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We previously demonstrated that a beta-hairpin peptide, termed BH(9-10), derived from a single-layer beta-sheet of Borrelia OspA protein, formed a native-like beta-turn in trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution, and it assembled into amyloid-like fibrils at higher TFE concentrations. This peptide is highly charged, and fibrillization of such a hydrophilic peptide is quite unusual. In this study, we designed a circularly permutated peptide of BH(9-10), termed BH(10-9). When folded into their respective beta-hairpin structures found in OspA, these peptides would have identical cross-strand interactions but different turns connecting the strands. NMR study revealed that BH(10-9) had little propensity to form a turn structure both in aqueous and TFE solutions. At higher TFE concentration, BH(10-9) precipitated with a concomitant alpha-to-beta conformational conversion, in a similar manner to the BH(9-10) fibrillization. However, the BH(10-9) precipitates were nonfibrillar aggregation. The precipitation kinetics of BH(10-9) was exponential, consistent with a first-order molecular assembly reaction, while the fibrillization of BH(9-10) showed sigmoidal kinetics, indicative of a two-step reaction consisting of nucleation and molecular assembly. The correlation between native-like turn formation and fibrillization of our peptide system strongly suggests that BH(9-10) adopts a native-like beta-hairpin conformation in the fibrils. Remarkably, seeding with the preformed BH(10-9) precipitates changed the two-step BH(9-10) fibrillization to a one-step molecular assembly reaction, and disrupted the BH(9-10) fibril structure, indicating interactions between the BH(10-9) aggregates and the BH(9-10) peptide. Our results suggest that, in these peptides, cross-strand interactions are the driving force for molecular assembly, and turn formation limits modes of peptide assembly.  相似文献   

The preponderance of evidence implicates protein misfolding in many unrelated human diseases. In all cases, normal correctly folded proteins transform from their proper native structure into an abnormal beta-rich structure known as amyloid fibril. Here we introduce a computational algorithm to detect nonnative (hidden) sequence propensity for amyloid fibril formation. Analyzing sequence-structure relationships in terms of tertiary contact (TC), we find that the hidden beta-strand propensity of a query local sequence can be quantitatively estimated from the secondary structure preferences of template sequences of known secondary structure found in regions of high TC. The present method correctly pinpoints the minimal peptide fragment shown experimentally as the likely local mediator of amyloid fibril formation in beta-amyloid peptide, islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), alpha-synuclein, and human acetylcholinesterase (AChE). It also found previously unrecognized beta-strand propensities in the prototypical helical protein myoglobin that has been reported as amyloidogenic. Analysis of 2358 nonhomologous protein domains provides compelling evidence that most proteins contain sequences with significant hidden beta-strand propensity. The present method may find utility in many medically relevant applications, such as the engineering of protein sequences and the discovery of therapeutic agents that specifically target these sequences for the prevention and treatment of amyloid diseases.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of a representative data set of 169 known protein structures was used to analyze the specificity of residue interactions between spatial neighboring strands in beta-sheets. Pairwise potentials were derived from the frequency of residue pairs in nearest contact, second nearest and third nearest contacts across neighboring beta-strands compared to the expected frequency of residue pairs in a random model. A pseudo-energy function based on these statistical pairwise potentials recognized native beta-sheets among possible alternative pairings. The native pairing was found within the three lowest energies in 73% of the cases in the training data set and in 63% of beta-sheets in a test data set of 67 proteins, which were not part of the training set. The energy function was also used to detect tripeptides, which occur frequently in beta-sheets of native proteins. The majority of native partners of tripeptides were distributed in a low energy range. Self-correcting distance geometry (SECODG) calculations using distance constraints sets derived from possible low energy pairing of beta-strands uniquely identified the native pairing of the beta-sheet in pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). These results will be useful for predicting the structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence as well as for the design of proteins containing beta-sheets.  相似文献   

An elongated version of the de novo designed beta-hairpin peptide, BH8, has allowed us to gain insight into the role of electrostatic interactions in beta-hairpin stability. A Lys-Glu electrostatic pair has been introduced by adding a residue at the beginning and at the end of the N-terminal and C-terminal strands, respectively, of the beta-hairpin structure, in both orientations. The two resulting peptides and controls having Ala residues at these positions and different combinations of Ala with Lys, or Glu residues, have been analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), under different pH and ionic strength conditions. All of the NMR parameters, in particular the conformational shift analysis of Calpha protons and the coupling constants, (3)J(HNalpha), correlate well and the population estimates are in reasonable agreement among the different methods used. In the most structured peptides, we find an extension of the beta-hairpin structure comprising the two extra residues. Analysis of the pH and salt dependence shows that ionic pairs contribute to beta-hairpin stability. The interaction is electrostatic in nature and can be screened by salt. There is also an important salt-independent contribution of negatively charged groups to the stability of this family of beta-hairpin peptides.  相似文献   

An alpha-helix and a beta-strand are said to be interactively packed if at least one residue in each of the secondary structural elements loses 10% of its solvent accessible contact area on association with the other secondary structural element. An analysis of all such 5,975 nonidentical alpha/beta units in protein structures, defined at < or = 2.5 A resolution, shows that the interaxial distance between the alpha-helix and the beta-strand is linearly correlated with the residue-dependent function, log[(V/nda)/n-int], where V is the volume of amino acid residues in the packing interface, nda is the normalized difference in solvent accessible contact area of the residues in packed and unpacked secondary structural elements, and n-int is the number of residues in the packing interface. The beta-sheet unit (beta u), defined as a pair of adjacent parallel or antiparallel hydrogen-bonded beta-strands, packing with an alpha-helix shows a better correlation between the interaxial distance and log(V/nda) for the residues in the packing interface. This packing relationship is shown to be useful in the prediction of interaxial distances in alpha/beta units using the interacting residue information of equivalent alpha/beta units of homologous proteins. It is, therefore, of value in comparative modeling of protein structures.  相似文献   

A neural network-based method has been developed for the prediction of beta-turns in proteins by using multiple sequence alignment. Two feed-forward back-propagation networks with a single hidden layer are used where the first-sequence structure network is trained with the multiple sequence alignment in the form of PSI-BLAST-generated position-specific scoring matrices. The initial predictions from the first network and PSIPRED-predicted secondary structure are used as input to the second structure-structure network to refine the predictions obtained from the first net. A significant improvement in prediction accuracy has been achieved by using evolutionary information contained in the multiple sequence alignment. The final network yields an overall prediction accuracy of 75.5% when tested by sevenfold cross-validation on a set of 426 nonhomologous protein chains. The corresponding Q(pred), Q(obs), and Matthews correlation coefficient values are 49.8%, 72.3%, and 0.43, respectively, and are the best among all the previously published beta-turn prediction methods. The Web server BetaTPred2 (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/betatpred2/) has been developed based on this approach.  相似文献   

A model for prediction of alpha-helical regions in amino acid sequences has been tested on the mainly-alpha protein structure class. The modeling represents the construction of a continuous hypothetical alpha-helical conformation for the whole protein chain, and was performed using molecular mechanics tools. The positive prediction of alpha-helical and non-alpha-helical pentapeptide fragments of the proteins is 79%. The model considers only local interactions in the polypeptide chain without the influence of the tertiary structure. It was shown that the local interaction defines the alpha-helical conformation for 85% of the native alpha-helical regions. The relative energy contributions to the energy of the model were analyzed with the finding that the van der Waals component determines the formation of alpha-helices. Hydrogen bonds remain at constant energy independently whether alpha-helix or non-alpha-helix occurs in the native protein, and do not determine the location of helical regions. In contrast to existing methods, this approach additionally permits the prediction of conformations of side chains. The model suggests the correct values for ~60% of all chi-angles of alpha-helical residues.  相似文献   

In general, alpha-helical conformations in proteins depend in large part on the amino acid residues within the helix and their proximal interactions. For example, an alanine residue has a high propensity to adopt an alpha-helical conformation, whereas that of a glycine residue is low. The sequence preferences for beta-sheet formation are less obvious. To identify the factors that influence beta-sheet conformation, a series of scanning polyalanine mutations were made within the strands and associated turns of the beta-sheet region in T4 lysozyme. For each construct the stability of the folded protein was reduced substantially, consistent with removal of native packing interactions. However, the crystal structures showed that each of the mutants retained the beta-sheet conformation. These results suggest that the structure of the beta-sheet region of T4 lysozyme is maintained to a substantial extent by tertiary interactions with the surrounding parts of the protein. Such tertiary interactions may be important in determining the structures of beta-sheets in general.  相似文献   

The identification of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of simple and complex carbohydrates presents one bioinformatic challenge in the post-genomic era. Here, we present the PFIT and PFRIT algorithms for identifying those proteins adopting the alpha/beta barrel fold that function as glycosidases. These algorithms are based on the observation that proteins adopting the alpha/beta barrel fold share positions in their tertiary structures having equivalent sets of atomic interactions. These are conserved tertiary interaction positions, which have been implicated in both structure and function. Glycosidases adopting the alpha/beta barrel fold share more conserved tertiary interactions than alpha/beta barrel proteins having other functions. The enrichment pattern of conserved tertiary interactions in the glycosidases is the information that PFIT and PFRIT use to predict whether any given alpha/beta barrel will function as a glycosidase or not. Using as a test set a database of 19 glycosidase and 45 nonglycosidase alpha/beta barrel proteins with low sequence similarity, PFIT and PFRIT can correctly predict glycosidase function for 84% of the proteins known to function as glycosidases. PFIT and PFRIT incorrectly predict glycosidase function for 25% of the nonglycosidases. The program PSI-BLAST can also correctly identify 84% of the 19 glycosidases, however, it incorrectly predicts glycosidase function for 50% of the nonglycosidases (twofold greater than PFIT and PFRIT). Overall, we demonstrate that the structure-based PFIT and PFRIT algorithms are both more selective and sensitive for predicting glycosidase function than the sequence-based PSI-BLAST algorithm.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction, infrared and electron microscope studies of avian and reptilian keratins, and of stretched wool and hair, have played a central role in the development of models for the β-conformation in proteins. Both α- and β-keratins contain sequences that are predicted to adopt a β-conformation and these are believed to play an important part in the assembly of the filaments and in determining their mechanical properties. Interactions between the small β-sheets in keratins provide a simple mechanism through which shape and chemical complementarity can mediate the assembly of molecules into highly specific structures. Interacting β-sheets in crystalline proteins are often related to one another by diad symmetry and the data available on feather keratin suggest that the filament is assembled from dimers in which the β-sheets are related by a perpendicular diad. The most detailed model currently available is for feather and reptilian keratin but the presence of related β-structural forms in mammalian keratins is also noted.  相似文献   

At the heart of the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), such as BSE, scrapie, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, lies a poorly understood structural rearrangement of PrP, an abundant glycoprotein of the nervous and lymphoid systems. The normal form (PrP(C)), rich in alpha-helix, converts into an aberrant beta-sheet-dominated form (PrP(Sc)), which seems to be at the center of the pathotoxic symptoms observed in TSEs. To understand this process better at a molecular level, we have studied the interactions between different peptides derived from bovine PrP and their structural significance. We show that two unstructured peptides derived from the central region of bovine PrP, residues 115-133 and 140-152, respectively, interact stoichiometrically under physiological conditions to generate beta-sheet-dominated fibrils. However, when both peptides are incubated in the presence of a third peptide derived from an adjoining alpha-helical region (residues 153-169), the formation of beta-sheet-rich fibrils is abolished. These data indicate that native PrP(C) helix 1 might inhibit the strong intrinsic beta-sheet-forming propensity of sequences immediately N-terminal to the globular core of PrP(C), by keeping in place intrachain interactions that would prevent these amyloidogenic regions from triggering aggregation. Moreover, these results indicate new ways in which PrP(Sc) formation could be prevented.  相似文献   

Many single-domain proteins exhibit two-state folding kinetics, with folding rates that span more than six orders of magnitude. A quantity of much recent interest for such proteins is their contact order, the average separation in sequence between contacting residue pairs. Numerous studies have reached the surprising conclusion that contact order is well-correlated with the logarithm of the folding rate for these small, well-characterized molecules. Here, we investigate the physico-chemical basis for this finding by asking whether contact order is actually a composite number that measures the fraction of local secondary structure in the protein; viz. turns, helices, and hairpins. To pursue this question, we calculated the secondary structure content for 24 two-state proteins and obtained coefficients that predict their folding rates. The predicted rates correlate strongly with experimentally determined rates, comparable to the correlation with contact order. Further, these predicted folding rates are correlated strongly with contact order. Our results suggest that the folding rate of two-state proteins is a function of their local secondary structure content, consistent with the hierarchic model of protein folding. Accordingly, it should be possible to utilize secondary structure prediction methods to predict folding rates from sequence alone.  相似文献   

A method based on neural networks is trained and tested on a nonredundant set of beta-barrel membrane proteins known at atomic resolution with a jackknife procedure. The method predicts the topography of transmembrane beta strands with residue accuracy as high as 78% when evolutionary information is used as input to the network. Of the transmembrane beta-strands included in the training set, 93% are correctly assigned. The predictor includes an algorithm of model optimization, based on dynamic programming, that correctly models eight out of the 11 proteins present in the training/testing set. In addition, protein topology is assigned on the basis of the location of the longest loops in the models. We propose this as a general method to fill the gap of the prediction of beta-barrel membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The role of hither-to-fore unrecognized long-range hydrogen bonds between main-chain amide hydrogens and polar side chains on the stability of a well-studied (betaalpha)8, TIM barrel protein, the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), was probed by mutational analysis. The F19-D46 and I97-D124 hydrogen bonds link the N terminus of a beta-strand with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel alpha-helix, and the A103-D130 hydrogen bond links the N terminus of an alpha-helix with the C terminus of the succeeding antiparallel beta-strand, forming clamps for the respective betaalpha or alphabeta hairpins. The individual replacement of these aspartic acid side chains with alanine leads to what appear to be closely related partially folded structures with significantly reduced far-UV CD ellipticity and thermodynamic stability. Comparisons with the effects of eliminating another main-chain-side-chain hydrogen bond, G26-S33, and two electrostatic side-chain-side-chain hydrogen bonds, D38-H92 and D112-H146, all in the same N-terminal folding unit of alphaTS, demonstrated a unique role for the clamp interactions in stabilizing the native barrel conformation. Because neither the asparagine nor glutamic acid variant at position 46 can completely reproduce the spectroscopic, thermodynamic, or kinetic folding properties of aspartic acid, both size and charge are crucial to its unique role in the clamp hydrogen bond. Kinetic studies suggest that the three clamp hydrogen bonds act in concert to stabilize the transition state leading to the fully folded TIM barrel motif.  相似文献   

The designed peptide (denoted 20-mer, sequence VFITS(D)PGKTYTEV(D)PGOKILQ) has been shown to form a three-strand antiparallel beta-sheet. It is generally believed that the (D)Pro-Gly segment has the propensity to adopt a type II' beta-turn, thereby promoting the formation of this beta-sheet. Here, we replaced (D)Pro-Gly with Asp-Gly, which should favor a type I' turn, to examine the influence of different type of turns on the stability of the beta-sheet. Contrary to our expectation, the mutant peptide, denoted P6D, forms a five-residue type I turn plus a beta-bulge between the first two strands due to a one amino-acid frameshift in the hydrogen bonding network and side-chain inversion of the first beta-strand. In contrast, the same kind of substitution at (D)Pro-14 in the double mutant, denoted P6DP14D, does not yield the same effect. These observations suggest that the SDGK sequence disfavors the type I' conformation while the VDGO sequence favors a type I' turn, and that the frameshift in the first strand provides a way for the peptide to accommodate a disfavored turn sequence by protruding a bulge in the formation of the beta-hairpin. Thus, different types of turns can affect the stability of a beta-structure.  相似文献   

The genome of the diurnal cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 51142 has recently been sequenced and observed to contain 35 pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs). These proteins, while present throughout the prokaryotic and eukaryotic kingdoms, are most abundant in cyanobacteria. The sheer number of PRPs in cyanobacteria coupled with their predicted location in every cellular compartment argues for important, yet unknown, physiological and biochemical functions. To gain biochemical insights, the crystal structure for Rfr32, a 167-residue PRP with an N-terminal 29-residue signal peptide, was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The structure is dominated by 21 tandem pentapeptide repeats that fold into a right-handed quadrilateral beta-helix, or Rfr-fold, as observed for the tandem pentapeptide repeats in the only other PRP structure, the mycobacterial fluoroquinoline resistance protein MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sitting on top of the Rfr-fold are two short, antiparallel alpha-helices, bridged with a disulfide bond, that perhaps prevent edge-to-edge aggregation at the C terminus. Analysis of the main-chain (Phi,Psi) dihedral orientations for the pentapeptide repeats in Rfr32 and MfpA makes it possible to recognize the structural details for the two distinct types of four-residue turns adopted by the pentapeptide repeats in the Rfr-fold. These turns, labeled type II and type IV beta-turns, may be universal motifs that shape the Rfr-fold in all PRPs.  相似文献   

We have recently reported on the design of a 20-residue peptide able to form a significant population of a three-stranded up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet in aqueous solution. To improve our beta-sheet model in terms of the folded population, we have modified the sequences of the two 2-residue turns by introducing the segment DPro-Gly, a sequence shown to lead to more rigid type II' beta-turns. The analysis of several NMR parameters, NOE data, as well as Deltadelta(CalphaH), DeltadeltaC(beta), and Deltadelta(Cbeta) values, demonstrates that the new peptide forms a beta-sheet structure in aqueous solution more stable than the original one, whereas the substitution of the DPro residues by LPro leads to a random coil peptide. This agrees with previous results on beta-hairpin-forming peptides showing the essential role of the turn sequence for beta-hairpin folding. The well-defined beta-sheet motif calculated for the new designed peptide (pair-wise RMSD for backbone atoms is 0.5 +/- 0.1 A) displays a high degree of twist. This twist likely contributes to stability, as a more hydrophobic surface is buried in the twisted beta-sheet than in a flatter one. The twist observed in the up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet motifs of most proteins is less pronounced than in our designed peptide, except for the WW domains. The additional hydrophobic surface burial provided by beta-sheet twisting relative to a "flat" beta-sheet is probably more important for structure stability in peptides and small proteins like the WW domains than in larger proteins for which there exists a significant contribution to stability arising from their extensive hydrophobic cores.  相似文献   

Among the many PWWP-containing proteins, the largest group of homologous proteins is related to hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF). Within a well-conserved region at the extreme N-terminus, HDGF and five HDGF-related proteins (HRPs) always have a PWWP domain, which is a module found in many chromatin-associated proteins. In this study, we determined the solution structure of the PWWP domain of HDGF-related protein-3 (HRP-3) by NMR spectroscopy. The structure consists of a five-stranded beta-barrel with a PWWP-specific long loop connecting beta2 and beta3 (PR-loop), followed by a helical region including two alpha-helices. Its structure was found to have a characteristic solvent-exposed hydrophobic cavity, which is composed of an abundance of aromatic residues in the beta1/beta2 loop (beta-beta arch) and the beta3/beta4 loop. A similar ligand binding cavity occurs at the corresponding position in the Tudor, chromo, and MBT domains, which have structural and probable evolutionary relationships with PWWP domains. These findings suggest that the PWWP domains of the HDGF family bind to some component of chromatin via the cavity.  相似文献   

A simple approach to estimate the number of alpha-helical and beta-strand segments from protein circular dichroism spectra is described. The alpha-helix and beta-sheet conformations in globular protein structures, assigned by DSSP and STRIDE algorithms, were divided into regular and distorted fractions by considering a certain number of terminal residues in a given alpha-helix or beta-strand segment to be distorted. The resulting secondary structure fractions for 29 reference proteins were used in the analyses of circular dichroism spectra by the SELCON method. From the performance indices of the analyses, we determined that, on an average, four residues per alpha-helix and two residues per beta-strand may be considered distorted in proteins. The number of alpha-helical and beta-strand segments and their average length in a given protein were estimated from the fraction of distorted alpha-helix and beta-strand conformations determined from the analysis of circular dichroism spectra. The statistical test for the reference protein set shows the high reliability of such a classification of protein secondary structure. The method was used to analyze the circular dichroism spectra of four additional proteins and the predicted structural characteristics agree with the crystal structure data.  相似文献   

Detailed structural analysis of protein necessitates investigation at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, respectively. Insight into protein secondary structures pave way for understanding the type of secondary structural elements involved (α-helices, β-strands etc.), the amino acid sequence that encode the secondary structural elements, number of residues, length and, percentage composition of the respective elements in the protein. Here we present a standalone tool entitled "ExSer" which facilitate an automated extraction of the amino acid sequence that encode for the secondary structural regions of a protein from the protein data bank (PDB) file. AVAILABILITY: ExSer is freely downloadable from http://code.google.com/p/tool-exser/  相似文献   

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