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There is now a rapidly expanding population of interlinked developmental biology databases on the World Wide Web that can be readily accessed from a desk-top PC using programs such as Netscape or Mosaic. These databases cover popular organisms (Arabidopsis, Caenorhabditis, Drosophila, zebrafish, mouse, etc.) and include gene and protein sequences, lists of mutants, information on resources and techniques, and teaching aids. More complex are databases relating domains of gene expression to embryonic anatomy and these range from existing text-based systems for specific organs such as kidney, to a massive project under development, that will cover gene expression during the whole of mouse embryogenesis. In this brief article, we review selected examples of databases currently available, look forward to what will be available soon, and explain how to gain access to the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

This paper examines what the World Wide Web has to offer patients, families and professionals in relation to diabetes. The potential pitfalls and dangers are discussed, leading to a wider debate on how the Internet can be expected to impact upon diabetes and other health care provision in the near future, and how health care professionals' practices will have to change. Themes include: the World Wide Web (finding material, assessing authenticity, pitfalls for patients, personalized pages, chat rooms, security); e-mail consultation (benefits, risks, minimizing risk, what to tell patients, legal constraints, security); telemedicine (telemetry, surveillance, security); search engines (journals, etc.); looking ahead (digital television, web-based medical records).  相似文献   

This article attempts to bridge the gap between the arena of computers and the ever expanding protocols for individuals interested in accessing available information on biotechnology. A brief overview of the Internet and how to find information is provided. However, the focus of this review is on “what is out there’ for the biotechnologist and how to find it. Internet addresses for some key sites are listed.  相似文献   

ADHD and obesity     
Rongwang Yang 《CMAJ》2010,182(5):482

This article attempts to convey the joys and frustrations of skimming the Internet trying to find relevant information concerning an academic’s work as a scientist, a student or an instructor. A brief overview of the Internet and the “do’s and don’ts” for the neophyte as well for the more seasoned “navigator” are given. Some guidelines of “what works and what does not” and “what is out there” are provided for the scientist with specific emphasis for biologists, as well as for all others having an interest in science but with little interest in spending countless hours “surfing the net”. An extensive but not exhaustive list of related websites is provided.  相似文献   

Increasingly electronic communication and a variety of electronic resources are accessible to a larger group of people within the scientific community. This paper outlines the range of resources that are available, and comments on their current and future value to the phycological community. Resources discussed include mailing lists and newsgroups. These are useful tools for rapid, informal, targeted communication, although the technology employed places limitations on the type and format of information which may be distributed. The World Wide Web (WWW) has the potential to overcome these limitations, the quality, complexity and value to the phycological community of the sites on the WWW are extremely variable, with some material being of dubious quality. However, it is possible to access high quality resources including culture collection catalogues, high quality images and microbial and molecular databases. As well as some of the current resources, this paper discusses some possible directions for the future of phycology on the internet.http://wiua.nwi.ac.uk/  相似文献   

While suicidal behaviour has been implicated in a plethora of psychiatric disorders including depression, psychoses and substance abuse, its association with adult ADHD is largely under-researched. Given that emotional instability and the high prevalence of comorbid conditions such as mood disorders and alcohol/drug dependence are typical for ADHD, the question of suicide risk must not be neglected in this patient group. A review of the current literature focusing on this issue provides strong evidence that ADHD patients are at a significant risk for experiencing suicidal ideations and committing suicide. For daily clinical practice, it is therefore essential to incorporate this aspect into the diagnostic and therapeutic process and to take preventive measures.  相似文献   

The colourful surface of birds’ eggshells varies dramatically between species, but the selective pressures driving this variation remain poorly understood. We used a large comparative dataset to test several hypotheses proposed to explain the evolution of eggshell colouration. We tested the hypothesis that predation pressure might select for cryptic eggshells by examining the relationship between predation rate and egg colouration. We found that predation rates were positively related to eggshell brightness. The blackmail hypothesis suggests that females lay colourful eggshells to coerce males into providing additional care during incubation to keep colourful eggs covered. According to this hypothesis, conspicuous eggs should be found in situations with high risk of visual detection from predators or brood parasites. In support of this hypothesis, proportional blue-green chroma was positively related to parasitism risk, and eggs with higher proportional blue-green chroma or higher ultraviolet chroma received higher combined parental nest attendance during the incubation period. The sexual signalling hypothesis states that blue-green colour indicates female quality; however, we did not find that blue-green eggshell colour was greater in species where males participate in any form of parental care, and relative male provisioning was unrelated to blue-green eggshell chroma. We found some support for the hypothesis that brood parasitism may select for high inter-clutch variation in eggshell colour to facilitate egg recognition. In our dataset, parasitism risk was negatively related to inter-clutch repeatability of blue-green chroma. Our study highlights the diversity of selection pressures acting on the evolution of eggshell colour in birds and provides suggestions for novel areas of future key research direction.  相似文献   

In many avian species, substantial individual variation occurs in parental food‐provisioning levels, which often is assumed to reflect variation in parental quality. Parental quality also has often been invoked as a key element in mate choice among biparental species, and many sexually‐selected traits have been investigated as potential predictors of parental quality. In recent studies of house sparrow (Passer domesticus) parents, we found that individuals behaved remarkably consistently across time, regardless of temporary manipulations of the nestling provisioning of their partners. This suggests that variation in parental competence may be attributable to quality differences among individuals. One prediction of the ‘parental quality differences’ hypothesis is that individuals also should show consistency in their provisioning behavior across broods. To test this, we compared the parental delivery rates of individual house sparrows across broods. Parents of both sexes reduced their per‐chick delivery rates as the season progressed; parents of both sexes were also responsive to changes in their brood sizes. Despite these sources of environmental variation in provisioning rates, the parental care of individual males was highly repeatable across broods. By contrast, female parental care showed extremely low repeatability, and standardized measures of among‐individual variation in parental behavior revealed females to be much less variable than males. These results indicate that females in this multi‐brooded species have much to gain from mate‐choice decisions predicated on male parental quality or accurate indicators of such, whereas males are less likely to profit from being highly selective about the ‘parental quality’ of their partners.  相似文献   

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