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In new hygienically controlled plants, products often have a low level of microbial contamination, so that current methods for estimating bioburden appear to be inadequate. The adoption of efficient procedures giving consistent and reproducible results could contribute to the improvement of conventional methods for evaluating microbiological quality of products with low bioburden. The effectiveness of a washing procedure and mechanical shaking for the removal of Bacillus subtilis spores from pre-inoculated cotton gauze samples was tested in combination with a membrane filtration technique. A 45-min agitation in the presence of surfactant and glass beads improved recovery up to 70.5%, with satisfactory reproducibility. In order to compare the procedure with the current standard method, uncontaminated samples were processed to extinction by applying a repetitive treatment. When exhaustive rinses were performed in order to calculate a conversion factor, permanent entrapment of a high percentage of organisms in the cotton microfibers was highlighted: this fact may play a role in an overestimation of the extrapolated removal efficiency. Received 18 June 1996/ Accepted in revised form 22 August 1996  相似文献   

Summary Permanence within a building is frequently associated with health complaints identified as several clinical syndromes. Contamination by bacterial products may play a predominant role in some of these clinical syndromes, like building-related asthma, humidifier fever or the sick building syndrome (SBS). Indeed, on one side, in air-conditioned systems, the physical conditions are optimal for microbial development and for endotoxin production (from the membrane of gram negative bacteria) and on the other side, inhalation of endotoxin has demonstrated the onset of a bronchial obstruction and an increase in airway reactivity leading to non specific chest complaints. Nevertheless, this hypothesis on aetiopathogenesis of SBS remains to be demonstrated by environmental and lung functional studies on the building site.  相似文献   

Microbial contamination of hydrogel contact lenses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacterial contamination of contact lenses (CLs) may contribute to CL-related corneal infection and inflammation. This study reports CL biota over time during daily and extended wear. Microbial contamination of a 58% water, ionic hydrogel CL and a 38% water, non-ionic hydrogel CL was evaluated in an Australian and an Indian population. Fifty wearers were repeatedly sampled over 18 months. Overnight CL use did not alter the frequency of positive cultures, nor the spectrum of organisms compared with daily CL wear. There were no differences in type and frequency of CL contamination between the CL types. Positive cultures were more frequently recovered from the Indian population compared with the Australian population. Streptococcus spp. and Propionibacterium spp. were more frequently isolated from the Australian population. Fungi and Bacillus spp. were more frequently isolated from the Indian population. Normal CL biota alone cannot explain the increased rate of infection and inflammation in extended wear.  相似文献   

Microbial contamination is a pervasive problem in any ethanol fermentation system. These infections can at minimum affect the efficiency of the fermentation and at their worse lead to stuck fermentations causing plants to shut down for cleaning before beginning anew. These delays can result in costly loss of time as well as lead to an increased cost of the final product. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the most common bacterial contaminants found in ethanol production facilities and have been linked to decreased ethanol production during fermentation. Lactobacillus sp. generally predominant as these bacteria are well adapted for survival under high ethanol, low pH and low oxygen conditions found during fermentation. It has been generally accepted that lactobacilli cause inhibition of Saccharomyces sp. and limit ethanol production through two basic methods; either production of lactic and acetic acids or through competition for nutrients. However, a number of researchers have demonstrated that these mechanisms may not completely account for the amount of loss observed and have suggested other means by which bacteria can inhibit yeast growth and ethanol production. While LAB are the primary contaminates of concern in industrial ethanol fermentations, wild yeast may also affect the productivity of these fermentations. Though many yeast species have the ability to thrive in a fermentation environment, Dekkera bruxellensis has been repeatedly targeted and cited as one of the main contaminant yeasts in ethanol production. Though widely studied for its detrimental effects on wine, the specific species–species interactions between D. bruxellensis and S. cerevisiae are still poorly understood.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus spores were dusted onto the involucral nectaries of cotton flowers. The fungus was present in 20 to 58% of the immature bolls harvested 25 or 35 days after anthesis. Among similarly inoculated bolls fully matured either in the field or under sterile conditions at ambient temperatures after excision from the plants, only 3 to 14% contained A. flavus in the seeds. There was no significant difference in the numbers of contaminated bolls between the excised and field-matured treatments. It is concluded that A. flavus is present in developing cotton bolls before dehiscence, but its presence does not ensure infection of mature seeds, and that excision does not reduce A. flavus contamination if the bolls are maintained at ambient temperatures.  相似文献   



The Rio Grande River is the natural boundary between U.S. and Mexico from El Paso, TX to Brownsville, TX. and is one of the major water resources of the area. Agriculture, farming, maquiladora industry, domestic activities, as well as differences in disposal regulations and enforcement increase the contamination potential of water supplies along the border region. Therefore, continuous and accurate assessment of the quality of water supplies is of paramount importance. The objectives of this study were to monitor water quality of the Rio Grande and to determine if any correlations exist between fecal coliforms, E. coli, chemical toxicity as determined by Botsford's assay, H. pylori presence, and environmental parameters. Seven sites along a 112-Km segment of the Rio Grande from Sunland Park, NM to Fort Hancock, TX were sampled on a monthly basis between January 2000 and December 2002.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus spores were dusted onto the involucral nectaries of cotton flowers. The fungus was present in 20 to 58% of the immature bolls harvested 25 or 35 days after anthesis. Among similarly inoculated bolls fully matured either in the field or under sterile conditions at ambient temperatures after excision from the plants, only 3 to 14% contained A. flavus in the seeds. There was no significant difference in the numbers of contaminated bolls between the excised and field-matured treatments. It is concluded that A. flavus is present in developing cotton bolls before dehiscence, but its presence does not ensure infection of mature seeds, and that excision does not reduce A. flavus contamination if the bolls are maintained at ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Biodeterioration of heritage collections caused by microorganisms is a worldwide problem. To avoid degradation caused by biological contaminants transported into the indoor environment by air, proper bioaerosol protection is required. The aim of this study was to assess the level of microbial contamination of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum collection based on qualitative and quantitative analyses of bacteria and fungi isolated from the atmosphere and settled dust of museum storerooms. The obtained results demonstrated that a correctly operated air-conditioning system and limiting the number of visitors in the studied storerooms can significantly inhibit microbial contamination of the air and decrease deposition of bacterial and fungal particulates on exhibit surfaces. The performed analyses confirm that an aerobiological assessment of museum premises is a useful tool in their hygienic evaluation and, if necessary, in decision-making regarding interventions to minimize biological decay of collections.  相似文献   

昆虫在长期的进化过程中与其体内微生物形成了互利共生的关系,共生微生物参与调节寄主的多种生命活动,例如生殖、代谢等。在黄河流域棉区绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum是棉花的主要害虫之一。为明确绿盲蝽体内共生菌的种类与群落结构,通过HiSeq平台对棉田绿盲蝽体内共生菌的16S rRNA基因V3~V4区进行高通量测序,分析绿盲蝽体内共生菌的种类与多样性。结果显示,变形菌门Proteobacteria(89.18%)、放线菌门Actinobacteria(2.99%)、厚壁菌门Firmicutes(2.48%)为绿盲蝽的3个优势菌门。在属水平上立克次氏体Rickettsia(32.86%)、欧文氏菌属Erwinia(20.21%)为优势菌群。本文初步明确了绿盲蝽体内微生物群落的组成和动态变化,为进一步研究绿盲蝽与共生菌的相互作用提供了基础,为今后从共生菌出发防治绿盲蝽提供新思路。  相似文献   

A commercial cotton gauze was modified by partial carboxymethylation using both exhaustion and pad-dry-cure methods, and varying the reaction time and concentration of monochloroacetic acid and sodium hydroxide to obtain the relative degree of carboxymethylation differently. For each experiment, relative value of the degree of substitution (DSrel) of the modified cotton was evaluated and compared with whole blood clotting time, absorption and retention of chitosan and silver nitrate solutions, antibacterial activity, and physical properties of whiteness, bursting strength and water absorption. Carboxymethylated cotton gauze with a higher DSrel value showed a better absorption of chitosan and silver nitrate solutions and retained these two solutions for a much longer time than those of unmodified cotton gauze or carboxymethylated cotton gauze at a lower DSrel. Carboxymethylated cotton gauzes obtained from exhaustion method showed significant antibacterial activity and higher bursting strength and less affected whiteness index than those treated by pad-dry-cure method.  相似文献   

Aims: To quantify microbial contamination on kitchen and bathroom surfaces (fomites) in rural Cambodian homes and to compare these concentrations to similar data from the United States and Japan. Methods and Results: This study monitored the numbers of faecal coliforms (i.e. thermotolerant coliforms), total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic plate count bacteria on household surfaces in a rural village of Cambodia. Faecal coliform levels in Cambodia were highest on moist locations such as the plastic ladle used for sink water, the toilet seat surface and the cutting board surface with 100‐fold higher levels of faecal coliform bacteria than E. coli and 100‐fold higher levels of faecal coliforms than the US and Japanese studies. Conclusions: A single public health intervention barrier, such as an improved latrine, is only partially effective for household sanitation. For complete sanitation, multiple environmental barriers may be necessary. These barriers occur in a house constructed with easily washable surfaces, a chlorinated water distribution system, house climate control and cleaning product availability. Significance and Impact of the Study: Results of this study can be used to emphasize the importance of increasing household environmental sanitation barriers.  相似文献   

Cyanogenic bacteria were common contaminants in cyanide tests of fungi. This observation demonstrated the need to ensure that the origin of hydrogen cyanide in a test is from the sample and is not microbial. This can be accomplished by recording cyanide test results after short incubation periods or by adding antibiotic solutions.  相似文献   

The microbial contamination of 44 samples of a vitamin A preparation in sucrose syrup was investigated. The contaminants were almost exclusively yeasts and moulds. Microbiological and physicochemical studies showed that sorbic acid was the preservative of choice for this formulation. The results are discussed with respect to the preservation of non-sterile pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Aims: The objectives of this study were to investigate the microbiological safety of various foods intended for consumption by infants and babies. Methods and Results: The incidence of Cronobacter spp. and Enterobacteriaceae from powdered infant formula (PIF, n = 75) and baby soy milk (n = 10) was examined. Additionally, aerobic plate count, coliforms and the prevalence of foodborne pathogens were investigated in 230 samples from a variety of infant and baby foods, including cereal‐based follow‐up formulas (FUF), liquid FUF and other infant foods. High APCs were observed in nutrient supplements and cereal‐based FUF. Coliforms were found in 6 (2·6%) products, and Cronobacter spp. was isolated in 10 (4·4%) samples, including four PIF and six cereal‐based FUF. Bacillus cereus was detected in 48 (20·9%) samples: cereal‐based FUF items (23·0%), rice soups (20·6%), honey samples (40·0%), biscuits (40·0%) and liquid FUF (7·4%). Conclusions: New safety criteria, along with hygienic control measures and consumer education strategies, are essential to improve the microbiological safety of infant or baby foods. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides comprehensive information about the prevalence and level of contamination of infant and baby food products by Cronobacter spp. and other major foodborne pathogens.  相似文献   

Microbial contamination of cell cultures: a 2 years study.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cell line contamination is a major drawback of main cell banks of the world and it has cost of losing important biological products or valuable research. The causative agents are different chemicals, invertebrates, bacteria, fungi, parasites, viral species and even other cell lines. In this retrospective study, cell lines from various species such as human, fish, insect, animals either offered or accessed through usual official accession in CGBRI were studied during 2 years (2002-2004) to detect their microbial contaminations and the causative organisms. Samples were taken for sterility test upon cell lines receipt and upon each cell line sub-culture. Samples were examined for bacterial (including mycoplasmas) and fungal contamination using conventional microbiological techniques. The study excluded parasites, viruses and other contaminating agents. This study revealed 39% of specimens were contaminated. The major contaminating agents were mycoplasmas (19%) followed by mixed infection (8%), fungi (8%) and bacteria (4%). Among various bacterial species (except mycoplasmas) Bacillus sp., Enterococcus sp. and Staphylococcus sp. are main bacterial agents and among various fungi Aspergillus sp. followed by Penicillium sp., Sepedonium sp. and Botrytis sp. were main fungal causative agents of CGBRI cell line contamination. Our study also delineates each cell line contamination rate and its causative agents. This is the first report of cell culture contamination from cell banks of Middle-East countries like Iran.  相似文献   

Dental-unit water systems (DUWS) harbor bacterial biofilms, which may serve as a haven for pathogens. The aim of this study was to investigate the microbial load of water from DUWS in general dental practices and the biofouling of DUWS tubing. Water and tube samples were taken from 55 dental surgeries in southwestern England. Contamination was determined by viable counts on environmentally selective, clinically selective, and pathogen-selective media, and biofouling was determined by using microscopic and image analysis techniques. Microbial loading ranged from 500 to 10(5) CFU. ml(-1); in 95% of DUWS water samples, it exceeded European Union drinking water guidelines and in 83% it exceeded American Dental Association DUWS standards. Among visible bacteria, 68% were viable by BacLight staining, but only 5% of this "viable by BacLight" fraction produced colonies on agar plates. Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacterium spp., Candida spp., and Pseudomonas spp. were detected in one, five, two, and nine different surgeries, respectively. Presumptive oral streptococci and Fusobacterium spp. were detected in four and one surgeries, respectively, suggesting back siphonage and failure of antiretraction devices. Hepatitis B virus was never detected. Decontamination strategies (5 of 55 surgeries) significantly reduced biofilm coverage but significantly increased microbial numbers in the water phase (in both cases, P < 0.05). Microbial loads were not significantly different in DUWS fed with soft, hard, deionized, or distilled water or in different DUWS (main, tank, or bottle fed). Microbiologically, no DUWS can be considered "cleaner" than others. DUWS deliver water to patients with microbial levels exceeding those considered safe for drinking water.  相似文献   

We report on microbial contamination of embryos and semen cryopreserved in sealed plastic straws and stored for 6-35 years in liquid nitrogen. There were 32 bacterial and 1 fungal species identified from randomly drawn liquid nitrogen, frozen semen, and embryos samples stored in 8 commercial and 8 research facility liquid nitrogen (LN) tanks. The identified bacteria represented commensal or environmental microorganisms and some, such as Escherichia coli, were potential or opportunistic pathogens for humans and animals. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was the most common contaminant identified from the samples and was further shown to significantly suppress fertilization and embryonic development in vitro. Analysis of the strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed restriction patterns with no relatedness indicating that there was no apparent cross-contamination of S. maltophilia strains between the germplasm and liquid nitrogen samples. In addition, no transmission of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) from infected semen and embryos straws to clean germplasm stored in the same LN tanks or LN was detected.  相似文献   

微生物油脂及其生产工艺的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物油脂是一种应用前景广阔的新型油脂资源,正越来越受到人们的重视,尤其在生产富含不饱和脂肪酸的功能性油脂方面已成为研究热点。该文对微生物油脂的特点及组成、产油微生物必备条件及常见种类、微生物油脂的生产工艺等方面进行了综述,展望了其研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

An analytical review of the current data on the microbial synthesis of biodiesel and prospects of its usage is presented. The technological, biochemical, and genetic aspects of biodiesel production using microorganisms are discussed.  相似文献   

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