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We analysed the size, relative age and chromosomal localization of nuclear sequences of plastid and mitochondrial origin (NUPTs-nuclear plastid DNA and NUMTs-nuclear mitochondrial DNA) in six completely sequenced plant species. We found that the largest insertions showed lower divergence from organelle DNA than shorter insertions in all species, indicating their recent origin. The largest NUPT and NUMT insertions were localized in the vicinity of the centromeres in the small genomes of Arabidopsis and rice. They were also present in other chromosomal regions in the large genomes of soybean and maize. Localization of NUPTs and NUMTs correlated positively with distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in Arabidopsis and sorghum, negatively in grapevine and soybean, and did not correlate in rice or maize. We propose a model where new plastid and mitochondrial DNA sequences are inserted close to centromeres and are later fragmented by TE insertions and reshuffled away from the centromere or removed by ectopic recombination. The mode and tempo of TE dynamism determines the turnover of NUPTs and NUMTs resulting in their species-specific chromosomal distributions.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Sambar (Rusa unicolor) is the largest oriental deer and has a wide distribution across South and Southeast Asia. Despite its wide distribution range, little information...  相似文献   



Although mitochondrial (mt) gene order is highly conserved among vertebrates, widespread gene rearrangements occur in anurans, especially in neobatrachians. Protein coding genes in the mitogenome experience adaptive or purifying selection, yet the role that selection plays on genomic reorganization remains unclear. We sequence the mitogenomes of three species of Glandirana and hot spots of gene rearrangements of 20 frog species to investigate the diversity of mitogenomic reorganization in the Neobatrachia. By combing these data with other mitogenomes in GenBank, we evaluate if selective pressures or functional constraints act on mitogenomic reorganization in the Neobatrachia. We also look for correlations between tRNA positions and codon usage.


Gene organization in Glandirana was typical of neobatrachian mitogenomes except for the presence of pseudogene trnS (AGY). Surveyed ranids largely exhibited gene arrangements typical of neobatrachian mtDNA although some gene rearrangements occurred. The correlation between codon usage and tRNA positions in neobatrachians was weak, and did not increase after identifying recurrent rearrangements as revealed by basal neobatrachians. Codon usage and tRNA positions were not significantly correlated when considering tRNA gene duplications or losses. Change in number of tRNA gene copies, which was driven by genomic reorganization, did not influence codon usage bias. Nucleotide substitution rates and dN/dS ratios were higher in neobatrachian mitogenomes than in archaeobatrachians, but the rates of mitogenomic reorganization and mt nucleotide diversity were not significantly correlated.


No evidence suggests that adaptive selection drove the reorganization of neobatrachian mitogenomes. In contrast, protein-coding genes that function in metabolism showed evidence for purifying selection, and some functional constraints appear to act on the organization of rRNA and tRNA genes. As important nonadaptive forces, genetic drift and mutation pressure may drive the fixation and evolution of mitogenomic reorganizations.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-691) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to the debate about southern glacial refugia used by temperate species and more northern refugia used by boreal or cold-temperate species, we examined the phylogeography of a widespread snake species (Vipera berus) inhabiting Europe up to the Arctic Circle. The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in 1043 bp of the cytochrome b gene and in 918 bp of the noncoding control region was performed with phylogenetic approaches. Our results suggest that both the duplicated control region and cytochrome b evolve at a similar rate in this species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that V. berus is divided into three major mitochondrial lineages, probably resulting from an Italian, a Balkan and a Northern (from France to Russia) refugial area in Eastern Europe, near the Carpathian Mountains. In addition, the Northern clade presents an important substructure, suggesting two sequential colonization events in Europe. First, the continent was colonized from the three main refugial areas mentioned above during the Lower-Mid Pleistocene. Second, recolonization of most of Europe most likely originated from several refugia located outside of the Mediterranean peninsulas (Carpathian region, east of the Carpathians, France and possibly Hungary) during the Mid-Late Pleistocene, while populations within the Italian and Balkan Peninsulas fluctuated only slightly in distribution range, with larger lowland populations during glacial times and with refugial mountain populations during interglacials, as in the present time. The phylogeographical structure revealed in our study suggests complex recolonization dynamics of the European continent by V. berus, characterized by latitudinal as well as altitudinal range shifts, driven by both climatic changes and competition with related species.  相似文献   

In the fall of 1988 all five animals in a herd of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) developed clinical signs of posterior ataxia. Postmortem investigation revealed inflammatory lesions of the caudal part of the spinal cord, mainly as leptomeningitis. Nematodes were seen in close association with the lesions. Although not identified, the parasites were probably an Elaphostrongylus sp.  相似文献   

Among wild ruminants, muskoxen have an exceptional ability to fatten, but their pregnancy rates are variable and often low. To test whether the likelihood of pregnancy in muskoxen is associated with exceptionally good body condition, we used logistic regression analysis with data from 32 pregnant and 18 nonpregnant muskoxen > or = 1.5 yr of age shot in November (1989 to 1992) on Victoria Island in Arctic Canada. We assayed their serum for insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). All fatness and mass measures were positively related to the likelihood of pregnancy (P < 0.001), with the strongest associations for estimated total fat mass (80% of outcomes predicted correctly) and kidney fat mass (77%), and weaker models for body mass. Pregnancy was less likely to occur in lactating females than in nonlactating ones (P = 0.03). Although IGF-1 concentrations were higher (P = 0.001) in nonlactating females than in lactating ones (28.7 +/- 1.7 vs. 22.5 ng/ml), no association with pregnancy was detected (P = 0.57). Fatness associated with a 50% probability of pregnancy in muskoxen (22% of ingesta-free body mass or 32 kg fat in females > 3.5 yr old) is much higher than in caribou and somewhat higher than in cattle, and this may partly account for the low calving rates often observed in this species.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of hydrochory on the formation of the present range of a species and the spatial distribution of genetic variation, we assessed the rangewide genetic structure of a hydrochorous riparian Japanese species (Rhododendron ripense) using four nuclear microsatellite loci. The patterns of isolation by distance and Bayesian clustering analyses of 33 populations suggested that the present range, characterized by both localized and disjunct distributions across the sea, arose from two contrasting colonization events: (1) primary colonization along two Pleistocene rivers that have been submerged and become partly isolated by marine transgression by 6000 years ago, and (2) additional range expansions from these rivers into unconnected neighboring rivers as a result of river captures. Along the Pleistocene rivers, frequent gene flow by hydrochory resulted in the retention of considerable genetic diversity within each population and genetic homogenization among populations. Within unconnected neighboring rivers, genetic diversity was also retained by the simultaneous redistribution of many individuals as a result of river captures, whereas restricted gene flow within a river resulted in genetic divergence among the river populations. Thus, the evolutionary history of hydrochorous R. ripense appears to have been strongly shaped by both ancient and modern rivers.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the diets of muskoxen and reindeer on Wrangel Island have been studied. The results are discussed with respect to consumption of basic forage plants depending on the feeding strategies and biotopic distribution of the two species.  相似文献   

The transfer of mitochondrial genetic material into the nuclear genomes of eukaryotes is a well-established phenomenon that has been previously limited to the study of static reference genomes. The recent advancement of high throughput sequencing has enabled an expanded exploration into the diversity of polymorphic nuclear mitochondrial insertions (NumtS) within human populations. We have developed an approach to discover and genotype novel Numt insertions using whole genome, paired-end sequencing data. We have applied this method to a thousand individuals in 20 populations from the 1000 Genomes Project and other datasets and identified 141 new sites of Numt insertions, extending our current knowledge of existing NumtS by almost 20%. We find that recent Numt insertions are derived from throughout the mitochondrial genome, including the D-loop, and have integration biases that differ in some respects from previous studies on older, fixed NumtS in the reference genome. We determined the complete inserted sequence for a subset of these events and have identified a number of nearly full-length mitochondrial genome insertions into nuclear chromosomes. We further define their age and origin of insertion and present an analysis of their potential impact to ongoing studies of mitochondrial heteroplasmy and disease.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the evolution of human nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA lead to striking conclusions on the Africans origins of modern humans. Yet, uncertainties can be found in the phylogenetic interpretation for the data.  相似文献   

SINE sequences are interspersed throughout virtually all eukaryotic genomes and greatly outnumber the other repetitive elements. These sequences are of increasing interest for phylogenetic studies because of their diagnostic power for establishing common ancestry among taxa, once properly characterized. We identified and characterized a peculiar family of composite tRNA-derived short interspersed SINEs, DANA-SINEs, associated with mutational activities in Danio rerio, in a group of species belonging to one of the most basal bony fish families, the Polypteridae, in order to investigate their own inner specific phylogenetic relationships. DANA sequences were identified, sequenced and then localized, by means of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), in six Polypteridae species (Polypterus delhezi, P. ornatipinnis, P. palmas, P. buettikoferi P. senegalus and Erpetoichthys calabaricus) After cloning, the sequences obtained were aligned for phylogenetic analysis, comparing them with three Dipnoan lungfish species (Protopterus annectens, P. aethiopicus, Lepidosiren paradoxa), and Lethenteron reissneri (Petromyzontidae)was used as outgroup. The obtained overlapping MP, ML and NJ tree clustered together the species belonging to the two taxonomically different Osteichthyans groups: the Polypteridae, by one side, and the Protopteridae by the other, with the monotypic genus Erpetoichthys more distantly related to the Polypterus genus comprising three distinct groups: P. palmas and P. buettikoferi, P. delhezi and P. ornatipinnis and P. senegalus. In situ hybridization with DANA probes marked along the whole chromosome arms in the metaphases of all the Polypteridae species examined.  相似文献   

We report the presence of four nuclear paralogs of a 380-bp segment of cytochrome b in callitrichine primates (marmosets and tamarins). The mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence and each nuclear paralog were obtained from several species, allowing multiple comparisons of rates and patterns of substitution both between mitochondrial and nuclear sequences and among nuclear sequences. The mitochondrial DNA had high overall rates of molecular evolution and a strong bias toward substitutions at third codon positions. Rates of molecular evolution among the nuclear sequences were low and constant, and there were small differences in substitution patterns among the nuclear clades which were probably attributable to the small number of sites involved. A novel method of phylogenetic reconstruction based on the large difference in rates of evolution at different codon positions among mitochondrial and nuclear clades was used to determine whether different nuclear paralogs represent independent transposition events or duplications following a single insertion. This method is generally applicable in cases where differences in pattern of molecular evolution are known, and it showed that at least three of the four nuclear clades represent independent transposition events. The insertion events giving rise to two of the nuclear clades predate the divergence of the callitrichines, whereas those leading to the other two nuclear clades may have occurred in the common ancestor of marmosets.  相似文献   

Nuclear insertions of mitochondrial origin (NUMTs) can be useful tools in evolution and population studies. However, due to their similarity to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), NUMTs may also be a source of contamination in mtDNA studies. The main goal of this work is to present a database of NUMTs, based on the latest version of the human genome—GRCh37 draft. A total of 755 insertions were identified. There are 33 paralogous sequences with over 80% sequence similarity and of a greater length than 500 bp. The non-identical positions between paralogous sequences are listed for the first time. As an application example, the described database is used to evaluate the impact of NUMT contamination in cancer studies. The evaluation reveals that 220 positions from 256 with zero hits in the current mtDNA phylogeny could in fact be traced to one or more nuclear insertions of mtDNA. This is due to they are located in non-identical positions between mtDNA and nuclear DNA (nDNA). After in silico primer validation of each revised cancer study, risk of co-amplification between mtDNA and nDNA was detected in some cases, whereas in others no risk of amplification was identified. This approach to cancer studies clearly proves the potential of our NUMT database as a valuable new tool to validate mtDNA mutations described in different contexts. Moreover, due to the amount of information provided for each nuclear insertion, this database should play an important role in designing evolutionary, phylogenetic and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The macroevolutionary consequences of recent climate change remain controversial, and there is little paleobotanical or morphological evidence that Pleistocene (1.8-0.12 Ma) glacial cycles acted as drivers of speciation, especially among lineages with long generation times, such as trees. We combined genetic and ecogeographic data from 2 closely related North American tree species, Populus balsamifera and P. trichocarpa (Salicacaeae), to determine if their divergence coincided with and was possibly caused by Pleistocene climatic events. We analyzed 32 nuclear loci from individuals of P. balsamifera and P. trichocarpa to produce coalescent-based estimates of the divergence time between the 2 species. We coupled the coalescent analyses with paleodistribution models to assess the influence of climate change on species' range. Furthermore, measures of niche overlap were used to investigate patterns of ecological differentiation between species. We estimated the divergence date of P. balsamifera and P. trichocarpa at approximately 75 Ka, which corresponds closely with the onset of Marine Isotope Stage 4 (~76 Ka) and a rapid increase in global ice volume. Significance tests of niche overlap, in conjunction with genetic estimates of migration, suggested that speciation occurred in allopatry, possibly resulting from the environmental effects of Pleistocene glacial cycles. Our results indicate that the divergence of keystone tree species, which have shaped community diversity in northern North American ecosystems, was recent and may have been a consequence of Pleistocene-era glaciation and climate change.  相似文献   

A simple, semi-automatable method was established for assessing polymorphism in plant mitochondrial genome. A set of 41 mitochondrial markers based on the published Arabidopsis thaliana sequence was developed in Brassicaceae using a gene-anchored amplification polymorphism (GAAP) strategy. PCR primers were selected based on conserved coding regions of mitochondrial genes and used to amplify the corresponding 5' and/or 3' non-coding flanking regions in order to maximise sequence variability between haplotypes. The variations in fragment size were analysed on a LiCor DNA sequencer, but the methodology is compatible with various sequencing systems using denaturing polyacrylamide gels. One advantage of the method is that GAAP products can be directly sequenced (without any cloning steps) through labelled M13 consensus sequences. Mitochondrial GAAP loci gave clear and simple patterns (one or two bands) that were easy to score and highly reproducible. Nearly all mitochondrial loci examined in A. thaliana were conserved within the Brassicaceae family, and half of the primers generated products when DNA from a distant species, Beta vulgaris (Chenopodiaceae), was used as template. The GAAP markers revealed low levels of polymorphism within species but exhibited a high level of polymorphism among genera and families. Our results showed some discrepancies with respect to the published mtDNA sequence of A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Currently, the natural zone of the broad-leaved (nemoral) forests in Eurasia has a wide disjunction that falls on the most continental part of Siberia. However, there are several well-distinguished nemoral refugia on the foothills of some mountains in Southern Siberia where one can find a higher concentration of the preserved assembles of nemoral relict species. The eastern “outpost” of the Siberian refugia is the northern macroslope of the Khamar-Daban Ridge. We analyzed the present distribution of 27 nemoral relict plant species on the Khamar-Daban Ridge to detect the most probable Pleistocene microrefugia. Our results revealed that the microrefugia are most probably confined to the valleys of Utulik, Babkha, Snezhnaya, Pereemnaya, and Mishikha rivers. Based on the ranges of species distributions within the distinguished microrefugia, six groups of relicts were identified. Evidently, species from those groups differed in their survival strategies during glaciations, as well as subsequent reexpansion during the interglacial time.  相似文献   

Muskoxen are large herbivores living in Arctic environments. Lack of genetic variation in allozymes has made it difficult to study the social and genetic structure of this species. In this study, we have tried to find polymorphic microsatellite loci using both cattle-derived microsatellite primers and primers developed from a genomic plasmid library of muskoxen. Only limited variation was found for both sets of microsatellite loci. We conclude that this consistent low genetic variation is probably due to demographic features of the muskoxen populations rather than to methodological constraints caused by the transfer of microsatellites between species.  相似文献   

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