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Cyanobacteria have developed a photoprotective mechanism that decreases the energy arriving at the reaction centers by increasing thermal energy dissipation at the level of the phycobilisome (PB), the extramembranous light-harvesting antenna. This mechanism is triggered by the photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP), which acts both as the photosensor and the energy quencher. The OCP binds the core of the PB. The structure of this core differs in diverse cyanobacterial strains. Here, using two isolated OCPs and four classes of PBs, we demonstrated that differences exist between OCPs related to PB binding, photoactivity, and carotenoid binding. Synechocystis PCC 6803 (hereafter Synechocystis) OCP, but not Arthrospira platensis PCC 7345 (hereafter Arthrospira) OCP, can attach echinenone in addition to hydroxyechinenone. Arthrospira OCP binds more strongly than Synechocystis OCP to all types of PBs. Synechocystis OCP can strongly bind only its own PB in 0.8 m potassium phosphate. However, if the Synechocystis OCP binds to the PB at very high phosphate concentrations (approximately 1.4 m), it is able to quench the fluorescence of any type of PB, even those isolated from strains that lack the OCP-mediated photoprotective mechanism. Thus, the determining step for the induction of photoprotection is the binding of the OCP to PBs. Our results also indicated that the structure of PBs, at least in vitro, significantly influences OCP binding and the stabilization of OCP-PB complexes. Finally, the fact that the OCP induced large fluorescence quenching even in the two-cylinder core of Synechococcus elongatus PBs strongly suggested that OCP binds to one of the basal allophycocyanin cylinders.The cyanobacterial Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is a photoactive soluble protein of 35 kD that binds a ketocarotenoid, 3′-hydroxyechinenone (hECN). It is present in the majority of phycobilisome (PB)-containing cyanobacterial strains (Kirilovsky and Kerfeld, 2012, 2013). The PBs are light-harvesting extramembrane complexes formed by a core from which rods radiate. The core and rods are constituted of water-soluble blue and red phycobiliproteins, which covalently attach bilins (for review, see Glazer, 1984; Grossman et al., 1993; MacColl, 1998; Tandeau de Marsac, 2003; Adir, 2005). The OCP was first described by Holt and Krogmann (1981), and its structure was determined in 2003 (Kerfeld et al., 2003). However, its function was discovered only in 2006 (Wilson et al., 2006) and its photoactivity in 2008 (Wilson et al., 2008). The OCP is essential in a photoprotective mechanism that decreases the energy arriving at the reaction centers under high irradiance. Strong light induces thermal dissipation of the energy absorbed by the PBs, resulting in a decrease of PB fluorescence emission and of energy transfer from the PBs to the reaction centers (Wilson et al., 2006). This process, which is light intensity dependent, is induced by blue or green light but not by orange or red light (Rakhimberdieva et al., 2004; Wilson et al., 2006). The absorption of strong blue-green light by the OCP induces changes in the conformation of the carotenoid, converting the inactive orange dark form (OCPo) into an active red form (OCPr; Wilson et al., 2008). In OCPo, the hECN is in an all-trans-configuration (Kerfeld et al., 2003; Polívka et al., 2005). In OCPr, the apparent conjugation length of the carotenoid increases, resulting in a less distorted, more planar structure (Wilson et al., 2008). Fourier transform infrared spectra showed that conformational changes in the protein are also induced (Wilson et al., 2008) that are essential for the induction of the photoprotective mechanism. Only OCPr is able to bind to the core of PBs and to induce thermal energy dissipation (Wilson et al., 2008; Punginelli et al., 2009; Gorbunov et al., 2011; Gwizdala et al., 2011). Since the photoactivation of the OCP has a very low quantum yield (0.03; Wilson et al., 2008), the concentration of activated protein is zero in darkness and very low under low-light conditions (Wilson et al., 2008; Gorbunov et al., 2011). Thus, the photoprotective mechanism functions only under high-light conditions.The crystal structures of the Arthrospira maxima OCP and of the Synechocystis PCC 6803 (hereafter Synechocystis) OCP were solved in 2003 and 2010, respectively (Kerfeld et al., 2003; Wilson et al., 2010). These structures, assumed to correspond to the dark OCPo form, are essentially identical. The OCP consists of an all-α-helical N-terminal domain (residues 1–165), unique to cyanobacteria, and an α-helical/β-sheet C-terminal domain that is a member of the Nuclear Transport Factor2 superfamily (residues 191–320; Synechocystis numbering). Both domains are joined by a linker (residues 166–190; Synechocystis numbering) that appears to be flexible. The hECN molecule spans the N- and C-terminal domains of the protein, with its carbonyl end embedded in and hydrogen bonded to two absolutely conserved residues (Tyr-201 and Trp-288) in the C-terminal domain. The carotenoid is almost entirely buried; only 3.4% of the 3′ hECN is solvent exposed (Kerfeld et al., 2003). Synechocystis OCP can also bind with high-affinity echinenone (ECN) and zeaxanthin. While the ECN OCP is photoactive, the zeaxanthin OCP is photoinactive (Punginelli et al., 2009), indicating the importance of the carotenoid carbonyl group for photoactivity. The largest interface through which the two domains interact and through which the carotenoid passes is stabilized by a small number of hydrogen bonds, including one formed between Arg-155 and Glu-244 (Wilson et al., 2010). This salt bridge stabilizes the closed structure of OCPo. Upon illumination, protein conformational changes cause the breakage of this bond and the opening of the protein (Wilson et al., 2012). Arg-155, which becomes more exposed upon the separation of the two domains, is essential for the OCPr binding to the PBs (Wilson et al., 2012).After exposure to high irradiance, when the light intensity decreases, recovery of full antenna capacity and fluorescence requires another protein, the Fluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP; Boulay et al., 2010). The active form of this soluble 13-kD protein is a dimer (Sutter et al., 2013). It interacts with the OCPr C-terminal domain (Boulay et al., 2010; Sutter et al., 2013). This accelerates the red-to-orange OCP conversion and helps the OCP to detach from the PB (Boulay et al., 2010; Gwizdala et al., 2011).Genes encoding the full-length OCP are found in the vast majority of cyanobacteria but not in all; 90 of 127 genomes recently surveyed contain at least one gene for a full-length OCP (Kirilovsky and Kerfeld, 2013). The genomes of Synechococcus elongatus and Thermosynechococcus elongatus, two cyanobacterial strains used as model organisms in photosynthesis and stress studies, do not contain a full-length ocp gene. These strains also lack FRP and β-carotene ketolase (involved in ketocarotenoid synthesis). As a consequence, these strains lack the OCP-related photoprotective mechanism and are more sensitive to fluctuating light intensities (Boulay et al., 2008).The core of the hemidiscoidal PBs of Synechocystis, the model organism routinely used for the study of the OCP-related photoprotective mechanism, consists of three cylinders, each one formed by four trimers of allophycocyanin (APC; Fig. 1; for review, see Glazer, 1984; Bryant, 1991; Grossman et al., 1993; MacColl, 1998; Adir, 2005). The APC trimers are predominantly assembled from a two-subunit heterodimer, αAPC-βAPC, which binds two phycocyanobilins, one in each subunit. Of the 12 total APC trimers in the PB core, eight are trimers of αAPC-βAPC. These trimers have a maximal emission at 660 nm (APC660). The upper cylinder contains only APC660 trimers. In contrast, each basal cylinder contains only two APC660 trimers. Each basal cylinder also contains the following: (1) a trimer in which one αAPC subunit is replaced by a special αAPC-like subunit called ApcD, and (2) a trimer in which one β-subunit is replaced by ApcF, a βAPC-like subunit, and one α-subunit is replaced by the N-terminal domain of ApcE, an αAPC-like domain (Fig. 1). The trimers containing one or two of these special subunits have a maximal emission at 680 nm (APC680). In each cylinder, the two external trimers are stabilized by an 8.7-kD linker protein.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Schematic orthogonal projections of the various PB cores. In the PBs containing three or five cylinders, the top complete cylinder is formed by four αAPC-βAPC trimers emitting at 660 nm. Each of the basal cylinders of three types of PBs contains two αAPC-βAPC trimers emitting at 660 nm and two trimers emitting at 683 nm. In one of them, one αAPC is replaced by ApcD, and in the other one, αAPC-βAPC is replaced by the dimer ApcF-ApcE. In the five cylinder PBs, two additional semicylinders formed by two αAPC-βAPC trimers are present. In all the cylinders, the two external trimers include an 8.7-kD linker protein (ApcC).The C-terminal part of Synechocystis ApcE contains three interconnected repeated domains of about 120 residues (called Rep domains) that are similar to the conserved domains of rod linkers. Each Rep domain interacts with an APC trimer situated in different cylinders, which stabilizes the core of PB (Zhao et al., 1992; Shen et al., 1993; Ajlani et al., 1995; Ajlani and Vernotte, 1998). The ApcE protein also determines the number of APC cylinders that form the PB core (Capuano et al., 1991, 1993). Indeed, there are PBs containing only the two basal cylinders, as in S. elongatus (ex S. elongatus PCC 7942) and Synechococcus PCC 6301. In these strains, the approximately 72-kD ApcE possesses only two Rep domains. There also exist pentacylindrical cores in which, in addition to the three cylinders existing in Synechocystis PBs, there are two other cylinders, each formed by two APC660 trimers, for example in Anabaena variabilis, Anabaena PCC 7120, and Mastigocladus laminosus (Glauser et al., 1992; Ducret et al., 1998). In the pentacylindrical PBs, ApcE (approximately 125 kD) contains four Rep domains (Capuano et al., 1993). Finally, ApcE is also involved in the interaction between the PB and the thylakoids.The bicylindric and tricylindric cores are surrounded by six rods formed generally by three hexamers of the blue phycocyanin (PC) or two PC hexamers and one hexamer containing phycoerythrin or phycoerythrincyanonin. The rods and the hexamers are stabilized by nonchromophorylated linker proteins. A linker protein, LRC also stabilizes the binding of the rods to the core. The pentacylindric PBs can contain up to eight rods. The quantity and length of rods and the presence of phycoerythrin or phycoerythrocyanin at the periphery of the rods depends on environmental conditions like light intensity or quality (Kipe-Nolt et al., 1982; Glauser et al., 1992).The OCP probably binds to one of the APC660 trimers (Tian et al., 2011, 2012; Jallet et al., 2012), and the presence of the rods stabilizes this binding to Synechocystis PBs (Gwizdala et al., 2011). The different structures of PBs in other strains could affect the binding of the OCP. Thus, we undertook a study about the relationship between the structure of PBs and OCP binding in preparation for introducing the OCP-related photoprotective mechanism into S. elongatus using Synechocystis genes. In this study, we used the in vitro reconstitution system developed by Gwizdala et al. (2011) with three different types of isolated PBs: Arthrospira platensis PCC 7345 (hereafter Arthrospira) PBs, having a tricylindrical core like Synechocystis PBs; Anabaena variabilis (hereafter Anabaena) PBs, having a pentacylindrical core; and S. elongatus PCC 7942 (hereafter Synechococcus) PBs, having a bicylindrical core. We also used two different OCPs, the Synechocystis OCP and the Arthrospira OCP. Each OCP was isolated from mutant Synechocystis cells overexpressing one or the other ocp gene with a C-terminal His tag.  相似文献   

In most cyanobacteria high irradiance induces a photoprotective mechanism that downregulates photosynthesis by increasing thermal dissipation of the energy absorbed by the phycobilisome, the water-soluble antenna. The light activation of a soluble carotenoid protein, the Orange-Carotenoid-Protein (OCP), binding hydroxyechinenone, a keto carotenoid, is the key inducer of this mechanism. Light causes structural changes within the carotenoid and the protein, leading to the conversion of a dark orange form into a red active form. Here, we tested whether echinenone or zeaxanthin can replace hydroxyechinenone in a study in which the nature of the carotenoid bound to the OCP was genetically changed. In a mutant lacking hydroxyechinenone and echinenone, the OCP was found to bind zeaxanthin but the stability of the binding appeared to be lower and light was unable to photoconvert the dark form into a red active form. Moreover, in the strains containing zeaxanthin-OCP, blue-green light did not induce the photoprotective mechanism. In contrast, in mutants in which echinenone is bound to the OCP, the protein is photoactivated and photoprotection is induced. Our results strongly suggest that the presence of the carotenoid carbonyl group that distinguishes echinenone and hydroxyechinenone from zeaxanthin is essential for the OCP activity.  相似文献   

Orange carotenoid protein (OCP) is the photoactive protein that is responsible for high light tolerance in cyanobacteria. We studied the kinetics of the OCP photocycle by monitoring changes in its absorption spectrum, intrinsic fluorescence, and fluorescence of the Nile red dye bound to OCP. It was demonstrated that all of these three methods provide the same kinetic parameters of the photocycle, namely, the kinetics of OCP relaxation in darkness was biexponential with a ratio of two components equal to 2:1 independently of temperature. Whereas the changes of the absorption spectrum of OCP characterize the geometry and environment of its chromophore, the intrinsic fluorescence of OCP reveals changes in its tertiary structure, and the fluorescence properties of Nile red indicate the exposure of hydrophobic surface areas of OCP to the solvent following the photocycle. The results of molecular-dynamics studies indicated the presence of two metastable conformations of 3′-hydroxyechinenone, which is consistent with characteristic changes in the Raman spectra. We conclude that rotation of the β-ionylidene ring in the C-terminal domain of OCP could be one of the first conformational rearrangements that occur during photoactivation. The obtained results suggest that the photoactivated form of OCP represents a molten globule-like state that is characterized by increased mobility of tertiary structure elements and solvent accessibility.  相似文献   

Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria have developed mechanisms to decrease the energy arriving at reaction centers to protect themselves from high irradiance. In cyanobacteria, the photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) and the Fluorescence Recovery Protein are essential elements in this mechanism. Absorption of strong blue-green light by the OCP induces carotenoid and protein conformational changes converting the orange (inactive) OCP into a red (active) OCP. Only the red orange carotenoid protein (OCPr) is able to bind to phycobilisomes, the cyanobacterial antenna, and to quench excess energy. In this work, we have constructed and characterized several OCP mutants and focused on the role of the OCP N-terminal arm in photoactivation and excitation energy dissipation. The N-terminal arm largely stabilizes the closed orange OCP structure by interacting with its C-terminal domain. This avoids photoactivation at low irradiance. In addition, it slows the OCP detachment from phycobilisomes by hindering fluorescence recovery protein interaction with bound OCPr. This maintains thermal dissipation of excess energy for a longer time. Pro-22, at the beginning of the N-terminal arm, has a key role in the correct positioning of the arm in OCPr, enabling strong OCP binding to phycobilisomes, but is not essential for photoactivation. Our results also show that the opening of the OCP during photoactivation is caused by the movement of the C-terminal domain with respect to the N-terminal domain and the N-terminal arm.Full sunlight is dangerous for plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. It can cause oxidative damages leading to the destruction of the photosynthetic apparatus and to cell death. A short-term photoprotective mechanism developed by oxygenic photosynthetic organisms is the reduction of excitation energy being funneled into the photochemical reaction centers by dissipating excess energy as heat at the level of the antennae (Niyogi and Truong, 2013). In plants and green algae, this mechanism involves the membrane chlorophyll antennae, the light-harvesting complex (for review, see Horton et al., 1996; Horton and Ruban, 2005; Jahns and Holzwarth, 2012), and in cyanobacteria, the extramembrane phycobiliprotein-containing antennae, the phycobilisomes (PBSs; for review, see Kirilovsky and Kerfeld, 2012; Kirilovsky, 2014). Despite these differences in composition and structure of their antennae, carotenoids have an essential role in both plants and cyanobacteria. In plants, high irradiance leads to acidification of the lumen that triggers conformational changes in the light-harvesting complexes and in their organization in the membrane, switching the light-harvesting complex into an effective energy-dissipating form. In cyanobacteria, high irradiance photoactivates a soluble carotenoid protein, the Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP), that acts as the stress sensor and the energy quencher. In both cases, changes in pigment-pigment interactions (carotenoid-chlorophyll, carotenoid-bilin, chlorophyll-chlorophyll) enable thermal dissipation of excitation energy via three different possible mechanisms: excitation energy transfer (Ruban et al., 2007; Berera et al., 2013), charge transfer (Holt et al., 2005; Tian et al., 2011), or excitonic interactions between the pigments (Bode et al., 2009).The study of the photoactivation of the OCP and its interaction with the phycobilisome is essential to elucidate the mechanism of energy quenching in cyanobacterial photoprotection. The OCP is a soluble 35-kD protein constituted by an α-helical N-terminal domain (residues1–165) and an α-helix/β-sheet C-terminal domain (residues 190–317; Kerfeld et al., 2003; Wilson et al., 2010; Fig. 1A). A flexible linker of 25 amino acids connects both domains. The ketocarotenoid 3′-hydroxyechinenone (3′-hECN), having a carbonyl (keto) group in one of the rings and a hydroxyl group in the other one, spans both domains of the protein, with the carbonyl group residing in a hydrophobic pocket of the C-terminal domain. Tyr-201 and Trp-288 interact via hydrogen bonds to the carotenoid keto group. In the dark, the OCP is orange (OCPo). Absorption of blue-green light by the carotenoid induces conformational changes in the carotenoid and in the protein converting the orange form into the active red form (OCPr; Wilson et al., 2008; Fig. 1C). The photoconversion reaction has a very low quantum yield, and the rate of OCPr accumulation largely depends on light intensity (Wilson et al., 2008). Thus, accumulation of the red form occurs only under high irradiance (Wilson et al., 2008). Both OCPo and OCPr are energetically suitable to quench PBS fluorescence and excitation energy (Polívka et al., 2013; Niedzwiedzki et al., 2014), but only OCPr is able to bind to the PBS and dissipate most of the excess energy as heat (Gwizdala et al., 2011). In OCPo, strong interactions exist between the N- and C-terminal globular domains, including salt bridges between residues Trp-277-Asn-104 and Arg-155-Glu-244 (Kerfeld et al., 2003; Wilson et al., 2010). Upon photoactivation, these bonds are broken, leading to the solvent exposure of Arg-155, which plays an essential role in OCP binding to PBS (Wilson et al., 2012; Fig. 1C). The PBSs from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (used in this work and hereafter simply referred to as Synechocystis) are formed by a core of allophycocyanin (APC) trimers. These trimers are organized in three cylinders from which rods containing phycocyanin hexamers radiate (for review, see Grossman et al., 1993; MacColl, 1998; Adir, 2005). OCPr binds to one APC trimer, and its open structure allows the interaction between the OCP carotenoid and one APC bilin (Wilson et al., 2012). The first site of energy and fluorescence quenching is an APC trimer emitting at 660 nm (Tian et al., 2011, 2012, 2013; Takahashi et al., 2013). Once OCPr is attached to PBS, thermal dissipation increases and less energy arrives at both photosystems (Wilson et al., 2006; Rakhimberdieva et al., 2010; Gorbunov et al., 2011). When the light becomes less intense, full antenna capacity is required. The Fluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP) is essential for this process. FRP accelerates the OCPr to OCPo dark conversion and facilitates OCP detachment from PBS (Boulay et al., 2010; Gwizdala et al., 2011; Sutter et al., 2013). The active FRP is a nonchromophorylated dimer that interacts with the C-terminal domain of the OCPr (Sutter et al., 2013).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A and B, Structure of the OCP from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (Protein Data Bank identifier: 3MG1). The OCP monomer is represented in the orange state. The N-terminal arm (residues 1–22; red) interacts with the C-terminal domain (residues 196–315; sky blue). The Pro-22 and the Asp-6 are marked in blue. The N-terminal domain (residues 22–165) is green in the figure, and the linker between N-terminal and C-terminal domains is colored in violet. C, Model of photoactivation. Upon light absorption, the orange OCPo is converted into the active red OCPr. Changes in the carotenoid conformation induce conformational changes in the C-terminal domain, leading to the breakage of the interactions between the N-terminal and C-terminal domains and the opening of the protein.Previously, it has been demonstrated that the N-terminal globular domain of the OCP (green in Fig. 1, A and B) is a constitutively active energy quencher (Leverenz et al., 2014). Thus, its interaction with the C-terminal globular domain is essential for inhibiting OCP binding to PBS and energy quenching under low irradiance. This process must be tightly regulated. Little is known about this regulation. One possibility is that the N-terminal arm of the protein (red in Fig. 1, A and B), which in OCPo interacts with the C-terminal globular domain, could have a role in this regulation.According to the OCP structure Asp-6, could form a hydrogen bond with Arg-229, which could stabilize the closed form of OCPo. Pro-22 is located at the bent junction between the N-terminal arm and the N-terminal globular domain. It has been proposed that a cis-trans Pro isomerization could be involved in OCP photoactivation (Gorbunov et al., 2011), suggesting that Pro-22 isomerization could help the movement of the N-terminal arm and its detachment from the C-terminal domain during OCP photoactivation. In this work, we studied the effect of deleting the N-terminal arm and the mutations Asp-6-Leu and Pro-22-Val on photoactivity and OCP interaction with PBS and FRP (for the position of the N-terminal arm in the structure of OCPo, see in Fig. 1, A and B).  相似文献   

The photoprotective processes of photosynthetic organisms involve the dissipation of excess absorbed light energy as heat. Photoprotection in cyanobacteria is mechanistically distinct from that in plants; it involves the orange carotenoid protein (OCP), a water-soluble protein containing a single carotenoid. The OCP is a new member of the family of blue light-photoactive proteins; blue-green light triggers the OCP-mediated photoprotective response. Here we report structural and functional characterization of the wild type and two mutant forms of the OCP, from the model organism Synechocystis PCC6803. The structural analysis provides high resolution detail of the carotenoid-protein interactions that underlie the optical properties of the OCP, unique among carotenoid-proteins in binding a single pigment per polypeptide chain. Collectively, these data implicate several key amino acids in the function of the OCP and reveal that the photoconversion and photoprotective responses of the OCP to blue-green light can be decoupled.  相似文献   

This paper shows that 19F-nuelear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on 3-fluoro-tyrosine and 5-fluorotryptophan-substituted wild-type lactose operon repressors from Escherichia coli can be used to examine the interactions with lac operator DNA.A survey of inducer and salt concentration effects on the repressor-operator complex is presented. The data lead us to a scheme for the interactions between the repressor, operator and inducer, in both binary and ternary complexes, that accommodate the results published by others.The complex between the tetrameric repressor and one 36 base-pair operator DNA fragment results in the simultaneous broadening of the resonances from all four N-terminal DNA binding domains. The actual contacts made by these binding domains are similar but probably not identical.The binding of the inducer molecule to the tetrameric repressor results in an allosteric change that can be monitored by the increased intensity of the resonances from individual tyrosine residues in the N-terminal binding domain. This increased N-terminal tyrosine resonance intensity in the complex is transmitted to repressor subunits that have not yet bound an inducer molecule.  相似文献   

The Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is a soluble photoactive protein involved in cyanobacterial photoprotection. It is formed by the N-terminal domain (NTD) and C-terminal (CTD) domain, which establish interactions in the orange inactive form and share a ketocarotenoid molecule. Upon exposure to intense blue light, the carotenoid molecule migrates into the NTD and the domains undergo separation. The free NTD can then interact with the phycobilisome (PBS), the extramembrane cyanobacterial antenna, and induces thermal dissipation of excess absorbed excitation energy. The OCP and PBS amino acids involved in their interactions remain undetermined. To identify the OCP amino acids essential for this interaction, we constructed several OCP mutants (23) with modified amino acids located on different NTD surfaces. We demonstrated that only the NTD surface that establishes interactions with the CTD in orange OCP is involved in the binding of OCP to PBS. All amino acids surrounding the carotenoid β1 ring in the OCPR-NTD (L51, P56, G57, N104, I151, R155, N156) are important for binding OCP to PBS. Additionally, modification of the amino acids influences OCP photoactivation and/or recovery rates, indicating that they are also involved in the translocation of the carotenoid.  相似文献   

In conditions of fluctuating light, cyanobacteria thermally dissipate excess absorbed energy at the level of the phycobilisome, the light-collecting antenna. The photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) and Fluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP) have essential roles in this mechanism. Absorption of blue-green light converts the stable orange (inactive) OCP form found in darkness into a metastable red (active) form. Using an in vitro reconstituted system, we studied the interactions between OCP, FRP, and phycobilisomes and demonstrated that they are the only elements required for the photoprotective mechanism. In the process, we developed protocols to overcome the effect of high phosphate concentrations, which are needed to maintain the integrity of phycobilisomes, on the photoactivation of the OCP, and on protein interactions. Our experiments demonstrated that, whereas the dark-orange OCP does not bind to phycobilisomes, the binding of only one red photoactivated OCP to the core of the phycobilisome is sufficient to quench all its fluorescence. This binding, which is light independent, stabilizes the red form of OCP. Addition of FRP accelerated fluorescence recovery in darkness by interacting with the red OCP and destabilizing its binding to the phycobilisome. The presence of phycobilisome rods renders the OCP binding stronger and allows the isolation of quenched OCP-phycobilisome complexes. Using the in vitro system we developed, it will now be possible to elucidate the quenching process and the chemical nature of the quencher.  相似文献   

A synthetic medium for growing Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 is developed. This medium opened the way to the preparation of photosynthetic reaction centers incorporated with L-[4'-13C]tyrosine or L-[1'-15N]tryptophan. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectroscopy was used to estimate the metabolic incorporation of the labeled amino acid into the protein. Conditions were found for near-quantitative incorporation of labeled aromatic amino acids into the reaction center.  相似文献   

The orange carotenoid protein (OCP) serves as a sensor of light intensity and an effector of phycobilisome (PB)–associated photoprotection in cyanobacteria. Structurally, the OCP is composed of two distinct domains spanned by a single carotenoid chromophore. Functionally, in response to high light, the OCP converts from a dark-stable orange form, OCPO, to an active red form, OCPR. The C-terminal domain of the OCP has been implicated in the dynamic response to light intensity and plays a role in switching off the OCP’s photoprotective response through its interaction with the fluorescence recovery protein. The function of the N-terminal domain, which is uniquely found in cyanobacteria, is unclear. To investigate its function, we isolated the N-terminal domain in vitro using limited proteolysis of native OCP. The N-terminal domain retains the carotenoid chromophore; this red carotenoid protein (RCP) has constitutive PB fluorescence quenching activity comparable in magnitude to that of active, full-length OCPR. A comparison of the spectroscopic properties of the RCP with OCPR indicates that critical protein–chromophore interactions within the C-terminal domain are weakened in the OCPR form. These results suggest that the C-terminal domain dynamically regulates the photoprotective activity of an otherwise constitutively active carotenoid binding N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are an important family of detoxifying enzymes and play a key role in pesticide resistance in the insect. Tyrosine is essential for its detoxification function. In the present study, two conserved tyrosine residues are located at positions 108 and 116 in H-site of LmGSTD1. To elucidate how the two residues participate in the catalytic process and keeping structural stability, four mutants, Y108A, Y108E, Y116A, and Y116E, were generated. It was found that the four mutants affected the specific activity of LmGSTD1 in various degrees, depending on the types of substrate and reaction mechanism. Steady-state kinetics assay revealed that Y108E and Y116E had a significant influence on GSH-binding ability, which indicates the two tyrosine residues of H-site contribute to topology rearrangement of G-site. Both Y116A and Y116E exhibited lower CDNB-binding affinity, suggesting that Y116 takes part in hydrophobic substrate binding. The thermostability assay, intrinsic, and 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) florescence results showed that the two tyrosine residues were involved in regulation of active-site conformation. Finally, homology modeling provided evidence that the two tyrosines in H-site participate in hydrophobic substrate binding. Furthermore, Y108 is closer to the S atom of S-hexylglutathione. In conclusion, the two tyrosines in LmGSTD1 are important residues in both the catalytic process and protein stability.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in peel carotenoids were investigated in Shamoutioranges on and off the tree. Generally the pattern of changes in carotenoids during the colourtransition of the peel from green to orange (colour break) wassimilar in attached fruit, in fruit detached when still greenand stored under normal conditions at 20°C, and in fruitundergoing de-greening by ethylene. There was a gradual disintegrationof chloroplasts, as shown by the disappearance of chlorophylls.Total carotenoids reached a minimum level and subsequently beganto accumulate. At this point, there was a hypsochromic shiftof 6–8 nm in the absorption spectrum of total carotenoidsindicating not only the completion of the conversion of chloroplaststo chromoplasts but also the appearance of carotenoids of adifferent type. The main changes were the disappearance of ß-carotene,lutein, and neoxanthin, and the appearance of phytofluene, isomersof violaxanthin, various other epoxides and pink apo-carotenals,and methylketone carotenoids. Phytofluene was found to reachrelatively higher concentrations in stored fruit. The observed changes in the composition and amount of carotenoidsappear to characterize the transformation of chloroplasts intochromoplasts in both attached and detached green fruit.  相似文献   

The Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is responsible for photoprotection in many cyanobacteria. Absorption of blue light drives the conversion of the orange, inactive form (OCPO) to the red, active form (OCPR). Concomitantly, the N–terminal domain (NTD) and the C–terminal domain (CTD) of OCP separate, which ultimately leads to the formation of a quenched OCPR–PBS complex. The details of the photoactivation of OCP have been intensely researched. Binding site(s) of OCPR on the PBS core have also been proposed. However, the post–binding events of the OCPR–PBS complex remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that PBS–bound OCPR is not sufficient as a PBS excitation energy quencher. Using site–directed mutagenesis, we generated a suite of single point mutations at OCP Leucine 51 (L51) of Synechocystis 6803. Steady–state and time–resolved fluorescence analyses demonstrated that all mutant proteins are unable to quench the PBS fluorescence, owing to either failed OCP binding to PBS, or, if bound, an OCP–PBS quenching state failed to form. The SDS–PAGE and Western blot analysis support that the L51A (Alanine) mutant binds to the PBS and therefore belongs to the second category. We hypothesize that upon binding to PBS, OCPR likely reorganizes and adopts a new conformational state (OCP3rd) different than either OCPO or OCPR to allow energy quenching, depending on the cross–talk between OCPR and its PBS core–binding counterpart.  相似文献   

In cyanobacteria, strong blue-green light induces a photoprotective mechanism involving an increase of energy thermal dissipation at the level of phycobilisome (PB), the cyanobacterial antenna. This leads to a decrease of the energy arriving to the reaction centers. The photoactive Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) has an essential role in this mechanism. The binding of the red photoactivated OCP to the core of the PB triggers energy and PB fluorescence quenching. The core of PBs is constituted of allophycocyanin trimers emitting at 660 or 680nm. ApcD, ApcF and ApcE are the responsible of the 680nm emission. In this work, the role of these terminal emitters in the photoprotective mechanism was studied. Single and double Synechocystis PCC 6803 mutants, in which the apcD or/and apcF genes were absent, were constructed. The Cys190 of ApcE which binds the phycocyanobilin was replaced by a Ser. The mutated ApcE attached an unusual chromophore emitting at 710nm. The activated OCP was able to induce the photoprotective mechanism in all the mutants. Moreover, in vitro reconstitution experiments showed similar amplitude and rates of fluorescence quenching. Our results demonstrated that ApcD, ApcF and ApcE are not required for the OCP-related fluorescence quenching and they strongly suggested that the site of quenching is one of the APC trimers emitting at 660nm. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.  相似文献   

A Gengenbach  S Syn  X Wang  Y Lu 《Biochemistry》1999,38(35):11425-11432
Trp191Phe and Trp51Phe mutations have been introduced into an engineered cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) containing a Mn(II)-binding site reported previously (MnCcP; see Yeung, B. K.-S., et al. (1997) Chem. Biol. 5, 215-221). The goal of the present study is to elucidate the role of tryptophans in peroxidase activity since CcP contains both Trp51 and Trp191 while manganese peroxidase (MnP) contains phenylalanine residues at the corresponding positions. The presence of Trp191 in CcP allows formation of a unique high-valent intermediate containing a ferryl oxo and tryptophan radical called compound I'. The absence of a tryptophan residue at this position in MnP is the main reason for the formation of an intermediate called compound I which contains a ferryl oxo and porphyrin pi-cation radical. In this study, we showed that introduction of the Trp191Phe mutation to MnCcP did not improve MnP activity (specific activity: MnCcP, 0.750 micromol min-1 mg-1; MnCcP(W191F), 0.560 micromol min-1 mg-1. k(cat)/K(m): MnCcP, 0.0517 s-1 mM-1; MnCcP(W191F), 0.0568 s-1 mM-1) despite the fact that introduction of the same mutation to WTCcP caused the formation of a transient compound I (decay rate, 60 s-1). However, introducing both the Trp191Phe and Trp51Phe mutations not only resulted in a longer lived compound I in WTCcP (decay rate, 18 s-1), but also significantly improved MnP activity in MnCcP (MnCcP(W51F, W191F): specific activity, 8.0 micromol min-1 mg-1; k(cat)/K(m), 0. 599 s-1 mM-1). The increase in activity can be attributed to the Trp51Phe mutation since MnCcP(W51F) showed significantly increased MnP activity relative to MnCcP (specific activity, 3.2 micromol min-1 mg-1; k(cat)/K(m), 0.325 s-1 mM-1). As with MnP, the activity of MnCcP(W51F, W191F) was found to increase with decreasing pH. Our results demonstrate that, while the Trp191Phe and Trp51Phe mutations both play important roles in stabilizing compound I, only the Trp51Phe mutation contributes significantly to increasing the MnP activity because this mutation increases the reactivity of compound II, whose oxidation of Mn(II) is the rate-determining step in the reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) are able to efficiently transport cargos across cell membranes without being cytotoxic to cells, thus present a great potential in drug delivery and diagnosis. While the role of cationic residues in CPPs has been well studied, that of Trp is still not clear. Herein 7 peptide analogs of RW9 (RRWWRRWRR, an efficient CPP) were synthesized in which Trp were systematically replaced by Phe residues. Quantification of cellular uptake reveals that substitution of Trp by Phe strongly reduces the internalization of all peptides despite the fact that they strongly accumulate in the cell membrane. Cellular internalization and biophysical studies show that not only the number of Trp residues but also their positioning in the helix and the size of the hydrophobic face they form are important for their internalization efficacy, the highest uptake occurring for the analog with 3 Trp residues. Using CD and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy we observe that all peptides became structured in contact with lipids, mainly in α-helix. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence studies indicate that all peptides partition in the membrane in about the same manner (Kp ~ 105) and that they are located just below the lipid headgroups (~ 10 Å) with slightly different insertion depths for the different analogs. Plasmon Waveguide Resonance studies reveal a direct correlation between the number of Trp residues and the reversibility of the interaction following membrane washing. Thus a more interfacial location of the CPP renders the interaction with the membrane more adjustable and transitory enhancing its internalization ability.  相似文献   

The tyrosine kinase JAK2 is a key signaling protein for at least 20 receptors in the cytokine/hematopoietin receptor superfamily and is a component of signaling by insulin receptor and several G-protein-coupled receptors. However, there is only limited knowledge of the physical structure of JAK2 or which of the 49 tyrosines in JAK2 are autophosphorylated. In this study, mass spectrometry and two-dimensional peptide mapping were used to determine that tyrosines 221, 570, and 1007 in JAK2 are autophosphorylated. Phosphorylation of tyrosine 570 is particularly robust. In response to growth hormone, JAK2 was rapidly and transiently phosphorylated at tyrosines 221 and 570, returning to basal levels by 60 min. Analysis of the sequences surrounding tyrosines 221 and 570 in JAK2 and tyrosines in other proteins that are phosphorylated in response to ligands that activate JAK2 suggests that the YXX[L/I/V] motif is one of the motifs recognized by JAK2. Experiments using JAK2 with tyrosines 221 and 570 mutated to phenylalanine suggest that tyrosines 221 and 570 in JAK2 may serve as regulatory sites in JAK2, with phosphorylation of tyrosine 221 increasing kinase activity and phosphorylation of tyrosine 570 decreasing kinase activity and thereby contributing to rapid termination of ligand activation of JAK2.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) is a cytosolic receptor that recognizes viral RNA and activates the interferon-mediated innate antiviral response. To understand the mechanism of signal activation at the receptor level, we cloned, expressed, and purified human RIG-I containing the two caspase activation and recruitment domains (CARDs) followed by the C-terminal helicase domain. We found that recombinant RIG-I is a functional protein that interacts with double-stranded RNA with substantially higher affinity as compared with single-stranded RNA structures unless they contain a 5'-triphosphate group. Viral RNA binding to RIG-I stimulates the velocity of ATP hydrolysis by 33-fold, which at the cellular level translates into a 43-fold increase of interferon-beta expression. In contrast, the isolated ATPase/helicase domain is constitutively activated while also retaining its RNA ligand binding properties. These results support the recent model by which RIG-I signaling is autoinhibited in the absence of RNA by intra-molecular interactions between the CARDs and the C terminus. Based on pH profile and metal ion dependence experiments, we propose that the active site of RIG-I cannot efficiently accommodate divalent cations under the RNA-free repressed conformation. Overall, these results show a direct correlation between RNA binding and ATPase enzymatic function leading to signal transduction and suggest that a tight control of ATPase activity by the CARDs prevents RIG-I signaling in the absence of viral RNA.  相似文献   

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