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During the development of cerebral cortex, newborn pyramidal neurons originated from the ventricle wall migrate outwardly to the superficial layer of cortex under the guidance of radial glial filaments. Whether this radial migration of young neurons is guided by gradient of diffusible factors or simply driven by a mass action of newly generated neurons at the ventricular zone is entirely unknown, a potential guidance mechanism that has long been overlooked. Our recent study showed that a guidance molecule semaphorin-3A, which is expressed in descending gradient across cortical layers, may serve as a chemoattractive guidance signal for radial migration of newborn cortical neurons toward upper layers. We hypothesize the existence of four groups of extracellular factors that can guide the radial migration of young neurons: (1) attractive factors expressing in superficial layers of cortex, (2) repulsive factors enriched in the ventricular zone, (3) pro-migratory factors uniformly expressed in all cortical layers, and (4) stop signals locally expressed in the outmost layer of cortex.  相似文献   

During cortical development, neurons generated at the same time in the ventricular zone migrate out into the cortical plate and form a cortical layer (Berry and Eayrs, 1963, Nature 197:984-985; Berry and Rogers, 1965, J. Anat. 99:691-709). We have been studying both the formation and maintenance of cortical layers in slice cultures from rat cortex. The bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) method was used to label cortical neurons on their birthday in vivo. When slice cultures were prepared from animals at different embryonic and postnatal ages, all cortical layers that have already been established in vivo remained preserved for several weeks in vitro. In slice cultures prepared during migration in the cortex, cells continued to migrate towards the pial side of the cortical slice, however, migration ceased after about 1 week in culture. Thus, cortical cells reached their final laminar position only in slice cultures from postnatal animals, whereas in embryonic slice, migrating cells became scattered throughout the cortex. Previous studies demonstrated that radial glia fibers are the major substrate for migrating neurons (Rakic, 1972, J. Comp. Neurol. 145:61-84; Hatten and Mason, 1990, Experientia 46:907-916). Using antibodies directed against the intermediate filament Vimentin, radial glial cells were detected in all slice cultures where cell migration did occur. Comparable to the glia development in vivo, radial glial fibers disappeared and astrocytes containing the glia fibrillary-associated protein (GFAP) differentiated in slice cultures from postnatal cortex, after the neurons have completed their migration. In contrast, radial glial cells were detected over the whole culture period, and very few astrocytes differentiated in embryonic slices, where cortical neurons failed to finish their migration. The results of this study indicate that the local environment is sufficient to sustain the layered organization of the cortex and support the migration of cortical neurons. In addition, our results reveal a close relationship between cell migration and the developmental status of glial cells.  相似文献   

Distinct cortical migrations from the medial and lateral ganglionic eminences   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Recent evidence suggests that projection neurons and interneurons of the cerebral cortex are generally derived from distinct proliferative zones. Cortical projection neurons originate from the cortical ventricular zone (VZ), and then migrate radially into the cortical mantle, whereas most cortical interneurons originate from the basal telencephalon and migrate tangentially into the developing cortex. Previous studies using methods that label both proliferative and postmitotic cells have found that cortical interneurons migrate from two major subdivisions of the developing basal telencephalon: the medial and lateral ganglionic eminences (MGE and LGE). Since these studies labeled cells by methods that do not distinguish between the proliferating cells and those that may have originated elsewhere, we have studied the contribution of the MGE and LGE to cortical interneurons using fate mapping and genetic methods. Transplantation of BrdU-labeled MGE or LGE neuroepithelium into the basal telencephalon of unlabeled telencephalic slices enabled us to follow the fate of neurons derived from each of these primordia. We have determined that early in neurogenesis GABA-expressing cells from the MGE tangentially migrate into the cerebral cortex, primarily via the intermediate zone, whereas cells from the LGE do not. Later in neurogenesis, LGE-derived cells also migrate into the cortex, although this migration occurs primarily through the subventricular zone. Some of these LGE-derived cells invade the cortical plate and express GABA, while others remain within the cortical proliferative zone and appear to become mitotically active late in gestation. In addition, by comparing the phenotypes of mouse mutants with differential effects on MGE and LGE migration, we provide evidence that the MGE and LGE may give rise to different subtypes of cortical interneurons.  相似文献   

During the development of cerebral cortex, newborn pyramidal neurons originated from the ventricle wall migrate outwardly to the superficial layer of cortex under the guidance of radial glial filaments. Whether this radial migration of young neurons is guided by gradient of diffusible factors or simply driven by a mass action of newly generated neurons at the ventricular zone is entirely unknown, a potential guidance mechanism that has long been overlooked. Our recent study showed that a guidance molecule semaphorin-3A, which is expressed in descending gradient across cortical layers, may serve as a chemoattractive guidance signal for radial migration of newborn cortical neurons toward upper layers. We hypothesize the existence of four groups of extracellular factors that can guide the radial migration of young neurons: (1) attractive factors expressing in superficial layers of cortex, (2) repulsive factors enriched in the ventricular zone, (3) pro-migratory factors uniformly expressed in all cortical layers and (4) stop signals locally expressed in the outmost layer of cortex.Key words: radial migration, cortex, guidance, semaphorin, diffusible factors, growth coneThe mammalian cerebral cortex has the typical laminar structure, the formation of which is essential for neurons in each cortical layer to establish the specific input and output connections with other brain regions. The development of the cortical laminar structure is known to involve the well-coordinated radial migration of newborn pyramidal neurons during development.1 After young neurons are generated from the ventricular zone (VZ) and subventricular zone (SVZ), they leave their birthplace and migrate along radial glial filaments toward the surface of cortical plate (CP), crossing existing cortical layers composed of earlier born neurons and eventually settling down beneath the marginal zone (MZ, layer I).13 It is generally accepted that the adhesion between neurons and radial glial filaments provides the directionality for these young neurons, and the targeting of neurons to specific lamina was controlled by the selective detachment of migrating neurons from radial glial fibers upon reaching the designated cortical layer.2,3 However, we believe that the radial glial fibers can only serve as the adhesive scaffold for migrating neurons and constrain their migration in the radial dimension; it remains an open question regarding the nature of the signals that cause newborn neurons to migrate consistently outward along the fiber rather than inward. Whether the radial migration of cortical neurons is guided by gradient of diffusible factors or simply driven by a mass action of newly generated neurons at the VZ is entirely unknown, a potential guidance mechanism that has long been overlooked.Recently we found that the radial migration of layer II/III cortical neurons during development is guided by an extracellular guidance molecule semaphorin-3A (Sema3A).4 We observed that Sema3A is expressed in a descending gradient across the cortical layers, whereas its receptor neuropilin-1 (NP1) is expressed at a high level in migrating neurons. By in utero electroporation, we were able to monitor the migration of a subpopulation of cortical neurons in their native environment and examine the effect of perturbing Sema3A signaling. We found that downregulation or conditional knockout of NP1 in young neurons impeded their radial migration with severe misorientation of affected neurons during their migration without altering their cell fate. Studies in cultured cortical slices further showed the requirement of the endogenous gradient of Sema3A for the proper migration of newborn neurons. Results from transwell chemotaxis assays in dissociated culture of newborn cortical neurons also supported the notion that Sema3A attracts the migration of these neurons through the receptor NP1. Thus, Sema3A may serve as a chemoattractive guidance signal for the radial migration of newborn cortical neurons toward upper layers. This is the first demonstration that radial migration of cortical neurons is guided by gradient of extracellular guidance factors. This study also suggests that guidance factors may guide the radial migration by their actions on the growth cone of the leading process of migrating neurons, via mechanisms similar to that found for their actions on axon guidance and dendritic orientation, followed by long-range cytoplasmic signaling that coordinates the forward motility of the entire neuron.5In this study, we have only observed an attractive effect of Sema3A in the radial migration of the layer II/III cortical neurons. However, to form the highly ordered laminar structure of the cortex, the entire process of neuronal migration is likely to depend on coordinated actions of multiple factors in the developing cortex, including other semaphorin family members and other guidance molecules, e.g., slits6 and ephrins,7 which are also expressed in the CP. We hypothesize that four groups of extracellular factors orchestrate to promote the proper radial migration and cortical lamination: (1) factors that are expressed in superficial layers of cortex and in a descending gradient, like Sema3A, may attract the upward migration of newborn neurons (attractive factors), (2) factors enriched in the VZ may exert repulsive action and help to “push” newborn neurons out of their birthplace (repulsive factors), (3) those factors widely expressed in all cortical layers may promote the motility of migrating neurons (pro-migratory factors) and (4) Some repulsive cues may be locally expressed in the superficial layer of cortex to prevent the over migration of neurons when they have arrived at the outmost layer (stop signal). Under the guidance of these four groups of factors, newborn neurons migrate all the way from VZ to the outmost layer of CP and then settle down. One of our recent tasks is to try to identify these four groups of factors.If the radial migration and cortical lamination are guided by diffusible factors, why is radial glial system necessary for this migration process? In other words, why earlier-born neurons in different layers cannot provide the supportive adhesion to young neurons during their radial migration? A potential explanation is that neurons in cortex undergo maturation after terminating their migration, accompanying with changes in their expression profiles of adhesion ligands, and become less and less supportive to the neuronal migration. In contrast, as a kind of cortical progenitor cells, radial glial cells maintain a relatively ‘young’ state and continue to express supportive adhesion ligands over a very long developmental stage. Thus, only the radial glial filament is capable of providing a bridge for newborn neurons to migrate over a very long distance across the non-permissive cell layers. In summary, we believe that during the cortical radial migration, signals from diffusible factors override the adhesive signal from radial glial fibers to promote the appropriate migration and placement of newborn neurons.? Open in a separate windowFigure 1A schematic diagram for the guidance of cortical radial migration by diffusible factors. (A) A model for the distribution of four groups of guidance factors in developing cortex. Radial glial filaments are shown in red, young neurons are in green. There may exist a descending gradient of attractive factors in upper cortical layers (yellow) and an ascending gradient of repulsive factors (blue) near the ventricular zone (VZ). Stop signals (purple) may come from the surface of cortex, and pro-migratory factors (dots) may be widely distributed. (B) Representative image of EGFP-labeled neurons migrating along radial glial filaments in the cortical tissue of E20 mouse. Sections were counterstained with DAPI (Red). Scale bar, 100 µm.  相似文献   

During cortical development, neurons generated at the same time in the ventricular zone migrate out into the cortical plate and form a cortical layer (Berry and Eayrs, 1963, Nature 197:984–985; Berry and Rogers, 1965, J. Anat. 99:691–709). We have been studying both the formation and maintenance of cortical layers in slice cultures from rat cortex. The bromodexyuridine (BrdU) method was used to label cortical neurons on their birthday in vivo. When slice cultures were prepared from animals at different embryonic and postnatal ages, all cortical layers that have already been established in vivo remained preserved for several weeks in vitro. In slice cultures prepared during migration in the cortex, cells contiuned to migrate towards the pial side of the cortical slice, however, migration ceased after about 1 week in culture. Thus, cortical cells reached their final laminar position only in slice cultures from postnatal animals, whereas in embryonic slices, migrating cells became scattered throughout the cortex. Previous studies demonstrated that radial glia fibers are the major substrate for migrating neurons (Rakic, 1972, J. Comp. Neurol. 145:61–84; Hatten and Mason, 1990, Experientia 46:907–916). Using antibodies directed against the intermediate filament Vimentin, radial glial cells were detected in all slice cutures where cell migration did occur. Comparable to the glia development in vivo, radial glial fibers disappeared and astrocytes containing the glia fibrillary-associated protein (GFAP) differentiated in slice cultures from postnatal cortex, after the neurons have completed their migration. In contrast, radial glial cells were detected over the whole culture period, and very few astrocytes differentiated in embryonic slices, where cortical neurons failed to finish their migration. The results of this study indicate that the local environment is sufficient to sustain the layered organization of the cortex and support the migration of cortical neurons. In addition, our results reveal a close relationship between cell migration and the developmental status of glial cells. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Tangential migration is a mode of cell movement, which in the developing cerebral cortex, is defined by displacement parallel to the ventricular surface and orthogonal to the radial glial fibers. This mode of long‐range migration is a strategy by which distinct neuronal classes generated from spatially and molecularly distinct origins can integrate to form appropriate neural circuits within the cortical plate. While it was previously believed that only GABAergic cortical interneurons migrate tangentially from their origins in the subpallial ganglionic eminences to integrate in the cortical plate, it is now known that transient populations of glutamatergic neurons also adopt this mode of migration. These include Cajal‐Retzius cells (CRs), subplate neurons (SPs), and cortical plate transient neurons (CPTs), which have crucial roles in orchestrating the radial and tangential development of the embryonic cerebral cortex in a noncell‐autonomous manner. While CRs have been extensively studied, it is only in the last decade that the molecular mechanisms governing their tangential migration have begun to be elucidated. To date, the mechanisms of SPs and CPTs tangential migration remain unknown. We therefore review the known signaling pathways, which regulate parameters of CRs migration including their motility, contact‐redistribution and adhesion to the pial surface, and discuss this in the context of how CR migration may regulate their signaling activity in a spatial and temporal manner. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 847–881, 2016  相似文献   

The architectonics of the mammalian brain arise from a remarkable range of directed cell migrations, which orchestrate the emergence of cortical neuronal layers and pattern brain circuitry. At different stages of cortical histogenesis, specific modes of cell motility are essential to the stepwise formation of cortical architecture. These movements range from interkinetic nuclear movements in the ventricular zone, to migrations of early-born, postmitotic polymorphic cells into the preplate, to the radial migration of precursors of cortical output neurons across the thickening cortical wall, and the vast, tangential migrations of interneurons from the basal forebrain into the emerging cortical layers. In all cases, actomyosin motors act in concert with cell adhesion receptor systems to provide the force and traction needed for forward movement. As key regulators of actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, cell polarity, and adhesion, the Rho GTPases play critical roles in CNS neuronal migration. This review will focus on the different types of migration in the developing neocortex and cerebellar cortex, and the role of the Rho GTPases, their regulators and effectors in these CNS migrations, with particular emphasis on their involvement in radial migration.  相似文献   

We show that the neural cell recognition molecule Close Homolog of L1 (CHL1) is required for neuronal positioning and dendritic growth of pyramidal neurons in the posterior region of the developing mouse neocortex. CHL1 was expressed in pyramidal neurons in a high-caudal to low-rostral gradient within the developing cortex. Deep layer pyramidal neurons of CHL1-minus mice were shifted to lower laminar positions in the visual and somatosensory cortex and developed misoriented, often inverted apical dendrites. Impaired migration of CHL1-minus cortical neurons was suggested by strikingly slower rates of radial migration in cortical slices, failure to potentiate integrin-dependent haptotactic cell migration in vitro, and accumulation of migratory cells in the intermediate and ventricular/subventricular zones in vivo. The restriction of CHL1 expression and effects of its deletion in posterior neocortical areas suggests that CHL1 may regulate area-specific neuronal connectivity and, by extension, function in the visual and somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

Parnavelas JG  Nadarajah B 《Neuron》2001,31(6):881-884
During the development of the cerebral cortex, radial glia serve as a scaffold to support and direct neurons during their migration. This view is now changing in the light of emerging evidence showing that these cells have a much more dynamic and diverse role. A recent series of studies has provided strong support for their role as precursor cells in the ventricular zone that generate cortical neurons and glia, in addition to providing migration guidance.  相似文献   

N-cadherin mediates cortical organization in the mouse brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cerebral cortex is a complex laminated structure generated by the sequential migration of developing neurons from the ventricular zone. One of the molecules that may play a role in cortical morphogenesis is N-cadherin since its blocking causes disruption of the ordered arrangement of cells in other neural tissues, such as the neural retina. Here, we show that when the N-cadherin gene had been conditionally deleted in the mouse cerebral cortex, the intra-cortical structures were nearly completely randomized; e.g., mitotic cells and postmitotic cells were scattered throughout the cortex without any order. These defects seemed to mainly originate from the disruption of the adherens junctions (AJs) localized in the apical end of neuroepithelial cells, where N-cadherin is normally most highly concentrated. In the absence of N-cadherin, neuroepithelial or radial glial cells could not expand their bodies or processes to span the distance between the ventricular and pial surfaces and therefore terminated them in the middle zone of the cortex. These results demonstrate that N-cadherin is essential for maintaining the normal architecture of neuroepithelial or radial glial cells and that their disruption randomizes the internal structures of the cortex.  相似文献   

The establishment of a polarized morphology is essential for the development and function of neurons. During the development of the mammalian neocortex, neurons arise in the ventricular zone (VZ) from radial glia cells (RGCs) and leave the VZ to generate the cortical plate (CP). During their migration, newborn neurons first assume a multipolar morphology in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and lower intermediate zone (IZ). Subsequently, they undergo a multi-to-bipolar (MTB) transition to become bipolar in the upper IZ by developing a leading process and a trailing axon. The small GTPases Rap1A and Rap1B act as master regulators of neural cell polarity in the developing mouse neocortex. They are required for maintaining the polarity of RGCs and directing the MTB transition of multipolar neurons. Here we show that the Rap1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) C3G (encoded by the Rapgef1 gene) is a crucial regulator of the MTB transition in vivo by conditionally inactivating the Rapgef1 gene in the developing mouse cortex at different time points during neuronal development. Inactivation of C3G results in defects in neuronal migration, axon formation and cortical lamination. Live cell imaging shows that C3G is required in cortical neurons for both the specification of an axon and the initiation of radial migration by forming a leading process.  相似文献   

Differential adhesion between migrating neurons and transient radial glial fibers enables the deployment of neurons into appropriate layers in the developing cerebral cortex. The identity of radial glial signals that regulate the termination of migration remains unclear. Here, we identified a radial glial surface antigen, SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)-like 1, distributed predominantly in radial glial fibers passing through the upper strata of the cortical plate (CP) where neurons end their migration. Neuronal migration and adhesion assays indicate that SPARC-like 1 functions to terminate neuronal migration by reducing the adhesivity of neurons at the top of the CP. Cortical neurons fail to achieve appropriate positions in the absence of SPARC-like 1 function in vivo. Together, these data suggest that antiadhesive signaling via SPARC-like 1 on radial glial cell surfaces may enable neurons to recognize the end of migration in the developing cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

During telencephalic development, cells from the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) are thought to migrate to the neocortex to give rise to a majority of cortical GABAergic interneurons. By combining time-lapse video-microscopy, immunofluorescence and pharmacological perturbations in a new in vitro migration assay, we find that MGE-derived cells migrate through the entire extent of the cortex and into the CA fields of the hippocampus, but avoid the dentate gyrus. Migrating neurons initially travel within the marginal zone and intermediate zone, and can enter the cortical plate from either location. Tangential migration is strongly stimulated by BDNF and NT4 and attenuated by the Trk-family inhibitor, K252a, suggesting that migration is regulated by TrkB signaling. Furthermore, TrkB-null mice show a significant decrease in the number of calbindin-positive neurons migrating tangentially in the embryonic cortex. BDNF and NT4 cause rapid activation of PI3-kinase in MGE cells, and inhibition of PI3-kinase (but not of MAP kinase or PLCgamma) dramatically attenuates tangential migration. These observations suggest that TrkB signaling, via PI3-kinase activation, plays an important role in controlling interneuron migration in the developing cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Neuronal migration is integral to the development of the cerebral cortex and higher brain function. Cortical neuron migration defects lead to mental disorders such as lissencephaly and epilepsy. Interaction of neurons with their extracellular environment regulates cortical neuron migration through cell surface receptors. However, it is unclear how the signals from extracellular matrix proteins are transduced intracellularly. We report here that mouse embryos lacking the Ras family guanine nucleotide exchange factor, C3G (Rapgef1, Grf2), exhibit a cortical neuron migration defect resulting in a failure to split the preplate into marginal zone and subplate and a failure to form a cortical plate. C3G-deficient cortical neurons fail to migrate. Instead, they arrest in a multipolar state and accumulate below the preplate. The basement membrane is disrupted and radial glial processes are disorganised and lack attachment in C3G-deficient brains. C3G is activated in response to reelin in cortical neurons, which, in turn, leads to activation of the small GTPase Rap1. In C3G-deficient cells, Rap1 GTP loading in response to reelin stimulation is reduced. In conclusion, the Ras family regulator C3G is essential for two aspects of cortex development, namely radial glial attachment and neuronal migration.  相似文献   

We show that alpha3 integrin mutation disrupts distinct aspects of neuronal migration and placement in the cerebral cortex. The preplate develops normally in alpha3 integrin mutant mice. However, time lapse imaging of migrating neurons in embryonic cortical slices indicates retarded radial and tangential migration of neurons, but not ventricular zone-directed migration. Examination of the actin cytoskeleton of alpha3 integrin mutant cortical cells reveals aberrant actin cytoskeletal dynamics at the leading edges. Deficits are also evident in the ability of developing neurons to probe their cellular environment with filopodial and lamellipodial activity. Calbindin or calretinin positive upper layer neurons as well as the deep layer neurons of alpha3 integrin mutant mice expressing EGFP were misplaced. These results suggest that alpha3beta1 integrin deficiency impairs distinct patterns of neuronal migration and placement through dysregulated actin dynamics and defective ability to search and respond to migration modulating cues in the developing cortex.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that neurons born in the developing basal forebrain migrate long distances perpendicularly to radial glia and that many of these cells reach the developing neocortex. This form of tangential migration, however, has not been demonstrated in vivo, and the sites of origin, pathways of migration and final destinations of these neurons in the postnatal brain are not fully understood. Using ultrasound-guided transplantation in utero, we have mapped the migratory pathways and fates of cells born in the lateral and medial ganglionic eminences (LGE and MGE) in 13.5-day-old mouse embryos. We demonstrate that LGE and MGE cells migrate along different routes to populate distinct regions in the developing brain. We show that LGE cells migrate ventrally and anteriorly, and give rise to the projecting medium spiny neurons in the striatum, nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle, and to granule and periglomerular cells in the olfactory bulb. By contrast, we show that the MGE is a major source of neurons migrating dorsally and invading the developing neocortex. MGE cells migrate into the neocortex via the neocortical subventricular zone and differentiate into the transient subpial granule neurons in the marginal zone and into a stable population of GABA-, parvalbumin- or somatostatin-expressing interneurons throughout the cortical plate.  相似文献   

The mammalian cerebral cortex consists of six layers that are generated via coordinated neuronal migration during the embryonic period. Recent studies identified specific phases of radial migration of cortical neurons. After the final division, neurons transform from a multipolar to a bipolar shape within the subventricular zone-intermediate zone (SVZ-IZ) and then migrate along radial glial fibres. Mice lacking Cdk5 exhibit abnormal corticogenesis owing to neuronal migration defects. When we introduced GFP into migrating neurons at E14.5 by in utero electroporation, we observed migrating neurons in wild-type but not in Cdk5(-/-) embryos after 3-4 days. Introduction of the dominant-negative form of Cdk5 into the wild-type migrating neurons confirmed specific impairment of the multipolar-to-bipolar transition within the SVZ-IZ in a cell-autonomous manner. Cortex-specific Cdk5 conditional knockout mice showed inverted layering of the cerebral cortex and the layer V and callosal neurons, but not layer VI neurons, had severely impaired dendritic morphology. The amount of the dendritic protein Map2 was decreased in the cerebral cortex of Cdk5-deficient mice, and the axonal trajectory of cortical neurons within the cortex was also abnormal. These results indicate that Cdk5 is required for proper multipolar-to-bipolar transition, and a deficiency of Cdk5 results in abnormal morphology of pyramidal neurons. In addition, proper radial neuronal migration generates an inside-out pattern of cerebral cortex formation and normal axonal trajectories of cortical pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

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