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Final instar larvae of S. mauritia treated topically on day 0, 1, 2 and day 3 with a daily dose of 20 microg juvenile hormone analogue (JHA) showed an increase in most of the nutritional parameters such as approximate digestibility, efficiency of conversion of ingested food, consumption index and growth rate. Also, the activities of digestive enzymes amylase, invertase, trehalase and protease increased significantly in JHA treated larvae. The supernumerary larvae formed after JHA treatments showed an increase in the activities of digestive enzymes. Neck-ligated larvae treated with 10 microg JHA exhibited a significant increase in the activities of trehalase and protease. The results demonstrate that treatments of JHA increase the activities of digestive enzymes in the last instar larvae of S. mauritia.  相似文献   

We determined the contribution of the peripodial membrane to chitin synthesis in cultured wing imaginal discs of Spodoptera frugiperda. This was accomplished by examining chitin synthesis in vitro in intact imaginal discs, in the peripodial membrane, and in imaginal discs in which the peripodial membrane had been injured. Chitin synthesis in peripodial membrane-deprived imaginal discs, peripodial membrane injured imaginal discs, and peripodial membrane fragments was assessed by measuring incorporation of [14C]GlcNAc after treatment with 20-hydroxyecdysone in tissue culture. Removing or injuring the peripodial membrane resulted in a marked decrease in ecdysteroid-dependent chitin synthesis in these wing discs compared with intact wing discs. In addition, a break in the ecdysteroid treatment of 4 h reduced chitin synthesis in the wing discs substantially. These biochemical experiments were supplemented with ultrastructural and immunocytochemical approaches. A wheat germ agglutinin colloidal gold complex was used to visualize the presence of chitin synthesized by wing discs including the peripodial membrane. These experiments confirmed the importance of an intact peripodial membrane for optimal production of cuticle by the wing pouch. Our results demonstrate that for opti-ma1 production of chitin in tissue culture, wing discs must be treated with 20-hydroxyecdysone for an uninterrupted period of 48 h, and the peripodial membrane of these imaginal discs must be present and uninjured. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Abstract. Penultimate (fifth) and last (sixth) stadium larvae of Spodoptera mauritia Boisd. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of various ages were injected with 0.5 μg, 1 μg or 2 μg azadirachtin and the effects on moulting and larval-pupal transformation were analysed. Higher doses (1 μg and 2 μg) of azadirachtin induced a prolongation of the fifth stadium in larvae treated on day 0 and day 1. The resulting sixth stadium larvae failed to pupate. Sixth stadium larvae injected with 0.5 μg, 1 μg or 2 μg azadirachtin showed prolongation of sixth larval period. Azadirachtin treatments completely prevented normal pupation in 'day 0' and 'day 1' larvae even though the percentage of pupation increased in treated larvae of other age groups. Injection of 2 fig azadirachtin prevented normal pupation in larvae of all age groups. Injection of 4 μg ecdysterone to sixth stadium larvae pre-treated with 1 fig azadirachtin (on day 0) promoted normal pupation in the majority of animals.  相似文献   

    《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(7):1059-1064
    Vitellogenesis in the lady beetle, Coccinella septempunctata, is controlled by juvenile hormone (JH). When immature females were reared on an artificial diet, they were characterized by hypertrophy of the fat bodies and slow development of the ovaries. Vitellogenin (Vg) synthesis in the fat body remained at a very low level throughout adult development. RNA synthesis also stayed at a relatively low level. Treatment with hydroprene induced vitellogenesis in these non-fecund females. Stimulation in Vg synthesis in hormone-treated females was demonstrated both in vivo and in fat body culture. Synthesis of fat body RNA also increased after hormone treatment. Fat body RNA from hormone-treated females directed the synthesis of Vg polypeptides both in Xenopus oocytes and in a reticulocyte lysate. Thus the induction of Vg synthesis by JH involves an increase in the level of translatable Vg mRNA.  相似文献   

    Egg fertility was reduced in adult females of Sarcophaga bullata treated topically with a juvenile hormone (Cecropia JH-1) or a juvenile hormone analogue, ZR-515 (isopropyl-11-methoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-dodeca-2,4-dienoate), the effect was most noticeable when the flies were treated on the day of ovulation. Depending on the time of treatment, JH and JHA affected different stages of development. Treatment on the day before ovulation produced a high percentage of embryonic arrest; when the flies were treated on the day of ovulation a major proportion of fully developed embryos failed to hatch. Treatment at the early stages of embryogenesis caused mortality of larvae before molting to third instar. There was no delayed mortality after the third instar.
    Résumé Les effets ovicides d'une hormone juvénile (Cecropia JH-1) et d'un analogue d'hormone juvénile (ZR-515) ont été examinés par application locale sur des femelles adultes de Sarcophaga bullata à différents stades du dévelopement des ufs.Le traitement des mouches le jour de l'ovulation est très efficace et empèche les embryons totalement développés d'éclore et de donner des larves de premier stade.L'application de ces produits un jour avant l'ovulation provoque l'arrêt de l'embryogenèse; quand les mouches sont traitées un jour après l'ovulation, la mortalité est plus tardive et une proportion importante de larves meurt avant la mue donnant le troisième stade.

    An effective constant dose (55 μg) of precocene II (PII) was topically tested against the last three instars of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) larvae. Application of PII induced morphogenetic abnormalities typical of juvenile hormone (JH) excess. The resultant imperfect insects included larval‐pupal mosaic and partial or severe cases of untanned pupae. The sixth‐instar larvae were more sensitive to PII administration than the two preceding instars. However, sensitivity of the last larval instar to PII varied with the timing of dose application relative to the developmental status of the larvae. Whereas the newly ecdysed (0‐day old) larvae were more sensitive, the older larvae of the same sixth‐instar showed sharp decrease in their sensitivity to PII with a concomitant increase of their age. Application of a single dose (5 μg) of JH I to PII pre‐treated larvae significantly (P < 0.001) reduced the production of imperfect insects where many PH‐treated larvae developed successfully to apparent normal pupae. Although a single dose of PII was more effective on S. littoralis larvae than repeated daily doses, the effectiveness of JHI‐therapy to PH pre‐treated larvae by repeated doses was less effective in producing perfect insects than JH‐therapy to PII pre‐treated larvae by single doses. The reversal of any of these by applied JHI is quite interesting but the mechanisms remain to be unraveled.  相似文献   

    Insect juvenile hormone (JH) has been related to modulation of vitellogenin (Vg) synthesis, a protein produced by fat body cells, secreted in haemolymph and sequestered by developing oocytes. A stimulatory JH action has been described for the majority of species studied thus far. In some insects, however, Vg synthesis has been inhibited or unaffected by JH. The aim of this study was to re-examine the action of JH on Vg synthesis in Apis mellifera workers, since contrasting effects of this hormone were described. Newly emerged worker bees were treated with different doses of pyriproxyfen (PPN), a potent JH analogue. Vg and total protein were quantified in haemolymph samples of newly emerged up to 6-day-old worker bees. Protein synthesis activity of fat body cultured in vitro and ultrastructure of fat body cells were also examined. High doses (1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 &mgr;g) of PPN inhibited the onset and accumulation of Vg in the haemolymph of young worker bees in a dose-dependent fashion. This inhibition was not a result of fat body cell degeneration or death, as illustrated by fat body cells ultrastructure analysis, but by impairing Vg synthesis, as demonstrated by in vitro culture of fat body cells. Low doses (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 &mgr;g) neither affected the normal synthesis and secretion of Vg into the haemolymph nor caused an early onset of Vg in treated bees (which could be interpreted as a JH-activating effect), as shown by Vg quantification at 24-h intervals. The results suggest that a low JH titre in honey bee workers permits the onset and accumulation of Vg in haemolymph, whereas high JH levels turn off Vg synthesis.  相似文献   

    通过研究保幼激素类似物(juvenile hormone analogues, JHA) methoprene对斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus, SpltNPV)在宿主血淋巴中增殖的影响,以探明JHA促进 SpltNPV增殖的初步机制,为阐明JHA促进病毒增殖提供更全面的理论依据。应用SDS PAGE及Western blot法,分析了methoprene对SpltNPV多角体蛋白(polyhedron, POLH)在宿主斜纹夜蛾6龄幼虫血淋巴中合成的影响。结果表明:经methoprene处理后2~3天可明显促进幼虫血淋巴液中POLH的合成。在此基础上,通过荧光定量PCR检测,发现methoprene对SpltNPV在幼虫血淋巴液复制的影响主要发生在处理后的第4和第5天,该期间polh基因的拷贝数比对照显著增加,拷贝数的峰值达1.22×1010/mL。  相似文献   

    草坪地灰翅夜蛾的发生与防治药剂筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    徐健  陈晓光  成文 《昆虫知识》2003,40(2):182-184
    灰翅夜蛾Spodoptera mauritia是危害草坪的重要害虫。药剂测定试验表明,抑太保,氯氰菊酯,灭多威等药剂对灰翅夜蛾有较高毒力。对3龄初幼虫的LC50为0.4895-2.3672mg/L。4龄以上害虫耐药性显著增强。  相似文献   

    《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(1):249-254
    The rate of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis by corpora allata-corpora cardiaca complex (CA/CC) during two last larval instars of Galleria mellonella was analysed. The rate of biosynthesis reaches maxima at the beginning of the VIth and VIIth instars. It is markedly reduced before the last larval ecdysis and after the first day of the last larval instar. After passing the second day of the last larval instar CA/CC exhibits again an increased ability for the biosynthesis of JH.The JH esterase activity in CA/CC is very low at the beginning of last larval instar and rapidly increases after the first day of this instar. Beginning on the second day of last larval instar the rate of JH hydrolysis is always higher than the rate of JH synthesis in CA/CC. It is concluded that the secretion of JH by CA/CC is possible until the second day of the last larval instar. After this, JH-acid can be supplied by CA/CC to peripheral tissues.The imaginal wing discs of mobile prepupa exhibit the ability to methylate JH-acid. It is concluded that some elevations of JH titre in G. mellonella haemolymph after the second day of VIIth instar are due in part to JH-acid methyltransferase activity in the imaginal discs.  相似文献   

    The role of juvenile hormone (JH) and juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) in regulating wing morph determination was studied in the cricket Modicogryllus confirmatus. JHE activities were significantly higher in nascent long-winged (LW) vs short-winged (SW) crickets during the latter half but not during the first half of the last stadium. The magnitude and direction of the activity differences were similar to those previously documented between wing morphs of the cricket, Gryllus rubens. In contrast, activities of general esterase, an enzyme or group of enzymes with no demonstrated role in regulating the JH titer in insects, showed no or only minor differences between morphs. The magnitude and direction of the JHE activity variation is consistent with a regulatory role for this enzyme in some aspect of wing dimorphism. However, the timing of the differences (exclusively during the last half of the last stadium) argue against a role in regulating wing length development per se. Single or multiple applications of juvenile hormone-III to nascent LW individuals during the first few days of the last stadium significantly redirected development from long to short wings. Multiple applications of acetone, by itself, also increased the production of short-winged adults. For most treatments, all individuals with shortened wings also had undeveloped flight muscles. These data suggest that JH may play a role in wing morph determination in M. confirmatus but that it affects a different aspect of the polymorphism from JHE.  相似文献   

    The effect of ecdysterone and juvenile hormone on protein synthesis and development of imaginal wing discs ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied. It is found that juvenile hormone apparently does not inhibit the synthesis of the ecdysterone-inducible proteins, although wing disc development is inhibited to various extent by different juvenile hormones. It is suggested that the ecdysterone-inducible proteins are not involved directly in the initiation of wing disc evagination, it is possible that some of these proteins are involved in the maintenance of chromatin activities or they are involved in gene activation.  相似文献   

    刘艳  胜振涛  蒋容静  黄原  李胜 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1285-1292
    保幼激素 (juvenile hormone,JH) 是通过甲羟戊酸途径合成的一类倍半萜化合物。以昆虫中普遍存在的JH Ⅲ为例,从分子水平上概述了JH合成途径中的各种酶,并对其中的两个关键酶:羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶和保幼激素酸甲基转移酶作了详细介绍。还从家蚕基因组数据库(http://silkworm.genomics.org.cn)中推测出了JH合成途径中大部分酶的编码基因,初探了JH合成的调节机制,讨论了JH合成的研究趋势。  相似文献   

    A wild organophosphate-resistant strain of houseflies has an eightfold resistance at LD50 and sixfold resistance at LD90 to a juvenile hormone analogue, isopropyl 11-methoxy-3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-2,4-dienoate. Insecticide resistance in this strain developed after several years using Nexion (bromophos-ethyl). Resistance to both organophosphates and to the juvenoid is caused by factor(s) on chromosome II. In both cases, the effects are synergized by TBTP and sesamex at levels of 1.25 and 2.0 g/fly, respectively. Two other wild organophosphate-resistant strains acquired resistance after prolonged field applications of Metation E 50 (fenitrothion). The factors of resistance to the juvenoid were 2.5 and 1. Lethal effects of juvenoids are caused by specific disturbances of the process of pupal-adult transformation during metamorphosis, which may necessarily be expressed by integumental defects. The degree of morphological effects in the integument caused by the juvenoid in susceptible and resistant strains was analyzed and compared.
    Zusammenfassung Eine nahezu achtfache Resistenz gegenüber einem Analog des Juvenilhormons (Isopropyl 11-methoxy-3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-2,4-dienoat) wurde bei einem organophosphat-resistenten Wildstamm der Stubenfliege gefunden. Die Resistenz gegenüber Insektiziden hat sich bei diesem Stamm nach mehrjähriger Anwendung von Nexion (Bromophos-äthyl) zur Bekämpfung entwickelt. Die Resistenz gegenüber dem Organophosphat und dem Juvenoid wird verursacht durch Faktoren am Chromosom II. In beiden Fällen wirkte TBTP und Sesamex (1,25 bzw. 2,0 g/Fliege) synergistisch. Die beiden anderen untersuchten organophosphat-resistenten Wildstämme erwarben die Resistenz nach längerer Anwendung von Metation E 50 (Fenitrothion) zur Bekämpfung im Freien. Die Resistenzfaktoren gegenüber dem Juvenoid waren 2,5 bzw. 1. Lethale Effekte von Juvenoiden werden durch spezifische Störungen des Prozesses während der Puppe/Adult-Metamorphose verursacht. Der Grad der durch das Juvenoid verursachten morphologischen Wirkungen am Integument wurde bei anfälligen und resistenten Stämmen analysiert und verglichen.

    Glycogen phosphorylase was assayed in homogenates of pharate adults of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, by the release of inorganic phosphorous (Pi) from glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P) in the presence of glycogen. Activity was determined as active and total phosphorylase present by the absence or presence of adenosine-5-monophosphate (AMP) in homogenates. Homogenates of the pharate adults (that were treated topically immediately after larval-pupal apolysis with a synthetic insect juvenile hormone analogue, (E)-4-[(6,7-epoxy-3-ethyl-7-methyl-2-nonenyl)oxy]-1,2-(methylenedioxy)benzene) displayed no inhibition or enhancement of phosphorylase activity when compared to untreated pharate adults.  相似文献   

    The action of the chitin synthesis inhibitor, chlorfluazuron, was investigated in Spodoptera frugiperda wing imaginal discs cultured in vitro. Electron microscopy and cytochemical labeling with a lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), were used to monitor morphogenesis, as well as the presence and localization of chitin and non-polymerized N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc). Chlorfluazuron (CFA) selectively inhibited 20- hydroxyecdysone–stimulated chitin synthesis and procuticle deposition in imaginal discs, without otherwise affecting their morphogenesis. Tracheole migration, evagination, exocytosis, and endocytosis in the epithelial cells, and the presence of non-polymerized GlcNAc in the extracellular matrix, were observed in both CFA-treated and control wing discs. On the other hand, CFA prevented the appearance of WGA-labeled chitin in newly formed procuticle, while the deposition of proteinaceous cuticulin and epicuticle was unaffected. A brief treatment with CFA resulted in WGA labeling of non-polymerized GlcNAc, but not chitin in the procuticle region. The lack of chitin in CFA treated wing discs was correlated with the appearance of an amorphous, non-lamellar procuticle region. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    The effect of cycloheximide and puromycin on 20-hydroxyecdysone-induced protein synthesis in wing discs of Drosophila melanogaster has been studied by one-dimensional and two-dimensional SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis. It is found that puromycin, but not cycloheximide, when applied simultaneously with the hormone enhanced the hormone-induced synthesis of the early and late proteins. However, when puromycin was applied after hormone treatment, only the late proteins were induced. The possible implication of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

    The effect of various concentrations of Altosid and actinomycin D under defined conditions on housefly metamorphosis was investigated with three strains of houseflies. The morphogenetic response varied with the strains and the length of time which the larvae were exposed to the juvenile hormone analogue. De novo RNA synthesis was studied with (2-14C)-glycine. Methods were developed for the isolation of nuclear, soluble, and ribosomal RNA. The procedure presented provides a DEAE-cellulose chromatographic method for the removal of high molecular weight RNA from DEAE at a neutral pH. Labelling of the RNAs was increased in the presence of the juvenile hormone analogue indicating an increase in the rate of RNA synthesis. The higher incorporation of the labelled precursor into nuclear RNA demonstrates that cytoplasmic RNA is derived from the nuclei.  相似文献   

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