学研究的热点之一.长久以来这个难题并没有得到很好的解释,且争议较多.生态位理论或中性理论,或是二者的共同作用,这样的结论在不同的研究中都有印证.以黄土高原子午岭地区的草地群落为例,对3种不同的草地群落(5a的弃耕地、阴坡和阳坡的草地)进行了野外群落学调查,采用Mantel test和主轴邻距法(PCNM)分析方法,研究了空间地理距离和环境资源差异对于草本植物群落分布的影响,结果表明:地理距离和环境差异共同解释了群落组成相似性的79.3%,剔除环境因子的影响,地理距离解释了群落组成相似性的33.8%;而剔除地理距离的影响,环境因子解释了群落组成相似性的14.2%.无论是生态位理论还是中性理论,其在黄土高原草本群落构建过程中都有作用,但中性理论扮演了更为重要的角色.  相似文献   

  1. The dissimilarity and hierarchy of trait values that characterize niche and fitness differences, respectively, have been increasingly applied to infer mechanisms driving community assembly and to explain species co‐occurrence patterns. Here, we predict that limiting similarity should result in the spatial segregation of functionally similar species, while functionally similar species will be more likely to co‐occur either due to environmental filtering or due to competitive exclusion of inferior competitors (hereafter hierarchical competition).
  2. We used a fully mapped 50‐ha subtropical forest plot in southern China to explore how pairwise spatial associations between saplings and between adult trees were influenced by trait dissimilarity and hierarchy in order to gain insight into assembly mechanisms. We assessed pairwise spatial associations using two summary statistics of spatial point patterns at different spatial scales and compared the effects of trait dissimilarity and trait hierarchy of different functional traits on the interspecific spatial associations. These comparisons allow us to disentangle the effects of limiting similarity, environmental filtering, and hierarchical competition on species co‐occurrence.
  3. We found that trait dissimilarity was generally negatively related to interspecific spatial associations for both saplings and adult trees across spatial scales, meaning that species with similar trait values were more likely to co‐occur and thus supporting environmental filtering or hierarchical competition. We further found that trait hierarchy outweighed trait dissimilarity in structuring pairwise spatial associations, suggesting that hierarchical competition played a more important role in structuring our forest community than environmental filtering across life stages.
  4. This study employed a novel method, by offering the integration of pairwise spatial association and trait dissimilarity as well as trait hierarchy, to disentangle the relative importance of multiple assembly mechanisms in structuring co‐occurrence patterns, especially the mechanisms of environmental filtering and hierarchical competition, which lead to indistinguishable co‐occurrence patterns. This study also reinforced the importance of trait hierarchy rather than trait dissimilarity in driving neighborhood competition.

  1. Species distribution models often fail to predict observed patterns of species diversity, and this is because some species within a regional pool that are tolerant of conditions at a given location may nevertheless be absent from the local community. These missing species have been termed “dark diversity”. In the present study, we investigated which factors explain dark diversity among fish assemblages in Amazonian streams.
  2. We sampled 71 streams in areas with different types of land use within two river basins and estimated dark diversity from patterns of species co-occurrence, using Beals’ index, along environmental gradients. From this procedure, taxa are designated as dark diversity components when they are absent from a given stream, but often co-occur with the local species at other streams, indicating similar ecological requirements. We used generalised linear models both to determine whether environmental or landscape variables, connectivity, instream environmental heterogeneity or some combination of these factors explained dark diversity of fishes, and to evaluate whether ecomorphology is associated with the extent to which a species contributes to dark diversity and which specific traits contribute the most to explaining variation in dark diversity.
  3. Mean local diversity exceeded observed dark diversity. The magnitude of dark diversity was directly associated with the proportion of secondary forest in the immediate catchment and with the index of proximity to anthropogenic impact. Species that have high affinity for environments with higher current velocity, low swimming ability and that capture food mainly on the surface contributed more to dark diversity, which suggests that swimming ability, habitat preference and aspects related to diet are key predictors of the probability that a given species will be present at locations with suitable habitat.
  4. Our findings reinforce the idea that dark diversity results from interactions between species traits and environmental factors, including anthropogenic impacts. Understanding the interplay among environmental factors and species traits that contribute to dark diversity provides targets for improved ecosystem restoration and sustainability of native species assemblages.

Functional diversity is intimately linked with community assembly processes, but its large‐scale patterns of variation are often not well understood. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal changes in multiple trait dimensions (“trait space”) along vertical intertidal environmental stress gradients and across a landscape scale. We predicted that the range of the trait space covered by local assemblages (i.e., functional richness) and the dispersion in trait abundances (i.e., functional dispersion) should increase from high‐ to low‐intertidal elevations, due to the decreasing influence of environmental filtering. The abundance of macrobenthic algae and invertebrates was estimated at four rocky shores spanning ca. 200 km of the coast over a 36‐month period. Functional richness and dispersion were contrasted against matrix‐swap models to remove any confounding effect of species richness on functional diversity. Random‐slope models showed that functional richness and dispersion significantly increased from high‐ to low‐intertidal heights, demonstrating that under harsh environmental conditions, the assemblages comprised similar abundances of functionally similar species (i.e., trait convergence), while that under milder conditions, the assemblages encompassed differing abundances of functionally dissimilar species (i.e., trait divergence). According to the Akaike information criteria, the relationship between local environmental stress and functional richness was persistent across sites and sampling times, while functional dispersion varied significantly. Environmental filtering therefore has persistent effects on the range of trait space covered by these assemblages, but context‐dependent effects on the abundances of trait combinations within such range. Our results further suggest that natural and/or anthropogenic factors might have significant effects on the relative abundance of functional traits, despite that no trait addition or extinction is detected.  相似文献   

Boyero  Luz 《Ecological Research》2003,18(4):365-379
Our ability to detect patterns of variation of communities depends on the spatial scale of observation. I examined the spatial variation of macroinvertebrate community structure: abundance, richness, evenness, percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT), and taxonomic composition across a wide range of spatial scales in two mountain streams. In a nested design, three segments were selected within each basin, three riffles within each segment, three sections within each riffle, and three samples within each section. Significant variation of communities occurred mainly at sample and riffle scales, although different community characteristics may vary at different scales. Environmental factors were strongly related to communities, but these relationships depended on spatial scale in many cases, suggesting that the influence of the environment is ultimately regulated by the grain and extent of organisms. This study highlights the importance of multiscale studies to obtain a complete understanding of the spatial variation of macroinvertebrate communities and their relationship with the environment.  相似文献   

Aim The drivers of species assembly, by limiting the possible range of functional trait values, can lead to either convergent or divergent distributions of traits in realized assemblages. Here, to evaluate the strengths of these species assembly drivers, we partition trait variance across global, regional and community scales. We then test the hypothesis that, from global to community scales, the outcome of co‐occurring trait convergence and divergence is highly variable across biomes and communities. Location Global: nine biomes ranging from subarctic highland to tropical rain forest. Methods We analysed functional trait diversity at progressively finer spatial scales using a global, balanced, hierarchically structured dataset from 9 biomes, 58 communities and 652 species. Analyses were based on two key leaf traits (foliar nitrogen content and specific leaf area) that are known to drive biogeochemical cycling. Results While 35% of the global variance in these traits was between biomes, only 15% was between communities within biomes and as much as 50% occurred within communities. Despite this relatively high within‐community variance in trait values, we found that trait convergence dominated over divergence at both global and regional scales through comparisons of functional trait diversity in regional and community assemblages against random (null) models of species assembly. Main conclusions We demonstrate that the convergence of traits occurring from global to regional assemblages can be twice as strong as that from regional to community assemblages, and argue that large differences in the nature and strength of abiotic and biotic drivers of dominant species assembly can, at least partly, explain the variable outcome of simultaneous trait convergence and divergence across sites. Ultimately, these findings stress the urgent need to extend species assembly research to address those scales where trait variance is the highest, i.e. between biomes and within communities.  相似文献   

Functional traits have long been considered the ‘holy grail’ in community ecology due to their potential to link phenotypic variation with ecological processes. Advancements across taxonomic disciplines continue to support functional ecology's objective to approach generality in community assembly. However, a divergence of definitions, aims and methods across taxa has created discord, limiting the field's predictive capacity. Here, we provide a guide to support functional ecological comparisons across taxa. We describe advances in cross‐taxa functional research, identify gaps in approaches, synthesize definitions and unify methodological considerations. When deciding which traits to compare, particularly response traits, we advocate selecting functionally analogous traits that relate to community assembly processes. Finally, we describe at what scale and for which questions functional comparisons across taxa are useful and when other approaches may be more constructive. Our approach promotes standardized methods for integrative research across taxa to identify broad trends in community assembly.  相似文献   

Understanding the imprint of environmental filtering on community assembly along environmental gradients is a key objective of trait‐gradient analyses. Depending on local constraints, this filtering generally entails that species departing from an optimum trait value have lower abundances in the community. The community‐weighted mean (CWM) and variance (CWV) of trait values are then expected to depict the optimum and intensity of filtering, respectively. However, the trait distribution within the regional species pool and its limits can also affect local CWM and CWV values apart from the effect of environmental filtering. The regional trait range limits are more likely to be reached in communities at the extremes of environmental gradients. Analogous to the mid‐domain effect in biogeography, decreasing CWV values in extreme environments can then represent the influence of regional trait range limits rather than stronger filtering in the local environment. We name this effect the ‘trait‐gradient boundary effect’ (TGBE). First, we use a community assembly framework to build simulated communities along a gradient from a species pool and environmental filtering with either constant or varying intensity while accounting for immigration processes. We demonstrate the significant influence of TGBE, in parallel to environmental filtering, on CWM and CWV at the extremes of the environmental gradient. We provide a statistical tool based on Approximate Bayesian Computation to decipher the respective influence of local environmental filtering and regional trait range limits. Second, as a case study, we reanalyze the functional composition of alpine plant communities distributed along a gradient of snow cover duration. We show that leaf trait convergence found in communities at the extremes of the gradient reflect an influence of trait range limits rather than stronger environmental filtering. These findings challenge correlative trait–environment relationships and call for more explicitly identifying the mechanisms responsible of trait convergence/divergence along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

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