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Differences in uptake, seed storage and distribution of molybdenumwithin plants of two genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris L. wereobserved with and without external sources of molybdenum ina glasshouse experiment. Differences in the amount of totalplant Mo translocated into seed appeared to be under genotypiccontrol, with a consistently larger proportion of total plantmolybdenum being accumulated in seed by Kabanima compared toBaseka. The uptake efficiency (total amounts accumulated withtime) did not differ between the two genotypes, but the allocationof Mo to plant parts did. Kabanima had larger nodule dry weight(30 to 40%), and nodule molybdenum content up to three timesgreater than Baseka with concurrent higher rates of N2- fixation,particularly when plants were grown in the absence of an externalsource of Mo. Kabanima was also more efficient in translocatingMo in roots, nodules and pod walls to the seeds, particularlywhen Mo was deficient (43% of total plant Mo allocated to seedsin Kabanima compared to 31% in Baseka). Large amounts of molybdenumwere accumulated in the pod walls of Baseka plants (11 µgplant-1) but this was not translocated to the seed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the functioning and metabolism of nodulesof white clover, following a defoliation which removed abouthalf the shoot tissue, were compared with those of undefoliatedplants. In one experiment, the specific respiration rates of nodulesfrom undefoliated plants varied between 1160 and 1830 µmolCO2 g–1h–1, of which nodule ‘growth and maintenance’accounted for 22 ± 2 per cent, or 27 ± 3.6 percent, according to method of calculation. Defoliation reducedspecific nodule respiration and nodule ‘growth and maintenance’respiration by 60–70 per cent, and rate of N2 fixationby a similar proportion. The original rate of nodule metabolismwas re-established after about 5 d of regrowth; during regrowthnodule respiration was quantitatively related to rate of N2,fixation: 9.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1N2. With the possible exception of nodules examined 24 h after defoliation,the efficiency of energy utilization in nitrogenase functioningin both experiments was the same in defoliated and undefoliatedplants: 2.0±0.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1 C2H4;similarly, there was no change in the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning as rate of N2 fixation increased with plant growthfrom 1 to 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. Exposure of nodulated white clover root systems to a 10 percent acetylene gas mixture resulted in a sharp peak in rateof ethylene production after 1.5–2.5 min; subsequently,rate of ethylene production declined rapidly before stabilisingafter 0.5–1 h at a rate about 50 per cent of that initiallyobserved. Regression of ‘peak’ rate of ethyleneproduction on rate of N2 fixation indicated a value of 2.9 µmolC2H4 µmol–1 N2, for rates of N2 fixation between1 and 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. The relationshipsbetween nitrogenase respiration, acetylene reduction rates andN2 fixation rates are discussed. Trifolium repens, white clover, defoliation, nodule respiration, N2, fixation, nitrogenase  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants were grown from seedin perlite, inoculated with effective rhizobia and exposed tothe same ‘concentration x days’ of 15N-labellednitrate in four contrasting patterns of doses. Acetylene reductionwas measured at intervals using an open, continuous-flow sytem.Mean dry weight per nodule and rates of acetylene reductionfell rapidly (2–3 d) during periods of exposure to highnitrate concentrations (> 7 mM N) and rose again, equallyrapidly, when nitrate was withdrawn or substantially reduced.The fall in mean dry weight per nodule (50–66 per cent)was almost certainly too large to be accounted for by loss ofsoluble or storage carbohydrate only. No new nodules were formedduring periods of high nitrate availability. When nitrate wassupplied continuously at a moderate concentration (5.7 mM N)nodule numbers stabilised although existing nodules increasedin dry weight by almost four-fold over the 30 d measurementperiod. Treatment had no effect on the percentage nitrogen in planttissues although there were large differences in the proportionsderived from nitrate and N2-fixation. Plants exposed continuouslyor frequently to small doses of nitrate took up more nitrate,and hence relied less heavily on N2-fixation, than those exposedto larger doses less often. Increased reliance on nitrate broughtwith it increased total dry weight and shoot: root ratios. Possiblemechanisms involved in bringing about these differences in nitrogennutrition and growth are discussed. White clover, Trifolium repens, nitrate, N2-fixation, nodule, acetylene reduction, 15N  相似文献   

The respiratory effluxes of nodules and of roots of FiskebyV soyabean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), grown in a controlled environment,were measured at intervals in air and 3% O2 from shortly afterthe onset of N2 fixation until plant senescence. The respiratoryburdens linked with nitrogenase plus ammonia metabolism, andnodule growth and maintenance, were calculated from gas exchangedata and related to the concurrent rates of N2 fixation. The specific respiration rates of nodules increased to a maximumof 21 mg CO2 g–1 h–1 at the time pods began development:the equivalent maximum for roots was c. 4.5 mg CO2 g–1h–1. Maximum nodule and root respiration rates per plantwere attained about 25 d later at the time N2 fixation peakedat 15 mg N d–1 plant–1. The relationship between nodule respiration and N2 fixationindicated an average respiratory cost of 13.2 mg CO2 mg–1N until the last few days of plant development Separation ofnodule respiration into the two components: nitrogenase (+ NH3metabolism) respiration and nodule growth and maintenance respiration,indicated that the latter efflux accounted for c. 20% of nodulerespiration while N2 fixation was increasing and new noduletissue was being formed. When nodule growth ceased and N2 fixationdeclined, this component of respiration also declined. The respiratorycost of nitrogenase activity plus the associated metabolismof NH3 varied between 11 mg CO2 mg–1 N during vegetativeand early reproductive growth, to 12.5 mg CO2 mg–1 N duringthe later stages of pod development. Key words: N2 fixation, Respiration, Nodules, Nitrogenase  相似文献   

Nodulated 1-1.5-year-old plants of Acacia littorea grown inminus nitrogen culture were each partnered with a single seedlingof the root hemiparasite Olax phyllanthi. Partitioning of fixedN between plant organs of the host and parasite was studiedfor the period 4–8 months after introducing the parasite.N fluxes through nodules of Acacia and xylem-tapping haustoriaof Olax were compared using measured xylem flows of fixed Nand anatomical information for the two organs. N2 fixation duringthe study interval (635 µg N g FW nodules–1 d–1)corresponded to a xylem loading flux of 0.20 µg N mm–2d–1 across the secretory membranes of the pencycle parenchymaof the nodule vascular strands. A much higher flux of N (4891µg mm–2 d–1) exited through xylem at the junctionof nodule and root. The corresponding flux of N from host xylemacross absorptive membranes of the endophyte parenchyma of Olaxhaustorium was 1.15 µg N mm–1 d–1, six timesthe loading flux in nodules. The exit flux from haustorium toparasite rootlet was 20.0 pg N mm–1 d–1, 200-foldless than that passing through xylem elements of the nodule.Fluxes of individual amino compounds in xylem of nodule andhaustorium were assessed on a molar and N basis. N flux valuesare related to data for transpiration and partitioning of Cand N of the association recorded in a companion paper. Key words: Olax phyllanthi, host-parasite relationships, N flux, Acacia, N2 fixation  相似文献   

Established, nodulated white clover plants were transferredto eight tanks of a flowing culture apparatus with solutiontemperatures of 5, 11, 17, and 25 ?C (two tanks per temperature).Shoot temperature and light environment were common to all plants.After 7 d, (10 mmol m–3) was continuouslysupplied to one tank at each temperature while in the remainingfour tanks (one at each temperature) the plants were completelydependent on nodule N2-fixation. Plants were randomly selected at intervals during the following14 d period in order to measure root and nodule respirationand acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in a flow-through systemset at the adapted root temperature. Additional plants wereassayed for in vitro nitrate reductase activity in leaves, roots,and nodules. Apparent nitrogenase activity (ARA) and respiration associatedwith it were each markedly affected by temperature in two ways;(1) Activity per unit weight of nodule was reduced at lowertemperatures; (2) Development of the plant, and thus also nodulemass, was restricted at lower temperatures which, in turn, restrictedtotal nodule activity per plant. The presence of nitrate significantly reduced ARA of nodules,particularly at higher temperatures. However, significant discrepancieswere found when N2-fixation rates, estimated from the acetylenereduction assay, were compared with N2-fixation rates calculatedfrom curves fitted to N accumulation data (minus the rate of uptake in the case of nitrate-treated plants). Carbon use efficiency (CO2 respired per C2H4 produced) was notsignificantly affected by temperature or the presence of nitrate. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) developed in all plant partsat the three highest temperatures, but not at 5 ?C. We calculatethat leaf NRA may account for 82, 75, and 68% of total nitratereduction at 11, 17, and 25 ?C respectively. Key words: Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, root temperature, acetylene reduction assay, nitrate, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

Seventy-five per cent of the N2-fixing activity (measured asthe reduction of C2H2 to C2H4) and 50 per cent of the respiratoryactivity of detached soybean root nodules was lost when thewater potential () of the nodules was lowered from approximately–1 ? 105 Pa (turgid nodules) to –9 ? 105 Pa (moderatelystressed nodules). Severely stressed nodules ( = –1.8? 106 Pa) showed almost total loss of N2-fixing activity andup to 80 per cent loss of respiratory activity. Increasing theoxygen partial pressure (PO2) from 104 to 105 Pa completelyrestored both N2-fixation and respiration in moderately stressednodules, but only partial recovery was possible in severelystressed nodules. The activity of the stressed nodules was verylow at low PO2 (5 ? 103 and 104 Pa). The C2H2-reducing activityof nodule slices, nodule breis, and bacteroids from turgid andmoderately stressed nodules was almost identical but some activitywas lost in the breis and bacteroids from severely stressednodules. Calculations showed that at low PO2 (104 and 2 ? 104Pa), the rate of O2 diffusion into severely stressed noduleswas ten times lower than that for turgid nodules, but only fourtimes lower at a higher PO2 (4 ? 104 Pa). Carbon monoxide inhibitionof C2H2 reduction was slower in stressed nodules than in turgidnodules. The results are discussed in view of the possible developmentof a physical barrier to gaseous diffusion and/or the possiblealtered affinity of the nodule leghaemoglobin for O2 in thewater-stressed nodules.  相似文献   

1) The wavelength effects on 14CO2-fixation by Chlorella cellswere studied, using monochromatic light of different light intensities. 2) Blue light (453 mµ) stimulated the incorporation of14C into aspartate, glutamate and malate. Red light (679 mµ),on the other hand, stimulated its incorporation into P-esters,free sugars and insoluble material. 3) The blue light effect was observed in the presence of CMUat concentrations completely suppressing ordinary photosyntheticCO2-fixation. 4) The blue light effect in the presence of CMU was inducedat very low intensities. At 453 mµ, 300 erg cm–2sec–1 was sufficient for complete saturation. 5) Time courses of 14C-incorporation into individual compoundswere investigated. Irrespective of the wavelength of the illuminatinglight, the first stable CO2-fixation product formed under weaklight (400–500 erg cm–2 sec–1) was citrulline.At higher light intensities (4,000–7,000 erg cm–2sec–1), PGA was the first stable CO2-fixation product.The incorporation of 14C into citrulline was not inhibited byCMU. 6) Experimental results indicate that both blue light-inducedincorporation of 14C into amino and organic acids and the incorporationof 14C into citrulline induced by low intensity light are operatedby a mechanism(s) independent of ordinary photosynthetic CO2-fixation.Possible effects of light regulating the carbon metabolism inalgal cells are discussed. (Received July 24, 1969; )  相似文献   

Nodule lipid, glyoxylate and ureide transformations associatedwith nitrogenase activity of Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis(L.) DC.) were determined at anthesis, 72 day age from emergence(DAE), and with mature seed pod development at 149 DAE. Totalnodule lipid content decreased about 86% during seed development.Acylglycerides were dominant, 10.9 g kg–1 nodule, withtriacyl content decreasing from 55% at anthesis to about 13%at full seed set. Phosphatidylcholine composed about 39% oftotal nodule glycerphosphatides, 9.03 g kg–1 nodule atanthesis, decreasing to 16% at full seed set. Oleic was theprincipal unsaturated fatty acid, 33.0% at anthesis decreasingto 25.8% at full seed set. Nitrogenase activity decreased from617.8 nmol C2H4 plant–1s–1 at anthesis to 499.5nmol C2H4 plant–1s–1 at full seed set. Key glyox-ylatecycle enzymes changed significantly with increase of isocitratasefrom 4.59 katal?10-6 (µkat) kg–1 to 18.36µkatkg–1 nodule and decrease of malate synthetase from 32.47µkat kg–1 to 4.25µkat kg–1 nodule. Highlysignificant decreases occurred with purine catabolic enzymes;uricase decreased from 39.10µkat kg–1 to 2.21 µkatkg–1, allantoinase decreased from 4.08µkat kg–1to 1.36µkat kg–1 and allantoicase decreased from3.91 µkat kg–1 to 0.85 µkat kg–1 nodule.Ureide content decreased from 204.40 mMol kg–1 to 33.03mMol kg–1 nodule. (Received April 4, 1988; Accepted August 17, 1988)  相似文献   

Seeds used to plant a crop may contain sufficient molybdenum(Mo) to prevent subsequent Mo deficiency in the crop even whenthey are sown on Mo deficient soils. However, little is knownabout either the sources of the Mo acquired by the seed, orthe timing of its redistribution during seed development. Aglasshouse experiment was set up to examine the effect of Mosupply and nitrogen source on the redistribution of Mo withinblack gram, from full flowering to seed maturity. Treatmentscomprised two sources of N (symbiotic N2fixation, NH4NO3), twolevels of Mo supply [nil (-Mo), 0.64 mg Mo kg-1soil (+Mo)] andfour harvests (full flowering, early pod setting, late pod fillingand seed maturity). The redistribution of Mo in black gram wasexamined by determining changes over time in the content ofMo in plant parts at each growth stage. Molybdenum supply and the plant growth stage strongly affectedthe redistribution of Mo to the seed. In -Mo plants relianton symbiotic N2fixation, Mo redistributed from roots, stemsand leaves was the only source of Mo for reproductive developmentsince, from full flowering until maturity, there was no netincrease in whole plant Mo. For pod and early seed development,the roots were the major source of Mo in -Mo plants. After latepod filling, nodules replaced roots as the major source of Mofor seed fill in -Mo plants. By contrast, for +Mo plants relianton symbiotic N2fixation, Mo taken up from the soil after fullflowering could have supplied nearly 50% of the seed Mo. Themajor sources of Mo for seed filling in +Mo plants were middlestem leaves during early podding, and middle stems and pod wallsfrom late podding. Supplying NH4NO3to plants from sowing had little effect on Modistribution or redistribution in +Mo black gram plants. However,in -Mo plants it accelerated the loss of Mo from middle stemsand their leaves compared to nodulated plants. Black gram; Vigna mungo L. Hepper; distribution; molybdenum; nitrogen; nodules; redistribution; seed fill  相似文献   

The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems, ofnodules and of roots were determined during active nitrogenfixation in soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover andwhite clover, by measurements on whole plants before and afterthe removal of nodule populations. Similar measurements weremade on comparable populations of the six legumes, lacking nodulesbut receiving abundant nitrate-nitrogen, to determine the specificrespiration of their roots. All plants were grown in a controlled-environmentclimate which fostered rapid growth. The specific respiration rates of nodulated root systems ofthe three grain and three forage legumes during a 7–14-dayperiod of vegetative growth varied between 10 and 17 mg CO2g–1 (dry weight) h–1. This mean value consistedof two components: a specific root respiration rate of 6–9mg CO2 g–1 h–1 and a specific nodule respirationrate of 22–46 mg CO2 g–1 h–1. Nodule respirationaccounted for 42–70 per cent of nodulated root respiration;nodule weight accounted for 12–40 per cent of nodulatedroot weight. The specific respiration rates of roots lackingnodules and utilizing nitrate nitrogen were generally 20–30per cent greater than the equivalent rates of roots from nodulatedplants. The measured respiratory effluxes are discussed in thecontext of nitrogen nitrogen fixation, nitrate assimilation. Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens, soya bean, navy bean, pea, lucerne, red clover, white clover, nodule respiration, root respiration, fixation, nitrate assimilation  相似文献   

Seedlings of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. RVP)and clonal stolon cuttings of white clover (Trifolium repensL. cv. Blanca) were grown for 19 d in flowing solution culture,with N supplied as either 250 mmol m–3 NO3 or NH3+.Rates of net uptake, influx and translocation of NO3and NH4+ were then determined using 15N and 13N labelling techniques:between 3–5 h into the photoperiod following 8 h darknessfor white clover (CL), and for ryegrass plants that were eitherentire (IL) or with shoots excised 90 min prior to 13N influx(IC); and 75 min into the photoperiod following 37–39h darkness for ryegrass (ID). Rates of net uptake, influx andefflux of NH4+ exceeded those of NO3 in IL and IC ryegrassplants: the opposite occurred in white clover (CL). The decreasein net uptake following defoliation of ryegrass was greaterfor NH4+ (62%) than NO3 (40%). For NH4+ this was associatedwith a large decrease in influx from 110 to 6.0µmol h–1g–1 root fr. wt; but for NO3, influx only decreasedfrom 42 to 37 µmol h–1 g–1. Prolonged exposureto darkness (ID plants) also lowered net uptake of NO3and NH4+ by, respectively, 86% and 95% of IL levels. For NH4+this was characterized by a large decrease in influx and a smalldecrease in efflux; whilst for NO3 the effect of a largedecrease in influx was reinforced by a smaller increase in efflux. The data were used to estimate the translocatory fluxes of NO3(03–20µmol h–1 g–1) and NH4+ (003–0.4µmolh–1 g–1), assimilation in the roots of NO3(02–26µmol h–1 g–1) and NH+4 (05–89 µmolh–1 g–1), and the concentrations of NO3 (9–15mol m–3) in the cytoplasmic compartment of the roots.The relevance of variable influx and efflux to models for theregulation of N uptake is discussed. Key words: Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium repens, influx, efflux, nitrate, ammonium, 13N  相似文献   

This paper describes the construction and operation of H2 specificmicroelectrodes and their application to measurements of H2concentrations, H2 gradients and H2 inhibition of N2-fixationin legume root nodules. Electrode construction was similar to that of O2 specific microelectrodespreviously reported. They comprise an outer casing drawn toa 2–20 µm tip plugged with silicone rubber and aconcentric inner electrode made from glass coated platinum wire.The exposed tip of the Pt wire was placed close to the siliconeplug and polarized positively at 0?4 V with respect to an internalAg reference electrode. With an internal electrolyte of KC1/HC1current flow through the electrode was proportional to H2 concentrationand independent of CO2 and O2. With appropriate amplificationand screening the detection limit for this system was 0?0001atm H2 (4?0 µmol m–3). Within newly detached nodulesof Hup–ve symbioses of soyabean, pea and clover H2 concentrationvaried from 0?009 to 0?014atm compared with 0?021 atm in lupinnodules. In nodules formed by the Hup–ve soyabean/RCR3442symbiosis internal pH2 increased from 0?012 atm to 0?09 atmwhen external pO2 was raised to 0?60 atm. Hydrogen could notbe detected within nodules of the Hup+ve Clarke/RCR3407 symbiosiseven when N2 in the gas phase was replaced with Ar and externalpO2 was increased to 0?60 atm. An assessment of H2 inhibition of nitrogen fixation in the soyabean(Clarke/RCR3442) symbioses involved measurements of H2 productionat increasing internal H2 levels, induced by stepped increasesin gas phase H2 concentration. The initial relative efficiencyof 0?66 (calculated from the pH2 of nodules exposed to air andAr/O2 mixtures) started to decrease at an internal pH2 of 0?02to 0?03 atm and fell by 80% to 0?18 at an internal pH2 of 0?1atm. This threshold value for inhibition is above the measuredmean H2 concentration for this symbiosis of 0?01 atm. Hydrogen gradients through the nodule showed a sharp increasein the region of the inner cortex, which was reciprocal to adecrease in O2 concentration, and a shallow gradient throughthe infected zone. These results indicate that the inner airspaces in the nodule are interconnected and confirm that thebarrier to O2 diffusion is located in the inner cortex. Key words: Root nodules, hydrogen, hydrogenase, oxygen  相似文献   

Growth-chamber studies were conducted to evaluate nitrogen assimilationby three hypernodulated soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] mutants(NOD1–3, NOD2–4, NOD3–7) and the Williamsparent. Seeds were inoculated at planting and transplanted atday 7 to nutrient solution with 1 mol m–3 urea (optimizesnodule formation) or 5 mol m–3 NO3 (inhibits noduleformation). At 25 d after planting, separate plants were exposedto 15NO2 or 15NO3 for 3 to 48 h to evaluate N2 fixationand NO3 assimilation. Plant growth was less for hypernodulatedmutants than for Williams with both NO3 and urea nutrition.The major portion of symbiotically fixed 15N was rapidly assimilated(30 min) into an ethanol-soluble fraction, but by 24 h aftertreatment the ethanolinsoluble fraction in each plant part wasmost strongly labelled. Distribution patterns of 15N among organswere very similar among lines for both N growth treatments aftera 24 h 15N2 fixation period; approximate distributions were40% in nodules, 12% in roots, 14% in stems, and 34% in leaves.With urea-grown plants the totalmg 15N fixed plant–1 24h–1 was 1·18 (Williams), 1·40 (N0D1-3),107 (NOD2-4), and 0·80 (NOD3-7). The 5 mol m-3 NO3- treatmentresulted in a 95 to 97% decrease in nodule mass and 15N2 fixationby Williams, while the three mutants retained 30 to 40% of thenodule mass and 17 to 19% of the 15N2 fixation of respectiveurea-grown controls. The hypernodulated mutants, which had restrictedroot growth, absorbed less 15NO3- than Williams, irrespectiveof prior N growthcondition. The 15N from 15NO3- was primarilyretained in the soluble fraction of all plant parts through24 h. The 15N incorporation studies confirmed that nodule developmentis less sensitive to external NO3- in mutant lines than in theWilliams parent, and provide evidence that subsequent metabolismand distribution within the plant was not different among lines.These results further confirm that the hypernodulated mutantsof Williams are similar in many respects to the hyper- or supernodulatedmutants in the Bragg background, and suggest that a common mutationalevent affectingautoregulatory control of nodulation has beentargeted. Key words: Glycine max (L.) Merr., soybean, N2fixation, nitrate assimilation, nodulation mutants, 15N isotope  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L ), whollydependent on N2 fixation, were grown for 6 weeks in controlledenvironments providing either (C680 regime) 23/18 °C day/nighttemperatures and a CO2, concentration of 680 µmol mol–1,or (C340 regime) 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and a CO2,concentration of 340 µmol mol–1 During the firsthalf of the experimental period the C680 plants grew fasterthan their C340 counterparts so that by week 3 they were twicethe weight this 2 1 superiority in weight persisted until theend of the experiment The faster initial growth of the C680plants was based on an approx 70 % increase in leaf numbersand an approx 30 % increase in their individual area Initially,specific leaf area (cm2 g–1 leaf) was lower in C680 thanin C340 leaves but became similar in the latter half of theexperiment Shoot organ weights, including petioles and stolons,reflected the C680 plant's better growth in terms of photosyntheticsurface Throughout, C680 plants invested less of their weightin root than C340 plants and this disparity increased with timeAcetylene reduction assays showed that nitrogenase activityper unit nodule weight was the same in both C680 and C340 plantsBoth groups of plants invested about the same fraction of totalweight in nodules Nitrogen contents of plant tissues were similarirrespective of growth regime, but C680 expanded leaves containedslightly less nitrogen and their stolons slightly more nitrogenthan their C340 counterparts However, C680 leaves containedmore non-structural carbohydrate Young, unshaded C680 leavespossessed larger palisade cells, packed more tightly withinthe leaf, than equivalent C340 leaves The reason for the C680regime's loss of superiority in relative growth rate duringthe second half of the experiment was not clear, but more accumulationof non-structural carbohydrate, constriction of root growthand increased self-shading appear to be the most likely causes Trifolium repens, white clover, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, growth, N2 fixation, leaf structure  相似文献   

Cotyledons of faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord) were removedto determine whether an apparent delay in nodulation of thiscultivar could be attributed to an inhibitor from these organs.Cotyledons were left intact or excised from seedling plants14 and 18 d after sowing and plants grown with or without 2·5mm NO3. Seedling growth was depressed when cotyledons were removed onday 14 but not when removed on day 18. Removal of the cotyledonsat day 14 reduced nodule number and nodule weight in the absenceof NO3, but in the presence of NO2, nodule numberwas unaffected and only nodule weight was reduced. Cotyledonremoval at day 18 increased both nodule number and nodule weightwith +NO3 but not with –NO2. Acetylene reduction(AR) was markedly depressed by NO3. Cotyledon removalat day 14 decreased AR but removal at day 18 resulted in anincrease in AR. We suggest from these results that faba beancotyledons have an inhibitory effect on nodule activity andon nodulation and this interacts with NO3. This can beexplained through a ‘feed-back’ regulation of N2fixation by soluble N in the seedling. Vicia faba, faba bean, nodule number, nodulation, nodule activity, acetylene reduction, N2 fixation, cotyledon removal, nitrate  相似文献   

Untransformed and transformed root cultures of Swainsona galegifollawere established for swainsonine production. Transformed rootsgrew faster and produced higher swainsonine levels (62.3 µgg–1 DW) than untransformed roots (23.6 ,µg g–1DW) or roots of intact plants (8.7 µg g–1 DW). Transformationof a number of plant genotypes using A. rhizogenes strain LBA9402 showed that plant genotype Influences swainsonine levelin transformed roots but that a wide range of swainsonine levelscan be induced by separate transformation events in the samegenotype. Enhancement of swainsonine production was attemptedby treatment with sugars and induction of polyploid roots. Key words: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, root cultures, Swainsona galegifolia, swainsonine  相似文献   

Chickpea cultivar ILC 482 was inoculated with salt-tolerantRhizobium strain Ch191 in solution culture with different saltconcentrations added either immediately with inoculation or5 d later. The inhibitory effect of salinity on nodulation ofchickpea occurred at 40 dS m–1 (34.2 mol m–3 NaCl)and nodulation was completely inhibited at 7 dS m–1 (61.6mol m–3 NaCl); the plants died at 8 dS m–1 (71.8mol m–3 NaCl). Chickpea cultivar ILC 482 inoculated with Rhizobium strain Ch191spcstrwas grown in two pot experiments and irrigated with saline water.Salinity (NaCl equivalent to 1–4 dS m–1) significantlydecreased shoot and root dry weight, total nodule number perplant, nodule weight and average nodule weight. The resultsindicate that Rhizobium strain Ch191 forms an infective andeffective symbiosis with chickpea under saline and non-salineconditions; this legume was more salt-sensitive compared tothe rhizobia, the roots were more sensitive than the shoots,and N2 fixation was more sensitive to salinity than plant growth. Key words: Cicer arietinum, nodulation, N2 fixation, Rhizobium, salinity  相似文献   

Bergersen  F. J. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(6):577-582
The diffusion of oxyleghaemoglobin, prepared from soybean rootnodules, was measured at 24°C in agar and agarose gels ofvarious strengths, or in 1% agarose containing 0-18% (w/v) bovineserum albumin, to simulate the protein content of the cytoplasmof root nodule cells. Values of Dp, the diffusion coefficient,were unaffected (Dp = 11·8 x 10-11 m2 s-1; s.e.m. 0·3x 10-11) until the protein concentration exceeded 6%, abovewhich Dp declined sharply. With 18% bovine serum albumin, theconcentration of total soluble protein calculated to be presentin the cytoplasm of infected cells, where most of the leghaemoglobinis located in vivo, Dp was 5·9 x 10-11 m2 s-1. Theseresults are discussed in relation to leghaemoglobin-facilitateddelivery of O2 to the respiring N2-fixing bacteroids in rootnodule cells.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Bacteroids, diffusion, Glycine max, N2 fixation, oxyleghaemoglobin, soybean, root nodules  相似文献   

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