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Summary Metabolic rates were studied in adults and larvae of the two phytophagous beetles Hydromedion sparsutum and Perimylops antarcticus (Col., Perimylopidae) indigenous to the Sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. From the regression lines for log10 metabolic rate on temperature no difference in oxygen consumption was found between adults and larvae of Hydromedion or adults of Perimylops from lower sites near sea level and upper sites at about 200 m. Elevated rates of metabolism, however, was found in larvae of Perimylops from upper sites. The slopes of the regression lines of corresponding upper and lower sites adults or larvae were similar in all cases. The metabolic rates were of the same level in adults of both species and in the larvae, but generally higher in adults than in larvae. The activation energies, calculated from Arrhenius plots, varied from 6.7 to 13.6 kcal.mol–1 in larvae and from 10.7 to 11.3 kcal.mol–1 in adults. The low values may be interpreted as an expression of cold adapted metabolism. Compared with published data on phytophagous beetles, the metabolic rates of the two species from South Georgia are comparable to two alpine species, but lower than the rates of an Arctic species.  相似文献   

Samples of Trechisibus antarcticus (Coleoptera, Carabidae), collected on South Georgia and the Falkland Islands, were analysed at 8 polymorphic allozyme loci, related to the supposition of a recent arrival of this species on South Georgia. The data showed absence of rare alleles in the South Georgia sample, but otherwise a high similarity between the two populations.  相似文献   

S. L. Chown  W. Block 《Oecologia》1997,111(2):216-224
South Georgia has many introduced plant and animal species, a consequence of its long history of human habitation. Introduced reindeer have a strong effect on the vegetation of the Stromness Bay area by causing the replacement of indigenous species by grazing-tolerant grasses such as the exotic Poa annua, and in certain circumstances, the indigenous Festuca contracta. Recently it has been argued that an introduced predatory carabid has contributed to declines in the abundance and an increase in the body size of adults of the indigenous perimylopid beetle Hydromedion sparsutum. However, it also appears that body size of these beetles is smaller in areas where exotic grasses predominate compared to undisturbed areas. Here we test the hypothesis that by causing the spread of poorer quality grasses, especially the exotic Poa annua, reindeer may be having an indirect effect on H. sparsutum. To do this we examined the nutritional ecology of H. sparsutum larvae on four grass species which form a major part of its diet, viz. the indigenous Parodiochloa flabellata, Phleum alpinum and Festuca contracta, and the exotic Poa annua. Larvae showed the highest growth rate on Parodiochloa flabellata, followed by Phleum alpinum, F. contracta and Poa annua. These differences are due to poorer absorption of the exotic grass, and poorer utilization of the absorbed material in the case of F. contracta. Poor growth of larvae on F. contracta appears to be due to its low water and nitrogen contents, whereas in the case of P. annua a combination of low water content and high nitrogen content may be responsible for low growth rates. Low growth rates associated with poor-quality food may lead either to a prolongation of the life cycle or of the length of feeding bouts of an insect. Neither option appears to be feasible for H. sparsutum, and this means that the outcome of feeding on poorer-quality foods would be a reduction in final adult size. This has fitness consequences for the beetle. Hence it appears that by causing the spread of grasses that are unsuitable for growth of H. sparsutum, reindeer may be having an indirect effect on this beetle species. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

Hydromedion sparsutum is a locally abundant herbivorous beetle on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, often living in close association with the tussock grass Parodiochloa flabellata. Over a 4-day period in mid-summer when the air temperature varied from 0 to 20°C, the temperature in the leaf litter 5–10 cm deep at the base of tussock plants (the microhabitat of H. sparsutum) was consistently within the range of 5–7.5°C. Experiments were carried out to assess the ability of H. sparsutum larvae collected from this thermally stable environment to acclimate when maintained at lower (0°C) and higher (15°C) temperatures. The mean supercooling points (freezing temperature) of larvae collected in January and acclimated at 0°C for 3 and 6 weeks and 15°C for 3 weeks were all within the range of −2.6 to −4.6°C. Larvae in all treatment groups were freeze tolerant. Acclimation at 0°C significantly increased survival in a 15-min exposure at −8°C (from 27 to 96%) and −10°C (from 0 to 63%) compared with the field-fresh and 15°C-treated larvae. Similarly, survival of 0°C-acclimated larvae in a 72-h exposure at −6°C increased from 20 to 83%. Extending the acclimation period at 0°C to 6 weeks did not produce any further increase in cold tolerance. The concentrations of glucose and trehalose in larval body fluids increased significantly with low temperature acclimation. Larvae maintained at 15°C for 3 weeks (none survived for 6 weeks) were less able to survive 1-h exposures between 30 and 35°C than the 0°C-treated samples. Whilst vegetation and snow cover are an effective buffer against low winter temperatures in many polar insects, the inability of H. sparsutum larvae to acclimate or survive at 15°C suggests that protection against high summer temperatures is equally important for this species. Accepted: 2 August 1999  相似文献   

Two populations of the world's most southerly diving beetle (Lancetes angusticollis) were studied on sub-Antarctic South Georgia between November 1995 and April 1996. Parallel observations were made on laboratory cultures of each life stage. All juvenile stages of L. angusticollis are voracious predators, preying mainly on the herbivorous copepod Boeckella poppei. Adult beetles additionally predate benthic ostracods. Laboratory predation rates and field population densities found in this study suggest that L. angusticollis has a more significant impact on its prey than recognised in recent studies of South Georgian lakes. Spring field samples contained only a few individuals of larval instar IV and adults. Young larvae were present from December onwards, with a rapid progression through juvenile instars during the summer months. Fourth instar larvae left the water for pupation between mid-December and at least mid-February. Combining these observations with known developmental threshold temperatures for each life stage implies that L. angusticollis has a complex biennial (minimum) life-cycle, with overwintering possible in three life stages [aquatic larvae, terrestrial pupae (not proven) and aquatic adults]. L. angusticollis may be a suitable indicator species in the context of climate warming studies: a small (1°C) rise in mean environmental temperatures, comparable to that already observed at several sub-Antarctic and maritime Antarctic localities, would allow completion of an annual (univoltine) life-cycle, with concomitant rapid population increase, and serious implications for trophic interactions in these simple lake ecosystems. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 12 April 1998  相似文献   

  1. The possible impact of arthropod predation on inter-population variation in adult density of a thistle-feeding lady beetle, Henosepilachna niponica (Lewis ) was evaluated by means of predator exclusion experiments conducted in the field.
  2. The population density of newly-emerged adults at one habitat in the upstream area (site F) was significantly lower than at another in the downstream area (site A) although the egg density was nearly identical in the two habitats.
  3. In the habitat with lower adult density, egg mortality was higher due to higher levels of predation. A predator exclusion experiment demonstrated that arthropod predation was the main factor causing high mortality during the immature stages, and physical factors such as heavy rains were unlikely to influence larval survivals.
  4. Earwigs, ground beetles, predaceous stink bugs, and spiders were identified as the main predators in the study area. Of these, an earwig, Anechura harmandi (Burr ) was more predominant than other predators and was significantly more abundant in the habitat with low adult densities.

Summary Fifty four microcosmic communities were assembled over 4 months from a 28-species source pool of phytoplankton using nine different invasion patterns each replicated six times. Three communities from each set of replicates then were invaded with a cladoceran that feeds on phytoplankton. All communities were then treated identically for an additional 4 months. In all nine invasion categories species richness was greater in predated communities. Predation opened communities to invasion by increasing the representation of infrequently sampled species at the expense of more common species. Invasion rate was four times more influential than predation and over eleven times more important than either invasion order or the timing pattern of interspecific arrivals in determining species richness in this system of communitites.  相似文献   

转植酸酶基因玉米对步甲群落动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以陷阱法研究转植酸酶基因玉米及其亲本玉米在整个生长季节对地表步甲类群的影响。每个玉米品系设置6块样地, 两个玉米品系交替排列, 每个样地设置2个采样点, 共设置24个样点, 整个玉米生育期取样8次。本研究共采集步甲标本8 012头, 隶属于11属23种, 其中黄斑青步甲Chlaenius micans个体数量分别占个体总数的87.54%, 为玉米田内的主要常见物种, 蠋步甲Dolichus halensis、 后斑青步甲Chlaenius posticalis和单齿蝼步甲Scarites terricola个体数量分别占除黄斑青步甲之外所有步甲个体总数的34.77%, 31.16%和6.21%, 这些物种组成当地玉米田内的常见物种。步甲物种多样性与常见物种个体数量随季节变化明显, 且转植酸酶基因玉米与其亲本玉米田内步甲物种多样性和常见物种个体数量的季节变化趋势相似度较高。重复测量方差分析(Repeated ANOVA)结果表明, 转植酸酶基因玉米对步甲物种丰富度、 物种多度、 香农威纳多样性指数和均匀度指数均没有显著影响; 转植酸酶基因玉米田内的后斑青步甲个体数量明显增加, 但其他常见物种没有显著变化。基于非度量多维度(NMDS)的群落结构分析表明转植酸酶基因玉米与亲本玉米田内的步甲群落结构非常相似。本文结果表明转植酸酶基因玉米的种植对步甲物种多样性及常见物种没有明显影响。  相似文献   

The effect of consuming terrestrial algae on the cold tolerance of two Antarctic micro-arthropods was examined. From the results of preferential feeding experiments, seven species of Antarctic terrestrial micro-algae were chosen and fed to two common, freeze-avoiding Antarctic micro-arthropods: the springtail Cryptopygus antarcticus (Collembola: Isotomidae), and the mite Alaskozetes antarcticus (Acari: Oribatida). Mites were very selective in their choice of food whereas the springtails were less discriminating. The ice nucleating activity of each species of alga was measured using an ice nucleator spectrometer and a differential scanning calorimeter. Pure cultures of individual species of algae had characteristic supercooling points ranging from ca. −5 to −18 °C. The effect of eating a particular alga on the supercooling point of individual micro-arthropods cultured at two different temperatures (0 and 10 °C) was examined. Neither species showed a preference for algae with low ice-nucleating activity and there was no clear correlation between the supercooling point of food material and that of the whole animal. However, feeding on certain algae such as Prasiola crispa, which contained the most active ice nucleators, decreased the cold tolerance of both species of arthropods. Accepted: 6 May 2000  相似文献   

We investigated temporal effects of restoration on river morphology, on species and functional composition of benthic invertebrates, floodplain vegetation and carabid beetles at three study sites in the mountain river Lahn (Germany). We sampled restored and nearby non-restored sections 3–5 years and 7–9 years after restoration. In the restored sections, instream microhabitat heterogeneity was higher due to the increased presence of finer substrates, while cobbles and coarse gravel were still dominant. Instream habitat composition did not change between the two sampling events. Areas of restored floodplain were characterized by a more diverse habitat mosaic and by unvegetated bars, vegetated islands and secondary channels. In restored sections, floodplain habitat heterogeneity was maintained 7–9 years after restoration, but vegetated areas increased, while unvegetated bars and aquatic areas decreased. The species composition of all studied groups was more variable over time in restored than non-restored sections. In contrast to benthic invertebrates, the immigration rate of floodplain vegetation and carabid beetle species was higher in restored sections. Assemblage composition of all three organism groups changed over time, with the highest change in carabid beetles and smallest in benthic invertebrates. Restoration changed the abundances of functional response groups, mainly for carabid beetles, by supporting species that indicate increased hydrodynamics and early successional stages. Changes of functional response groups in non-restored and restored sections across time indicated decreased hydrodynamics or hydrological connectivity for all organism groups. Although the response of organism groups differed, our results support the conjecture that restored sections accumulate species and enhance the local species pool.  相似文献   

We studied the population growth of three Brachionus species ( B. calyciflorus , B. patulus and B. rubens ) using domestic (Mexico City) wastewater at different phases of treatment (treated: type C, partially treated: type B and crude: type A). We also evaluated growth characteristics of a predatory rotifer ( Asplanchna sieboldi ) fed B. rubens raised on wastewater and compared the growth rates of animals fed cultured algae. All the three tested brachionid species grew well in controls (i.e. fed on the alga Chlorella ). However, populations of B. calyciflorus and B. patulus did not grow on the fully treated wastewater (type C). All three brachionid species grew poorly on par tially treated wastewater (type B). In crude wastewater, B. rubens reached densities as high as 200 ind. ml –1 . Regardless of Brachionus species, the rates of population increase per day (r) varied between 0.29 and 0.4 in the controls. B. rubens in crude wastewater experienced steep mortality in the first two days but stabilized thereafter. It had generation times, which varied from 3 to 5 days depending on the treatment. Prey ( B. rubens ) raised on wastewater supported better population growth of A. sieboldi , the highest being from crude wastes. The growth rate of A. sieboldi fed B. rubens , raised on crude wastewater, was the highest ( 0.8 d –1 ). Thus, the present study showed that culturing of certain species of brachionid rotifers on crude wastewater or partially treated is feasible without addition of alga.  相似文献   

The study of spatial and temporal distribution and diversity of ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae) can provide fisheries-independent information on the population dynamics and recruitment processes of marine fish species. Ichthyoplankton studies in the Southern Ocean have to date been largely constrained to the summer months. We analysed ichthyoplankton data collected from a year round, long term (2002–2008), plankton trawl sampling programme in a large fjord system (Cumberland Bay) at South Georgia, sub-Antarctic (54.25°S, 36.5°W) to assess temporal changes in larval fish diversity and abundance. Larvae of 22 species, representing nine families, were identified although three, Krefftichthys anderssoni (Myctophidae), Lepidonotothen nudifrons/Trematomus hansoni (Nototheniidae) and Champsocephalus gunnari (Channichthyidae), dominated abundance in all years. Significant seasonal and interannual differences in the larval fish assemblage were revealed by multivariate analyses. Estimates of larval growth are provided for five abundant species. Considerable inter-specific differences in relative larval growth rate were recorded but interannual variability within species was small. However, in the commercially important C. gunnari, multiple larval cohorts, representing a protracted spawning season, were observed to grow at different rates, and this may be related to temperature and/or food availability. A comparison with historical growth data from South Georgia suggests there has been little change in growth rate for the main species over the last three decades.  相似文献   

Nile perch, a large predatory fish, was introduced into Lake Victoria in 1954. The upsurge of Nile perch in Lake Victoria was first observed in the Nyanza Gulf, Kenya, in 1979. In Ugandan waters this occurred 2–3 years later and in the Tanzanian Mwanza Gulf 4–5 years later. At the beginning of the upsurge in the Mwanza Gulf in 1983/1984 only sub-adult and adult fishes were found. The first juveniles appeared in 1985, suggesting that the initial increase of Nile perch was mainly caused by migration of sub-adults and adults. Shortly after the onset of trawl fishery in the area in 1973, haplochromines in the Mwanza Gulf started to decline. The final disappearance of the haplochromines, in 1987, only occurred after the Nile perch boom, and despite the abandoning of the haplochromine fishery in 1986. We hypothesize that the decline of haplochromines decreased predation on and competition with juvenile Nile perch and then facilitated survival of these juveniles. Consequently the immigration of sub-adult and adult Nile perch in an area may have paved the way for successful recruitment. Over-exploitation of haplochromine cichlids in the 1970s in the Nyanza Gulf, where the Nile perch upsurge was first observed, may have played a similar role.  相似文献   


Seasonal activity and life histories of two large endemic carabid beetles, Mecodema oconnori Broun and Megadromus capito (White), were investigated in two lowland forest remnants in the Horowhenua region, North Island, New Zealand. Seasonal activity was estimated from manual searches of surface refuges, plus pitfall trapping from October to March. Adults of both species were present throughout the year, although M. oconnori was much more abundant in spring. Megadromus capito larvae were caught from October to March, and the three instars overlapped temporally, implying a long period of larval emergence and development. Adult females were dissected to investigate their reproductive phenology. Both species carried eggs for at least 6 months of the year. M. oconnori females contained very few eggs, with a maximum of three eggs each and a mean of 1.6 eggs per female. Mg. capito females had up to 28 eggs each and a mean of 10.5. Both species appear to have low egg loads, a relatively long period of reproductive activity and long life spans, but longer‐term studies on the pre‐adult stages and reproductive activity of adults are required to complete understanding of their life cycles.  相似文献   

Subsocial behavior or postovipositional parental care in insects has evolved in response to a variety of environmental stresses and ranges from briefly guarding eggs after oviposition to elaborate nidification and provisioning behaviors. Investment in parental care bears various costs, and should not continue beyond the point at which the costs to future reproductive success exceed the benefits to current reproductive effort. Progressive provisioning is a rare form of subsociality in insects. Females of the subsocial shield bug Parastrachia japonensis progressively provision their nymph-containing nests with drupes of the single resource, Schoepfia jasminodora, and this provisioning drastically enhances offspring survival. A female rears only one brood throughout her lifetime and continues provisioning the brood until about the third larval stadium, when the female dies. Thus, the female's entire reproductive effort is expressed in the success of that one brood, which suggests a reproductive strategy with enormous costs and risks. Why has such an extreme life history evolved in this species? Here, to answer that question and to contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary implications of subsocial behavior, in particular, progressive provisioning, we review what we have discovered about the ecological parameters of subsociality in this species during a long-term field study. We also discuss these parameters in P. japonensis in reference to other subsocial insects and related species and conclude with a suggestion that semelparity and progressive provisioning in this species are extreme adaptations to evolving complete dependency on an unreliable resource.  相似文献   

Summary In association with a detailed study of the population dynamics of the viburnum whitefly, Aleurotrachelus jelinekii, observations were made on the predators including spiders and five species of insect, notably the mirid Campyloneura virgula and the neuropteran Conwentzia psociformis. Although the species richness of the predator guild was positively correlated with prey population density, at the individual level there was little evidence over twelve years of a density dependent relationship. In these populations natural enemies do not seem to play an important role in the dynamics.  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthos of the ultraoligotrophic Lake 95 (61°N, 46°W, 8 ha, zmax=18 m, ) is composed of about 14 taxa dominated by 12 Chironomidae species. Abundance, life cycle, biomass and production were estimated for the six dominant taxa. Abundance declined fromca. 4150 at 2.5 m depth toca. 1400 ind m–2 at 16 m depth and averagedca. 3200 ind m–2 on a lakewide basis. By numbers,Heterotrissocladius changi andH. oliveri dominated the average fauna.H. changi was common at the 2.5 m and 5 m depth stations, whereasH. oliveri dominated from 5 m depth downwards. Chironomids showed mainly a 1-yr life cycle, but apparently bothHeterotrissocladius species had two contemporary cohorts with emergence in midsummer and late autumn/early spring, respectively. Average annual ratio was 4.2 and 4.6 forH. oliveri andH. changi, respectively. Annual production varied from 0.3 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) m–2 y–1 at 16 m depth to 1.6 g AFDW m–2 y–1 at 2.5 m depthH. changi contributed 45%, fiveMicropsectra spp. 17% andH. oliveri 15% to total average production, which on a lakewide basis wasca. 1.1 g AFDW or 25 kJ m–2 y–1. Lake 95 thus belongs at the very low end of measured lake zoobenthic productions, which range from 10 kJ m–2 y–1 in Arctic lakes toca. 1600 kJ m–2 y–1 in highly eutrophic shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The relationship between nutritional requirements and the availability or quality of food is a prime parameter in determining the geographical expansion of invasive insects. At the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands, the invasive ground beetle Merizodus soledadinus becomes the main invertebrate predator when it colonizes new habitats, leading to the local extinction of native fly species. Such changes in the structure of prey communities may alter the energy management (storage and expenditure) of this predator. In this species, we monitored survival and body mass during food deprivation, in addition to evaluating the effects of two distinct diets (maggots versus enchytraeids) on the consumption and restoration of body reserves (sugars and triglycerides). We found that adults can starve for more than 60 days, and feed every 3.76 days on average when food is available. We recorded higher predation rates on maggots, associated with steeper body mass variations, compared to enchytraeids. Sugars and triglycerides were significantly consumed during food deprivation and restored after refeeding, but varied similarly among individuals supplied on the distinct diets. Other parameters may determine the food preferences observed, such as salt content in prey tissues, because M. soledadinus mainly feeds in hypersaline foreshore habitats, and may limit the consumption of osmotic conformers.  相似文献   

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