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J. A. L. Mertens 《Ibis》1969,111(1):11-16
At normal outdoor temperatures there is a distinct influence of brood size on the heat production of ten-day-old Great Tits. One ten-day-old nestling proved unable to maintain its body temperature at 12°C. Two ten-day-old tits together in one nestbox at 12Á°C were able to elevate the air temperature sufficiently to maintain homoiothermia. The same of course holds for tits in larger broods.
At an air temperature of 18°C, six or seven ten-day-old tits placed in a nestbox elevated the air temperature to a level at which they almost reached a state of hyperthermia: their metabolism was at the basal level. The basal metabolism of a ten-day-old tit was found to be slightly more than 0–1800 kcal/h. The metabolism intensity of 12 tits in a nestbox at 12°C was of the same order of magnitude.
Tits in broods comprising more than 12 or 13 nestlings at normal outdoor temperatures probably develop hyperthermia, which is unfavourable both for their energy and for their water balance.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments conducted over two seasons, we used arrays of experimental populations to examine the effects of flower number and distance between patches on gene flow by pollen. For this study we used the dioecious, short-lived perennial plant Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae). This species lives in disturbed roadside and agricultural habitats and displays a weedy population dynamic with high colonization and extinction rates. The motivation for the study was to understand what factors may be influencing genetic connectedness among newly colonized populations within a regional metapopulation. By using experimental populations composed of genotypes homozygous at a diagnostic locus, it was possible to identify explicitly pollen movement into a focal patch as a function of flower number and distance to the nearest neighboring patch. Overall, the mean immigration rate (measured as the fraction of seeds sired by males outside the focal patch) at 20 m was just over 47%, whereas at 80 m immigration rates were less than 6%. In addition, by knowing the context in which each of these gene-flow events occurred, it was possible to understand some of the factors that influenced the exchange of genes. Both the number of flowers in the focal population (target) and in the neighboring populations (source) had a significant effect on the frequency of gene flow. Our experimental data also demonstrate that factors that influence gene flow at one spatial scale may not act in the same way at another. Specifically, the influence of target size and the relative size of the target and source patches on rates of gene flow depended on whether the patches were separated by 20 m or 80 m. These data suggest that the patterns of gene flow within a metapopulation system can be complex and may vary within a growing season.  相似文献   

These experiments serve to show that neutral salts in amounts considerably below those commonly employed in culture solutions may be very injurious to pollen. It has been found, for example, that NaCl, one of the least toxic salts tried, excepting CaCl2, added to a sucrose solution in a concentration of 0.0002 M, or about 11 parts per million, reduces the growth of sweet pea pollen tubes 15 per cent. When it is considered that MgCl2 and BaCl2 are about fifteen times as toxic as NaCl it becomes evident that the susceptibility of pollen tubes to injury by these substances amounts virtually to hypersensitiveness. On the other hand calcium salts in concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 0.002 M markedly enhance the growth of sweet pea pollen tubes. MgCl2 has a similar action in the case of Nicotiana. Calcium, moreover, exerts a strong protective action in the presence of the injurious monovalent cations Na and K. So far as can be determined by microchemical means these salts do not alter the wall of the pollen tube; presumably, their effect is on the protoplast itself. In the light of recent experimentation (Osterhout) with other forms better adapted to precise investigation of these phenomena it seems probable that the explanation of the facts presented here lies in changes brought about in the permeability of the cells. Since several gaps exist in our evidence, however, conclusions drawn at this time must necessarily be provisional. The highly injurious action manifested by the cations of several of the salts used indicates that they penetrate the protoplast very rapidly. Possibly in pure sucrose cultures, exosmosis is a limiting factor in pollen tube growth. The addition of salts of calcium or magnesium may favor development by retarding or preventing this outward diffusion. The protective effect of calcium in the presence of the toxic cations K and Na is best interpreted on the assumption that the entry of these latter into the protoplast is retarded by the calcium. The mode by which hydrogen ion concentration affects pollen tube growth is largely a matter of speculation. It has previously been been shown by Brink that the time relations of the growth process simulate those of an autocatalytic reaction. It has been demonstrated also that elongation of the tubes in artificial media is related to the digestion of the reserve food materials contributed by the pollen grain. In the case of the sweet pea these stored substances are largely fats and their hydrolysis may constitute the most important chemical reaction in growth. If, as seems not improbable, the other reactions involved wait upon this one, it is the "master reaction" according to Robertson''s hypothesis. If this conception really applies to the case in hand as outlined, the effect of the concentration of hydrogen ions on growth may be a direct one. It is known that the action of the fat-splitting enzyme lipase is favored by a certain amount of free acid. The maximum rate of germination of the pollen and the greatest amount of growth of the pollen tubes occur at pH 6.0. This may be due in large part to the immediate effect of this concentration of hydrogen ions upon the digestion of the reserve food.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of maternal and paternal parentage and the size of the pollen load on seed size and weight and on progeny performance we conducted a controlled crossing experiment using a natural population of Campanula americana. We found that seed size was positively correlated with early seedling performance for all but one of traits we measured (days to emergence), but was not significantly correlated with any of the later vegetative measures or reproductive output. We detected significant effects due to the maternal parent for the vegetative traits days to emergence, days to first leaf, and final plant height, as well as total seed weight, and mean seed weight per fruit. Significant paternal effects were found for all of the seedling traits except number of leaves after vernalization. The progeny from fruits receiving high pollen loads significantly outperformed the progeny from fruits receiving low pollen loads for the traits days to first and second leaf, numbers of leaves after vernalization, and days to first flower. These results not only demonstrate the importance of parentage and seed weight on progeny performance, but also indicate that variations in the size of the pollen load may be important in seedling establishment in natural populations.  相似文献   

寡聚糖生物农药对棉花体内细菌数量和作物生长的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过常规分离方法,测定寡聚糖生物农药对中棉12品种的棉茎体内细菌群落数量的影响。2批实验结果表明喷寡聚糖后棉茎体内细菌群落数量均低于对照,喷寡聚糖10d后棉茎体内细菌群落数量显著下降(8.0×10  相似文献   

The influence of bite size on sensory mouthfeel and afterfeel sensations was explored in two studies in which single bites of vanilla custard desserts were varied from itollmL (study 1) and in which series of five bites of two different custard desserts were presented consecutively (study 2). In single bites, sensations of perceived creaminess were enhanced with size whereas sensations of astringency and temperature were suppressed. Bite size also affected perceived thickness, but the direction of the effects varied with custard desserts. With multiple bites, creaminess sensations continued to increase, whereas other sensations were unaffected. Switching to a second series of bites of another vanilla custard dessert showed larger sensory effects, especially on astringency sensations but also to a lesser extent on sensations of thickness and fatty afterfeel. Single and multiple bite results are discussed in terms of possible peripheral mechanisms. Switching results are discussed in terms of possible central sensory contrast mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effective population size (Ne) depends strongly on mating system and generation time. These two factors interact such that, under many circumstances, Ne is close to N/2, where N is the number of adults. This is shown to be the case for both simple and highly polygynous mating systems. The random union of gametes (RUG) and monogamy are two simple systems previously used in estimating Ne, and here a third, lottery polygyny, is added. Lottery polygyny, in which all males compete equally for females, results in a lower Ne than either RUG or monogamy! Given nonoverlapping generations the reduction is 33% for autosomal loci and 25% for sex-linked loci. The highly polygynous mating systems, harem polygyny and dominance polygyny, can give very low values of Ne/N when the generation time (T) is short. However, as T is lengthened, Ne approaches N/2. The influence of a biased sex ratio depends on the mating system and, in general, is not symmetrical. Biases can occur because of sex differences in either survival or recruitment of adults, and the potential for a sex-ratio bias to change Ne is much reduced given a survival bias. The number of juveniles present also has some influence: as the maturation time is lengthened, Ne increases.  相似文献   

蜜蜂酯酶同工酶的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本实验用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚集电泳分析了意蜂和中蜂的酯酶同工酶。意蜂和中蜂的酶谱有明显的种间差别。意蜂的酶谱可分为四组区带:酯酶Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ。意蜂不同发育阶段的酶谱也有不同。酯酶Ⅳ的含量在蛹期有很大的变化。酯酶Ⅳ表现出多态现象,对多态现象的分析可推测种群的杂合程度。  相似文献   

The maximal growth rate (μmax) of 19 marine and estuarine diatoms decreased with increasing cell volume (V). The relationship between log μmax (Y) and log V (X) was calculated. Statistical analyses showed that the slope of the equation was not significantly different from those obtained by other researchers and that the 95% confidence intervals of mean μmax at cell volumes of 103–105μm3 were not significantly different from those cited in most studies. A new regression line for diatoms was calculated as follows: log μmax= 0.47–0.14 log V; r =–0.69. The rate of size reduction per generation of the 19 diatom species ranged from 0.03 to 0.87 μm per generation. The rate increased with increasing cell length and cell volume and with decreasing maximum division rate. Statistical analyses showed that the rate was closely related to the cell volume and to the reciprocal of the growth rate. The relationships between maximal growth rate and cell volume and between rate of size reduction and cell volume showed that a diatom with a large volume had a smaller maximal growth rate and a larger rate of size reduction than a diatom with a small volume. The estimates using the equation for the regression line between the rate of size reduction and the reciprocal of maximum division rate indicated that a diatom with a high maximum division rate would need more generation equivalents for a certain size reduction than a diatom with a low maximum division rate, but the periods required for reduction would be approximately equal irrespective of maximum division rate.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobility of microscopically visible particles is independent of size, shape and conductivity of the particle within the limits of the experimental error. This is valid for extreme variations in size, shape and conductivity.  相似文献   

Pollen in unopened flowers of most species is totally screened from solar ultraviolet-B radiation by imbricated petals that are largely opaque to UV-B. Following flower opening but before anther dehiscence, the anther walls of the species investigated filter out over 98% of the UV-B radiation. Reflectance of UV from corollas of open flowers does not generally appear to add significantly to the solar UV-B radiation environment of pollen.  相似文献   

1. Animals of the species Ambystoma tigrinum when fed anterior lobe can reach a size far in excess of that of animals fed earthworms and presumably also of that of liver-fed animals. 2. Liver produces a rate of growth as high as that resulting from anterior lobe-feeding, but maintains growth only, until the animals reach a definite size far below that of anterior lobe-fed animals.  相似文献   

Allometric relations between physiological processes and cell volume and surface area are combined with the variable-internal-stores model of growth to predict the ability of hypothetical phytoplankton to compete for phosphorus at equilibrium. The analysis shows that for spherical cells, smaller cells are better competitors than large ones. For cells that are very elongated in shape, however, large cells are often better competitors than small ones. The cells predicted to be the best competitors compare favorably in size and shape with the species observed to dominate in phosphorus-limited chemostats at equilibrium.  相似文献   

家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Skiraki和黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Skiraki)在我国是分布广,为害大的二种重要害虫。家白蚁危害建筑材料、房屋、橡胶、塑料、地下电缆、尼龙等有机合成材料,部分金属和农林作物,危害涉及到国民经济各个部门;而黑翅土白蚁严重地为害堤坝,我国南方各省水库堤坝为害率达53—92%,严重地区发生漏水的占20%,为害农林作物亦很严重。对它们的生物学和生态学特性及防治方法,国内外已有不少研究报道,但对它的生殖行为、孵化、脱皮习性,目前尚少有较系统的资料。因此,本试验试图通过家白蚁和黑翅土白蚁初期群体的形成,进行较详细的观察,为深入探讨白蚁的生物学和生态学特性提供真实依据。  相似文献   

To determine the effects of soil nitrogen on pollen production, pollen size, and pollen performance, two cultivars of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were grown under two nitrogen regimes in an experimental garden. The two cultivars were true breeding for alternative alleles for a one gene trait, ovary color. The soil nitrogen treatment had a significant effect on most measures of reproductive output through the female function. The nitrogen treatment did not affect the number of staminate flowers per plant but did have an effect on the number of pollen grains per staminate flower and the mean pollen grain size. A pollen mixture experiment revealed that pollen produced by plants in the high nitrogen treatment sired significantly more seeds than pollen from low nitrogen plants. Moreover, we found that the high nitrogen pollen sired even a greater percentage of seeds in the region of the fruit (ovary) previously shown to be fertilized by the fastest growing pollen tubes. Thus, the difference in the number of seeds sired by pollen from the two nitrogen treatments is due to differences in pollen performance. We conclude that spatial heterogeneity in soil nitrogen can influence the paternity of seeds in a plant population.  相似文献   

白鱀豚饲养的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
饲养池水使用自来水是切实可行的。水温在冬季不低于4℃,夏季不超过33℃。白暨豚以淡水鱼类为食,其日食量一般占体重的10—11%,炎夏减到8—9%,寒冬可增到12%。豢养四年的淇淇,其体长和体重增长的关系式为:y=-237.4 2.2x。饲养的关键有二:一是水质,经常洗池换水以保持水质清洁;二是食物,饲料鱼要挑选健康、新鲜,无污染的鱼类,喂前进行消毒,每天还要给以维生素类药品,以作营养补充。  相似文献   

The most productive litter size (five) was not as common as expected in a free-living population of white-footed mice. I evaluated four competing hypotheses that can explain this pattern. Reproductive costs and annual variation in recruitment appear to be insufficient explanations for the empirical distribution of litter size. Optimal investment of reproductive resources that vary among parents is supported by some tests, but not by all. The abundance of litters less than the apparent optimum is at least partially explained by asymmetric survival in large litters (the cliff-edge hypothesis). Hypotheses that explain the empirical distribution of brood size are not mutually exclusive. Several mechanisms can act alone, or interact, to create an average brood size less than that which appears to produce the greatest number of descendants.  相似文献   

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