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The down feather of the chick embryo has been examined by electron microscopy during three distinct stages of its early development; the presumptive stage, represented by dorsal skin of an area from which the feather organ will arise; the thickening stage, during which areas of the basal epidermis form spurs projecting into the mesenchyme, and the latter condenses under a thickened area of the epidermis; the elevation stage, at which time the basal epidermis flattens, the entire epidermis increases in thickness, and the underlying mesenchyme becomes more compact. As development proceeds the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the epidermal cells dilates, but during the elevation stage begins to flatten, and Golgi is observed with increasing frequency. The mitochondria do not appear to differ except for those in the periderm during the presumptive stage, in which case they reveal a vacant matrix and irregular cristae. Evidence is presented for actual contact between basal epidermal spurs and filopodia of cells within the mesenchyme, some of which contain numerous vesicles. The basal epidermal spurs are also seen in intimate association with collagen and anchor filaments and a network of reticulin. Evidence is also presented for the presence of neuronal elements within the mesenchyme during the thickening stage. Cross sections of cell processes within the condensations of the mesenchyme resemble unmyelinated nerve fibers, and cross sections of filopodia similar to arborizing axons abound at and within the basal lamina of both the thickening and elevation stages. Further support for the presence of nerve fibers within the mesenchyme comes from positive staining results with Bodian's and Ungewitter's methods. This comparative study of three stages of early development of the feather organ serves as a basis for more detailed investigations of each stage.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of feather keratin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feathers are subject to large aerodynamic forces during flight and must therefore be stiff and strong, yet also light. Published estimates of Young's modulus of the feather keratin composite vary widely in the literature, and it is suggested that this is predominantly due to test methodology rather than true interspecific differences. The factors influencing the Young's modulus of keratin are discussed, together with their functional implications. Damage resistance must also be good; feathers that are lost or broken can only be replaced infrequently, but regularly, at moult. Feather shafts appear to be very strong for their weight. The possible role of the medullary foam in preventing buckling failure is still unclear; medulla removal only appears to have a minimal effect on both the stiffness and strength of whole sections of the rachis. Melanic keratin has properties that make it more competent at resisting abrasive wear than nonmelanic keratin.  相似文献   

The results of comparative electron microscope study of the fine structure of the definitive contour feathers of ten Crows species (Perisoreus infaustus, Garrulus glandarius, Cyanopica cyanus, Pica Pica, Podoceus panderi, Nucifraga caryocatactes, Corvus monedula, C.frugilegus, C. cornix, C. corax) are presented. The results of the research allowed us to conclude that crows, along with the traditional elements of feather architectonics, have a number of species-specific microstructure characteristics that are taxonomically important.  相似文献   

Many species of birds line their nests with feathers, and it has been hypothesized that this functions to provide a thermally stable microenvironment for the development of eggs and nestlings. Feathers in the nest may also function as a mechanism for parasite control, providing a physical barrier that protects nestlings from ectoparasites. We tested these hypotheses by performing a feather removal and addition experiment in tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor, a species well‐known for lining their nests with feathers. While we found no evidence that quantity of feathers in nests influenced the ability of females to produce and incubate eggs, offspring in well‐feathered nests had longer flight feathers and were structurally larger just prior to fledging that those in nests with fewer feathers. Furthermore, we also demonstrated a positive correlation between feathers and the abundance of larval blow flies Protocalliphora spp. in nests, a result opposite to that predicted by the anti‐parasite hypothesis. While our study provides strong support for the insulation hypothesis, we also discuss the possibility that devoting time to feather gathering may result in males losing paternity in their nests, although manipulative studies will be necessary to fully evaluate this idea.  相似文献   

Corticosterone (CORT) is seasonally modulated in many passerines, with plasma CORT concentrations lowest during the prebasic molt when all feathers are replaced. To explain why, we proposed that the birds downregulate natural CORT release during molt in order to avoid CORT's degradative effects on proteins and its inhibition of protein synthesis. If CORT exerted these effects during molt, it could slow protein deposition during feather production and potentially result in a longer period of degraded flight performance. To test this hypothesis, either empty or CORT-filled silastic implants were inserted into captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) undergoing induced (feather replacement after plucking) and natural molts. We then measured the rate of feather re-growth by regularly measuring the length of primary, secondary, and tail feathers. CORT implanted birds showed a significantly decreased rate of feather growth compared to control animals. Basal CORT concentrations of induced molt and non-molting birds were also compared but no difference was noted. The results suggest a tradeoff; a complete set of new feathers may be more important to the survival of a bird than the ability of CORT to respond maximally to a stressor.  相似文献   

Surface properties, such as adhesion and hydrophobicity, constrain dispersal of bacterial spores in the environment. In Bacillus subtilis, these properties are influenced by the outermost layer of the spore, the crust. Previous work has shown that two clusters, cotVWXYZ and cgeAB, encode the protein components of the crust. Here, we characterize the respective roles of these genes in surface properties using Bacterial Adherence to Hydrocarbons assays, negative staining of polysaccharides by India ink and Transmission Electron Microscopy. We showed that inactivation of crust genes caused increases in spore relative hydrophobicity, disrupted the spore polysaccharide layer, and impaired crust structure and attachment to the rest of the coat. We also found that cotO, previously identified for its role in outer coat formation, is necessary for proper encasement of the spore by the crust. In parallel, we conducted fluorescence microscopy experiments to determine the full network of genetic dependencies for subcellular localization of crust proteins. We determined that CotZ is required for the localization of most crust proteins, while CgeA is at the bottom of the genetic interaction hierarchy.  相似文献   

The main fraction (about 75%) of the mucilage extracted from seeds of Linum usitatissimum which consists of arabino-xylans (AX) has been studied in dilute and semidilute regimes by SEC/MALLS analysis and rheology, respectively. It has been found that AX contains 3 populations of about 5 000 000 g mol(-1) (less than 10%), 1 000 000 g mol(-1) (about 40%), and 200 000 g mol(-1) (about 50%). We have also observed a great retention of polymer during the filtration procedure, which is much pronounced as the AX concentration increases. This evidences the presence of large aggregates in the solution. The retention can be greatly diminished if the filtration is conducted under higher temperature. Aggregation could result from the establishment of intermolecular associations via hydrogen bonds. This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by the two higher populations in molar masses which present a random coil conformation consistent with a low degree of branching. Rheological measurements, conducted at 20 g L(-1), have confirmed the association tendency leading to pseudo gels behavior. Viscoelastic properties have been evidenced by time-temperature master curves of dynamic spectra. Such master curves have also been established with addition of chaotropic (i.e., KSCN) and lyotropic (i.e., NaCl) salts. It has been shown that intermolecular associations are greatly diminished under chaotropic salts influence. This has been also confirmed by SEC/MALLS analysis. These results point out the role of hydrogen bonds in the organization of the AX system.  相似文献   

The structure of the fur of the reindeer (6 adults, 4 calves) was studied with light and scanning electron microscopy and skin and rectal temperatures were measured in 216 living animals at varying ambient temperatures (-28 to +15 degrees C) and also on excised skin samples in the laboratory (temperature range -20 to +20 degrees C, wind 0 or 10 m/sec, 5 different directions). Guard hair count and length varied according to the site of excision and were on average 2000/cm2 and 12 mm on the foreleg, 1000/cm2 and 30 mm on the abdomen and 1700/cm2 and 30 mm on the back. The corresponding counts in the calves were higher but the hairs were shorter. The rectal temperatures ranged from 38 to 40 degrees C independently of the ambient temperature. The dependence of the skin temperature on the ambient temperature was complex in living animals. The dependence was strongest in the legs. The skin temperature of the excised samples depended rather linearly on the ambient temperature. It is concluded that the reindeer can maintain its body temperature also in severe cold although the extremities show characteristics of heterothermia.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(1):PL13-PL18
The present study demonstrated the cytoprotective abilities of low concentrations of ethanol, NaCl and HCl, against the gastric mucosal damage caused by 100% ethanol, and the contributions of the physical and chemical properties of these mild irritants to their protective actions. The results have shown the differential protective effects of ethanol (10–40%), NaCl (2.5–12.5%) and HCl (0.15–0.45M), with the optimal cytoprotective concentrations being 20% ethanol, 5% NaCl and 0.3M HCl, respectively. Solutions of KCl and NaCl with similar osmolarity, and H2SO4 and HCl of similar acidity and osmolarity, all showed similar protective potentials as compared to the osmotic agent mannitol, which possessed a concentration- and tonicity-dependent protective action against 100% ethanol-induced mucosal damage. Same concentration of methanol, propan-2-ol and ethanol, having similar osmolarity with deionized water, exerted indifferent protective effects. It is therefore concluded that adaptive cytoprotection induced by low concentrations of NaCl and HCl could depend on their physical properties, while that of ethanol could act through its unique chemical property.  相似文献   

Carnivora includes three independent evolutionary transitions to the marine environment: pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses), sea otters, and polar bears. Among these, only the pinnipeds have retained two forms of insulation, an external fur layer and an internal blubber layer for keeping warm in water. In this study we investigated key factors associated with the transition to the use of blubber, by comparing blubber characteristics among the pinnipeds. Characteristics included gross morphology (blubber thickness), fat composition (fatty acid profiles, percentage lipid, and water), and thermal conductivity. Sea lions, phocids, and walrus, which have lower fur densities than fur seals, have thicker blubber layers than fur seals (P < 0.001). Comparisons of lipid content, water content, and fatty acid composition indicated significant differences in the composition of the inner and outer regions of the blubber between groups (P < 0.001), consistent with the hypothesis that phocids and sea lions utilize the outer layer of their blubber primarily for thermal insulation, and the inner layer for energy storage. Fur seals, by contrast, rely more on their fur for thermal insulation, and utilize their blubber layer primarily for energy storage. Comparing across carnivore species, differences in total insulation (fur and/or blubber) are influenced substantially by body size and habitat, and to a lesser extent by latitudinal climate. Overall, these results indicate consistent evolutionary trends in the transition to blubber and evidence for convergent evolution of thermal traits across lineages. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

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