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This study investigated body size to fecundity relationships of a reef fish species targeted by line fishing, and examines the potential benefits of increased batch fecundity in no-take reserves compared to fished areas around the Palm, Whitsunday and Keppel Island Groups, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Lutjanus carponotatus batch fecundity increased with fork length in a non-linear relationship that was best described by a power function. Batch fecundity differed by more than 100-fold among individuals, with a range from 7,074 to 748,957 eggs in fish ranging from 184 to 305 mm fork length. Furthermore, egg diameter increased with fish size. Based on underwater visual census, the potential batch fecundity per unit area in all three island groups ranged from 1.0 to 4.2 times greater in the no-take reserves than in the fished areas between 2001 and 2004. In 2002, a mean 2.3-fold difference in biomass between no-take reserves and fished areas converted to a mean 2.5-fold difference in batch fecundity per unit area. Greater batch fecundity, longer spawning seasons and potentially greater larval survival due to larger egg size from bigger individuals might significantly enhance the potential benefits of no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

Akanthepsilonema helleouetae gen. et sp.n. (Epsilonematidae) is described from supralittoral marine sediments in New Caledonia. Its main features are a heterogeneous cuticule with large horn-like dorsal spines and a field of copulatory horns in the male. The taxonomic position of the new genus within the family is discussed.  相似文献   

The visual pigments in the retinal photoreceptors of 12 species of snappers of the genus Lutjanus (Teleostei; Perciformes; Lutjanidae) were measured by microspectrophotometry. All the species were caught on the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) but differ in the colour of the water in which they live. Some live in the clear blue water of the outer reef, some in the greener water of the middle and inshore reefs and some in the more heavily stained mangrove and estuarine water. All the species had double cones, each member of the pair containing a different visual pigment. Using Baker's and Smith's (1982) model to predict the spectral distribution of ambient light from chlorophyll and dissolved organic matter it was found that the absorption spectra of the visual pigments in the double cones were close to those that confer the maximum sensitivity in the different water types. Single cones contained a blue or violet-sensitive visual pigment. The visual pigments in the rods showed little variation, their wavelength of maximum absorption always being in the region 489–502 nm.Abbreviations DOC dissolved organic carbon - DOM dissolved organic material - MSP microspectrophotometry deceased  相似文献   

A new genus is erected for a minute beetle found in the intertidal zone on Heron Island, the adult and larva of which are described. The relationships of the genus are discussed, and it is placed in the family Limnichidae as the sole representative of a new subfamily.  相似文献   


Momonatira globosus, a new monotypic genus and species of Moridae, is described from five specimens taken in 1153–1184 m from South Canterbury Bight, New Zealand. Spindle shaped otoliths indicate affinities with genera within the Physiculus group. Momonatira is distinctive in having broad fleshy bases to the dorsal and anal fins; a very large globular head; no light organ or barbel; 5–6 rays in the ventral fin; the lower jaw included and in other characters.  相似文献   

Mi?osz A. Mazur 《ZooKeys》2016,(554):87-118
The genus Rasilinus gen. n. is described (type species Rasilinus tchambicus sp. n.). Nine new species: Rasilinus bicolor sp. n., Rasilinus bifurcatus sp. n., Rasilinus bimaculatus sp. n., Rasilinus grandidens sp. n., Rasilinus longulus sp. n., Rasilinus subgemellus sp. n., Rasilinus subnodulus sp. n., Rasilinus tchambicus sp. n., Rasilinus virgatus sp. n. are described from New Caledonia. Illustrations of the external morphology, male and female terminalia, dorsal habitus colour photographs of the adults, key to species and distribution map of the new genus Rasilinus are provided.  相似文献   

A benedeniine monogenean, Benedenia rohdei n. sp., is reported from the gills of the stripey Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson, 1842) (Lutjanidae) from Heron Island and Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. The oncomiracidium of the new species is also illustrated. B. rohdei n. sp. differs from all known species of the genus in the possession of a sclerite at the tip of the penis. Examination of type-specimens of B. jaliscana Bravo-Hollis, 1952 has shown that the three penis ‘hooks’ described by Bravo-Hollis are unsclerotised conical papillae.  相似文献   

The reproductive development of three species of the Petrosida, Xestospongia bergquistia, X. exigua, and X. testudinaria, was monitored for four years on a fringing reef at Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. All three species were oviparous and female reproductive activity began prior to males becoming active. X. bergquistia and X. testudinaria were gonochoric and broadcast eggs in spawning events that were synchronous within species. Egg development occurred over more than five months in X. bergquistia and X. testudinaria and two months in X. exigua. Spawning was during periods of warm temperature and occurred in October or November for X. bergquistia and X. testudinaria, and January or February for X. exigua. Lunar phase was implicated in timing of spawning of X. testudinaria. Diel timing of spawning in X. testudinaria and X. bergquistia was consistently a morning event.  相似文献   


A new cryptogonimid trematode, Siphoderina hustoni n. sp., is reported, collected off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia, from the Maori snapper Lutjanus rivulatus (Cuvier). The new species is moderately distinctive within the genus. It is larger and more elongate than most other species of Siphoderina Manter, 1934, has the shortest forebody of any, a relatively large ventral sucker, a long post-testicular zone, and is perhaps most recognisable for the substantial space in the midbody between the ventral sucker and ovary devoid of uterine coils and vitelline follicles, the former being restricted to largely posterior to the ovary and the latter distributed from the level of the anterior testis to the level of the ovary. In phylogenetic analyses of 28S ribosomal DNA, the new species resolved with the other nine species of Siphoderina for which sequence data are available, all of which are from Queensland waters and from lutjanid and haemulid fishes. Molecular barcode data were also generated, for the ITS2 ribosomal DNA and cox1 mitochondrial DNA markers. The new species is the first cryptogonimid known from L. rivulatus and the first metazoan parasite reported from that fish in Australian waters.



Desmidothrips n.gen. is described from New Zealand, with walkerae n.sp. as type‐species. Aeolothrips inauditus Bianchi from New Caledonia is transferred to this new genus. Desmidothrips is related to the Australian genus Desmothrips, and is the only member of the Aeolothripidae native to New Zealand.  相似文献   

Samples of Lutjanus carponotatus (Lutjanidae) from reef flat (shallow) and reef slope (deep) sites around Heron and Wistari reefs on the southern Great Barrier Reef were examined for Pomphorhynchus heronensis (Acanthocephala). Individual fish from the reef slope had 0-9 (2.6) worms as compared with 1-122 (39.6) worms for individuals from the reef flat (P < 0.0001). Other variables (year, season, size of fish) made little contribution to the variation. Reef flat and reef slope sites were separated by as little as 300 m. These results imply both that the fish have very limited local movement and that transmission of the parasite is concentrated locally.  相似文献   


Planktivorous reef-associated fishes provide a significant nutrient input to the reef, linking pelagic and reef environments. Highly mobile and relatively large body-sized fusiliers (Lutjanidae) often dominate reef fish biomass, but their role in ecosystem processes is poorly understood. We therefore combined fish counts and behavioural observations at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, to investigate: (1) the spatial distribution and biology of fusiliers on a lagoonal coral reef system, and (2) how does fusilier behaviour and size distribution change from exposed to sheltered locations. We found higher abundances of large-sized fusiliers (≥ 20 cm total length) on exposed reef sites. Sheltered sites had almost exclusively small individuals (< 20 cm total length). We interpret this pattern as indicative of an ontogenetic habitat shift. This shift was estimated to occur at about 11.15 cm total length; the size at which the likelihood of an individual being in exposed or sheltered locations was equal. The age corresponding to this length was 1.01 years, based on a von Bertalanffy growth model using size-at-age data from otolith rings of Caesio cuning, the most abundant fusilier species in this location. This suggested that the shift in distribution occurred prior to the onset of sexual maturity. This apparent ontogenetic shift to more exposed habitats with increasing size, especially in C. cuning, was also associated with a distinct behavioural profile: larger fish at the exposed sites travelled further off reef, occupied deeper habitats, and formed larger schools compared to smaller individuals. This study provides the first evidence of seascape-scale ontogenetic habitat shifts in a planktivorous reef fish, providing a foundation for future detailed analyses of the ecological roles of fusiliers.


Coral reefs are highly dependent on the mutualistic symbiosis between reef-building corals and dinoflagellates from the genus Symbiodinium. These dinoflagellates spend part of their life cycle outside the coral host and in the majority of the cases have to re-infect corals each generation. While considerable insight has been gained about Symbiodinium in corals, little is known about the ecology and biology of Symbiodinium in other reef microhabitats. This study documents Symbiodinium associating with benthic macroalgae on the southern Great Barrier Reef, including some Symbiodinium that are genetically close to the symbiotic strains from reef-building corals. It is possible that some of these Symbiodinium were in hospite, associated to soritid foraminifera or ciliates; nevertheless, the presence of Symbiodinium C3 and C15 in macroalgal microhabitats may also suggest a potential link between communities of Symbiodinium associating with both coral hosts and macroalgae.  相似文献   

In this paper, aspects of the reproductive biology of Lutjanus peru that can be used for the fishery management are described. Samples were taken monthly in 1993 and 1994, from commercial catches in the southern coast of Guerrero, Mexico. A global sex ratio of 1:1.37 (M:F) was found, but the sex ratio was highly variable each month. The condition factor, gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic and stomach fullness indexes were analyzed. None of the morphophysiological indexes showed any clear tendency. From 377 gonads, both male and female, five developmental stages were characterized for each sex. L. peru shows asynchronous gonad development and multiple spawning. Two spawning period were observed in 1993 (March, and August-September) and three in 1994 (April-May, July-August, and November), with a maximum in August of both years. Length at first maturity for the females of L. peru was estimated at 295 mm fork length.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the feeding habits of the Red snapper (Lutjanus peru) in the southern coast of Guerrero state, Mexico. This data could be relevant to local fisheries management. In total 385 full stomachs (206 from females and 179 from males) were collected monthly in 1993 and 1994, from commercial catches. Stomach contents were identified to species level when possible. Food items were grouped into taxonomically coherent groups, and their numbers, weight and frequency of occurrence obtained. The index of relative importance (IRI) was calculated for the total sample, by month, sex and size class. In 1993, a total of 42 different food items were obtained, and 43 in 1994. Food items consisted of fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks. The grouping of prey species, genera, or families rendered 14 food groups, as follows: Mollusks, Amphipods, Copepods, Stomatopods, Penaeus vannamei, Brachiuran Larvae, Stomatopods Larvae, Family Albuneidae Larvae, Other crustaceans, Anchoa ischana, Anchoa lucida, Other fishes, Salps and Unidentified organic matter. Anchoa ischana dominated the trophic spectrum in both years. Although, Amphipods, Anchoa lucida and Other fishes had important indexes in 1994. There was high variability in the diet composition by month. Nevertheless, in 1993, from February to August, crustaceans as a whole dominated the diet. In 1994, crustaceans only dominated in March and August. No differences in food habits were found between immature fish, males and females. The diet of the Red snapper varies as they grow, although the same food groups are found always. At the adult phase, in length classes over 261 mm FL, there is some degree of specialization, as they consume more fish, particularly engraulids.  相似文献   



Dinoflagellates are important primary producers, crucial in marine food webs. Toxic strains, however, are the main causative agents of non-bacterial seafood poisoning, a major concern for public health worldwide. Despite their importance, taxonomic uncertainty within many genera of dinoflagellates is still high. The genus Coolia includes potentially harmful species and the diversity within the genus is just starting to become apparent.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the current study, cultures were established from strains of Coolia spp. isolated from the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Cultures were identified based on thecal plate morphology and analyses of sequences (18S, ITS and 28S) from the nuclear rRNA operon. We report that the central GBR harbors a high diversity of Coolia species, including two species known to be capable of toxin production (C. tropicalis and C. malayensis), as well as the non-toxic C. canariensis. The strain of C. canariensis isolated from the GBR may in fact be a cryptic species, closely related but nevertheless phylogenetically distinct from the strain on which the holotype of C. canariensis was based. We also found evidence of the occurrence of a cryptic species morphologically very similar to both C. malayensis and C. monotis. The consequences of taxonomic confusion within the genus are discussed.


The central GBR region harbors a previously unreported high diversity of Coolia spp., including two species known to potentially produce toxins. The presence of a cryptic species of unknown toxicity highlights the importance of cryptic diversity within dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

A previously unknown Annonaceae species from the South Pacific island of New Caledonia is described as Goniothalamus dumontetii . This is the first Goniothalamus species reported from the island, and the easternmost record for the genus. It is easily distinguished from its congeners by the shape of the monocarp (flattened elongate with lateral triangular projections), which reflects the shape of the seeds (flattened rhombohedral). The conservation status of the species is evaluated as endangered (EN) using World Conservation Union (IUCN) red list categories, as it is known from only one relatively small population. The interpretation of geological and molecular data suggests that Goniothalamus dispersed to New Caledonia relatively recently, and does not represent a relict of the break-up of Gondwana.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 497–503.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Goniastrea aspera at Magnetic Island was compared with that of a very similar sympatric species, G. favulus as reported by Kojis and Quinn at Heron Island. The development of gametes was similar in both species, but there was no evidence for an adolescent protandrous period of development in G. aspera such as that recorded for G. favulus at Heron Island. Other reproductive differences between the two species were found in egg size and the mode of spawning. The eggs of G. aspera are smaller and more numerous than those of G. favulus. Goniastrea aspera expelled buoyant packets of eggs and sperm, while G. favulus had sticky sinking eggs which were released separately from the sperm. The spatial pattern of the two species was examined on the reef flat at Magnetic Island to determine whether the observed differences in spawning behaviour and egg buoyancy might have an effect on egg retention and the distribution of adult colonies. The results of this comparison failed to detect any difference in the degree of aggregation of the two species. This is not the result which would be expected if sticky sinking eggs helped retain developing larvae in the vicinity of the adult. These results, together with evidence from a wide range of coelenterates and observations on the larvae of G. aspera point to post spawning larval behaviour as the most likely factor in determining where these species will settle.  相似文献   

Twenty-one new Polycentropodidae (Trichoptera) species are described: Polyplectropus aberrus, P. dorsospinus, P. nodyg, P. yndog, P. clavus, P. nathalae, P. millei, P. christinae, P. koueus, P. viklundi, P. hovmoelleri, P. aoupiniensis, P. tenerus, P. angustus, P. curvispinus, P. caledonia, P. piroguensis, P. triangulatus, P. pernodensis, P. taoensis, and P. papei spp. novae, representing the first species records of this family from New Caledonia. A key to males of the New Caledonian Polycentropodidae is provided, and distribution maps are presented for all species.  相似文献   

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