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Morphological data, in combination with molecular data, may provide invaluable insights into speciation processes on archipelagos. Land snails offer ample opportunities to evalutate adaptive and non-adaptive speciation scenarios. However, studies investigating processes of differentiation and speciation on the Azores are scarce. The present study comprises a morphometrical analysis of shell and genital characters in a group of Azorean land snails (Pulmonata, Leptaxinae). Geographical isolation appears to be an important mechanism underlying morphological and molecular differentiation in the Azorean Leptaxini, instead of adaptive radiation through ecological differentiation. Nevertheless, we could not exclude the occurrence of ecological speciation on the oldest island (Santa Maria) where two species that markedly differ in shell-shape co-occur.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 166–176.  相似文献   

Species that are endemic to isolated islands often differ dramatically in size from their mainland relatives, for reasons that are poorly understood. While decades of research have sought to better understand insular size changes in animals, far fewer studies have investigated insular size changes in plants. Here, I test for changes in plant stature, seed size and leaf area in a woody shrub (Alyxia ruscifolia, Apocynaceae), which inhabits both the continent of Australia, and Lord Howe Island, a subtropical island located 600 km off Australia's east coast. Results showed that island plants became reproductively mature at earlier stages of ontogeny than mainland plants, and that mature plants were taller on the mainland, providing a rare example of dwarfism in plants. Conversely, island plants produced larger seeds, which might make them more competitive as seedlings. Seeds produced by island plants were also less circular and more oblong in shape than their mainland counterparts, perhaps to facilitate their dispersal by avian frugivores with limited gape sizes. Lastly, island and mainland plants had similar average leaf sizes. However, juvenile plants on the mainland produced smaller, more needle‐shaped leaves with larger terminal spines relative to adult plants, which may help protect them against large, ground‐dwelling herbivores. On the other hand, island plants showed weaker ontogenetic shifts in leaf morphology in the absence of large herbivores. When interpreted jointly, results indicate that stature, seed size and leaf area are on separate evolutionary trajectories in A. ruscifolia, which appear to be determined by a complex suite of disparate selection pressures between Lord Howe Island and the mainland.  相似文献   

Aim In contrast to angiosperms, bryophytes do not appear to have radiated in Macaronesia and the western Mediterranean. We evaluate if: (1) the apparent lack of radiation in bryophytes reflects our failure to recognize cryptic endemic species; (2) bryophytes are characterized by extremely low evolutionary rates; or (3) bryophytes have a high dispersal ability, which prevents genetic isolation. Location Worldwide, with a special emphasis on Macaronesia and the western Mediterranean. Methods Three chloroplast regions were sequenced from samples of the moss Grimmia montana from its entire distribution range. Network analyses, Fst and Nst statistics were used to describe and interpret the phylogeographical signal in the data. Results Despite significant phylogeographical signal in the chloroplast genome, which demonstrates limits to gene flow at the continental scale, repeated sister group relationships observed among accessions from different geographical areas suggest recurrent colonization patterns. These observations are consistent with mounting evidence that intercontinental distributions exhibited by many bryophyte species result from long‐distance dispersal rather than continental drift. Madeiran and western Mediterranean island haplotypes are either shared by, or closely related to, European and North American ones. Fst values between Madeira, western Mediterranean islands, North America and Europe are not significantly different from zero, and suggest that Madeira and the south‐western Mediterranean are subject to strong transatlantic gene flow. By contrast, haplotypes found in the Canary Islands are shared or closely related to those of populations from south‐western Europe or southern Africa. Main conclusions Multiple origins and colonization events are not consistent with the hypothesis of a relictual origin of the Macaronesian moss flora. One possible reason for the failure of taxa that experienced multiple colonization events to radiate is niche pre‐emption. We suggest that strong gene flow, coupled with the occupancy of all suitable niches, either by earlier conspecific colonizers or by other species, could be the mechanism preventing island radiation in G. montana and other cryptogams with high long‐distance dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

Aim Cryptoblepharus is a genus of small arboreal or rock‐dwelling scincid lizards, widespread through the Indo‐Pacific and Australian regions, with a disjunct outlier in the Malagasy region. The taxonomy within this genus is controversial, with different authors ranking the different forms (now some 36) at various levels, from different species to subspecies of a single species, Cryptoblepharus boutonii. We investigated the biogeography and genetic differentiation of the Cryptoblepharus from the Western Indian Ocean region, in order to understand their origin and history. Location Western Indian Ocean region. Methods We analysed sequences of mitochondrial DNA (partial 12s and 16s rRNA genes, 766 bp) from 48 specimens collected in Madagascar, Mauritius, the four Comoros islands and East Africa, and also in New Caledonia, representing the Australo‐Pacific unit of the distribution. Results Pairwise sequence divergences of c. 3.1% were found between the New Caledonian forms and the ones from the Western Indian Ocean. Two clades were identified in Madagascar, probably corresponding to the recognized forms cognatus and voeltzkowi, and two clades were identified in the Comoro islands, where each island population formed a distinct haplotype clade. The East African samples form a monophyletic unit, with some variation existing between Pemba, Zanzibar and continental Tanzania populations. Individuals from Mauritius form a divergent group, more related to populations from Moheli and Grand Comore (Comoros islands) than to the others. Main conclusions The level of divergence between the populations from the Western Indian Ocean and Australian regions and the geographic coherence of the variation within the Western Indian Ocean group are concordant with the hypothesis of a colonization of this region by a natural transoceanic dispersal (from Australia or Indonesia). The group then may have diversified in Madagascar, from where it separately colonized the East African coast, the Comoros islands (twice), and Mauritius. The genetic divergence found is congruent with the known morphological variation, but its degree is much lower than typically seen between distinct species of reptiles.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the shape of the dispersal kernel, especially its tail, has a substantial effect on the genetic structure of species. Theory predicts that dispersal by fat‐tailed kernels reshuffles genetic material, and thus, preserves genetic diversity during colonization. Moreover, if efficient long‐distance dispersal is coupled with random colonization, an inverse isolation effect is predicted to develop in which increasing genetic diversity per colonizer is expected with increasing distance from a genetically variable source. By contrast, increasing isolation leads to decreasing genetic diversity when dispersal is via thin‐tailed kernels. Here, we use a well‐established model group for dispersal biology (peat mosses: genus Sphagnum) with a fat‐tailed dispersal kernel, and the natural laboratory of the Stockholm archipelago to study the validity of the inverse isolation hypothesis in spore‐dispersed plants in island colonization. Population genetic structure of three species (Sphagnum fallax, Sphagnum fimbriatum and Sphagnum palustre) with contrasting life histories and ploidy levels were investigated on a set of islands using microsatellites. Our data show (, amova , IBD) that dispersal of the two most abundant species can be well approximated by a random colonization model. We find that genetic diversity per colonizer on islands increases with distance from the mainland for S. fallax and S. fimbriatum. By contrast, S. palustre deviates from this pattern, owing to its restricted distribution in the region, affecting its source pool strength. Therefore, the inverse isolation effect appears to hold in natural populations of peat mosses and, likely, in other organisms with small diaspores.  相似文献   


The autecology of the Sardinian endemics Aquilegia barbaricina Arrigoni et Nardi and A. nugorensis Arrigoni et Nardi were investigated. Peaks of anthesis and seed dispersal were recorded for five populations occurring in two distinct habitats, one riparian and one rupicolous. Germination tests were carried out on seed lots belonging to each population by sowing seeds at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 25/15°C. In addition, seeds were incubated for 2 months at either 25°C (summer), 5°C (winter) or 25°C for 2 months plus 2 months at 5°C (summer followed by winter–SW), and then moved to the germination temperatures. Embryo measurements were taken during pre-treatments and germination. Experimental seed burials were carried out for two populations of each species. Both species dispersed in summer. The population of A. nugorensis occurring on rocky outcrops differed in phenology from both the other A. nugorensis population from riparian vegetation and from A. barbaricina. Both species showed morphophysiological seed dormancy, with <50% germination under laboratory conditions. All riparian populations germinated only after the SW pre-treatment, while the rupicolous population germinated at 25°C, without any pre-treatment. Low germination percentages were observed in the experimental seed burials, suggesting the ability for both species to form a persistent soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Wing-dimorphic, delphacid planthoppers were used to test hypotheses concerning the effects of habitat persistence and architectural complexity on the occurrence of dispersal. For reasons concerning both the durational stability of the habitat and the reduced availability of mates, selection has favored high levels of dispersal in species occupying temporary habitats. Flightlessness predominates in species occupying persistent habitats, and is promoted by a phenotypic trade-off between reproductive success and flight capability. Wings are retained in tree-inhabiting species, probably for reasons concerning the more effective negotiation of three-dimensional habitats. In contrast, flightlessness is characteristic of those species inhabiting low profile host plants. For several delphacid genera, migratory species are larger than their sedentary congeners. Because body size and fecundity are positively related in planthoppers, the large body size observed in migratory taxa may result from selection for increased fecundity in colonizing species.  相似文献   

We investigate how age-structure and differences in certain demographic traits between residents and immigrants of a single species act to determine the evolutionarily stable dispersal strategy in a two-patch environment that is heterogeneous in space but constant in time. These two factors have been neglected in previous models of the evolution of dispersal, which generally consider organisms with very simple life-cycles and assume that, whatever their origin, individuals in a given habitat have the same bio-demographic characteristics. However, there is increasing empirical evidence that dispersing individuals have different demographic properties from phylopatric ones. We develop a matrix model in which recruitment depends on local population densities. We assume that dispersal entails a proportional cost to immigrant fecundity, which can be compensated by differences in survival rates between immigrants and residents. The evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) for dispersal are identified using a combination of analytical expressions and numerical simulations. Our results show that philopatry is selected (1) when dispersal rates do not vary in space, (2) when the metapopulation is a source-sink system and (3) when dispersal rates vary in space (asymmetric dispersal) and immigrants do not compensate for their reduced fecundity. We observe that non-zero asymmetric dispersal rates may be evolutionarily stable when (1) immigrants and residents are demographically alike and (2) immigrants compensate totally for their reduced fecundity through an increase in adult survival. Under these conditions, we find that the ESS occurs when the fitnesses at equilibrium in the two habitats, measured in our model by the realized reproductive rates, are each equal to unity. A comparison with previous studies suggests a unifying rule for the evolution of dispersal: the dispersal rates which permit the spatial homogenization of fitnesses are ESSs. This condition provides new insight into the evolutionary stability of source-sink systems. It also supports the hypothesis that immigrants have adapted demographic strategies, rather than the hypothesis that dispersal is costly and immigrants are at a disavantage compared with residents.  相似文献   

Studying parallel evolution (repeated, independent evolution of similar phenotypes in similar environments) is a powerful tool to understand environment‐dependent selective forces. Surface‐dwelling species that repeatedly and independently colonized caves provide unique models for such studies. The primarily surface‐dwelling Asellus aquaticus species complex is a good candidate to carry out such research, because it colonized several caves in Europe. By comparing 17 functional morphological traits between six cave and nine surface populations of the A. aquaticus species complex, we investigated population divergence in morphology and sexual dimorphism. We found habitat‐dependent population divergence in 10 out of 17 traits, likely reflecting habitat‐driven changes in selection acting on sensory systems, feeding, grooming, and antipredator mechanisms. Sexual dimorphism was present in 15 traits, explained by sexual selection acting on male traits important in male–male agonistic behavior or mate guarding and fecundity selection acting on female traits affecting offspring number and nursing. In eight traits, the degree of sexual dimorphism was habitat dependent. We conclude that cave‐related morphological changes are highly trait‐ and function‐specific and that the strength of sexual/fecundity selection strongly differs between cave and surface habitats. The considerable population variation within habitat type warrants further studies to reveal cave‐specific adaptations besides the parallel patterns.  相似文献   

Dispersal syndromes are often defined by reference to fruit traits that are associated with distinct frugivore guilds. Studies rarely examine the relationship between seed traits and frugivores or test the alternative hypothesis that traits are shaped by climatic variables. We assess whether the evolution of seed size and physical defense are correlated with dispersal-related traits and climatic variables in Artabotrys, a fleshy-fruited tropical lineage. Diaspore traits and WorldClim bioclimatic variables were compiled for 43 species. Correlated evolution was evaluated using phylogenetic regression and model-fitting approaches. The best-fitting multioptima Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model suggests that lineages with smooth testa and thin pericarp (SP) have evolved toward smaller seeds with a thinner testa, whereas lineages with rough testa and/or thick pericarp have evolved toward larger seeds with a thicker testa. A smooth testa facilitates spitting and/or swallowing of intact seeds while fruits with thin pericarp may be preferentially consumed by frugivores with less destructive oral processing, enabling lower investment in seed physical defense in SP lineages. Moreover, small seeds are more likely to be swallowed intact with a food bolus. The effect of climate on seed size and physical defense is equivocal and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Most of the Nordic region was ice-covered during the last (Weichselian) glaciation. During the postglacial period, plant and animal species recolonized the region from several directions and the geographic structuring of genetic variation within Nordic species may still contain a historic component that reflects patterns of postglacial immigration. The present investigation of 69 populations of Silene dioica represents the first large-scale allozyme study of a widespread herbaceous plant in the Nordic region. Although the frequencies of individual alleles showed a range of different geographic patterns, mapping of the axis scores from an ordination of variation at eight polymorphic loci revealed a division into two main geographic groups of populations. The broadly south-western and north-eastern distributions of these two groups of populations suggest that immigration into the region may have involved both eastern and southern geographic sources. However, the geographic boundaries between the two groups of populations are diffuse, and the relatively low between-population component of genetic diversity (GST = 16.4%) suggests a history of extensive gene dispersal by pollen.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 23–34.  相似文献   

Lasthenia californica sensu Ornduff consists of two races that differ in their flavonoid pigments and edaphic tolerances. Recent phylogenetic studies of Lasthenia have revealed that members of L. californica sensu Ornduff belong to two phylogenetic species. The relationship of the edaphic races to these new species and to each other is the focus of this study. Characterization of flavonoid profiles and phylogenetic placement of 33 populations demonstrates that races and phylogenetic taxa are not concordant, suggesting that one or both edaphic races evolved in parallel in the two clades. We hypothesize an edaphically linked ecological role for flavonoid differences that first revealed the existence of two races.  相似文献   

The mathematical symbol for the norm, which is heavily overloaded with multiple definitions that have both universal and specific properties, lends itself to confusion. This is manifest in the proof of an important theorem for population dynamics by Schreiber and Li on how dispersal increases population growth in a periodic environment. Here the theorem is placed in context, the proof is clarified, and the confusing but inconsequential errors corrected.  相似文献   

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