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doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00418.x
Effect evaluation of a supervised versus non‐supervised implementation of an oral health care guideline in nursing homes: a cluster randomised controlled clinical trial Objective: To compare a supervised versus a non‐supervised implementation of an oral health care guideline in Flanders (Belgium). Background: The key factor in realising good oral health is daily oral hygiene care. In 2007, the Dutch guideline ‘Oral health care in care homes for elderly people’ was developed to improve oral health of institutionalised elderly. Materials and Methods: A random sample of 12 nursing homes was randomly allocated to the intervention or the control group. Representative samples of 30 residents in each home were monitored during a 6‐month study period. The intervention included a supervised implementation of the guideline. Results: At the 6‐month follow‐up, only a small but statistically significant (p = 0.002) beneficial effect (0.32) of the intervention was observed for denture plaque after adjustment for baseline value and the random effect of the institution. In the linear mixed regression models, including a random institution effect, difference in denture plaque level was no longer statistically significant at the 5% level. Conclusion: Only denture hygiene has been improved by the supervised implementation, although with lower benefits than presumed. Factors on institutional level, difficult to assess quantitatively, may play an important role in the final result.  相似文献   

doi:10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00655.x Factors associated with missing teeth in the Brazilian elderly institutionalised population Objective: Identify factors associated with missing teeth in the elderly institutionalised population in Brazil. Methodology: Cross‐sectional study of elderly institutionalised Brazilians with 1192 subjects. A questionnaire was applied as well as an epidemiological survey of oral health conditions in accordance with WHO. Factorial analysis was carried out with variables related to missing teeth, as well as the Fisher’s exact test, chi‐squared test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Mean age was 76.3 (±9.8), 53.5% (638) of subjects were women and 717 (60.2) were dependent. Mean of Decayed Missing and Filled Teeth Index (DMFT index) was 29.4 (±4.9). The subjects that did not use upper and lower dentures were 61.5% (732) and 79.2% (944), respectively. Median number of missing teeth per person was 27.88 (±6.8) with a mean of 4 (±6.6) teeth present and 2.4 (±4.5) caries‐free teeth. Factors associated with missing teeth following multivariate analysis were: age, sex, self‐assessment of oral health, access to health services, type of institution and area of the country. Conclusions: High level of tooth loss and low level of rehabilitation demonstrate precarious oral health. It is therefore necessary to improve institutional access mechanisms to public health facilities for the institutionalised elderly.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00502.x Tooth loss and dental caries in community‐dwelling older adults in northern Manhattan Objective: To examine tooth loss and dental caries by sociodemographic characteristics from community‐based oral health examinations conducted by dentists in northern Manhattan. Background: The ElderSmile programme of the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine serves older adults with varying functional capacities across settings. This report is focused on relatively mobile, socially engaged participants who live in the impoverished communities of Harlem and Washington Heights/Inwood in northern Manhattan, New York City. Materials and Methods: Self‐reported sociodemographic characteristics and health and health care information were provided by community‐dwelling ElderSmile participants aged 65 years and older who took part in community‐based oral health education and completed a screening questionnaire. Oral health examinations were conducted by trained dentists in partnering prevention centres among ElderSmile participants who agreed to be clinically screened (90.8%). Results: The dental caries experience of ElderSmile participants varied significantly by sociodemographic predictors and smoking history. After adjustment in a multivariable logistic regression model, older age, non‐Hispanic Black and Hispanic race/ethnicity, and a history of current or former smoking were important predictors of edentulism. Conclusion: Provision of oral health screenings in community‐based settings may result in opportunities to intervene before oral disease is severe, leading to improved oral health for older adults.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00475.x
Challenges and barriers to quality oral care as perceived by caregivers in long‐stay institutions in Brazil Objective: To describe how caregivers perceive the oral health status in the elderly they care for; the routines for oral hygiene in nursing homes; caregivers perceived barriers for quality oral care; and the caregivers competence and need for training in this area. Background: The phenomena surrounding ageing has been the subject of worldwide interest, particularly concerning issues related to institutionalised elderly, where several studies have shown the precarious oral health status of such individuals. Materials and methods: A qualitative interview study was held in a city in southern Brazil. Study participants were 26 caregivers of elderly people, belonging to seven institutions. Statements were collected through interviews, whose results were interpreted by phenomenological analysis. Results: Caregivers of institutionalised elderly reveal contradictions in knowledge and practices of oral health. Although it could be expected that the perception and attitudes of caregivers of their own oral health could influence the care they offer to the elderly, barriers to the implementation of such activities appear to refer to situations outside of their responsibility, especially in the absence of time and staff. Conclusions: The oral care of older people in geriatric institutions requires multidisciplinary and interinstitutional actions capable of reversing the continuing framework of neglect, requiring interventions for health promotion and disease prevention that can and should be implemented in institutions.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate students’ attitude towards the clinical component of the Leipzig Programme of undergraduate Education in Gerodontology (LPEG). Background: Undergraduate student education has long been recognised as a mainstay of fostering the aims of gerodontology. Extramural clinical education with direct exposure to various groups of vulnerable elderly is known to contribute to the formation of positive attitudes. LPEG has been designed to include didactic components and six visits to a long‐term care facility (LTC) spread over 4 of the 5 years of the dental course. Methods: A structured questionnaire with 10 items was administered to 230 students (60.9% female) on three occasions in 2004–05. Total return was 411 questionnaires. The mean age of respondents was 24.3 (SD 2.67) years. Students were asked to indicate the degree of their agreement with seven statements presented using a 5‐point scale. A choice of responses which characterised the course was offered to mark all those deemed agreeable. Results: The vast majority of students responded positively. In the students perception there was no significant difference (Kruskal–Wallis p = 0.24) in the amount of knowledge acquired between subjects participating once, twice or three times. ‘Interesting’ and ‘feel pity for patients’ were the two items that received the most support. Respondents expressed the wish to accompany up to 10 patients during their course with a mean of 3.5 (SD 2.9) but 31 (7.5%) subjects did not wish to see any frail elderly patients at all. Conclusion: The LPEG is well received by dental students. A complex subject including overarching social skills has been integrated seamlessly into the dental curriculum.  相似文献   

Objective: To survey the present state of undergraduate teaching in the domain of gerodontology in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Study participants: All universities of Austria (A), Germany (D) and Switzerland (CH). Protocol: A questionnaire on undergraduate teaching in gerodontology was mailed to all Deans (A: n = 3; CH: n = 4; D: n = 31) and all independent departments except paediatric dentistry and orthodontics (A: n = 11; CH: n = 15; D: n = 111). Results: The questionnaires were completed and returned by 29 Deans (A: n = 2; CH: n = 4; D: n = 23) and 102 departments (A: n = 7; CH: n = 8; D: n = 87). In Austria, gerodontology is a very small component of the dental curriculum and the Deans did not want this to be increased. Most German universities claimed to teach some aspects of gerodontology to undergraduate students and 87.4% of the Deans voted for separate lectures in gerodontology. In Switzerland, gerodontology seems well established. The results of questionnaires from the independent departments revealed that in all three countries lectures were more prevalent (A: n = 0; CH: n = 4; D: n = 6) than practical training in nursing homes (A: n = 0; CH: n = 3; D: n = 6). Conclusion: Considering the demographical shift which is leading to an increasing proportion of elderly in the population, the weighting of gerodontology in the undergraduate dental curriculum should be considered for revision in Austria and Germany.  相似文献   

Deshmukh SP  Radke UM 《Gerodontology》2012,29(2):e1052-e1058
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00609.x Translation and validation of the Hindi version of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index Purpose: To translate the original English version of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) into Hindi and assess its validity and reliability for use among people in India. Materials and Method: After translation into Hindi, a total of 385 participants aged 55+ demonstrated acceptable validity and reliability when used for people in India. Individual GOHAI items were recorded and summed as originally recommended. The questionnaire sought information about socio‐demographic characteristics and self‐reported perception of general and oral health. Clinical examination included assessment of periodontal status and number of decayed teeth, missing teeth, filled teeth and crowned teeth. Result: Mean GOHAI score was 40.9 (SD, 10.6; range, 12–60). Cronbach’s alpha for the GOHAI score was 0.88, indicating a high degree of internal consistency and homogeneity between the GOHAI items. The test–retest correlation coefficient for add‐GOHAI scores was 0.72, indicating good stability. Add‐GOHAI scores increased with poorer perceived general and oral health. Convergent validity, construct validity and discriminant validity of the GOHAI were demonstrated. Conclusion: It could therefore be used as a valuable instrument for measuring oral health–related quality of life for people in this region.  相似文献   

M. Vigild 《Gerodontology》1993,10(1):10-15
It has been assumed that improved oral health leads to a better quality of life for elderly people. It is, however, difficult to assess the benefit of oral health care, especially dental treatment in terms of life quality. The normative assessment, based solely on clinical diagnosis, often leads to an overestimation of the true need for treatment, especially among the ‘frail elderly’, some of whom do not want treatment, either because there is no perceived need or expressed demand. Others are very ill, and some in such a poor mental condition that they can not express any demand for treatment, and would probably not benefit from treatment e.g. new dentures. The realistic treatment need is an attempt to assess the true need for treatment in relation to the benefit provided. It is a combination of the normative need, the self-perceived need, and the expressed demand for treatment, and takes into account the mental and physical state of the individual, as well as ethical considerations.  相似文献   

Objective: A survey of dental health status was conducted in the institutionalised elderly in Zagreb, Croatia in order to assess the dental and oral health of the elderly population. Participants: In 139 institutionalised elderly from a single nursing home in Zagreb, dental and oral status was registered according to World Health Organization criteria. There were 108 (77.7%) female and 31 (22.3%) male subjects aged 58–99 years. Results: The results showed that 45.3% of the interviewed persons were totally edentulous in both jaws. A significant increase in prevalence of edentulousness with the increasing age was recorded. The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth number was 27. The average number of teeth with caries was 1.03 per person, the number of the teeth extracted was 6.9 per person and teeth with fillings 0.74 per person. The average number of teeth with root caries was 0.17. Approximately 9 teeth per person were in need of treatment. Filled teeth were found 25.9% of subjects and decayed teeth in 30.9%. The mean number of remaining sound teeth, decayed teeth and residual roots in the elderly decreased with increasing age. Complete periodontal treatment was required in 5.8% of the participants and no significant differences between genders in periodontal status could be noticed. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest poor dental health in this group of the institutionalised elderly and the necessity of improving and implementing some special features in the dental health services programs for the institutionalised elderly.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study aimed to review the effectiveness of oral health promotion studies conducted among elderly people between 1997 and 2007. Methods: Four electronic databases were searched and papers were rated for level of evidence and scientific quality. Key findings of the papers were summarised. Results: Thirteen thousand nine hundred and four papers were retrieved and 17 studies (18 papers) met the criteria for the review: 13 were randomised controlled studies, three were quasi‐experimental studies and one was a pre‐/post‐single group intervention study. According to the Levels of Evidence, 11 studies could be categorised as 1b and six studies could be categorised as 2b. The quality of the evidence of the 17 studies ranged from 12 to 19; 13 of the studies had a score of 15 or above; four of the studies ranged from 12 to 14. Evidence from oral health promotion activities aimed at preventing caries, improving periodontal health and altering oral health behaviours were reviewed. The use of fluoride, antimicrobial agents and health‐care provider education has important roles within oral health promotion activities for elderly people. Studies have tended to be of short‐term duration and rely on surrogate outcome measures of oral health. Conclusion: In the last 10 years, increasing attention has been paid to oral health promotion activities among the elderly population and high quality evidence has emerged. However, there is a need for even higher‐quality research to provide more definitive guidelines on oral health promotion practices for elderly people.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of electric and conventional toothbrushes for a group of elderly individuals. Background: Although the electric toothbrush has been recommended for elderly individuals, there had previously never been a study regarding its efficacy. Material and methods: Sixty independent elders of both genders with different oral conditions from the Center Adult Day Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, were randomly divided into two groups of 30 individuals. One group received the Oral B CrossAction Power electric toothbrush, whereas the other received a conventional Bitufo Class 32 soft toothbrush to perform oral hygiene. The bacterial plaque index (O’Leary Plaque Index) and DMFT index were assessed as a measure of oral hygiene and oral health. The data were analysed using the Shapiro–Wilk, Mann–Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. Results: The results of the efficacy of the Oral B Cross Action Power electric toothbrush demonstrated that on the 7th and 15th days, the bacterial plaque indexes were 24.91 ± 12.81 and 22.11 ± 14.46, respectively, which corresponds to a 50.24% removal of bacterial plaque on the 7th and 55.83% on the 15th days. Although the electric toothbrush removed more bacterial plaque than the conventional toothbrush, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Both the conventional and the electric toothbrushes were effective in removing bacterial plaque within the elderly group. More studies are necessary to test the efficacy of electric toothbrushes in relation to conventional toothbrushes for elderly patients.  相似文献   

Shah N 《Gerodontology》2005,22(2):104-105
Objectives: To evaluate the status and need for education in Geriatric Dentistry in India. Materials and methods: The status of dental education in India was studied. India has 185 dental schools producing 12 000 dental graduates every year. At postgraduate level, there are nine recognised specialities in Dentistry, and approximately 58 institutions offer 1160 places for postgraduate degree courses. Dental education is shaped and administered by the Dental Council of India. Results: So far, Geriatric dentistry has not developed as a separate, independent speciality at postgraduate level. The undergraduate curriculum does not have any significant component of geriatric dentistry. The lack of training results in poor understanding of special needs of older adults in young graduates. Without adequate training and personal experience of growing old, young graduates may not be able to understand the physical, socio‐economic and psychological problems of the elderly and the complexities involved in treatment planning for patients with multiple chronic diseases and medication. Conclusions: It is emphasized that geriatric dentistry should be included in each of the pre‐clinical, para‐clinical and clinical subjects at the undergraduate level. Graduate students should be encouraged to treat elderly patients in clinics under supervision using a multi‐disciplinary approach. Also, postgraduate diploma and degree courses in geriatric dentistry should be developed to address the needs of the vast elderly population in India.  相似文献   

“As the 21st century quickly approaches with an expansive geriatric population growth, are we adequately preparing health professionals to address patient needs? Will there be a shortage of competent clinicians and proficient faculty? Is there a proposed agenda to improve educational outcomes, clinical expertise, and oral health status of older adults? These and related concerns have prompted a focused geriatric education project within the United States. The Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr) of the Health Resources and Services Administration has provided the impetus and leadership through the Geriatric Education Futures Project. Dentistry is one of eleven disciplines invited to participate in this important effort which also includes medicine, nursing, social work, public health, allied and associated health, managed care, long-term care, case management, interdisciplinary education, and ethnogeriatrics. The first two phases of this project were: 1) writing White Papers which give “a critical review of the state of the art of geriatric education, project a future response to societal need and provide policy recommendations to achieve the preferred future;” and 2) sponsoring an invitational National Forum on Geriatric Education and Training in the spring of 1995 to present, discuss, and accept the White Paper findings, as well as enlisting broader participation and support from appropriate educational institutions, professional organizations (including the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association), government agencies, foundations, consumer organisations, etc. The third phase is ongoing and includes the development of national innovative educational collaboratives, dissemination of the White Papers and related documents, and continued “catalytic activities directed toward the implementation of a national agenda for action in geriatric education.” The complete text of all discipline-specific White Papers can be found in A National Agenda for Geriatric Education, Volume 1: White Papers1. In an effort to more extensively disseminate the findings from the Dentistry White Paper, Gerodontology is reprinting the first two-thirds of the Dentistry White Paper which includes the state of the art in geriatric dental education and future vision needed to meet the needs of older adults, as well as summary identification of the 19 dental policy recommendations (See Table 3). Special Care in Dentistry2 has recently published the complete text of these specific recommendations including the rationale, action required, responsible agents, and expected outcomes. Although some information contained in this White Paper may be specific only to the United States, it is also apparent that much of its content has relevance to gerodontology efforts in industrialised countries throughout the world.”–Bernice A. Parlak and Susan M. Klein (see endnote)  相似文献   

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